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Starfleet T6 concepts



  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    umaeko wrote: »
    I'm reserving judgment for now, but right now, I'm cautiously optimistic. I kind of like the premise of T6 ships. I had fun with my ships before, and I don't mind paying for new ones if it means progression and promoting the game I like playing.

    I want to see more angles of that four nacelled vessel. People call it cruiser, but with the dual deflectors going on, I'm wondering if it's now actually a science vessel. If it is a cruiser, though, it reminds me the most of the Stargazer-class, which I happen to like. Seeing an even more advance take on the four-nacelled heavy cruisers kind of appeals to me (and builds over the favorable impression the Mirror Heavy Cruiser was generating).
    The "dual deflector" look might be a bit misleading. it has a "deflector"-like thing happening on the nose of the arrowhead shape part of the ship, plus the real deflector on the underside of the arrowhead on the ship from that angle. I think the one at the front of the ship is just something that may have to do with the special ability the ship will have. I doubt it's a deflector at all.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    Not sure if you're familiar with the situation, but worth noting is that under Perpetual this design was intended to be the Enterprise-F.
    I must say that when i first saw that ship several years ago, even before STO was released, i found it ugly too.
    BUT with time and a bit more tolerance i discovered how awesome it is. One shouldn't look at it with a prefabricated opinion.
    I think for some ppl. the Galaxy Class must have looked just as weird when they first saw it in the late 90s. But they gave it a chance and noticed how gorgeous it is.

    Here are some images of it:





    As i already said, if someone accepts that the Engineering is actually located in the neck the ship has it's own beaufy without doubt.

    Now, i don't say that perp. Excalibur was such a masterpiece like the GCS, but one should look at it without bias. Sure it has extraordinary proportions, but other ships look weird too, IMO.

    For me it's a creative and bold ship design (much better than the Odyssey IMO), it definitely should get a chance.

    In the end, it soley depends on Cryptics devs. If they hate it we will never see it in game.

    shpoks wrote: »
    Actually, I think the engineering section is just right. That's what gives the ship that weird appeal to me.
    And "butt ugly" is a matter of subjective perception. For ex. to me this looks superb. And beats those new T6 concepts as well as 90% of the other Cryptic Starfleet designs in game any day of the week.
    100% agreed.

    The "dual deflector" look might be a bit misleading. it has a "deflector"-like thing happening on the nose of the arrowhead shape part of the ship, plus the real deflector on the underside of the arrowhead on the ship from that angle. I think the one at the front of the ship is just something that may have to do with the special ability the ship will have. I doubt it's a deflector at all.
    But IF it is a 2nd deflector then we are talking about a science ship.
    Cryptics devs never said that cruisers would get a 2nd deflector, noly science ships would.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,560 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    yreodred wrote: »
    I must say that when i first saw that ship several years ago, even before STO was released, i found it ugly too.
    BUT with time and a bit more tolerance i discovered how awesome it is. One shouldn't look at it with a prefabricated opinion.
    I think for some ppl. the Galaxy Class must have looked just as weird when they first saw it in the late 90s. But they gave it a chance and noticed how gorgeous it is.

    Here are some images of it:





    As i already said, if someone accepts that the Engineering is actually located in the neck the ship has it's own beaufy without doubt.

    Now, i don't say that perp. Excalibur was such a masterpiece like the GCS, but one should look at it without bias. Sure it has extraordinary proportions, but other ships look weird too, IMO.

    For me it's a creative and bold ship design (much better than the Odyssey IMO), it definitely should get a chance.

    In the end, it soley depends on Cryptics devs. If they hate it we will never see it in game.

    100% agreed.

    But IF it is a 2nd deflector then we are talking about a science ship.
    Cryptics devs never said that cruisers would get a 2nd deflector, noly science ships would.

    Still too top heavy. the engineering needs to be bigger.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Still too top heavy. the engineering needs to be bigger.
    Engineering section is bigger than the Galaxys and Sovereigns engineering section combined, it's the "neck". The visual center of the ship is different than the Excelsiors or Sovereigns. It is where the saucer merges with the neck and not at the low end of the neck. It's shifted to the top of the neck, making the saucer and neck be the main center of mass.
    So it's very different to the Excelsior, Sovereign and odyssey, where the cener of mass is the engineering hull.
    What you think is engineering hull should better be called Deflector mount or Deflectior section.

