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Romulans Need a New Ship!



  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jjdez wrote: »
    I honestly can't believe there are in people in here asking for buffs to Romulan ships, wow. Oh, and then another person asking for a Romulan-Avenger equivalent...because the Scimitar isn't enough??? Goodness, here's to the death of balance, may it forever rest in peace in Romulans Online.

    Give the KDF more ship options, so maybe people will want to roll non-Romulan KDF toons.

    I can NOT stand the Scimitar. It's just a big slow target. It also has an obvious weakness....attack it's sides. Most people who fly it use DHCs, or DBB. And it can't target you with it's Thaloran weapon unless it's facing you.

    It's also NOT Romulan, it's Reman. I want a ROMULAN battlecruiser.
  • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    dragnridr wrote: »
    It's also NOT Romulan, it's Reman. I want a ROMULAN battlecruiser.
    This. I've boycotted the entire Reman thing - haven't watched the movies with them, and don't care to, for various reasons that I won't expound upon here. As far as I am concerned they are an unrelated alien species and my Rihannsu don't have dealings with them, or their monstrous whatever-that-thing-is.
    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,866 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    This. I've boycotted the entire Reman thing - haven't watched the movies with them, and don't care to, for various reasons that I won't expound upon here. As far as I am concerned they are an unrelated alien species and my Rihannsu don't have dealings with them, or their monstrous whatever-that-thing-is.

    Well they're part of the Romulan way of life, they've been around for a long time, and they aren't going anywhere. I can't really imagine any logical reason why you'd want to pretend a race that you've never even seen before to not exist, but then again most people aren't logical.

    Whenever I'm at New Romulus command I'll make sure to show my Reman character's heritage every chance I get! (And no she doesn't fly a Scimitar.)
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I told myself I wasn't going to get into this in this thread, but you had to go and call me illogical. ;)
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Well they're part of the Romulan way of life, they've been around for a long time, and they aren't going anywhere. I can't really imagine any logical reason why you'd want to pretend a race that you've never even seen before to not exist, but then again most people aren't logical.
    Because there was already a storyline that fleshed out The Romulans, and did a much better job - Diane Duane's novels. And yes, I know that Trek novels aren't canon - they've let so many authors (and some of at-best dubious talent) play in that particular sandbox that there's no way they could. But Ms. Duane did work closely with D.C. Fontana, who was the writer mostly responsible for coming up with the Vulcans and, by extension, the Romulans.

    That version of Romulan-ness far predates the movies and even the 'return of the Romulans' in TNG. And it makes a helluva lot more sense. The Havrannsu (those who dwell on ch'Havran, which we humans ignorantly refer to as 'Remus') are no different than 'normal' Rihannsu. It's more of a 'city folk / country folk difference.

    Trek requires a *lot* of suspension of disbelief, but I just can't wrap my head around being asked to accept that a bunch of proto-Vulcans settled on Remus, became miners, and evolved into what we see as 'Remans' in only a few thousand years.

    Sorry, but from where I sit, it is the canonical 'Remans' that are illogical. I can't change the decisions made by Paramount, but I can rationalize them as works best for me.

    So, I choose to associate in-game with a fleet that is at least friendly to that view. I choose to limit my crew to Rihannsu to the greatest extent possible. And, because the STO storyline involves the Remans pretty heavily, I choose to consider the Remans as a separate species native to Crateris rather than simply skip out on that entire storyline.
    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
  • indypenguinindypenguin Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I told myself I wasn't going to get into this in this thread, but you had to go and call me illogical. ;)

    Same here. :eek:

    It looks like we'll be forever debating the whole Romulan and Reman thing. I don't know much about it other than it's some nice reading that pops up throughout the forums. With that said, the thead is " Romulans Need a New Ship!". As I've stated it in other posts before, there needs to be a Romulan counter to Federation AVENGER Class and Klingon MOGH Class.
    Ad astra per aspera

    God be between you and harm, and all the empty places we must walk.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,866 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I told myself I wasn't going to get into this in this thread, but you had to go and call me illogical. ;)

    Because there was already a storyline that fleshed out The Romulans, and did a much better job - Diane Duane's novels. And yes, I know that Trek novels aren't canon - they've let so many authors (and some of at-best dubious talent) play in that particular sandbox that there's no way they could. But Ms. Duane did work closely with D.C. Fontana, who was the writer mostly responsible for coming up with the Vulcans and, by extension, the Romulans.

