We were promised these and WE EARNED them by putting in the time and money to get them!
Now they decide that they cannot handle the code to make it work and take them away!
And you AGREE WITH THIS???????
Maybe they should have thought of this before they introduced the rep system. Maybe they should have had better thinkers. Maybe they should have given the rep system more development and actually tested it to see where it would head!
That is all part of a development plan in any business. While no one can look into a crystal ball and have all the answers, they can see that the continuous adding of reps and passive powers cannot be maintained. I agree with that, BUT WHAT I DON'T AGREE WITH IS TAKING AWAY WHAT WAS ALREADY EARNED!
A better way to do this is to increase the space/ground traits slots from 4 to 6 or 8 and going forward any new rep like the 8472 passive traits will be available but you have to replace an existing active trait to use it.
Now that is fair to all of the players that EARNED the existing traits and the newbies coming up. And it puts the upper limit on traits so Cryptic can handle their mistake in planning or complete lack of planning.
They don't think they can keep letting new reps add new passives ad infinitum.
They've probably played everquest. And seen what Alternate Advancement looks like today, over a decade after it was introduced.
You think they didn't play Everquest a year and a half ago when they conceived and implemented the Rep system ?
They did . And they saw , and they did it anyway .
This is Cryptic at this point ... , and this is why certain ppl need to move on from the Dev team .
Not because they are bad ppl , but because they are either hurting the game knowingly , or just don't give a f-k at this point .
You think they didn't play Everquest a year and a half ago when they conceived and implemented the Rep system ?
They did . And they saw , and they did it anyway .
This is Cryptic at this point ... , and this is why certain ppl need to move on from the Dev team.
Not because they are bad ppl , but because they are either hurting the game knowingly , or just don't give a f-k at this point .
We were promised these and WE EARNED them by putting in the time and money to get them!
Now they decide that they cannot handle the code to make it work and take them away!
Yeah it's a dumb poorly thought out attempt at a solution for a power creep issue that should be 3rd or more down the list of things to be fixed AFTER bugs and broken game mechanics which are far more game breaking and important.
People spent hours of their lives they wont ever get back to earn these passives in their current form, some even spent real money in addition to the hours of their lives. Now Cryptic wants to turn hours and dollars spent, into hours and dollars wasted. As Worf and Tuvok both said in the Dyson episodes, this does not bode well.
Don't worry though, if this goes live there will be a petition, you can sign it and it will go directly to PWE, so at least you know they'll hear you.
The following "copy & paste" was taken from a complaint page about the new & "unimproved" yahoo! -- Companies now a days do NOT care about us, the vocal minority anymore; they NOW care about the "Idiot Elites" who want their computers as dumbed-down as possible.
So, it's not just Cryptic that's pissing off it's end users, it's pretty much most companies out there.
They are definitely NOT ignoring their users.
They are pandering to the emergence of the Idiot Elite.
Think of it, all those features could be argued as "power" features, which have been stripped out or dumbed down to pander to a growing populace of people too lazy or otherwise unable to figure out how to learn something a little more advanced than point and click.
I mean Microsoft pulled the start menu because ALL iOS and Android users are used to accessing apps by slapping a hairy knuckle against a grid these days, no fancy "tree" lists, categorizations or having to type to find something. Microsoft might have pissed off their power users, but guaranteed there are more people that actually like the Metro interface then the vocal minority that hate it. People are NOT complaining about the dumbed down simplicity of other Tablet OS'es these days.
So nerds, geeks, and dweebs do not rule the tech universe anymore, we are just along for the ride. We used to drive the market by wanting faster and better and more powerful in every generation, but eventually companies could not keep up and realized taking a large regressive step backwards made these products more accessible and desirable by the non-tech elite. Instead of upgrading to a new more powerful 16 core desktop, the idiot elite were dazzled by the simplicity of a tablet or phone with only a small fraction of the processing power and abandoned traditional computers, as they are with other services and games. People would rather fling a bird at pigs or harvest Smurfberries for 6 hours a day rather than exploring a world in an RPG or even getting out their aggressions in a state of the art FPS.
Every company today is crafting their services and products to pander to the Idiot Elite because they know they can profit more from them rather than trying to appease the power user. Consider the idea if an FPS like Crysis came out where you would have to buy your ammo with real world money. The GEEKS and NERDS would have revolted and the game would never be successful. However today the Idiot Elite are throwing millions of real world money at companies buying their f***ing Smurfberries.
Companies are not ignoring their demographic, they are just beginning to realize how naive they are.
We lost, even Slashdot is slowly slipping into a social site where people would rather debate the qualities of cat breeds rather than ripping into the merits of a new CPU architecture.
No company makes a change to their service or product just to TRIBBLE of customers, they do so because they are realizing there is a growing market of users that simply do not give a f***k!
So there it is ... the MOST probable reason for Cryptic's stupid recent changes. They DO NOT care if longtime veteran users are pissed off, because there will always be newbee Idiot Elites who don't know any better.
It wouldn't surprise me if the next Rep System for STO (after the Udine Rep comes out) involves tossing "Smurf-berries" from our starships into blackholes ... meh oh well, there are other games out there & if all else fails, I still have most of my old CD-ROM's.
Their logic is that they feel the system is not designed to scale infinitely. Meaning they felt they needed to put a cap on it in some way.
You're focusing on the part about brand new 50s and digging in on that. So that might be why their logic is escaping you. Focus on everything else they said as well. They don't think they can keep letting new reps add new passives ad infinitum.
