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Upgrades for "real weapons" (from the shows)?

pweistheworstpweistheworst Member Posts: 986 Arc User
I was running some ground combat with a Bajoran toon yesterday and I equipped him with the Bajoran Phaser rifle and Bajoran phaser pistol from the DS9 pack so that he would "look the part."

It didn't take long for me to realize those weapons are horribly underpowered compared to most of the Mk XII purple gear in the game. Then it dawned on me the same problem exists with the weapons in the game modeled after TOS weapons: they are supposed to level with the player but when you hit level 50 they are still weak compared to other mk XII ground weapons.

Now, you can make the argument that TOS weapons are old and that's why they are weaker and Bajorans are less developed so their weapons are weaker, but I don't care.

I play this game because it's STAR TREK online and not "Let's make up some cool-looking weapon that looks like something from Mass Effect" Online. I want to use the weapons I saw in my favorite Star Trek shows and there's no reason that those iconic weapons should be underpowered at level 50 if they are supposed to "level with the character" in the game.

Let's buff the damage from the iconic weapons from the trek shows rather than force players to use weapons that have never existed in the Trek universe until STO came along.
In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."

Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
Post edited by pweistheworst on


  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I'm with you on that one. Those weapons need to be brought up to be on the level with the rest of the high-end weapons in STO. After all, they're items that come with expensive bundle purchases from the C-Store.
  • mosquito214mosquito214 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It would be nice. As great a weapon as it is, it is kind of silly that my Starfleet officer's most reliable weapon is a laser shotgun.

    Personally, I'm kind of hoping a hand weapon/pistol is the focus of the next rep set, whatever it is.
  • phoeniciusphoenicius Member Posts: 762 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It would be nice. As great a weapon as it is, it is kind of silly that my Starfleet officer's most reliable weapon is a laser shotgun.

    Personally, I'm kind of hoping a hand weapon/pistol is the focus of the next rep set, whatever it is.

    even if they did buff other weapons, there still isn't much point in using anything that isn't the laser shotgun, they need buff pretty much every weapon IMO.
  • phoeniciusphoenicius Member Posts: 762 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    skollulfr wrote: »
    would be nice imo, if weapons where handled like they where in deadspace.
    with each faction getting their specific base weapon designs with mods added changing them from default.

    oh you can bet they'll do that eventually, they already modified kits(and made it harder/costly to get the good stuff), they'll do the same with ground combat.
  • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    edited May 2014
    I was running some ground combat with a Bajoran toon yesterday and I equipped him with the Bajoran Phaser rifle and Bajoran phaser pistol from the DS9 pack so that he would "look the part."

    It didn't take long for me to realize those weapons are horribly underpowered compared to most of the Mk XII purple gear in the game. Then it dawned on me the same problem exists with the weapons in the game modeled after TOS weapons: they are supposed to level with the player but when you hit level 50 they are still weak compared to other mk XII ground weapons.

    Now, you can make the argument that TOS weapons are old and that's why they are weaker and Bajorans are less developed so their weapons are weaker, but I don't care.

    I play this game because it's STAR TREK online and not "Let's make up some cool-looking weapon that looks like something from Mass Effect" Online. I want to use the weapons I saw in my favorite Star Trek shows and there's no reason that those iconic weapons should be underpowered at level 50 if they are supposed to "level with the character" in the game.

    Let's buff the damage from the iconic weapons from the trek shows rather than force players to use weapons that have never existed in the Trek universe until STO came along.

    My character is a Bajoran, and I've done the same thing. I thought it would be cool to have the weapon, being a Bajoran and all, but it's a weak weapon. I'm disappointed it isn't a Very Rare level weapon, since it's from the afore mentioned pricey DS9 bundle...

    So, I agree. Buff the weapons!
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Sad part is, most of the lobi weapons are only rare at best. You think it's sad that the c-store weapons are low, try the lobi weapons that are outclassed already.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I'm with you. In addition, I would like to see all the weapon models we know from the shows to replace the ugly stock weapons we have right now.

