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Season 9 Dev Blog #5: Changes to Reputation Powers



  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    I see you keep using this word. You should stop using it because it doesn't mean what you think it means.

    I know exactly what it means thank you. :)

    "furnish with grounds for laying claim"

    Therefore by saying someone "FEELS they are entitled" to something you are saying they feel they are OWED a claim to something.

    In this case there are people that feel they are OWED an advantage in a game because they spent more time playing it then others.

    This would be like a Grand master Chess player feeling like they should be able to move twice .. as they have played the game longer.

    A Vet player isn't OWED anything in a video game. Really the experience you gain by playing makes you a better player... Which is why a vertern chess player is almost always much better then a new player.

    They don't feel they are "entitled" to a different rule set based on there skill level.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • hausdorffhausdorff Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The basic fallacy here is that getting a toon to level 50 is any sort of accomplishment.
    • You can get a new toon to level 50 in 2 or 3 days.
    • It takes at least 30 days or so to max a rep system, so say 120 days for 4 systems.

    Why shouldn't a well designed, fully repped toon should therefore be ~40x as powerful as a new 50. Decrease that payoff, and you decrease motivation to grind. The coins analogy fails because a tac can now have one or two defensive choices, that goes to zero immediately in the new scheme.

    If you want to control the scaling, that's fine. But start with the number of passives/actives we currently have. Force the choices to start in the next season.

    Also, as someone who routinely plays ground, the idea of spending half my passives on ground is sickening. What percentage of toons have any ground traits at all? It can't be high. And there's a reason for that. The vast majority of your player base doesn't like your ground system. Maybe 5% of the STF channel calls are for ground and way less than one percent of the OPVP channel calls is for ground.
  • zurganuszurganus Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This is my opinion of everyones whining. And I am welcome to it. Bring on the changes!
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm surprisingly ok with this, anything to make it easier for them to balance is a plus in my book. Because lets be frank they don't have the funds or resources to pump out PvE content as fast as lets say blizzard. In the end as much as people who mostly pve, including me though i do pvp regularly.

    Pvp allows for a end game that the only resources involved is making a balanced game, with plenty of good arena modes and other types of battling. Essentially its a low resource end game.

    I see why its 4 traits, at the next expansion level cap increase we will have 5 and so on. 1 for each 10 levels. if they do some pve content + level scaling lower level characters should be able to do most end game rep grinding, starting at level 10. Though I would suggest keeping elite level content out until 50.
  • anagrojanewayanagrojaneway Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    In this case there are people that feel they are OWED an advantage in a game because they spent more time playing it then others.

    This would be like a Grand master Chess player feeling like they should be able to move twice .. as they have played the game longer.

    A Vet player isn't OWED anything in a video game. Really the experience you gain by playing makes you a better player... Which is why a vertern chess player is almost always much better then a new player.

    They don't feel they are "entitled" to a different rule set based on there skill level.

    You either have a) never played an MMO before, or b) never put enough time and effort into one to earn the perks of being a veteran.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Well, that and the fact that by itself it will have no impact on the stated aim.

    This is simply not the biggest problem for power creep. Not the biggest by a country mile.

    If power creep is the issue why start here?

    I don't disagree there are a bunch of other things that are going to REQUIRE a nerf bat if this game is going to survive.

    I am not going to complain about this one though... it IS needed. The fact that they are adding another rep right away makes this 100% the time to do it. Before people are whining about loosing yet another rep when they finally do fix it.

    I can tell you one good reason to start here... I have had many old game friends pop in to check things out here and there. People that played a lot then left for 6 months a year what ever. They come back and look at the rep system for a few days and then leave.

    This change will make that less likely ... in that regard I am happy... at this point some players that return for a bit will already have 2-3 reps done... and be able to jump in right away while they unlock the newer stuff... that is Very very good.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    all I'm thinking of is when they bring out more reps with more powers and we have to pay to repec to use them
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Not true, anymore. All of the Reps have been retooled to give out Mark XII gear at all tiers, with a reward cadence similar to that of the Dyson rep. For more details, see http://community.arcgames.com/en/news/star-trek-online/detail/3038363

    I actually liked that about the Dyson rep. I usually just wait until I hit tier 5 to get Mk XII equipment and skip the lower marks. Not worth it to grind out the marks or the costs of dilithium and energy credits for commodities and such if you're just going to replace it later with better stuff.

