Ordinarily, I would agree. But when an emphasis is made on the part of Cryptic to take stuff away from players in the name of dealing with power creep, and they turn around and release another form of power creep that comes only through gambling for it... then it's not just my problem, but everyone else's as well...
How will those who do not want to gamble for ships be able to compete against those who got their lottery ship that gives them something nobody else can really get? Oh yeah... Buy the keys on the EC exchange. The problem is that regardless of how they get it, the Zen that was used to buy the keys that were either put on the exchange or used to get the boxed ship that was put on the exchange came from players spending real money. This perpetuates the profit motive behind the lockbox ships because they make money. So they won't stop making them.
Trouble is that they put so much effort in making all these monetized things and they get further and further away from being respectful of the IP and those who are here BECAUSE OF the IP... If they would just focus on providing a game that is fun, engaging and with real meaning behind the content, then the money will take care of itself. They do not need to ram so many inconsistencies into the ground and down our throats.
If you ask me, it should be the playable content they charge for, and leave everything else to be purchased using game currencies. But that would make too much sense.
I think people should just start looking at Eve Online, Star Citizen, Spacee Engineers, Kerbal Space Program, or Vendetta Online for better alternatives. It will be cheaper and maybe with enougth development and support. They can make something that blows away Cryptic STO.
I think people should just start looking at Eve Online, Star Citizen, Spacee Engineers, Kerbal Space Program, or Vendetta Online for better alternatives. It will be cheaper and maybe with enougth development and support. They can make something that blows away Cryptic STO.
have fun with that, I'm going to keep enjoying sto, but I wish you and yours the best of luck.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
So in the end this is just another argument about lock boxes and the monetization of the game. Well the monetization is the only thing that is keeping the game running, that is reality, respect for the IP is just a concept and as such has a monetary value of exactly zero. When Atari still owned Cryptic and this game was subscription funded, this game was not garnering the kind of profits they had hoped for, which is why Atari bailed and PWE ended up with it, they switched to an F2P model with micro-transactions and the lock boxes because it is a much more profitable mechanism. Had this turn of events not taken place STO might not be here today and other developers might have decided that this franchise is just not worth the risk. In any case this is the direction PWE chose and as such they have no sane reason to run a less profitable subscription based server at the same time, in fact they would be losing money since such a server would never have a sufficient population to even carry it's running expenses and respect for the IP doesn't cut the mustard when you're in a boardroom facing shareholders.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
I like The Secret World's F2P model best. You have access to the entire game, all of its mechanics and all of the content that was there prior to them taking it Free to Play. If you are a subscriber, you get a stipend of points similar to how subscribers of STO get a stipend of Zen. Each story issue (like a comic book to a degree) contains several missions spanning different areas and themes. For non-subscribers, access to these issues is purchased at a rate based on the quantity of content. For subscribers, the stipend will always cover the latest issue's cost.
Over time, older issues get folded into the free content.
Updates to game mechanics are free.
The important thing to remember there is that the free play aspect does not lock anything mechanics-wise behind paygates. The game itself is free. Content is what they charge for.
In STO they charge for fluff and auxiliary elements and the content is free. Which is why that there is way more auxiliary elements and fluff compared to content... And it is PLAYABLE content I speak of. Stuff to actually DO.
you have to pay once to play period. so it's not really free you just pay up front and there is no way to not pay... in less a friend gives you his account.
and as much as people whine every time cyptic adds something we get all mission, stfs, queued content, battlezones for free. no cost ever.
just new ships we don't really need and a few other shinies again that we don't need.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
have fun with that, I'm going to keep enjoying sto, but I wish you and yours the best of luck.
I'll still be supporting my fleets on STO with a lot less playing time. But I will be certainly happy to throw money at all the other places non-Cryptic.
I have money, I want my own server as well, but just for me, then i want to lease server space for other players, and they give me money to use my server.:cool:
I like The Secret World's F2P model best. You have access to the entire game, all of its mechanics and all of the content that was there prior to them taking it Free to Play. If you are a subscriber, you get a stipend of points similar to how subscribers of STO get a stipend of Zen. Each story issue (like a comic book to a degree) contains several missions spanning different areas and themes. For non-subscribers, access to these issues is purchased at a rate based on the quantity of content. For subscribers, the stipend will always cover the latest issue's cost.
Over time, older issues get folded into the free content.
