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Bridges - When will we see them?

foxwaterfoxwater Member Posts: 48 Arc User
When will we see the bridges that you have constructed for missions etc in-game for our own ships?

1) The new fed-tutorial bridge, is a gorgeous bridge. When will we see it? :(

2) I can see that you have created an incredible Voyager bridge. I assume this comes with engineering and medical, will we be seeing the Intrepid bridge at last?! I would be pleased if we all get the Intrepid bridge free, and then you sell an 'Voyager pack' which gives players the full Intrepid interiors.

3) More ship interiors is a good thing.

Thats all! :)
Post edited by foxwater on


  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    foxwater wrote: »
    When will we see the bridges that you have constructed for missions etc in-game for our own ships?

    1) The new fed-tutorial bridge, is a gorgeous bridge. When will we see it? :(

    When you activate it... It's there.. Use it...

    2) I can see that you have created an incredible Voyager bridge. I assume this comes with engineering and medical, will we be seeing the Intrepid bridge at last?! I would be pleased if we all get the Intrepid bridge free, and then you sell an 'Voyager pack' which gives players the full Intrepid interiors.

    Yes, we are getting it... x2... Free... yea right... (thats a no btw)

    3) More ship interiors is a good thing.

    Get some... Theres the TOS and the Defiant in the C-Store... But as long as the interiors are as static, I wouldn put my nose up for more

    Thats all! :)

    Look above....
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Bridges meh they need a revamp with better details butttt i WANT the new corridors from the fed tutorial or better Voyager ones wud be nice too
  • realisticaltyrealisticalty Member Posts: 851 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My first major C-store purchase was a scimitar. I was very disappointed to see it only came with a bridge and one other (useless?) room right off the bridge.

    I had been very impressed early on in the game being able to walk all around my starship to the different decks etc.

    In the future I intend to be most cautious about any ship purchases. Without well crafted interiors they seem way overpriced.

    Just my opinion, pre-morning caffeine.
  • mvp333mvp333 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My first major C-store purchase was a scimitar. I was very disappointed to see it only came with a bridge and one other (useless?) room right off the bridge.

    I had been very impressed early on in the game being able to walk all around my starship to the different decks etc.

    In the future I intend to be most cautious about any ship purchases. Without well crafted interiors they seem way overpriced.

    Just my opinion, pre-morning caffeine.

    The only ships that have full interiors are standard Fed/Klingon/Romulan ones, sadly. Apparently Cryptic's model team just doesn't have time to make full interiors for anything else, or even ADAPT EXISTING ASSETS TO CREATE AN ORIGIN INTERIOR. Which I honestly don't believe.
  • jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    mvp333 wrote: »
    Apparently Cryptic's model team just doesn't have time to make full interiors for anything else, or even ADAPT EXISTING ASSETS TO CREATE AN ORIGIN INTERIOR. Which I honestly don't believe.

    Not that this is likely to change your mind, but for those who don't know...
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Bridges/Interiors take far longer to make than ships. As such, if there is sufficient reason to make a full ship interior (such as the newish Romulan Ship interior, being used all over LoR) we'll make one. If there isn't, we won't. Making a custom bridge, let alone a full interior for the Corvette (while cool) would be a significant investment of time/resources. So, we could have skimped on Risa more, and built an interior, or done what was done, and skipped the interior which would have served little purpose anyway, and went with beefing up Risa.

    Building custom bridges takes longer than a couple of days. Something like the Suliban/Andorian/Tholian Bridges, were each 5 days of Environment work from me. Then it needs design time to hook up any interactables, doors, etc.

    Doing a full interior is significantly longer (i.e. 3 weeks to a month)
    This quote is from around the time of the 2013 summer event, hence the emphasis on the Risian Corvette, and developing the other Risa assets.
    You're right. The work here is very important.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    A nice bridge would be cool, but honestly, I'm rarely on my bridge. There are many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many more things I'd prefer Cryptic to spend their time on.
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I had been very impressed early on in the game being able to walk all around my starship to the different decks etc.

