Btw, is it just me, or have doff recruitment assignments been nerfed? I swear they used to be 24 hour rather than the 48 they are now..
Species type recruitment assignments at the <species> Personnel Officers were 20hr, the "shirt type" recruitment assignments at the Personnel Officers were 2d, as far as the non-dilithium recruitment assignments. I believe the General Recruitment was also 2d, but since it cost dilithium I never bothered with it. Other Exchange, Asylum, Sanctuary, etc. type assignments varied, but I assume you refer to the Academy assignments?
Anyway, unless you mean the <species> Personnel Officer assignments, yes they were already 2d.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
There is a surprising number of posters with low post counts getting on these forums to state that they are unhappy with the new doff UI (I am also one of these). Seems about 50/50 on the crafting update(I'll probably opt out of it). I think it is an indication that the new system is just that bad. Hopefully someone that can do something about it notices.
I have actually quit doffing all together, cleared all my previous assignments and, moved on. It has cut my play time down considerably.
I hope they make those "Fleet" uniform variants available to EVERYONE rather than just people in fleets. I like them, But I'm in a small fleet of a few friends and we will never get to Tier 3 SB and we definitely should NOT have to join a bigger fleet just to get access to them.
They're Uniforms, they don't affect gameplay and should be readily available to everyone (zen or just free, not fleet only)
I hope they make those "Fleet" uniform variants available to EVERYONE rather than just people in fleets. I like them, But I'm in a small fleet of a few friends and we will never get to Tier 3 SB and we definitely should NOT have to join a bigger fleet just to get access to them.
They're Uniforms, they don't affect gameplay and should be readily available to everyone (zen or just free, not fleet only)
If you use one of the service channels you should be able to get a free map invite to a Starbase with a Tailor unlocked. You can also check your friends list if any of them have access to one. As long as you have a few Fleet Credits and some dilithium saved up, you should be fine even without unlocking it yourself. The community here is pretty good, even if we tend to be vocal at times.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Cryptic HAS failed in one key area: The crafting system is not made easy to use. I don't mean 'bam, you get what you want'. I mean 'Oh, you have to craft 50 of these little things!' Let me craft all 50 of them to get my skill up by queueing them up. As I put it in game yesterday, it's almost like Star Fleet hasn't heard the concept of a 'Standard Change' (ITIL). I'd like to just say, "Sure, let me know when you begin, but don't bother me with each one you make, just get her done." >.>
It sounds like you're trying to level your skills by crafting components. If all you want is the skill points, just scroll to the bottom and queue the last skill on the list. It gives a lot of xp and costs very little.
It sounds like you're trying to level your skills by crafting components. If all you want is the skill points, just scroll to the bottom and queue the last skill on the list. It gives a lot of xp and costs very little.
Yeah, I've been doing this. It's not terribly hard, and it's a 20-hour project, so it doesn't suck up all of my playing time with waiting for shorter projects to finish.
Well, since this so called update, is pretty useless, I guess I will stick, with a game, that does boldly go where no man has gone before...
Oh and it costs less then the lifer, for this game!!!
So not only can you explore our galaxy, and its multi player, you can fly through the rings of Saturn, oh and do a little mining while you are there...
Are you sure it's a good idea to mention another MMO in a official STO forum? On the other hand, every official who read this thread perhaps died of shame by now. So: Thanks, it looks great!
So you're a native speaker and I'm not. So what?:P
Thoroughly agree with so many of the points in this thread.
I commented in the Exploration Cluster removal thread (along with so many other folks) that I thought taking them out was a bad idea. At the time one of my biggest personal gripes was the loss of something representing exploration (the staple of Trek), and for the game, the loss of the strange alien vistas you might encounter on beaming down to a world in the clusters, you never knew quite what you were going to find visually even if the missons themselves were formulaic - I really miss them.
Now the problem is that on starting the new crafting system, the first thing I want to do is go out and farm materials, as you might do in other MMOs - head out into the wilderness and hunt for nodes. Where would you do this in STO? In the exploration clusters - which have just been removed!