Updates to game mechanics are free.
The important thing to remember there is that the free play aspect does not lock anything mechanics-wise behind paygates. The game itself is free. Content is what they charge for.
In STO they charge for fluff and auxiliary elements and the content is free. Which is why that there is way more auxiliary elements and fluff compared to content... And it is PLAYABLE content I speak of. Stuff to actually DO.
You know it's a bloody shame that we cannot have a server that has no lockboxes or lockbox ships on it. Make it an option available for those who subscribe to the game. The lockbox TRIBBLE is the one bit of content I would pay to have removed from my game. Those who want it can keep it, but as I don't play the lockbox lottery, and I don't see that changing anytime soon, Give me the option to resub, and copy my main character over to it the way I can with Tribble.
Or why not just make it where those using anything Lobi-related cannot be in the same instances with those who do not. That might be the better solution. There is precedence for something like that with the difficulty mode settings which allow players to be subject to different rulesets.
Give us a switch to flip that lets us turn EVERYTHING lobi off. It needs to be all or nothing. Anything lobi-related in our inventory or equipped would prevent the switch from working. Let those who don't give even one millionth of a damn about Star Trek have their lobi trash. Let the rest of us who want a game that even remotely TRIES to be true to Trek not have to look at them or their lobi trash.
And oh... with the anti-lobi switch active, make it so where we never see another "So-and-so just got a [InsetyLockboxShip]! message flash on the screen.
Please, Cryptic. For the love of GOD, when will enough be enough? As far as I am concern, it already is!
reads like a petition btw.
as for lockboxes, they are not going anywhere, this is PWEs main source of money the lockboxes and there would be nothing in it for them to have an options switch about such content. move on.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Well I got a response, just not the one I was expecting. :eek:
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I am okay with Lobi stuff. I have a Tal'Shiar Adapted ship to go with my Tal'Shiar Rommie. Or... as Tal'Shiar as she can get: the ship, the uniform (with the T'S skirt), sides with the other Tal'Shiar whenever the option is available. Other people are the same way: Cardassian ships to go with their Cardie characters, Jem'Hadar ships for their Jem'Hadar characters, whips for their Ferengi. These things help to aid immersion for people playing as something other than the basic Feds and Klinks
Sorry bout the late response but I think ya have some anger issues. Let go of the hate bro, destroy your fun it will.
Well I got a response, just not the one I was expecting. :eek:
Aww come on. You had to have seen where that one was going.
OP opens with a "The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!" type of post. You come in with little model ships. OP breaks the little model ships. I swoop in and finish it off with that classic closing line.
The setup was complete. The timing, perfect. It had to be done. :P
You know it's a bloody shame that we cannot have a server that has no lockboxes or lockbox ships on it. Make it an option available for those who subscribe to the game. The lockbox TRIBBLE is the one bit of content I would pay to have removed from my game. Those who want it can keep it, but as I don't play the lockbox lottery, and I don't see that changing anytime soon, Give me the option to resub, and copy my main character over to it the way I can with Tribble.
Or why not just make it where those using anything Lobi-related cannot be in the same instances with those who do not. That might be the better solution. There is precedence for something like that with the difficulty mode settings which allow players to be subject to different rulesets.
Give us a switch to flip that lets us turn EVERYTHING lobi off. It needs to be all or nothing. Anything lobi-related in our inventory or equipped would prevent the switch from working. Let those who don't give even one millionth of a damn about Star Trek have their lobi trash. Let the rest of us who want a game that even remotely TRIES to be true to Trek not have to look at them or their lobi trash.
And oh... with the anti-lobi switch active, make it so where we never see another "So-and-so just got a [InsetyLockboxShip]! message flash on the screen.
Please, Cryptic. For the love of GOD, when will enough be enough? As far as I am concern, it already is!
There once was a kid from New Delhi,
With not too much food in his belly.
Others went "This rocks!"
But he hated the box,
Cuz turns out he was really just jelly.
You know it's a bloody shame that we cannot have a server that has no lockboxes or lockbox ships on it. Make it an option available for those who subscribe to the game. The lockbox TRIBBLE is the one bit of content I would pay to have removed from my game. Those who want it can keep it, but as I don't play the lockbox lottery, and I don't see that changing anytime soon, Give me the option to resub, and copy my main character over to it the way I can with Tribble.