    Sure some players are griping about the lower mark stuff being removed, but it's probably being removed because most of us do just that: wait until tier 5 to get the Mk XII stuff. If more people obtained the lower mark stuff than people who waited, they probably would have left it in and included it in the Dyson rep.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    f2pdrakron wrote: »

    Not RNG boxes that give me weapons and I serious doubt I am going to get a MACO MK XII Deflector on a T0 RNG Reward box, likely I get a Rare MK XII Antiproton weapon since ...

    and contained goodies that could only be found within that reputation’s Dilithium stores

    I know what you mean I pretty much found it annoying because it was always worthless junk it gave me. I was kind of hoping they were out of the grind this up, okay, now pick like 20% of what you grinded to keep... Okay go grind this but oh wait you can't have the new stuff unless you drop some of the old now. Whoever the brain child was that thought this would be well recieved needs to be tested. lol
  • anagrojanewayanagrojaneway Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm surprisingly ok with this, anything to make it easier for them to balance is a plus in my book. Because lets be frank they don't have the funds or resources to pump out PvE content as fast as lets say blizzard. In the end as much as people who mostly pve.

    Pvp allows for a end game that the only resources involved is making a balanced game, with plenty of good arena modes and other types of battling. Essentially its a low resource end game.

    MMO history is rife with examples of no matter what you do to change the mechanics to suit it, people who don't PvP don't PvP, and nothing is going to change that.

    So catering the game to the minority of players who PvP by nerfing PvE just drives people away, not makes them suddenly go "hey now I wanna PvP!"
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    wazzagiow wrote: »
    all I'm thinking of is when they bring out more reps with more powers and we have to pay to repec to use them

    Dev blog says we will be able to respec our reputation traits free of charge any time we want as long as we're not in combat. I don't think they will charge for it later unless they had a really really good reason for it due to a major change in how things work.
  • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    f2pdrakron wrote: »

    Not RNG boxes that give me weapons and I serious doubt I am going to get a MACO MK XII Deflector on a T0 RNG Reward box, likely I get a Rare MK XII Antiproton weapon since ...

    and contained goodies that could only be found within that reputation’s Dilithium stores

    Try reading that bit about Equipment Projects again. For comprehension, this time.
  • tavington10mmtavington10mm Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    As mentioned in earlier posts, the best compromise is to let the players keep what they have,and start the skill changes with the new Rep,or to keep all Rep skills in PvE and then have to chose the skills for PvP.

    That being said,I still feel this is a slap in the face to the players that worked to get what they have. If this was done to appease newer players, then they should just pay their dues and grind like the rest of us did. If not and this just to make a new lvl 50 player closer to equal to a senior lvl 50 player,then why have rep at all just take it out and refund all the players their Exp and EC.

    Either way this seems to be an answer to a question that was never asked,and in finding this answer, it unduly seems to hurt the senior players. :mad:
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I know exactly what it means thank you. :)

    "furnish with grounds for laying claim"

    Therefore by saying someone "FEELS they are entitled" to something you are saying they feel they are OWED a claim to something.

    In this case there are people that feel they are OWED an advantage in a game because they spent more time playing it then others.

    This would be like a Grand master Chess player feeling like they should be able to move twice .. as they have played the game longer.

    A Vet player isn't OWED anything in a video game. Really the experience you gain by playing makes you a better player... Which is why a vertern chess player is almost always much better then a new player.

    They don't feel they are "entitled" to a different rule set based on there skill level.

    People aren't OWED an advantage. If they have spent their time, sponsorships or not, grinding through the reputation system, then they have EARNED it.

    Your examples are poor mate, as you seem to be arguing the wrong point. Nobody was asking for a different rule set. Taking away anyone's ability to use skills they have spent time EARNING (key word there) to level the playing field for new players, is the absolute wrong way to go about solving the problem.

    If you were to consider each Tier of a rep a level, then right now a max level character would be level 70. If a newer player has now just reached 50, why is it fair, or rather, how is it solving a problem if you take the level 70 character, down to 54, to make it fair for the new guy?

    If he wants to have all those rep powers and be able to compete with the max rep people, well, he can go out an earn it like the rest of us have.

    A new player coming into the fold and expecting to compete against a guy who is max level, max rep, and has top end gear, then the new player is the one who is acting entitled.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You either have a) never played an MMO before, or b) never put enough time and effort into one to earn the perks of being a veteran.