    I will never understand this. Why you going to be impressed to walk through some stupidly big corridors and rooms that has nothing to do with you very own ship design?? 1. The corridors are so big that it doesnt even look like a ship interior, not by a long shot. 2. The overall design of your corridors and rooms atttached to em has nothing to do with your ship shape / design.. so seriusly, it will never feel like you are in your own ship interior. ALL the interiors are the same, no matter if you are in a scimitar or in a warbird. Just saying.. is there still people "impressed" ?? ow.. sometimes i understand why cryptic will never put more efforts in their designs and the overall quality control.. if a lot of people thinks like you :D, they will never make REAL ship interiors.

    Bridges are fine, but they need a seriously revamp in A LOT of em. Now, interiors??? they suck.. all of em. Seriously.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I use my bridges a lot. And exclusively, I just use my shuttle bridge: its a more compact and useful layout to most of the ships, and its the same every time more or less.

    Why use the bridge? I shove the contraband, crafting mats, and other stuff acquired as I play in my shared storage for my crafter to use etc. That is all it is good for; if I had a space activated shared bank I would not need it.

    I would love to have a real bridge but that is not gonna happen.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    What's worse, the bridges have gone worse! (Aquatic bridge, anyone? What a lazy job that was!)

    Tacofangs once said they've pretty much given up on bridges, because they don't sell enough. To which I say he's caught in a circular, self-fulfilling prophecy: they're not selling too many because they're sub-par, by today's graphics standards, and are not upgrading them... because they're not selling! Doh.
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    What's worse, the bridges have gone worse! (Aquatic bridge, anyone? What a lazy job that was!)

    Tacofangs once said they've pretty much given up on bridges, because they don't sell enough. To which I say he's caught in a circular, self-fulfilling prophecy: they're not selling too many because they're sub-par, by today's graphics standards, and are not upgrading them... because they're not selling! Doh.

    Its the same mentality that keeps the KDF and RR development suffering.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    zipagat wrote: »
    Its the same mentality that keeps the KDF and RR development suffering.

    Well, the RR got it good by comparison. It's you Klinks that got the shaft.

    Seriously, I'm a Fed (and a Rom, since recently). And I used to think -- for a very brief time -- that the Klingons were treated better by Crypric than the Feds. Then I realized, soon enough, how Cryptic has really left you guys hanging.

    Honestly, I admire ppl like you, who took a leap of faith, and plunged into KDF, hoping Cryptic would soon update content for you guys, and give you as much ships as the Feds (or close to it, at least). That was several years ago... and then they simply replaced you with Roms.

  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'd like to see that fantastic interior from the revamped tutorial added as an interior option, to match the really awesome bridge.

    Oh, and a canon correct bridge for:

    - Sovereign
    - Excelsior
    - Constitution Refit

    and a revamp of the Galaxy bridges, to reduce their size and increase their canonicity. :D

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The Sovereign bridge is in the game.
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    eldarion79 wrote: »
    The Sovereign bridge is in the game.

    Its similar but not actually the bridge we see on the Enterprise E, its lacking the two tactical consoles behind the chairs to the left and right of the captains chair, are much larger and have a number of additional consoles.

  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    What's worse, the bridges have gone worse! (Aquatic bridge, anyone? What a lazy job that was!)

    Tacofangs once said they've pretty much given up on bridges, because they don't sell enough. To which I say he's caught in a circular, self-fulfilling prophecy: they're not selling too many because they're sub-par, by today's graphics standards, and are not upgrading them... because they're not selling! Doh.

    It's the catch 22 all over again. They don't make anything usefull for us to do in ship interiors, then the metrics tell them that we don't use ship interiors. They they chose to not bother with ship interiors, because they only see the metrics that tell them most of us don't go there often. (All hail the Mighty Overlord Metrics :rolleyes:)

    I'm not sure if they're completely blind to this, or just have other priorities - but I reckon the majority of the STO players loves that the game gives them a chance to have their own ship interiors and would enjoy them a lot if there was something else to do there besides RP. For ex. people have been asking for missions onboard their ships a lot.

    Another thing to consider is turning our ship interiors into STO's version of 'player housing'. 'Player housing' is very popular in many other MMOs and I really think a lot of STO players would enjoy the opportunity to customize, create and design their own ship spaces. It could be an entire game-branch of STO alltogether, plus it will provide much needed diversity of gameplay and the opportunity for players to do something different while in STO instead of the forced streamlining of content that has been going on this year.

