Thank you for putting the numbers out there so people can see. Just one thing, did you include that you could craft more than one 600XP item at a time while doing this?
You are correct.
The hours listed are "man-hours" rather than actual hours. So if you put more men on the job you can get it done faster (in this case unlocking more R&D slots).
Of course you could use those slots for some of the other 6 schools that you may be interested in as well.
Operational Support Team
Squishing Bugs for a better future
Someone asked for this so here are some quick and dirty hard numbers from my time crafting under the new system.
After 3450 hours (just under 144 days) and a minimum of 103,500 materials (3450 hourly projects consisting of 6 components per item with each component requiring 5 materials) you have mastered your first school.
That seems to be awfully lot of work for completing just a single "school".
Given those numbers, they really have turned Crafting into another unfun grind.
The hours listed are "man-hours" rather than actual hours. So if you put more men on the job you can get it done faster (in this case unlocking more R&D slots).
Of course you could use those slots for some of the other 6 schools that you may be interested in as well.
You have inspired me to come up with that exact calculation. I did the calculation assuming you would add in the additional man-power as you progressed and assumed once you got to lvl 5 in one school, then you would level two other to lvl 5 to get the extra slot. Then knock them down one at a time to 20 beyond that (picking up the 2nd and 3rd school at lvl 5). The estimates are still just as daunting as yours and just continues to illustrate the tedium of the system they created. My calcs are based on making just Mk VI items (the 600 XP/hr/slot rate)
Here are mine:
First School
Number of Hours - 759
Number of 24 hr Days - 31.6
Number of 4 hr Play Sessions - 189.75
Number of Items - 3,453
Common Materials - 51,795
Uncommon Materials - 51,795
Second and Third School (Taken to lvl 5 First for the 4th crafting slot, then picked up when lvl 20 is hit for first school)
Number of Hours - 701
Number of 24 hr Days - 29.2
Number of 4 hr Play Sessions - 175.25
Number of Items - 3,451
Common Materials - 51,765
Uncommon Materials - 51,765
Fourth-Seventh Schools
Number of Hours - 690
Number of 24 hr Days - 28.8
Number of 4 hr Play Sessions - 172.5
Number of Items - 3,450
Common Materials - 51,750
Uncommon Materials - 51,750
Total Investment w/o Dilithium shortcuts or Dilithium Subcomps
First School + 2xSecond&Third + 4xFourth-Seventh
Number of Hours - 4,921
Number of 24 hr Days - 205.04
Number of 4 hr Play Sessions - 1,230.25
Number of Items - 24,155
Common Materials - 362,325
Uncommon Materials - 362,325
The whole system is designed punitively. There is no real benefit from leveling up in more than one because the time to level is only marginally reduced. Clearly there is no benefit to do this on more than one character just because of the tedium built into the system. I should go ahead and calculate the number of mouse clicks this will take just to show how ridiculous the current numbers are on Tribble. Not just the dilithium, but all of them, the XP breaks, the XP earned, the timers, the dilithium. All of it.
Someone asked for this so here are some quick and dirty hard numbers from my time crafting under the new system.
With 600 being the standard XP received per hour (no matter what you craft ..other than the special items.. it comes out to 600xp per hour).
Here is the number of hours or XP to level up to 10th.
0 to 1st = 0.05 or 30xp
1st to 2nd = 0.38 or 260xp
2nd to 3rd = 16.23 or 10,000xp
3rd to 4th = 33.33 or 30,000xp
4th to 5th = 30 or 48,000xp
5th to 6th = 34 or 68,400xp
6th to 7th = 42 or 93,600xp
7th to 8th = 45 or 120,600xp
8th to 9th = 48 or 149,400xp
9th to 10th = 51 or 180,000xp
The above is if you don't use dilithium to "finish now". You also need to add the hours together to get a total time for going from 1st level to 10th in just that one school (in this case 300 hours).
Don't sound too bad ..right? Just under 13 days and you could be level 10!
Lets look at the numbers going from level 11 to 15.
Finally.. you are level 10 and can make all the components, but you want to be able to make the special items from this school, so you need to get to level 15.