Nor does anyone else "think they can keep letting new reps add new passives ad infinitum." Please, stop bringing up this strawman.
And yes, he's "focusing on the part about brand new 50s and digging in on that," because he's getting nerfed for 50%. Doh.
"Meaning they felt they needed to put a cap on it in some way." Again with the strawman: people are already in agreement about the need for a cap. That cap should have been at 8/8/4, though, is the point. Talk about selective reading!
Don't worry though, if this goes live there will be a petition, you can sign it and it will go directly to PWE, so at least you know they'll hear you.
No, there won't be. Petitions are verboten on this forum. Can't have it become too clear that the things you're doing, and the things ppl want, are diametrically opposed.
Given that the Rep Passives were meant mainly to help while fighting foes of that particular Rep, I'd say they should further nerf/buff the Rep Traits to reflect that.
vs. Rep Enemies, the Traits should work better.
vs. non-Rep Enemies, the Traits should work worse.
Basically, they should provide their small bump in general - but against designated/defined enemies of that particular Rep they should work better.
Thus, in selecting which Rep Traits to run - one would have to consider the increased benefit of Rep specific Traits vs. the general buff for non-Rep specific Traits.
Given that the Rep Passives were meant mainly to help while fighting foes of that particular Rep, I'd say they should further nerf/buff the Rep Traits to reflect that.
vs. Rep Enemies, the Traits should work better.
vs. non-Rep Enemies, the Traits should work worse.
Basically, they should provide their small bump in general - but against designated/defined enemies of that particular Rep they should work better.
Thus, in selecting which Rep Traits to run - one would have to consider the increased benefit of Rep specific Traits vs. the general buff for non-Rep specific Traits.
...I could actually see that. I mean, we got Proton weaponry that works better against the Voth, gonna have special Phaser/Disruptor weaponry that works better against the Undine, so why not enhance it to have stats better against that rep line - Omega better against the Borg, New Romulus against Tal Shiar and Elachi, Nukara against Tholians and Dyson against the Voth.
Of course, they would lead to even bigger rage. Eh, let 'em.
The following "copy & paste" was taken from a complaint page about the new & "unimproved" yahoo!
They are definitely NOT ignoring their users.
They are pandering to the emergence of the Idiot Elite.
Think of it, all those features could be argued as "power" features, which have been stripped out or dumbed down to pander to a growing populace of people too lazy or otherwise unable to figure out how to learn something a little more advanced than point and click.
I mean Microsoft pulled the start menu because ALL iOS and Android users are used to accessing apps by slapping a hairy knuckle against a grid these days, no fancy "tree" lists, categorizations or having to type to find something. Microsoft might have pissed off their power users, but guaranteed there are more people that actually like the Metro interface then the vocal minority that hate it. People are NOT complaining about the dumbed down simplicity of other Tablet OS'es these days.
So nerds, geeks, and dweebs do not rule the tech universe anymore, we are just along for the ride. We used to drive the market by wanting faster and better and more powerful in every generation, but eventually companies could not keep up and realized taking a large regressive step backwards made these products more accessible and desirable by the non-tech elite. Instead of upgrading to a new more powerful 16 core desktop, the idiot elite were dazzled by the simplicity of a tablet or phone with only a small fraction of the processing power and abandoned traditional computers, as they are with other services and games. People would rather fling a bird at pigs or harvest Smurfberries for 6 hours a day rather than exploring a world in an RPG or even getting out their aggressions in a state of the art FPS.
Every company today is crafting their services and products to pander to the Idiot Elite because they know they can profit more from them rather than trying to appease the power user. Consider the idea if an FPS like Crysis came out where you would have to buy your ammo with real world money. The GEEKS and NERDS would have revolted and the game would never be successful. However today the Idiot Elite are throwing millions of real world money at companies buying their f***ing Smurfberries.
Companies are not ignoring their demographic, they are just beginning to realize how naive they are.
We lost, even Slashdot is slowly slipping into a social site where people would rather debate the qualities of cat breeds rather than ripping into the merits of a new CPU architecture.
No company makes a change to their service or product just to TRIBBLE of customers, they do so because they are realizing there is a growing market of users that simply do not give a f***k!
This rant really shows a lack of business and technology understanding, it is really too long to talk about teach point one-by-one, here's my quick reply (not proof read) ...
PWE/Cryptic is a business, a business needs to be able to profitable to survive. Evolution and change in a business is needed in order to adapt to the growing world ... if you don't do that, long term you will go bankrupt and someone else will do it better!
Lets make up some numbers (unless PWE/Cryptic would like to fill in the gaps, hint hint ) ...
10% of the people are longer term players that have put lots of time in
90% of players are not or don't care about the change
If 90% bring in 90% of the profits and 10% bring in 10% of the profits ... why would you try and cater for the 10% ... it makes NO business sense. Lets try and please the 10%, from a business sense does it make profit?
Now lets bring in the technology, the same applies, catering to the needs of a niche is not profitable to a grant scale, a "new more powerful 16 core desktop" would only cater for a very small customer base ... most people do not use their desktops in a way that would need 16 cores. What do most people do is chatting (Facebook, twitter ...), web surfing, Word, Excel ... does it make sense for business to make faster and faster systems just to continue doing the above!?
