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Ideas for next playable faction?



  • x6460x6460 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Sure a new Faction sounds nice. Currently though I would rather see that effort spent on fleshing out the Faction content that already exists. Specifically the Playable Races.

    Home-worlds, Race specific quests/rewards, and Race specific quest Dialogues, & events.

    My Reeman is treated like a Romulan, My Romulan is treated like a Klingon. My Vulcan is treated like a Human. If I'm playing a Gorn, Orion, Ferasan? why am I worried about Klingon Clan politics. Why can't my Ferasan worry about his own clan for once.

    I would like to see some conflict management. For instance what do we know about the Gorn Hegemony? King Slathis has a seat on the Councel, But can't Vote. And Some Gorn have begun to rebel against the Klingon Empire.
    Finally decided to make a sig.
    I see allot of them with a character, and ship.
    though I'm not sure which ship to put on there...
    I'll think about it. This will do for now.

  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    starswordc wrote: »
    You misunderstand. I don't personally have a problem with people deciding to play the bad guys. I'm saying Cryptic has a problem with it. I don't know why.

    Don't know WHY??!! Ever since launch there has been a large care bear faction that complains about everything and never can be satisfied. They get what they want and once that is achieved they complain they want/need more.

    They cried about having a war and EXPECTED to have automatic diplomatic immunity within a faction's space although they ARE AT WAR with the other faction.

    What they want is to have the Klingons celebrate valentines day with them and pass out candy and roses with each other. That same care bear faction influenced how the Romulans would become lap dogs so they wouldn't have to FIGHT (because fighting could get someone hurt).

    So, of course we won't have playable "bad guys" The Alpha and Beta quadrants are destined to forget the past and forgive each other and have a big HUG.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    raptor1701 wrote: »
    About the Xindi being Fed allies instead of their own faction... It's hinted at that they could join the Federation in one possible future, but we don't know for sure.
    Hmm... That is subjective.

    All we know is that the Xindi (and the Klingons) were members of the Federation in the 29th Century (or whatever century it actually was). Who's to say that the Xindi didn't first join the Klingon Empire, and then later (with the Klingons) joined the Federation?
    raptor1701 wrote: »
    I think the Xindi appeared enough in their one season to give STO something to work with in terms of culture, ships, architecture, history, etc., while giving the developers a lot of room to be creative and weave new stories.
    This I do agree with, I just think it's going to be difficult with them. You've got five (possibly six) species of Xindi, and only three (maybe four) are going to be practical, be that as playable or otherwise.

    I think a potential bigger question is: would you be happy with only some of the Xindi?
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dominion, baby.

    Playable races:
    Jem'Hadar (C-store, maybe?)
    Vorta (C-store option)

    Changelings would be very difficult and probably OP.

    I don't know, but I trust the devs.
  • vfpfyasko1vfpfyasko1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    For the next playable faction I would have to say I would like to have the Dominion and to be able to play as a Jem'hadar.

    Oh, hands down that is the faction i want to see, however i want the vorta included along with the Cardassians but what i want to see is the home-world of the new Alpha Q Jem'Hadar.
    That's a pretty cool idea actually, however i think it should be done in the style of how the Romulan faction was designed, With an alliance to either Starfleet or the KDF. No need to thin out the population even more.

    I agree with this position, i like how they created and did the Romulan faction with a twist.
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Still voting for a Dominion faction. The Jem'Hadar are awesome.

    Iam so on-board with this idea!
  • stelakkhstelakkh Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'd say make the Klingon side a complete faction first.

    Then make the Romulans a complete faction second.

    Finish those two things, polish the entire game, THEN worry about another faction.

    I really wanted to play a Romulan. I have since the game launched. Then Romulans finally arrived and were't a complete faction.

    I'd really like to play a Cardassian, but with the huge disappointment the Romulans turned out to be, I'd rather wait until factions are completed before a new one is added.