    STO... 16 toons all max rep max gear
    Rift... 6 toons all max.
    Tor... 1 year of beta where I fully leveled over 30 toons that where all deleted. :) 8 Toons on that game now though almost all maxed out.
    GW2.. one of every class, 1 in full Celestrial junk... the rest all in full exotic gear.
    LOTRO... haven't played in a good year or so... but at one time again one of every class all pretty darn close to maxed out on everything.
    EVE... got to eve late. I played for 3 or 4 months and just could never feel like I was ever going to get to a point where I was caught up to some of the people I know from other games... so I left.

    I have played for 1000s of hours... I do nothing else all day... which is sad but true. However none of this stuff is real my friend. :) lol The main thing is I am having a good time playing... and believe it or not I play MMOs because I like playing with other people.... and games that don't limit the gap between new and old players end up Dying off.

    Every MMO suffers from the same issue though... Long time players that feel they are owed an advantage over new players. In pretty much every game the P and Moen about every little change like this one... calling them Nerfs and pressuring the devs into not improving there games. Sadly the devs that cave end up with junk games that die off. In order for these games to stay relevant and attractive growing healthy games they need to adjust as they go. People throw words like Nerf around easily and with no regard. Truth is in my view Nerfs are good things. I don't care I'm a power gamer I'll adjust and still be 20% better then everyone else. ;) lol
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • greuceangreucean Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    What's next..."Coming in Season 9 - Season of the Nerf Dev blog 6...We keep swinging the nerf bat and now all ship weapon, console and boff slots have been halved! It is a good thing for the players! It will help the new players! And, as a reward for the players who have done the grind all this time we will also give you half of all dil/ec/rep mark rewards you grind for and cutting your current stock of dil/ec/rep marks in half! Because it's not fair that someone who has been grinding for a couple of years has more than a new player! Enjoy all the great improvements!"

    yes, because its totally not fair that some lifeless peasants who grinded for years and kept us in the biz should have an advantage over our dear 2-week old noobs which we hold in such a high esteem
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    MMO history is rife with examples of no matter what you do to change the mechanics to suit it, people who don't PvP don't PvP, and nothing is going to change that.

    So catering the game to the minority of players who PvP by nerfing PvE just drives people away, not makes them suddenly go "hey now I wanna PvP!"
    Actually that's not completely true, I use to pve only player. Now i enjoy MMO pvp, I gues i've just changed as I aged as a MMO player.

    But honestly without this it would have killed all challenge in pve. ENdlessly grinding same extremely easy pve events isn't going to help the game. I'm sorry, its just not a feasible practice. Especially over the long term. AA in everquest actually eventually killed the growth of that game, as people who were more casual or were new saw that they simply could not compete with the growing powercreep of vets.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    MMO history is rife with examples of no matter what you do to change the mechanics to suit it, people who don't PvP don't PvP, and nothing is going to change that.

    So catering the game to the minority of players who PvP by nerfing PvE just drives people away, not makes them suddenly go "hey now I wanna PvP!"

    I don't PVP because I find no benefit to it. For this game I've heard about making a lot of dilithium from PVP, but it doesn't help me get through my reputations. Why bother when I can get dil in much easier (and often times funner) ways?

    Same reason why I don't do foundry content: doesn't help with my reps and I can get dil other ways. (I skipped the bonus foundry weekend completely; partially because I forgot about it, but mainly because taking several toons through the Mirror universe event takes up my time)

    Cryptic has said long ago that it's possible they will add a PVP reputation to the game. If they did that I would have a reason to PVP. ;)

    (I love the reputation system and always have <3)
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Dev blog says we will be able to respec our reputation traits free of charge any time we want as long as we're not in combat. I don't think they will charge for it later unless they had a really really good reason for it due to a major change in how things work.

    I guess I took that the wrong way. as in we get to respec for free when it goes live.

    so then my next question would be. what will become of those respecs people have bought? will unused rep respecs become a waste of zen? or dilithium?
  • priestofsin420priestofsin420 Member Posts: 419
    edited March 2014
    I'm sorry if maybe the playerbase hasn't been very clear. We want CONTENT.




    All these guys working away on this update? You should reassign them to making some STUFF TO DO, instead of nerfing things that don't really need nerfing. The passives were not even remotely good anyway, at least not for the time and effort it takes to acquire them all.