    It needs a bit of rethinking IMO. But this is what makes this ship so interesting to me.

    Excelsior, Sovereign and Odyssey are "low/rear heavy" while Galaxy is "top heavy", the Excalibur is just a continuation of the Galaxy design and there's nothing wrong with it IMO.

    That's what i'm talking about when criticising Cryptics designs. They're nothing new, they're just the same old boring "low/rear heavy" designs over and over.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • steaensteaen Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If that's the kind of direction they're going, style-wise, I'll be contenting myself with upgrading my Vesta.

    It might not match the new T6 shinies, but I'd sooner fly it than anything shown thus far.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I think the pictured ship in LV looks horrible, but I'd like to see the actual model before passing final judgment. It could just be a terrible angle, since the Rom T6 looks amazing and the KDF T6 is alright.
  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It just occured to me.

    That four-nacelled Tier 6 ship... could that possibly be an overhauled Jupiter-class?

    It sort of has similar design language. People have been asking for a playable Jupiter-class for a long time, and the Devs answered that they weren't happy with the level of detail the ship - meant as an NPC - would offer for the player experience. They did mention that if they returned to it, they would significantly overhaul it and that it would probably end up looking quite different.

    The same case was made with the Typhoon.

    So, again, I look at this...
    Tier 6 four-nacelled ship picture
    ...and again wonder "Jupiter-class?"

    There are comments in here going "Eww. Cryptic-original design yuck." But people have been asking specifically for a Cryptic-original design to be worked on and be made playable. Tier 6... wouldpretty much be where we'd expect to find the Jupiter-class too. So...

    What I'm trying to point out, especially to detractors, is that Cryptic might actually have tried to give you exactly what players have asked them. I'm going to ask the following:

    If this is really a remake of the Jupiter-class, what would you think of it then?
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,560 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    umaeko wrote: »
    It just occured to me.

    That four-nacelled Tier 6 ship... could that possibly be an overhauled Jupiter-class?

    It sort of has similar design language. People have been asking for a playable Jupiter-class for a long time, and the Devs answered that they weren't happy with the level of detail the ship - meant as an NPC - would offer for the player experience. They did mention that if they returned to it, they would significantly overhaul it and that it would probably end up looking quite different.

    The same case was made with the Typhoon.

    So, again, I look at this...
    Tier 6 four-nacelled ship picture
    ...and again wonder "Jupiter-class?"

    There are comments in here going "Eww. Cryptic-original design yuck." But people have been asking specifically for a Cryptic-original design to be worked on and be made playable. Tier 6... wouldpretty much be where we'd expect to find the Jupiter-class too. So...

    What I'm trying to point out, especially to detractors, is that Cryptic might actually have tried to give you exactly what players have asked them. I'm going to ask the following:

    If this is really a remake of the Jupiter-class, what would you think of it then?

    Nope. and it's just an ugly NON Starfleet style ship. Craptic I beg you. DO NOT USE THIS SHIP!
  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Because Starfleet has been around for 3 centuries and god-forbid if ship stylings would actually significantly change during said 300 years.

    It's been done before. The Galaxy-class was pretty much a shock to anyone used to the TOS/TMP Enterprise. And yet people today really like it.

    The post above tihs one seems to me like a prime example of hyperbole and superficialism. Planets will not burn if said ship is introduced in the game. Heck, the playable lockbox ships orbitting ESD are probably a bigger sin than this.

    This 4-nacelled Tier 6 vessel, it's just creative muscle at work. It's not likely to be the last Tier 6 ship you'll ever see. And odds are future ship iterations will end up having their style adjusted to a degree as well based on preferences and feedbacks (though trend metrics will be the to-go measurement over premature gut reactions).

