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Star Trek Battles channel (Got Canon?)



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    tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    So I made a nice new signature for STB but it doesn't show up! Maybe it works with a new post now.
    I'll try to get some of you for a photoshooting to get a better background picture (that phaser makes the headline hard to read, but I deleted the demorecord of that battle, and the picture is awesome!). Maybe with all the ships from the shows charging in.
    Any ideas for some better slogans?

    If you like it I might make a few different versions and load them up for everyone's use.

    Just in case it still won't show up in my sig: 7Mf5MQB.jpg
    EDIT: Nevermind, seems it updates with new posts, I'll keep the link here anyway.
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    trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    omnia1960 wrote: »
    Count me in on this. bring back the fun of space battles. (@omnia1960 / @jafa12) :)
    trying to find the chat channel but its not popping up

    i like the idea of running canon setups
    my fleet gal-x is setup that way, phasers/photons/gravi torp

    would like to join the fun

    I believe I got both of you into STB now and we have actually flown some missions.

    I hope that you Captains are having fun and I/we, STB, am glad to have you on board.

    We will see you online Captains 07
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    trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    tyriniusss wrote: »
    So I made a nice new signature for STB but it doesn't show up! Maybe it works with a new post now.
    I'll try to get some of you for a photoshooting to get a better background picture (that phaser makes the headline hard to read, but I deleted the demorecord of that battle, and the picture is awesome!). Maybe with all the ships from the shows charging in.
    Any ideas for some better slogans?

    If you like it I might make a few different versions and load them up for everyone's use.

    Just in case it still won't show up in my sig: 7Mf5MQB.jpg
    EDIT: Nevermind, seems it updates with new posts, I'll keep the link here anyway.

    Captain 07

    Wow I LOVE your sig!... wish I could do something like that.

    Appreciate you and all the Captains out there trying to get other Captains in on STB. I truly do appreciate it.
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    kamakaze101kamakaze101 Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hey guys, Captain Kimio here.

    ive been wondering..... with the new earth in S9, were have you all been meeting? it was my question since i saw brent's vid on it.... OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO WE CANT MEET ABOVE EARTH ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!! was what i screamed.... maybe esd for a change? specially since its all spruced up inside. haven't gotten in the game for S9 yet, currently at 75% patch lol
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    trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hey guys, Captain Kimio here.

    ive been wondering..... with the new earth in S9, were have you all been meeting? it was my question since i saw brent's vid on it.... OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO WE CANT MEET ABOVE EARTH ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!! was what i screamed.... maybe esd for a change? specially since its all spruced up inside. haven't gotten in the game for S9 yet, currently at 75% patch lol

    Captain Kimio 07

    We still have been meeting near above earth orbit but yesterday we used the STB meeting room which is beside Admiral Quinn's office. We had a mission briefing for CE, first time we used the room. It was 8 Captains at the time but right before warping out when we were formed up above earth we had a full team I think.

    I'd like to incorporate that into the missions more maybe not all the time due to time but as I mentioned in the first post when doing an STB mission ensure you have the time as sometimes we like to do mission briefings.

    See you in game Captain... Captain Trizeo out 07
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    risingstar2009risingstar2009 Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Just ran the Undine Battlezone (now that it's been 'fixed'), and I've gotta say. It is far funner than the Voth Battlezones.

    And a bit more profitable as well. Plus, everyone was working as a team that didn't really need to talk with each other as we all knew what we were doing, or going to do.

    I'll have to run it with my JHDC or Gal-X next time.
    Star Trek Battles: For those who want to Play Star Trek Online as it WAS MEANT TO BE!!!

    Our Battles
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    dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Just ran the Undine Battlezone (now that it's been 'fixed'), and I've gotta say. It is far funner than the Voth Battlezones.

    And a bit more profitable as well. Plus, everyone was working as a team that didn't really need to talk with each other as we all knew what we were doing, or going to do.

    I'll have to run it with my JHDC or Gal-X next time.

    I still think the ground battlezone is the most interesting and rewarding of the sphere areas, but the Undine zone definitely beats both of the Voth space areas. I lose interest in it a lot faster than the ground zone, though.
    reyan01 wrote: »
    And just as a side note - with regard to how awesome the Nova class is.... hate to have to say it, but TOLD YOU SO! :P

    Picked one up for Tharon after your game last night, haven't had a chance to set it up yet.
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    vnixnedvnixned Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'd love to join this, though I am already in a fleet.

