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Cardassians? Playable Faction? Lets Not!



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    staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Then open up the Gorn to being a playable sub-faction of the Klingons. I remember right before going F2P there was a lot of talk about creating the Gorn homeworld and using it as one of the planets the Borg would 'invade' much like Defera.

    Giving the Gorn some individuality that would let them stick out in the ranks of the Empire. Well stick out more besides the fact theyre giant reptiles.

    As much as I'm a Klingon fan, I suspect that restricting the Cardassians to being Federation allies would make very little difference to their actual popularity.

    Giving an equivalent KDF sub-faction would be brilliant, though. I'm not sure the Gorn are the top choice though - given that they were in a grand total of two episodes and one of those was a cameo. As much as it pains me to say it, the Orions would make more sense;

    - They have a much bigger screen profile, recurring in TOS, ENT and appearing in the JJA movies.

    - They're radically different to both Starfleet and the KDF - of all the Klingon allies they're the furthest away from core Klingon values and the existing Klingon narrative makes no sense for them.

    - Orions would providide the "true pirate" faction many have asked for, and could take almost any kind of alien race or ship in their "fleet"; a good chance to introduce some other non-fed minor races.

    So yeah, Cardassians for the federation and Orions for the Klingons.
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    There is nothing wrong about how the Romulans were handled.

    Except maybe the part where we were told they were adding a faction and what we got was an overhyped playable species. :P
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    dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Except maybe the part where we were told they were adding a faction and what we got was an overhyped playable species. :P

    Yeah, ignore every single point I just made. Tell me, what "faction experience" is missing from the Romulans? Their own fleets, I'll give you. Now what? Some silly Omega armor? That's it. That's all the Romulan "fraction" is missing out on, do those two tiny things really outweigh all the benefits the alliances bring?
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    mvp333mvp333 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Actually, what was done to the Romulans would make tons more sense with Cardassians... I don't think anyone wanted to see the Romulans reduced to a subfaction, but the Cardassian Union is (canonically and without any kind of stupid story invention on Cryptic's part for the sake of having less work for the team to do) in a position where it definitely needs the support of the Federation and possibly KDF... Heck, they could even get help from the Romulan Republic, if they ever become strong enough to support themselves completely and aid others within this arc of the game (which is unlikely)
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Yeah, ignore every single point I just made. Tell me, what "faction experience" is missing from the Romulans? Their own fleets, I'll give you. Now what? Some silly Omega armor? That's it. That's all the Romulan "fraction" is missing out on, do those two tiny things really outweigh all the benefits the alliances bring?

    "Their own" anything. Their own freaking identity outside being the Feds/Klingon's...uh...rhymes with "witches." Nevermind ignoring my point about the bait-and-switch of marketing them as a faction rather than simply "the first playable species common to both the Federation and the KDF." Yeah, one of the things they're missing out on is being a faction.
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    tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    There is nothing wrong about how the Romulans were handled. They gain more from having to choose an ally than they lose. And lets face it, Romulans would be another KDF if they couldn't ally with the Federation and team up with its players. (...)

    If they want to handle a hypothetical Cardassian faction in the same way, I'm all for it. It's the smartest way to handle things. Only thing is, as was already pointed out, from a backstory perspective it only makes sense for them to be aligned with the Federation. I'm sure they could write around that if they really wanted to.
    Spot on. If you look at the overall STO storyline structure, the Cardassians were essentially the Romulans... with True Way = Tal Shiar, etc.

    Where I have issues on Cardassians as a playable faction: sector space; how the Cardassians are added as an enhancement, not a retread, of STO events. (Translated: not a copycat of the Romulan faction.)

    Do existing Beta Ursae, Zeta Andromedae and other areas get modified to reflect an expansive (or expanding) Cardassian presence? Or leverage existing zones, e.g. providing missions on pre-built game zones, like an undercover mission on Bajor; investigating Terrok Nor; diplomatic or trade mission to Defera; battling True Way in the existing Klingon War storyline, etc.

    Given Cryptic's likely budget, I doubt we'd see anything BUT a repurposing of existing content with some new content added. Maybe less, maybe more... LoR did surprise many of us, after all!

    What might excite me as a potential Cardassian faction player? Perhaps if Cardassia renewed ties with the Dominion. (That might expand the Cardassians into the Gamma Quadrant for various missions.)

    Given that we have three major factions (FED, KDF, ROM), I can't imagine Cryptic/PWE would launch a separate faction that doesn't have ties to the others. I'd look at it as an expanding Trek universe of alliances.

