In this edition of "Pick a Blog Topic," the STO team walks you through our ship design process from start to finish, featuring our latest creations, the upcoming Dyson Science Destroyers.
Interesting ship designs, one question, in this screenshot, what is that weapon? Also, what type of Impulse engine and singularity core? The weapon looks like a quad cannon. Anyway, a Science Destroyer? Interesting concept.
That is a fair bit of information about the design process and the ship sounds 'interesting' if not a little weird.
i cannot help but feel though that the article is a response to those of us who feel that a Qmendation grind is not a good way to introduce them though. A section on the article which was missing was the accounts section though as they determined the in-game price for said vessels so we still do not know how we will be able to get these ships alternately.
Interesting ship designs, one question, in this screenshot, what is that weapon? Also, what type of Impulse engine and singularity core? The weapon looks like a quad cannon. Anyway, a Science Destroyer? Interesting concept.
That would probably be the Proton DHC, as hinted in the article.
i cannot help but feel though that the article is a response...
LOL! You all are so silly with comments like this :P This blog has been planned since last month (and written way before yesterday's screenshot from Tribble) as also revealed in CaptainSmirk's section and my post here:
There is no way a blog like this could be written, produced, localized, etc. in 24 hours.
Interesting ship designs, one question, in this screenshot, what is that weapon? Also, what type of Impulse engine and singularity core? The weapon looks like a quad cannon. Anyway, a Science Destroyer? Interesting concept.
Read the blog for the answer to some of your questions The others will be answered in upcoming Dev Blogs.
The keywords in our minds at this point were: ?Transforming Science Destroyer.? What does that mean? I figured the best place to start is with a Science vessel?s stats. That means average hull, very high shield modifier, average turn rate and speed, and 3 Fore / 3 Aft weapon slots. We then decided it would favor Science and Tactical Bridge Officer seats over Engineering, and Science and Tactical Console slots over Engineering (due to its dual Tactical/Science nature). By default, this ship would be a Science vessel, but activating a power could transform it into a more Tactically-centric ship.
We wanted this ship to do something that we?ve never done before, so we came up with the idea of having the ship perform some dynamic bridge officer power swapping. We also wanted it to feature a special weapon that becomes available only when the ship entered Tactical Mode. This ship by default has a Commander Science seat and a Lt. Commander Tactical seat among its bridge officer stations. However, when the ship enters Tactical Mode, the two seats effectively switch. The Commander Science seat is downgraded to Lt. Commander Science, and the Lt. Commander Tactical is upgraded to Commander Tactical. Additionally, Tactical Mode also enables powerful Dual Heavy Proton Cannons, effectively giving the ship 4 Fore weapons and 3 Aft.
Interesting. I guess the on-board Proton DHCs are enabled when the ship ability is activated.
Normally I TRIBBLE and moan about Perfect World and Cryptic....
But this was just really cool getting to see even just a sliver of the work done - I always chuckle about how many months are condensed down into a few sentences.
This all seems really cool, Cryptic, it does.
With (some) bugs getting worked on, the new system to do ship loadouts, Tim Russ lending a hand, the MAC Client, all this is really cool. If I didn't know better I would say a corner has been turned. (Just keep Arc in neutral...:cool:)
I appreciate the effort you(dev team) seem to putting into this.
i cannot help but feel though that the article is a response...
LOL! You all are so silly with comments like this :P This blog has been planned since last month (and written way before yesterday's screenshot from Tribble) as also revealed in CaptainSmirk's section and my post here:
There is no way a blog like this could be written, produced, localized, etc. in 24 hours.
Also, as an aside, I expect similar comments from players when we tease next week's giveaway this afternoon. But again, the giveaway has also been planned for weeks. Time till tell :cool:
...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
After the Avenger I wouldnt be surprised if we have both options, say in a fleet variant. Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.
If they're expecting us to grind 25 days for these ships, and then expect us to produce four (or likely five) fleet modules for a fleet variant ... they're taking the p*ss quite frankly. An episode for a free ship (Ambassador / Obelisk Carrier) with the then option of a fleet variant I can accept. 25 days worth of grind with the then option of a fleet variant. That's too much.
If they're expecting us to grind 25* days for these ships, and then expect us to produce four (or likely five) fleet modules for a fleet variant ... they're taking the p*ss quite frankly.
15 days if you play the Anniversary Mission first, it grants you 400 Commendations the first time you run it.