    It's really disappointing to wait for a race you want to play only to find out that it's got only half the story and nowhere near enough development time - because Cryptic.
    Actual Join Date: August, 2008
  • salynraydersalynrayder Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    dixonium wrote: »
    I'd still like to see an independent trader faction, represented by races such as the Ferengi, Yridians, Corvallens, Boslics, and non-affiliated Humans. Put Ferenginar in the game as their central hub. The advantage of a faction such as this is that it would embrace a different approach to gameplay, one that builds on elements such as the trading vessels and duty officer assignments already in place, and would not necessarily require a story-based mission progress system. It would also add some variety to the game.

    This is a great idea! Throw in some more freighters and such and let their be a merchant/smuggler/freight captain mini-faction.
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Borg should be the next playable Faction.
    Dominion isn't a bad choice for another faction beyond the Borg...plenty of work needed before then, though.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dominion, baby.

    Playable races:
    Jem'Hadar (C-store, maybe?)
    Vorta (C-store option)
    You desire the Dominion yet want their core species refined to the C-Store? Where's the logic in that?
    worffan101 wrote: »
    I don't know, but I trust the devs.
    :rolleyes: The one problem with the Dominion (and likely a reason we'll never get them) is because we're already flying around in their most prized ships.
    stelakkh wrote: »
    I'd say make the Klingon side a complete faction first.
    I am curious, but how exactly can they make the Klingon faction any more a faction than it already is ...

    It's already independent, they already have their own ships and species, in addition to their own social zones. How can you not consider the Klingons a full faction?
    stelakkh wrote: »
    Then make the Romulans a complete faction second.
    Wont happen, not now. They (Cryptic) have invested too much time and story into the Republic.
    rezking wrote: »
    Borg should be the next playable Faction.
    Dominion isn't a bad choice for another faction beyond the Borg...plenty of work needed before then, though.
    I would rather install ARC on my computer than I would see a Borg Faction. :P
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    stelakkh wrote: »
    I'd say make the Klingon side a complete faction first.

    Then make the Romulans a complete faction second.

    Finish those two things, polish the entire game, THEN worry about another faction.

    I really wanted to play a Romulan. I have since the game launched. Then Romulans finally arrived and were't a complete faction.

    I'd really like to play a Cardassian, but with the huge disappointment the Romulans turned out to be, I'd rather wait until factions are completed before a new one is added.

    It's really disappointing to wait for a race you want to play only to find out that it's got only half the story and nowhere near enough development time - because Cryptic.

    They are "complete", by Cryptic's definition.

    KDF has never been closer to Fed in content than they are right now. I won't say that there is no gap at all, but the situation is vastly improved.

    EVERY faction has to fit into STO's Red vs. Blue paradigm from now on. There is no Red vs. Blue vs. Green -- I can't see that happening after they've stated flat out that it's not going to happen.

    The Romulan model basically works, and it's not a bad template for future factions. They get to have their own ships and races and some unique content but they don't have to have their own full set of social zones, they can share resources with another faction, they can use the same PvE/P queues, and they can basically integrate with Cryptic's "endgame" storylines.

    That's not to say that they might not eventually decide to include Romulan starbases as an option, or allow Romulan-only Foundry missions, expand the Romulan DOFF roster, or things like that.

    None of the factions is ever "complete" as long as Cryptic keeps adding new stuff for it. It's not like they're going to stop developing Fed content.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    They are "complete", by Cryptic's definition.

    KDF has never been closer to Fed in content than they are right now. I won't say that there is no gap at all, but the situation is vastly improved.

    EVERY faction has to fit into STO's Red vs. Blue paradigm from now on. There is no Red vs. Blue vs. Green -- I can't see that happening after they've stated flat out that it's not going to happen.

    The Romulan model basically works, and it's not a bad template for future factions.


    I think your analysis is correct. Certainly we've been no indication whatsoever of any shift away from the red vs blue paradigm.

    Here's a thought for a new faction.....

    .......something cryptic make up. Bear with me a second here.

    Imagine that Cryptic invent a new species, a species that has just discovered warp travel.

    Their early missions involve taking their experimental ships out on voyages of discovery only to bump into the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

    At the same point as the Romulans, these proposed aliens have to choose a side.

