When the Venture class came out, they made a Galaxy-X variant and they said they were working on a Nebula variant as well, which they never released...
Could that Venture class Nebula Variant finally be on its way?
Based on the upgrades given to the Gal-X, we can expect the following Nebula Changes:
1. Hangar Bay Added.
2. Lt Tac -> Lt Uni.
3. Can Use Saucer Separation Console from Galaxy.
4. Console set bonus for Nebula consoles, possibly including Saucer console.
Based on the upgrades given to the Gal-X, we can expect the following Nebula Changes:
1. Hangar Bay Added.
2. Lt Tac -> Lt Uni.
3. Can Use Saucer Separation Console from Galaxy.
4. Console set bonus for Nebula consoles, possibly including Saucer console.
While I can some of these changes happening, more needs to happen with the nebula. Don't forget-it has the worst turn-rate of all Sci ships excluding the kitty carrier and it's more cruiser oriented than almost every other fed Sci ship. Thus, it makes sense that it should have a 4/3 weapons set up as others have suggested in this thread. If you think that's too OP, then give it 4/3 weapons only in tactical mode with subsystem targeting disabled and with cruiser commands enabled.
Alternatively, give us tactical, engie, or science mission pods. The tactical one gives 4/3 weapons (subsystem targeting disabled), the engineering one gives enhanced hull regeneration and more hull points as well as cruiser commands, or the Sci one would boost shields, particle gens, insulators, flow cap, and grav.
With the heavy nerf to the Borg regen set bonus, my Vesta sure could use a bit of a hull buff. Definitely looking forward to that. The Nebula is one of those ships that needs to be redesigned from the game standpoint. Depending on the mission pod you select in the tailor should take one BO slot and have that change to the career of the pod theme. If you use a tactical pod, then that BO slot would be a tac slot, science pod would give you a science slot, etc. I have no clue what the BO layout of the ship is but I'm sure it would be easy enough to mix up one of the ensign or lieutenant slots for this.
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Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
I'm still keeping a close eye on developments for this, as my main character(Fed Sci)'s flagship is a Fleet Nebula Retrofit heavily setup for Defensive Support/Tank work....
I've mostly offset the turn-rate issue with several RCS consoles(including a Fleet model), with nearly everything else on the ship, including the Nukara Space Set(working on the web-mines now), skewed towards Defense; once my selected Space Traits are figured in, I've got it's hull to approx. 50,300 hp with considerable shield regen potential.
I'm eager to see what's planned for the near future!
I'm still keeping a close eye on developments for this, as my main character(Fed Sci)'s flagship is a Fleet Nebula Retrofit heavily setup for Defensive Support/Tank work....
I've mostly offset the turn-rate issue with several RCS consoles(including a Fleet model), with nearly everything else on the ship, including the Nukara Space Set(working on the web-mines now), skewed towards Defense; once my selected Space Traits are figured in, I've got it's hull to approx. 50,300 hp with considerable shield regen potential.
I'm eager to see what's planned for the near future!
why set up for tanking/healing. it is not needed ingame. unless you are playing with people who only use white quality items or something like that.
the game is a dps race, heals are ridiculous. I literally watch defients tank the boss successfully without a single heal from another player (thanks traits).
do yourself and anyone you might pug with a favor, lean your build out and go for every once of damage you can get, things die so fast in this game, defense is a secondary concearn now a days.. lol..
as for an update to the vesta, no.. why should it get more hull. it has less hull because it has gadgets and gizmos.. its called balance. you get a hangar, and other toys, you get less hull. I see a lot of these and none of them are blowing up on the regular. the vesta is fine as it is.
I do agree with a nebula update though. that ship was lack luster before it even launched..
I think instead of making different pods (thus tac/eng/sci) they should just make the cmdr slot universal. make the lt univ. a sci lt seat. the nebula is the very definition of a ship that should have its strongest boff seat a universal seat.. and I agree, the weapons should be 4/3 on this ship. not only is it one of the larger sci ships, this ship was pretty much the second strongest ship in the fleet during tng. (though we have seen what cryptic did to the flagship of tng ingame lol).
and as part of the revamp, I would love to see the other pods. I love the sensor dish the phoenix had.. its actually a real shame they did not include that when they released it. kind of lazy if you ask me.
While I can some of these changes happening, more needs to happen with the nebula. Don't forget-it has the worst turn-rate of all Sci ships excluding the kitty carrier and it's more cruiser oriented than almost every other fed Sci ship. Thus, it makes sense that it should have a 4/3 weapons set up as others have suggested in this thread. If you think that's too OP, then give it 4/3 weapons only in tactical mode with subsystem targeting disabled and with cruiser commands enabled.
Alternatively, give us tactical, engie, or science mission pods. The tactical one gives 4/3 weapons (subsystem targeting disabled), the engineering one gives enhanced hull regeneration and more hull points as well as cruiser commands, or the Sci one would boost shields, particle gens, insulators, flow cap, and grav.
