Think it's important for folks to keep the following in mind...
ACT w/ Hilbert Plug-In: 12,726.08 DPS
omegashoker's Combat Log Reader: 19,718.453 DPS
ACT sports a duration of 4:09 while omegashoker sports a duration of 2:41 for the encounter.
So depending on which one is using, they're going to have different numbers. The total damage for both is around the same, it's just a case of them using different encounter lengths to determine the DPS.
So depending on which parser you're looking at, the numbers for another guy using a different parser might look...strange. I mean, that's a ~7k difference in DPS for the same parse.
Many people seem to be having problems with doing so (look at the numerous threads about it) and most of the 'help' offered amounts to shopping lists, making your statement an incredibly condescending thing to say. Moreover, its beside the point; its not whether someone can do high numbers, but whether they should given how the game comes apart when they do.
So you shouldn't use something or build your ship a certain way if it's the optimal way to complete the objective?
Let's cut right to it, the only reason damage is so stupid is because of players who do not understand how the game work. They cannot figure out how to complete stuff so Cryptic has been adding more and more power to bring the bad up instead of making them learn.
Just about the only decent suggestion in this thread was to have diminishing returns on damage buff stacking or damage increasing in general. This addresses the top end without gimping the bottom end which increasing drain would do.
It may be condescending to say that but the sad part is that it is true. I used to pug as a half team with my old fleet, we didn't even do 8k averaged out each but most of the time the optional was guaranteed (bar someone being really bad) and most of the time people would say "wow that was fast". Just to clarify that was long before I was posting on the forums or checking information, this was just 3 people going 2+2=4 and figuring out that attack patterns and an AoE firing modifier meant silly damage.
That was season 6 btw when it was escorts online and we still did all STFs in less than 5 mins.
Think it's important for folks to keep the following in mind...
ACT w/ Hilbert Plug-In: 12,726.08 DPS
omegashoker's Combat Log Reader: 19,718.453 DPS
ACT sports a duration of 4:09 while omegashoker sports a duration of 2:41 for the encounter.
So depending on which one is using, they're going to have different numbers. The total damage for both is around the same, it's just a case of them using different encounter lengths to determine the DPS.
So depending on which parser you're looking at, the numbers for another guy using a different parser might look...strange. I mean, that's a ~7k difference in DPS for the same parse.
In CombatLogReader, click 'Advanced Settings' at the bottom of the window and toggle 'Use DPS-channel settings'
In CombatLogReader, click 'Advanced Settings' at the bottom of the window and toggle 'Use DPS-channel settings'
Nifty, they match the ACT numbers now..a little less, sporting a time of 4:11 instead of 4:09. Thanks, I feel much more comfortable with the lower numbers. You'd have to understand how I was flying at the time of that parse, perhaps, to understand that. I was basically flying around in circles going whee and not paying attention in the least.
I definitely prefer that parser than ACT - doesn't toss the false positives with my AV like ACT does in generating .dlls....
The point is that CSV is only really held in check by the lack of having 3 targets always in your firing arc at 2km and indeed comparing it side by side completely eclipses FAW at optimal range. Sure it's not getting stupid yet but we all remember the domination CSV had and still sort of has in many areas.
Again reginamala, you don't need to make much effort to get half decent damage, I got 15k with my Romulan in a tvaro with very little other than mission rewards. The only thing required for doing more than 10k is to have half a working hemisphere and not be afk or have one of the many, many, many bugs.
CSV could get stupidly high too, but I think its more related to the other issues I brought up. Infiltrator trait stacking and beta stacking from mesh weavers and teammates. I am not a numbers cruncher like you and VD, but from running in high dps groups and seeing chat there I think these are some of the tricks that are being used on the ridiculous 50k-80k runs.
I guess its harder to test or see how much you are getting from it, but they are stacking the Reman race trait, 1 superior inf, 1 inf, and 1 basic inf together and 2 superior operatives, and maintaining decloak bonus for 24 seconds. In that 24 seconds the damage output is absurd, especially when there is a mesh weaver spammer in the group, half the STF is wiped out in those 24 seconds sometimes.
Why are you looking so much at DHC and CSV? thats not a big part of the DPS out of control problem. Sure some people get it up to 30k with that, but in matches that fast people have done 50-80k with beam scimitar.
Infiltrator stacking and beta stacking has to be a much bigger part of the equation and is whats OP.
Wanted to mention something regarding this and the new DSDs...the DSDs will be able to shred the Spheres in ISE very well using CSV3 after GW3 for the grouping. Decloak, GW3, go Tac, CSV3...they're gone - toast - obliterated. Kind of makes me sad, because it was kind of fun to do on Willard in his T'varo with Torps/Mines - kind of a fire and forget, they're dead - don't worry about it...but a DSD can shred them before I'd have time to forget after firing with Willard (and I forget pretty fast these
Still ticks me off they went Uni Lt instead of Uni Tac though, cause I was actually going to respec Willard and look at picking up the Rom 3pack for him. Not now though...
Wanted to mention something regarding this and the new DSDs...the DSDs will be able to shred the Spheres in ISE very well using CSV3 after GW3 for the grouping. Decloak, GW3, go Tac, CSV3...they're gone - toast - obliterated. Kind of makes me sad, because it was kind of fun to do on Willard in his T'varo with Torps/Mines - kind of a fire and forget, they're dead - don't worry about it...but a DSD can shred them before I'd have time to forget after firing with Willard (and I forget pretty fast these
Still ticks me off they went Uni Lt instead of Uni Tac though, cause I was actually going to respec Willard and look at picking up the Rom 3pack for him. Not now though...
Well the DSD can only do that one 1 side of ISE, then it is stuck in tac mode or if it changes back has to wait 60 seconds again, high dps group should be hitting the other side already in that time. GW3 isn't needed in ISE though, my fleet dhelan using GW1 groups them up and CSV them just fine, although the DSD could do the same by staying in tac mode and using GW 1 instead, its pretty powerful after GW was buffed a couple months back. In fact the DSD in tac mode can use the exact same layout I use on my a2b dhelan.
It can do some crazy dps and maintain close to 20k with slow pugs, but its not as powerful as my overcapped beam scimitar, or nowhere near close to builds stacking the infiltrator trait and grouped with beta spamming mesh weavers, that is a much bigger issue I think.
The thing that amuses me the most about the STO systems is how they are built. I mean if you look at some aspects it is extremely well designed.
Like how you determine the raw damage a weapon does. All those skill bonuses, console bonuses, mark and rarity bonuses, they are all added together.