    Type 1 phaser <-- We need this in it's TNG variant and maybe a more modern 25th variant

    Type 2 phaser <-- We need all canon versions of those next to the TOS ones. That means TMP/TWOK, TNG early, TNG late and the TNG movies. And no, the default phaser and the stun pistols in game look nothing like those.

    Type 3 phaser <-- We need all canon variants from this next to the TOS one. Especially the TNG one (first image in the link) and the other variants. The default "sniper" phaser rifle is some kind of mock-up of it's TNG movie version but all the higher tiers look nothing like any of those.

    Compression phaser file <-- We need this

    Klingon hand-held disruptors <-- notice the abscence of all the blades and pointy things on the canon designs?

    Disruptor rifles of various origins <-- again, nothing in-game looks like those

    We need those and they need to be endgame weapons. And if they become Lobi unlocks I'll come over and TRIBBLE right in front of Cryptic's door *angrygrunt*
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • redvengeredvenge Member Posts: 1,425 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I was running some ground combat with a Bajoran toon yesterday and I equipped him with the Bajoran Phaser rifle and Bajoran phaser pistol from the DS9 pack so that he would "look the part."

    It didn't take long for me to realize those weapons are horribly underpowered compared to most of the Mk XII purple gear in the game. Then it dawned on me the same problem exists with the weapons in the game modeled after TOS weapons: they are supposed to level with the player but when you hit level 50 they are still weak compared to other mk XII ground weapons.

    The stats on the Bajoran ground weapons do not stack up well to some of the other unique rare weapons (Over-charged Plasma sniper Rifle, Elachi Crescent Cannon Pistol). That being said, the Bajoran Phaser Rifle is an amazing support weapon. It is a combined Stun Pistol and Wide Beam Pistol upgraded to a rifle. It's secondary attack has a guaranteed AoE stun and chance to exploit. If your character or your bridge officers are not set up to take advantage of this, then I admit, the straight up damage of the Bajoran Phaser Rifle is going to disappoint.

    The Bajoran Phaser Pistol, on the other hand, is an odd weapon. It is a split beam rifle scaled down to a pistol. It's secondary attack is a split beam exploit attack with a guaranteed 50% run speed reduction. Not sure in what scenario I would want the weak exploit attack and run speed reduction over the AoE stun and expose.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I was running some ground combat with a Bajoran toon yesterday and I equipped him with the Bajoran Phaser rifle and Bajoran phaser pistol from the DS9 pack so that he would "look the part."

    It didn't take long for me to realize those weapons are horribly underpowered compared to most of the Mk XII purple gear in the game. Then it dawned on me the same problem exists with the weapons in the game modeled after TOS weapons: they are supposed to level with the player but when you hit level 50 they are still weak compared to other mk XII ground weapons.

    Now, you can make the argument that TOS weapons are old and that's why they are weaker and Bajorans are less developed so their weapons are weaker, but I don't care.

    I play this game because it's STAR TREK online and not "Let's make up some cool-looking weapon that looks like something from Mass Effect" Online. I want to use the weapons I saw in my favorite Star Trek shows and there's no reason that those iconic weapons should be underpowered at level 50 if they are supposed to "level with the character" in the game.

    Let's buff the damage from the iconic weapons from the trek shows rather than force players to use weapons that have never existed in the Trek universe until STO came along.

    you fail to realize the bajorans are in starfleet, meaning that their weapons are obselete relics from another era, they use federation standard rifles and phasers on sto. the only reason that weapons pack existed was simply for sales value at the time due to 2800. i cant see these weapons get noticed by the dev team because im sure they are far more into the expansion for later in the year.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    At least upgrade them to VR, the same for Lobi weapons. All of the "canon" stuff from episode replay should be VR. They THEN could offer UR on fleet/lobi/C-Store. I also mean both space weapons and ground weapons. They could very easily set the m up like the JH sets where you run the episode then trade that item in with (insert Currency here) for the upgraded version.

  • lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I was running some ground combat with a Bajoran toon yesterday and I equipped him with the Bajoran Phaser rifle and Bajoran phaser pistol from the DS9 pack so that he would "look the part."

    It didn't take long for me to realize those weapons are horribly underpowered compared to most of the Mk XII purple gear in the game. Then it dawned on me the same problem exists with the weapons in the game modeled after TOS weapons: they are supposed to level with the player but when you hit level 50 they are still weak compared to other mk XII ground weapons.

    Now, you can make the argument that TOS weapons are old and that's why they are weaker and Bajorans are less developed so their weapons are weaker, but I don't care.

    I play this game because it's STAR TREK online and not "Let's make up some cool-looking weapon that looks like something from Mass Effect" Online. I want to use the weapons I saw in my favorite Star Trek shows and there's no reason that those iconic weapons should be underpowered at level 50 if they are supposed to "level with the character" in the game.

    Let's buff the damage from the iconic weapons from the trek shows rather than force players to use weapons that have never existed in the Trek universe until STO came along.

    The thing is, is most of the weapons aren't even cool looking.

  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    angrytarg wrote: »
    I'm with you. In addition, I would like to see all the weapon models we know from the shows to replace the ugly stock weapons we have right now.

    Type 1 phaser <-- We need this in it's TNG variant and maybe a more modern 25th variant

    Type 2 phaser <-- We need all canon versions of those next to the TOS ones. That means TMP/TWOK, TNG early, TNG late and the TNG movies. And no, the default phaser and the stun pistols in game look nothing like those.

    Type 3 phaser <-- We need all canon variants from this next to the TOS one. Especially the TNG one (first image in the link) and the other variants. The default "sniper" phaser rifle is some kind of mock-up of it's TNG movie version but all the higher tiers look nothing like any of those.

    Compression phaser file <-- We need this

    Klingon hand-held disruptors <-- notice the abscence of all the blades and pointy things on the canon designs?

    Disruptor rifles of various origins <-- again, nothing in-game looks like those

    We need those and they need to be endgame weapons. And if they become Lobi unlocks I'll come over and TRIBBLE right in front of Cryptic's door *angrygrunt*

    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    angrytarg wrote: »
    I'm with you. In addition, I would like to see all the weapon models we know from the shows to replace the ugly stock weapons we have right now.

    Type 1 phaser <-- We need this in it's TNG variant and maybe a more modern 25th variant

    Type 2 phaser <-- We need all canon versions of those next to the TOS ones. That means TMP/TWOK, TNG early, TNG late and the TNG movies. And no, the default phaser and the stun pistols in game look nothing like those.

    Type 3 phaser <-- We need all canon variants from this next to the TOS one. Especially the TNG one (first image in the link) and the other variants. The default "sniper" phaser rifle is some kind of mock-up of it's TNG movie version but all the higher tiers look nothing like any of those.

    Compression phaser file <-- We need this

    Klingon hand-held disruptors <-- notice the abscence of all the blades and pointy things on the canon designs?

    Disruptor rifles of various origins <-- again, nothing in-game looks like those

    We need those and they need to be endgame weapons. And if they become Lobi unlocks I'll come over and TRIBBLE right in front of Cryptic's door *angrygrunt*
    I have been wanting this for a long time. As of right now, the only Mk XII VR 'canon' ground weapon designs you can get are the romulan pistols and rifles from the Tal Shiar lockbox, and the jem'hadar rifle. It would also be great to see stuff like the standard issue disruptors and phasers usable as MK XII. The current higher MK weapons look rather....clunky and gaudy and nothing like the weapons from the shows.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I was running some ground combat with a Bajoran toon yesterday and I equipped him with the Bajoran Phaser rifle and Bajoran phaser pistol from the DS9 pack so that he would "look the part."