    That version of Romulan-ness far predates the movies and even the 'return of the Romulans' in TNG. And it makes a helluva lot more sense. The Havrannsu (those who dwell on ch'Havran, which we humans ignorantly refer to as 'Remus') are no different than 'normal' Rihannsu. It's more of a 'city folk / country folk difference.

    Trek requires a *lot* of suspension of disbelief, but I just can't wrap my head around being asked to accept that a bunch of proto-Vulcans settled on Remus, became miners, and evolved into what we see as 'Remans' in only a few thousand years.

    Sorry, but from where I sit, it is the canonical 'Remans' that are illogical. I can't change the decisions made by Paramount, but I can rationalize them as works best for me.

    So, I choose to associate in-game with a fleet that is at least friendly to that view. I choose to limit my crew to Rihannsu to the greatest extent possible. And, because the STO storyline involves the Remans pretty heavily, I choose to consider the Remans as a separate species native to Crateris rather than simply skip out on that entire storyline.

    Same exact thing can be said about Romulans and their head ridges though it's not as extreme of a change, and is there anywhere that has canonically said that Remans were Vulcans?

    I haven't had much time to look but so far all I've found is opinion, some say they are and some say they just have pointy ears as a coincidence, which doesn't seem to far fetched as there are other races with pointy ears.

    It's hard to say for sure what happened without knowing all of the story, just because she worked with someone who came up with Vulcan's and Romulan's...I personally don't read nor do I consider any books really canon. I've read bits and pieces about some of these books and after seeing how far fetched they are I don't want to bother...some go way WAY off canon.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • jestersagejestersage Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I am not sure why the Romulans bash the Scimitar itself. I just got it for a few days and all I can say is that it is OP.

    Scimitar is basically a Fleet Kar'fi with more hull, with 1 more weapon slot, and 1 less hangar, and with cloak. Alternatively, it's Avenger with Hangars. Thus the build strategy is the same: You use DBB, slot more heals and turn rate console, and you got yourself a really strong ship. ditch one of the 3 consoles if needed to, such as the cloaked barrage, so you can gain more healing or turn rate depend on where you slot it.
  • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »

    Feds need DPS not more healing even as leadership was it doesnt compared to 7.5% additionl crit chance

    The tiny amount of base damage from the pirates boff abilitys..smirk...it doesnt compare either

    7.5% additional crit chance is ( HUGE )

    take all of your SRO's off your rommie and replace them with humans and you will see just how much dmage the do for you...you will get sick at your stomach

    Why do you think i have a Mogh with romulan BOFFs serving on board.....

    The Biggest problem with romulan ships is that most of the suck. BAD. and for those that dont, there is a ship elsewhere that is far superior and the only ship that doesnt fall victim to this is the scimitar but even that has its problems. for the most part, romulans do not have a good brawler. Now some may say, "romulans dont have a brawler? what about the scimitar?"

    The Scimitar is a hit and fade ship FORCED into different role for lack of a better ship. Yes A BETTER SHIP. Now when i say "better" i dont mean more DPS. i conside the avenger/mogh better ships than the scimitar based on their versatility. The scimitar does not have the resist to brawl. It is meant to delcloak, vape it target and recloak. But because its the closest thing to a brawler the romulans have, it has people putting beams on it the trying to brawl. do you ever see them out there is kerrat? if you think it can brawl sit back and watch its owner fight. They will decloak and broadside their target. What happens when a teammate counters? they run and cloak, which is NOT the sign of a brawler. Consider the Galor or avenger, if they get countered, they target the weaker ship, eliminate it, and continue fighting. THAT is a brawler. the mogh, does the same. A brawler.

    Now i know the romulans are meant to cloak and be sneaky and all that. Some might even throw my own words in my face, "Stick to what youre good at, FEDs tank, Klinks DPS, and Roms burst and fade." Ok and that is right, but while feds CAN put out good DPS AND tank. (see avenger, patrol escort, defiant, and others.) FEDS even have a few cloakable ships to hit and run. not as good as others but it can be done. Klinks can hit and fade, can tank, AND CAN dps. Honestly, KDF have a ship that can do it all. if you want to hit and fade? Bird-of-prey. wanna tank? Pick A battlecrusier....mogh, bortas, vorcha, torkat........ want DPS, well, battle crusier again, or raptor.