Sure there are doff missions at the 'interactable objects' but I've yet to acquire anything I've been able to use yet (maybe I need to dig further through the crafting missions?). And the idea of grinding more STFs and getting a 'research materials' crate at the end? Great, you've effectively reduced us to pirates - destroy enemy ships so we can sift through the wreckage for crafting materials.
All I want to do at the moment is get in a science vessel, head into a star cluster, and start looking for resources so I can get crafting! Apparently we can't do this simple thing.
So while I applaud Cryptic for having a go at revamping a dead crafting system, this seems a ham-fisted effort (I agree re the confusing doff interface too - though if the larger buttons are to optimise this for tablets via Gateway then fair enough). And as also mentioned above - how about some indication of where we might find the resources we need? Or even better, how about re-opening the exploration clusters so we can visit strange new worlds and hunt for nodes, both in space and planetside?
The doff assignments should give you all the white and green mats you need just like with the old system. Crits on those get you blues. Again should be enough.
I've done about 20 elite queues and hit the jackpot twice last night with 17 purples.
These purples will be the real trick to crafting. Argonite for example is selling currently at 7 million per particle. Maybe only available through viscous cycle. I just can't bring myself to do that more than say once a week. So it will stop my crafting dead in space unless I buy packs or the exchange price comes down.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
It sounds like you're trying to level your skills by crafting components. If all you want is the skill points, just scroll to the bottom and queue the last skill on the list. It gives a lot of xp and costs very little.
That's actually not what I'm complaining about. You need anywhere from 2 to 6+ different components, from what I've seen before, per item you want to craft. In the real world, I as a project manager would tell my team 'build this', and they'd worry about building the tools to build the tools, and I wouldn't be concerned. As a Starfleet Captain, it seems I'm expected to micromanage my team making components, then hardware. I understand there needs to be some user interaction with the game, but this is ridiculous. Instead, let me just tell my Doffs 'build x number of these,' and they do it without any further input from me. Queueing up jobs. That would be nice.
apparently not all traces of old crafting are gone. i can still do missions that give me the now-worthless prototype plans.
any chance those are adjusted to give something more worthwhile like blue materials/purple on crit or components/multiple components on crit, and a way to convert the existing plans into those?
I may be wrong, but aren't those still used because they are for use in a DOFF assignment not the old Memory Alpha crafting system?
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
Yawn...still nothing to see here. Guess I'll be back in the Fall and 1500 more free zen.
I have no idea how they think this type of game model wont collapse under its own weight.
Yawn...still nothing to see here. Guess I'll be back in the Fall and 1500 more free zen.
I have no idea how they think this type of game model wont collapse under its own weight.
I can guarantee this will happen it's not a issue of if anymore it's when most of my main fleet have moved on and the ones that have remained don't log on as much as they used to. and to be honest I have been feeling the same way with this update. All in all if Season 9 is what they all successful then season 10 may be when I leave it's like this sorry excuse for a update.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Was so excited about the new crafting system, but then...I saw the time gates.
Another hurry up and wait scenario. I am getting so sick of gates. So sick.
Get rid of the ultra long timers, please.
but the dilithium payment to remove time gating is how they are expecting to rake in more cash.. they'd never lose out on the cash grab they are trying to create...
So I finally took a look at the new crafting system....way to TRIBBLE all the veteran players over Cryptic! I already spent a ton of time grinding through the last R&D system to craft the Aegis set...and now I have to start back at Level 0? On a bunch of TRIBBLE that is meaningless to me?
No thanks! I will spend my time grinding for everything else in this game...I really hope the Season 10 expansion has some worthwhile content!
Normally I don't complain but the new DOFF system is just awful... the auto-filling of doff slots takes the immersion out of it.... not only that but the fact that the suggested doffs are usually NOT the best for the job... and now if you want to change it there's no longer a filter to find for the doffs you actually WANT to add... on top of that it looks atrocious and is just too clunky and ugly.
