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Can the Bortasqu' be saved?

hornet6hornet6 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
edited January 2015 in Klingon Discussion
It seems that the Bortasqu' gets bashed on a regular basis. I use mine (predominately the Command cruiser) on a regular basis and have tried all the more popular builds and all three captain types with top end rep gear and a couple of fleet items too. I hold my own in elite STF's but am constantly clobbered in pvp. I would like to increase effectiveness in the former and become at least mildly competitive in the latter. I like cruiser type ships and play the various models almost exclusively.

The only console on my Bortasqu' 3-pack that seems to be even remotely useful is the auto-cannon but the cooldown is so outrageous that it's almost a one-shot per scenario proposition. The other Bort consoles are almost annoying.

I don't have access to a tier 4 negh'var so my question is, can the Bortasqu' be made useful? If so, what general type of build suggestions might people offer, there may be one I haven't yet discovered (A2b not being one of them) or is my Bortasqu' simply a hopeless garbage scow? If the latter, what would be the best alternative Klingon faction cruiser, T5 or even c-store but not lockbox?

Any thoughts?
Post edited by hornet6 on


  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The sad truth is that there is nothing the Bortasqu' can do that some other KDF cruiser won't be able to do better. The best "all-rounder" Klingon battlecruiser is currently the Mogh. It's an excellent platform for A2B BFAW builds and can handle DHCs as well, though many people prefer the Vorcha for cannon duty.

    As far as PVP goes, I don't PVP but from what I've seen and read the Bort's extreme lack of manuverability cripples it in PVP. It's way too easy for an enemy escort captain to get onto your tail, and you're never going to be able to shake him off. Your teammates will hate you because they'll be spending most of their time trying to save you from your own whaleness. Bort is a terrible choice for PVP.

    Also....I wouldn't recommend you buy any new ship now, not with T6 coming out soon.
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Drunk's sci bort, sci as in sensor analysis variant, probably is the best pvp version of a bort on could achieve.

    That's where I'd look
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The bort was a failure of an idea at the time. Make some slow pig of a fed ship, make it worse, and then call it KDF. It has almost no saving graces these days.

    To save it? Cryptic needs to bump the turn rate up to 10 and the inertia rate up to match the Negh'Var at least. Then make the cooldown on the autocannon 1.5 minutes. It's not THAT good a weapon.
  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The bort was a failure of an idea at the time. Make some slow pig of a fed ship, make it worse, and then call it KDF. It has almost no saving graces these days.

    To save it? Cryptic needs to bump the turn rate up to 10 and the inertia rate up to match the Negh'Var at least. Then make the cooldown on the autocannon 1.5 minutes. It's not THAT good a weapon.

    Well in it's defense it DOES look really cool.

    And it would be great if the autocannon were an innate ability, as opposed to demanding a precious console slot.

    Also...give the BoP pet carrier commands, so it can at least try to be useful.
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    Drunk's sci bort, sci as in sensor analysis variant, probably is the best pvp version of a bort on could achieve.

    That's where I'd look

    This. A sci bort is probably the best of the set and DDIS had a rather good build going for it a while back.
    I need a beer.

  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    Drunk's sci bort, sci as in sensor analysis variant, probably is the best pvp version of a bort on could achieve.

    That's where I'd look

    I concur. ddis knows his stuff.

    I love my Bortasqu', but I rarely PvP and when I do it - I do it with a BoP. So my build is probably not very PvP reliable. A ddis build however, is fine tuned to the very limits of the ship in PvP.
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    variant37 wrote: »
    Well in it's defense it DOES look really cool.

    And it would be great if the autocannon were an innate ability, as opposed to demanding a precious console slot.

    Also...give the BoP pet carrier commands, so it can at least try to be useful.

    That's the problem. At the time it was part of the 3-pack craze (still ongoing, WORSE now with the 9-pack DSD, all of which are 99% identical). The 3-console gimmicks that sucked and were never any incentive to buy all 3 ships, etc...

    It was purely marketting nonsense to try to sell more, but as far as incentives go they failed as badly as the ship. The autocannon SHOULD have been innate in the ship, just like the Gal-X's spinal lance.

    We need more things tied to ships as innate abilities and less gimmick consoles. You want to sell us a console cryptic? Make it original! None of this gimmick TRIBBLE. None of this "repackage something already in the game in several other places and tie it to a console" nonsense. Make a unique interesting console which may or may not be useful depending on a player's style.