    Romulans have very good ships BUT where KDF and fed ships can do many roles, ALL romulan ships have roles tied to stealth, hit and fade tactics. with one ship, ONE SHIP for dps, and that ONE ship must fade when countered.

    really DEVS?

    then they tried to give romulans a multi-role starship....the Dyson destroyer.

    Fail. I doesnt have the DPS to do ANYTHING. sure, it can harass, it can disable, it can drain, but to do ANY of those good, it can kill. So in the end, you RARELY see them in pvp, and when you do, they are rarely if at all, a threat. certainly arent dangerous alone..... not like the Mogh, the avenger, the defiant, the BoP......

    Dangerous alone......some would save the tvaro is very good, and it is, AS A VAPER. as a torp boat, my avenger laughs. LAUGHS at them, and has survived vape attempts. have i been vaped before, OF COURSE! but i can shrug vape attemps off too. only the best of vapers have killed me with their opening volley and most need that second burst. in a romulan ship, death on opening is all but curtain.

    I would like to see a Romulan Battle Cruiser. A 5/3 weapon slot, 424 console layout with 10-11 base turning and about 38k hull. with a 1.1 shield mod. and a good impulse mod. Yes, a romulan avenger. I ship that has battle cloak, moves without that nasty sliding, and doesnt have to cloak and run when things get hot.

    I mean a lean, mean, green, romulan machine.

    And its not like romulans have a bunch of ships......
  • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Same exact thing can be said about Romulans and their head ridges though it's not as extreme of a change ...
    The Rommie head ridges are similar to the difference between TOS Klinks and the Klinks we know and love (loathe?) today. In TOS Trek, they were working with a 60's TV budget and 60's tech. When they started with Trek movies they had more budget so they changed things, without a thought to all us poor nerds who feel like we have to make sense of the change. ;) Given that, I feel blessed that all the Rommie fans had to explain was a few more dimples in the forehead. Klinks went from "high and tight" to dreadlocks, fer cryin out loud.
    lianthelia wrote: »
    ... and is there anywhere that has canonically said that Remans were Vulcans? ... I haven't had much time to look but so far all I've found is opinion, some say they are and some say they just have pointy ears as a coincidence, which doesn't seem to far fetched as there are other races with pointy ears.
    Well, as I mentioned before I haven't even watched the later movies. I guess I was too scarred by "The Undiscovered Country". ;) So anything I say here would be hearsay or speculation, however, it has always been my understanding that "Remans" are descended from the Vulcan expats who settled on Remus after the Sundering, and that living in the mines has mutated them to look the way they do now, and that this is 'canon' because the movie said so. *shrug*
    lianthelia wrote: »
    It's hard to say for sure what happened without knowing all of the story, just because she worked with someone who came up with Vulcan's and Romulan's...I personally don't read nor do I consider any books really canon. I've read bits and pieces about some of these books and after seeing how far fetched they are I don't want to bother...some go way WAY off canon.
    Yeah, I've rarely bothered with Trek books for the same reason. Duane's books, in my opinion, are what *should* have been canon - they make far more sense than what passes for canon where Roms are concerned and they predate the movies considerably.

    All of which doesn't make a bit of difference to anyone else - it just goes back to my original point, not everyone wants to use a Scimitar. ;)
    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jestersage wrote: »
    I am not sure why the Romulans bash the Scimitar itself. I just got it for a few days and all I can say is that it is OP.

    Scimitar is basically a Fleet Kar'fi with more hull, with 1 more weapon slot, and 1 less hangar, and with cloak. Alternatively, it's Avenger with Hangars. Thus the build strategy is the same: You use DBB, slot more heals and turn rate console, and you got yourself a really strong ship. ditch one of the 3 consoles if needed to, such as the cloaked barrage, so you can gain more healing or turn rate depend on where you slot it.