The new R&D isn't terrible but it's still not user friendly... especially now that you can't farm for resources.
Normally I don't complain but the new DOFF system is just awful... the auto-filling of doff slots takes the immersion out of it.... not only that but the fact that the suggested doffs are usually NOT the best for the job... and now if you want to change it there's no longer a filter to find for the doffs you actually WANT to add... on top of that it looks atrocious and is just too clunky and ugly.
The new R&D isn't terrible but it's still not user friendly... especially now that you can't farm for resources.
No... the new R&D isn't terrible... I mean... a detrimental system of mass resources and time sunk into an item I could match or beat off a loot drop (until I hit a magical jackpot of good traits on a purple item that I can't buy in a rep or fleet store for far less) is an ok crafting system. The fact that most of the math on the time gate were something like a year or more to learn 1 school well enough to get high enough to build things we might actually want is soooo fast and reasonable.
I do happen to agree with you on the new DOFF UI though... Takes so long to find the right officer on a couple of my characters now... Not very happy with the Inventory window change either... if the useless R&D button had been listed third I could have just left my window at 6 wide and been fine, but now I have to structure them all differently based on how many inventory slots I've bought on that character because I actually USE the assets tab and have small obsessive issues with the last row being 'uneven'... Fortunately I can pretend the R&D window rows are even since I will almost certainly not be using the random drop time sink system.
I seldom did crafting to begin with so most of these changes mean anything.
However the new DOFF UI is slow, clunky and a real pain to use. I liked the old system better. It was easier to use.
And I was so disappointed with the lack of new storyline content. I play mostly for the story and it was disappointing to see nothing else had been added.
I seldom did crafting to begin with so most of these changes mean anything.
However the new DOFF UI is slow, clunky and a real pain to use. I liked the old system better. It was easier to use.
And I was so disappointed with the lack of new storyline content. I play mostly for the story and it was disappointing to see nothing else had been added.
It's typical craptic. they mess with a system that hardly anyone used anymore and mess with another that i never heard any complaints on instead of what we keep beating them over the head for. frankly pink slips need to be issued. the heads of my fleet are looking for a new game to go to because of this patch. and are fleet head has been here since day 1. That is serious. so WHO EVER came up with 9.5 NEEDS TO GO. ANd cratic needs to aplogize to us, revert to 9.0. AND ACTUALLY LISTEN TO US!
Yeah the new DOFF system is pretty rubbish. Though I don't think anything we say really matters at this point anyway, it's on the server so it's staying whether we like it or not. Though it has made me decide to stop bothering with DOFFs.
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
Can we have this thread renamed, "Season 9.5 Is DOA" thanks to the new DOff UI?!
> <
> <
Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
Crafting is MUCH easier if you just run bonus crafting XP projects nonstop until you hit max level on everything.
Go for one school first, then the others.
Run a bunch of ESTFs to store up materials, and there you go.
If you start the system as you level up, you should be able to get the Aegis set with maybe...2 weeks of grinding?
The DOFF UI is evil, though. I've basically stopped DOFFing on my alts as a result of it.
The least amount of effort that you have to give to cryptic and their ridiculous grinding, the better off society will be as you will be giving more time to your children, community, etc... and maybe curb some of this stupidity. You may even stop your child from being the next terrorist because you aren't spending all your free hours doing cryptic's grind as your additional full time job.
Perhaps, though I doubt, cryptic learns this.. they can contribute back to a positive society where people aren't neglecting important life matters in lieu of having to spend every off hour grinding.. cuz that is really fun, right?
is it me or the clusters colonization missions turn up less? I used to log in and check a cluster about twice a day and sometimes thry used to appear ( except for AZlesa) now since the season 9l.5 , i have seen no colonization doff mission in B'tran and i am checking it with 2 toons it sounds it has become rare like the evaluate a romulan boff :O
I'm doffing more now, because the UI's algorithm is no longer actively trying to kill all my DOffs by selecting the ones with the biggest bonuses in all cases, regardless of their qualifications. Oh, sure, it still does that to a certain extent - but I'm not getting Dr. Sibek's Clone shoehorned into a mission when my Warp Theorist has two qualifying traits as well, just because the clone has a +20 bonus.