    Call them the Crypticians :cool:


    Better ideas for a name would be the Taconians or the Bran
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    EVERY faction has to fit into STO's Red vs. Blue paradigm from now on. There is no Red vs. Blue vs. Green -- I can't see that happening after they've stated flat out that it's not going to happen.
    rinkster wrote: »
    I think your analysis is correct. Certainly we've been no indication whatsoever of any shift away from the red vs blue paradigm.
    Thinking outside the box a little, the Red vs Blue theme is highly integrated into the game, right? Because of social zones, character traits and (to some extent, more specifically) the fleet system. I think that's a big part of it, in addition to the war (be that a cold one or otherwise).

    This having been said, from the above perspective there would only be one way to implement a third full faction, and that would be one without a fleet system. A faction that isn't necessarily at war with the Blue or Red guys, but more looking out for their own interests and (when times call) to align with the Blue and Red against a larger threat.

    The ideal choice for that? The Dominion ~ though I can't see them coming around (reasons posted previous). That doesn't mean to say Cryptic can't throw another faction at us though, it would just have to be one that was unique in it's own way, and not a copy of the Feds or KDF.
  • sle1989sle1989 Member Posts: 552 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The next expansion is most likely going to be the Delta Quadrant, so any new faction will be from there. It just wouldn't make sense to introduce this fancy new area and them go, "Hey look at our new Cardassian Faction! From the Alpha Quadrant!"

    Based on this the most likely candidate for a new faction is Liberated Borg.

    I could also see the Voth as a playable faction, but less likely.

    It could even be something like the Kazon (Eww), but that's highly unlikely.

    Really, there probably won't be a new faction with this expansion.

    On a side note though, if it is Liberated Borg, what would the Lifetime subscription reward be? Fully Assimalated Borg?

  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    flash525 wrote: »
    You desire the Dominion yet want their core species refined to the C-Store? Where's the logic in that?

    :rolleyes: The one problem with the Dominion (and likely a reason we'll never get them) is because we're already flying around in their most prized ships.

    I would rather install ARC on my computer than I would see a Borg Faction. :P

    Point the first: Oh, good point. *facepalm* Yeah, Vorta and Jem'Hadar should be free species, and the others can be C-store.

    Point the second: Well, the devs can get creative. The Dominion has a canonical ship style, lots of angles and blocks, not too many protruberances, usually kind of insectoid. The devs can come up with something.

    Point the third: Agreed, completely.
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    I think your analysis is correct. Certainly we've been no indication whatsoever of any shift away from the red vs blue paradigm.

    Here's a thought for a new faction.....

    .......something cryptic make up. Bear with me a second here.

    Imagine that Cryptic invent a new species, a species that has just discovered warp travel.

    Their early missions involve taking their experimental ships out on voyages of discovery only to bump into the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

    At the same point as the Romulans, these proposed aliens have to choose a side.

    Call them the Crypticians :cool:


    Better ideas for a name would be the Taconians or the Bran

    I think you are on the right path here but a new warp capable species is not a faction its just a new race. A faction needs to be built with multiple races with a common goal.

    Let Cryptic make up a new faction but do it right. A faction that strattles the delta and gamma quadrants has faced both the Borg and Dominion. With the activation of all the iconian gates you could have them be expansionists set on controlling these gateways for their own purposes.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    tragamites wrote: »
    I think you are on the right path here but a new warp capable species is not a faction its just a new race. A faction needs to be built with multiple races with a common goal.

    Let Cryptic make up a new faction but do it right. A faction that strattles the delta and gamma quadrants has faced both the Borg and Dominion. With the activation of all the iconian gates you could have them be expansionists set on controlling these gateways for their own purposes.

    True, although isn't there at least one canon race with multiple species in it?

    Aquatic, etc comes to mind.

    The only problem with the sort of thing you propose, as opposed to the sort of thing I've proposed, is technology level and general powerfulness.

    I quite like the idea that a new race is playing catch up, is not familiar with everything; as opposed to being a serious rival to either the Feds or the KDF.

    Means less power creep, and also fits the Red vs Blue paradigm better.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rezking wrote: »
    Borg should be the next playable Faction.
    Dominion isn't a bad choice for another faction beyond the Borg...plenty of work needed before then, though.

    How do you foresee a faction that wants to assimilate others and make them "better" becoming a good guy faction??