    Also I run a Charal atm, which I can ofcourse offset with its basic mkX andorian phasers in its basic form, would that be allowed?
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    trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    vnixned wrote: »
    I'd love to join this, though I am already in a fleet.

    Also I run a Charal atm, which I can ofcourse offset with its basic mkX andorian phasers in its basic form, would that be allowed?

    Good Day Captain 07,

    Thank you for you interest in STB.

    To answer your questions... YES. You can use your MK X phasers OR you can use your ELITE ones but you will have to adjust the DPS by either lowering your weapons power or taking off your tac consoles and possibly still adjusting your power levels.

    We have Captains who can parse your DPS. We also have a Captain who parses AND flys an Andorian escort as well.

    To answer your first question, STB is NOT a fleet it is a channel that ANYONE can join.

    Depending on how things go there might be an STB fleet in the future but that is yet to be seen. I think one of the reasons why STB has been successful is the no obligation which is inherit with having a fleet to build up the SB. That being said IF there were to be an STB fleet of some kind I would not want to put pressure on anyone to contribute unless they want to. TBH I would only consider starting a fleet to only have the name STB above my head/ship.

    Anyways.. I hope that answers your question Captain. I do need your in game handle so either contact me @trizeo1 or leave it here on the thread.

    Thanks again I look forward to hearing from you 07
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    vnixnedvnixned Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014


    pardon me: it's without the bloody two... I keep forgetting that here
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    How's Undine assault been with the group?
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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    trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Just ran the Undine Battlezone (now that it's been 'fixed'), and I've gotta say. It is far funner than the Voth Battlezones.

    And a bit more profitable as well. Plus, everyone was working as a team that didn't really need to talk with each other as we all knew what we were doing, or going to do.

    I'll have to run it with my JHDC or Gal-X next time.

    Captain Emira 07

    Yesterday was my first time running it.. I avoided it as I heard it was broken but a group was forming so I said why not.

    I enjoyed it... not overly but I'm in my ship pew pewn so THAT was enough. It is much better that the Voth one but it just felt too spammy? Maybe because there were so many ships. It also got laggy for me at the end but I think that's because ALL of the ships were on the planet killer.

    I wouldn't mind doing that again especially if I need loot or that device thing for rep items.
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Really enjoyed the ISE run earlier today, which involved three Nova-class ships (my Fleet Rhode Island variant included).

    The first time I've ever run an STF with that many Nova class ships in one instance. And, as I am always saying, I am one of the biggest fans of the class, and have been using my Rhode Island variant very nearly constantly since the moment they became obtainable.

    Did manage to get taken out whilst holding the Nanite spheres off with GWIII and Gravimetric TSIII; whilst they couldn't move, the whole lot of them fired shield drains at me - power insulators notwithstanding, that was too much; I was also, unfortunately JUST in range of the gate, which took offense and took me out. First time I've 'died' in ISE for I don't know how long.

    Anyway, regardless of the shield drain from hell, I had a BLAST!

    And just as a side note - with regard to how awesome the Nova class is.... hate to have to say it, but TOLD YOU SO! :P

    Captain Etilen 07

    Apologies for not keeping an eye on you better when you went ahead to CC the spheres.

    That was a really good ISE run and we had like 5 mins or less to spare.

    I do have to admit that I was not planning to get the Nova ship but with the MU version only like 150k EC... I was like why not and MAN I am NOT disappointed!

    The Nova can Tank. I tried it in the Undine Assault and took the bottom lane but a bug occurred and was left with 4 Captains. I had a cruiser with me but I recommended him to help the Andorian Escort. I was able to close the middle rift and worked my way to the last one but the beating that thing took!... I was on my Eng toon but only had to use MW like 2 times. I will be using the Nova as my primary sci ship for Captain ZED.

    It is even better than my Galaxy R I think even though the Gal is a double A2B compared to the single A2B on the Nova.... what does that tell you about the Gal? (Still love the ship tho)
    I still think the ground battlezone is the most interesting and rewarding of the sphere areas, but the Undine zone definitely beats both of the Voth space areas. I lose interest in it a lot faster than the ground zone, though.

    Picked one up for Tharon after your game last night, haven't had a chance to set it up yet.

    Captain Tharon 07

    I believe you will enjoy that Nova for what it can do.

    I also wanted to commend the following Captains for their completion of HOSE STB style.

    Captain Will commended the TF with flying colors as they completed it using their STB builds. I believe you were on of them Captian Tharon.. great work all 07
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    trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    How's Undine assault been with the group?