I still want the DOffs sorted by department - I felt that made my selection process much easier - but the new UI isn't that bad, and it doesn't actually hate me any more.
I really wish the new patch didn't completely mess up the duty officer assignment UI. If any developer is reading this, please revert back to the old way of assigning duty officers. Why try to fix something that's not broken? You just made it worse. It is so much more cumbersome to use that I don't even want to use it anymore. I like that there are new R&D capabilities but not at the expense of not being able to assign duty officers in the quick and effective way of doing it before.
Species type recruitment assignments at the <species> Personnel Officers were 20hr, the "shirt type" recruitment assignments at the Personnel Officers were 2d, as far as the non-dilithium recruitment assignments. I believe the General Recruitment was also 2d, but since it cost dilithium I never bothered with it. Other Exchange, Asylum, Sanctuary, etc. type assignments varied, but I assume you refer to the Academy assignments?
Anyway, unless you mean the <species> Personnel Officer assignments, yes they were already 2d.
I have actually quit doffing all together, cleared all my previous assignments and, moved on. It has cut my play time down considerably.
They're Uniforms, they don't affect gameplay and should be readily available to everyone (zen or just free, not fleet only)
If you use one of the service channels you should be able to get a free map invite to a Starbase with a Tailor unlocked. You can also check your friends list if any of them have access to one. As long as you have a few Fleet Credits and some dilithium saved up, you should be fine even without unlocking it yourself. The community here is pretty good, even if we tend to be vocal at times.
My character Tsin'xing
Yeah, I've been doing this. It's not terribly hard, and it's a 20-hour project, so it doesn't suck up all of my playing time with waiting for shorter projects to finish.
Are you sure it's a good idea to mention another MMO in a official STO forum? On the other hand, every official who read this thread perhaps died of shame by now. So: Thanks, it looks great!
I commented in the Exploration Cluster removal thread (along with so many other folks) that I thought taking them out was a bad idea. At the time one of my biggest personal gripes was the loss of something representing exploration (the staple of Trek), and for the game, the loss of the strange alien vistas you might encounter on beaming down to a world in the clusters, you never knew quite what you were going to find visually even if the missons themselves were formulaic - I really miss them.
Now the problem is that on starting the new crafting system, the first thing I want to do is go out and farm materials, as you might do in other MMOs - head out into the wilderness and hunt for nodes. Where would you do this in STO? In the exploration clusters - which have just been removed!
Sure there are doff missions at the 'interactable objects' but I've yet to acquire anything I've been able to use yet (maybe I need to dig further through the crafting missions?). And the idea of grinding more STFs and getting a 'research materials' crate at the end? Great, you've effectively reduced us to pirates - destroy enemy ships so we can sift through the wreckage for crafting materials.
All I want to do at the moment is get in a science vessel, head into a star cluster, and start looking for resources so I can get crafting! Apparently we can't do this simple thing.
So while I applaud Cryptic for having a go at revamping a dead crafting system, this seems a ham-fisted effort (I agree re the confusing doff interface too - though if the larger buttons are to optimise this for tablets via Gateway then fair enough). And as also mentioned above - how about some indication of where we might find the resources we need? Or even better, how about re-opening the exploration clusters so we can visit strange new worlds and hunt for nodes, both in space and planetside?
I've done about 20 elite queues and hit the jackpot twice last night with 17 purples.
These purples will be the real trick to crafting. Argonite for example is selling currently at 7 million per particle. Maybe only available through viscous cycle. I just can't bring myself to do that more than say once a week. So it will stop my crafting dead in space unless I buy packs or the exchange price comes down.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
That's actually not what I'm complaining about. You need anywhere from 2 to 6+ different components, from what I've seen before, per item you want to craft. In the real world, I as a project manager would tell my team 'build this', and they'd worry about building the tools to build the tools, and I wouldn't be concerned. As a Starfleet Captain, it seems I'm expected to micromanage my team making components, then hardware. I understand there needs to be some user interaction with the game, but this is ridiculous. Instead, let me just tell my Doffs 'build x number of these,' and they do it without any further input from me. Queueing up jobs. That would be nice.