    Barrier console is just cool. Maybe not the best and maybe not always effective, but an awesome idea for a console. Aceton Assimilator, awesome idea for a console, regardless if you think it's OP or not. Point Defense System console: great idea! Maybe the cooldown is too long, but it's unique and interesting.

    Then we get to the lame boring re-hashed consoles that all of the recent ships have had... I mean, vatas? Spacial charge? It's just a rehash of the Bio-Neural Warhead console. subspace snare and jumper are really the same thing, and are being spammed nonstop by NPCs in one form or another (different names, but the same effect) -- especially voth. So what do you do? You rehash it for like the 10th time on the Constellation class and call it "The Picard Maneuver"... Yeah..... riiiiight...

    You want to make incentives to buy ships? Go back and look at some of the earlier ship designs. Look at the creativity that went into them. Let us CUSTOMIZE a ship. If we have 4 skins of interchangable parts to pick and choose, that ship is 10x more valuable to us than one with a fixed skin and limited selection of materials. Look at some of the old school stuff. Also maybe put some unique weapons in there. Not OP, just different. 180 quantum was, for its time, revolutionary, and very useful. I know several folks that bought that ship for this weapon alone. I know *I* bought a ship for the quad cannons alone. Neither of these is the best weapon in its category, but they both did something unique at the time and helped us customize our builds how we wanted.
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    hornet6 wrote: »
    It seems that the Bortasqu' gets bashed on a regular basis. I use mine (predominately the Command cruiser) on a regular basis and have tried all the more popular builds and all three captain types with top end rep gear and a couple of fleet items too. I hold my own in elite STF's but am constantly clobbered in pvp. I would like to increase effectiveness in the former and become at least mildly competitive in the latter. I like cruiser type ships and play the various models almost exclusively.

    The only console on my Bortasqu' 3-pack that seems to be even remotely useful is the auto-cannon but the cooldown is so outrageous that it's almost a one-shot per scenario proposition. The other Bort consoles are almost annoying.

    I don't have access to a tier 4 negh'var so my question is, can the Bortasqu' be made useful? If so, what general type of build suggestions might people offer, there may be one I haven't yet discovered (A2b not being one of them) or is my Bortasqu' simply a hopeless garbage scow? If the latter, what would be the best alternative Klingon faction cruiser, T5 or even c-store but not lockbox?

    Any thoughts?

    I agree, I own the 3-pack, but haven't flow it in months and months. Really gave up using it as a cruier at all once I bought the Mogh.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Maybe if they did something special on the upgrade path, let it be a full T6 ship with the extra boff stations and all (its the Flagship after all), but thats probably more wishful thinking than anything else.
  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Maybe if they did something special on the upgrade path, let it be a full T6 ship with the extra boff stations and all (its the Flagship after all), but thats probably more wishful thinking than anything else.

    I created a thread requesting that very thing. The faction flagships (Odyssey, Scimitar, Bortasqu) deserve a bump to full T6, not T5U.
  • sle1989sle1989 Member Posts: 552 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    First we put the thing on Biggest Loser. Then, when the ship is smaller, we give it a base turn of 8, crew of 2800, and call it new and improved.

  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    variant37 wrote: »
    I created a thread requesting that very thing. The faction flagships (Odyssey, Scimitar, Bortasqu) deserve a bump to full T6, not T5U.

    Would certainly be nice. They did that, I'd buy a Bortasqu on DR launch day.

    Besides, imagine you're KDF High Command. Do YOU want to listen to Koren when she finds out her ship is obsolete? I'd rather listen to ESD zone chat. :eek:
  • atlantraatlantra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Besides, imagine you're KDF High Command. Do YOU want to listen to Koren when she finds out her ship is obsolete? I'd rather listen to ESD zone chat. :eek:

    I LOL'ed...

    The Bortasqu' needs to be bad azz. I mean just look at it. I personally don't think Cryptic will save it, seems they hate everything I like, or just give it to the feds... :mad:

    The terran battle cruiser-- *cough!!* The bortasqu' needs some serious turn rate and shield HP buff. All I asks for really. Oh, oh, those consoles and the "99 cent" cloak needs to be fixed. Cheapest cloak in the universe. People can detect me 7 km away.... Not joking about that cryptic.
    The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thread move. Let's keep this discussion in the Klingon Fleetyards where it belongs.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I like the bortasqu. Currently I use the command (science) version because of sensor analysis, but having 5 tac consoles, especially this week with the upgrade mistake, the tac version is really great. I mean really, sarcasmdetector can get 20k out of the science odyssey and that's with two tac consoles and SA. The bortasqu should be capable of a lot more.