    Hello Captain 07

    Well I kind of touched on this on my reply.

    We stared with a plan to split up 2 1 2 with me in my MU Nova and a Cruiser taking the bottom lane and the other group consisted of the Obelisk carrier & an Ambassador with the 1 being the escort.

    We encountered the bug where a ship would spawn in the SB so we lost the Obelisk. I was able to close 1 rift but the others struggled. I was starting to struggle on the last rift on the bottom until the Ambassador came over to help me we then closed the rift then formed up to work on both lanes. It went much better/faster when we stared teaming up on the single lane.

    All in all it took 45 mins but we vowed to finish it for our Captain who was stuck.

    I think with a different strategy we can do it within the time limit. This STF will require us to really work as a group.. PERFECT for STB.
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Sounds like a lot of fun.
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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    tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    trizeo1 wrote: »
    Captain 07

    Wow I LOVE your sig!... wish I could do something like that.

    Appreciate you and all the Captains out there trying to get other Captains in on STB. I truly do appreciate it.

    Feel free to use mine! Actually, everyone feel free to use it. That's what I made it for!

    Regarding the new Undinde Content. Sorry that I usually bail out when you want to run these. I just can't stand those intense graphics and being thrown around like I drank a bottle of Romulan Ale.

    Good thing: I usually find some STBers for good old Borg runs :)
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    garrethuntergarrethunter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hey right now I'm flying a Galaxy-X with phasers, what would I need to do to join?

    (EDIT) I'll join the channel and ask too.
    Strength lies not in defence but in attack.
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    dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    trizeo1 wrote: »
    I also wanted to commend the following Captains for their completion of HOSE STB style.

    Captain Will commended the TF with flying colors as they completed it using their STB builds. I believe you were on of them Captian Tharon.. great work all 07

    I completely forgot, I grabbed a few quick screenshots of this. Only one came out with any action in it:

    Open Fire!

    Wish I had shield visuals disabled, but it was a spur of the moment thing to take some shots, and I play with them on.
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    admiraltrappittadmiraltrappitt Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I completely forgot, I grabbed a few quick screenshots of this. Only one came out with any action in it:

    Open Fire!

    Wish I had shield visuals disabled, but it was a spur of the moment thing to take some shots, and I play with them on.

    Aww, I'm not in that one. I was flying a Ambassador.

    Meant to say early this morning, I uploaded a new video, my first. It was of the run of the Breach Normal, which was going to be a 5 Nova run, but ended up a 4 Nova +Scimitar run. I don't know why the quality is so poor, and the screen the wrong size, because it was much better when I watched it back on my computer.
    Proad admin of the Star Trek Battles channel. Join today!

    I actually like Delta Rising.
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    trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I completely forgot, I grabbed a few quick screenshots of this. Only one came out with any action in it:

    Open Fire!

    Wish I had shield visuals disabled, but it was a spur of the moment thing to take some shots, and I play with them on.
    Aww, I'm not in that one. I was flying a Ambassador.

    Meant to say early this morning, I uploaded a new video, my first. It was of the run of the Breach Normal, which was going to be a 5 Nova run, but ended up a 4 Nova +Scimitar run. I don't know why the quality is so poor, and the screen the wrong size, because it was much better when I watched it back on my computer.

    Captains 07

    Thank you for sharing the pictures and vids... keep them coming :D

    Been having some really good team ups... almost consistantly with my fellow STB Captains. Just wanted to say Thanks... I always look forward to logging on to pew pew with the Captains of STB and their crew.

    Let's keep the STB spirit going and never lose sight of the this channel... that is to have FUN. Let's all ensure we have fun as a group and treat each other as Starfleet Captains would.

    Look forward to more Captains joining and seeing STB grow even more.

    Captain Trizeo out :)7
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    thunderhawk101thunderhawk101 Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I completely forgot, I grabbed a few quick screenshots of this. Only one came out with any action in it:

    Open Fire!

    Wish I had shield visuals disabled, but it was a spur of the moment thing to take some shots, and I play with them on.

    lol, that Odyssey class looks mighty familliar...
    erei1 wrote: »
    I enjoy this kind of thread. It's like farting in the air to fight the wind. It's poetic, childish and completely useless.
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    dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I wonder how a PvP version of this would look... :eek:

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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    trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    dalolorn wrote: »
    I wonder how a PvP version of this would look... :eek:

    Hello Captain 07

    Well I myself have done PvP within STB but these are the rules we've used.