    Then again, are we seeking one big happy Milky Way Galaxy in this game, or a black sheep faction? I think that's where some players aren't sure about a Cardassian faction. Sure, it would be great to have Spiral Wave Disruptors! Galor-class ships! Hideki-class ships! etc. But what else is going to make the Cardassians a strong faction that captivates and grows the player base?

    (And don't get started about a Borg faction... ;) That's off-topic here.)

    After season 9, I'd rather see factions go away as anything other than your starting story and ship choices, anyway. I'd be nice to be able to team up with my friends playing Fed/KDF for the cross faction queues normally, it's ridiculous this isn't already in officially since it works fine.
    That's an intriguing thought.
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    vermatrixvermatrix Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Trouble with doing a playable Cardassian faction is the story line. With the current story stuff for that sector it would play as something like you start off on a Cardassian colony world that comes under attack by the True Way and you escape in a old Hideki class or something to join a resistance (maybe the civil leaders) only to eventually choose a side between Fed and KDF. Sound familiar?
    Also theres the ships, not that big of a selection for them so Cryptic would have to make up a ton of stuff as they go along and the Galor was already handed out to people as a lock box ship, those people'd break out the torches and pitchforks if Cryptic gave away the ship as a freebie to the new faction.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    vermatrix wrote: »
    Also theres the ships, not that big of a selection for them so Cryptic would have to make up a ton of stuff as they go along and the Galor was already handed out to people as a lock box ship, those people'd break out the torches and pitchforks if Cryptic gave away the ship as a freebie to the new faction.
    I already gave them a pretty decent idea for that. Hell, it would work almost identically to what they did with the fleet Odyssey & Bortasqu' uniforms.
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    nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    staq16 wrote: »
    As much as I'm a Klingon fan, I suspect that restricting the Cardassians to being Federation allies would make very little difference to their actual popularity.

    Giving an equivalent KDF sub-faction would be brilliant, though. I'm not sure the Gorn are the top choice though - given that they were in a grand total of two episodes and one of those was a cameo. As much as it pains me to say it, the Orions would make more sense;

    - They have a much bigger screen profile, recurring in TOS, ENT and appearing in the JJA movies.

    - They're radically different to both Starfleet and the KDF - of all the Klingon allies they're the furthest away from core Klingon values and the existing Klingon narrative makes no sense for them.

    - Orions would providide the "true pirate" faction many have asked for, and could take almost any kind of alien race or ship in their "fleet"; a good chance to introduce some other non-fed minor races.

    So yeah, Cardassians for the federation and Orions for the Klingons.

    I want to make a Orion but i could barley stomach my Ferasan going qua'plah the only reason i tolerated it was by rping that they had been allies for decades and their culture spilled over during the century's.

    A pirate faction is what id like, we know they exist in ST and they would be a nice change.

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
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    goldenlion619goldenlion619 Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    If the KDF was realesed as a full faction , it would be in a much better state population wise now. People seem to forgot that there was a big following for the KDF prior to realese, sure it still not be as big as the federation faction but big KDF fleets where organizing. But KDF was unfinshed pvp only faction that was contain in a small box of sector space and STO lost a lot players that haven't come back because of it, though its not really Cryptic's fault for forced early realese.

    If we ever get a STO 2.0 or a new Star Trek mmo, I would like to see at least the big three, federation, klingon and romulan factions fully fleshed out and independent factions at the start. If I had it my way , I would do four wiith a Dominion/Cardie mix faction.
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    alex284alex284 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm generally in favor of more content, so I disagree with the op.

    I'd also add that I like that the Romulans are just Remans and Romulans and alien. KDF is like Monsters Inc in there, with all these allied species that make no sense in there. Plus the text was obviously written for Klingons (why does my Lethean boff care about a Klingon temple? Why did my Nausicaan boff's grandmother tell him Klingon fairy tales? Why does my Orion boff care about an honorable death? Why doesn't anyone notice that my sci captain is trill?).

    There's nothing wrong with single species factions. That's what Star Trek was about - Feds were peaceful and multi-species, everyone else was an empire of some sort.
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    oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It made sense from a story POV, at the time of release, for individual Romulans to choose a "side" to work with. The Empire and Federation were officially still in a state of war, and the Republic was a newborn state that was on shaky ground.

    The Cardassian Union doesn't have that luxury.