But then you have things like Attack Pattern Alpha. Lets see multiply damage, then add critical chance and severity which both happen to also...multiply damage. Yeah pure genius like liquor and sleeping pills.
Then the weapon drain mechanics. Brilliant in theory prevents stupid high numbers and promoted a slight variety in weapons used. Other than one type was significantly higher penalized by the mechanic than the other. So then new mechanics introduced to ignore the drain mechanic and here we are.
But yeah stupid high DPS is because we have...
Power creep-ed damage being multiplied by silly high crit chance/severity. In the past though that would be divided by weapon power drain and enemy resistance. But nah, now we ignore drain and get super multiplier increases from enemy resistance!! It really does say something when the best group buff you can bring to the party is from a Tactical Boff in the form of attack pattern beta.
And Cryptics response in design? They just make NPCs become immune to damage for the length of time they want it to take us to blow 'em up. Annoying. At least Tholian weapon disable spam could be cleared by a variety of methods...
Oh yeah a nerf list, always good to add.
- Attack Pattern Alpha shouldn't get to triple dip.
- Negative resistance needs to be ... evaluated somehow.
- Leech console needs nerfed, hard.
my fleet dhelan using GW1 groups them up and CSV them just fine, although the DSD could do the same by staying in tac mode and using GW 1 instead, its pretty powerful after GW was buffed a couple months back. In fact the DSD in tac mode can use the exact same layout I use on my a2b dhelan.
This is key. In tac mode it is a real destroyer-escort, very competitive, but its not on par with the Fleet Dhelan and it clearly loses a direct comparison. Specifically the Fleet Dhelan has more hull, more tac consoles, and you arent locked into that gimmick proton DHC. And they both have up to 5 sci abilities from the sci and uni stations, so they are the same sci powers in tac modes, but the Dhelan destroys the DSD on firepower.
Meanwhile, the DSD in science mode is only slightly better at science than the Fleet Dhelan with +1 sci ability (a Cmdr BOFF ability) and better shields, but it falls short on everything else, with 2 less weapon hard-points, slower turn-rate, weaker hull, etc.
What it has, and all it has over the Dhelan, is a Cmdr sci BOFF seat. That makes it worth flying, for that purpose, but that is all you're getting and dont kid yourself about what you're paying to get it.
The thing that amuses me the most about the STO systems is how they are built. I mean if you look at some aspects it is extremely well designed.
Like how you determine the raw damage a weapon does. All those skill bonuses, console bonuses, mark and rarity bonuses, they are all added together.
But then you have things like Attack Pattern Alpha. Lets see multiply damage, then add critical chance and severity which both happen to also...multiply damage. Yeah pure genius like liquor and sleeping pills.
Even APA is technically added. It's not one of the chunk multipliers. It's an after weapon power additive just like skill bonuses are before weapon power additive.
The chunk multipliers are...
Weapon Power (multiplier for all the pre Weapon Power bonuses which are added together, but are based on multiplication vs. the base damage - things like skills, mark, quality, Tac consoles, certain other gear, certain other bonuses)
Weapon Abilities (multiplier for all the post Weapon Power bonuses which are added together, but are based on multiplication vs. the Weapon Power damage - things like EPtW, APO, APA, certain gear, certain other bonuses:::the abilities themselves are BO, CRF, FAW, CSV (as well as the Torp Abilities, keeping in mind there's no Weapon Power in the process)
Critical Severity (multiplier of damage up to this point)
Damage Resistance (can be positive or negative, multiplier of damage up to this point)
So you're multiplying all these numbers versus the base damage...then adding them.
Then you're multiplying that by Weapon Power.
Then you're multiplying all these numbers versus the Weapon Power damage...then adding them.
Then you're multiplying that by Weapon Abilities.
Then you're multiplying that by Critical Severity on Critical Hits.
Then you're multiplying that by Damage Resistance (often negative, thus increasing damage instead of reducing it).
And it all comes down to how they attempted to balance damage between weapon types, eh? Base DPV of a DHC is 174. Base DPV of an Array is 100. Skip the Weapon Ability modifier...but work your way through the rest, that 1.74:1 ratio will be there from start to finish. Because it's all multiplication...even when you're adding things after they've been multiplied, you still had to multiply them first.
DHC Base 174
w/5x +30% 435
Array Base 100
w/5x +30% 250
174 / 100 = 1.74
435 / 250 = 1.74
Let's add in 9 Weapon Training, eh?
521.13 / 299.5 = 1.74
Add in 9 Energy Weapons, eh?
607.26 / 349 = 1.74
125 Weapon Power!
1518.15 / 872.5 = 1.74
1669.965 / 959.75 = 1.74
2429.04 / 1396 = 1.74
150% CrtD?
6072.6 / 3490 = 1.74
-25% DR?
7590.75 / 4362.5 = 1.74
They go about it the way they do to maintain that 1.74, which they believe is a balanced multiplier for the damage based on the firing arc, drain, etc, etc, etc.
Would it be a case of changing CrtD so that it only provided an additional amount of the Weapon Power number?
So instead of 6072.6 for the DHCs, we'd have 4706.265 and for the Array we'd have 2704.75 instead of 3490?
4706.265 / 2704.75 = 1.74 still (it's always going to be that outside of the Weapon Abilities)
So sure, you could tackle how hard a Critical Hits...but you couldn't touch the Damage Resistance. That's still going to be the final modifier. Would just dropping the Critical to be a standard post Weapon Power modifier be enough to reign in damage?
Would it be a case of making everything a base damage modifier instead? That would be tough because of torps, they don't have a Weapon Power modifier in their - their base is boosted to begin with...basically they're modifiers are both pre/post Weapon Power, since it's not there, eh?
Stacked Debuffs provide the largest increase in damage.
Critical Severity (courtesy of increased CrtH) provides the second largest increase in damage.
AtB increased uptime on buffs/debuffs would be the third, eh?
Thing is, Cryptic continues to churn out additional things for each of those...whether traits, DOFFs, or gear, etc, etc, etc.
So I'd say it goes back to what I believe I said earlier in the thread (can't remember though, lol - I hate being pseudosenile)...
It's not that damage has really gotten that out of's that the content is lagging so far behind the damage.
Meh, I hate to use this analogy - cause it's a game many hate, and it's dated (I haven't played it in over 3 years now)...but consider this from WoW, eh?
Imagine going into Grim Batol at level 85...imagine going into Upper Blackrock at level 85.