10th to 11th =120 or 252,000xp
11th to 12th = 135 or 333,000xp
12th to 13th = 150 or 423,000xp
13th to 14th = 165 or 522,000xp
14th to 15th = 180 or 630,000xp
So 1050 total hours into crafting (if you don't "finish now") you are able to craft the special items. That's nearly 44 days if you keep on top of things and can manage the materials required to keep it moving.
You decide to max out the school but level 16 requires a hefty price, what most games call a "HELL LEVEL" It costs 420 hours just to go from 15 to 16!
15th to 16th = 420 or 882,000xp
16th to 17th = 450 or 1,152,000xp
17th to 18th = 480 or 1,440,000xp
18th to 19th = 510 or 1,746,000xp
19th to 20th = 540 or 2,070,000xp
After 3450 hours (just under 144 days) and a minimum of 103,500 materials (3450 hourly projects consisting of 6 components per item with each component requiring 5 materials) you have mastered your first school.
Holy damn! 144 days to get ONE school up to max? What are they thinking?!?!?!?!
40 Days would be BAD! 144? That makes reputations fast by comparison. This is...just horrible.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
How does that compare to other MMOs? I think everyone can agree that currently being able to finish crafting on holodeck in a few minutes is bad, right? So what's wrong with having some long term goals for players?
How does that compare to other MMOs? I think everyone can agree that currently being able to finish crafting on holodeck in a few minutes is bad, right? So what's wrong with having some long term goals for players?
Not as bad as this. Especially not with the random chance bull-mess.
We do not want crafting to be a long term goal, honestly, because the items it gives are not long term.
Basically, the crafting should level at the same rate as your character. So at Captain, you want to craft Mark VII gear. Not mark IV.
So by the time you reach level 50, you should have max crafting. But as it stands now, you'll be able to get to max level and get all your reputations done before you are even halfway done with crafting.
What's the point then?
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
So, One of the bugs I noticed was in the New DOFF assignment interface. When a mission is completed it shows a button to collect rewards and view details. The Collect rewards there isn't working and I have to go into the Details to collect the rewards.
How does that compare to other MMOs? I think everyone can agree that currently being able to finish crafting on holodeck in a few minutes is bad, right? So what's wrong with having some long term goals for players?
1) There should be some kind of bonus for alts so the grind isn't as bad similar to the Summer event and the Reputation System.
2) The bonus from maxing a school is too low.
2) People that have maxed out the current system should be compensated somehow.
3) The amount of time they baked in is purely to keep daily players occupied until the next release. Casual players are royally screwed here.
Not as bad as this. Especially not with the random chance bull-mess.
We do not want crafting to be a long term goal, honestly, because the items it gives are not long term.
Basically, the crafting should level at the same rate as your character. So at Captain, you want to craft Mark VII gear. Not mark IV.
So by the time you reach level 50, you should have max crafting. But as it stands now, you'll be able to get to max level and get all your reputations done before you are even halfway done with crafting.
What's the point then?
Well there are long-term goals, and then there is needless gated grind. If the system is fun, it does not feel like a grind, that should be one of the goals. Currently this system is not fun and takes the grind well beyond the level of the reputations.
Crafting will not level at the same rate as your character because character leveling in this game is too fast. In a four hour play session you can easily be well beyond your crafting level. So if you are crafting to outfit yourself you will run into the same issue that you will outpace the gear you can create. Besides, one can easily level from 1-50 on common white gear for ECs, the random loot drops of better things, or mission rewards.
Well there are long-term goals, and then there is needless gated grind. If the system is fun, it does not feel like a grind, that should be one of the goals. Currently this system is not fun and take the grind well beyond the level of the reputations.
Crafting will not level at the same rate as your character because character leveling in this game is too fast. In a four hour play session you can easily be well beyond your crafting level. So if you are crafting to outfit yourself you will run into the same issue that you will outpace the gear you can create. Besides, one can easily level from 1-50 on common white gear for ECs, the random loot drops of better things, or mission rewards.
You are right. What I said was theory only. Still, this feels a bit too slow, especially since I get the feeling that's intentional to make it an even bigger dil sink.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Holy damn! 144 days to get ONE school up to max? What are they thinking?!?!?!?!
40 Days would be BAD! 144? That makes reputations fast by comparison. This is...just horrible.
Consider that some players (myself included) will spend dilithium to reduce some of those times. Currently that amount is 900 per hour. So if you have 900,000 dilithuim to throw at this you can cut 1000 hours off that time.