    - No rep gear. Shields, Engines & Deflector to be MK X or whatever agreed upon between the 2. Warp core can be what ever.
    - No consoles of any kind
    - No Boff abilities or any kind of ability ie: T5 Rom

    All I can think of/remember but doing it this way reminds me of Starfleet Command.

    There hasn't been a lot of PvP in the channel but there was a match where it was a free for all but doing it like stated above gives it a level playing field.
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The concept is really, really cool but IMHO flawed. I gave it a strong consideration, BUT....

    when you limit dps, ship choice becomes seriously skewed. Since you can hit the dps limit in any ship, escorts are self-gimped to have {low survival | low dps } while "cruisers" are buffed {same dps as escort | full tank} and carriers are even stronger {full dps| pets | indestructible}. I get that it is the "spirit of the thing" but the net result is that fragile ships are undesirable under these rules. I would suggest the dps limit be adjusted for ship class, rather than blanket... say 10k for escorts, 5k for tanks/carriers, 7.5 for in-betweens, or whatever you guys think.

    second, allowing full use of all defensive gear seems off. Limited dps, full defense, favoring big/tough ships --- every fight is going to be virtually immortal players chopping the enemy to bits slowly. That seems dull to me? I would think you need to limit the rest of the gear in some way too --- either MK X tops, or blue quality XI purple X, something like that?

    Of course I say all that having not tried it yet, so this is just from reading the rules and trying to imagine how things would go... but that is the impression I am getting...
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    trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    noroblad wrote: »
    The concept is really, really cool but IMHO flawed. I gave it a strong consideration, BUT....

    when you limit dps, ship choice becomes seriously skewed. Since you can hit the dps limit in any ship, escorts are self-gimped to have {low survival | low dps } while "cruisers" are buffed {same dps as escort | full tank} and carriers are even stronger {full dps| pets | indestructible}. I get that it is the "spirit of the thing" but the net result is that fragile ships are undesirable under these rules. I would suggest the dps limit be adjusted for ship class, rather than blanket... say 10k for escorts, 5k for tanks/carriers, 7.5 for in-betweens, or whatever you guys think.

    second, allowing full use of all defensive gear seems off. Limited dps, full defense, favoring big/tough ships --- every fight is going to be virtually immortal players chopping the enemy to bits slowly. That seems dull to me? I would think you need to limit the rest of the gear in some way too --- either MK X tops, or blue quality XI purple X, something like that?

    Of course I say all that having not tried it yet, so this is just from reading the rules and trying to imagine how things would go... but that is the impression I am getting...

    Captain 07

    Thank you for commenting on STB.

    TBH we have been using really any ship we want to but that usually depends on the mission we are about to do. Last night we had 3 MU Nova's, Oddy & Miranda... We got the optional and finished with 5 minutes to spare in ISE. STB has actually given us the choice to use whatever ship we want to. We actually did Viscous Cycle with, if I can remember correctly, MVAE (mine)/Gal X/T'varo/Exeter/Cruiser? and well we all had around the 4 - 5k range and I actually got out dpsd by the Exeter!.... AWESOME!

    When it comes the rep gear, we still find that we have ships that pops... some more than others but we work as a team and look after each other and and ensure we crossheal when we can.

    I have thought about what you mentioned in regards to the dps being more for classes but really this far with 140+ users of STB we have had no issues. Your right that we "chop" away at the enemy and I can see how this is not desirable to most as there's nothing wrong with vaping borg but that can be done outside STB.

    The Captains within STB get what STB is about and that is just to have fun with it.... do we lose optionals?... yes sometimes but it rarely or never really bothers any of us as in the end... it's a game and we are here to play and have fun within what STO has to offer... We just choose to do it STB style.

    I hope you reconsider and give it a shot you might like it.. you might not. I hope you do but if not no worries.

    Thanks again for your honest comments, I do appreciate it.... Captain 07
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    trizeo1 wrote: »
    Captain 07

    Thank you for commenting on STB.

    TBH we have been using really any ship we want to but that usually depends on the mission we are about to do. Last night we had 3 MU Nova's, Oddy & Miranda... We got the optional and finished with 5 minutes to spare in ISE. STB has actually given us the choice to use whatever ship we want to. We actually did Viscous Cycle with, if I can remember correctly, MVAE (mine)/Gal X/T'varo/Exeter/Cruiser? and well we all had around the 4 - 5k range and I actually got out dpsd by the Exeter!.... AWESOME!

    When it comes the rep gear, we still find that we have ships that pops... some more than others but we work as a team and look after each other and and ensure we crossheal when we can.