Our level cap might be 50, and we've got level 50 content...but our gearing and the rest...yeah, we're way past level
So is it really that damage has gone too far or content hasn't gone far enough?
The thing that amuses me the most about the STO systems is how they are built. I mean if you look at some aspects it is extremely well designed.
Like how you determine the raw damage a weapon does. All those skill bonuses, console bonuses, mark and rarity bonuses, they are all added together.
But then you have things like Attack Pattern Alpha. Lets see multiply damage, then add critical chance and severity which both happen to also...multiply damage. Yeah pure genius like liquor and sleeping pills.
Then the weapon drain mechanics. Brilliant in theory prevents stupid high numbers and promoted a slight variety in weapons used. Other than one type was significantly higher penalized by the mechanic than the other. So then new mechanics introduced to ignore the drain mechanic and here we are.
But yeah stupid high DPS is because we have...
Power creep-ed damage being multiplied by silly high crit chance/severity. In the past though that would be divided by weapon power drain and enemy resistance. But nah, now we ignore drain and get super multiplier increases from enemy resistance!! It really does say something when the best group buff you can bring to the party is from a Tactical Boff in the form of attack pattern beta.
And Cryptics response in design? They just make NPCs become immune to damage for the length of time they want it to take us to blow 'em up. Annoying. At least Tholian weapon disable spam could be cleared by a variety of methods...
Oh yeah a nerf list, always good to add.
- Attack Pattern Alpha shouldn't get to triple dip.
- Negative resistance needs to be ... evaluated somehow.
- Leech console needs nerfed, hard.
Preferably, I'd like to throw out every single ability in this game. But if we must have them, attack patterns shouldn't be a means to increase damage or make a target more susceptible to damage.
- No damage buffs
- No debuffs
Attack patterns should be about maneuvers and defensive postures vs offensive postures. For example:
Attack Pattern Alpha
- All shield regeneration is diverted to the front facing
- Activate full impulse for 2 seconds
- After 2 seconds, diverts all power to weapons and shields
- +120% turn rate for 30 seconds
- 30 second duration
Attack Pattern Beta
- Diverts all power to shields
- Auto balance shield facings
- Increase turn rate by +40%
- 15 second duration
Attack Pattern Delta
- Fires on up to three random targets
- Divert aux to weapons
- Weapon power drain reduced by 1 point for each weapon
- 10 second duration
Attack Pattern Omega
- Divert shield regeneration to rear facing
- All power to engines
- Immune to movement debuffs
- Increase flight speed by +40%
- 15 second duration
That's the best I can come up when I'm in serious need of sleep. It's empowering, but not overly so. It grants increased offense, defense, and mobility without going with nutty damage multipliers.
Go here and show your support for a better Foundry!
Preferably, I'd like to throw out every single ability in this game. But if we must have them, attack patterns shouldn't be a means to increase damage or make a target more susceptible to damage.
- No damage buffs
- No debuffs
Attack patterns should be about maneuvers and defensive postures vs offensive postures. For example:
Attack Pattern Alpha
- All shield regeneration is diverted to the front facing
- Activate full impulse for 2 seconds
- After 2 seconds, diverts all power to weapons and shields
- +120% turn rate for 30 seconds
- 30 second duration
Attack Pattern Beta
- Diverts all power to shields
- Auto balance shield facings
- Increase turn rate by +40%
- 15 second duration
Attack Pattern Delta
- Fires on up to three random targets
- Divert aux to weapons
- Weapon power drain reduced by 1 point for each weapon
- 10 second duration
Attack Pattern Omega
- Divert shield regeneration to rear facing
- All power to engines
- Immune to movement debuffs
- Increase flight speed by +40%
- 15 second duration
That's the best I can come up when I'm in serious need of sleep. It's empowering, but not overly so. It grants increased offense, defense, and mobility without going with nutty damage multipliers.
What next? "Get rid of the Captain's professions"? BLASPHEMY!
Though, admittedly, your idea would work well if we had a conning officer station (but that would result in our having stations for everything instead of tactical, engineering and science).
As an aside - what do you think happened to "Command" and "Operations" in 2409 that they got rid of the former and turned the latter into tactical and engineering?
So is it really that damage has gone too far or content hasn't gone far enough?
Or is it still the original problem of STO now that I think about it. That being the difficulty many players in the game have creating an effective build for various reasons. The game content is so silly easy because at its current core STO is a hyper casual game by content design yet is still semi-hardcore when it comes to the game systems and mechanics or creating an effective ship build.
Just look at all the pieces of the ship build puzzle. 10 console slots (with set potential), 3 primary equipment slots (with set potential), 6-8 weapon slots (tons of unique pieces), 2-4 device slots, 12 boff ability slots, a skill tree, 6 reputation passive choices, 5-6 Doff slots. And a plethora of newbie traps scattered all throughout not to mention the game does absolutely nothing to help teach a player how to make an effective build, just look at the defaults! We are used to it but i've known people who have no problem with 3.5 DnD character builds struggle with the STO options.
Just throwing that out there after some of the terribad PuGs of ISE I've been in lately. I do agree with all your other points though and would just like to add my problem with APA is not the damage boost it is the triple dipping it does with boosting damage.
Or is it still the original problem of STO now that I think about it. That being the difficulty many players in the game have creating an effective build for various reasons. The game content is so silly easy because at its current core STO is a hyper casual game by content design yet is still semi-hardcore when it comes to the game systems and mechanics or creating an effective ship build.
Just throwing that out there after some of the terribad PuGs of ISE I've been in lately. I do agree with all your other points though and would just like to add my problem with APA is not the damage boost it is the triple dipping it does with boosting damage.
APA is definitely one of the most powerful if not most powerful Captain ability, imho. Kind of along the lines of how APO is one of the most powerful BOFF abilities. They're just kind, nifty!
As for the terribad stuff out there...well, if we take a look at it...
~13.5m damage has to be done by 5 players in 14m59s, right?
So that's 899 seconds, 15016 DPS...5 players...3003 DPS or so is all that's required to hit the optional.
So yeah, in an ELITE accomplish the OPTIONAL...the requirement is 3k DPS. That's what Cryptic views as better than ELITE DPS, since it's meeting the OPTIONAL in ELITE content...
So would they really be terribad unless they were woefully below 3k DPS?
That's what I mean about the content lagging way behind where folks are from overgearing.
I mean, c'mon...our better than ELITE content only requires ~3k DPS...?
