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Star Trek Battles channel (Got Canon?)



  • elothoxelothox Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So I need some help: I have too many characters. I'd like to focus on 3 characters for PVE, and ignore STB builds (though I might have a backup stb build for fun), and build the others around STB builds. So if anyone wants to chime in on what I have, I'd love your advice:

    Dinevir - KDF - 60 - Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier w/ Polaron build
    - Definitely using her as both high end dps and STB.

    Rouj - ROM/K - 57 - Scimitar w/ Corrosive Plasma Build
    - He has very very good gear, but it wouldn't take much work to get him over to a full STB build using regular plasma or Romulan Plasma.
    - I want to use him for PVE because he has access to the better consoles (the shield buffing one and the leech)
    - I'm considering keeping the Scimi with Corrosive Plasma and making his Faeht Warbird for STB

    Penari - FED - 55 - Tac Ody. with Phaser build
    - I'd like to make her one of my main STB characters

    Borova - ROM/F - 55 - Breen Sar Theln w/ Polaron/Transphasic build Breen Chel Grett with Polaron/Transphasic build
    - Her builds are changing a lot, I've also got the Faeht and Scimitar. I'm bouncing between Antiproton and Polaron with her.
    - Full Breen 4 set, I like her for STB missions on the Sarr Theln because it's a fun build with two GW's.

    Xeria - FED - 55 - Breen Chel Grett w/ Tetryon Build (can change to lower quality Disrupters for STB missions)
    - One of my better characters in terms of gear, 1st or 2nd, tied with Dinevir.

    Dinevirr - ROM/F - 56 - Scimitar w/ Tetryon Build (can change to lower quality Plasma for STB missions)
    - From an RP standpoint, she is Dinevir from above, part of long plot arc.

    Killian - FED - 52 - Fleet Defiant w/ Phaser Build and Quantum Torps
    - Pretty decent gear, not sure of how much I like it though yet, it's a fun build for missions, not so good in stfs

    Nulana - KDF - 40 - Way too many ships to chose from... I'd like to make her a STB character with a very very klingon canon build (I have the Bird of Prey T5 retrofit as well as the Bortasqu T5U, and all the Dyson Destroyers) In the meantime, I'm going to level her on the Sarr Theln carrier to unlock its trait.

    So yeah... I have a lot to work with, and a lot to play with. There's so much out there that I don't know about, so feel free to suggest any ships or gear or mission gear that you think I'd like.
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Since you linked a couple skill tress i find very familiar ;)

    Here is the latest skill tree i use for PvE DPS for both Feds/Klinks and Roms. PvP skills have been dropped in favour of more DPS, Subsystem Power, and speed.


    Thanks for posting! I've edited a link to this into my post in case anyone comes across it later.

    Thanks so much for these resources, I had no real idea what to do with my skill trees until I found them :)
    elothox wrote: »
    So I need some help: I have too many characters. I'd like to focus on 3 characters for PVE, and ignore STB builds (though I might have a backup stb build for fun), and build the others around STB builds. So if anyone wants to chime in on what I have, I'd love your advice:

    Penari seems like an obvious choice with that setup, and new KDFs are always appreciated, so Nulana sounds good to me. If you want to run some missions to level her to 50, just ask in chat, I like to run story/foundry to take a break from the queues.

    Aren't the Breen ships wonderful? I'm so glad I decided to get them all this year, I was really debating if I wanted to at the start of the event. I'm sure rolling a new character partially dedicated to them has helped. Running polarized disruptors with the rapid reload and cluster transphasic on mine, and they're performing great in advanced missions.

    Decided to put my builds up on STO Academy for anyone who's interested:

    Chel Grett

    Sarr Theln

    The Chel Grett is very...safe? Boring? In any case, it gets the job done.

    The Sarr Theln will probably be controversial -- I was inspired by this build, but I don't have everything to complete it yet, and felt like I needed to go a little more tac slanted due to running torps. Maybe I should move the Breen universals to the engineering slots and drop the other two. I do want to throw the aceton assimilator on eventually, and I'd love the [Flow] conductive RCS but that's so ludicrously priced...
  • elothoxelothox Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I intend to keep using all of my characters, I'm just unsure of which direction to take them, and how I focus my efforts (and my resources). In retrospect, I really wish I'd gone after the Breen frigate too. (EDIT: why are you using tyken's rift instead of grav wells?)

