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Why do some premates use so much cheese?



  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ilhansk wrote: »

    None of us had any problem with you or any of your fleetmates (heck i even thought zelda was a cool guy) until the trash talking started after hannibal came into our TS and basically called us a bunch of noobs.

    He was... passive aggressively nice about it, but the sentiment was there and we did not appreciate it.

    At the end of the day we dont feel we have to prove to you or Hannibal anything. We never really have felt this need.

    The whole issue was the comment about how we were new, when we have been pvping for close to a year. We took that as a blatant insult and you can ask your buddy about that one.

    We get along with Pandas, Lag, most people besides the one that feel the need to try to prove something. You are those type of guys. "youre only good if you can beat us at our pre-set up home turf style of game"

    So what? We took it as rather rude and condescending. We have participated in several tournaments. Hell Sisko, Zetto and I were on the top three teams that won the mixed 3-man IPvP tournament last year. Zettos team won vs mine in the finals by one kill.

    Id consider that the day we became "established" as serious players and not by some self entitled "hannibal metric" like he was lecturing us on.

    You criticize me and my builds, thats okay, that is perfectly fine, but I play my way. not yours.

    Last I checked every time this has flared up you or your guys have instigated it with us.

    As far as we knew Inner Circle were a bunch of nobodies that came back. Oh, youre a pvp fleet, awesome. But your ego preceeds you, it really does.

    So stop pointing fingers at me, the real bad guy in this is you and yours.

    Vice may be one of the very last fleetmades left right now, most other fleets have broken up, moved on, quit the game, etc. Do you really want us to stop? I guess you could fight entrax all day, I mean thats about all there is besides us then.

    We were here for months before you "came back" where were you? As far as I am concerned, you (meaning mostly hannibal, mind) are the noobs right now.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • ibuyevryshipibuyevryship Member Posts: 280
    edited April 2014
    why talk about zelda, i never said anything bad about ur fleet man ....seriously ...
  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It could also mean team A was running a setup that was much more functional at countering team B. Honestly it seems more like an ego stroking thing than anything of value. Similar to the "who is the best Space PvPer at XYZ" threads that pop up every few weeks. Meaningless ego stroking that serves no purpose
    That would be due to preparation, which is a fairly large part of a private match. If Team A comes better prepared with more functional counters to Team B, and then wins because of it, that means they were the better team on that day for that match.
    Yet none of those factors could carry into a private match? I may be a Ground PvPer primarily, but I've been in plenty of private matches. There are many factors beyond simple skill evaluations determining the end result of a 5v5 match. The only way to truly evaluate skill is in a 1v1, but even that is questionable due to a significant number of factors.
    If those factors carry over to a private match, then it is the fault of the team that allowed those factors to carry over and they deserve to lose (or at least be at a disadvantage).
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'd just like to point out that Black Winter Cartel is undefeated in 5v5 matches. We haven't fought any 5v5 matches...er...I'm the only one in the fleet, but er - we're still undefeated in 5v5 matches. :P

    But anyway, the best part of this whole discussion in my most humble opinion is the following...

    Picturing it taking place in a sports bar.

    Seriously, step back for a moment - a bunch of grown men attempting to bolster their egos while arguing about PvP in a game where they fly their wee lil' cartoonie spaceships against one another set against the Star Trek IP.

    Sure, different things matter to different folks - but have you ever once stopped, stepped back for a moment, and seriously looked at what's going on?

    It's a complete freakin' trip, man - it's just a complete freakin' trip.

    Seriously, on what other planet in what other dimension does any of this matter in the least?

    It's some pew pew fun...that's it, lol....too funny.
  • mindsharpmindsharp Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'd just like to point out that Black Winter Cartel is undefeated in 5v5 matches. We haven't fought any 5v5 matches...er...I'm the only one in the fleet, but er - we're still undefeated in 5v5 matches. :P. /snip

    Undefeated you say? You must be HAXING!!! [insertflameshere] :P
    Karrock/Karreck/Darth Karrock/Unspoken
    House of Beautiful Orions
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This will likely be my last post in the thread, but I feel it needs said.

    What happened today and caused all of this drama is the following.

    Those five guys put together a 5 sci cheeseball and queued up expecting to roll a pug as per usual.