    It didn't take long for me to realize those weapons are horribly underpowered compared to most of the Mk XII purple gear in the game. Then it dawned on me the same problem exists with the weapons in the game modeled after TOS weapons: they are supposed to level with the player but when you hit level 50 they are still weak compared to other mk XII ground weapons.

    Now, you can make the argument that TOS weapons are old and that's why they are weaker and Bajorans are less developed so their weapons are weaker, but I don't care.

    I play this game because it's STAR TREK online and not "Let's make up some cool-looking weapon that looks like something from Mass Effect" Online. I want to use the weapons I saw in my favorite Star Trek shows and there's no reason that those iconic weapons should be underpowered at level 50 if they are supposed to "level with the character" in the game.

    Let's buff the damage from the iconic weapons from the trek shows rather than force players to use weapons that have never existed in the Trek universe until STO came along.

    My preference would be, say, to do what they did with kit visuals and what Champs does with weapons.

    Take it to the tailor.

    So you have a fourth tailor screen where you select weapon visuals. Sword, Lirpa, Bat'leth, pistol, rifle, etc.

    When I have a rifle equipped, it uses rifle animations. Pistol uses pistol animations. Etc. Some weapons may unlock a tailor piece when you own them like Bajoran/temporal.

    So if I'm using a certain type of rifle, it will look like a rifle but I can choose the visual that is used for all sniper rifles, a different choice for all heavy rifles, etc.

    Special classes of weapons like the Proton beam and Borg arm weapons use the item visual. The tailor options would only overwrite standard weapons.
  • dukeskyloaferdukeskyloafer Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I've always disliked how the scaling weapons scale. If I recall from a long time ago, they cap out at the equivalent of slightly higher than Mark X. This is because levels 46-50 are supposed to be Mark X, level 51 to 55 is Mark XI, and level 56 to 60 is Mark XII.

    They way the levels work these days, we get access to Mark XI and XII because VAs used to be level 51. Now you cap out at level 50, but they couldn't take away access to Mark XI and Mark XII gear, so VAs still can use them. The way the math works out then, you'd have to get to level 60 for an autoscaling weapon to actually be as good as a Mark XII. And that is not possible.

    I might be slightly off on the explanation, but you get the gist.
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    +1 to this thread from me.

    I love my Bajoran weapons, when equipped anybody looking at me can see the Bajoran Pistol right there on my hip. I hate its only there for cosmetic reasons. (Yes My main is Bajoran as well.)
    Its sad that in order to go into combat I switch out my phaser for a dual sonic antiproton pistols.

    I love the Tailor idea and would like to toss my hat in forthat one as well.

    Heres on from me. What about having a MK XII version of these weapons from a fleet holding? Existing or not I don't care, I wont my Bajoran phaser as a usable endgame weapon not just something I have on my hip for looks.

    I would even buy upgraded versions from the Lobi store.

    Oh and while we are at it,

    PLEASE get rid of the unique status. I want ALL of my bajoran bridge officers to be wielding these.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It didn't take long for me to realize those weapons are horribly underpowered compared to most of the Mk XII purple gear in the game.

    Was answered by the following...
    I've always disliked how the scaling weapons scale. If I recall from a long time ago, they cap out at the equivalent of slightly higher than Mark X. This is because levels 46-50 are supposed to be Mark X, level 51 to 55 is Mark XI, and level 56 to 60 is Mark XII.

    They way the levels work these days, we get access to Mark XI and XII because VAs used to be level 51. Now you cap out at level 50, but they couldn't take away access to Mark XI and Mark XII gear, so VAs still can use them. The way the math works out then, you'd have to get to level 60 for an autoscaling weapon to actually be as good as a Mark XII. And that is not possible.

    I might be slightly off on the explanation, but you get the gist.