    I must admit, I'm quite suprized and impressed that they're making the Voyager interiors after they stated sevral times that they won't bother with interiors. I'm happy for that. As a Star Trek fan the inside of my ship is a big part and draw of the game for me, even in it's static condition currently. I'll probably get the interior set because I'd enjoy having a proper (not terribly oversized) ship interior that reminds me of the shows - the TOS one is too old for 25-th century for me and the Defiant one is just too spartan. The VOY one will do nicely.
    They really should consider the 'player housing' concept.
    zipagat wrote: »
    Its the same mentality that keeps the KDF and RR development suffering.

    Pretty much. The same can be said about the exploration clusters.
  • altechachanaltechachan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    It's the catch 22 all over again. They don't make anything usefull for us to do in ship interiors, then the metrics tell them that we don't use ship interiors. They they chose to not bother with ship interiors, because they only see the metrics that tell them most of us don't go there often. (All hail the Mighty Overlord Metrics :rolleyes:)

    I'm not sure if they're completely blind to this, or just have other priorities - but I reckon the majority of the STO players loves that the game gives them a chance to have their own ship interiors and would enjoy them a lot if there was something else to do there besides RP. For ex. people have been asking for missions onboard their ships a lot.

    Another thing to consider is turning our ship interiors into STO's version of 'player housing'. 'Player housing' is very popular in many other MMOs and I really think a lot of STO players would enjoy the opportunity to customize, create and design their own ship spaces. It could be an entire game-branch of STO alltogether, plus it will provide much needed diversity of gameplay and the opportunity for players to do something different while in STO instead of the forced streamlining of content that has been going on this year.

    I must admit, I'm quite suprized and impressed that they're making the Voyager interiors after they stated sevral times that they won't bother with interiors. I'm happy for that. As a Star Trek fan the inside of my ship is a big part and draw of the game for me, even in it's static condition currently. I'll probably get the interior set because I'd enjoy having a proper (not terribly oversized) ship interior that reminds me of the shows - the TOS one is too old for 25-th century for me and the Defiant one is just too spartan. The VOY one will do nicely.
    They really should consider the 'player housing' concept.

    Pretty much. The same can be said about the exploration clusters.

    I recall at one point that there were specific DoFF missions that you can only do in certain parts of your ship (like you have to go to Engineering, or the Science Lab, etc). Unfortunately, there came complaints about having to run all over the ship for those and then it was consolidated into your toon's computer screen in the ready room.

    So yeah, there went that experiment.

    As for the Voyager, I'm not surprised that did the the interior. Odds are, some of the new missions will have us board Voyager for discussion or to save her from attackers. Plus, there's a C-Store incentive since the Expansion theme is very Voyager-oriented.
    Member since November 2009... I think.
    (UFP) Ragnar
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    What's worse, the bridges have gone worse! (Aquatic bridge, anyone? What a lazy job that was!)

    Tacofangs once said they've pretty much given up on bridges, because they don't sell enough. To which I say he's caught in a circular, self-fulfilling prophecy: they're not selling too many because they're sub-par, by today's graphics standards, and are not upgrading them... because they're not selling! Doh.

    I REALLY wish people would stop misquoting me on this.

    INTERIORS aren't worth the effort. Bridges are separate. We make bridges for ALMOST every ship. Full interiors take months of work. Bridges take weeks of work. Full interiors are not worth it for their own sake. We do interiors when we can utilize that interior for more gameplay related stuff (Romulan Interior, and now Intrepid Interior).

    Yes, there is a circular argument, as you mentioned. But that's not the end of it. Interiors don't sell, because there's nothing to do in them. But, we have other priorities at the moment. Namely story content. That's where the majority of our time goes. Making actual mission content. If/When the priority shifts to interiors again, that cycle will be broken.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I REALLY wish people would stop misquoting me on this.

    INTERIORS aren't worth the effort. Bridges are separate. We make bridges for ALMOST every ship. Full interiors take months of work. Bridges take weeks of work. Full interiors are not worth it for their own sake. We do interiors when we can utilize that interior for more gameplay related stuff (Romulan Interior, and now Intrepid Interior).

    Yes, there is a circular argument, as you mentioned. But that's not the end of it. Interiors don't sell, because there's nothing to do in them. But, we have other priorities at the moment. Namely story content. That's where the majority of our time goes. Making actual mission content. If/When the priority shifts to interiors again, that cycle will be broken.

    Well, my bad. And thanks for the clarification about the distincton.