    I have thought about what you mentioned in regards to the dps being more for classes but really this far with 140+ users of STB we have had no issues. Your right that we "chop" away at the enemy and I can see how this is not desirable to most as there's nothing wrong with vaping borg but that can be done outside STB.

    The Captains within STB get what STB is about and that is just to have fun with it.... do we lose optionals?... yes sometimes but it rarely or never really bothers any of us as in the end... it's a game and we are here to play and have fun within what STO has to offer... We just choose to do it STB style.

    I hope you reconsider and give it a shot you might like it.. you might not. I hope you do but if not no worries.

    Thanks again for your honest comments, I do appreciate it.... Captain 07

    I probably will give it a try eventually, need time between all my current goals to set up a ship for these rules. If people have to tank and heal and are dying some, its cool, my point was there should be some risk to it, not just immortal tanks slowly chewing down stuff with no real risk (which is what the rules sounded like on the surface). Probably take me a month to farm appropriate weapons etc...
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    tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    First thank you for your feedback noroblad! Always great to hear others' thoughts about this, as it's really still a WIP.

    I had been thinking about this exact issue as well some time ago. But reality showed that the problem does not exist in the channel.

    We usually have well balanced teams, actually often leaning more towards less tanky ships, be it because of ship class, or because many of us using lower tier ships. Even with high end defensive gear we still have to cross heal a lot not to blow up too often. Still happens often enough, though.

    If everyone starts running STB as an engineer in a high tier cruiser we definitely have to adjust the rules! But so far it just doesn't happen, and I don't think it will happen, as this is a form of min-maxing, and the average STB player just doesn't have this attitude (at least not while in the channel).

    You should give it a try, it is always possible to leave the channel if you don't like it :)
    Oh and I'd definitely be in to try some "hardcore" runs with all white Mk X or whatever gear!

    Side Note: I've been parsing our runs a lot and it seems the sweet spot for challenging missions is 4-5k DPS. Much lower than one would expect!
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    dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    trizeo1 wrote: »
    Hello Captain 07

    Well I myself have done PvP within STB but these are the rules we've used.

    - No rep gear. Shields, Engines & Deflector to be MK X or whatever agreed upon between the 2. Warp core can be what ever.
    - No consoles of any kind
    - No Boff abilities or any kind of ability ie: T5 Rom

    All I can think of/remember but doing it this way reminds me of Starfleet Command.

    There hasn't been a lot of PvP in the channel but there was a match where it was a free for all but doing it like stated above gives it a level playing field.

    I think you forgot Mk X (or as close as possible) weapons matching the actual canon weapon layout of the ship in question as closely as possible. :P

    That said, I think a few abilities would work fine - most notably Torpedo High Yield and Tractor Beam.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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    tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    There was also the idea to reenact some famous battles from the shows, which would certainly be fun, but quite a challenge to organize! It would need some preparation and probably a fixed date. I guess we can't get our own sub-forum here? :D
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    dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    tyriniusss wrote: »
    Side Note: I've been parsing our runs a lot and it seems the sweet spot for challenging missions is 4-5k DPS. Much lower than one would expect!

    Yeah, this is definitely the case. Actually, parse some PUGs while you're in an STB loadout and you'll probably find yourself near, if not at, the highest DPS in any given game. The average PUG DPS I've seen is a lot lower than I personally expected. I make fun of PUGs a lot, but the fact is, more often than not they go just fine with significantly less teamwork than we use.

    Even the Undine content, where my first impression was that we'd need to consider upping the allowed DPS, is fine with STB loadouts now. Just took a few days to get the missions down and figure out the best way to fight the annoying TRIBBLE.

    For anyone without the Mk X/XI blue weapons, lately I've just been running my Mk XII rep/advanced fleet weaponry with my weapon power level turned down to the point I'm hitting around the right DPS. This works fine as long as you're not doing things like running EPW/A2B and getting huge damage spikes that let you melt things, yet still average 5K -- that's not really in the spirit of the channel, and I feel bad when it happens on my test runs.
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    tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Yeah you really got to be careful with random spike damage. Things like that can really kill and STB run. It's also the reason my main char runs STB exclusively in the Exeter. I have no way to get my DPS ship down to STB specs without changing all my nausicaan and romulan boffs to sth else, and rebuild the whole ship/char traits. My crit rates are just too uncontrollable.

    Which is cool, because that way I had to min-max the Exeter for STB :)

    Should be my next signature: "Star Trek Battles - Where they cry: OP Connie!"
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