    In part, what I was hoping to sort out was who had the most pve potential (like Rouj in his Scimi as a Tac officer) vs who had the most fun potential.

    For STB builds, I'm going to be content with Mk XII gear, but I want to push my gear higher on those that I want to use for pure DPS.

    In general though, I'm not asking for build advice, so much as I'm looking for "fun" advice. What ships do you love for STB? (or what don't we have much of in the group that you wish we did, like a full on federation science ship)
  • tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The only difference between an STB build and a min/max build is the inclusion of torpedoes and the usage of faction specific energy types.
    Energy type is far, far less important than most people think. And unless you specifically build a Torpedo Boat you can always slot a torp front and aft to have your DPS ship STB compliant on the fly. Vaadwaur comes in handy as we often have prolonged runs where it is actually useful against structures compared to DPS runs where you just can't bring it to action as everything is dead before the mines deploy.
    Personally I came to the conclusion that I won't bother switching from Phasers to Antiproton/Disruptors/Flavor of the Month until I get so close to the top, that I really need that last 1%. I have to learn to use my rotations correctly, be at the right spot at right time. THEN I can think about min/maxing my equipment...
  • tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Oh, can't say anything to your builds, would have done them pretty much like you did
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    elothox wrote: »
    (EDIT: why are you using tyken's rift instead of grav wells?)

    It's a drain build -- Tyken's Rift drains their power, gravity well is just a hold and damage. The Adorable uses GW1 with TR3, but given their shared cooldown, I just opted to run two ranks of Tyken's instead.

    Another player running gravity well can improve the effectiveness of the rift...as long as they don't drop in on a different enemy than the rift and pull them all away from it, heh.
    elothox wrote: »
    In general though, I'm not asking for build advice, so much as I'm looking for "fun" advice. What ships do you love for STB? (or what don't we have much of in the group that you wish we did, like a full on federation science ship)

    I like pretty much all my ships, but the ones I have the most fun with:

    My T'varo stealth bomber. 3x plasma torps fore (particle emission, hyper plasma, normal), tricobalt mines and cluster aft. Highly maneuverable ship, incredibly fun to fly.

    My D'Kyr "tugboat". High particle gens, throws grav wells, pulls enemies into them with doffed TBRs, dumps warp plasma on them. The Scryer can do this exact same build better, but...it's hideous. The D'Kyr is gorgeous, one of my favorite Trek ship designs.

    That Sarr Theln, despite being a new build, is working its way up there. It's my first drain build and it's awesome dropping Tyken's rift and watching mid-tier enemies' shields just disappear.

    And an honorable mention to my Vor'cha -- I had a boff with boarding party 3, so I got the doffs to arm the shuttles, reduce shuttle cooldowns, and launch more shuttles. Silly gimmick build, but it works.
  • elothoxelothox Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The only difference between an STB build and a min/max build is the inclusion of torpedoes and the usage of faction specific energy types.

    My main issue was loathing who I would chose to switch back to a faction specific energy type. I personally don't have a preference (aside from what looks nice) to be honest. As an example, I'm just looking at my nicely upgraded fleet tac tretyon consoles, and then dreading switching them out for cheap lower plasmas ones (since I don't have 250,000 fleet credit sitting around on all my characters to buy new ones). It was just by chance that I had polarons on my Bortasqu that suddenly became "faction specific" when I got my JHDC.

    This is more of my driving factor in choosing who to switch, I'm basically not switching characters that I've invested a lot in their current weapons.
    My T'varo stealth bomber. 3x plasma torps fore (particle emission, hyper plasma, normal), tricobalt mines and cluster aft. Highly maneuverable ship, incredibly fun to fly.

    My D'Kyr "tugboat". High particle gens, throws grav wells, pulls enemies into them with doffed TBRs, dumps warp plasma on them. The Scryer can do this exact same build better, but...it's hideous. The D'Kyr is gorgeous, one of my favorite Trek ship designs.