    Here's to hoping for more interior content then! :)
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,405 Community Moderator
    edited August 2014
    I wish you luck Taco!
    We do need some functionality in the interiors, but actual story content does take priority.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
  • kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Well, my bad. And thanks for the clarification about the distincton.

    Here's to hoping for more interior content then! :)

    Which is exactly the way to go in order to make bridges part of STO's current game design...

    Already existing STO features to be put inside ship interiors:

    Story missions (also as FOundry maps), PvE queues, PvP maps, social hubs (for bigger maps like Galaxy class).

    I hope the Defiant interior will see some renaissance in the future. Mostly awesome interior, that is not utilized by the game at all right now (other than by very few Foundry missions)...
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I don't wish people would stop misquoting me on this.

    INTERIORS aren't worth the effort. Bridges are separate. We make bridges for not every ship. half interiors take years of work. Swing sets take days of work. A quarter of interiors are worth it for their own sake. We do exteriors when we can utilize that inferior for more work related stuff (Romulan Interior, and now Intrepid Interior).

    Yes, there is a square argument, as you didn't mention. But that's not the start of it. Exteriors don't sell, because there's lots to do in them. But, we have other cake eating contests at the moment. Namely frosting content. That's where the majority of our bacon goes. Making actual cake-like content. If/When the priority shifts to interiors again, that bicycle will be fixed.

    Well said Taco! ROFL
  • foxwaterfoxwater Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hi devs! thanks for your response :) I appreciate it.

    I see, I understand that. Someday i hope we will see interiors with function, therefore, resulting in more full ship interiors.

    I would be quite happy with more bridges though as well! I really hope to see a Miranda Refit bridge someday, and the excelsior <3
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,861 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Other than special bridges for special ships and the very rare bridge which is in a expensive pack we wont see any.

    Bridges just don't make them money and I know for sure I wont be holding my breath that we ever see more than the one Romulan bridge.
  • jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Here's to hoping for more interior content then! :)

    Here's the thing about interior content.

    I usually run the Federation - Small interior. On one toon I use the Belfast interior. Other Federation players may use the Medium, Large, or TOS interiors. Or in the future they may use the Voyager interior. Other players fly lockbox ships, or a Breen ship, or the Andorian ship, or some other ship which has a bridge, but no interior.

    So how the heck could one make a single mission which could be playable by any player, in any ship? I'm not going to say it's impossible (well, in the case of ships with no full interior, it really is impossible), but it's probably not very easy or time-efficient.

    Once upon a time, the devs gave the interior duty officer contacts unique doff missions which could only be accessed by visiting your interior. The outcry was huge, and most of those got moved back up to the general doff interface.


    Making new content for ship interiors is likely to be massively difficult, and I wouldn't hold my breath.
    You're right. The work here is very important.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2014
    My personal take on interiors:

    - They aren't used much, because there's nothing to do there. (That is a statement, not an excuse. It just is.)
    - They take forever to make (properly).
    - The existing method has all of the interiors on the same map. There is no good reason for this, it's just how it was set up. This makes adding more interiors even more problematic.
    - I know people like Trophies, but trophies are huge mess of poor implementation.
    - We really cannot make "content" on YOUR ship, because there are 50 different interiors that would all have to be set up one by one, by hand for each mission.

    I don't want to piecemeal more TRIBBLE ontop of the already barely functional system. And I don't want to add a lot more interiors to that system.

    IMO, we need to spend a full season on completely rebuilding the way interiors are set up, and how they work. We really couldn't to full customization, but we could add more minor interaction points throughout.

    However, spending a whole season updating interiors would mean that we would obviously need to come up with something much more important/interesting to DO there.

    At the moment, that isn't a priority. So . . . we will add interiors as we need them for content and they make sense to add for players.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »
    My personal take on interiors:

    - They aren't used much, because there's nothing to do there. (That is a statement, not an excuse. It just is.)
    - They take forever to make (properly).
    - The existing method has all of the interiors on the same map. There is no good reason for this, it's just how it was set up. This makes adding more interiors even more problematic.
    - I know people like Trophies, but trophies are huge mess of poor implementation.
    - We really cannot make "content" on YOUR ship, because there are 50 different interiors that would all have to be set up one by one, by hand for each mission.