    They ran into a balanced team that could handle that and also beat them. beat them badly as a matter of fact. The moment they realized it wasnt a pugstomp, they screamed for a premade private so they could change their toons to match ours and win the game.

    You guys knew exactly what you were doing, stop making excuses and trying to make us look like the bad guys. We beat you fair and square, it was a legit 5v5 until you were already down 9-1.

    And thats the facts.

    You guys mock us every time you beat our little 3-man + pugs or non optimized teams and claim badassery, well now we gave you a taste of your own medicine. Just deal with it.

    Perhaps we arent as nooby as you seem to think we are, today was an example of not even our best five man team, we can field even better than that. At least two of our best players werent even there, nor were they on their best characters.

    Just stop the posturing. Im so done with the argument.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    mindsharp wrote: »
    Undefeated you say? You must be HAXING!!! [insertflameshere] :P

    I was just in Ker'rat when I realized I forgot to load my hax.hogg file. I only realized it when I maneuvered in for the kill, had the targets all lined up, dropped out five Temporals at zero range on the closest target, blew myself up, and saw that none of them were crits. Man, I started moaning and groaning about it...all that work to position myself for the epic boom before going for a smoke, and no crits. Meh...
  • therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You know, i actually read the threat topic as

    "Why do some primates use so much cheese?"

  • jjdezjjdez Member Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    therealmt wrote: »
    You know, i actually read the threat topic as

    "Why do some primates use so much cheese?"


    See below from the first page of this thread lol.
    stoutes wrote: »
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    of course nothing here really matters, since this is a computer game and all, its just part of PVP culture, here and in other games, that flame wars happen from time to time, and compared to some flame wars in the past, this one is actually a bit modest. Besides, didn't you know that tears fuel warp drives? ;)

    Wondering how many tears we can squeeze out of this thread... :p


    You're an entertaining gem haha :P

    Understand, it is your own attitude and conduct that creates the unwanted backlash towards your fleet. One may argue we are all a bit guilty to some degree of cheesing, pugstomping, evading challenges, bragging, trolling and so on, but it is actually your fleets conduct that compelles people to create such threads and commenting on them. And its not just one fleet or just one pugger who complain about your fleet...

    You don't like being picked on? Great, the solution is simple: Less cheese, less trolling etc.

    It is obvious from your behaviour in-game and your postings in the forum that you want people to respect your skills or your fleet or whatever. But you cannot just enforce respect, you gotta earn it.

    When Hannibal referred to you as a "new" fleet, he pretty sure did not meant is as an insult or to downplay you, but somehow you took that as an insult? Understand that fleets like IC, Elysion, TRH, Pandas have been around for quite some time now, and from their perspective you ARE a "new" fleet. And no, that was not an insult. That was stating a fact.
    "As far as we knew Inner Circle were a bunch of nobodies that came back."

    Is that maybe the reason why it felt so insulting? Being called "new" by a bunch of nobodies?

    If some of the old veteran PVP fleets ever decide to come back, you might be shocked at what they can do. A lot of knowledge and expertise left the game. You on the other hand talk about the awesomes of DPS engineers. :(
    "We were here for months before you "came back" where were you? As far as I am concerned, you (meaning mostly hannibal, mind) are the noobs right now."
    I suppose, constantly loosing to noobs (and from your perspective, you considere IC as noobs) can feel burdening, unnerving. That may explain your constant display of defiance and denial. Which is impressive, considering we have probably played between 20 to 30 matches against your guys up until now, loosing only one or two. I'd say, maintaining a 20:1 or whatever win-loss ratio ain't so bad for noobs... ;-)

    Might also explain why you seemed to have the frantic urge to post a parse of a match won by Vice Squad, just after 5 minutes it ended. Not realizing how desperate it looks, especially considering how goofball-ish (and not to mention, 1 man lacking) the IC team was build... "Suck it, Hank!" lol

    I'd like to ask, why does Vice Squad systematically evade private challenges from other fleets?

    Oh well, I suppose with the upcoming season, that question will become a moot point. The team queues could act as a replacement for private challenges... Cya around ;)
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Seriously, step back for a moment - a bunch of grown men attempting to bolster their egos while arguing about PvP in a game where they fly their wee lil' cartoonie spaceships against one another set against the Star Trek IP.