Once huge change has been the technology was LIMITED to the specialists, in today's world is is available to EVERYONE. When making devices available to everyone certain changes happen and it is not PROFITABLE (however it is possible) to cater to everyone.
PS: I like my Kindle, having a lot of books on a small device makes sense (I still like the feel of real books ... so they are only saved for my favourite ones) ... caring a laptop on the tube to hoarding 50 books with me on holiday just does not make sense!?
PWE/Cryptic is a business, a business needs to be able to profitable to survive. Evolution and change in a business is needed in order to adapt to the growing world ... if you don't do that, long term you will go bankrupt and someone else will do it better!
Idiot Elite
its not our problem the Idiot Elite are too dam lazy to improve as a player, PWE/Cryptic shouldn't do this alot of work has gone in to players toons. they should get them to learn or be outclassed, if you cant work out the rep system you should not be in STO Online at all its very simple to understand.
PS.. IF your fed up of being outclassed improve or stop complaining about it, its NOT our problem your too lazy.
wanted to beat the Delta Meme n00bs LOL
Join Date a player made up is NOT correct!
its not our problem the Idiot Elite are too dam lazy to improve as a player, PWE/Cryptic shouldn't do this alot of work has gone in to players toons. they should get them to learn or be outclassed, if you cant work out the rep system you should not be in STO Online at all its very simple to understand.
PS.. IF your fed up of being outclassed improve or stop complaining about it, its NOT our problem your too lazy.
I have my reputations completed and a very good understand of how the game works, in a lot of depth ... it's not <takes breath> difficult! So I do not consider myself lazy or fed up because I have various builds and characters with different gear (yes shock, rep gear) ... not sure where you got your "information" from ... I was pointing out that the post had no understanding of the real world and was simply a mindless rant ...
expected an intelligent debate ... got STO forums! :P
I have my reputations completed and a very good understand of how the game works, in a lot of depth ... it's not <takes breath> difficult! So I do not consider myself lazy or fed up because I have various builds and characters with different gear (yes shock, rep gear) ... not sure where you got your "information" from ... I was pointing out that the post had no understanding of the real world and was simply a mindless rant ...
I expected a intelligent debate ... and we get players like you!
wanted to beat the Delta Meme n00bs LOL
Join Date a player made up is NOT correct!
I get your point just fine. It's just you keep asking the questions:
Why did they do this?
What is their logic?
They explained exactly why they did this and what their logic behind the decision was.
Those questions, they answered. Everything else is feedback, which you'll note I've not commented on. I'm just trying to answer those questions since you've asked them a couple of times.
Maybe they should have thought of this before they introduced the rep system.
Maybe, but keep in mind there's been a large amount of turnover on their staff. So some of the people dealing with the issues of the game right now, were not in a position to do so when the system was introduced.
I'm sure many of us can relate to that in our own career experience. Coming into a job and then having to deal with problems created by people who did the job before you. It's happened quite a bit in this game's short history.
Maybe they should have had better thinkers. Maybe they should have given the rep system more development and actually tested it to see where it would head!
Maybe. But they don't and we're stuck with who we have and the game as is. If wishes were fishes ...
No, there won't be. Petitions are verboten on this forum. Can't have it become too clear that the things you're doing, and the things ppl want, are diametrically opposed.
Yes there will be. We made a petition last time they nerfed STF dil rewards and drops.
We got tons of signatures and they had no choice but to revert things back to how they were because of the backlash. I can assure you if this goes live there will be another petition with way more signatures this time around.
Just because petitions can't be posted on this forum, doesn't mean they wont get seen, signed and have an impact.
Ok. So just do me one tinsy little favor ... answer THIS QUESTION:
And do so without using a strawman of your own.
Just answer the question the guy asked. Was their logic and reason for doing this exactly what they posted it was in the blog?
Why would I want to re-state Cryptic's reasons for doing so?! Hawk was pretty clear in his dev blog. As were you in explaining it to him.
I just happen to disagree with 'not infinitely scalable' somehow magically equating to 'getting nerfed for 50%.' There was a need for a cap, as it was clear passives couldn't continue to be added ad infinitum. I just don't think that cap should have been at -50%, is all.
I also do not buy into the whole notion of the gap between fresh lv 50 Captains, and veterans who completed all reps, being too wide to bridge. I did all of it, for my new Rom. within 1 month (and fully geared up). 1 month -- let's make that a generous 2, without sponsor token -- should not be insurmountable for anyone being even half-way serious about an MMO.
Yes there will be. We made a petition last time they nerfed STF dil rewards and drops.
We got tons of signatures and they had no choice but to revert things back to how they were because of the backlash. I can assure you if this goes live there will be another petition with way more signatures this time around.
Just because petitions can't be posted on this forum, doesn't mean they wont get seen, signed and have an impact.
Yeah, I hope we can save a set of passives we can switch to easily. Like the ship builds.
Yeah I had thought about that too. I'd actually like some kind of "captain loadout" system so we could save a set of 'active traits' for different scenarios. Though considering the space loadout system is still pretty buggy, I wont hold my breath on that addition haha. Perhaps something for the future though.
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
On an unrelated note, I love your sig. If I recall correctly you had a Mobius sig, and now this... My main flys a Mobius and now I'm in love with being [Superior] OP in my new Fleet T'varo on my new main. Great minds I guess.
Hey, thx. Love your sig too, btw: all dark and mysterious.
And yes, Fleet T'varo is a very good lil' ship. And that Destabilized Plasma Torpedo can cut a Borg Cube in half before it can say "Please, don't cut me in half."
