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Is everyone happy that the Federation/Klingon war is over?



  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I J'mpok pretty much has to be killed because he didn't accomplish anything in his war besides getting millions of warriors killed without accomplishing the supposed task he set out to do. else in the near future.

    "Victory is not achieved if an Empire is destroyed in order to win a war, and it is not failure if a battle is backed away from in order to preserve an Empire" - Kahless .

    In case you haven't been following J'empoks and the KDFs goal has been stopping the undine infiltration of the Alpha Quadrant, this is a big victory towards that.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »
    The War is over..........Fantastic

    When can i open team with my new Fed Allies in content like a STF or any other content for that matter

    The devs should make a TOP priority right now:

    cross faction teaming for all appropriate content:

    Defera invasion zone
    New Romulus epohh tagging
    Colony Invasion
    Starbase Incursion
    Nukara zones(if not already - have not been there in awhile)
  • platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    For one it felt like a Cold War, and for two now the handful of PVP elite don't have a leg to stand on trying to push this game in a direction that favors them.
    Nukara zones(if not already - have not been there in awhile)

    I think it already was, considering you could save Klingon warriors from cocoons as a fed.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    zipagat wrote: »
    "Victory is not achieved if an Empire is destroyed in order to win a war, and it is not failure if a battle is backed away from in order to preserve an Empire" - Kahless .

    In case you haven't been following J'empoks and the KDFs goal has been stopping the undine infiltration of the Alpha Quadrant, this is a big victory towards that.

    Wise words, though it would have been nice if the Devs had actually made some KDF Undine hunt missions to give us players that "doing something " feel.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    hartzilla wrote: »
    The thing I find funny is the Klingons and their player base going on about how dangerous the Undine are after the Iconians waltz into the high council chamber with the combined forces of Starfleet, the KDF, and the Romulan Republic in orbit and then off the freaking High Council in front of everyone.

    Seriously when are the Klingons going to start taking the REAL threat to the galaxy seriously?

    I didnt see any feds leap up and threaten the Iconian in that scene. I saw 6 Klingon warriors stand up to die for honor though.........
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    All Good Things... and Endgame.

    I think that would have sold better if they'd launched the game with the AGT uniforms in place as the "old" uniform being transitioned out. Quinn in the Admiral Janeway style uniform. The AGT combadges as the standard (which many players did anyway).
  • j0hn41j0hn41 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    valoreah wrote: »
    Pretty safe bet that with regard to missions, you won't be seeing any faction specific content anymore. It's been this way for a while now. They did go back and add in missions to round out the KDF early game, but for the most part, the mission content is shared.

    Yes, I guess that has been the trend. Still I think even shared missions could expand individual factions if they have branching faction specific options, kind of like how the Enterprise or the Bortasqu' showed up depending on your alignment in A Step Between Stars, only on a larger scale

    It would still be expensive from a development standpoint, but I think It would be an acceptable middle ground short of completely new faction specific arcs.
  • trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The devs should make a TOP priority right now:

    cross faction teaming for all appropriate content:

    Defera invasion zone
    New Romulus epohh tagging
    Colony Invasion
    Starbase Incursion
    Nukara zones(if not already - have not been there in awhile)


    I actually thought they were hinting it as there was a couple of times were I was able to invite a KDF General to team..... if the War is over why not let the team ups happen?

    The way they ended was awesome IMO BTW.
  • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I didnt see any feds leap up and threaten the Iconian in that scene. I saw 6 Klingon warriors stand up to die for honor though.........

    The feds were probably trying to find out what they wanted instead of charging in like Leeroy Jenkins and getting killed without accomplishing anything.

    Of course we are talking about the empire who's plan to stop the Undine who desire every race in the Alpha Quadrant at war with each other is to declare war on everyone if they suspect Undine infiltration.

    AKA giving the Undine exactly what they want.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    hartzilla wrote: »
    The feds were probably trying to find out what they wanted instead of charging in like Leeroy Jenkins and getting killed without accomplishing anything.

    Of course we are talking about the empire who's plan to stop the Undine who desire every race in the Alpha Quadrant at war with each other is to declare war on everyone if they suspect Undine infiltration.

    AKA giving the Undine exactly what they want.

    Oh my, this new FE must have been really painfull for you to watch. Are you ok?
    At least you must feel happy that there's no grind attached this time, I'm not sure you'd survive doing this FE that much, it might have blown your mind.
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    hartzilla wrote: »
    The feds were probably trying to find out what they wanted instead of charging in like Leeroy Jenkins and getting killed without accomplishing anything.

    Of course we are talking about the empire who's plan to stop the Undine who desire every race in the Alpha Quadrant at war with each other is to declare war on everyone if they suspect Undine infiltration.

    AKA giving the Undine exactly what they want.