    Sure, different things matter to different folks - but have you ever once stopped, stepped back for a moment, and seriously looked at what's going on?

    It's a complete freakin' trip, man - it's just a complete freakin' trip.

    Seriously, on what other planet in what other dimension does any of this matter in the least?

    It's some pew pew fun...that's it, lol....too funny.

    What madness is this? Playing PvP for FUN?!?! Virus, you should hang your head in SHAME. This is SERIOUS BUSINESS. Look at all these people here. Their ELITE fleets should matter to EVERYONE! In fact, this WHOLE GAME evolves entirely around them. People on ESD step back when they approach the exchange! Ships in sector space GTFO of their way when they wallz towards Kerrat! SHOW SOME RESPECT, VIRUS!


    Seriously, some of you should reread what you posted here and take a break. This stuff is exactly the reason why I never bothered to join a PvP fleet. I only go Pug and play this game for fun, not because I feel the urge to start a pissing contest wherever I go.
    That being said, there is occasionally some premade team behaviour which I find detrimental to fun, like spamming 5x Aceton assimilators/5x Isometric charges/5x TIF/5x Elachi Black ball/5x whatever. Stuff that is solely meant to deliberately ruin the other teams experience. This is at least what I criticized in my first post in this thread and also the reason I'm looking forward to the upcoming changes to PvP queues.
  • lascaillelascaille Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ilhansk wrote: »
    As a PVP fleet we look out for challenges, and we like being challenged. So do other PVP fleets. ...

    no offend against ic or you, hank.
    probably i should ask hannibal next time, when i see him ingame, about the challenge, when nearly each alpha of hostile tacs will be nuked within the first 2 or 3 seconds. like happened in our two last matches...

    sure, it's a tactical possibility, but a challenge? :confused:
  • usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    None of us had any problem with you or any of your fleetmates (heck i even thought zelda was a cool guy) until the trash talking started after hannibal came into our TS and basically called us a bunch of noobs.

    He was... passive aggressively nice about it, but the sentiment was there and we did not appreciate it.

    At the end of the day we dont feel we have to prove to you or Hannibal anything. We never really have felt this need.

    no this is a clear lie. I would never get on teamspeak to call somebody a bunch of noobs. When i came to your teamspeak first, i tried to establish a friendly connection to you guys since I have seen a team with the tag "Vice Squad" for the first time in arena and i was glad that a new fleet entered the arena queues to try out pvp.
    In this period of time pvp was at a very deep point, most of the old pvpers became inactive or quitted so for us and some other remaining fleets it was an enrichment when we saw new "faces" in the queues.
    The whole issue was the comment about how we were new, when we have been pvping for close to a year. We took that as a blatant insult and you can ask your buddy about that one.

    We get along with Pandas, Lag, most people besides the one that feel the need to try to prove something. You are those type of guys. "youre only good if you can beat us at our pre-set up home turf style of game"

    So what? We took it as rather rude and condescending. We have participated in several tournaments. Hell Sisko, Zetto and I were on the top three teams that won the mixed 3-man IPvP tournament last year. Zettos team won vs mine in the finals by one kill.

    Id consider that the day we became "established" as serious players and not by some self entitled "hannibal metric" like he was lecturing us on.

    yea i can confirm that i said you would be new to pvp because neither me nor my fleeties have seen or vice squad teams in arena before so the conclusion was that you must be new to sto pvp, but it was not my intention to insult you. Furthermore you clarified it afterwards that you have been pvping for a year so if u regard this as an offense then i dont know to be honest.

    hm, how impressive a 3-man tournament^^. you must have been either the only participants of this tournament or you just defeated a bunch of inexperienced random pvper players if u won this one lol.
    The biggest pvp-events in sto were clearly the "No Bs - Tournaments". This is a tournament were the particpating teams play pvp-matches with a certain set of rules in order to prevent teams from utilizing excessive spam or broken tools to gain an adavantage towards other teams. It is an international event where approx. 16 pvp-teams from all over the world took part on it. and i am convinced that there werent greater pvp-events than this one in sto so far except project-october tournament perhaps but i dont know about this one, it was taking place before i began to pvp.