Why did I do the grind... oh I was promised amazing rep gear and abilities (passives) and now they have decided that they cannot make it work because brand new 50's are not the same as level 50's that have SPENT THE TIME TO EARN WHAT THEY HAVE!
C'mon man, no one promised anything. Cryptic gave us a system and the players chose to use it. Now Cryptic is changing it. Although you earned the passives within the system as it was originally designed, you will have to change the way you use it.
And you are assuming, incorrectly, that Cryptic is pandering to new level 50s. They have not said they were, so statements to that effect is your perception not based in fact.
All the powers we worked for are still there, but we have to choose what to use at any time. What you want is to keep all the passive powers active all the time. Too bad. If anything, now you can go back and get ALL the passives per Rep, instead of being forced to pick one over the other per Tier.
Let's keep in mind, until the Rep System was born, no one had any of these Passive abilities and was playing the game well without it. Just because we have them now doesn't mean anything.
And if my experience with City of Heroes means anything, then really focus on the fact that all of this is just computer code that can simply go away completely. You (and we all) chose to spend real time on ... nothing.
Are you part of Cryptic or PWE?
Are you part of the dev team on STO?
Do you have amazing insight into what the devs are thinking or the business model of PWE/Cryptic?
The answer to all of the above is NO.
You are not part of PWE/Cryptic or the dev team or anything else in STO.
So what you post is just your opinion and that's all.
You are not the voice of PWE/Cryptic or even this community. I was NOT asking YOU anything. I was asking PWE/Cryptic and the dev team these questions yet you seem to think YOU speak for them.
Wow get in touch with reality dude!
Anyway you spin it they are TAKING AWAY WHAT WAS ALREADY EARNED for whatever lame reasons they posted in the blog and YOU, as a fully indoctrinated member of the CDF agree with it and are going along with it!
PWE/CRYPTIC is a business and when a business stops listening to it's customers, then they start losing customers and profit. Business 101 here, nothing hard to understand about that.
Promising rewards and letting your customers earn those rewards to only take those rewards away later is a business model for failure!
Compromise is the solution here not blind "CDF" following!
Let's take PWE/CRYPTIC's model (and it seems your model) and apply it to a different situation and see if you blindly agree and follow;
Let's say the powers to be decide today that a V-8 engine is just to powerful to be used anymore and the powers to be have decided to limit that power by only allowing you to use 4 of the 8 cylinders. While you still have 8 cylinders available, and you get to choose which ones to make available, only 4 can be active at any time. You bought the V-8 with the full knowledge that it will have 8 cylinders of power available at all times and spent your hard earned money to have that. You might have even decided that the V-8 was necessary for towing, etc. , but it was your decision to buy the V-8 and use all of the cylinders all at the same time.
But now that the powers to be have put a cap on that power, you are now not getting what you paid for.
So the question becomes this;
Would you have decided to buy the V-8 if the powers to be had told you that next year you would only be able to use 4 of the 8 cylinders at a time?
I think even you would NOT have bought the V-8 and would have spent your hard earned money on a smaller engine.
Taking away what was already earned is wrong! Just look a the frequent flyer programs when airlines merge. What is the biggest item customers want to know? Simple... Will my Frequent Flyer miles still be there?
Just because YOU are a member of the "CDF" does not make your opinion carry more weight or make it the only opinion that matters here.
You can agree all day long with PWE/Cryptic and I don't think anyone here actual cares. For in the end, it is just YOUR opinion and that's all.
By the way,
"You have such a wonderful economy with words; I look forward to your next syllable with eager anticipation!"
Please continue your "Opinion" as I am getting some good entertainment from it!
Who created the rep system? Hawk? Or a different dev?
I won't pretend to know who created it , I just remember that Gecko "marketed" it as an alternative to a level increase .
The marketing spiel was "you will have more powers" .
Now that has been changed to "you will have more options" .
I'm not blind to the fact that this may be needed , I just question the need in the first place ... -- as in : some things are not needed in the first place with a little foresight .
And I'd like to see someone being man enough to take credit & responsibility for that lack of foresight .
I've also taken a notice of the 'carrot' that is being offered .
The 2-3 year old carrot ... , meaning the ground sets .
Remember 2-3 years ago when we asked for "more of this plz" in regards to the Maco/Omega/HG ground sets . Back then we got a big giant silence as an answer .
But now , suddenly ground gear sets are raining with each Rep .
We've also asked for new STF's and FE's . On those too we got more science .
The question is : what has to happen to make those a reality ?
Not touching the Rep system anymore ?
Or something else ?
Because as much as ppl like to tote the "Cryptic's large and in charge" line , we're the consumers and ultimately the power is in our hands , not theirs .
And no , this is not an "entitled" statement , it's just a thought from someone who (along with a lot of other consumers) thought that certain cheese products were overpriced at the local Supermarket .
3 Weeks of organised boycott got the prices dropped (without other prices being raised) .
And yes , that too was done by reaching a lot of ppl who were not normally connected in their day to day lives .
and this is why certain ppl need to move on from the Dev team .
Exactly. I nominate Gozer and DStahl. Oh wait ...
Big man talking behind the backs of those who already left ... .
Oh and BTW , you know what that means don't you ?
Today's problems (and the giant income nerfs of S8-8.5-9) -- not their fault and not their problem .