    Now the following on the other hand...
    I play this game because it's STAR TREK online and not "Let's make up some cool-looking weapon that looks like something from Mass Effect" Online. I want to use the weapons I saw in my favorite Star Trek shows and there's no reason that those iconic weapons should be underpowered at level 50 if they are supposed to "level with the character" in the game.

    ...STO's timeline is ~2409-2410.

    TOS & films generally took place between 2263-2293. That's 117 years ago.
    TNG & films generally took place between 2364-2379. That's 31 years ago.
    DS9 generally took place between 2369-2375. That's 35 years ago.
    VOY generally took place between 2371-2378. That's 32 years ago.
    ENT generally took pace between 2151-2161. That's 249 years ago.

    This is Star Trek Online, but it is not TOS Online - it's not TNG Online - it's not DS9 Online - it's not VOY Online - it's not ENT Online. It's Star Trek Online...it's 2410...deal with it.

    edit: The "deal with it" may come off as harsh to some, but in the end - it is what it is. This isn't the first thread nor first post on the matter wishing that STO was more like a particular series or movie, but the game is not set during any such period - so it doesn't make sense for it to do that. It's moved forward - it's moving Trek forward. Folks will get into that it's not moving Trek Canon forward, etc, etc, etc - but they can't play Trek Canon - so it's a moot argument. Heck, I'd love a TOS Online or even a TOS-era Movie Online game - without all the garbage that came later; but it's not that - it's not set during that time period. I had to accept it, I had to deal with it...simple as that.
  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I agree. I also think ship weapons need a upgrade also. The new undine weapons look and sound awesome.Thats the level of detail we need in all our weapons, ground and space.
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Don't forget the Retrofit phaser arrays that come with the Constitution. They are supposed to lvl but by 40 they are severely outclassed. I equipped my fed ships with them a few nights ago thinking "Ohhh I forgot about my blue babies, lets have some fun" Well it was terrible, they just can't compete.

    The older weapons, both ground and ship, need to be buffed to match the more recent gear.
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Was answered by the following...

    Now the following on the other hand...

    ...STO's timeline is ~2409-2410.

    TOS & films generally took place between 2263-2293. That's 117 years ago.
    TNG & films generally took place between 2364-2379. That's 31 years ago.
    DS9 generally took place between 2369-2375. That's 35 years ago.
    VOY generally took place between 2371-2378. That's 32 years ago.
    ENT generally took pace between 2151-2161. That's 249 years ago.

    This is Star Trek Online, but it is not TOS Online - it's not TNG Online - it's not DS9 Online - it's not VOY Online - it's not ENT Online. It's Star Trek Online...it's 2410...deal with it.
    STO is already a collage of eras. If a T'varo can be upgraded to 2410 specs, then there's no reason why a Bajoran disruptor cannot.

    Considering the ready availability of uniforms, weapons and ships from all of the eras you mentioned, Cryptic is actively catering to folks who want to dip their toes into other eras, so is allowing decent versions of a few more weapons is hardly going against the grain here. besides, there are already MK XII VR versions of the Romulan weapons and Jem'Hadar weapons, which are contemporaries of a lot of the weapons folks are clamoring for.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    if it was not for ships and stuff from the show/movies do ppl really think they would be ppl be playing this game?

    i know i for sure would have not gave it 2 thought if not for ships and stuff from the show/movies
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • oldkirkfanoldkirkfan Member Posts: 1,263 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Was answered by the following...

    Now the following on the other hand...

    ...STO's timeline is ~2409-2410.

    TOS & films generally took place between 2263-2293. That's 117 years ago.
    TNG & films generally took place between 2364-2379. That's 31 years ago.
    DS9 generally took place between 2369-2375. That's 35 years ago.
    VOY generally took place between 2371-2378. That's 32 years ago.
    ENT generally took pace between 2151-2161. That's 249 years ago.

    This is Star Trek Online, but it is not TOS Online - it's not TNG Online - it's not DS9 Online - it's not VOY Online - it's not ENT Online. It's Star Trek Online...it's 2410...deal with it.

