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Al Rivera is OP - Plans to Buff the Vesta and Nebula!



  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,618 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    The scary thing here being that you're probably completely right.

    Because that's Cryptic's lazy way of "fixing" things - "When in doubt, slap a hangar!"

    Yeah, a hangar or a 2-piece console set Ala SS/AMS. Maybe even combined with the ion torpedo. 2/3 piece set triples ionized torpedo speed.

    Now that could be a potential lethal cloak hunter.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    angrytarg wrote: »
    If that happens I'll probably laugh, cry and throw up. I'm sure about the order, though.

    Eh, I would've experienced the same, but after datamining proved that there will probably be an Undine lockbox something just clicked within me that made me indifferent. If this happens I'll just go "meh" as I've been going "meh" for most of the stuff lately.
    Ofcourse, this also means that mu wallet is in a "meh" mood towards the game and it will remain "meh" until they pull their act back together.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You making up something? Could be, but probably not in this instance. You claiming Geko said it? Eh, if you did make it up, attributing it to Geko could be fun! But again, in this instance, I don't think that's the case.

    Something lasting on the forums for this long without any research or attribution? Absolutely I can believe that happening. And that has zero to do with you or this topic or anything.


    All someone has to do is listen to priority one's last podcast that I mentioned if they want to hear it for themselves.
  • starfish1701starfish1701 Member Posts: 782 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I've always had a soft spot for the Nebula, so any improvements would be great.

    A Phoenix variant would be a cool addition too. :)
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    All someone has to do is listen to priority one's last podcast that I mentioned if they want to hear it for themselves.

    Geko says a lot of stuff. Very little of it seems to actually happen. Until it turns up in the Tribble patch notes this is pure speculation.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    All someone has to do is listen to priority one's last podcast that I mentioned if they want to hear it for themselves.

    Ah, I think you misunderstood my post, which was a swipe at the forums themselves and the collective grist of everyone, and not at all directed at you.

    I believe what you posted.

    I just was going off track a bit and pointing out that the forums aren't known for zealous oversight and watchdog tendencies, so on more than one occasion there have been threads with no verification that hung around for ages. This is completely divergent from your posts. So I'm sorry if my little swipe seemed to be directed at you. It was not. I apologize for any confusion.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2014
    Aux powered beam arrays for the vesta !!!!!

    no pets for the nebula plz !...moar Beef
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2014
    What? That is a joke right? Fleet Excelsior is a-OK.

    That's season 9, so it's coming.

    the excelsior might be ok for .................you

    You dont speak for the rest of us ..........And dont presume too thats a joke
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ltdata96 wrote: »
    Cause that's the way Cryptic tend to improve ships: Slap a hangar bay on it and it's fine (As seen with the Dreadnought Cruiser and Tactical (Carrier) Warbird) ;)
    But... those improvements are only a small fraction of improvements they have done since the first expansion last year. Cruiser comm arrays, flanking, secondary deflectors...
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    But... those improvements are only a small fraction of improvements they have done since the first expansion last year. Cruiser comm arrays, flanking, secondary deflectors...

    Kind of. Those changes were more toward an entire category of starship (cruiser, raider, science) rather than a single specific ship. When it comes to those (Gal-X, Ar'kif) they just stick a hangar bay on it and call it a revamp.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    lan451 wrote: »
    Kind of. Those changes were more toward an entire category of starship (cruiser, raider, science) rather than a single specific ship. When it comes to those (Gal-X, Ar'kif) they just stick a hangar bay on it and call it a revamp.
    ...good point.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    lan451 wrote: »
    Kind of. Those changes were more toward an entire category of starship (cruiser, raider, science) rather than a single specific ship. When it comes to those (Gal-X, Ar'kif) they just stick a hangar bay on it and call it a revamp.

    To be fair, the gal-x hanger was talked about well over a year before the ar'kif even existed. The changes from the twitter post showing the shotgun blast to the actual release was really small. Now the ar'kif getting a hanger, yeah...
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Honestly, I'll be surprised if the vesta gets anything more than 10% extra hull. For the Nebula, I have no idea what they would do, but changes for these ships (save the ar'kif) seem to take a while to get out.
  • stuntpilotstuntpilot Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Vest Class saucer separation (from Mark Rademaker himself).