    The Union is, for all intents and purposes, a protectorate of the United Federation of Planets. They are also being groomed for potential membership in the UFP. The Central Command's Orders of old are gone, replaced by a small self defense force for security and emergencies. They rely on Starfleet when "serious business" comes along to ruin their day. They don't have the advantage that D'Tan and his followers had of, what I assumed to be, defectors from the Romulan Star Navy padding the ranks of the early RRF. Cardassia would, literally, have to start from scratch. And I have my doubts that the Klingon Empire or Federation would tolerate a newly, and heavily, militarized Cardassian Union. Even if Lang and Garak were running the show.

    Then there is the matter of "choosing sides" (between the "Big Two") like Romulan players had to. It wouldn't make sense for three reasons:

    1. The war between the Empire and UFP is over.

    2. There is a lot of bad blood between the Empire and Union. The Klingon's recent spate of expansionism is likely to have cemented that distrust on Cardassia's part. After all, the troubles leading up to the Dominion War wasn't that long ago in the grand scheme of things.

    3. As pointed out above, the Union holds the status of Federation protectorate. However, you might get around this by allowing Cardassian players to ally with the Republic, since it's pretty much a powerhouse now. But what to do for the KDF to show them some lovin' in this circumstance?

    Also, the Union's "workhorse" cruiser, the Galor class, is lock boxed. If it were made available on a regular basis, you would have unholy hell raised six ways from Sunday on these boards and in Zone chat. Not only by the special snowflakes that lucked up or people who sunk a lot of Zen/EC/Dil into getting one, but also by people of whom the game revolves around the general Exchange.

    In conclusion, I do not see a playable Cardassian faction anytime soon, either full or partial.
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    tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    alex284 wrote: »
    (...) I'd also add that I like that the Romulans are just Remans and Romulans and alien. KDF is like Monsters Inc in there, with all these allied species that make no sense in there. (...)
    Priceless quote. Thank you for that. :)

    And just wait until the Delta Quadrant races start coming through the Dyson Spheres into the Alpha and Beta Quadrants... (Season 9.5? Season 10?)
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    not signing it off, 1 because petitions are not allowed and 2 i just dont agree with the above.
    Your disagreement is fair enough, though please do note that this isn't a petition, thus is allowed. :)
    the species choice was not expressly stated in any shape or form of a promise, the suliban are nomads, the acamarians have their own internal problems to solve. i could never see them ever coming to sto.
    The Suliban were Nomads, and the Acamarian did have internal problems. Notice the past tense. Who knows where either of them are right now?
    stumpfgobs wrote: »
    Allowing romulans to get both what federation romulans and kdf romulans get, is hardly everything. I should have written that more explicitly.
    It's possible that I misread what you meant. :)
    staq16 wrote: »
    From STO's backstory, the Federation treated the Cardassians pretty well after the Dominion War where the Klingons were predictably brutal.
    During the fallout of the war, sure. But do we know that the Cardassians didn't patch it up with the Klingons at some point between now and then? The KDF is entitled to Cardassian Duty Officers after all.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Also, the Union's "workhorse" cruiser, the Galor class, is lock boxed. If it were made available on a regular basis, you would have unholy hell raised six ways from Sunday on these boards and in Zone chat. Not only by the special snowflakes that lucked up or people who sunk a lot of Zen/EC/Dil into getting one, but also by people of whom the game revolves around the general Exchange.
    Unless I missed something, the Odyssey & Bortasqu' uniforms didn't receive any negative feedback being replaced by a better version once the base version was announced as being completely free.
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    bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I can never see what everyone's problem is with the way they structured the romulan faction.
    after playing all 3 factions to lv 50 apart from a little bit of early story line they all play the same anyway.
    after the early missions they all do the same story missions, they all do most of the same doff missions, they all do the same rep projects and they all play the same events.
    if you are going to call romulans a half faction you might as well do the same with the klinks and feds.
    if anything once rom characters have chosen a side they come off a little better then feds and klinks, they get to go to the flotilla and new rom command as well as the same places as their chosen allys home base, klinks and feds don't have this advantage with the afore mentioned rom only areas.
    romulans even get to fly some of the chosen faction ships, feds and klinks don't get to do this.
    if they do a similar thing with cardies ill have no problem with that.
    about the only thing the roms missed out on is they don't have rom only star bases but in my eyes that's a good thing because you have the luxury of joining a well established fleet instead of having to start from scratch and besides thare are some rom only fleets in both faction that have sprung up dispite this anyway, they just have to use the same area for their starbase as their chosen faction.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

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    sle1989sle1989 Member Posts: 552 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Unless I missed something, the Odyssey & Bortasqu' uniforms didn't receive any negative feedback being replaced by a better version once the base version was announced as being completely free.