21 hits from Willard's Destabilized Torp (Beachball) did 2.8k DPS...252 hits from Grav Rift procs did 2k DPS. Heck, the Advanced Weavers one person was running did 5.1k DPS - just pets can do over the 3k DPS.
Just look at all the pieces of the ship build puzzle. 10 console slots (with set potential), 3 primary equipment slots (with set potential), 6-8 weapon slots (tons of unique pieces), 2-4 device slots, 12 boff ability slots, a skill tree, 6 reputation passive choices, 5-6 Doff slots. And a plethora of newbie traps scattered all throughout not to mention the game does absolutely nothing to help teach a player how to make an effective build, just look at the defaults! We are used to it but i've known people who have no problem with 3.5 DnD character builds struggle with the STO options.
But that's the thing...if they only have to do 3k DPS, they can TRIBBLE up all sorts of things and be fine.
It's why folks can be fine at normal PvE, but never come close to what the DPS guys are doing. It's why folks can head into PvP and moments later be saying TRIBBLE this!
Generally speaking, they don't have to understand it all...understand much of it. If 3k DPS is all that's required, Cryptic has provided enough ways that folks can TRIBBLE up and get that kind of damage...rather than having to plan for it.
Imagine a target range - where there's a single target. You'd have to be a pretty good shot to hit it, eh? Now, add 10-15 more targets out there. Hey, odds improve that you'll hit at least one of them, right? The DPS and PvP guys might look at how many of those targets you can hit, but Cryptic with STO is still just looking at the player being able to hit one of them.
The powercreep isn't really powercreep - it's lowering the bar further and further, increasing the chances that even the least skilled person out there (the puppy pawing at an iPhone) will be able to hit that target...PvP and the DPS guys; well, they're just an anomaly and not really the intended audience for the game anyway.
The powercreep isn't really powercreep - it's lowering the bar further and further, increasing the chances that even the least skilled person out there (the puppy pawing at an iPhone) will be able to hit that target...PvP and the DPS guys; well, they're just an anomaly and not really the intended audience for the game anyway.
The powercreep isn't really powercreep - it's lowering the bar further and further, increasing the chances that even the least skilled person out there (the puppy pawing at an iPhone) will be able to hit that target...PvP and the DPS guys; well, they're just an anomaly and not really the intended audience for the game anyway.
Which, in turn, largely explains the waning of my interest, these last couple of months. It's one thing to be able to comfortably beat the game - it's when you can beat it without using any abilities, using just autofire, that you know you've overstayed your welcome.
Which, in turn, largely explains the waning of my interest, these last couple of months. It's one thing to be able to comfortably beat the game - it's when you can beat it without using any abilities, using just autofire, that you know you've overstayed your welcome.
I'm doing the solo fleet thing...DOFFing on 7 rerolls...I'm basically playing STO like the girlfriend plays Farmerama at this point. Face it, that's kind of what the game is - a little bit of action here and there...and a whole bunch of planting crops and waiting for them to grow.
I think that's why chasing the q's didn't bother me as much as some folks...cause it was actually doing something instead of waiting on something.
I'm doing the solo fleet thing...DOFFing on 7 rerolls...I'm basically playing STO like the girlfriend plays Farmerama at this point. Face it, that's kind of what the game is - a little bit of action here and there...and a whole bunch of planting crops and waiting for them to grow.
I think that's why chasing the q's didn't bother me as much as some folks...cause it was actually doing something instead of waiting on something.
Definitely the case. I've actually been pretty busy, lately, so not wanting to play as much was convenient, really. Still, when things get back to normal I'll be glad I did some major shopping last Steam sale, I'm sure. Think I managed to snatch up 4 or 5 A+ titles for the price of an STO ship pack - money well spent, I think.
Definitely the case. I've actually been pretty busy, lately, so not wanting to play as much was convenient, really. Still, when things get back to normal I'll be glad I did some major shopping last Steam sale, I'm sure. Think I managed to snatch up 4 or 5 A+ titles for the price of an STO ship pack - money well spent, I think.
You're not missing much, sure the KDF star base needs work but other than that the Fed is 100% done, just buy what you like if you ever log in again.
I'm supposed to be logging in but...I really can't bring myself to do it.
I wonder when the DPS people make a video of their pets doing ISE with optional. 2 recluses with mesh weavers and 3 other carriers...yeah I can see them managing it pretty easily.
I wonder when the DPS people make a video of their pets doing ISE with optional. 2 recluses with mesh weavers and 3 other carriers...yeah I can see them managing it pretty easily.
It's kind of funny what five Eng in normal Obelisks with Elite Swarmers can do...
Really we are going to compare FAW spam to CSV. Both AOE skills that is the last of the similarities. Now if CSV was melting ships with 7-8 turrets we can talk. THe issue with FAW is a pilot does not need to target a single person, just spam space bar and FAW and FAW reaches out and deals max damage at 1km or 10km. CSV at least requires the pilot to pick his target throw down a GW all the while the FAW boat is melting his rear.
Now onto power creep, it started with the +1 ships and the P2W consoles. In PvP damage has to be out of hand due to the resists and heals that ALL ships now have. Escorts can heal for 1 million most of it self but with set bonuses and such not unheard of. In PvE lets be real the AI is dumb we all know you come in the rear of a breen or Cardie ship, KDF ships for some reason only fire beams. Very few use any boffs. Who here actually gets worried when their hull is at 10% in an eSTF?
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
Did you remember to leave PvP mode and set your weapon power to full rather than all 25/50/25/100 for "support"?
Yes lol, the fail aspect was the survivability, even with dual A2D or A2SIF, both resulted in it dying FAR more easily than the fleet Excel ever has (even with A2B)
There was a time when it was tough to break 10K damage. 20K? impossible!
There was a time when the game was fast becoming 'dhc' + 'escorts only'.
There was a time when people decried 'cruisers are dead'.
KDF complained about a lack of content.
PvP players complain a lot.
Fast forward 1 year:
Cruisers are breaking 10K easily.
Specialized - 'damage only' builds are reaching 50K.
KDF players stopped complaining about a lack of content.
PvP players still complained a lot.
Coming Soon:
Science ships getting some love with a second deflector.
PvP players will complain a lot.
Yes - damage is going up. But who cares. These ships are useless in good PvP combat after 45 seconds. If anything, they make the grind ridiculously easy. If Cryptic had any hope of maintaining this game with existing players (they will do fine with new players) they would add a scalable response to damage dealt. The bigger the damage, the greater the response by the AI. Then STF's would be a challenge again.