15 days if you play the Anniversary Mission first, it grants you 400 Commendations the first time you run it.
15 days, 25 days, what does it matter? The point I am trying to make (apparently, not very well) is that if we're expected to sign in and play these missions daily, for 15 days straight, why should we then be expected to pay toward a fleet variant?
Seems a bit much. There is a whole thread with 60+ pages in the General Discussion, most of the posters there aren't exactly thrilled with this latest revelation. If Cryptic want people to play their game, fine. Have us play to earn. If Cryptic want money out of us then again, fine, throw the ships into the C-Store/Lock Box/T5 Fleets.
They shouldn't demand both from us though, not for the same friggin' ship.
Edit: I could be wrong about all this, but lately most of my fears have turned out true.
I wonder if that variable bridge officer seating is what's been messing up the boff display on tribble lately lol
These ships are an interesting looking set of beasts. I'll be interested in hearing about the secondary deflectors since I assume we'll be seeing those coming to sci ships generally in the moderately near future.
I'm sorry but I think these Dyson ships are ugly and I personally am disappointed that Cryptic is moving away from traditional Star Trek and making the Federation look more alien than it was canonically shown. We seen future ships like the Enterprise-J and the Relativity and they are nowhere near as alien as these Dyson ships. Besides, how could they create new ships within days of setting foot in the Dyson sphere?
I really hope we get choose to have a standard Federation/Klingon/Romulan hull with no fancy Dysonification.
*reads again*
*reads again, with mounting awesome*
OH **** YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
BranFlakes, I want to marry you AND the entire dev team. I love you guys!
Hang on, I need to slow my breathing down. These look fully AWESOME.
looking forward to geeking out reading this!
i cannot help but feel though that the article is a response to those of us who feel that a Qmendation grind is not a good way to introduce them though. A section on the article which was missing was the accounts section though as they determined the in-game price for said vessels so we still do not know how we will be able to get these ships alternately.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
That would probably be the Proton DHC, as hinted in the article.
LOL! You all are so silly with comments like this :P This blog has been planned since last month (and written way before yesterday's screenshot from Tribble) as also revealed in CaptainSmirk's section and my post here:
There is no way a blog like this could be written, produced, localized, etc. in 24 hours.
Brandon =/\=
Sorry, I just need to PICK MY JAW UP OFF THE FLOOR.
Holy Jesus those look pretty sweet.
Read the blog for the answer to some of your questions
Brandon =/\=
Too bad they are proton
I am flipping out. I NEED these. I NEED them. TRIBBLE the grind complaints, these are so freaking awesome....
do want
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
And it isn't an ugly monstrosity like the Ha'Nom! It's win-win.
But this was just really cool getting to see even just a sliver of the work done - I always chuckle about how many months are condensed down into a few sentences.
This all seems really cool, Cryptic, it does.
With (some) bugs getting worked on, the new system to do ship loadouts, Tim Russ lending a hand, the MAC Client, all this is really cool. If I didn't know better I would say a corner has been turned.
I appreciate the effort you(dev team) seem to putting into this.
After the Avenger I wouldnt be surprised if we have both options, say in a fleet variant. Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.
On topic:
I want...those are sexy.
I reckon next fleet holding or a lobi upgrade, but good god man, initial reaction is these are going to fill a huge hole for sci captains
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
wow. i got no words that can describe this in any way.
me like this.
Also, as an aside, I expect similar comments from players when we tease next week's giveaway this afternoon. But again, the giveaway has also been planned for weeks. Time till tell :cool:
Brandon =/\=
15 days if you play the Anniversary Mission first, it grants you 400 Commendations the first time you run it.
*deep breath*
Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Seems a bit much. There is a whole thread with 60+ pages in the General Discussion, most of the posters there aren't exactly thrilled with this latest revelation. If Cryptic want people to play their game, fine. Have us play to earn. If Cryptic want money out of us then again, fine, throw the ships into the C-Store/Lock Box/T5 Fleets.
They shouldn't demand both from us though, not for the same friggin' ship.
Edit: I could be wrong about all this, but lately most of my fears have turned out true.
These ships are an interesting looking set of beasts. I'll be interested in hearing about the secondary deflectors since I assume we'll be seeing those coming to sci ships generally in the moderately near future.
I really hope we get choose to have a standard Federation/Klingon/Romulan hull with no fancy Dysonification.