    In those great events i have never seen teams named "Vice Squad" or any handle of some of your players, thats odd isnt it ?
    Id consider that the day we became "established" as serious players and not by some self entitled "hannibal metric" like he was lecturing us on.

    You criticize me and my builds, thats okay, that is perfectly fine, but I play my way. not yours.

    Last I checked every time this has flared up you or your guys have instigated it with us.

    As far as we knew Inner Circle were a bunch of nobodies that came back. Oh, youre a pvp fleet, awesome. But your ego preceeds you, it really does.

    So stop pointing fingers at me, the real bad guy in this is you and yours.

    Vice may be one of the very last fleetmades left right now, most other fleets have broken up, moved on, quit the game, etc. Do you really want us to stop? I guess you could fight entrax all day, I mean thats about all there is besides us then.

    We were here for months before you "came back" where were you? As far as I am concerned, you (meaning mostly hannibal, mind) are the noobs right now.

    so suddenly, we are now a bunch of nobodies who came back, for that reason we are noobs lolz. you are embarassing yourself more and more with your desperate attempts to prove that you are "serious pvpers". I tell you guys one thing: A pvp team who is posting a result of a meaningless arena queue match (you, with a regular team, and my fleeties, trolling the queues with 5 sci, equipped with grav well as the only offensive ability, and being out numbered 4v5 in the run of the match) in a public forum must be extremely desperated in order to receive acknowledgement for your fleet from the pvp-community. hence, you look very pitiful with you current actions.^^
    With your actual behaviour you will be never regarded as a serious pvp-fleet from nobody unless from yourselves or from some trolls at most.

    Btw. rylana i have heard from a bunch of folks that you even loose to some pugmades in arena sometimes and your reaction afterwards seemed to be pretty awkward by asking some of the pug team's members for a 1v1 xD.

    If you have balls or if u want to indicate that you are a serious pvper, get your TRIBBLE sci escort and do a 1v1 against me, hank or zelda instead of asking innocent pug-players. I asked you once for a 1v1 and you declined, which was pretty much no surpise at all^^.

    -=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
    Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
    More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
  • hajmyishajmyis Member Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I will say they this.

    As a new pvper I have faced enough vice squad and inner circle premades.

    vice squad tends to beat you with skills and inner circle will beat you with cheese.

    Whatever cheese consoles are in the game so I have no beef with them, but I still fear vice more then inner for vice has more skill.
    "Frankly, not sure why you're on a one man nerf campaign. "
  • usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    hajmyis wrote: »
    I will say they this.

    As a new pvper I have faced enough vice squad and inner circle premades.

    vice squad tends to beat you with skills and inner circle will beat you with cheese.

    Whatever cheese consoles are in the game so I have no beef with them, but I still fear vice more then inner for vice has more skill.

    well we dont deny that we use cheese in arena at the moment, see 5 man sci - team and so on. But there is a great difference between vice and our fleet. We are able to play without cheese if we want to and if some rules will be arranged like in tournaments. We used to be a fleet knwon to play very clean and fair pvp in the past and we still play fair if the opponent would like to set up some rules. there is simply no point in playing with a clean team in the queues anymore. each team uses "cheese" nowadays so why should we keep on playing without cheesy consoles and other tools plz ?

    However, Vice Squad is definetely not able to play without cheese. you have to understand, they are using cheese to compensate their lack of skill. Vice Squad unfortunately have less skilled players in their team and for that reason they run more clickable uni-consoles and cheesy set bonuses to hide their moderate skill level in pvp by trying to keep enemies disabled with their tools. In addition they are running builds which inner circle ran long time ago like the good old drain build which we used first, then their snooper build run by takeshy or taylor swift. We were the first fleet using them effectively against opponets with alpha strikers at least a half year ago. The strategies they are using are well known by all of us, thats nothing new among the pvp-fleets.

    If Vice Squad have to set up their team according to a set of rules in a tournament where they have to rennounce most of their clickable universal consoles they will definetly go down gloriously.

    I am sry, if u ran into one of our teams where we used some spam but we mostly enter arena in order to intercept such troll teams like vice squad and make them rageing which leads to such desperate posts from rylana in a public pvp-forum. unfortunately we cannot avoid to encounter pugs and stomp them there while we are trying to face other premades in the queues.