People who can afford to pay more will be the first ones to market with "Crafting unique items" and they can recover that cost in EC from the sales.
Overall it is not a horrible system, but it does need some tweaking and QoL (Quality of life) improvements.
That is after all why we are here and why they let us have at this system so early. It has a lot of potential as long as they address many of the aspects testers have been posting about so far.
Operational Support Team
Squishing Bugs for a better future
I was hoping for something like 3-4 weeks to 15 and another 3-4 to 20, or something like that, and the skill bonus for maxing out should be much higher. We still have a chance for uncommon at level 20. We really need the chance for uncommons gone by 15 and the chance for even rares much much reduced by 20.
How come the mega grind for the crafting system is longer than achieving the rank of Vice Admiral? This will put off most new players from staying with STO due to seeming like an insurmountable task.
The UI is just too big. Also it would be nice if when you open up the school to be able to see at the top of the window the Components/Materials that you have for that school, so you know you have enough components to craft an item.
Sorry I thought this was supposed to be fun, I don't see how gambling with your hard earned stuff is fun, unless you have a massive gambling problem. Yes there should be a chance to fail at lower levels but it might be a hard concept for you at Cryptic to grasp, but professionals in there field don't make mistakes, ok very very rarely. At higher levels you should be guaranteed purple items.
Basically as the system stands now it just seems a cynical way to grab more money from the players. It's just pay to win or pay to craft. What next docking fees at Earth Spacedock.
1,231,905 times to max out crafting... better order a few more mice.
This is starting to seem like the "Cow Clicker Game". How is this fun and how can you say this UI is efficiently laid out? This not counting all the scrolling we have to do and dealing with pop-up windows.
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet (44 pages is too much for me to go thru at the moment, sorry) but I just wanted to make a few observations about the new doffing system.
The sector space assignments to get crafting materials are the same as those currently on Holodeck - they just reward the new materials. They require the same doffs, with the same traits. Because of this, I can go to STO wiki and look up most of the information that the new UI does not show. But this should not be necessary.
For example: I am assigning duty officers to "Scan For Radiation Samples"
The UI, in its current state (I realize it is a work in progress) does NOT show the specialty required. It lists science, and will let you choose any science officer, but the mission requires specific ones in order to succeed. 1) Astrometrics Scientist or Gravimetrics Scientist 2) Astrometrics Scientist, or Gravimetrics Scientist, or Sensors Officer.
If you do not choose those specialties, your odds of failing the assignment skyrocket. Not only does the UI not show this information, the correct specialty does NOT highlight green in the officer scroll-down select menu.
Additionally, the assignment has a disaster trait: unscrupulous. This is not shown anywhere, nor highlight red in the scroll down menu.
With 2 purple doffs of the correct specialty (and not unscrupulous) you will have a ZERO percent fail/disaster rate. Any additional traits of Logical and Eidetic Memory will raise your crit chance without causing any failure/disaster rate. I have seen several people in channels complaining that their assignments keep failing, and it is undoubtedly because they are assigning unscrupulous botanists to scan for spacial anomalies. If they are unfamiliar with the assignments, this is the UI's fault and not their own. (If the UI shows all the info they need, then my level of sympathy takes a sharp nose dive.)
Unless the intent is to remove these factors for the assignments before publishing it to Holodeck, they NEED to be shown. The current system on Holodeck does. I am assuming this is merely an oversight while the UI is being overhauled, but I wanted to make sure it was mentioned somewhere... just in case.
I took a pic of the assignment with the correct doffs with the lack of green highlighting the specialty and its 0% fail/disaster bars, but it seems I cannot post it.
1) There should be some kind of bonus for alts so the grind isn't as bad similar to the Summer event and the Reputation System.
2) The bonus from maxing a school is too low.
3) People that have maxed out the current system should be compensated somehow.
4) The amount of time they baked in is purely to keep daily players occupied until the next release. Casual players are royally screwed here.
Well, since all items from crafting are Bind on Equip, doesn't that make itself alt friendly?
I'm okay with the traits not being overpowering.
There is a reward for people who maxed out crafting as is... but that's such a pathetically easy thing to do I'm not sure it really deserves much in the way of compensation.