    The Romulans are overpowered for several reasons:
    • Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator is overpowered and makes it extremely easy for a Romulan ship to shield tank without actual shield healing abilities.
    • Romulan Bridge officers may stack Critical Chance/Critical Severity bonuses through the roof. This greatly increases the problem with the aforementioned console.
    • All Romulan Ships have Battle Cloak and Singularity Powers for essentially an extra Commander Science station.
      • -10 All power levels is supposed to be the "penalty", but it is easily negated
    • Chaining two types of Emergency Power to X grants the player +45 to +70 power
      • Using a +Power Warp Core Engineer will net the Romulan +25 all power levels
      • Using a Cleanse All Debuffs Warp Core Engineer will make the Romulan near immune to Science
    • Using Auxiliary to Battery will greatly improve Weapons, Shields, and Engine Power
      • Using 3x Technician Duty officers will reduce all bridge officer ability cooldowns by 30%
      • The "penalty" of using Auxiliary to Battery is weakined Auxiliary Power levels (harms healing), but there is reason to heal when the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator is constantly healing.
      • Removal of shared cooldowns between Science, Engineering, and Tactical Team allows Auxiliary to Battery builds to tank without Auxiliary power at all
    • Romulan ships with the right bridge officers are virtually undetectable without ships heavily invested in stealth detection (minor investment requires a major investment to counter)
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The Romulans are overpowered for several reasons:
    • Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator is overpowered and makes it extremely easy for a Romulan ship to shield tank without actual shield healing abilities.
    • Romulan Bridge officers may stack Critical Chance/Critical Severity bonuses through the roof. This greatly increases the problem with the aforementioned console.
    • All Romulan Ships have Battle Cloak and Singularity Powers for essentially an extra Commander Science station.
      • -10 All power levels is supposed to be the "penalty", but it is easily negated
    • Chaining two types of Emergency Power to X grants the player +45 to +70 power
      • Using a +Power Warp Core Engineer will net the Romulan +25 all power levels
      • Using a Cleanse All Debuffs Warp Core Engineer will make the Romulan near immune to Science
    • Using Auxiliary to Battery will greatly improve Weapons, Shields, and Engine Power
      • Using 3x Technician Duty officers will reduce all bridge officer ability cooldowns by 30%
      • The "penalty" of using Auxiliary to Battery is weakined Auxiliary Power levels (harms healing), but there is reason to heal when the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator is constantly healing.
      • Removal of shared cooldowns between Science, Engineering, and Tactical Team allows Auxiliary to Battery builds to tank without Auxiliary power at all
    • Romulan ships with the right bridge officers are virtually undetectable without ships heavily invested in stealth detection (minor investment requires a major investment to counter)
    Okay, not everyone has that console, and not everyone uses batteries.
    No, the Rommies aren't OP because their ships just CANNOT take the damage the Avenger or the Mogh can. They have 0....NONE....ZIP....battlecruisers. The T'Varo with it's 4 fore, 3 aft, and /3/3/3 layout makes it the most versatile ship, but it's thin hull can't take the pounding.

    The Scimitar, which I won't buy, just isn't a battlecruiser at all. Take away the consoles and what do you have? An oversized BoP.
  • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The Romulans are overpowered for several reasons:
    • Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator is overpowered and makes it extremely easy for a Romulan ship to shield tank without actual shield healing abilities.

      ive gone rounds over this, and NO ONE has yet to either run my test or show how lower power is "easily overcome." It not, and the fact is, what you do on a warbird to get more power, when done on another ship nets a BETTER result than it would on the warbird. I will show you

      You can start at 160 power. Ad leech, maybe 5 per system, 180. skill bonuses, 10 per system, 220. Core, +15 to two systems, 250. These are ROUGH estimations and even then, power, on a permanent basis isnt nutz. do the same on a KDF/FED ship and that 250 becomes 290.... About those doffs, you cant maxout power, sometimes on rom ships. ive done it BUT it isnt permanent. and sure, for a brief moment, 5-10, maybe 15 seconds, youre maxed. FED/KDF ships can do that 100% of the time AND keep those level 100% of the time.

    • Romulan Bridge officers may stack Critical Chance/Critical Severity bonuses through the roof. This greatly increases the problem with the aforementioned console.

      FED/KDF can buy rom Boffs from embassy. my KDF currently has two. Will your crit rate by Romulan high? No, but it wont be far behind.
    • All Romulan Ships have Battle Cloak and Singularity Powers for essentially an extra Commander Science station.