I've never run them, so I've never tested them, and I can't remember seeing anything about them off-hand...but are the +Species Damage DOFFs post Weapon Power or pre Weapon Power? Thanks...
Really we are going to compare FAW spam to CSV. Both AOE skills that is the last of the similarities. Now if CSV was melting ships with 7-8 turrets we can talk. THe issue with FAW is a pilot does not need to target a single person, just spam space bar and FAW and FAW reaches out and deals max damage at 1km or 10km. CSV at least requires the pilot to pick his target throw down a GW all the while the FAW boat is melting his rear.
The reason they're worth comparing is that it only takes a slight change for something to go from meh to OMFGITSMELTINGMYFACE!1!!
As for "and FAW reaches out and deals max damage at 1km or 10km" you do know about damage drop off ranges right? This might be a little outdated in some areas but as far as I know it is accurate still with regards to damage drop off, take a look. FAW does not suddenly change damage drop off.
Now onto power creep, it started with the +1 ships and the P2W consoles. In PvP damage has to be out of hand due to the resists and heals that ALL ships now have. Escorts can heal for 1 million most of it self but with set bonuses and such not unheard of. In PvE lets be real the AI is dumb we all know you come in the rear of a breen or Cardie ship, KDF ships for some reason only fire beams. Very few use any boffs. Who here actually gets worried when their hull is at 10% in an eSTF?
Just something for you to think about, what happens if you get subnuked in PvP?
Damage in PvP is only held back by how much damage resistance and avoidance there is, soon as you remove all that you truly realise how far damage has gone or rather stuff has creeped.
In fact this is one of the reasons people are looking to and using direct to hull damage where they didn't used to. Hull healing and resistance hasn't changed massively since season 6, theres the 2 piece borg set for passive heals and technically this dyson set (which is worse) but on the whole resistance is still where it's been at for a long time.
Shields on the other hand, one tweak here and there or a slight buff (elite shields come to mind) is much more noticeable due to the 4 facings and how tactical team amplifies this further...and now we're back to what I was saying about small tweaks.
The reason they're worth comparing is that it only takes a slight change for something to go from meh to OMFGITSMELTINGMYFACE!1!!
As for "and FAW reaches out and deals max damage at 1km or 10km" you do know about damage drop off ranges right? This might be a little outdated in some areas but as far as I know it is accurate still with regards to damage drop off, take a look. FAW does not suddenly change damage drop off.
I am well aware of the fall off. I am also well aware the fall off has changed for your cannon escorts to do max damage they have to be with 3km focused on a target whether with CSV. FAWspammers can just circle map click a few powers and go back to watching TRIBBLE on their 2nd screen.
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
Attempting to bring this back from the almost dead threads as it should be of primary importance. This is game breaking for a lot of us. Damage has gotten way out of hand. And i will repeat what i already said.
Nerf tactical captains. I absolutely hate nerfs. I thoroughly enjoy playing my Romulan Tac captain. But when a Romulan Tac can do over 80k dps in an ISE run this is just to much. When a Tac via his abilities can do well over double the damage of an Engineer or Science Captain something needs to be fixed. There are 2 issues here. A Tac captains ability to increase his damage and all the +x% damage stacking along with all the negative resist stacking. 2 fixes i see as needed badly.
Limit the -resist stacking to -100 or -200 or whatever. And or increase the diminishing returns. This effects everyone. Yet would not really effect pug runs or if it does the effect is limited. So that it really only effects premades or people taking advantage of the current system.
Limit the amount of +x% damage stacking to +100% or +150% or whatever. This really only affects Tac captains. It would make stacking Ambush, Tactical Initiative, Attack Pattern Alpha, Attack Pattern Omega, Emergency power to weapons, Weapons battery (via doff), etc, etc all at once a waste. You'd have to be a bit smarter in their use and space them out a bit. Doing a pug STF run this wouldn't really hurt the average player or would be fairly minimal. This effects the above average to elite players more then anything. For PvP this would certainly be the way to go and is needed there as well.
STFs are a complete joke now. Tacs being able to do more then 2 times the damage of the other professions makes the game less enjoyable. The damage needs to be reduced for everyone but most especially for tacs. But in a way that would minimize the impact to average to below average player. And the 2 ways i suggest does that. It lowers the damage of the above average players and most especially the elite players. Thus improving the quality of the game overall.
dont nerf anything the answer doesnt sit in fixing the old rather introducing more new.
the reason why the 82.9k run happened was a one off, and to my knowledge only 1 player has done it... me.
and how did i achieve it... antiquated enemies, weak enemies, having good in game knowledge, ability, practice, repetition and most importantly a solid team of like minded individuals.
if the hp pool of enemys was increase by double would 80k be possible... answer not atm
is doubling the hp of enemys the answer... no
DO change these:
so what is the answer its simple the answer is to eliminate some of the above variables
antiquated enemys-- fix it by makeing more enemys
weak enemies- fix by introducing new harder enemies or increaseing more difficult content
repetition-- simply put this can be removed by making the encounter more randomised (imagine if nws enemies came from random locations and NOT a 4 pronged layout) would we be able to 3 man as we can now, doubfull.
ability-- leave this alone as this is what most players gain enjoyment and satisfaction from
practice-- again same as ability
solid team work- SHULDNT BE TOUCHED OR NERFED coz a team can make something powerfull via communication
ACT w/ Hilbert Plug-In: 12,726.08 DPS
omegashoker's Combat Log Reader: 19,718.453 DPS
ACT sports a duration of 4:09 while omegashoker sports a duration of 2:41 for the encounter.
So depending on which one is using, they're going to have different numbers. The total damage for both is around the same, it's just a case of them using different encounter lengths to determine the DPS.
So depending on which parser you're looking at, the numbers for another guy using a different parser might look...strange. I mean, that's a ~7k difference in DPS for the same parse.
So you shouldn't use something or build your ship a certain way if it's the optimal way to complete the objective?
Let's cut right to it, the only reason damage is so stupid is because of players who do not understand how the game work. They cannot figure out how to complete stuff so Cryptic has been adding more and more power to bring the bad up instead of making them learn.
Just about the only decent suggestion in this thread was to have diminishing returns on damage buff stacking or damage increasing in general. This addresses the top end without gimping the bottom end which increasing drain would do.
It may be condescending to say that but the sad part is that it is true. I used to pug as a half team with my old fleet, we didn't even do 8k averaged out each but most of the time the optional was guaranteed (bar someone being really bad) and most of the time people would say "wow that was fast". Just to clarify that was long before I was posting on the forums or checking information, this was just 3 people going 2+2=4 and figuring out that attack patterns and an AoE firing modifier meant silly damage.