    You're worred about Tier 6 ships? Wait four more years; we might get Tier 7. :)
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    >STO "Design the next Enterprise" contest concept<

    I would LOVE to see that ship in game! It screams Federation and looks like a newer generation ship from what is being flown now. I would open my wallet for that!
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    umaeko wrote: »
    That four-nacelled Tier 6 ship... could that possibly be an overhauled Jupiter-class?

    Yes, if overhauled here means "hit with a frying pan". :D :P

    umaeko wrote: »
    If this is really a remake of the Jupiter-class, what would you think of it then?

    Still ugly as sin, from what can be seen on that one picture. Being a Jupiter or not doesn't change it's uglyness in my eyes. :D
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ankokuneko wrote: »
    Oh ? I see the fed ships are evolving from upside down flying spoons to flying forks now. They did well to keep fed ships have their unique kitchen utensil look

    Like this? :D
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,560 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    umaeko wrote: »
    Because Starfleet has been around for 3 centuries and god-forbid if ship stylings would actually significantly change during said 300 years.

    It's been done before. The Galaxy-class was pretty much a shock to anyone used to the TOS/TMP Enterprise. And yet people today really like it.

    The post above tihs one seems to me like a prime example of hyperbole and superficialism. Planets will not burn if said ship is introduced in the game. Heck, the playable lockbox ships orbitting ESD are probably a bigger sin than this.

    This 4-nacelled Tier 6 vessel, it's just creative muscle at work. It's not likely to be the last Tier 6 ship you'll ever see. And odds are future ship iterations will end up having their style adjusted to a degree as well based on preferences and feedbacks (though trend metrics will be the to-go measurement over premature gut reactions).

    You're worred about Tier 6 ships? Wait four more years; we might get Tier 7. :)

    Starfleet has a certian design style. as much as the Galaxy was a shock they could probably still se a remblence. That ship is not even close
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Starfleet has a certian design style. as much as the Galaxy was a shock they could probably still se a remblence. That ship is not even close
    So, they have a certain design style and they're forever forbidden to change the style? Sorry, but I don't buy that at all.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Sorry to say but I do feel that cryptic tries a little too hard to distinguish their own designs from the source material.

    I am all for non-cannon ships but I wish that cryptic would place these things next to a sovereign and ask themselves; 'Dose this look like its part of the same fleet' before they go live with them.

    Keep it Starfleet cryptic, don't go crazy with hybrids and cross faction technology.
    This ^^^
    Oh and while we are about it, Can we please get some more faction styled lockbox and lobi ships. Like the temporal lockbox. Maybe a section 31 box or something. Just please give us faction specific models so that when I look through my ship roster I don't have to feel like Starfleet's most successful privateer.
    Agreed ! ;)

  • savnokasavnoka Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Nope. and it's just an ugly NON Starfleet style ship. Craptic I beg you. DO NOT USE THIS SHIP!

    Yeah, because calling them "Craptic" is going to make them want to listen to your input.

    I find the new ship more intriguing than the alternative, which seems to be "lets make it more aerodynamic...in space!" or "let's make it look vaguely like an iPod".
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    nataku302 wrote: »
    Will the galaxy class get a tier 6 version?

    It'll probably be out the same time they'll come out with the T6 Constitution. :(
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    umaeko wrote: »
    It just occured to me.

    That four-nacelled Tier 6 ship... could that possibly be an overhauled Jupiter-class?

    It sort of has similar design language. People have been asking for a playable Jupiter-class for a long time, and the Devs answered that they weren't happy with the level of detail the ship - meant as an NPC - would offer for the player experience. They did mention that if they returned to it, they would significantly overhaul it and that it would probably end up looking quite different.

    The same case was made with the Typhoon.

    So, again, I look at this...
    Tier 6 four-nacelled ship picture
    ...and again wonder "Jupiter-class?"

    There are comments in here going "Eww. Cryptic-original design yuck." But people have been asking specifically for a Cryptic-original design to be worked on and be made playable. Tier 6... wouldpretty much be where we'd expect to find the Jupiter-class too. So...

    What I'm trying to point out, especially to detractors, is that Cryptic might actually have tried to give you exactly what players have asked them. I'm going to ask the following:

    If this is really a remake of the Jupiter-class, what would you think of it then?