      These are USELESS in pvp for anything other than escape. PERIOD.
      • -10 All power levels is supposed to be the "penalty", but it is easily negated
    • Chaining two types of Emergency Power to X grants the player +45 to +70 power

        This is an embellishment.
      • Using a +Power Warp Core Engineer will net the Romulan +25 all power levels
      • Using a Cleanse All Debuffs Warp Core Engineer will make the Romulan near immune to Science

      You can only use one, not both. you get either plus power, OR debuffs not both.

      [*]Using Auxiliary to Battery will greatly improve Weapons, Shields, and Engine Power
        Does even more so on FED/KDF, again, ive seen 100% uptime with 100% power to weapons sheilds and engines.

        but A2B in general needs to be looked at.

        [*]Using 3x Technician Duty officers will reduce all bridge officer ability cooldowns by 30%

        eveyone can do this, not just romulans. point is moot. in fact....see below. ***
        [*]The "penalty" of using Auxiliary to Battery is weakined Auxiliary Power levels (harms healing), but there is reason to heal when the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator is constantly healing. When the added tankiness of the Mogh/avengers and the like are considered, FED/KDF dont need anything like this. they tank fine as is.
        [*]Removal of shared cooldowns between Science, Engineering, and Tactical Team allows Auxiliary to Battery builds to tank without Auxiliary power at all
        *** considering EVERYONE can A2B using A2B to show romulans as broke if a logical fallacy. Please for future dates leave A2B out of it. Nearly ANY ship using A2B is broking and nearly unkillable when done right. And A2b is NOT needed to make ships unkillable. My avenger tanks A2B ships all the time and in fact, stalemates then A LOT, All without A2B and only one A2D.
        [*]Romulan ships with the right bridge officers are virtually undetectable without ships heavily invested in stealth detection (minor investment requires a major investment to counter)
        Isnt that the point of cloak? CBattle Cloaking is the romulan niche.

        Soooooo you want to take away the romulan niche by nerfing battle cloak, Nerf the valdore console removing the esay tanking for ships that CANT tank without it due to lower power levels, and you dislike anything A2B.

        this would make playing romulans a moot and useless thing. If they can be seen under cloak and cant tank with are they? Underpowered, under sheilded escorts which will die too fast to be worth playing.

        dragnridr wrote: »
        Okay, not everyone has that console, and not everyone uses batteries.

        Actually most people DO have the console.

        No, the Rommies aren't OP because their ships just CANNOT take the damage the Avenger or the Mogh can. They have 0....NONE....ZIP....battlecruisers. The T'Varo with it's 4 fore, 3 aft, and /3/3/3 layout makes it the most versatile ship, but it's thin hull can't take the pounding.

        IMPORTANT FACT IN ORANGE. The thing that irks me beyond those that QQ over the valdore console are the same ones who done realize that if they are NOT romulan, that they have access to one of the tanky ships in game. the avenger and/or the mogh. My Mogh, tanks two or more people to kill and while i may not kill you in 1v1, you wount kill me either. my avenger.....is the same, and it takes MORE people to kill it.

        The Scimitar, which I won't buy, just isn't a battlecruiser at all. Take away the consoles and what do you have? An oversized BoP.

        The scimitar is a big, ugly, slow moving "hit and fade" ship. The ONLY thing that lets them tank is a COMBINATION of things, one of which IS the valdore console however, the valdore console alone does not do this. again, it is a COMBINATION of things including A2B and gear. the things used allows DPS to be SKY HIGH, in the 40-50K range and high DPS os that high the valdore console heals for the DPS output thus sky high DPS=Sky high heals.

        The answer in not the nerf the valdore console, but to nerf A2B so dps levels drop and with them, the level of the heals.
      • baelogventurebaelogventure Member Posts: 1,002 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        How about we give each faction 2 new ships then?

        KDF can have a 5 Tac Console, 5/2 weapon Raptor and a 4 Sci Console 3/3 Sci Vessel with all the Sci trimmings, and with a cloak, because it's Klingon and not a conquered/allied race. Or a Flight-Deck Raptor, like the Armitage, whichever.