    Also, what is the point when Borg only receive orders from a hive mind (no individuality)? Are players just going to WATCH the computer AI control the character? People who want the BORG to become playable are just power gamers wanting the strongest toys and care less whether it makes sense or not.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Here's the thing...

    Up until now STO largely takes place primarily in the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Aside from the Cardassians and the Xindi, we've pretty much exhausted most of the major factions in those quadrants.

    At least those that we could define as "playable" under Cryptic's guidelines (can't be evil antagonists or plot devices, probably need to be humanoid or at least bipedal).

    But... since the story is shifting away from Cardassian space at the moment, I think we need to rule them out for now. Likewise for the Xindi. Cryptic isn't going to introduce a new faction that doesn't fit into their immediate plan.

    The Gamma quadrant has also been pushed to the side for the time being, so I think we can rule out any new Gamma faction in the near future.

    Now we're kinda sorta expanding into the Delta quadrant via the Sphere Gateway. New faction options could open up, but not sure which of them actually fit into the "playable" category. Most of the Delta factions don't make sense as playable for various reasons, or are at least problematical.

    So, Delta quadrant. Seems unlikely. I'm not a big fan of the Liberated Borg faction idea and don't see any other empires being open to alliances. But I don't know what's going on in Christine Thompson's head or where the storyline is going, so I suppose anything's possible.

    There are many, many races in Star Trek that we haven't seen in STO yet.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,148 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Here's the thing...

    Up until now STO largely takes place primarily in the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Aside from the Cardassians and the Xindi, we've pretty much exhausted most of the major factions in those quadrants.

    At least those that we could define as "playable" under Cryptic's guidelines (can't be evil antagonists or plot devices, probably need to be humanoid or at least bipedal).

    But... since the story is shifting away from Cardassian space at the moment, I think we need to rule them out for now. Likewise for the Xindi. Cryptic isn't going to introduce a new faction that doesn't fit into their immediate plan.

    The Gamma quadrant has also been pushed to the side for the time being, so I think we can rule out any new Gamma faction in the near future.

    Now we're kinda sorta expanding into the Delta quadrant via the Sphere Gateway. New faction options could open up, but not sure which of them actually fit into the "playable" category. Most of the Delta factions don't make sense as playable for various reasons, or are at least problematical.

    So, Delta quadrant. Seems unlikely. I'm not a big fan of the Liberated Borg faction idea and don't see any other empires being open to alliances. But I don't know what's going on in Christine Thompson's head or where the storyline is going, so I suppose anything's possible.

    There are many, many races in Star Trek that we haven't seen in STO yet.

    That dosn't mean their not working on a Cardassian faction though.
    Typhoon Class please!
  • captainpirkocaptainpirko Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    this is probably a really crazy idea, but what if....

    we didnt have another faction?

    seriously, it's been nearly confirmed that having 3 completely independent factions will not happen. not because it's impossible, but because cryptic doesnt feel like it.
    therefore what is the benefit of having a separate faction? great, i can play as a jemhadar or cardassian, but wait, i could already do that. i can use the alien customization options to make myself look cardassian, then fly the galor class locked box ship, and BAM! just as if they made cardassians a playable race. name the gameplay differences between these two. i'll make it simple for you, there isnt. if you make a alien federation that looks like a romulan, the only difference you have between that, and making an actual romulan faction character is that as a romulan faction character, you're trading the number of ship options you have for an increase in story missions.
    do we really need another faction like this, re-textured to look like cardassians? no. we need something to do with the characters we already have. i for one would like to see them attempt a level increase to 60. so many ideas have been suggested by both players, and devs. there'd be no new ships at level 60, but we'd have options in upgrading our current ships beyond what they are now, giving a revamped crafting system a purpose with the seemingly endless supply of reputations to grind through.

    with the possibilities of a level increase, why do people keep dreaming of a mini-faction? there's bigger dreams to pursue then this.
    [SIGPIC]Timelords Fleet [/SIGPIC]
  • cavaleriuscavalerius Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, there's always the capacity to do something completely radical...