I get your point just fine. It's just you keep asking the questions:
Why did they do this?
What is their logic?
They explained exactly why they did this and what their logic behind the decision was.
Those questions, they answered. Everything else is feedback, which you'll note I've not commented on. I'm just trying to answer those questions since you've asked them a couple of times.
Maybe, but keep in mind there's been a large amount of turnover on their staff. So some of the people dealing with the issues of the game right now, were not in a position to do so when the system was introduced.
I'm sure many of us can relate to that in our own career experience. Coming into a job and then having to deal with problems created by people who did the job before you. It's happened quite a bit in this game's short history.
Maybe. But they don't and we're stuck with who we have and the game as is. If wishes were fishes ...
Are you part of Cryptic or PWE?
Are you part of the dev team on STO?
Do you have amazing insight into what the devs are thinking or the business model of PWE/Cryptic?
The answer to all of the above is NO.
You are not part of PWE/Cryptic or the dev team or anything else in STO.
So what you post is just your opinion and that's all.
You are not the voice of PWE/Cryptic or even this community. I was NOT asking YOU anything. I was asking PWE/Cryptic and the dev team these questions yet you seem to think YOU speak for them.
Wow get in touch with reality dude!
Anyway you spin it they are TAKING AWAY WHAT WAS ALREADY EARNED for whatever lame reasons they posted in the blog and YOU, as a fully indoctrinated member of the CDF agree with it and are going along with it!
PWE/CRYPTIC is a business and when a business stops listening to it's customers, then they start losing customers and profit. Business 101 here, nothing hard to understand about that.
Promising rewards and letting your customers earn those rewards to only take those rewards away later is a business model for failure!
Compromise is the solution here not blind "CDF" following!
Let's take PWE/CRYPTIC's model (and it seems your model) and apply it to a different situation and see if you blindly agree and follow;
Let's say the powers to be decide today that a V-8 engine is just to powerful to be used anymore and the powers to be have decided to limit that power by only allowing you to use 4 of the 8 cylinders. While you still have 8 cylinders available, and you get to choose which ones to make available, only 4 can be active at any time. You bought the V-8 with the full knowledge that it will have 8 cylinders of power available at all times and spent your hard earned money to have that. You might have even decided that the V-8 was necessary for towing, etc. , but it was your decision to buy the V-8 and use all of the cylinders all at the same time.
But now that the powers to be have put a cap on that power, you are now not getting what you paid for.
So the question becomes this;
Would you have decided to buy the V-8 if the powers to be had told you that next year you would only be able to use 4 of the 8 cylinders at a time?
I think even you would NOT have bought the V-8 and would have spent your hard earned money on a smaller engine.
Taking away what was already earned is wrong! Just look a the frequent flyer programs when airlines merge. What is the biggest item customers want to know? Simple... Will my Frequent Flyer miles still be there?
Just because YOU are a member of the "CDF" does not make your opinion carry more weight or make it the only opinion that matters here.
You can agree all day long with PWE/Cryptic and I don't think anyone here actual cares. For in the end, it is just YOUR opinion and that's all.
By the way,
"You have such a wonderful economy with words; I look forward to your next syllable with eager anticipation!"
Please continue your "Opinion" as I am getting some good entertainment from it!
And now for something completely different (Community Manager, maybe?), what happens to our still outstanding rep gear projects when the change comes? Will their requirements be adjusted somehow?
We were promised these and WE EARNED them by putting in the time and money to get them!
Now they decide that they cannot handle the code to make it work and take them away!
And you AGREE WITH THIS???????
Maybe they should have thought of this before they introduced the rep system. Maybe they should have had better thinkers. Maybe they should have given the rep system more development and actually tested it to see where it would head!
That is all part of a development plan in any business. While no one can look into a crystal ball and have all the answers, they can see that the continuous adding of reps and passive powers cannot be maintained. I agree with that, BUT WHAT I DON'T AGREE WITH IS TAKING AWAY WHAT WAS ALREADY EARNED!
A better way to do this is to increase the space/ground traits slots from 4 to 6 or 8 and going forward any new rep like the 8472 passive traits will be available but you have to replace an existing active trait to use it.
Now that is fair to all of the players that EARNED the existing traits and the newbies coming up. And it puts the upper limit on traits so Cryptic can handle their mistake in planning or complete lack of planning.
You think they didn't play Everquest a year and a half ago when they conceived and implemented the Rep system ?
They did . And they saw , and they did it anyway .
This is Cryptic at this point ... , and this is why certain ppl need to move on from the Dev team .
Not because they are bad ppl , but because they are either hurting the game knowingly , or just don't give a f-k at this point .
Yeah it's a dumb poorly thought out attempt at a solution for a power creep issue that should be 3rd or more down the list of things to be fixed AFTER bugs and broken game mechanics which are far more game breaking and important.
People spent hours of their lives they wont ever get back to earn these passives in their current form, some even spent real money in addition to the hours of their lives. Now Cryptic wants to turn hours and dollars spent, into hours and dollars wasted. As Worf and Tuvok both said in the Dyson episodes, this does not bode well.
Don't worry though, if this goes live there will be a petition, you can sign it and it will go directly to PWE, so at least you know they'll hear you.
(as the French would say).
So, it's not just Cryptic that's pissing off it's end users, it's pretty much most companies out there.
They are definitely NOT ignoring their users.
They are pandering to the emergence of the Idiot Elite.