I'd love to see a hanger bay added to the Nebula, but considering Cryptic passed on the idea of adding one to the Galaxy when they added it to the Galaxy X, I'm not too optimistic for the Galaxy in this department.
I don't think the Nebula has seen any love since 2010...it definitely need's some love. It's an awesome ship.
I would definitely love some more hull on the cstore version, which is the one I'm using since I'm not in a fleet....4/3 weapons would be pretty cool, and possibly some kind of bridge officer upgrade.
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
IMO, all sci ships should have aux powered beam weapons available through the rep, lobi store, or both. Why should the vesta get all of the special trinkets?
For the Vesta, outside a HP boost, nothing need to be buffed.
I agree with some of the mission pod ideas. Like I said in a previous thread, I think the new mission pod scan be a slot where you can put 1 weapon (torpedo, beam) OR a secondary deflector.
Changing the feet Nebula from +1 eng console to + 1 tact console, maybe...
But one thing for sure: I don't want a silly hangar on it! :P
No, bad idea, the best thing about the vesta is power level management. Being able to draw from multiple power for you weapons allows you to over clock each to increase DPS. Having multiple beams arrays using aux would hurt science abilities that use aux.
All 10-console ships are considered fleet-level, regardless of availability from the fleet.
its not availability i am concerned, its fleet stats. vesta do not have fleet stats like other fleet sci ships, only 1.3 shield mod and 27k hp while fleet sci ships have 1.43shield mod and 29.7k hp.
its not availability i am concerned, its fleet stats. vesta do not have fleet stats like other fleet sci ships, only 1.3 shield mod and 27k hp while fleet sci ships have 1.43shield mod and 29.7k hp.
These are 2 things that I think will be buffed on the Vesta - maybe bring her shields up to 1.45 and Hull to 30k.
I want to get a Vesta but am not sure which one - I don't usually go for the 3 packs as I never used 3 set consoles.
I just bought the sci version only. Even for a Tac commander because of it's very flexible BOFF arragnement, you can have once kickbutt ship.
And IMHO vesta IS a fleet level ship. 10 consoles, hanger and slightly less hull and shield. If it had the hull and shield modifers of other fleet level ships, it would easily roflstomp them.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
3/3/4 Tac/Eng/Sci console layout for the fleet version.
Enhance the T5 version of Tachyon detection field - maybe make some extra powers or skills from making the T3 version + the T5 version a set - have a build that can detect all Romulan ships no matter where they hide!!
There is actually some logic to this ... In the episode where Data's nebula-class ship used the tachyon detection grid it also left a "residual tachyon trace" around the Romulan ships so Data was able to see them at close range.
Maybe mod the tachyon detection grid console so any clocked ship within 10k is visible for an extra 15-20 second period? Cloaked ships can still engage full impulse and go outside weapons range to recloak but they can't stay within weapons range without becoming visible for that additional period of time. So cloaked ships have to decloak in order to keep fighting or run away ... or get hit with their shields down
In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
voodieh class is an alt time line negvar varient from the episode we got the gal's spinal lance.
others inferred it had uprated sensors, shields and other systems, so i suggested it as a kdf analogue to the nebula.
I dont know if I want a sci hybrid negh'var but giving the Negh'var the Gal-X treatment would be fantastic and I'd buy that mini bundle immediately!
Other than getting a little more hull...I don't know what they could tweak on the vesta...guessing that's what he was refering to.
I enjoy the Nebula but yes...would use some additional Schmexy sause. Limited Cruiser commands could be cool...or perhaps just a little better turn rate. Compared to other sci ships she is certainly more durable base stat wise but less sci abilities to play with. Shrug...Im sure they've already figured out what they think its lacking and I look forward to seeing the result.
And yes...if we put a little more hull on the Vesta..I'd like a little more on the Intrepid too plz
Could that Venture class Nebula Variant finally be on its way?
1. Hangar Bay Added.
2. Lt Tac -> Lt Uni.
3. Can Use Saucer Separation Console from Galaxy.
4. Console set bonus for Nebula consoles, possibly including Saucer console.
While I can some of these changes happening, more needs to happen with the nebula. Don't forget-it has the worst turn-rate of all Sci ships excluding the kitty carrier and it's more cruiser oriented than almost every other fed Sci ship. Thus, it makes sense that it should have a 4/3 weapons set up as others have suggested in this thread. If you think that's too OP, then give it 4/3 weapons only in tactical mode with subsystem targeting disabled and with cruiser commands enabled.
Alternatively, give us tactical, engie, or science mission pods. The tactical one gives 4/3 weapons (subsystem targeting disabled), the engineering one gives enhanced hull regeneration and more hull points as well as cruiser commands, or the Sci one would boost shields, particle gens, insulators, flow cap, and grav.