    That Sarr Theln, despite being a new build, is working its way up there. It's my first drain build and it's awesome dropping Tyken's rift and watching mid-tier enemies' shields just disappear.

    And an honorable mention to my Vor'cha -- I had a boff with boarding party 3, so I got the doffs to arm the shuttles, reduce shuttle cooldowns, and launch more shuttles. Silly gimmick build, but it works.

    This is exactly what I was looking for, fun build ideas and things like that. I'd like to try to build that T'Varo tonight (albeit on my Faeht, since it has an Enhance Battle Cloak as well), but I'd like to try keep working on leveling Nulana and her Sarr Theln's mastery.

    EDIT: even though I've used a Vorcha.... I think they look like paint scrapers:
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Heh, the Vor'cha is my favorite Klingon battlecruiser. I think part of the reason I'm so enamored with the MatHa design is because of how much of the Vor'cha I can see in it.
  • trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Greetings Captain,
    kmfrye2001 wrote: »
    I've been catching up on all the back posts - I'd like to join this channel.


    Looking forward to playing as a wargame, and not a free-for-all. : )

    I saw that you were on last night and tried to pm you but you might have been AFK or in the middle of something just not seen it.

    Hopefully we can talk in game and see if we can get you in the STB channel.

    Thanks for your interest and hope to see you in game.
  • gurriknakgurriknak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I was wondering if there'd be any interest in a "legacy" PvP event?

    By "Legacy", what I mean is that it would be team-based and along faction/racial lines (Romulans would be counted as their own faction for this purpose). You would have to use faction-specific craft, although with weaponry you could be a little more flexible if there's canon evidence from shows/In-game examples and/or the color of weaponry is pretty close (such as using a Corrosive Plasma weapon in place of a Phaser on a Starfleet vessel). To further clarify "by faction", no Starfleet ships and Undine ships on the same team, for example. There would be no restrictions on Mark or rarity for weapons, gear, and consoles (remembering the STB torpedo rule) with one exception: no use of C-Store modules unless everyone joining in on the match agrees to it beforehand.

    The purpose of this would be to both maintain the STB flavor as well as try and re-capture the fun of the early-days of PvP.

    Who would be interested participating in something like this? Depending on interest/participation levels, I could even see something like this expanded into a pseudo-strategy game, with factions taking and loosing systems on a galaxy map...

    P.s.: sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors - sending this from my phone while on break... tiny screen.
  • tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    We actually did a Dominion PvP/Reenactment some months ago. Unfortunately I missed it (aside from some test runs before the actual Event).
    As far as I remember it involved the problem, that most of us are so dedicated to each other that the concept of fighting each other didn't really work out. Of course this doesn't mean it can't work, the channel grew a LOT since then.
    A talented Foundry Author creating som PvE missions dedicated to a certain theme, that would be awesome! I know we have some great Foundry Authors in the Channel.
  • trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Greetings Captain 07
    gurriknak wrote: »
    I was wondering if there'd be any interest in a "legacy" PvP event?

    By "Legacy", what I mean is that it would be team-based and along faction/racial lines (Romulans would be counted as their own faction for this purpose). You would have to use faction-specific craft, although with weaponry you could be a little more flexible if there's canon evidence from shows/In-game examples and/or the color of weaponry is pretty close (such as using a Corrosive Plasma weapon in place of a Phaser on a Starfleet vessel). To further clarify "by faction", no Starfleet ships and Undine ships on the same team, for example. There would be no restrictions on Mark or rarity for weapons, gear, and consoles (remembering the STB torpedo rule) with one exception: no use of C-Store modules unless everyone joining in on the match agrees to it beforehand.

    The purpose of this would be to both maintain the STB flavor as well as try and re-capture the fun of the early-days of PvP.

    Who would be interested participating in something like this? Depending on interest/participation levels, I could even see something like this expanded into a pseudo-strategy game, with factions taking and loosing systems on a galaxy map...

    P.s.: sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors - sending this from my phone while on break... tiny screen.

    As mentioned by Setek we did have 2 events which were both PvP and I participated in both and had fun. It wasn't about trying to kill each other but just to have fun.