    In that case it would be beautiful, definite improvement on its predecessor!

    Maybe it's a holographic ship with a Emergency Holographic Crew and zips up into a small disk the size of a shuttle for stealth missions! It would be a (almost) perfect loop-hole for the Treaty of Algeron.

    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    So, they have a certain design style and they're forever forbidden to change the style? Sorry, but I don't buy that at all.

    There are clear visual interpretations as to what is what in Star Trek. Cryptic are not making their own random space sci-fi MMO here, they need to follow some basic guidelines behind Star Trek. For it's entire life, the franchise has portrayed a certain design style for all involved parties. For some unknown reason, Cryptic has serious issues grasping the Starfleet design concepts even though there is literally an infinite number of fan-made and professional designs for Starfleet ships on the web to take ideas from. Interestingly enough, they don't seem to have this problem with Romulan designs and their Klingon designs are usually spot on.

    Starfleet is not forbidden to change the design style, although the people behind Star Trek obviously think that this would be a stupid idea and strip one of the main trademarks of the franchise - as evidenced in all the shows and movies where Starfleet ships vary, but still follow the basic design principle ever since TOS.
    If Cryptic is making and marketing this as a Star Trek game, then no, they shoudln't mess with the basic principles of design of the main protagonists. When people go to STO to play a Star Trek game, it should be reckognizable to them and not make them go "WTF?!?".
    If Starfleet is to employ a new design style, this will be done in a Star Trek show or a movie - and game studios afterwards can draw inspiration from that "new" design concept. Making something that doesn't resemble anything people have seen on-screen will only result in negative remarks.

    Note that I'm not saying that's what's happening here. We still have to little material to work with so we can draw such conclusions. I'm just commenting on Starfleet changing design principles.
    If the hull materials seen on the 2 new T6 Federation concepts are not infact shield effects or similar but how they envision Federation hulls would look like a T6, then it's a too large departure from the franchise and what made Trek, Trek.
  • rekurzionrekurzion Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    That first ship looks like something Tron would use to dig up weeds in his backyard...

    That second design is a sexy b***h
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It's another alien derivation like the Solanae Dyson Science Destroyer.

    Another grind-ship. I'll probably avoid it like the Solanae ship as well. Not sure yet.
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • jrq2jrq2 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ragnar0x wrote: »
    Nice pictures but...

    I would like to see T6 fleet vesta (2 engi, 5 sci, 4 tac consoles) with 32k hull, 1.43 shield mod + Aux phaser sci universal console (15% phaser dmg, 15% torp dmg + 5% shield regen) that enables usage of Experimental Aux 360 phaser beam [Acc][Dmg][Over].

    and it must have goodlike look like fleet assault cruiser

    I wont buy T6 surely if not fleet vesta. I will proudly fly t5 if needed.

    Don’t forget to have the ability to use the cloak and chevron separation consoles.
    :eek: :D
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    yreodred wrote: »

    The Escort is plain boring, just a defiant revival, *yawn*. I think it's clear who's idea that design was, lol.

    Maybe if they let us use existing Defiant parts to replace what looks to be a very boring design...

    I´m almost willing to be these new T6 ships are like the lockbox ships, with zero customization.
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    umaeko wrote: »
    It just occured to me.

    That four-nacelled Tier 6 ship... could that possibly be an overhauled Jupiter-class?

    It sort of has similar design language. People have been asking for a playable Jupiter-class for a long time, and the Devs answered that they weren't happy with the level of detail the ship - meant as an NPC - would offer for the player experience. They did mention that if they returned to it, they would significantly overhaul it and that it would probably end up looking quite different.

    The same case was made with the Typhoon.

    So, again, I look at this...
    Tier 6 four-nacelled ship picture
    ...and again wonder "Jupiter-class?"

    There are comments in here going "Eww. Cryptic-original design yuck." But people have been asking specifically for a Cryptic-original design to be worked on and be made playable. Tier 6... wouldpretty much be where we'd expect to find the Jupiter-class too. So...