    The bort does great without the set but the auto cannon does amazing damage, way better than the galaxy x lance. The 2pc set lowers the cool down by a lot and the 3 pc set gives the hoh'sus APB, subspace jump, and an auto cannon. The Hoh'sus also redistributes it's own shields so it's really survivable.

    Let's just see what the T5U versions have.

    oh and with the unintentional console upgrade my borts are turning really nice!!
  • dsarisdsaris Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My only gripe with the Bort is the shield modifier. Fleet quality KDF cruisers have much better modifiers. This thing is supposed to be some super killer of a cruiser and you can barely get the shield capacity over 9k.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    patrickngo wrote: »
    You...are a funny guy.

    Or you live in some alternate universe where enemies don't manuever, but sit there like their engines are disconnected waiting for you to move your whale to a position to engage them.

    wait...OH, I get it. You DPS Infected, right?

    The only things the Bort has, are some beautiful art assets, and a ton of potentials it can't deliver on.

    wow...where's that snark coming from?

    sorry for having a different opinion

    next time ill make sure to just copy and paste your ideas...

    The bort can use beams and the command version is amazing in pvp...oh wait...the bort sucks.

    Sorry, I started thinking for myself again...
  • gaalomgaalom Member Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It is not the Bortasqu' op, it is the fact that you are being zeroed in as number one prime target. When the other team sees a Bortasqu with its excellent ability to take punishment, and when armed right the ability to destroy anything it wants, they tend to target such cruisers right off the bat. The same thing happened with the Galaxy class refit and the Galaxy x, both cruisers at the time were the primary targets of the other team. Cruisers can do both damage, and heal allies, this is why they are targeted so heavily. If a escort trys to take out a escort that is being healed by a cruiser, then the one escort can top all damage charts but will get no where. This is how pvp works sto.

    I suggest you think about speeding up your reaction time, and while in flight use ploys, so after the burst you can return some of that damage. I think this is the correct thread that may help you out in that area.
    The principles are the same.
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I don't fly a Bortasqu, but if everyone is going to target me, then I'm going to take that into account in how I do my build and the tactic, stuff like feedback pulse 3.

    And I'd tell my allies use me as bait for a trap, if you have to scarifice me, do so.

    Btw doesn't Stragetic Manvuering Cruiser Command not help the Bortasqu? +3 turn rate and improved inertia, and 10% flight speed.

    Another interesting possiblity would be to use the Photonic Decoy console, people swarm a Bortasqu that isn't there!
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    patrickngo wrote: »
    I hvae seen Borts in PvP. I have been on teams handicapped by having Borts. Here's how it ends up going:

    Either the Bort spends all match rubberbanding from "out of position" to "In Respawn", or the Bort player dies and logs, depending on whether it's C&H or Arenas. Those are the good matches with Borts. Bad matches are when said Bort player is calling everyone else "Noobs" and hurling insults, because we're letting him die, over and over and over again.

    Let me put it to you simply-I'm not a good PvP'er, I am most certainly not godlike, but the matches where I'm not the KDF-most-likely-to-die, are the ones where there is a Bort player doing it instead.

    the "Kill/Death" ratio is really telling-even my clumsy, slow-fingered play will generate a better kill/death ratio in an Arena than any Bort I've SEEN in arena.

    generally teaming with a Bortasque is a good chance for me to run a healer build, because I'm guaranteed going to have to heal him a LOT.

    and 4 out of 5, we'll still lose the match.

    Reasons' simple enough-You can't keep up, your AOE doesn't kill anything, nor last long enough to pressure anything down, you're out of position to apply damage 99% of the time and you're spending your heals on yourself (along with my heals, the other guy's heals, etc. etc.)

    and at the end of the match, after the final score is tallied, you, the guy in the Bort, are the first one to warp out without a word, no "GG", no cross-talk, no "We'll do better next time", just whoosh-and-gone. Sometimes with a spam of PM's calling everyone protecting the Bort a "noob" or something less savoury, because Bort fans can't believe their "Awesum Ship" failed the team and the objective, so it's obviously gotta be everyone else's fault.

    Whn I Pug a match, whether it's on my Tork, or test-driving a Mogh, or on my usual Bird of Prey ride, the one thing I hate seeing on my team, because it's worse than being short a body, is a Bortasque.

    I've run into ONE Bort pilot who didn't either skulk off without a word at the end, or spam insults at his teammates-ONE.

    I don't expect it was you.

    what I have NEVER SEEN in pvp'ing since 2011 or so, is a Bortasque on a winning team. Never.

    not even organized teams.

    sure as hell never been teamed with one in a successful PvP run.