Think of it, all those features could be argued as "power" features, which have been stripped out or dumbed down to pander to a growing populace of people too lazy or otherwise unable to figure out how to learn something a little more advanced than point and click.
I mean Microsoft pulled the start menu because ALL iOS and Android users are used to accessing apps by slapping a hairy knuckle against a grid these days, no fancy "tree" lists, categorizations or having to type to find something. Microsoft might have pissed off their power users, but guaranteed there are more people that actually like the Metro interface then the vocal minority that hate it. People are NOT complaining about the dumbed down simplicity of other Tablet OS'es these days.
So nerds, geeks, and dweebs do not rule the tech universe anymore, we are just along for the ride. We used to drive the market by wanting faster and better and more powerful in every generation, but eventually companies could not keep up and realized taking a large regressive step backwards made these products more accessible and desirable by the non-tech elite. Instead of upgrading to a new more powerful 16 core desktop, the idiot elite were dazzled by the simplicity of a tablet or phone with only a small fraction of the processing power and abandoned traditional computers, as they are with other services and games. People would rather fling a bird at pigs or harvest Smurfberries for 6 hours a day rather than exploring a world in an RPG or even getting out their aggressions in a state of the art FPS.
Every company today is crafting their services and products to pander to the Idiot Elite because they know they can profit more from them rather than trying to appease the power user. Consider the idea if an FPS like Crysis came out where you would have to buy your ammo with real world money. The GEEKS and NERDS would have revolted and the game would never be successful. However today the Idiot Elite are throwing millions of real world money at companies buying their f***ing Smurfberries.
Companies are not ignoring their demographic, they are just beginning to realize how naive they are.
We lost, even Slashdot is slowly slipping into a social site where people would rather debate the qualities of cat breeds rather than ripping into the merits of a new CPU architecture.
No company makes a change to their service or product just to TRIBBLE of customers, they do so because they are realizing there is a growing market of users that simply do not give a f***k!
So there it is ... the MOST probable reason for Cryptic's stupid recent changes. They DO NOT care if longtime veteran users are pissed off, because there will always be newbee Idiot Elites who don't know any better.
It wouldn't surprise me if the next Rep System for STO (after the Udine Rep comes out) involves tossing "Smurf-berries" from our starships into blackholes ... meh oh well, there are other games out there & if all else fails, I still have most of my old CD-ROM's.
Nor does anyone else "think they can keep letting new reps add new passives ad infinitum." Please, stop bringing up this strawman.
And yes, he's "focusing on the part about brand new 50s and digging in on that," because he's getting nerfed for 50%. Doh.
"Meaning they felt they needed to put a cap on it in some way." Again with the strawman: people are already in agreement about the need for a cap. That cap should have been at 8/8/4, though, is the point. Talk about selective reading!
No, there won't be. Petitions are verboten on this forum. Can't have it become too clear that the things you're doing, and the things ppl want, are diametrically opposed.
vs. Rep Enemies, the Traits should work better.
vs. non-Rep Enemies, the Traits should work worse.
Basically, they should provide their small bump in general - but against designated/defined enemies of that particular Rep they should work better.
Thus, in selecting which Rep Traits to run - one would have to consider the increased benefit of Rep specific Traits vs. the general buff for non-Rep specific Traits.
...I could actually see that. I mean, we got Proton weaponry that works better against the Voth, gonna have special Phaser/Disruptor weaponry that works better against the Undine, so why not enhance it to have stats better against that rep line - Omega better against the Borg, New Romulus against Tal Shiar and Elachi, Nukara against Tholians and Dyson against the Voth.
Of course, they would lead to even bigger rage. Eh, let 'em.
This rant really shows a lack of business and technology understanding, it is really too long to talk about teach point one-by-one, here's my quick reply (not proof read) ...
PWE/Cryptic is a business, a business needs to be able to profitable to survive. Evolution and change in a business is needed in order to adapt to the growing world ... if you don't do that, long term you will go bankrupt and someone else will do it better!
Lets make up some numbers (unless PWE/Cryptic would like to fill in the gaps, hint hint
10% of the people are longer term players that have put lots of time in
90% of players are not or don't care about the change
If 90% bring in 90% of the profits and 10% bring in 10% of the profits ... why would you try and cater for the 10% ... it makes NO business sense. Lets try and please the 10%, from a business sense does it make profit?
Now lets bring in the technology, the same applies, catering to the needs of a niche is not profitable to a grant scale, a "new more powerful 16 core desktop" would only cater for a very small customer base ... most people do not use their desktops in a way that would need 16 cores. What do most people do is chatting (Facebook, twitter ...), web surfing, Word, Excel ... does it make sense for business to make faster and faster systems just to continue doing the above!?
Once huge change has been the technology was LIMITED to the specialists, in today's world is is available to EVERYONE. When making devices available to everyone certain changes happen and it is not PROFITABLE (however it is possible) to cater to everyone.
PS: I like my Kindle, having a lot of books on a small device makes sense (I still like the feel of real books ... so they are only saved for my favourite ones) ... caring a laptop on the tube to hoarding 50 books with me on holiday just does not make sense!?
Yours faithfully,
Idiot Elite :P
its not our problem the Idiot Elite are too dam lazy to improve as a player, PWE/Cryptic shouldn't do this alot of work has gone in to players toons. they should get them to learn or be outclassed, if you cant work out the rep system you should not be in STO Online at all its very simple to understand.