How are casual players screwed? If they don't want to craft the new gear they can just buy it from the Exchange, right?
Players that unlock the crafting system will automatically receive a package of supplies and duty officers designed specifically for crafting.
These crafting duty officers have no traits or active roster abilities and cannot be sent on duty officer assignments.
You now have duty officers that cannot perform the primary function of duty officers. I don't see the point of this restriction, since doffs already have multiple functions: doff assignments and active roster abilities. Moreover, you now have a needlessly complicated crafting system that uses two types of doffs. If you were going to go this route, I don't know why you didn't completely separate the crafting system from the doff system. You can call the new personnel "R&D officers" instead of "duty officers". There is no need for the two systems to be integrated in the first place. It seems to me that you are integrating the two systems just so you can say the crafting system uses doffs. But the way you are doing it appears more like lip service than any significant integration. And I think the doff system is worse off for it, not better. Doffs put on crafting assignments can't be put on doff assignments; crafting doffs take up roster space; and the new doff UI is in many ways less usable than the old UI.
I agree, the doffs that come with the crafting system should be able to be used normally.
The doffs when you unlock it should be the standard fare (My thought is the doff packs we get at regular intervals have a number of guaranteed doffs that can be used to crafting)
As far as R&D Doffs. I'd LOVE it if there were very rare assignments that require an R&D doff that reward catalysts, and possibly have active slot abilities that buff various crafted gear.
So I did one more set of calculations. Let's assume you wanted to max out the crafting system by hitting the finish now. How much dilithium, refining days (at 8,000), and then Zen and $$$. It is staggering. Current Dilithium exchange rate is 152. Subcomponents finish now is 75 MKVI Beam is 900 and $100 = 10,600 Zen.
One Crafting School
Finish Now Dilithium
Subcomponents - 1,553,850
Items - 3,107,700
Total - 6,215,400
Refine/Character/Day - 776.93
Amount of Zen - 40,891
$$$ - $385.76
Max out all Seven Schools
Finish Now Dilithium
Subcomponents - 10,869,750
Items - 21,739,500
Total - 43,479,000
Refine/Character/Day - 5,434.88
Amount of Zen - 286,046
$$$ - $ $2,698.55
Even though this is the maximum potential costs, if this is not heavy over-monitization, I do not know what is.
So I did one more set of calculations. Let's assume you wanted to max out the crafting system by hitting the finish now. How much dilithium, refining days (at 8,000), and then Zen and $$$. It is staggering. Current Dilithium exchange rate is 152. Subcomponents finish now is 75 MKVI Beam is 900 and $100 = 10,600 Zen.
One Crafting School
Finish Now Dilithium
Subcomponents - 1,553,850
Items - 3,107,700
Total - 6,215,400
Refine/Character/Day - 776.93
Amount of Zen - 40,891
$$$ - $385.76
Max out all Seven Schools
Finish Now Dilithium
Subcomponents - 10,869,750
Items - 21,739,500
Total - 43,479,000
Refine/Character/Day - 5,434.88
Amount of Zen - 286,046
$$$ - $ $2,698.55
If this is not heavy over-monitization, I do not know what is.
Wait. So you save that much $$$ if you don't do it. Hmm. Great!
I am at Level 2 in Beam Array and wanted to make a MK VIII beam weapon (1200 points/2hrs), but this equipment requires a rare component that can only be made at Level 5. The beam weapon category is Level 0, but requires a Level 5 component. I need to be a higher level to make equipment at a lower level than me? That is the definition of "Catch 22"; you have to make higher point item to get promoted faster, but you must already have a higher level rank to make the a lower rank item that rewards higher points. This system is full of illogical mechanics and points to a dysfunctional design.
I like the the new system, in part. It's a grind, sure, but it's still a month away and they have plenty of time to adjust the numbers. If it makes difficult for every character to be a maxed-level crafter, so what? Not every hero is a master in every field.
Not so happy with the randomness of the [MOD]s. Maybe a random assignment of [MOD] for the first widget you build, but after you "unlock" [ACC] or whatever, you should have the option to add that to every widget you build subsequently. You are doing research after all.
As it stands now, for the top of the line equipment, it's less like actual research and more like religion where you make sacrifices to some invisible space god and pray it finds favor with offering.