Or why not just make it where those using anything Lobi-related cannot be in the same instances with those who do not. That might be the better solution. There is precedence for something like that with the difficulty mode settings which allow players to be subject to different rulesets.
Give us a switch to flip that lets us turn EVERYTHING lobi off. It needs to be all or nothing. Anything lobi-related in our inventory or equipped would prevent the switch from working. Let those who don't give even one millionth of a damn about Star Trek have their lobi trash. Let the rest of us who want a game that even remotely TRIES to be true to Trek not have to look at them or their lobi trash.
And oh... with the anti-lobi switch active, make it so where we never see another "So-and-so just got a [InsetyLockboxShip]! message flash on the screen.
Please, Cryptic. For the love of GOD, when will enough be enough? As far as I am concern, it already is!
Would some one please pass this guy a tissue? while your at it try and find his dummy as well.
I have a lock box ships and I've worked my TRIBBLE off earning the EC to buy them, I've opened a few boxes in my time and benefited from the items I've gotten from them. Most of time I consider them junk and treat them as such.
But taking your argument on board, whats next? limiting the remaining ships to faction specific weapons? I.E. fed ships can only equip phasers? Hell while your at it why not scrub out all the different ship variants/skins!
Everything Cryptic bring into game is done so with the approval of Star trek's copyright owners. If you dont like it go play something else.
There are a lot of problems with the game, but the playable ship list is the least of the problems.
Though lockbox ships do reduce the chance of ever having a C-store or a custom minirace version of the species using them, like Cardassian/Dominion subfaction.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
I think people should just start looking at Eve Online, Star Citizen, Spacee Engineers, Kerbal Space Program, or Vendetta Online for better alternatives. It will be cheaper and maybe with enougth development and support. They can make something that blows away Cryptic STO.
have fun with that, I'm going to keep enjoying sto, but I wish you and yours the best of luck.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
you have to pay once to play period. so it's not really free you just pay up front and there is no way to not pay... in less a friend gives you his account.
and as much as people whine every time cyptic adds something we get all mission, stfs, queued content, battlezones for free. no cost ever.
just new ships we don't really need and a few other shinies again that we don't need.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
I'll still be supporting my fleets on STO with a lot less playing time. But I will be certainly happy to throw money at all the other places non-Cryptic.
I have money, I want my own server as well, but just for me, then i want to lease server space for other players, and they give me money to use my server.:cool:
Sounds great . . . but it is missing lock boxes.
Hey ... I want new STF's !
I want Gozer back .
I want certain Devs who live in the past GONE .
I want new FE series .
... guess neither of us gets their wish ...
reads like a petition btw.
as for lockboxes, they are not going anywhere, this is PWEs main source of money the lockboxes and there would be nothing in it for them to have an options switch about such content. move on.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Why are you not rejoicing?
Well I got a response, just not the one I was expecting. :eek:
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
one thing is for sure, I will survive, oops cue song No.2
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
well that explains a few things...
Aww come on. You had to have seen where that one was going.
OP opens with a "The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!" type of post. You come in with little model ships. OP breaks the little model ships. I swoop in and finish it off with that classic closing line.
The setup was complete. The timing, perfect. It had to be done. :P
Mine Trap Supporter
You did not know this?
Why do you think I had such an easy time getting support for the ability to remove the "<NAME> Has aquired a <LOCKBOX SHIP>" back then?
I've heard about people who had to disable their chat for hours after getting a ship because of all the hate PM's.
There once was a kid from New Delhi,
With not too much food in his belly.
Others went "This rocks!"
But he hated the box,
Cuz turns out he was really just jelly.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
*waves out the starboard flight deck hanger of another Recluse @ kimmy
Would some one please pass this guy a tissue? while your at it try and find his dummy as well.
I have a lock box ships and I've worked my TRIBBLE off earning the EC to buy them, I've opened a few boxes in my time and benefited from the items I've gotten from them. Most of time I consider them junk and treat them as such.
But taking your argument on board, whats next? limiting the remaining ships to faction specific weapons? I.E. fed ships can only equip phasers? Hell while your at it why not scrub out all the different ship variants/skins!
Everything Cryptic bring into game is done so with the approval of Star trek's copyright owners. If you dont like it go play something else.
Though lockbox ships do reduce the chance of ever having a C-store or a custom minirace version of the species using them, like Cardassian/Dominion subfaction.