PS.. IF your fed up of being outclassed improve or stop complaining about it, its NOT our problem your too lazy.
wanted to beat the Delta Meme n00bs LOL
Join Date a player made up is NOT correct!
I have my reputations completed and a very good understand of how the game works, in a lot of depth ... it's not <takes breath> difficult! So I do not consider myself lazy or fed up because I have various builds and characters with different gear (yes shock, rep gear) ... not sure where you got your "information" from ... I was pointing out that the post had no understanding of the real world and was simply a mindless rant ...
expected an intelligent debate ... got STO forums! :P
I expected a intelligent debate ... and we get players like you!
wanted to beat the Delta Meme n00bs LOL
Join Date a player made up is NOT correct!
I get your point just fine. It's just you keep asking the questions:
Why did they do this?
What is their logic?
They explained exactly why they did this and what their logic behind the decision was.
Those questions, they answered. Everything else is feedback, which you'll note I've not commented on. I'm just trying to answer those questions since you've asked them a couple of times.
Maybe, but keep in mind there's been a large amount of turnover on their staff. So some of the people dealing with the issues of the game right now, were not in a position to do so when the system was introduced.
I'm sure many of us can relate to that in our own career experience. Coming into a job and then having to deal with problems created by people who did the job before you. It's happened quite a bit in this game's short history.
Maybe. But they don't and we're stuck with who we have and the game as is. If wishes were fishes ...
Who created the rep system? Hawk? Or a different dev?
Exactly. I nominate Gozer and DStahl. Oh wait ...
Ok. So just do me one tinsy little favor ... answer THIS QUESTION:
And do so without using a strawman of your own.
Just answer the question the guy asked. Was their logic and reason for doing this exactly what they posted it was in the blog?
Yes there will be. We made a petition last time they nerfed STF dil rewards and drops.
We got tons of signatures and they had no choice but to revert things back to how they were because of the backlash. I can assure you if this goes live there will be another petition with way more signatures this time around.
Just because petitions can't be posted on this forum, doesn't mean they wont get seen, signed and have an impact.
Why would I want to re-state Cryptic's reasons for doing so?! Hawk was pretty clear in his dev blog. As were you in explaining it to him.
I just happen to disagree with 'not infinitely scalable' somehow magically equating to 'getting nerfed for 50%.' There was a need for a cap, as it was clear passives couldn't continue to be added ad infinitum. I just don't think that cap should have been at -50%, is all.
I also do not buy into the whole notion of the gap between fresh lv 50 Captains, and veterans who completed all reps, being too wide to bridge. I did all of it, for my new Rom. within 1 month (and fully geared up). 1 month -- let's make that a generous 2, without sponsor token -- should not be insurmountable for anyone being even half-way serious about an MMO.
In that case, I look forward to signing it.
Yeah I had thought about that too. I'd actually like some kind of "captain loadout" system so we could save a set of 'active traits' for different scenarios. Though considering the space loadout system is still pretty buggy, I wont hold my breath on that addition haha. Perhaps something for the future though.
Hey, thx.
And yes, Fleet T'varo is a very good lil' ship. And that Destabilized Plasma Torpedo can cut a Borg Cube in half before it can say "Please, don't cut me in half."
C'mon man, no one promised anything. Cryptic gave us a system and the players chose to use it. Now Cryptic is changing it. Although you earned the passives within the system as it was originally designed, you will have to change the way you use it.
And you are assuming, incorrectly, that Cryptic is pandering to new level 50s. They have not said they were, so statements to that effect is your perception not based in fact.
All the powers we worked for are still there, but we have to choose what to use at any time. What you want is to keep all the passive powers active all the time. Too bad. If anything, now you can go back and get ALL the passives per Rep, instead of being forced to pick one over the other per Tier.
Let's keep in mind, until the Rep System was born, no one had any of these Passive abilities and was playing the game well without it. Just because we have them now doesn't mean anything.
And if my experience with City of Heroes means anything, then really focus on the fact that all of this is just computer code that can simply go away completely. You (and we all) chose to spend real time on ... nothing.
Are you part of the dev team on STO?
Do you have amazing insight into what the devs are thinking or the business model of PWE/Cryptic?
The answer to all of the above is NO.
You are not part of PWE/Cryptic or the dev team or anything else in STO.
So what you post is just your opinion and that's all.
You are not the voice of PWE/Cryptic or even this community. I was NOT asking YOU anything. I was asking PWE/Cryptic and the dev team these questions yet you seem to think YOU speak for them.
Wow get in touch with reality dude!
Anyway you spin it they are TAKING AWAY WHAT WAS ALREADY EARNED for whatever lame reasons they posted in the blog and YOU, as a fully indoctrinated member of the CDF agree with it and are going along with it!
PWE/CRYPTIC is a business and when a business stops listening to it's customers, then they start losing customers and profit. Business 101 here, nothing hard to understand about that.
Promising rewards and letting your customers earn those rewards to only take those rewards away later is a business model for failure!
Compromise is the solution here not blind "CDF" following!
Let's take PWE/CRYPTIC's model (and it seems your model) and apply it to a different situation and see if you blindly agree and follow;
Let's say the powers to be decide today that a V-8 engine is just to powerful to be used anymore and the powers to be have decided to limit that power by only allowing you to use 4 of the 8 cylinders. While you still have 8 cylinders available, and you get to choose which ones to make available, only 4 can be active at any time. You bought the V-8 with the full knowledge that it will have 8 cylinders of power available at all times and spent your hard earned money to have that. You might have even decided that the V-8 was necessary for towing, etc. , but it was your decision to buy the V-8 and use all of the cylinders all at the same time.