    For starters, if Cryptic is going to have another playable race in the alpha/beta quadrant, a potentially cool thing to do would be to model the faction on a basis similar to that of a cold war Germany. Cryptic has the potential to do that to the Cardassians, and it would stay along their line of red vs blue. Romulans would have worked a star as well, seeing they're a hell of a mess but I think we're past that point now.

    Another cool thing to do if they're going to ignore alpha/beta playable races would be to change sector space. Instead of there being sector "blocks," change it to sector quadrants, or subquadrants. The existing map in STO could be united to become the alpha/beta subquadrant, except Beta Orionis perhaps. That way they can add what they like when they like with pinpoint accuracy instead of vague sector blocks.

    A Delta quadrant expansion could then include a delta subquadrant block, slightly smaller than the alpha/beta one of course but with a transwarp or iconian gate linking the two. Cryptic could not only add canon species to the delta quadrant block but also their own species imagined and made real in-game. The possibilities for new playable races would be much wider than it is now and we would see races we have been raving to see.

    Not only that, but the Borg, Hirogen and Voth could be given a new revised home. Borg fans would be delighted and a story arc could be provided for the escalating tension against the Voth. Who knows, maybe a gamma quadrant block could be added?

    I am well aware that this idea has it's problems, so don't lecture me on what is possible and what is unlikely. A lot of resources would definitely be needed and the designers would have to tread carefully on developing such a radical frontier. But hey, STO is arguably Cryptic and PWE's game with the most potential in it, so why not spend more on it to realise that potential. There's a huge fan base out there and STO probably hasn't even harnessed half of it. There's still money to be made out there if that's what they're concerned about.

    I have to agree with captainpirko however, there's still a lot more work to do before they take on something like changing sector space and adding a new playable species.
    Beta Antares Shipyards advanced Starship development project.
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    nador67 wrote: »
    How do you foresee a faction that wants to assimilate others and make them "better" becoming a good guy faction??

    Also, what is the point when Borg only receive orders from a hive mind (no individuality)? Are players just going to WATCH the computer AI control the character? People who want the BORG to become playable are just power gamers wanting the strongest toys and care less whether it makes sense or not.

    The Collective would not work but there are independent Borg out there. You could have group setting out to preserve the rights of all species while others in a like mind with the collective.
    rinkster wrote: »
    True, although isn't there at least one canon race with multiple species in it?

    Aquatic, etc comes to mind.

    The only problem with the sort of thing you propose, as opposed to the sort of thing I've proposed, is technology level and general powerfulness.

    I quite like the idea that a new race is playing catch up, is not familiar with everything; as opposed to being a serious rival to either the Feds or the KDF.

    Means less power creep, and also fits the Red vs Blue paradigm better.

    The Xindi. There is no problem with my proposal it's just what you like. If you want to play this role you would get to travel the galaxy at Warp 1- as you just recently broke the warp barrier or play for a hundred years till you get Warp 5 and get your Faction nearly obliterated by the hostile and much more technologically advanced races out there, good luck!

    Me personally I like the concept I presented as we, the factions in game now would be tested and grow more.
  • ktetchktetch Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Frankly what I want to see is less 'bang bang' and more 'hmm'

    Let's be honest, STO has turned into a trek-themed Star Wars:

    Go to place, SHOOT
    Go to next place SHOOT!

    Todays livestream had a stealth option on the foundary mission. And (apparantly, I was late arriving) some puzzles. That's what we need, more content that isn't just 'bang bang you're dead!'.

    So far, the only real puzzle was in Spin the Bottle, with the power re-routing. It REALLY needs a dose of cerebralism. And it's not like there's no the potential for puzzles either, even if they're sometimes of the Portal variety (which may not be THAT hard to implement?) Oh, ko and some maths needed for decrypting a code at one point too. But that's it, and that's sad :-(.

    STO has become, to paraphrase John Virgo, "Shoot as many NPC's as you can"
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ktetch wrote: »
    Frankly what I want to see is less 'bang bang' and more 'hmm'

    Let's be honest, STO has turned into a trek-themed Star Wars:

    Go to place, SHOOT
    Go to next place SHOOT!