That was season 6 btw when it was escorts online and we still did all STFs in less than 5 mins.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Nifty, they match the ACT numbers now..a little less, sporting a time of 4:11 instead of 4:09. Thanks, I feel much more comfortable with the lower numbers. You'd have to understand how I was flying at the time of that parse, perhaps, to understand that. I was basically flying around in circles going whee and not paying attention in the least.
I definitely prefer that parser than ACT - doesn't toss the false positives with my AV like ACT does in generating .dlls....
CSV could get stupidly high too, but I think its more related to the other issues I brought up. Infiltrator trait stacking and beta stacking from mesh weavers and teammates. I am not a numbers cruncher like you and VD, but from running in high dps groups and seeing chat there I think these are some of the tricks that are being used on the ridiculous 50k-80k runs.
I guess its harder to test or see how much you are getting from it, but they are stacking the Reman race trait, 1 superior inf, 1 inf, and 1 basic inf together and 2 superior operatives, and maintaining decloak bonus for 24 seconds. In that 24 seconds the damage output is absurd, especially when there is a mesh weaver spammer in the group, half the STF is wiped out in those 24 seconds sometimes.
Wanted to mention something regarding this and the new DSDs...the DSDs will be able to shred the Spheres in ISE very well using CSV3 after GW3 for the grouping. Decloak, GW3, go Tac, CSV3...they're gone - toast - obliterated. Kind of makes me sad, because it was kind of fun to do on Willard in his T'varo with Torps/Mines - kind of a fire and forget, they're dead - don't worry about it...but a DSD can shred them before I'd have time to forget after firing with Willard (and I forget pretty fast these
Still ticks me off they went Uni Lt instead of Uni Tac though, cause I was actually going to respec Willard and look at picking up the Rom 3pack for him. Not now though...
Well the DSD can only do that one 1 side of ISE, then it is stuck in tac mode or if it changes back has to wait 60 seconds again, high dps group should be hitting the other side already in that time. GW3 isn't needed in ISE though, my fleet dhelan using GW1 groups them up and CSV them just fine, although the DSD could do the same by staying in tac mode and using GW 1 instead, its pretty powerful after GW was buffed a couple months back. In fact the DSD in tac mode can use the exact same layout I use on my a2b dhelan.
It can do some crazy dps and maintain close to 20k with slow pugs, but its not as powerful as my overcapped beam scimitar, or nowhere near close to builds stacking the infiltrator trait and grouped with beta spamming mesh weavers, that is a much bigger issue I think.
Like how you determine the raw damage a weapon does. All those skill bonuses, console bonuses, mark and rarity bonuses, they are all added together.
But then you have things like Attack Pattern Alpha. Lets see multiply damage, then add critical chance and severity which both happen to also...multiply damage. Yeah pure genius like liquor and sleeping pills.
Then the weapon drain mechanics. Brilliant in theory prevents stupid high numbers and promoted a slight variety in weapons used. Other than one type was significantly higher penalized by the mechanic than the other. So then new mechanics introduced to ignore the drain mechanic and here we are.
But yeah stupid high DPS is because we have...
Power creep-ed damage being multiplied by silly high crit chance/severity. In the past though that would be divided by weapon power drain and enemy resistance. But nah, now we ignore drain and get super multiplier increases from enemy resistance!! It really does say something when the best group buff you can bring to the party is from a Tactical Boff in the form of attack pattern beta.
And Cryptics response in design? They just make NPCs become immune to damage for the length of time they want it to take us to blow 'em up. Annoying. At least Tholian weapon disable spam could be cleared by a variety of methods...
Oh yeah a nerf list, always good to add.
- Attack Pattern Alpha shouldn't get to triple dip.
- Negative resistance needs to be ... evaluated somehow.
- Leech console needs nerfed, hard.
Meanwhile, the DSD in science mode is only slightly better at science than the Fleet Dhelan with +1 sci ability (a Cmdr BOFF ability) and better shields, but it falls short on everything else, with 2 less weapon hard-points, slower turn-rate, weaker hull, etc.
What it has, and all it has over the Dhelan, is a Cmdr sci BOFF seat. That makes it worth flying, for that purpose, but that is all you're getting and dont kid yourself about what you're paying to get it.
Even APA is technically added. It's not one of the chunk multipliers. It's an after weapon power additive just like skill bonuses are before weapon power additive.
The chunk multipliers are...
Weapon Power (multiplier for all the pre Weapon Power bonuses which are added together, but are based on multiplication vs. the base damage - things like skills, mark, quality, Tac consoles, certain other gear, certain other bonuses)
Weapon Abilities (multiplier for all the post Weapon Power bonuses which are added together, but are based on multiplication vs. the Weapon Power damage - things like EPtW, APO, APA, certain gear, certain other bonuses:::the abilities themselves are BO, CRF, FAW, CSV (as well as the Torp Abilities, keeping in mind there's no Weapon Power in the process)
Critical Severity (multiplier of damage up to this point)
Damage Resistance (can be positive or negative, multiplier of damage up to this point)
So you're multiplying all these numbers versus the base damage...then adding them.
Then you're multiplying that by Weapon Power.
Then you're multiplying all these numbers versus the Weapon Power damage...then adding them.
Then you're multiplying that by Weapon Abilities.
Then you're multiplying that by Critical Severity on Critical Hits.
Then you're multiplying that by Damage Resistance (often negative, thus increasing damage instead of reducing it).
And it all comes down to how they attempted to balance damage between weapon types, eh? Base DPV of a DHC is 174. Base DPV of an Array is 100. Skip the Weapon Ability modifier...but work your way through the rest, that 1.74:1 ratio will be there from start to finish. Because it's all multiplication...even when you're adding things after they've been multiplied, you still had to multiply them first.
DHC Base 174
w/5x +30% 435
Array Base 100
w/5x +30% 250
174 / 100 = 1.74
435 / 250 = 1.74
Let's add in 9 Weapon Training, eh?
521.13 / 299.5 = 1.74
Add in 9 Energy Weapons, eh?
607.26 / 349 = 1.74
125 Weapon Power!
1518.15 / 872.5 = 1.74
1669.965 / 959.75 = 1.74
2429.04 / 1396 = 1.74
150% CrtD?
6072.6 / 3490 = 1.74
-25% DR?
7590.75 / 4362.5 = 1.74
They go about it the way they do to maintain that 1.74, which they believe is a balanced multiplier for the damage based on the firing arc, drain, etc, etc, etc.