    I want to take my Kentucky Long Rifle in, and have it updated to a modern weapon.
    This, and take my Model T and refit it to run in the Indy 500.
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    oldkirkfan wrote: »
    I want to take my Kentucky Long Rifle in, and have it updated to a modern weapon.
    This, and take my Model T and refit it to run in the Indy 500.
    The equivalent is already in game, you realize? We have fleet versions of ships from the Enterprise era, and MK XII VR versions of weapons from TNG/DS9 era.
  • mvp333mvp333 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    skollulfr wrote: »
    would be nice imo, if weapons where handled like they where in deadspace.
    with each faction getting their specific base weapon designs with mods added changing them from default.

    I would freaking love this... Then I could actually use a normal phaser rifle (Or Jem'Hadar blaster, or Cardassian spiral-wave rifle) but get the funky new shiny crits from special weapons and stuff.
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You think that's bad?

    The 29th century hand phaser and rifle are both woefully underpowered even after an update to them.

    The hand phaser should hit harder, at least have decent knockback on the primary fire.
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I kinda feel like all ground weapons could do with a buff to some extent. Sometimes it seems like I'd do more damage with harsh language.

    I realise we have personal shields now, but weapon technology doesn't appear to have kept up with developments.
  • guriphuguriphu Member Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If they'd come in at least mk10 white, I'd be delighted to have more weapons from the shows. I extensively use the old-style disruptor, the Romulan pistol and rifle (in nanite disruptor form), and the old-style Type 3 and Type 2. I've even used the mk1 phaser pistol in level 50 PvP, when I got my fleet to queue up in TNG uniforms and the low-mk phasers that look similar to what we see in the show.

    Buffs to the existing ones would be welcome, but not really needed. PvP is dead to me and PvE is easy no matter what I use.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Why we are at it, Why don't we just buy all phasers and MK XII weapons straight from the C store, hell add Engines, and Shields to the list.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ...STO's timeline is ~2409-2410.

    TNG & films generally took place between 2364-2379. That's 31 years ago.
    DS9 generally took place between 2369-2375. That's 35 years ago.
    VOY generally took place between 2371-2378. That's 32 years ago.
    TOS & films generally took place between 2263-2293. That's 117 years ago.
    ENT generally took pace between 2151-2161. That's 249 years ago.

    This is Star Trek Online, but it is not TOS Online - it's not TNG Online - it's not DS9 Online - it's not VOY Online - it's not ENT Online. It's Star Trek Online...it's 2410...deal with it.

    I will...

    1. Due to changes in Starfleet Regulations, I am allowed to kit out my crew in just about any era's uniforms. I have a Vulcan who's mandated 2280s era uniforms, a Betazed that prefers the 2370s, an alien that likes the 2260s, and a Trill that's so enamored with the Mirror Universe that he authorizes his crew to mix 2160 and 2260 era Terran uniforms. Most of my KDF tries as much as possible to either go 2260s or 2280s in their uniforms, however, many options are lacking there...

    2. KDF Engineers have managed to carry a 2263 era design (the D7) to function in the 25th century, while Romulan, Vulcan, and Andorian engineers have managed to take 2150s designs (T'Varo, D'Kyr and Kumari respectively) and make them fully functional in the 25th century. Meanwhile, Humanity's engineers can't be bothered to show up these rivals and further update many 2270s designs, nevermind anything else... And those Tholians???

    3. Yet, these selfsame engineers are capable of installing a 2263 themed interior, from the bridge through each deck, on any/all standard Starfleet ships of the line. Can anyone say Galaxy-X that separates saucers, tosses aceton beams and spinal lances with actual buttons that extend above the plane of the panel, instead of this constantly-changing touchscreen stuff? Vesta that has an actual hooded scanner/display for targetting deflector phasers?