    What I'm trying to point out, especially to detractors, is that Cryptic might actually have tried to give you exactly what players have asked them. I'm going to ask the following:

    If this is really a remake of the Jupiter-class, what would you think of it then?

    I would hope not.

    The Jupiter looks like a Starfleet vessel, as opposed to another fusion/hybrid.

    Cleaning up and detail are what the Jupiter and Typhoon need if they become playable. The general design should stay the same. Not turned into something that looks like it was built in a Tholian shipyard.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,560 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    savnoka wrote: »
    Yeah, because calling them "Craptic" is going to make them want to listen to your input.

    I find the new ship more intriguing than the alternative, which seems to be "lets make it more aerodynamic...in space!" or "let's make it look vaguely like an iPod".

    Sorry their decisions lately have EARN them that name. You can only ignore the fanbase so long before they get ticked. Regent sucked, Avenger is too boxy, and that first ship is trying to be tron. The second ship with different nacelles can work. Heck check the fan base. They're are SO MANY GOOD DESIGN out there that can be used.
  • davideightdavideight Member Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    trying to be tron

    thanks. i was heavily thinkin of a descriptions for my feelings towards the "federation" ship. i think tron hits it.

    it has NOTHIN to do anymore with fedships.

    its hull is blueish. its all boxy. its more tholian, aquatic, alien than federation.

    the romulan ship LOOKS like a romulan ship.

    the kdf one looks a bit tooo familiar with all those "vorcha" (all have same triangular front, long broadening neck and the typical vorcha wing and nacelle - gets a bit boring) revamps somehow. but it looks like a klingon ship.

    the "fed" ship doesnt look like sth from startrek even. its not good really and the escort looks like a flattened defiant with way to flat nacelles and all.

    i must say somehow cryptic just cant design federation ships. they try to play with the basic designs of saucer, hull and necelles and pylons - but the MIXTURE is always wrong somehow.

    the only real work i liked was the oddy so far, they made a good thing out of the concept.

    but these ships are just NOT FEDERATION or STARFLEET at all.

    i dont get where they get those design ideas from ... i mean no starfleetship ever looked this way. id rather prefer those original prelaunch designs (those with the mico engineering section where engineering and neck formed ONE hullpart)
    those ships are way to flat to have room in them for decks.

    it makes me nightmares.

    but why do they get the rom and kdf design? never seen a totally abroad romulan ship so far. okay some of the kdf brel look a bit to fragile, but thats all.

    but federation always wents out like " we UTTERLY HAVE TO MAKE STH DIFFERENT even if it looks **** - kind of deign.

    the avenger would have looked great with a round saucer, but no, this would have looked to much like a modern conny - so lets just stretch out that saucer until it heavyloads the front area design of the ship ...

    it always looks so ... "inventionist on purpose"


    i have to agree: crytic: tehre are lots of really NICE done fanarts out there, just ask the conceptionist and just TAKE IT OVER.

    ship i like most:

    us.s. HAMMER - kind of a defiant followup. a small escort with a nice turn in nacelle turn weapon out part - really GREAT idea. i bet those ppl would be glad to see their art come (virtually) true.

    but cryptic please stop designing fedship - you cant take the grasp of it somehow.
  • davideightdavideight Member Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    id rather see those designs:


    i know many hate them, but this at least resembles a STRAFLEET ship ... and the details look great and techy techy.

    maybe flatten the whole design a bit, and it doesnt look so goose like then.

    but far better than this ship. i cant get down its horrible!!!

    tron-ter-prise. all blue all glowy. not even the hull colors meet the starfleet. its just not a fed ship.