    That is because they have also announced that the players who already bought the current fleet uniforms that are becoming free will get the new uniforms for free.
    • Two new Odyssey uniform sets will be sold by the Federation Fleet tailor at the same stage in Fleet progression as the original Odyssey uniforms. The "Odyssey Tactical" and the "Odyssey Dress" uniform. Each new set will be available at half the price of the original Odyssey unlock.
    • If you have previously purchased the “Odyssey Basics” unlock from your fleet’s tailor, you will find these options are free of charge at your fleet tailor.

    Perhaps this means they would do something similar with the Galor? Maybe give people who have the lockbox Galor a free retrofit version from the cstore that would surely come with a Cardassian faction.

    I really doubt that we will be getting a Cardassian faction though anyway...

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    futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm fine with how the Romulan faction was handled and I'd like a Cardassian faction done similarly.

    While "full" factions would be great, we need to have realistic expectations.
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    pompoulusspompouluss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    we need to have realistic expectations.


    if only that were true
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    r9xchaosr9xchaos Member Posts: 249
    edited July 2014
    what about adding Cardassians to Romulan republic?

    Romulan Republic:

    *Jem hadar

    These species are all almost extinct and/or powerless .... to keep balance and avoid a UFP and and/or (( if KDF joins the UFP )) KDF power monopol we Romulans need to enforce our alliances...

    then we have more playable species aswell =)
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2014
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    medtac124medtac124 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I don't care if they get their own faction or not. I just want a fully-fleshed Cardassian species, not the build-a-bear TRIBBLE%% we have to do now
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    lunasto wrote: »
    Banned because I don't like your pictures eyebrows! They look like pinball flippers!
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    r9xchaosr9xchaos Member Posts: 249
    edited July 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    wat .

    Why not?

    there will never be a dominion faction so why not add them to Romulan republic... or atleast add the Dominion as mini faction until lvl 11 including cardassians and add them to romulans after that...
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    r9xchaos wrote: »
    Why not?

    there will never be a dominion faction so why not add them to Romulan republic... or atleast add the Dominion as mini faction until lvl 11 including cardassians and add them to romulans after that...
    Because they're Dominion, not Cardassian.
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    r9xchaosr9xchaos Member Posts: 249
    edited July 2014
    Well we could add the Dominion as allianceto the romulans

    call it: Romulan Dominion Alliance

    then we add cardassians to this alliance.. any any species...

    Cardassians have no empire at all.. they have no allies or bigger faction like UFP or KDF... KDF and UFP are constructs of hundreds of conquered / allied worlds...

    Cardassians not...so.. add cardassians to dominion and dominion to Roulans... and give that a uniform =)
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    daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    plz stop trying to turn romulans into some type of welcoming Federation

    and Dev have already said IF they do a cardassians faction it will be like romulans and that is not going to change
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2014
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I was disappointed with how Cryptic rewrote their Romulans to fit into the alliance system, how they basically reinvented them for the Republic. I imagine if a Cardassian faction ever did get off the ground, we'd see many of the same patterns repeat themselves-Cardassians players not being allowed to be 'bad guys', their cultural outlook since Cryptic doesn't think a 'bad guy' faction could sell well, and ship designs, equipment, and uniforms being redefined because of visual artists with too much time on their hands and not enough familiarity with the shows.

    Then there will be Cardassian-only doffs, boffs and other content, with some powerful traits or perhaps some gimmicky power like the singularity cores offered to make them more appealing while simultaneously being able to use almost all of their allies content to cover up a comparative lack of unique content.

    They will have their own starting story arc about fighting off the horrible True way remnants who are abducting civilians at the behest of the Iconians to be ground up and used as slurpies. Somehow this is supposed to be saving the Cardassian species from the wrath of the Iconians.

    Despite being *Totally and unquestioningly good guys this time, for real* There will be a Cardassian Dreadnought (C-Store 3-pack) that will let you use biogenic weapons or something silly.

    Everyone will be saddled with an un-dismissible Bridge officer with an irritating personality who will dictate your every action to you.

    There will be a new adventure zone where you can tag Cardassian Voles for the new cardassian reputation.

    No Cardassian fleets, or Cardassian fleet uniforms.

    Only one ship interior, with no way to display trophies.

    ^ Some (but not all) of the things I'd expect from a Cardassian faction if current trends hold true.
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