        Romulans can have their equal to the Avenger/Mogh, complete with plasma torpedo shooting drone console, and a Romulan Science Vessel, complete with all of the Sci Vessel trimmings and the Sing Powers and the Rom Battle Cloak.

        Feds. What I'd like to see is...wait for it...the Typhoon Class as a true Battleship and the Jupiter Class as a 2-hangar Carrier, preferably a Dreadnought or Battle Carrier, but a 3/3 Carrier would be fine too.

        Sounds like win-win-win to me.
      • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        How about we give each faction 2 new ships then?

        KDF can have a 5 Tac Console, 5/2 weapon Raptor and a 4 Sci Console 3/3 Sci Vessel with all the Sci trimmings, and with a cloak, because it's Klingon and not a conquered/allied race. Or a Flight-Deck Raptor, like the Armitage, whichever.

        Romulans can have their equal to the Avenger/Mogh, complete with plasma torpedo shooting drone console, and a Romulan Science Vessel, complete with all of the Sci Vessel trimmings and the Sing Powers and the Rom Battle Cloak.

        Feds. What I'd like to see is...wait for it...the Typhoon Class as a true Battleship and the Jupiter Class as a 2-hangar Carrier, preferably a Dreadnought or Battle Carrier, but a 3/3 Carrier would be fine too.

        Sounds like win-win-win to me.

        I say this as a person with a romulan toon:

        I approve of everything except the red while Romulan sci choices are limited, romulans have the Advanced dyson which IS a good sci ship. Its not sci ships the romulans need.

        The rest MUST happen.
      • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        If anything the romulans need more tactical and engineering ships, not science ships.

        I mean the Mogai and the Dhelan are already science bent. No engineering ships are what is needed.
        Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

      • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        talonxv wrote: »
        If anything the romulans need more tactical and engineering ships, not science ships.

        I mean the Mogai and the Dhelan are already science bent. No engineering ships are what is needed.

        the avenger and mogh ARE engineering bent.....commander Eng.......

        .....give the romulans an avenger clone!
      • caldannachcaldannach Member Posts: 485 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        The Romulans are overpowered for several reasons:
        • Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator is overpowered and makes it extremely easy for a Romulan ship to shield tank without actual shield healing abilities.
        • Romulan Bridge officers may stack Critical Chance/Critical Severity bonuses through the roof. This greatly increases the problem with the aforementioned console.
        • All Romulan Ships have Battle Cloak and Singularity Powers for essentially an extra Commander Science station.
          • -10 All power levels is supposed to be the "penalty", but it is easily negated
        • Chaining two types of Emergency Power to X grants the player +45 to +70 power
          • Using a +Power Warp Core Engineer will net the Romulan +25 all power levels
          • Using a Cleanse All Debuffs Warp Core Engineer will make the Romulan near immune to Science
        • Using Auxiliary to Battery will greatly improve Weapons, Shields, and Engine Power
          • Using 3x Technician Duty officers will reduce all bridge officer ability cooldowns by 30%
          • The "penalty" of using Auxiliary to Battery is weakined Auxiliary Power levels (harms healing), but there is reason to heal when the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator is constantly healing.
          • Removal of shared cooldowns between Science, Engineering, and Tactical Team allows Auxiliary to Battery builds to tank without Auxiliary power at all
        • Romulan ships with the right bridge officers are virtually undetectable without ships heavily invested in stealth detection (minor investment requires a major investment to counter)

        The console is a proc, no proc can be relied upon.

        Yes Romulans can stack a few more operatives that other races. By 2 or 3. Its a boost yes, but by no means 'through the roof. Compared to a fed with 2 x romulan embassy sup op boffs, its an extra 7.5% crit and 15% crit sev.

        The power deficit is not easily negated unless you sacrifice other things. It is a penalty.

        Any ship can use the additonal power measures you are talking about, so the deficit is always there.

        Aux power doesn't weaken all healing. EPTS, ST and ET all heal well regardless of aux power levels, as you described so you are contradicting yourself there.

        Whine whine whine.

        Every time i see a post from you its a major whine. None of what you described makes any major impact. Romulan ships are squishier. Yes they can be built up in a way they become much harder to kill, but so can all ships. What you sacrfice to do this is not always as obvious as it is on Rom ships.
        " Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the tests first, and the lessons after... "
      • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        talonxv wrote: »
        If anything the romulans need more tactical and engineering ships, not science ships.