    Personally I enjoyed the Dom wars a bit more due to the effort made in trying to make it as even across the board. There were rules set in place like MK of weapons, consoles & even powers for example only up to LT. can be used. We only did have 1 crack at with 4 people but it was enjoyable and I could see it working again IMO.

    The raid one suggested by Sokut was also fun.. 4 small ships vs 1 big sihp. There was a little less rules IIRC but still all in good clean fun.

    My suggestion would be to keep it on an even playing field as much as possible for example just use MK XII common weapons and such but that is just a suggestion. This is your event and you can take from suggestions if you want.

    I would be up for trying anything and will always say.. I'm NOT much of a PvPer but will do it amoung friends. Also I would like to suggest to put a time limit or up to 5 or something like that. For me, one of the things I didn't like was PvPing and it taking an hour to kill someone. That might not be the case but something to think about.

    Feel free to keep editing your post or adding to it what the official rules will be.... Also you can count me in.

    See you in game 07
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sorry i have not been on that much as of late. have grinding my main up to lvl. 60 and all the bugs and every thing with DRs luanch i just got burned out

    hoping to start playing again soon but my computer is being stupid
  • gurriknakgurriknak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Well, IMO I figure the simpler you keep it, the more likely people are to participate; if a person has to change their play style too much (by limiting abilities or putting a maximum limit on grade of equipment) they're more then likely gonna skip it. People like their BOffs. People like their grape gear.

    So aside from the STB ship load-out flavor, factions, the only other restriction would be on CStore modules (unless agreed upon by all parties involved).

    The matches would be indeed have points/time limit, and depending on what type of scenario you're running, a limit on responds as well. When respawns are allowed, a "reinforcement wave" system could be implimented.

    As for scenarios, it could run the gambit from straight-up fleet encounters, raids (multiple lower-tier/smaller ships vs a larger vessel), to take-and-hold, etc.
  • tome85tome85 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    gurriknak wrote: »
    Well, IMO I figure the simpler you keep it, the more likely people are to participate; if a person has to change their play style too much (by limiting abilities or putting a maximum limit on grade of equipment) they're more then likely gonna skip it. People like their BOffs. People like their grape gear.

    So aside from the STB ship load-out flavor, factions, the only other restriction would be on CStore modules (unless agreed upon by all parties involved).

    The matches would be indeed have points/time limit, and depending on what type of scenario you're running, a limit on responds as well. When respawns are allowed, a "reinforcement wave" system could be implimented.

    As for scenarios, it could run the gambit from straight-up fleet encounters, raids (multiple lower-tier/smaller ships vs a larger vessel), to take-and-hold, etc.
    I would be very interested in participating in a run with you Captains.

    One probable scenario could be that a team is assembled to defend a planet from an attack( a simple patrol mission) comprised of Starfleet vessels. After a successful completion the team receives orders to defend a Starbase from a Klingon attack and they all jump to the coordinates. At that moment our Klingon ''friends'' join in the event and after a quick communication exchange the conflict excalates...

    This is just and idea and i'm welcoming any changes or additions.
    My daily grind is STAR TREK BATTLES channel - NO HIGH DPS WANTED

  • aiurdaeaiurdae Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I have an Obelisk that runs all AP weapons (obviously). Do I need to use transphasic torps, since those come stock with the ship?
  • gurriknakgurriknak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    tome85 wrote: »
    I would be very interested in participating in a run with you Captains.

    One probable scenario could be that a team is assembled to defend a planet from an attack( a simple patrol mission) comprised of Starfleet vessels. After a successful completion the team receives orders to defend a Starbase from a Klingon attack and they all jump to the coordinates. At that moment our Klingon ''friends'' join in the event and after a quick communication exchange the conflict excalates...

    This is just and idea and i'm welcoming any changes or additions.

    That sounds like some good fun. Admittedly, I'm rusty on private PVP setups, but I recall you can only have two sides, correct? Because after readinh your suggestion, the first thing that popped into my head was "... then the damn Romulans pick right then to show up..." :)
  • tome85tome85 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    gurriknak wrote: »
    That sounds like some good fun. Admittedly, I'm rusty on private PVP setups, but I recall you can only have two sides, correct? Because after readinh your suggestion, the first thing that popped into my head was "... then the damn Romulans pick right then to show up..." :)

    Yes i think that's an idea we might explore... in a PvP scenario some Klingons decloak and start fighting the Starfleet, while the Romulans remain cloaked and wait for it... then they decloak and some join the Klingons, others the Federation (depending of their allegiance).