    More hangers for everyone! Let's give the Nebbie a hanger, then give the Vesta another one just because (along with the above saucer separation), more hull, another forward weapon slot, a frigate pet, and give the consoles another handful of set bonuses.

    And battlecloak, because people like that. You know. To be balanced.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »

    the excelsior might be ok for .................you

    You dont speak for the rest of us ..........And dont presume too thats a joke

    The Excelsior is fine. If it's not fine for you, you should start up a thread in the shipyard or the builds forums and get some advice from people who can help you get more out of the ship. It's performance is still top notch. And the ship doesn't need a balance pass. At all.
  • thegrimcorsairthegrimcorsair Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    stuntpilot wrote: »
    And battlecloak, because people like that. You know. To be balanced.

    I like the way you think.
    If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I like the way you think.

    totally agreed! :)... on the other hand such postings always make me think: "don't give em ideas" ;):(...
  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Another bit of irony I'm seeing.

    People ask for a viable Tier 5 Aquarius starship. It gets into the game, but barely just clears the line of being a vanity ship.

    People don't really ask as much for a Hoh'Sus bird of prey... and get an excellent endgame bird of prey.

    Not that I mind KDF-side getting more love... but isn't that a double-standard by comparison to realizing that the Aquarius has problems and willfully deciding not to attend them?
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Here's a (probably completely impractical) thought. The Nebula pod's functionality basically is the detection consoles right? It doesn't serve any purpose if you don't have one slotted.

    So it kinda follows that if they put in a 'tactical' pod based on the torpedo launcher version from the shows, this would also be a console (rather than a weapon slot item). That would give us a 4/3 weapon load out, without actually adding a new weapon slot.

    While I'm dreaming, maybe the set bonus for having all the consoles could be some kind of torpedo power, thus simulating having more tac boff abilities.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »

    the excelsior might be ok for .................you

    You dont speak for the rest of us ..........And dont presume too thats a joke

    If you're being serious, and you say you are and you think that the Excelsior is not OK in STO - you need to uninstall STO and spend at least a year contemplating what you just said until you come back.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    capnmanx wrote: »
    Here's a (probably completely impractical) thought. The Nebula pod's functionality basically is the detection consoles right? It doesn't serve any purpose if you don't have one slotted.

    So it kinda follows that if they put in a 'tactical' pod based on the torpedo launcher version from the shows, this would also be a console (rather than a weapon slot item). That would give us a 4/3 weapon load out, without actually adding a new weapon slot.

    While I'm dreaming, maybe set set bonus for having all the consoles could be some kind of torpedo power, thus simulating having more tac boff abilities.

    You know all those other posts I made about how they won't add another weapon to the ship? Well your idea is slightly different. And is something I think could be done, sidestepping previous discussion Geko has had on the science ship loadout and itemization budget. And it falls in line with what they just did with the Dyson science ship, kind of.

    So here's me saying, "Hey, that could work."

    Definitely a creative idea on what could be done.
  • heegoo419heegoo419 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I for one have been a huge fan of the Nebula ever since it got released into the game. I picked up the fleet version for my Sci captain and switch back to it every once in a while just because I like flying it so much. I would love to see the idea of the different mission pods (Sci, Tact, or Engy) equippable on that ship. It would definitely make me take it out a lot more.

    Funnily enough my Sci captain is in his Vesta right now and personally if it is going to receive some sort of buff the only ones I could see is a small hull buff ( to around 30000) or possibly the Aux powered beam arrays. Other than those 2 things the Vesta is fine IMO.
    Risa Squadron
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    After listening to the podcast, Geko only mentioned the Vesta's hitpoints in relation to any buffs it might receive.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Yes, it was only hitpoints mentioned that he wanted to buff. But that might not be the only thing.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »

    the excelsior might be ok for .................you

    You dont speak for the rest of us ..........And dont presume too thats a joke


    The Excelsior is a fabulous ship. Even more so since the removal of shared cooldowns between "Team" abilities.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2014

    The Excelsior is a fabulous ship. Even more so since the removal of shared cooldowns between "Team" abilities.