That is what i got for the 1000 dili i spent for it:
8 rare partikel
8 common metalls
1 blue componet
2 purple componets (those u need dili for)
2 white R&D doffs.
I will do a few more runs to get to know what it will drop on average.
As it is now, that overall look fair for me .
Update after 4 runs:
4 Drops %
white doff 6 7,4%
common metall 20 24,7%
rare metall 2 2,5%
uncommon gas 15 18,5%
rare gas 2 2,5%
uncommon partikel 12 14,8%
rare partikel 8 9,9%
very rare partikel 4 4,9%
Class 2 component 5 6,2%
Class 6 component 1 1,2%
Class 10 component 4 4,9%
Class 11 component 1 1,2%
Class 12 component 1 1,2%
Totall 81
Drops per run 20,25
looked better in beginning but still possitive Dili return, will try to have more runs, then see if its a good deal in the end.
And i agree with the other here, the system now has a too slow progess, that should be changed
I am at Level 2 in Beam Array and wanted to make a MK VIII beam weapon (1200 points/2hrs), but this equipment requires a rare component that can only be made at Level 5. The beam weapon category is Level 0, but requires a Level 5 component. I need to be a higher level to make equipment at a lower level than me? That is the definition of "Catch 22"; you have to make higher point item to get promoted faster, but you must already have a higher level rank to make the a lower rank item that rewards higher points. This system is full of illogical mechanics and points to a dysfunctional design.
My suggestion to you for leveling is to stick with the MKVI or below. Everything is scaled to 600XP per hour regardless. You will not level up faster because the XP/Completion time will always be 600/hr. While you are playing, make the MKVI or below. Now before you log off, if you can, craft an item with a longer timer.
i like the new crafting screen how ever this would have made ship interiors more usefull all science crafting could have been done from the science room , medical crafting from sickbay , engineering crafting from engineering dept along with ops , and all tactical crafting from the armory which is allready in the new tutorial ... this truly would have given our ships more function other then just fighting ...... and poss. one new layout that would be standard on all ships which in turn couldbe usefulll for foundry other then the belfast and original enterprise ....
in the P1 interview there was talked of crafting the normal low level bag before getting the craft the item you want. ive spent hours. hours. try to level from level 3 to 4 and all i keep getting is white and green items made over 50 cannons so far and am yet to have a purple and still only half way. I cannt make any other items higher the VI and mk II, IV give low rewards.
I get you dont want people to be able to make stuff fast but this is crazy the difference between 1 and 2 was so easy but then 2 and 3 is insain. the amount of stuff you need! and why? why? why makes this stuff thats no one is going to use!
I want. I really want a crafting system but this is not it. i mean its really not i was hoping which is why i spent so long on it. but its a slot machine for sure.
I just want it do end and get to level 3. I just want it to end.
Going to use Beam Arrays as the example. In order to create a beam array it would require a number of Focusing Lenses and Targeting Interfaces determined by the mark you will be crafting.
Then you would have the option of adding an additional component which would determine the first mod on the beam array plus a component that would cost a small amount of EC. As an example if you add an additional Targeting Interface the weapon would have an [ACC] mod.
You could even add yet another component to add a second mod although it will also require a component that cost a reasonable amount of purple rock, say 2,000.
And if your feeling really crazy you would add a third extra component for a third mod, and purple quality! Although it will require a bit more purple rock, say 8000, for the add on component.
I know what you are thinking, this is crazy, their is no randomness to this, it has a reasonable cost and no one will buy fleet gear! Were not done yet though.
If we really wanted a bit of randomness we simply have a failure chance to the crafting. But, upon failure you get back the dilithium and EC secondary components and simply pay the opportunity cost of your crafting slot being used for the time.
And if we really want to get crazy, really crazy? We allow crafted weapon mods to have a random effectiveness of +/- 25%. So you might get three [ACC] mods on your weapon that grant 12.5% accuracy each instead of 10%. Or you might get three that only grant 7.5% each.
So, we have something slightly stronger than anything else in the game but can make darn sure the odds of crafting it are very low. On the other hand if you invest a bunch of purple rock into an item you will get the exact item you wanted. And the system actually gains a tiny bit of depth to it.
Oh well. I've been playing too many ARPGs lately I thinks.