    4. Meanwhile, the Lobi Consortium somehow has a semi-steady supply of hijacked, stripped, and resold 29th century starships and uniforms.

    Yep, we have almost a millenia of various "non human" designs accessable in 2410, what's keeping Humanity from adapting their starships and everyone else from playing with better handguns?
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I was running some ground combat with a Bajoran toon yesterday and I equipped him with the Bajoran Phaser rifle and Bajoran phaser pistol from the DS9 pack so that he would "look the part."

    It didn't take long for me to realize those weapons are horribly underpowered compared to most of the Mk XII purple gear in the game. Then it dawned on me the same problem exists with the weapons in the game modeled after TOS weapons: they are supposed to level with the player but when you hit level 50 they are still weak compared to other mk XII ground weapons.

    Now, you can make the argument that TOS weapons are old and that's why they are weaker and Bajorans are less developed so their weapons are weaker, but I don't care.

    I play this game because it's STAR TREK online and not "Let's make up some cool-looking weapon that looks like something from Mass Effect" Online. I want to use the weapons I saw in my favorite Star Trek shows and there's no reason that those iconic weapons should be underpowered at level 50 if they are supposed to "level with the character" in the game.

    Let's buff the damage from the iconic weapons from the trek shows rather than force players to use weapons that have never existed in the Trek universe until STO came along.

    Responding to the part in bold:

    Apparently, you don't realize that the Mk XI versions of the Original Series Type Two and Three are among the best phaser small arms in the game, just short of the Fleet and MACO offerings.


    I'm with you on that one. Those weapons need to be brought up to be on the level with the rest of the high-end weapons in STO. After all, they're items that come with expensive bundle purchases from the C-Store.

    I would have no issue with improved versions. But it is a fact, with a rare exception here and there, that most C-Store stuff isn't the "cream of the crop". And nor should it be. You can't have have everything from the C-Store matching, or exceeding, the "high end" stuff (which, in this game, would be Reputation and Fleet gear). There would be no real incentive to work (i.e. grind) for the good stuff for those that can just whip out a credit card.

    If it was, then you would have further issues with the whole "pay to win" controversy among the community.


    I'm with you. In addition, I would like to see all the weapon models we know from the shows to replace the ugly stock weapons we have right now.

    Type 1 phaser <-- We need this in it's TNG variant and maybe a more modern 25th variant

    Type 2 phaser <-- We need all canon versions of those next to the TOS ones. That means TMP/TWOK, TNG early, TNG late and the TNG movies. And no, the default phaser and the stun pistols in game look nothing like those.

    Type 3 phaser <-- We need all canon variants from this next to the TOS one. Especially the TNG one (first image in the link) and the other variants. The default "sniper" phaser rifle is some kind of mock-up of it's TNG movie version but all the higher tiers look nothing like any of those.

    Compression phaser file <-- We need this

    Klingon hand-held disruptors <-- notice the abscence of all the blades and pointy things on the canon designs?

    Disruptor rifles of various origins <-- again, nothing in-game looks like those

    We need those and they need to be endgame weapons. And if they become Lobi unlocks I'll come over and TRIBBLE right in front of Cryptic's door *angrygrunt*

    I like some of these ideas. But you have it wrong when it comes to the regulation Starfleet phaser small arms in the game.

    Anybody can look at them, from the "standard issue" mook fare, all the way up to the Mk XIIs, and tell that they are evolutionary developments from the canon 24th Century phaser offerings. Which, in my opinion, is just fine.

    But still, I agree that they should bring on some of the classics.


    I want to take my Kentucky Long Rifle in, and have it updated to a modern weapon.
    This, and take my Model T and refit it to run in the Indy 500.

    Technically, if you own a production replica, custom hand crafted reproduction, or "build your own" kit of the Kentucky Long Rifle, you do have a modern muzzle loading firearm.

    As for the Model T, you are SOL. And it's a poor analogy, anyway.
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