    I believe we all have some character that belongs here somewhere!
    My daily grind is STAR TREK BATTLES channel - NO HIGH DPS WANTED

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hmm... Anyone interested in doing a 5-man Devil's Choice? I've wanted to try it in 5-man since I saw it on tribble. :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Greetings Captains 07
    gpgtx wrote: »
    sorry i have not been on that much as of late. have grinding my main up to lvl. 60 and all the bugs and every thing with DRs luanch i just got burned out

    hoping to start playing again soon but my computer is being stupid

    No need to apologize. I can understand that A LOT of people are doing their levelling or trying to get their next spec point which is ok.

    Hopefully you resolve your issue with your computer and we will see you in game when we see you.
    aiurdae wrote: »
    I have an Obelisk that runs all AP weapons (obviously). Do I need to use transphasic torps, since those come stock with the ship?

    Hello and thank you for your interest in STB.

    You can run transphasics if you'd like or maybe just ask the type that you would want to use. That ship is from STO and I would use what it came with as a guide but like I mentioned feel free to ask.

    Hopefully that answers your question? If you would like an invite just leave your @handle and I or one of the admins will throw you an invite.
    Hmm... Anyone interested in doing a 5-man Devil's Choice? I've wanted to try it in 5-man since I saw it on tribble. :D

    Sorry what's that? I assume a PvP thing?

    As I have mentioned before PvP is NOT something I do but don't mind doing once in a while. Doesn't hurt to change things up sometimes.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    No. It's one of the Romulan Republic story missions. The last one to feature the Elachi actually. It's where you have to protect Mol'Rihan from an Elachi fleet.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    No. It's one of the Romulan Republic story missions. The last one to feature the Elachi actually. It's where you have to protect Mol'Rihan from an Elachi fleet.

    Oh snap!... BAM..... let's do EETTT!

    I would glady run that... just say it in chat next I'm on and we will try to get a group going.
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    That'd be an excellent break from the queued missions. If anyone ever wants to team for story, just ask.
  • elothoxelothox Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I don't know if I missed the Devi's Choice thing, but it's something I would enjoy I think.

    Trizeo, I had a couple of suggestions and questions for the STB channel:

    From what I've seen, Energy Weapon Type and not torpedo type is important to STB runs in most cases, am I correct? I know that there are some major differences in the way certain torpedoes behave (notably plasma's high yield). But aside from that, given that most of my character's "nice" torpedoes are from faction rep boxes, it would be nice to use them even if they are not 'perfect.'

    Second, I know that STB builds are supposed to have torpedoes fore and aft, but what about Jem'Hadar ships that, if memory serves, don't have torpedoes of any kind in the show, just Polaron beams. On my JHDC, I have all polarons, and a KCB. Do I need to add torps for an STB run? or just remove the KCB?

    As far as suggestions go. I like the people in the STB channel, they're helpful, knowledgeable, humble, and up for doing things just to help people. Most of the time, we get things together on the fly, but people might be hesitant for a few reasons. "My ship isn't STB ready yet" "I don't do enough dps." "I'm the wrong faction" "I've never done that mission/stf/level of difficulty."

    So, that being said, it would be awesome if there were an effort to explain as much as possible in our group requests, (especially what the rewards are for missions). As an example I've often used:

    "Hey, I'm going to run the mission "Facility 4028" fed side if anyone wants to come, one of the mission rewards is the Jem'Hadar Bridge officer, and he knows Torpedo Spread 3!"

    I think it might generate a lot more interest from other people in the channel to get to know and help out, because so many people are often re running old missions for certain gear for their STB builds.
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    elothox wrote: »
    Second, I know that STB builds are supposed to have torpedoes fore and aft, but what about Jem'Hadar ships that, if memory serves, don't have torpedoes of any kind in the show, just Polaron beams. On my JHDC, I have all polarons, and a KCB. Do I need to add torps for an STB run? or just remove the KCB?