    (while looking stronger at it, though it hurts, i think its something like a constellation reboot (the four nacelled ship, picards first command)... with a stretched saucer again instead of a round one ...)

    i can only wish that this is an early work in progress - so they can scrap it and start from scratch.

    why are the nacelles so flat and broad - that totally incoherent with starfleet engineering. (why did they make the bussard collector so flat but broad? dont they have one? why are nacelles so near the ships hull - they ignore basically everything that i would call

    fictional enginenring techique logic.

    this ship is like when you design a car, and later someone asks: where do we put the wheels? theres no room for wheels - or passengers ...
    its like pure drawing without considering those basic purposes.

    also i hate those "front saucer deflectors". i hate it. (okay im okay the way its build in within the new fleet patrol or as a small aux deflector array) but this is just horrible ...

    cant say it.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,560 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    davideight wrote: »
    thanks. i was heavily thinkin of a descriptions for my feelings towards the "federation" ship. i think tron hits it.

    it has NOTHIN to do anymore with fedships.

    its hull is blueish. its all boxy. its more tholian, aquatic, alien than federation.

    the romulan ship LOOKS like a romulan ship.

    the kdf one looks a bit tooo familiar with all those "vorcha" (all have same triangular front, long broadening neck and the typical vorcha wing and nacelle - gets a bit boring) revamps somehow. but it looks like a klingon ship.

    the "fed" ship doesnt look like sth from startrek even. its not good really and the escort looks like a flattened defiant with way to flat nacelles and all.

    i must say somehow cryptic just cant design federation ships. they try to play with the basic designs of saucer, hull and necelles and pylons - but the MIXTURE is always wrong somehow.

    the only real work i liked was the oddy so far, they made a good thing out of the concept.

    but these ships are just NOT FEDERATION or STARFLEET at all.

    i dont get where they get those design ideas from ... i mean no starfleetship ever looked this way. id rather prefer those original prelaunch designs (those with the mico engineering section where engineering and neck formed ONE hullpart)
    those ships are way to flat to have room in them for decks.

    it makes me nightmares.

    but why do they get the rom and kdf design? never seen a totally abroad romulan ship so far. okay some of the kdf brel look a bit to fragile, but thats all.

    but federation always wents out like " we UTTERLY HAVE TO MAKE STH DIFFERENT even if it looks **** - kind of deign.

    the avenger would have looked great with a round saucer, but no, this would have looked to much like a modern conny - so lets just stretch out that saucer until it heavyloads the front area design of the ship ...

    it always looks so ... "inventionist on purpose"


    i have to agree: crytic: tehre are lots of really NICE done fanarts out there, just ask the conceptionist and just TAKE IT OVER.

    ship i like most:

    us.s. HAMMER - kind of a defiant followup. a small escort with a nice turn in nacelle turn weapon out part - really GREAT idea. i bet those ppl would be glad to see their art come (virtually) true.

    but cryptic please stop designing fedship - you cant take the grasp of it somehow.

    KDF is a problem because they only design new when they have to. they are if it works don't fix it crowd. and odyessey was a fanmade ship not Cryptic design. thus they last 3 ships cryptic
    Regent, Dyson ship, and Avenger. all freaking ugly and two of them without alt skins. While avenger is a good ship in performance she is UGLY. Please put the new orelans skin on that ship and i will switch it. Heck Give Ambassador niagra skin as well.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Sorry to say but I do feel that cryptic try a little to hard to distinguish their own designs from the source material.

    I am all for non-cannon ships but I wish that cryptic would place these things next to a sovereign and ask themselves; 'Dose this look like its part of the same fleet' before they go live with them.

    Keep it Starfleet cryptic, don't go crazy with hybrids and cross faction technology. An odd ship hear or there is fine, but when you do make something that doesn't fit in, don't give it 'must use stats' so that it becomes a staple.

    Oh and while we are about it, Can we please get some more faction styled lockbox and lobi ships. Like the temporal lockbox. Maybe a section 31 box or something. Just please give us faction specific models so that when I look through my ship roster I don't have to feel like Starfleet's most successful privateer.

    Ugh, absolutely agreed. To be honest, I've been kind of disgusted with cryptics designs as of late. While the star cruiser, Vesta, and odyssey were decent designs and look like they belong, they don't really have that trek feel. And the avenger absolutely doesn't belong. It looks like it was rushed out, and done by a novice. My 2 big problems with the odyssey have always been the proportiante size of the saucer to the hull, and the design of the nacelles and pylons. I think the saucer is so.ply too large wide compared to the rest of the ship, and the slopng pylons and curved nacelles don't really work for me. Not to mention the impulse engines buried inside the pylons.
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