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Is everyone happy that the Federation/Klingon war is over?



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    cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    OP: not really. I prefer there to be tension and sporadic gun-fights but nothing like "war" with Klingons and Romulans.

    Galaxy v Undine is ok with me.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Am I the only KDF player, or did anyone else want to slap the TRIBBLE star moustache off that fed diplomat who tried to offer excuses right before Shon spoke up?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I just see it as a further sign of LAZINESS.

    As do I....as do I.
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    starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Honestly, without B'Vat's insanity pushing it along the war sort of ground to a halt ages ago. At least Cryptic finally decided whether they were going to **** or get off the pot, which is more than you can say for some of the other storylines.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
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    spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Do you guys think they should now allow players to visit the homeworld of the other faction?
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    gurluasgurluas Member Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    All in due time, the War is over but they haven't restored the Khitomer Accords yet.
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Do you guys think they should now allow players to visit the homeworld of the other faction?

    NOOOOOOO. They last thing we need on Quonos are the idiots who hang out at ESD or Drozana or DS9 running around wondering where there is an NPC bartender they can RP with
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Do you guys think they should now allow players to visit the homeworld of the other faction?

    Absolutely not.
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    catliketypingcatliketyping Member Posts: 611
    edited April 2014
    Do you guys think they should now allow players to visit the homeworld of the other faction?

    Some lazy space traffic controllers let Romulans with huge Thalaron weapons orbit our homeworlds... but I can't stop in for a drink or some supplies at a Starfleet starbase in my B'rel.

    Nessia (KDF Sci)
    IKS Korrasami (Fleet B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit T5-U)
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    e1ime1im Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Absolutely not happy. The war was an undeveloped aspect of the game - true. But "The new Accord" means that this aspect will never be developed. Hense - no features like territory control, pvp battlezones, etc.
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    spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    NOOOOOOO. They last thing we need on Quonos are the idiots who hang out at ESD or Drozana or DS9 running around wondering where there is an NPC bartender they can RP with

    Yes I see your point - a mass invasion of trolls taking over Quonos:eek: Also would bring a massive rebirth of the Gorn jokes spamming zone chat:eek:
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Yes, I am ok with it. There's that 6k+ post thread about Cryptic having beef with the Galaxy. And it kind of leads one to believe that TNG is a popular show among the players. Well some of the best episodes of TNG revolved around the growing relationship between the KDF and Starfleet as ALLIES. Picard and Worf, the High Council, Gowron, the Duras family. All good times. I'm ok with how this episode really captures some of that feel. A mutual enemy. What Shon does at the meeting. And the warriors of the Klingon empire being deemed the REAL threat for the Undine, with Earth being a diversion. Great way to move past the war and onto a brighter future.
    Do you guys think they should now allow players to visit the homeworld of the other faction?

    Yes, that'd be a fun way to progress this in a future update.
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    adorenkoadorenko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Yes I see your point - a mass invasion of trolls taking over Quonos:eek: Also would bring a massive rebirth of the Gorn jokes spamming zone chat:eek:

    Well they should make it realistic then, allow any Klingon to kill these P'taqs!!
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    catliketypingcatliketyping Member Posts: 611
    edited April 2014
    adorenko wrote: »
    Well they should make it realistic then, allow any Klingon to kill these P'taqs!!

    Or at least allow Gorn characters to flying drop kick any Starfleet character that makes a Gorn joke.
    Nessia (KDF Sci)
    IKS Korrasami (Fleet B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit T5-U)
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    spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    adorenko wrote: »
    Well they should make it realistic then, allow any Klingon to kill these P'taqs!!

    Trolls/RPers or whatever else show up - I think it would be kinda fun to take my Fed toons to Quonos and my KDF toons to ESD - it would certainly make for some interesting times:P
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    j0hn41j0hn41 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm glad it's over. Personally, I never liked that plot point.