    Jem'Hadar ships most definitely had torpedoes:
    The Jem'Hadar battle cruiser was equipped with both directed energy weapons and torpedos in its arsenal.

    The forward torpedo launcher was the primary utilized in a majority of engagements with the Federation during the Dominion War. (DS9: "Call to Arms", "Sacrifice of Angels", "What You Leave Behind") This torpedo launcher was capable of firing multiple bursts in a single volley. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels") They were also equipped with a forward beam emitter. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

    They never stated what type of torpedo, but they're blue:


    The ships come equipped with quantums, that's what I use, although I also threw the Neutronic on. I can justify it since it's purple, and so are (phased/Dominion) polaron beams in the game. I run the wide-angle quantum aft on Dysnomia's JHDC.

    IMO, the only ships that should be using a KCB in STB runs are the adapted Tal Shiar ships and anything else you Borgify with the assimilated set. I did run it on my Phantom though, since the red beam firing from the red turret hardpoint on that model looked awesome. Others might dispute this.
  • trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Greetings Captain 07
    elothox wrote: »
    I don't know if I missed the Devi's Choice thing, but it's something I would enjoy I think.

    Trizeo, I had a couple of suggestions and questions for the STB channel:

    From what I've seen, Energy Weapon Type and not torpedo type is important to STB runs in most cases, am I correct? I know that there are some major differences in the way certain torpedoes behave (notably plasma's high yield). But aside from that, given that most of my character's "nice" torpedoes are from faction rep boxes, it would be nice to use them even if they are not 'perfect.'

    Second, I know that STB builds are supposed to have torpedoes fore and aft, but what about Jem'Hadar ships that, if memory serves, don't have torpedoes of any kind in the show, just Polaron beams. On my JHDC, I have all polarons, and a KCB. Do I need to add torps for an STB run? or just remove the KCB?

    As far as suggestions go. I like the people in the STB channel, they're helpful, knowledgeable, humble, and up for doing things just to help people. Most of the time, we get things together on the fly, but people might be hesitant for a few reasons. "My ship isn't STB ready yet" "I don't do enough dps." "I'm the wrong faction" "I've never done that mission/stf/level of difficulty."

    So, that being said, it would be awesome if there were an effort to explain as much as possible in our group requests, (especially what the rewards are for missions). As an example I've often used:

    "Hey, I'm going to run the mission "Facility 4028" fed side if anyone wants to come, one of the mission rewards is the Jem'Hadar Bridge officer, and he knows Torpedo Spread 3!"

    I think it might generate a lot more interest from other people in the channel to get to know and help out, because so many people are often re running old missions for certain gear for their STB builds.

    I will try and answer it as best I can.

    The race specific weapons goes for BOTH energy type & torps BUT if you torp in mind or in inventory that you want to use just ask. I know some people are using different torps becuase they are working towards a more canon torp. That being said... am I going to kick someone out because of a torp... no BUT I may poke fun at you or say something :D Another way of going about it is... if you've seen it on the show go for it. On paper it may not be the right torp but if it looks like something from the shows... by all means.

    Kin replied to your question about the Jem ships but I will add my thoughts... it seems they come equipped with quantum torps so you can use that. Kin is going with the purple theme hence the usage of the Neut torp which is ok... I guess:P For the KCB thing tho.... my personal thoughts is no as I do not recall a ship using it on the shows.

    Thank you for the comments regarding STB.. I do like how much knowleadge is in the channel as I myself am still learning and for the most part it does seem that anyone is willing to help when they have the time. That is a great suggestion you have.. usually I make known as much as I can that I'm up for pretty much everything weather it be missions or stfs it doesn't matter to me.

    When it comes to the guidelines of STB that's all they are... guidelines. The MAIN purpose is to have fun playing STO BUT with canon in mind which is the charm of STB IMO. I've said it before and I'll say it again.. nothing like seeing a fleet of SF ships raining down torps on a borg cube topped with phasers.