    Compared to what is it fabulous ?

    My Fleet Excelsior is completly outclssed by the scimitar just like the rest of my Fed ships
    1000zen for tier 3 excel
    2500 zen for tier 5 excel
    fleet module for fleet 500 zen

    4000 zen for excelcior
    2500 zen for scimitar

    scim had 3x my DPS....................3x the dps..............3x the dps
    has battlecloak
    has singularity powers on the warp core
    has a better turn rate
    has the best pets in the game they do 3k dps on there own
    and can tank just as good as the excelsior

    I got 6 rommies
    3 kdf
    5 feds

    and i got the ships

    there isnt any reason for the feds to be so outclassed as they are

    its patethic is what it is
    Weakest ships
    Weakest characters
    Weakest primary weapon
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Umm... the Excelsior Class isn't a Scimitar Dreadnought. The Fed Dreadnought tho isn't coming close to the Scimitar either... the Avenger maybe. MAYBE.

    But yeah, if the Excelsior had that kind of an DPS power then I'd see a loud 'NERF IT' feedback.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »

    Compared to what is it fabulous ?

    My Fleet Excelsior is completly outclssed by the scimitar just like the rest of my Fed ships
    1000zen for tier 3 excel
    2500 zen for tier 5 excel
    fleet module for fleet 500 zen

    4000 zen for excelcior
    2500 zen for scimitar

    scim had 3x my DPS....................3x the dps..............3x the dps
    has battlecloak
    has singularity powers on the warp core
    has a better turn rate
    has the best pets in the game they do 3k dps on there own
    and can tank just as good as the excelsior

    I got 6 rommies
    3 kdf
    5 feds

    and i got the ships

    there isnt any reason for the feds to be so outclassed as they are

    its patethic is what it is
    Weakest ships
    Weakest characters
    Weakest primary weapon

    LOL, you are comparing a good, balanced ship to the most Overpowered Ship belonging to the most Overpowered Faction that happens to have some of the most Overpowered Consoles. After that, they have Romulan / Reman BOFFs that have Overpowered, faction specific BOFF traits that ridiculously stack to laughably Overpowered levels.

    You must have been drinking in the Romulan Kool-Aid so much that when you tried something else, your inferior playstyle and knowledge comes through.

    Here's a final news hint: The Romulans have broken this game, and enabled more power to people that otherwise could not perform with regular Fed **AND** KDF ships. The Romulans sacrifice NOTHING in design for all that they can do. And the Scimitar is the very epitome of that.

    And you are comparing an otherwise, very solid ship, the Excelsior in all its iterations, to the very definition of STO Broken Overpoweredness.

    The fact that you can't shine in an Excelsior and only in an Overpowered Scimitar should tell us enough about what you can do with the game and its ships. Many have had very solid, very well performing Fed TAC Cruisers, which the Excelsior is a part of. And they still do. In PVP AND PVE. Matter of fact, now more than ever, it is even "MOAR EASY" to do.

  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    To be honest, I find it kind of funny that this thread's going over something that one could have sneezed and missed in that podcast. With the skill revamp being pushed back to S10 or later...and the claim that STO:X2 will be as large if not larger than STO:LoR - shouldn't there be far more concern about what sort of actual OP stuff Geko's planning to unleash on the masses?

    C'mon, you know...it's going to be the Pakled Expansion with the Pakleds as a playable faction with ships that will leave the Roms crying for buffs. There were be so much OP stuff with so many convoluted mechanics, nobody will understand how any of it works...they'll just press their spacebars to make it go....
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well the only thing going for it is that the Nebula was originally one of Al's babies - so if he follows through with the buffing he mentioned - hopefully he will pay it closer attention.

    4/3 weapons load out

    1.5 shield mod

    10 turn

    3/3/4 Tac/Eng/Sci console layout for the fleet version.

    Enhance the T5 version of Tachyon detection field - maybe make some extra powers or skills from making the T3 version + the T5 version a set - have a build that can detect all Romulan ships no matter where they hide!!

    I like your suggestions. If they do that, I may consider playing STO again.
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