Would it be a case of changing CrtD so that it only provided an additional amount of the Weapon Power number?
So instead of 6072.6 for the DHCs, we'd have 4706.265 and for the Array we'd have 2704.75 instead of 3490?
4706.265 / 2704.75 = 1.74 still (it's always going to be that outside of the Weapon Abilities)
So sure, you could tackle how hard a Critical Hits...but you couldn't touch the Damage Resistance. That's still going to be the final modifier. Would just dropping the Critical to be a standard post Weapon Power modifier be enough to reign in damage?
Would it be a case of making everything a base damage modifier instead? That would be tough because of torps, they don't have a Weapon Power modifier in their - their base is boosted to begin with...basically they're modifiers are both pre/post Weapon Power, since it's not there, eh?
Stacked Debuffs provide the largest increase in damage.
Critical Severity (courtesy of increased CrtH) provides the second largest increase in damage.
AtB increased uptime on buffs/debuffs would be the third, eh?
Thing is, Cryptic continues to churn out additional things for each of those...whether traits, DOFFs, or gear, etc, etc, etc.
So I'd say it goes back to what I believe I said earlier in the thread (can't remember though, lol - I hate being pseudosenile)...
It's not that damage has really gotten that out of's that the content is lagging so far behind the damage.
Meh, I hate to use this analogy - cause it's a game many hate, and it's dated (I haven't played it in over 3 years now)...but consider this from WoW, eh?
Imagine going into Grim Batol at level 85...imagine going into Upper Blackrock at level 85.
Our level cap might be 50, and we've got level 50 content...but our gearing and the rest...yeah, we're way past level
So is it really that damage has gone too far or content hasn't gone far enough?
Preferably, I'd like to throw out every single ability in this game. But if we must have them, attack patterns shouldn't be a means to increase damage or make a target more susceptible to damage.
- No damage buffs
- No debuffs
Attack patterns should be about maneuvers and defensive postures vs offensive postures. For example:
Attack Pattern Alpha
- All shield regeneration is diverted to the front facing
- Activate full impulse for 2 seconds
- After 2 seconds, diverts all power to weapons and shields
- +120% turn rate for 30 seconds
- 30 second duration
Attack Pattern Beta
- Diverts all power to shields
- Auto balance shield facings
- Increase turn rate by +40%
- 15 second duration
Attack Pattern Delta
- Fires on up to three random targets
- Divert aux to weapons
- Weapon power drain reduced by 1 point for each weapon
- 10 second duration
Attack Pattern Omega
- Divert shield regeneration to rear facing
- All power to engines
- Immune to movement debuffs
- Increase flight speed by +40%
- 15 second duration
That's the best I can come up when I'm in serious need of sleep. It's empowering, but not overly so. It grants increased offense, defense, and mobility without going with nutty damage multipliers.
What next? "Get rid of the Captain's professions"? BLASPHEMY!
Though, admittedly, your idea would work well if we had a conning officer station (but that would result in our having stations for everything instead of tactical, engineering and science).
As an aside - what do you think happened to "Command" and "Operations" in 2409 that they got rid of the former and turned the latter into tactical and engineering?
Or is it still the original problem of STO now that I think about it. That being the difficulty many players in the game have creating an effective build for various reasons. The game content is so silly easy because at its current core STO is a hyper casual game by content design yet is still semi-hardcore when it comes to the game systems and mechanics or creating an effective ship build.
Just look at all the pieces of the ship build puzzle. 10 console slots (with set potential), 3 primary equipment slots (with set potential), 6-8 weapon slots (tons of unique pieces), 2-4 device slots, 12 boff ability slots, a skill tree, 6 reputation passive choices, 5-6 Doff slots. And a plethora of newbie traps scattered all throughout not to mention the game does absolutely nothing to help teach a player how to make an effective build, just look at the defaults! We are used to it but i've known people who have no problem with 3.5 DnD character builds struggle with the STO options.
Just throwing that out there after some of the terribad PuGs of ISE I've been in lately. I do agree with all your other points though and would just like to add my problem with APA is not the damage boost it is the triple dipping it does with boosting damage.
APA is definitely one of the most powerful if not most powerful Captain ability, imho. Kind of along the lines of how APO is one of the most powerful BOFF abilities. They're just kind, nifty!
As for the terribad stuff out there...well, if we take a look at it...
~13.5m damage has to be done by 5 players in 14m59s, right?
So that's 899 seconds, 15016 DPS...5 players...3003 DPS or so is all that's required to hit the optional.
So yeah, in an ELITE accomplish the OPTIONAL...the requirement is 3k DPS. That's what Cryptic views as better than ELITE DPS, since it's meeting the OPTIONAL in ELITE content...
So would they really be terribad unless they were woefully below 3k DPS?
That's what I mean about the content lagging way behind where folks are from overgearing.
I mean, c'mon...our better than ELITE content only requires ~3k DPS...?
21 hits from Willard's Destabilized Torp (Beachball) did 2.8k DPS...252 hits from Grav Rift procs did 2k DPS. Heck, the Advanced Weavers one person was running did 5.1k DPS - just pets can do over the 3k DPS.
But that's the thing...if they only have to do 3k DPS, they can TRIBBLE up all sorts of things and be fine.
It's why folks can be fine at normal PvE, but never come close to what the DPS guys are doing. It's why folks can head into PvP and moments later be saying TRIBBLE this!
Generally speaking, they don't have to understand it all...understand much of it. If 3k DPS is all that's required, Cryptic has provided enough ways that folks can TRIBBLE up and get that kind of damage...rather than having to plan for it.
Imagine a target range - where there's a single target. You'd have to be a pretty good shot to hit it, eh? Now, add 10-15 more targets out there. Hey, odds improve that you'll hit at least one of them, right? The DPS and PvP guys might look at how many of those targets you can hit, but Cryptic with STO is still just looking at the player being able to hit one of them.
The powercreep isn't really powercreep - it's lowering the bar further and further, increasing the chances that even the least skilled person out there (the puppy pawing at an iPhone) will be able to hit that target...PvP and the DPS guys; well, they're just an anomaly and not really the intended audience for the game anyway.
Quoted for Truth
Which, in turn, largely explains the waning of my interest, these last couple of months. It's one thing to be able to comfortably beat the game - it's when you can beat it without using any abilities, using just autofire, that you know you've overstayed your welcome.