    But that problem will be hopefully solved with the launch of s9 by implementing queues for single players and for team players.

    -=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
    Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
    More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
  • drepanondrepanon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The problem is not the fleet(s)... If something works... why not use it... if you don't... they will. If it is honestly a problem... petition Cryptic to have it removed.
  • entrax11entrax11 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    If you have balls or if u want to indicate that you are a serious pvper, get your TRIBBLE sci escort and do a 1v1 against me, hank or zelda instead of asking innocent pug-players. I asked you once for a 1v1 and you declined, which was pretty much no surpise at all^^.

    One of those "innocent pug player" was me btw.

    In the last few days, i encountered a lot of vice squad members in the Queues. They were in 3 man teams or 4 man teams. I really don't understand why you guys are afraid of clean matches. I mean, even though I really can't stand the trolling of a few of you guys, i enjoyed those matches, because there were no insults and no spam. I bet, if you leave taylor and takeshy at home, you guys are able to perform well in a 5 vs. 5 match against us (Elysion) or IC. I don't know what you expect? That we troll you when you loose? If we win 15:0 all I will write in Chat is "gg". If you win I will do the same.

    Don't take everything the "old" pvp'er tell you as an offense. If I say that in such a match IC or Elysion might have a high chance to win clearly it is because that is what probably happens. BUT fight us that way a few times per week and you will score more and more kills with each try. Saying something like that is not arrogant...that's simply the path all of us had to go. I played dozens of matches against the Pandas, TRH and IC, and in our prime when we formed our team and our setups we got pounded day by day. Now, one year later we can challenge them all, knowing it will be a close and intense match. After those matches it doesn't matter if you lost or not, since all 10 player proved their skills and had a good fight.

    But as i said, forming a team of 7-10 guys who constantly play together and can adapt to team tactics takes some time...maybe even a long time. It doesn't help you to praise your possible potential, skills or your greatness in OPVP or in the forums, you have to show it....show it to us, not to some pugs.

    People talking about the "glory" old days of PVP...set up some simple rules and you can get the same experience today. I miss the old days as well, bu it can't be helped, too many fleets are inactive at the moment.

    To sum it up....apart from Takeshy and Taylor you guys have potential to perform well without cheese and there are enough who don't need to troll others either. If you would just focus a bit more on those people we surely will have more good fights in the arena.

    Ps.: I know some parts may sound arrogant a bit, but that's clearly not my intention. And one more thing...isn't it a bit strange, that exactly in those matches i meet you guys without Takeshy or Taylor we have a good fight and no one trolls or insults me or my fleetmates?
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2014
    In addition they are running builds which inner circle ran long time ago like the good old drain build which we used first, then their snooper build run by takeshy or taylor swift. We were the first fleet using them effectively against opponets with alpha strikers at least a half year ago. The strategies they are using are well known by all of us, thats nothing new among the pvp-fleets.

    If Vice Squad have to set up their team according to a set of rules in a tournament where they have to rennounce most of their clickable universal consoles they will definetly go down gloriously.

    I think he's been riled up yet again. The first part there about "we did it first", well, congrats, here is a medal for "being first". Frankly, I started doing PvP only 6 months ago and I built my drain ship from scratch, not from someone else's example.

    As far as clickable universal consoles go, I could do my same build without them, but I'm pretty sure you use the non-clickable ones to your advantage for those nasty alpha stikes.

    As far as Vice Squad goes, they are a fun, very active, and helpful fleet. Whomever is on, we just randomly team up for either PvE stuff or PvP matches.
  • nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Was anyone still selling popcorn?
    Harden up Princess
    Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
  • grandpadxxgrandpadxx Member Posts: 342
    edited April 2014
    hajmyis wrote: »
    I will say they this.

    As a new pvper I have faced enough vice squad and inner circle premades.

    vice squad tends to beat you with skills and inner circle will beat you with cheese.

    Whatever cheese consoles are in the game so I have no beef with them, but I still fear vice more then inner for vice has more skill.

    Sure,.. :rolleyes:

    Do you get EC for this post here ?


    I cant remember that we are using cheese if we underway with a 5 men Team.