    Not in Arena, not in C&H, not even in Ker'rat.

    Never seen it.

    The bort is fine for Infected, it's okay for Khitomer, fine in a good team in Cure, but for PvP?

    nope. Video or it didn't happen.

    and I'm not talking about Duelling. Duelling is to PvP what boxing is to a riot.

    You make a lot of assumptions. The bort has problems no doubt, but I pvp in the command bort all the time. I reliably get kills and I rarely die. Am I going to chase sdown a zippy escort? Nope. Am I going to take out a dedicated healer or a faw boat? Yeah I am. The command bort is really the only reliable pressure build in the game because of SA and its 4 tac consoles. I would also like to point out, as others have, that DDIS has a killer bort beam boat. If you want to park on his rear, you're going to die.

    Also, I dont parse. I just rely on time to kill and the fact I can save pugs and solo a whole side of KASE. I've even soloed both sides of probes witha dhc bort. Maneuvering isn't as bad as it once was with mine consoles and strategic maneuvering.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The biggest problem with the Bort, as it is with other large cruisers, is the Crew Compliment ...

    Due to Cryptic's totally farcical and completely boliixed Crew/Hull Repair mechanic, having anything more than 500 crew is a hindrance, and having 2000+ means that it will take roughly twice the curent age of the universe to repair your hull .. .Which is actually the exact opposite of what it''s supposed to do.

    The two Romulan whales (the D'dex and the Harpy) both suffer from similar problems as the Bort, but the D'D suffers less due to slightly less crew, and yes the ydo have a slightly better shield modifier.

    If they dropped the crew down to 1200, and gave it a 1.1 shield modifier, you'd see a massive improvement.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Biggest problem with the Bortasqu I feel anymore is simple:

    Anything they do to help all cruisers and such, helps all other ships more than it helps the Bort itself.

    Take for example cruiser commands. Did those help cruisers? Yes. But did it really close the gap at all between the Bort and others? Not really, as all the other cruisers can usually make better usage of the commands.

    Or take crew, if they ever removed it, it would help the Bort out, but it'd help other crew-handicapped ships even more, like even the Mogh would be better served without dealing with the crummy crew mechanic.

    So really in the end the changes they need to make for the Bort itself are simple:

    Bump up the base turn a degree or two.
    Remove the old outdated nerfed cloak the Bortas has and give it the same cloak as any other battlecruiser.
    Give it a 1.1 shield modifier.

    I don't think it needs anything more than that. No major overhauls, no hangars, just those small changes, and I think it'd be a lot more accepted by people.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    gaalom wrote: »
    It is not the Bortasqu' op, it is the fact that you are being zeroed in as number one prime target. When the other team sees a Bortasqu with its excellent ability to take punishment, and when armed right the ability to destroy anything it wants, they tend to target such cruisers right off the bat. The same thing happened with the Galaxy class refit and the Galaxy x, both cruisers at the time were the primary targets of the other team. Cruisers can do both damage, and heal allies, this is why they are targeted so heavily. If a escort trys to take out a escort that is being healed by a cruiser, then the one escort can top all damage charts but will get no where. This is how pvp works sto.

    I suggest you think about speeding up your reaction time, and while in flight use ploys, so after the burst you can return some of that damage. I think this is the correct thread that may help you out in that area.
    The principles are the same.

    i dont believe this is the reason why.

    the real reason is they are easy to kill. and killing the enemy is the name of the game in PvP
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I got just one message: don't be hatin' on the Bortasqu' guys!

    Seriosuly, I'm really getting sick and tired of these "Bortasqu sux0rz" threads. It's a damn good ship, it's not for everyone - for a certain playstyle it shines, for another one it sucks. Not everything is for everyone, let's leave it at that and stop this headbanging between 2 groups with exponentially different opinions that is going on for 2 years now.

    And don't brng PvP into the discussion. When was the last time you've seen a Galaxy-R in serious PvP? Negh'var? D'Deridex? Ha'akona? Star Cruiser? Get my point yet? In terms of PvP, it's the game not the ship.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You'll get the same answer from 99% of the players here. Cruisers have been left by the wayside when it comes to PvP. Simply put they cant do it. And its not eve. The ships fault. The ships themselves are great in their roles, the problem is the constant power creep from escort players. Since players decided that the only focus of this game should be dps, dps, dps, that's what we've been getting lately. Of course, that's not to say cryptic isnt partially to blame as well. They seem to have flat out refused to bring cruise stats up to par to make them truly competitive. Add that to the fact that just about every new escort that comes out is set up with both comm tac and ltcomm eng boff stations, or vice versa, and you have ships that have all the firepower of escorts with the tanking ability of cruises. Unless cryptic is willing to TRIBBLE off some lousy players and make the necessary changes to both escorts and cruisers, then the PvP game will be owned by escorts and you might as well abandon your favorite ship now.
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    I got just one message: don't be hatin' on the Bortasqu' guys!