    I really don't think this has as much impact on factions as everyone says it does. This isn't WoW and the factions are not defined by the war; they are defined by the lore and by their own unique assets, just as the KDF in TNG was not defined by "being the bad guy."

    As long as independent content is still developed for each faction (missions, ships, etc), and their own lore is explored and expanded upon then they won't become watered down. Cross-faction consoles in the lock boxes and the like, on the other hand, seem like a greater threat to factional integrity to me.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    As many have pointed out, including the last FE and comments in the dev blogs, comments from devs on podcasts - they clearly telegraphed that the war was ending and a "New Accord" ( S9 title) between the Federation and the KDF was coming. For it to be a spoiler - you would have to have missed a LOT of dev blogs and dev comments.
    Did they now?

    Eh, okay then.
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    xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    To be honest, I never truly felt there was a war taking place. So really them ending it changes nothing for me. *shrug*
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
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    adwynythadwynyth Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm kinda glad it's over, but I wish they'd gone a different direction: reestablishing the three-way "cold war" that obtained thru TOS and much of Star Trek's history: the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulans (in this case, the Republic) all distrusting each other and testing or attempting to undermine each other, but with a balance of power that prevents one faction from simply warping in and laying waste to another.

    But, with unless the Romulans were turned into a full-fledged faction, there's no way for that to happen.

    However, yes...I am glad it's over.
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    ltdata96ltdata96 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I am, the whole anti-Borg, Voth, Dyson Sphere stuff makes a lot more sense now.
    And it's more in the spirit of Star Trek (cooperation instead of war) ;)
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    jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    It seems it was more of a Fed / KDF conflict than anything else. I only started playing at the end of January, but it does not seem like either side gained / lost territory. I suppose it seems to be reminiscent of the Korean War, this Fed / KDF war is more or less a stalemate and it did not last very long, also nothing seems to have been resolved. But at least it seems there has not been too many civilian deaths. In the Korean War more than half of the casualties (~ 5 million) were civilian.
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    philipclaybergphilipclayberg Member Posts: 1,680
    edited April 2014
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    and what Sisko, and the Dominion war did was also not in vain

    Garak: "And all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator ... one criminal ... and the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I call that a bargain."
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ltdata96 wrote: »
    And it's more in the spirit of Star Trek (cooperation instead of war) ;)

    if you are Star Fleet... personally as a Romulan most of the "content" makes me throw up a little in my mouth. I just have to ignore most dialogue and don't even feel like I am actually a part of the story because so much of it is the antithesis of being a Romulan. Not to mention the idiotic scarfs and cater waiter uniforms.

    Really, if your ships have Thaloran weapons, you aren't looking for peace or defense.
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    jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2014
    The War is over..........Fantastic

    When can i open team with my new Fed Allies in content like a STF or any other content for that matter
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
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    ltdata96ltdata96 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    if you are Star Fleet... personally as a Romulan most of the "content" makes me throw up a little in my mouth. I just have to ignore most dialogue and don't even feel like I am actually a part of the story because so much of it is the antithesis of being a Romulan. Not to mention the idiotic scarfs and cater waiter uniforms.

    Really, if your ships have Thaloran weapons, you aren't looking for peace or defense.

    Well, i guess STO Romulans (Republic) are not the usual Romulans we know from the shows... They behave pretty Federation-like... :P

    I kinda like the Romulans going for more cooperation between the "Big 3" Species, though that might be the Starfleet Captain in me speaking ;)
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    puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    I am, I already saw KDF, Vs. Fed in both TOS, and DS9......I always hated that STO reused DS9 plot for starting it up again.

    I'm glad it's over, and all that Kirk and crew did was not in vain again, and what Sisko, and the Dominion war did was also not in vain

    Peace is good for business

    I agree, almost every movie made, the bad guys were the klinks.. when I first heard about this game, I was hoping that it was gonna be based around a romulan/fed story line. I would not have missed the klinks..

    and having the klinks as a fraction that could side with the feds was far far more believeable. though it will never sit well that klinks and rommies can play together hahaha..
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