    I don't want to piecemeal more TRIBBLE ontop of the already barely functional system. And I don't want to add a lot more interiors to that system.

    IMO, we need to spend a full season on completely rebuilding the way interiors are set up, and how they work. We really couldn't to full customization, but we could add more minor interaction points throughout.

    However, spending a whole season updating interiors would mean that we would obviously need to come up with something much more important/interesting to DO there.

    At the moment, that isn't a priority. So . . . we will add interiors as we need them for content and they make sense to add for players.

    That makes sense, but it's a shame. Particularly the trophies, which I hadn't realized were such a PITA for you guys until you mentioned it a week or two ago.

    In my personal opinion, the small/medium/large interiors could be jettisoned entirely, in favour of a one-size-fits-all, Origin-style interior for Fed, and a similar one for KDF. I'd rather have one great interior than 3 shabby ones. Add the various canon interiors as options the way you have been, and that's a pretty decent selection.

    I have no idea what to do about the content issue, unfortunately. But at the very least it would give you guys (and the Foundry) some asset maps to have missions set in NPC interiors which have a consistent (and good) layout.
    You're right. The work here is very important.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »
    My personal take on interiors:

    - They aren't used much, because there's nothing to do there. (That is a statement, not an excuse. It just is.)
    - They take forever to make (properly).
    - The existing method has all of the interiors on the same map. There is no good reason for this, it's just how it was set up. This makes adding more interiors even more problematic.
    - I know people like Trophies, but trophies are huge mess of poor implementation.
    - We really cannot make "content" on YOUR ship, because there are 50 different interiors that would all have to be set up one by one, by hand for each mission.

    I don't want to piecemeal more TRIBBLE ontop of the already barely functional system. And I don't want to add a lot more interiors to that system.

    IMO, we need to spend a full season on completely rebuilding the way interiors are set up, and how they work. We really couldn't to full customization, but we could add more minor interaction points throughout.

    However, spending a whole season updating interiors would mean that we would obviously need to come up with something much more important/interesting to DO there.

    At the moment, that isn't a priority. So . . . we will add interiors as we need them for content and they make sense to add for players.

    If you made some corridor tubes for Foundry assets, we'd make a ton of interiors and give the player something to do inside of the ships. All we would need are tubes with open ends, corners that fit them in L or_I shapes and a couple of =[]= pieces. ( ) shapes would be useful as well.

    Basically, we could do a lot if an existing interior was cut apart in sections and put into the Foundry.
  • pweistheworstpweistheworst Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I REALLY wish people would stop misquoting me on this.

    INTERIORS aren't worth the effort. Bridges are separate. We make bridges for ALMOST every ship. Full interiors take months of work. Bridges take weeks of work. Full interiors are not worth it for their own sake. We do interiors when we can utilize that interior for more gameplay related stuff (Romulan Interior, and now Intrepid Interior).

    Yes, there is a circular argument, as you mentioned. But that's not the end of it. Interiors don't sell, because there's nothing to do in them. But, we have other priorities at the moment. Namely story content. That's where the majority of our time goes. Making actual mission content. If/When the priority shifts to interiors again, that cycle will be broken.

    Why can't the devs kill two birds with one stone?

    Many of use complain that this game doesn't feel enough like "Star Trek" and want more ship interiors ... because, after all, most of Star Trek happens inside the ships.

    The devs say they want to prioritize new mission/story content ... so why not focus on story/missions that take place INSIDE our ships? It sounds like you're doing some of that now with DR and the Intrepid interior ... I'm just hoping this continues and we see more mission/story content incorporate the interiors of our ships and the devs have a reason to apply time/resources toward improving the interiors.
    In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."

    Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »

    IMO, we need to spend a full season on completely rebuilding the way interiors are set up, and how they work. We really couldn't to full customization, but we could add more minor interaction points throughout.

    Have you seen Champions' Penthouses/Bases? Four or so "interiors" that can be customized with colors, wallpapers, different furniture, that sort of thing. And they're purchasable from their store. I think it could apply well to ship interiors. I am aware this is low priority, but I'm just throwing this here. Perhaps the tech can be shared.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
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  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thanks Tacofangs, that was very informative and insightful.

    Personally I'd trade the Klingon Interior and Bridge for just Orion Bridge. Maybe when you guys do a t6 Orion ship,no rush, I know you have your hands full right now.
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