    PS: Thanks for Mirror Invasion, it's really great and you guys deserve a big round of applause for it. Please stop releasing "good updates" that give content and following them with "bad updates" that nerf or change stuff that didn't need it. That's my feedback.
    Sardak (Science Officer): Captain of a 23k DPS R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel, R.R.W. Vathos
    Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler
    Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Hey, its EC anyway ... at least we can sell the TRIBBLE.

    It does get annoying getting something one of your characters can use but "BoP" that means its just for Bartender use.

    I would hope the old Mk X and Mk XI sets were added to the Borg and Undine front missions but thats too much to hope and on light of this ... a insane dream.

    Yeah being that I took 23 characters and got max tier in every rep it seems like doing any more reps will be futile. Looks like all I will be doing is doffing dilithium and just have a big huge supply of it for the day when they do something I will want something they have to offer. So pretty much I'll play new missions a few times and then wait till the next season pops up. I think all those ppl who quit after season 7 pretty much saw this coming and bailed earlier kudos to them lol.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Reading over the changes to the passives, they're all pretty dramatic. And all better than what's currently there. This could be fascinating in determining how I spec out my different characters.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    People aren't OWED an advantage. If they have spent their time, sponsorships or not, grinding through the reputation system, then they have EARNED it.

    Your examples are poor mate, as you seem to be arguing the wrong point. Nobody was asking for a different rule set. Taking away anyone's ability to use skills they have spent time EARNING (key word there) to level the playing field for new players, is the absolute wrong way to go about solving the problem.

    If you were to consider each Tier of a rep a level, then right now a max level character would be level 70. If a newer player has now just reached 50, why is it fair, or rather, how is it solving a problem if you take the level 70 character, down to 54, to make it fair for the new guy?

    If he wants to have all those rep powers and be able to compete with the max rep people, well, he can go out an earn it like the rest of us have.

    A new player coming into the fold and expecting to compete against a guy who is max level, max rep, and has top end gear, then the new player is the one who is acting entitled.

    Leveling the playing field was one thing the dev said.

    The truth is this is about more then just that. It is also about the future of the game.

    They can't let rep creep continue with out making the current content harder.... Raising a level cap would only solve the issue for a short time frame.

    Lets assume the new rep comes out and they make the content hard enough that you find it interesting with your 5 completed reps... that same content is now that much harder for the new guy with no rep.

    There system is elegant and the same system used by games like LORO. Where you can unlock tons of cool passives... but you are limited to X number.

    The only real argument on this change as I see it is...

    Is the rep system right now FINE ... in which case a limit of 8 would allow for the status que with the new 5th and following reps being the optional reps for Vets... and one of the options for new players.

    Or Is the number of current passives part of the problem... in which case it is in need of a reduction.

    Now I am obviously in the camp that feels the game has to much right now... and a reduction to 4 active is a good step.

    Either way it needs to have a limit... the number of reps is only going to grow... and the balancing of new content is going to get harder and harder for Cryptic.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    wazzagiow wrote: »
    I guess I took that the wrong way. as in we get to respec for free when it goes live.

    so then my next question would be. what will become of those respecs people have bought? will unused rep respecs become a waste of zen? or dilithium?

    Good question. You mean "What about reputation respecs players have purchased and haven't used before season 9 launches?"

    Will they get some sort of refund? Thankfully I don't have any reputation repspec tokens. But thanks to this blog, I won't be getting any now. I was planning to repsec my rep powers on some toons but the new system means I can save my dil*.

    *I preferred to get rep and species trait repsec tokens from the dil store (Special Items and Boxes>Services) since they are a flat 20k dil each compared to trading over 30k dil to get enough zen for 1. And unless they change the species trait system I will continue to get species traits repsec tokens from the dil store.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    atomictiki wrote: »
    The one constant in MMOs -- PvP whiners always get the nerfbat swung at the main PvE game.

    Man, I hate PvPers. :mad:

  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm sorry if maybe the playerbase hasn't been very clear. We want CONTENT.




    Season 9 has new stuff to do. New missions and the like. All based on the Undine. They're also working on a bigger expansion that will have more content too.

    To note, this is dev blog 5 in the season 9 dev blogs. So like this is just one of the things changing in season 9. The big thing about season 9 is the new undine content. Especially for folks who want more content.
  • xablisxablis Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If the whole point of this "revamp" is to make things more competitive for new level 50 captains compared to those of us who've been playing since beta, should you not also nerf all the fleet ships, fleet holding consoles, weapons, and misc gear to also fight the power creep? How about we also get rid of all the pay to win consoles from the c-store ships while we are at it, and maybe even get rid of all ships with 5 forward weapons and 5 tac consoles too? Not to mention various lock box related OP items like some of the special traits that can only be accessed that way.