    Seriosuly, I'm really getting sick and tired of these "Bortasqu sux0rz" threads. It's a damn good ship, it's not for everyone - for a certain playstyle it shines, for another one it sucks. Not everything is for everyone, let's leave it at that and stop this headbanging between 2 groups with exponentially different opinions that is going on for 2 years now.

    And don't brng PvP into the discussion. When was the last time you've seen a Galaxy-R in serious PvP? Negh'var? D'Deridex? Ha'akona? Star Cruiser? Get my point yet? In terms of PvP, it's the game not the ship.

    I am not sure the truth is really hate. personally i have the 3 pac and i used the Bort until the day i tried a fleet tork. Ill say this if i had to choose between a Mogh and a Bort id take the Bort.

    all the Mogh is good for is A2B . if you dont run it you are just gimping yourself from what a tork is capable of doing.

    but really telling the truth is not hate it is what it is. neat looking ship that can do allot buy not as much as it should be able to do. it has some sever issues that could be fixed. it was poorly designed with these issues incorporated into it from the get go.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Bort haters really need to stuff a sock down their trap.

    IMHO and IME the Bortasqu was the BEST KDF battlecruiser for PvP before Legacy of Romulus, which introduced the EptE spam and also popularized the whole a2b madness.
    But prior to that I, as a tac captain, had my tricks for getting a beed on any target, and completely tearing up virtually any cruiser or escort with a full barrage of DHC's Turrets and a Beam Overload III + Autocannon combo.

    Even today, pretty much anything that stays in a properly armed and primed Borts crosshairs is dead meat.
    The main setback it suffers from is mobility in the game, but thats not a failing of the ship itself.
    Rather, its Cryptic who failed big time in balancing, by making an ensign level power being able to more or less completely negate most holds, and even achieve near-100% uptime of near full impulse speeds, making fast and maneuvrable ships overpowered to the extreme.

    However, I do agree that the Bortasqu could use some buffs, as could the Odyssey.
    Both ships have a rather poor 3-piece set synergy and some awfully crappy set pieces, compared to the scimitar.
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Your right, LoR did give the Bortasqu a boost.
    But It also boosted fast and agile ships ten times more. :rolleyes:

    Just because most players don't know what to do with her, does not in any way make her a bad ship.

    Pre-LoR I almost never died on a Bort, and would score kill after kill.
    I could even without warning spin around on a dime and splatter an escort captains face before he/she would even be able to react.
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    patrickngo wrote: »
    Either the Bort spends all match rubberbanding from "out of position" to "In Respawn", or the Bort player dies and logs, depending on whether it's C&H or Arenas. Those are the good matches with Borts. Bad matches are when said Bort player is calling everyone else "Noobs" and hurling insults, because we're letting him die, over and over and over again.

    Having *taken* a Bort into PVP, I'll beg to differ.

    On release, the Bort was a godsend to my engineer in PVP and seemed able to rack up some decent kills while tanking like mad - on one memorable occasion withstanding a trio of Sad Pandas before they got bored and went for easier prey. In fairness they had no Sci or I'd have been toast.

    Most recently, it's found a niche as a FAW spam supressor - actually very useful in a 10v10 where the other side has 3 carriers!

    Bottom line IMO is that the Bort is no worse than the decent Fed cruisers, the problem is people expect to fly it like a Vor'cha when it's not. I would, however, reserve my praise for the command variant; the others are rather redundant by comparison.

    That said, I think that the Bort would benefit from a fundamental rething. Its design screams siege ship - a slow, lumbering flying gun- but the autocannon is too slow firing, and its weapons too dispersed to do this idea justice. Make it a 5/3 or a 6/2 ship, boost the turn a little, and drop the cooldown on the autocannon. Then, I think, you'd have an interesting, unique and characterful ship.
  • borgus1122borgus1122 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Bortas Is for me good looking ship. But... it's slow (I mean it's literally traveling with SNAIL speed), Turn Rate is abnormally low and shields are weak. No matter how high is the capacity of shields, they get drained fast. So Bortas really need to be updated (in speed, tr AND SHIELDS). Than I think this ship will be realy something. It is KDF flagship after all, so why not to work like one?
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