I Know this is just the start and we're most likely going to see changes but getting from level 2 to level 3 is so difficult in this crafting system. I mean come on you go from having us go from 208Xp to 10,000 that a giant leap, you know logically is should go more like this 30xp to level 1, 208xp to level 2, 1300xp to level 3, then so on and so forth. I don't know just something that seems a little more thought out would be nice.
You are correct.
The hours listed are "man-hours" rather than actual hours. So if you put more men on the job you can get it done faster (in this case unlocking more R&D slots).
Of course you could use those slots for some of the other 6 schools that you may be interested in as well.
Squishing Bugs for a better future
That seems to be awfully lot of work for completing just a single "school".
Given those numbers, they really have turned Crafting into another unfun grind.
You have inspired me to come up with that exact calculation. I did the calculation assuming you would add in the additional man-power as you progressed and assumed once you got to lvl 5 in one school, then you would level two other to lvl 5 to get the extra slot. Then knock them down one at a time to 20 beyond that (picking up the 2nd and 3rd school at lvl 5). The estimates are still just as daunting as yours and just continues to illustrate the tedium of the system they created. My calcs are based on making just Mk VI items (the 600 XP/hr/slot rate)
Here are mine:
First School
Number of Hours - 759
Number of 24 hr Days - 31.6
Number of 4 hr Play Sessions - 189.75
Number of Items - 3,453
Common Materials - 51,795
Uncommon Materials - 51,795
Second and Third School (Taken to lvl 5 First for the 4th crafting slot, then picked up when lvl 20 is hit for first school)
Number of Hours - 701
Number of 24 hr Days - 29.2
Number of 4 hr Play Sessions - 175.25
Number of Items - 3,451
Common Materials - 51,765
Uncommon Materials - 51,765
Fourth-Seventh Schools
Number of Hours - 690
Number of 24 hr Days - 28.8
Number of 4 hr Play Sessions - 172.5
Number of Items - 3,450
Common Materials - 51,750
Uncommon Materials - 51,750
Total Investment w/o Dilithium shortcuts or Dilithium Subcomps
First School + 2xSecond&Third + 4xFourth-Seventh
Number of Hours - 4,921
Number of 24 hr Days - 205.04
Number of 4 hr Play Sessions - 1,230.25
Number of Items - 24,155
Common Materials - 362,325
Uncommon Materials - 362,325
The whole system is designed punitively. There is no real benefit from leveling up in more than one because the time to level is only marginally reduced. Clearly there is no benefit to do this on more than one character just because of the tedium built into the system. I should go ahead and calculate the number of mouse clicks this will take just to show how ridiculous the current numbers are on Tribble. Not just the dilithium, but all of them, the XP breaks, the XP earned, the timers, the dilithium. All of it.
Holy damn! 144 days to get ONE school up to max? What are they thinking?!?!?!?!
40 Days would be BAD! 144? That makes reputations fast by comparison. This is...just horrible.
Not as bad as this. Especially not with the random chance bull-mess.
We do not want crafting to be a long term goal, honestly, because the items it gives are not long term.
Basically, the crafting should level at the same rate as your character. So at Captain, you want to craft Mark VII gear. Not mark IV.
So by the time you reach level 50, you should have max crafting. But as it stands now, you'll be able to get to max level and get all your reputations done before you are even halfway done with crafting.
What's the point then?
1) There should be some kind of bonus for alts so the grind isn't as bad similar to the Summer event and the Reputation System.
2) The bonus from maxing a school is too low.
2) People that have maxed out the current system should be compensated somehow.
3) The amount of time they baked in is purely to keep daily players occupied until the next release. Casual players are royally screwed here.
Well there are long-term goals, and then there is needless gated grind. If the system is fun, it does not feel like a grind, that should be one of the goals. Currently this system is not fun and takes the grind well beyond the level of the reputations.
Crafting will not level at the same rate as your character because character leveling in this game is too fast. In a four hour play session you can easily be well beyond your crafting level. So if you are crafting to outfit yourself you will run into the same issue that you will outpace the gear you can create. Besides, one can easily level from 1-50 on common white gear for ECs, the random loot drops of better things, or mission rewards.
You are right. What I said was theory only. Still, this feels a bit too slow, especially since I get the feeling that's intentional to make it an even bigger dil sink.