    Todays livestream had a stealth option on the foundary mission. And (apparantly, I was late arriving) some puzzles. That's what we need, more content that isn't just 'bang bang you're dead!'.

    So far, the only real puzzle was in Spin the Bottle, with the power re-routing. It REALLY needs a dose of cerebralism. And it's not like there's no the potential for puzzles either, even if they're sometimes of the Portal variety (which may not be THAT hard to implement?) Oh, ko and some maths needed for decrypting a code at one point too. But that's it, and that's sad :-(.

    STO has become, to paraphrase John Virgo, "Shoot as many NPC's as you can"

    STO has always been bang bang go shoot go shoot!

    The Deferi/Breen series had some good puzzle like stuff with it and learning that a killer hologram was on the loose on Dronzana Station was, well it still gives me chills when I play it!

    My favorite puzzle in game is the taders paradise in Romulan space where you have the multiple traders and you gotta get an item one has with an item they don't need so you have to trade around to get the right item.

    I fully agree that Trek is as much Science as Science Fiction and there should be objectives where we need to put our minds to work not just guess until we get it right and go.

    I believe it is "Out in the Cold" where you have to talk with Tran after you have solved the health issues of the Defari, but if you say the wrong thing the mission fails and you have to leave and reset it to try again. This is what we need a few more of, an actual fear of failure!

    I would love to see this with the Crafting as well where you need to use the right tool at the right time to complete the project. Something that incorperates hand eye coordination as well as a bit of technical knowhow to do the job right.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    sle1989 wrote: »
    The next expansion is most likely going to be the Delta Quadrant, so any new faction will be from there.
    Isn't it definite rather than most likely? I'm pretty sure it's already been confirmed that we're heading Delta with the next expansion.
    nador67 wrote: »
    Also, what is the point when Borg only receive orders from a hive mind (no individuality)? Are players just going to WATCH the computer AI control the character? People who want the BORG to become playable are just power gamers wanting the strongest toys and care less whether it makes sense or not.
    If (and that's a big if) we ever saw a Borg Faction, they would be Liberated Borg so it wouldn't be about assimilation so much as it would be about regaining individuality.
    thay8472 wrote: »
    That dosn't mean their not working on a Cardassian faction though.
    It doesn't mean they're working on any faction. At the moment, everything shouts Delta Quadrant. I feel it unlikely that they're going to throw a playable Delta Quadrant species at us (it would be a risky move at best); people tend to play known species where Trek is concerned, probably why there are more Fed players than KDF or Republic. If Cryptic were to throw a random Delta Quadrant playable species out there ... that's a big gamble.

    The Voth (as they've already done a lot of work on them) would be the only candidates I think. That said, they now fall in to the same problem as the Dominion in that all their ships have been released.

    One thing is for sure though, new faction or not, we should have playable Cardassians as Bridge Officers at the very least by now. Out of all the unique Boffs we've acquired on our journey, none of them are as close to joining the Federation as the Cardassians, yet we've not had the option for a Cardassian. I want one. Many people do. Heck, it wouldn't hurt them to update the Cardassian Lock Box too, through the Keldon (or a Cryptic-Cardassian design) into the Lobi Store whilst they're at it. I'm hoping we'll get something like a Romulan Embassy (but for Cardassians) in the near future. Maybe without the excessive grind though.

    I could live with no Cardassian faction/fraction, just as I am living without playing a Romulan; I did initially, I didn't like the route they took with them, so I no longer have a Romulan character. If Cardassians were implemented in the same way, I'd probably start one, play the story, then (like I did with the Romulan) delete him. I've already got high-end Fed and KDF characters. I don't need more. :P
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I like the idea as some one pointed out the Typhon Pact. This would have been the perfect setup for STO with two alliances for Cryptic and multiple factions for the players.

    This is how I could see it work.

    First you choose your allaince: Khitomer Accord or Typhon Pact. Then you would choose your faction.

    Khitomer Accord
    .Klingon Empire
    .Cardassian Union
    .Ferengi Alliance

    Tyhpon Pact
    .Romulan Empire
    .Gorn Hegemony
    .Breen Confederacy
    .Any one of the three remaining races (Tholian, Kinshya, Tzenkethi)
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