I'm doing the solo fleet thing...DOFFing on 7 rerolls...I'm basically playing STO like the girlfriend plays Farmerama at this point. Face it, that's kind of what the game is - a little bit of action here and there...and a whole bunch of planting crops and waiting for them to grow.
I think that's why chasing the q's didn't bother me as much as some folks...cause it was actually doing something instead of waiting on something.
Definitely the case. I've actually been pretty busy, lately, so not wanting to play as much was convenient, really. Still, when things get back to normal I'll be glad I did some major shopping last Steam sale, I'm sure. Think I managed to snatch up 4 or 5 A+ titles for the price of an STO ship pack - money well spent, I think.
You're not missing much, sure the KDF star base needs work but other than that the Fed is 100% done, just buy what you like if you ever log in again.
I'm supposed to be logging in but...I really can't bring myself to do it.
I wonder when the DPS people make a video of their pets doing ISE with optional. 2 recluses with mesh weavers and 3 other carriers...yeah I can see them managing it pretty easily.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
It's kind of funny what five Eng in normal Obelisks with Elite Swarmers can do...
My attempt at porting my Ambi build to the Obelisk for my eng was the pinnacle of fail.
Did you remember to leave PvP mode and set your weapon power to full rather than all 25/50/25/100 for "support"?
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Now onto power creep, it started with the +1 ships and the P2W consoles. In PvP damage has to be out of hand due to the resists and heals that ALL ships now have. Escorts can heal for 1 million most of it self but with set bonuses and such not unheard of. In PvE lets be real the AI is dumb we all know you come in the rear of a breen or Cardie ship, KDF ships for some reason only fire beams. Very few use any boffs. Who here actually gets worried when their hull is at 10% in an eSTF?
Yes lol, the fail aspect was the survivability, even with dual A2D or A2SIF, both resulted in it dying FAR more easily than the fleet Excel ever has (even with A2B)
There was a time when the game was fast becoming 'dhc' + 'escorts only'.
There was a time when people decried 'cruisers are dead'.
KDF complained about a lack of content.
PvP players complain a lot.
Fast forward 1 year:
Cruisers are breaking 10K easily.
Specialized - 'damage only' builds are reaching 50K.
KDF players stopped complaining about a lack of content.
PvP players still complained a lot.
Coming Soon:
Science ships getting some love with a second deflector.
PvP players will complain a lot.
Yes - damage is going up. But who cares. These ships are useless in good PvP combat after 45 seconds. If anything, they make the grind ridiculously easy. If Cryptic had any hope of maintaining this game with existing players (they will do fine with new players) they would add a scalable response to damage dealt. The bigger the damage, the greater the response by the AI. Then STF's would be a challenge again.
The reason they're worth comparing is that it only takes a slight change for something to go from meh to OMFGITSMELTINGMYFACE!1!!
As for "and FAW reaches out and deals max damage at 1km or 10km" you do know about damage drop off ranges right? This might be a little outdated in some areas but as far as I know it is accurate still with regards to damage drop off, take a look. FAW does not suddenly change damage drop off.
Just something for you to think about, what happens if you get subnuked in PvP?
Damage in PvP is only held back by how much damage resistance and avoidance there is, soon as you remove all that you truly realise how far damage has gone or rather stuff has creeped.
In fact this is one of the reasons people are looking to and using direct to hull damage where they didn't used to. Hull healing and resistance hasn't changed massively since season 6, theres the 2 piece borg set for passive heals and technically this dyson set (which is worse) but on the whole resistance is still where it's been at for a long time.
Shields on the other hand, one tweak here and there or a slight buff (elite shields come to mind) is much more noticeable due to the 4 facings and how tactical team amplifies this further...and now we're back to what I was saying about small tweaks.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
I am well aware of the fall off. I am also well aware the fall off has changed for your cannon escorts to do max damage they have to be with 3km focused on a target whether with CSV. FAWspammers can just circle map click a few powers and go back to watching TRIBBLE on their 2nd screen.
Nerf tactical captains. I absolutely hate nerfs. I thoroughly enjoy playing my Romulan Tac captain. But when a Romulan Tac can do over 80k dps in an ISE run this is just to much. When a Tac via his abilities can do well over double the damage of an Engineer or Science Captain something needs to be fixed. There are 2 issues here. A Tac captains ability to increase his damage and all the +x% damage stacking along with all the negative resist stacking. 2 fixes i see as needed badly.
Limit the -resist stacking to -100 or -200 or whatever. And or increase the diminishing returns. This effects everyone. Yet would not really effect pug runs or if it does the effect is limited. So that it really only effects premades or people taking advantage of the current system.
Limit the amount of +x% damage stacking to +100% or +150% or whatever. This really only affects Tac captains. It would make stacking Ambush, Tactical Initiative, Attack Pattern Alpha, Attack Pattern Omega, Emergency power to weapons, Weapons battery (via doff), etc, etc all at once a waste. You'd have to be a bit smarter in their use and space them out a bit. Doing a pug STF run this wouldn't really hurt the average player or would be fairly minimal. This effects the above average to elite players more then anything. For PvP this would certainly be the way to go and is needed there as well.
STFs are a complete joke now. Tacs being able to do more then 2 times the damage of the other professions makes the game less enjoyable. The damage needs to be reduced for everyone but most especially for tacs. But in a way that would minimize the impact to average to below average player. And the 2 ways i suggest does that. It lowers the damage of the above average players and most especially the elite players. Thus improving the quality of the game overall.
dont nerf anything the answer doesnt sit in fixing the old rather introducing more new.
the reason why the 82.9k run happened was a one off, and to my knowledge only 1 player has done it... me.
and how did i achieve it... antiquated enemies, weak enemies, having good in game knowledge, ability, practice, repetition and most importantly a solid team of like minded individuals.
if the hp pool of enemys was increase by double would 80k be possible... answer not atm
is doubling the hp of enemys the answer... no
DO change these:
so what is the answer its simple the answer is to eliminate some of the above variables
antiquated enemys-- fix it by makeing more enemys
weak enemies- fix by introducing new harder enemies or increaseing more difficult content
repetition-- simply put this can be removed by making the encounter more randomised (imagine if nws enemies came from random locations and NOT a 4 pronged layout) would we be able to 3 man as we can now, doubfull.
ability-- leave this alone as this is what most players gain enjoyment and satisfaction from
practice-- again same as ability
solid team work- SHULDNT BE TOUCHED OR NERFED coz a team can make something powerfull via communication
Solo STF's With Optional ISE: 3:34
i have all logs saved of these so if you would like to view them send me a pm and it can be arranged