    Seriously, if this is to fight "power creep" there are a lot of other issues that should be addressed first. Like how about giving the kdf a BOP or Raptor with 5 forward weapons and 5 tac consoles? Or maybe even address the many long standing bugs that discourage people from playing the kdf because half of the early missions are bugged. Or the supposedly fixed with the march 6th patch issue of uniform slots that are still bugged?

    If you really want to make things "fair" for new players (let's face it, you can make lvl 50 in less than a week of a couple hours per day) why not try fixing pvp and give it more options?
  • sethpcsethpc Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm 100% against this. Why is this even being done in the game, when they have just had repeated server issues and bugs still continue for the KDF side? I'm so confused here...

    Because ... the people who handle server hardware and networking aren't the same people who design in-game systems or verify bugs? I thought something like that was fairly obvious.

    And yeah, I haven't slogged through all 50+ pages of what I'm sure is blind rage, but I'm cautiously optimistic. More than once, I've had to think long and hard about which Rep power at a given tier I'd be locking myself into. Now, I can adjust my rep powers as necessary for the task at hand. Plus, a lot of them became much more potent. IMO, that's a fair trade-off.
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Good question. You mean "What about reputation respecs players have purchased and haven't used before season 9 launches?"

    Will they get some sort of refund? Thankfully I don't have any reputation repspec tokens. But thanks to this blog, I won't be getting any now. I was planning to repsec my rep powers on some toons but the new system means I can save my dil*.

    *I preferred to get rep and species trait repsec tokens from the dil store (Special Items and Boxes>Services) since they are a flat 20k dil each compared to trading over 30k dil to get enough zen for 1. And unless they change the species trait system I will continue to get species traits repsec tokens from the dil store.

    Yep you got exactly what meant :-)
  • nakedcrooknakedcrook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This is by far the worst thing I have ever seen happen to STO. Period. This is flat-out punishment of veteran players who invest time and resources into a game. This punishes loyalty, patience, investment of time, and work.

    Veterans are being punished because they have either been playing longer or playing every facet of the game to the fullest extent possible. I am VERY dissatisfied with this news, and I must say for the first time, I have given pause to my continued support of this game.

    As a player with 11 toons, with all my reps maxed, I feel that I have been given the biggest F-YOU in the history of my gaming career.

    The devs are punishing Veterans (the people who have stuck by them for years) in favor of new players who, more or less, will play the game to level 50 then stop playing.

    If you are going to punish veterans by negating all of their hard work in the rep system, you might as well start punishing veterans fleets too. Why stop at Repuations? Let's nerf the fleet system shall we? Let's reduce the cost, time, and amount of XP needed to advance in the fleet system. Far be it from the veterans who have sunken millions upon millions of dil into their fleet to earen what they have built, while people who are new have to WORK a fraction as hard to get what we have in a fraction of the amount of time. You are establishing a precedent of punishing hard work and dedication to a game, in favor of reducing the advantages of playing longer and with more dedication.

    If new players WANT to be as strong as max rep players...then the NEW PEOPLE can puit in the same amount of work we did, not less.

    This change is BULL****!

    Punishing your veterans is the WORST idea. Whoever came up with the idea to nerf the rep system should be categorically dismissed from their job with no severance pay. I would not feel sorry for them.

    This idea better die on the tribble server, and NEVER surface again. The fact that people are not outraged across the board by this blatant punishment of veteran players...it boggles the mind.


    Now, I won't rage without giving possible alternatives.

    If you insist on going down this road, change the 4 passive ground and 4 passive space to 8 passive of whatever you want. I prefer to focus on Space gameplay over ground gameplay, so I should be able to put all my passives into space. I know there are some players out there who only play ground, so let them have 8 ground and they can ignore space. If people want more space than ground, give them the option to go 6 space, 2 ground.

    Or...here is another alternative:

    Leave the current reps alone, and go ahead and make new reputations use this new system.


    Embrace the hard work of your beterans. Reward it. It will pay off. Don't punish us!

    If you oppose the Reputation nerf, feel free to use my signature
This discussion has been closed.