Consider that some players (myself included) will spend dilithium to reduce some of those times. Currently that amount is 900 per hour. So if you have 900,000 dilithuim to throw at this you can cut 1000 hours off that time.
People who can afford to pay more will be the first ones to market with "Crafting unique items" and they can recover that cost in EC from the sales.
Overall it is not a horrible system, but it does need some tweaking and QoL (Quality of life) improvements.
That is after all why we are here and why they let us have at this system so early. It has a lot of potential as long as they address many of the aspects testers have been posting about so far.
Squishing Bugs for a better future
The UI is just too big. Also it would be nice if when you open up the school to be able to see at the top of the window the Components/Materials that you have for that school, so you know you have enough components to craft an item.
Sorry I thought this was supposed to be fun, I don't see how gambling with your hard earned stuff is fun, unless you have a massive gambling problem. Yes there should be a chance to fail at lower levels but it might be a hard concept for you at Cryptic to grasp, but professionals in there field don't make mistakes, ok very very rarely. At higher levels you should be guaranteed purple items.
Basically as the system stands now it just seems a cynical way to grab more money from the players. It's just pay to win or pay to craft. What next docking fees at Earth Spacedock. will click...
1,231,905 times to max out crafting... better order a few more mice.
This is starting to seem like the "Cow Clicker Game". How is this fun and how can you say this UI is efficiently laid out? This not counting all the scrolling we have to do and dealing with pop-up windows.
The sector space assignments to get crafting materials are the same as those currently on Holodeck - they just reward the new materials. They require the same doffs, with the same traits. Because of this, I can go to STO wiki and look up most of the information that the new UI does not show. But this should not be necessary.
For example: I am assigning duty officers to "Scan For Radiation Samples"
The UI, in its current state (I realize it is a work in progress) does NOT show the specialty required. It lists science, and will let you choose any science officer, but the mission requires specific ones in order to succeed. 1) Astrometrics Scientist or Gravimetrics Scientist 2) Astrometrics Scientist, or Gravimetrics Scientist, or Sensors Officer.
If you do not choose those specialties, your odds of failing the assignment skyrocket. Not only does the UI not show this information, the correct specialty does NOT highlight green in the officer scroll-down select menu.
Additionally, the assignment has a disaster trait: unscrupulous. This is not shown anywhere, nor highlight red in the scroll down menu.
With 2 purple doffs of the correct specialty (and not unscrupulous) you will have a ZERO percent fail/disaster rate. Any additional traits of Logical and Eidetic Memory will raise your crit chance without causing any failure/disaster rate. I have seen several people in channels complaining that their assignments keep failing, and it is undoubtedly because they are assigning unscrupulous botanists to scan for spacial anomalies. If they are unfamiliar with the assignments, this is the UI's fault and not their own. (If the UI shows all the info they need, then my level of sympathy takes a sharp nose dive.)
Unless the intent is to remove these factors for the assignments before publishing it to Holodeck, they NEED to be shown. The current system on Holodeck does. I am assuming this is merely an oversight while the UI is being overhauled, but I wanted to make sure it was mentioned somewhere... just in case.
I took a pic of the assignment with the correct doffs with the lack of green highlighting the specialty and its 0% fail/disaster bars, but it seems I cannot post it.
Carry on testing!
Well, since all items from crafting are Bind on Equip, doesn't that make itself alt friendly?
I'm okay with the traits not being overpowering.
There is a reward for people who maxed out crafting as is... but that's such a pathetically easy thing to do I'm not sure it really deserves much in the way of compensation.
How are casual players screwed? If they don't want to craft the new gear they can just buy it from the Exchange, right?
You now have duty officers that cannot perform the primary function of duty officers. I don't see the point of this restriction, since doffs already have multiple functions: doff assignments and active roster abilities. Moreover, you now have a needlessly complicated crafting system that uses two types of doffs. If you were going to go this route, I don't know why you didn't completely separate the crafting system from the doff system. You can call the new personnel "R&D officers" instead of "duty officers". There is no need for the two systems to be integrated in the first place. It seems to me that you are integrating the two systems just so you can say the crafting system uses doffs. But the way you are doing it appears more like lip service than any significant integration. And I think the doff system is worse off for it, not better. Doffs put on crafting assignments can't be put on doff assignments; crafting doffs take up roster space; and the new doff UI is in many ways less usable than the old UI.