I may be wrong, but aren't those still used because they are for use in a DOFF assignment not the old Memory Alpha crafting system?
I have no idea how they think this type of game model wont collapse under its own weight.
Another hurry up and wait scenario. I am getting so sick of gates. So sick.
Get rid of the ultra long timers, please.
I can guarantee this will happen it's not a issue of if anymore it's when most of my main fleet have moved on and the ones that have remained don't log on as much as they used to. and to be honest I have been feeling the same way with this update. All in all if Season 9 is what they all successful then season 10 may be when I leave it's like this sorry excuse for a update.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
but the dilithium payment to remove time gating is how they are expecting to rake in more cash.. they'd never lose out on the cash grab they are trying to create...
No thanks! I will spend my time grinding for everything else in this game...I really hope the Season 10 expansion has some worthwhile content!
The new R&D isn't terrible but it's still not user friendly... especially now that you can't farm for resources.
No... the new R&D isn't terrible... I mean... a detrimental system of mass resources and time sunk into an item I could match or beat off a loot drop (until I hit a magical jackpot of good traits on a purple item that I can't buy in a rep or fleet store for far less) is an ok crafting system. The fact that most of the math on the time gate were something like a year or more to learn 1 school well enough to get high enough to build things we might actually want is soooo fast and reasonable.
I do happen to agree with you on the new DOFF UI though... Takes so long to find the right officer on a couple of my characters now... Not very happy with the Inventory window change either... if the useless R&D button had been listed third I could have just left my window at 6 wide and been fine, but now I have to structure them all differently based on how many inventory slots I've bought on that character because I actually USE the assets tab and have small obsessive issues with the last row being 'uneven'... Fortunately I can pretend the R&D window rows are even since I will almost certainly not be using the random drop time sink system.
However the new DOFF UI is slow, clunky and a real pain to use. I liked the old system better. It was easier to use.
And I was so disappointed with the lack of new storyline content. I play mostly for the story and it was disappointing to see nothing else had been added.
It's typical craptic. they mess with a system that hardly anyone used anymore and mess with another that i never heard any complaints on instead of what we keep beating them over the head for. frankly pink slips need to be issued. the heads of my fleet are looking for a new game to go to because of this patch. and are fleet head has been here since day 1. That is serious. so WHO EVER came up with 9.5 NEEDS TO GO. ANd cratic needs to aplogize to us, revert to 9.0. AND ACTUALLY LISTEN TO US!
Go for one school first, then the others.
Run a bunch of ESTFs to store up materials, and there you go.
If you start the system as you level up, you should be able to get the Aegis set with maybe...2 weeks of grinding?
The DOFF UI is evil, though. I've basically stopped DOFFing on my alts as a result of it.
> <
> <
The least amount of effort that you have to give to cryptic and their ridiculous grinding, the better off society will be as you will be giving more time to your children, community, etc... and maybe curb some of this stupidity. You may even stop your child from being the next terrorist because you aren't spending all your free hours doing cryptic's grind as your additional full time job.
Perhaps, though I doubt, cryptic learns this.. they can contribute back to a positive society where people aren't neglecting important life matters in lieu of having to spend every off hour grinding.. cuz that is really fun, right?
Then Cryptic has succeeded.
is it me or the clusters colonization missions turn up less? I used to log in and check a cluster about twice a day and sometimes thry used to appear ( except for AZlesa) now since the season 9l.5 , i have seen no colonization doff mission in B'tran and i am checking it with 2 toons it sounds it has become rare like the evaluate a romulan boff :O
I still want the DOffs sorted by department - I felt that made my selection process much easier - but the new UI isn't that bad, and it doesn't actually hate me any more.