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Only thing I can agree to, is turn rate for the nebula.
I've mostly offset the turn-rate issue with several RCS consoles(including a Fleet model), with nearly everything else on the ship, including the Nukara Space Set(working on the web-mines now), skewed towards Defense; once my selected Space Traits are figured in, I've got it's hull to approx. 50,300 hp with considerable shield regen potential.
I'm eager to see what's planned for the near future!
why set up for tanking/healing. it is not needed ingame. unless you are playing with people who only use white quality items or something like that.
the game is a dps race, heals are ridiculous. I literally watch defients tank the boss successfully without a single heal from another player (thanks traits).
do yourself and anyone you might pug with a favor, lean your build out and go for every once of damage you can get, things die so fast in this game, defense is a secondary concearn now a days.. lol..
as for an update to the vesta, no.. why should it get more hull. it has less hull because it has gadgets and gizmos.. its called balance. you get a hangar, and other toys, you get less hull. I see a lot of these and none of them are blowing up on the regular. the vesta is fine as it is.
I do agree with a nebula update though. that ship was lack luster before it even launched..
I think instead of making different pods (thus tac/eng/sci) they should just make the cmdr slot universal. make the lt univ. a sci lt seat. the nebula is the very definition of a ship that should have its strongest boff seat a universal seat.. and I agree, the weapons should be 4/3 on this ship. not only is it one of the larger sci ships, this ship was pretty much the second strongest ship in the fleet during tng. (though we have seen what cryptic did to the flagship of tng ingame lol).
and as part of the revamp, I would love to see the other pods. I love the sensor dish the phoenix had.. its actually a real shame they did not include that when they released it. kind of lazy if you ask me.
I would definitely love some more hull on the cstore version, which is the one I'm using since I'm not in a fleet....4/3 weapons would be pretty cool, and possibly some kind of bridge officer upgrade.
It should have had them in the first place
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
IMO, all sci ships should have aux powered beam weapons available through the rep, lobi store, or both. Why should the vesta get all of the special trinkets?
For the Vesta, outside a HP boost, nothing need to be buffed.
I agree with some of the mission pod ideas. Like I said in a previous thread, I think the new mission pod scan be a slot where you can put 1 weapon (torpedo, beam) OR a secondary deflector.
Changing the feet Nebula from +1 eng console to + 1 tact console, maybe...
But one thing for sure: I don't want a silly hangar on it! :P
Original artist BTW.
no its not fleet level ship
No, bad idea, the best thing about the vesta is power level management. Being able to draw from multiple power for you weapons allows you to over clock each to increase DPS. Having multiple beams arrays using aux would hurt science abilities that use aux.
It is fleet level quality. It has 10 consoles superior shields. The hull is week because of the hanger. It is called game balance.
Not to mention the gadgets it gets access to.
Vesta and fleet nebula being buffed? Prepare to pay full price for them again! :rolleyes:
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its not availability i am concerned, its fleet stats. vesta do not have fleet stats like other fleet sci ships, only 1.3 shield mod and 27k hp while fleet sci ships have 1.43shield mod and 29.7k hp.
These are 2 things that I think will be buffed on the Vesta - maybe bring her shields up to 1.45 and Hull to 30k.
I want to get a Vesta but am not sure which one - I don't usually go for the 3 packs as I never used 3 set consoles.
I got the tac & sci versions of the Vesta... works for me
And IMHO vesta IS a fleet level ship. 10 consoles, hanger and slightly less hull and shield. If it had the hull and shield modifers of other fleet level ships, it would easily roflstomp them.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
There is actually some logic to this ... In the episode where Data's nebula-class ship used the tachyon detection grid it also left a "residual tachyon trace" around the Romulan ships so Data was able to see them at close range.
Maybe mod the tachyon detection grid console so any clocked ship within 10k is visible for an extra 15-20 second period? Cloaked ships can still engage full impulse and go outside weapons range to recloak but they can't stay within weapons range without becoming visible for that additional period of time. So cloaked ships have to decloak in order to keep fighting or run away ... or get hit with their shields down
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
Heavy Escort Carrier doesn't make any sacrifices for its hangar, except maybe a tiny bit of turn rate.
I dont know if I want a sci hybrid negh'var but giving the Negh'var the Gal-X treatment would be fantastic and I'd buy that mini bundle immediately!
Other than getting a little more hull...I don't know what they could tweak on the vesta...guessing that's what he was refering to.
I enjoy the Nebula but yes...would use some additional Schmexy sause. Limited Cruiser commands could be cool...or perhaps just a little better turn rate. Compared to other sci ships she is certainly more durable base stat wise but less sci abilities to play with. Shrug...Im sure they've already figured out what they think its lacking and I look forward to seeing the result.
And yes...if we put a little more hull on the Vesta..I'd like a little more on the Intrepid too plz
I like the way you think.