    Maybe you meen Shockwave or Tyken or 1-2 Copy of Plasma.. but that not Cheese men.

    I meen 3-4 Blackholes.. 2-3 Scramble with Doffs.. 2-3 Tif.. 2-3 AMS and yellowstones. Maybe 2-3 Plasma and theta.. .

    i think that is Cheese.

    T'lilu SCI. / Dxxdavid TAK. / STO Inner Circle
    *** R.I.P. ***
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    nagrom7 wrote: »
    Was anyone still selling popcorn?

    Its a little stale now, but you are welcome to it
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I thought Ker'rat rage chat was the best...weeell...this thread is very close!:cool:

    Bah Kerrat Chat is nothing man, if you wanna taste epic tears I recommend you check out some old Tricobalt or Subnuke Doff threads! xD

    Its a blast!
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    My personal favorite are elitists who claim to have invented certain builds ... like if that is some sort of achievement in this game. Peter Griffin pretty much sums up my reaction.
  • oridjerraaoridjerraa Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The answer is they are not looking for fun or a challenge. They only know the fix of the win or die culture. Like an alcoholic, win addicts will do or say anything for their next fix. They don't even realize that they are not having fun anymore, they are slaves to their own addiction.

    I fought (insert fleet name here) last night. I hope you remember me, Martin Brody, but it dose not matter. Epic matches are hard fought, close matches, something win addicts are too impatient for. They will use everything to get the fastest possible win and their must have fix.

    Later on I fought a crew for 40 mins, straight stand up fight. Match was close, no universal cheese employed by either side. It was FUN.

    Addicts can't tell you what fun is, because addiction is NEVER fun.

    Brody, ToS Veterans.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    lucho80 wrote: »

    I'm not replying to your post, Lucho. Just giving a thumbs up to your new avatar. :D
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • realminirealmini Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    lascaille wrote: »
    no offend against ic or you, hank.
    probably i should ask hannibal next time, when i see him ingame, about the challenge, when nearly each alpha of hostile tacs will be nuked within the first 2 or 3 seconds. like happened in our two last matches...

    sure, it's a tactical possibility, but a challenge? :confused:

    Too bad u dont roll with swift in kerrat. One half second is average Fed victim's lifespan. I for one say bring the cheese. If I land a proton on u, better have voth or meta shields and be quick w the ram dodge ask taylor. U WILL die, any odds.
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    However, Vice Squad is definetely not able to play without cheese. you have to understand, they are using cheese to compensate their lack of skill. Vice Squad unfortunately have less skilled players in their team and for that reason they run more clickable uni-consoles and cheesy set bonuses to hide their moderate skill level in pvp by trying to keep enemies disabled with their tools.

    Indeed, we'll play any teams under NoBS rules.

    My problem with those guys isn't their builds anyhow. They still got pounded even with their setups. The problem is when they quit the game when it goes bad for them.

    If we all left when it went bad for us all the time? Why do we even bother to play the game at that point?

    They need to learn sportsmanship, and then they need to learn teamwork.
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    RE: Fleets that use the most cheese


    Suck it, Hank.

    15-1. Now go talk some more trash about beating us over and over and over and over.

    Oh right, we also beat you 4v4 last night.

    Are you guys done now? Look at all that negative style on your side, oh my god, whos the cheese team now.

    Good job on beating a joke setup down one man.

    Still waiting on a private from you guys. ;)

    Maybe one day, you guys will grow a pair and do it.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The funny thing, in the end - imho, is that with the way things are going on Tribble and in general - nobody will be using the cheese; cause everything else is going to be so OP - it will be a simple case of who can hit their spacebar first.

    Welcome to Star Trek Online 2: Spacebar Iaido!
  • capthachicapthachi Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The funny thing, in the end - imho, is that with the way things are going on Tribble and in general - nobody will be using the cheese; cause everything else is going to be so OP - it will be a simple case of who can hit their spacebar first.

    Welcome to Star Trek Online 2: Spacebar Iaido!

    So smashfaceonkeyboard=profit?
    -TaylorSwift - PvPs most hated sci
    -LindseyLohan - Under appreciated Rom Bug
    -EmiliaClarke - Under construction engi recluse
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