    Tell that to the Gorn who by their own admission were saved from destruction by the KDF.
  • neppakyoneppakyo Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I found a bit of irony after completing the episode, the cease fire. I collected my reward, then got a pop up for pvp in the neutral zone, telling me go kill klinks.
    Quote about STO on consoles: "Not quite as bad as No man's sky, but a close second."
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It's nice that the Federation finally acknowledged the Undine threat-took long enough. I liked the tensions build up going on over the Dyson sphere though, the Romulan Republic in particular was finally starting to act a little bit like the Romulans of old with all their machinations and arrogance-it's a shame to see all that flushed away. And I was hoping for the chance at some point for an episode that let you blow up opposing faction's flaships-I guess that'll never happen now.
  • dwatt78dwatt78 Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    after 2 incidents with undine infiltrators I would have thought the feds should have been like oops you were right, but no they wait for years of war against the Klingons and a 3rd infiltration to finally admit they were wrong. Beyond that so now my raiding dof missions and any pvp would be a violation of a cease fire, right. Oh man its hard to be an honorable warrior in this game it seems.
  • jacqueline3752jacqueline3752 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    doesn't mean that love is in the air or borders will be open, just mean that active hostility are over but small skirmish ship to ship can happen, and future conflict between klingon empire and the human p'tok can easily be started by assassinate the Federation President
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    neppakyo wrote: »
    I found a bit of irony after completing the episode, the cease fire. I collected my reward, then got a pop up for pvp in the neutral zone, telling me go kill klinks.

    Yup, that's some prime Cryptic quality for ya' right there! :rolleyes:
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    doesn't mean that love is in the air or borders will be open, just mean that active hostility are over but small skirmish ship to ship can happen, and future conflict between klingon empire and the human p'tok can easily be started by assassinate the Federation President

    That would be human petaQ.
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    Yup, that's some prime Cryptic quality for ya' right there! :rolleyes:

    Well the best example of quality so far for me in S9 is half of my racial traits disappearing and not being able to respec, slot reputation traits or do any rep stuff at all.
  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It's about time Cryptic finally put an end to the "war" - which of course made no sense at end game for years now.
    The only thing that never made sense was how dumb - DUMB - the Federation characters in STO went about dealing with the Undine threat. The Klingons have always been the real heroes in this game for actively pursuing and killing an enemy that wants everyone dead.
    So when does the KDF get added to the Federation?
    Are you kidding me?

    Here's the thing most Fed players/fans don't seem to understand - the Klingon Empire is governed by a psychology that's vastly different than that of the UFP. It is expansive. It is violent. It is repressive. The Klingon Empire is about taking control of territory and resources (by force and violence when necessary) to make its core stronger, while it uses it satellite "nations" to basically defend its borders. It is essentially the antithesis of what the Federation is, hence the continuous conflicts and wars the UFP and the Klingon Empire have had for centuries.

    Can they work together?

    Yes, they can and have.

    Will Klingons suddenly change the very nature of their existence at the behest of Season 9?

    Hah, yeah right...

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    neppakyo wrote: »
    I found a bit of irony after completing the episode, the cease fire. I collected my reward, then got a pop up for pvp in the neutral zone, telling me go kill klinks.

    Again, it's a replay themepark.

    You can go run the mission where NPC X is dead and then run the mission before NPC X dies.

    Time...in STO...yeah...replay does that.
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Again, it's a replay themepark.

    You can go run the mission where NPC X is dead and then run the mission before NPC X dies.

    Time...in STO...yeah...replay does that.

    Actually, they tried to justify the episode replay thing as a holodeck simulation.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • quepanquepan Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    while i enjoyed this from a story perspective , i see this as a way to put PVP into maintenance mode .
    its takes the current population of PVPers and mixes them together .
    there is no need anymore to develop any kind of PVP related battlezones .

    the WAR gave players the immersion of fighting against a real foe , if cryptic took there battle zone system and adapted it to the PVP system it would be intense , but alias i dont see that happening now .

    the real point of the 2 factions was the PVP war , without it factions are pointless you might as well turn the KDF into a sub faction like the romulans , allied with the federation with there own little zones
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    starswordc wrote: »
    Actually, they tried to justify the episode replay thing as a holodeck simulation.

    We play on a server named Holodeck...we're all Reginald Barclay.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    quepan wrote: »
    while i enjoyed this from a story perspective , i see this as a way to put PVP into maintenance mode .
    its takes the current population of PVPers and mixes them together .
    there is no need anymore to develop any kind of PVP related battlezones .

    the WAR gave players the immersion of fighting against a real foe , if cryptic took there battle zone system and adapted it to the PVP system it would be intense , but alias i dont see that happening now .

    the real point of the 2 factions was the PVP war , without it factions are pointless you might as well turn the KDF into a sub faction like the romulans , allied with the federation with there own little zones

    PvP already had both legs and one arm in the grave before this, I don't think there was a heck of a lot that could be done at this point. They would need a full season and massive balance pass to have any attempt at reviving it. For 100 or so regulars (if that), there is no way that cryptic will dedicate the resources for that kind of time investment.
  • lexusk19lexusk19 Member Posts: 1,412 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Im very happy its ending. :) I hope this means that in the future I can team with my kdf friends. Would make team oriented missions so much easier to form.
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Very happy.

    It's about dang time.
  • outlaw51825outlaw51825 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Dont know what it means mechanically. Yet.

    But this finally means a united front against several big enemies.

    Can anyone doubt at this point we're heading into a head first fight with the Iconians?

    I have a theory that's gonna be pretty big so i'm gonna post it elsewhere. ;)
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