The doffs when you unlock it should be the standard fare (My thought is the doff packs we get at regular intervals have a number of guaranteed doffs that can be used to crafting)
As far as R&D Doffs. I'd LOVE it if there were very rare assignments that require an R&D doff that reward catalysts, and possibly have active slot abilities that buff various crafted gear.
One Crafting School
Finish Now Dilithium
Subcomponents - 1,553,850
Items - 3,107,700
Total - 6,215,400
Refine/Character/Day - 776.93
Amount of Zen - 40,891
$$$ - $385.76
Max out all Seven Schools
Finish Now Dilithium
Subcomponents - 10,869,750
Items - 21,739,500
Total - 43,479,000
Refine/Character/Day - 5,434.88
Amount of Zen - 286,046
$$$ - $ $2,698.55
Even though this is the maximum potential costs, if this is not heavy over-monitization, I do not know what is.
Wait. So you save that much $$$ if you don't do it. Hmm. Great!
Not so happy with the randomness of the [MOD]s. Maybe a random assignment of [MOD] for the first widget you build, but after you "unlock" [ACC] or whatever, you should have the option to add that to every widget you build subsequently. You are doing research after all.
As it stands now, for the top of the line equipment, it's less like actual research and more like religion where you make sacrifices to some invisible space god and pray it finds favor with offering.
That's just me though...
Update after 4 runs:
4 Drops %
white doff 6 7,4%
common metall 20 24,7%
rare metall 2 2,5%
uncommon gas 15 18,5%
rare gas 2 2,5%
uncommon partikel 12 14,8%
rare partikel 8 9,9%
very rare partikel 4 4,9%
Class 2 component 5 6,2%
Class 6 component 1 1,2%
Class 10 component 4 4,9%
Class 11 component 1 1,2%
Class 12 component 1 1,2%
Totall 81
Drops per run 20,25
looked better in beginning
And i agree with the other here, the system now has a too slow progess, that should be changed
My suggestion to you for leveling is to stick with the MKVI or below. Everything is scaled to 600XP per hour regardless. You will not level up faster because the XP/Completion time will always be 600/hr. While you are playing, make the MKVI or below. Now before you log off, if you can, craft an item with a longer timer.
I get you dont want people to be able to make stuff fast but this is crazy the difference between 1 and 2 was so easy but then 2 and 3 is insain. the amount of stuff you need! and why? why? why makes this stuff thats no one is going to use!
I want. I really want a crafting system but this is not it. i mean its really not i was hoping which is why i spent so long on it. but its a slot machine for sure.
I just want it do end and get to level 3. I just want it to end.
You uh...don't have to hit Finish Now.
Going to use Beam Arrays as the example. In order to create a beam array it would require a number of Focusing Lenses and Targeting Interfaces determined by the mark you will be crafting.
Then you would have the option of adding an additional component which would determine the first mod on the beam array plus a component that would cost a small amount of EC. As an example if you add an additional Targeting Interface the weapon would have an [ACC] mod.
You could even add yet another component to add a second mod although it will also require a component that cost a reasonable amount of purple rock, say 2,000.
And if your feeling really crazy you would add a third extra component for a third mod, and purple quality! Although it will require a bit more purple rock, say 8000, for the add on component.
I know what you are thinking, this is crazy, their is no randomness to this, it has a reasonable cost and no one will buy fleet gear! Were not done yet though.
If we really wanted a bit of randomness we simply have a failure chance to the crafting. But, upon failure you get back the dilithium and EC secondary components and simply pay the opportunity cost of your crafting slot being used for the time.
And if we really want to get crazy, really crazy? We allow crafted weapon mods to have a random effectiveness of +/- 25%. So you might get three [ACC] mods on your weapon that grant 12.5% accuracy each instead of 10%. Or you might get three that only grant 7.5% each.
So, we have something slightly stronger than anything else in the game but can make darn sure the odds of crafting it are very low. On the other hand if you invest a bunch of purple rock into an item you will get the exact item you wanted. And the system actually gains a tiny bit of depth to it.
Oh well. I've been playing too many ARPGs lately I thinks.