But now that the powers to be have put a cap on that power, you are now not getting what you paid for.
So the question becomes this;
Would you have decided to buy the V-8 if the powers to be had told you that next year you would only be able to use 4 of the 8 cylinders at a time?
I think even you would NOT have bought the V-8 and would have spent your hard earned money on a smaller engine.
Taking away what was already earned is wrong! Just look a the frequent flyer programs when airlines merge. What is the biggest item customers want to know? Simple... Will my Frequent Flyer miles still be there?
Just because YOU are a member of the "CDF" does not make your opinion carry more weight or make it the only opinion that matters here.
You can agree all day long with PWE/Cryptic and I don't think anyone here actual cares. For in the end, it is just YOUR opinion and that's all.
By the way,
"You have such a wonderful economy with words; I look forward to your next syllable with eager anticipation!"
Please continue your "Opinion" as I am getting some good entertainment from it!
I won't pretend to know who created it , I just remember that Gecko "marketed" it as an alternative to a level increase .
The marketing spiel was "you will have more powers" .
Now that has been changed to "you will have more options" .
I'm not blind to the fact that this may be needed , I just question the need in the first place ... -- as in : some things are not needed in the first place with a little foresight .
And I'd like to see someone being man enough to take credit & responsibility for that lack of foresight .
I've also taken a notice of the 'carrot' that is being offered .
The 2-3 year old carrot ... , meaning the ground sets .
Remember 2-3 years ago when we asked for "more of this plz" in regards to the Maco/Omega/HG ground sets . Back then we got a big giant silence as an answer .
But now , suddenly ground gear sets are raining with each Rep .
We've also asked for new STF's and FE's . On those too we got more science .
The question is : what has to happen to make those a reality ?
Not touching the Rep system anymore ?
Or something else ?
Because as much as ppl like to tote the "Cryptic's large and in charge" line , we're the consumers and ultimately the power is in our hands , not theirs .
And no , this is not an "entitled" statement , it's just a thought from someone who (along with a lot of other consumers) thought that certain cheese products were overpriced at the local Supermarket .
3 Weeks of organised boycott got the prices dropped (without other prices being raised) .
And yes , that too was done by reaching a lot of ppl who were not normally connected in their day to day lives .
Big man talking behind the backs of those who already left ... .
Oh and BTW , you know what that means don't you ?
Today's problems (and the giant income nerfs of S8-8.5-9) -- not their fault and not their problem .
So how about joining us in the here and now ?
Please use the forum quote system. Your posts are impossible to make sense of.
Are you part of Cryptic or PWE?
Are you part of the dev team on STO?
Do you have amazing insight into what the devs are thinking or the business model of PWE/Cryptic?
The answer to all of the above is NO.
You are not part of PWE/Cryptic or the dev team or anything else in STO.
So what you post is just your opinion and that's all.
You are not the voice of PWE/Cryptic or even this community. I was NOT asking YOU anything. I was asking PWE/Cryptic and the dev team these questions yet you seem to think YOU speak for them.
Wow get in touch with reality dude!
Anyway you spin it they are TAKING AWAY WHAT WAS ALREADY EARNED for whatever lame reasons they posted in the blog and YOU, as a fully indoctrinated member of the CDF agree with it and are going along with it!
PWE/CRYPTIC is a business and when a business stops listening to it's customers, then they start losing customers and profit. Business 101 here, nothing hard to understand about that.
Promising rewards and letting your customers earn those rewards to only take those rewards away later is a business model for failure!
Compromise is the solution here not blind "CDF" following!
Let's take PWE/CRYPTIC's model (and it seems your model) and apply it to a different situation and see if you blindly agree and follow;
Let's say the powers to be decide today that a V-8 engine is just to powerful to be used anymore and the powers to be have decided to limit that power by only allowing you to use 4 of the 8 cylinders. While you still have 8 cylinders available, and you get to choose which ones to make available, only 4 can be active at any time. You bought the V-8 with the full knowledge that it will have 8 cylinders of power available at all times and spent your hard earned money to have that. You might have even decided that the V-8 was necessary for towing, etc. , but it was your decision to buy the V-8 and use all of the cylinders all at the same time.
But now that the powers to be have put a cap on that power, you are now not getting what you paid for.
So the question becomes this;
Would you have decided to buy the V-8 if the powers to be had told you that next year you would only be able to use 4 of the 8 cylinders at a time?
I think even you would NOT have bought the V-8 and would have spent your hard earned money on a smaller engine.
Taking away what was already earned is wrong! Just look a the frequent flyer programs when airlines merge. What is the biggest item customers want to know? Simple... Will my Frequent Flyer miles still be there?
Just because YOU are a member of the "CDF" does not make your opinion carry more weight or make it the only opinion that matters here.
You can agree all day long with PWE/Cryptic and I don't think anyone here actual cares. For in the end, it is just YOUR opinion and that's all.
By the way,
"You have such a wonderful economy with words; I look forward to your next syllable with eager anticipation!"
Please continue your "Opinion" as I am getting some good entertainment from it!
Understood and corrected using the quote system.
I would love to see the "devs' or the "official" community manager answer this one with real facts and not get the "CDF" opinions to this!