    As of late there have been a lot of parsing going on and that is just to see where the DPS is at for the most part. Some, like myself, are trying to improve the DPS simiply to try and tackle the Elite missions but it doesn't mean that I'm going to sacrifice how I like to fly my ships. I just need to tweak it more so that it's not your typical FAW boat. NOT that they don't work but I would like to have a more torp heavy set up just to cut down the beam spam. I have a lot to do yet to my builds such as upgrade and what not but I'm not in a hurry to do so. My main focus is to have fun when I'm in game because... well... it's a game! haha.

    If people don't have STB ready ships but want to try it out it's ok. After the 50th time I may say something if you haven't set up your ship tho yet.. haha.

    Sorry for the long reply but I hope I have answered your questions and if not feel free to ask more.

    TC and see you in game 07
  • wermynwermyn Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm down. I know this is a little late, but frankly I've been trying to find a group that would work like this. I'm starting to get sick of the people bashing me at the end of every STF because they post the DPS stats for the round in chat and I'm always at the bottom. If it's not too late to join up, then I'll totally do this.

    Admiral Gene Wurmstein, USS Excavator
    Admiral G'ene, RRW D'vinn
    General Genek of the House of Wurmny, IKS Y'teng

  • wermynwermyn Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm down. I know this is a little late, but frankly I've been trying to find a group that would work like this. I'm starting to get sick of the people bashing me at the end of every STF because they post the DPS stats for the round in chat and I'm always at the bottom. If it's not too late to join up, then I'll totally do this.

    Admiral Gene Wurmstein, USS Excavator
    Admiral G'ene, RRW D'vinn
    General Genek of the House of Wurmyn, IKS Y'teng

  • elothoxelothox Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    No worries, the lengthy reply was exactly what I was after.

    One thing I do want to consider doing soon is taking a look at how to tweak my JHDC to stay around the 20k to 30k range while being a total STB build. One of the main reasons for this is so that if someone wants to bring another ship to an STB run for fun, they won't be worried about setting the group back if their performance isn't perfect. The only bad thing is, I wish that I had someone of comparable gear fed side with an STB build. Right now, federation Chel Grett is close to that, but it runs Tetryons, so I'm considering going with a Hirogen Ship (which might be cheaper than getting new weapons lol). But I'm going to wait until after the anniversary to decide.

    There is one thing I am very excited about though: Nulana just hit 50, and she's in a Brel Bird of Prey Retrofit. I'm keeping her gear with no consoles and just the starting mk X white gear, and it was actually really easy to do a Japori Patrol with her, and she still tore through things.

    I'd like to "go into glorious battle" in order to get her new gear, like do "a raid on a blah blah" to get better weapons and such. If anyone wants to accompany me on patrols and that kind of thing, I'd love it. Basically 30 seconds of RP to justify doing an IC raid in the blah system to justify my OoC purchase of a new torpedo, console, or warp core. Even if you can't run the mission (because of faction) but want to meet at Drozana or w/e to discuss the upcoming raid, it would be fun (for me at least :P )
  • trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Greetings Captain
    wermyn wrote: »
    I'm down. I know this is a little late, but frankly I've been trying to find a group that would work like this. I'm starting to get sick of the people bashing me at the end of every STF because they post the DPS stats for the round in chat and I'm always at the bottom. If it's not too late to join up, then I'll totally do this.

    Admiral Gene Wurmstein, USS Excavator
    Admiral G'ene, RRW D'vinn
    General Genek of the House of Wurmny, IKS Y'teng


    Thank you for your interest in STB.

    I don't think it's too late to join STB as it's still going as far as I know:P

    I mentioned this in the previous posts but we do parse ISA to check our DPS now and then and some, liike myself, is trying to improve a canon build so that we can tackle the Elite content. I'm finding it hard to push my build/playstyle past a certain number but I'm in no rush.

    We have completed some noteworthy things like Borg Disconnected Elite, Azured Elite, Korfez (when no Benthans) & Hive Advanced with canon builds and we will keep trying to do so. I myself have to upgrade my weapons but am in no rush to do so.

    I will NOT tolerate any shaming in channel because that's not what STB is about. It might seem so at times when we posting up numbers but really... when we fail a mission we just shrug it off because in the end it's just a game and we're all here to have fun.

    Myself or another admin will send you an invite and please if there are anymore questions let us know.

    Hope to see you in game!
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