        I mean the Mogai and the Dhelan are already science bent. No engineering ships are what is needed.

        An LtC Sci slot, a science ship does not make.
        And if anything there are still more Tac ships than Eng and Sci put together so why more Tac ships?
      • kira30kira30 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        A NEW bridge? Seriously?

        Romulans NEED their existing bridges/interiors to have the same functionality as KDF and Fed, mainly the ability to display accolade trophies.

        This.....I think whoever designed the Scimitar was given time and resources to create a very nice ship model a lot of Roms love, and then after that he passed it on to the flunky who TRIBBLE poorly attempted to create a bridge for the Scimitars :P...two small rooms that don't even accommodate full functions like the other faction ships and the massive dreadnought it self is like a fortress but the bridge and thalaron core room (which is useless unless you have all three consoles for the actual Thalaron Pulse) is all we got access to...lol yea They really need to update and fix the existing Romulan ship interiors.

        ~Captain Jean-Luc Picard: [on seeing the Scimitar for the first time] She's a predator...

        Data: Sir, scans show the ship can accommodate 3000 crew and a hangar of Scorpion Fighters...but the interior is so tiny it consist of only two rooms and no turbolift to access the lower decks of the ship! I cannot compute how they function in such a manner.

        Captain Picard: Fascinating...:D~
      • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        I will say it until we get it:

        Avenger clone.
      • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        That's what the DSD packs are supposed to provide

        Then the DSD packs fail because the DSD is nothing at all like the Vesta.
      • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        reximuz wrote: »
        Then the DSD packs fail because the DSD is nothing at all like the Vesta.

        Also to complete the set you must by the lobi ship which adds to the fail of trying to do two jobs and so doing neither very well.
      • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,866 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        How about we give each faction 2 new ships then?

        KDF can have a 5 Tac Console, 5/2 weapon Raptor and a 4 Sci Console 3/3 Sci Vessel with all the Sci trimmings, and with a cloak, because it's Klingon and not a conquered/allied race. Or a Flight-Deck Raptor, like the Armitage, whichever.

        Romulans can have their equal to the Avenger/Mogh, complete with plasma torpedo shooting drone console, and a Romulan Science Vessel, complete with all of the Sci Vessel trimmings and the Sing Powers and the Rom Battle Cloak.

        Feds. What I'd like to see is...wait for it...the Typhoon Class as a true Battleship and the Jupiter Class as a 2-hangar Carrier, preferably a Dreadnought or Battle Carrier, but a 3/3 Carrier would be fine too.

        Sounds like win-win-win to me.

        On the Romulan side personally I'd rather see a full carrier than a Sci ship...since they're almost the same thing minus SST and SA. :P
        Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
      • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        lianthelia wrote: »
        On the Romulan side personally I'd rather see a full carrier than a Sci ship...since they're almost the same thing minus SST and SA. :P
        While I'm not a huge carrier fan (esp. in Star Trek, but don't get me started on that) I would like to see a real Rom carrier. And yeah, I know they won't use designs they don't own, but man I'd love to see FASA's old Nova done as a carrier...

        Nova model

        I'd be perfectly happy if it lost cloak or just made do with the standard cloak, if that had to be the trade-off.
        "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
        --Red Annorax
      • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,866 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        Personally if I were to choose something that would never happen, I think I'd love for the ship to be the King Condor from the SFC games, the Romulan Battleship.
        Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
      • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
        edited May 2014


      • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        ask activision for the rights to the shadow class from Armada 2...that would make a great science ship (no, i do not consider the RA ship a true science ship...its too damn huge)
        I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
      • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        cynder2012 wrote: »
        ask activision for the rights to the shadow class from Armada 2...that would make a great science ship (no, i do not consider the RA ship a true science ship...its too damn huge)

        You mean Activision/Blizzard?;)
        That's your problem right there.
      • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        *Takes Avenger DNA*
        *Mixes it with romulan DNA*

        You all know where this is going....
      • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
        edited May 2014
        Reman Stealth Carrier(seems like a perfect command ship Obisek would push for) with a bridge layout like Orion FDCs(heavy Eng/Sci). Include a Reman Bridge pack for giggles that can be used on other Romulan ships.
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