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Mission Broken - "Trapped" *team is investigating*



  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Funny thing how you complaing about this and then you are so happy and grateful for having a complete new ESD revamped. When cryptic could just invested the time to fix this, for example and the other important bugs that are in the game since ages ago instead of re-design the new ESD that in my opinion it was not necessary. But well, kids will be always kids no matter what. I really dont get you guys.
    I've never said anywhere that i am "happy and grateful" about the ESD revamp, i couldn't possibly care less about ESD being redesigned, as I was perfectly happy with the "old" version.
    In fact I've posted regularly about the need for many bug fixes and "QoL" improvements to many other long overlooked things in STO.

    I really don't get people who feel the need to come onto these forums and harangue others about their issues with the game, and try to trivialize them ... But then petulant kids will be petulant kids no matter what.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • litticalittica Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    # 1 Serious Problems in "Trapped"
    03-21-2010, 09:52 AM

    Over 4 years and the Bug is still there? if you not going to do anything about it just get rid of that part of the damn mission, or at lleast just change it to the same mechanic used as going into the DS9 Wormhole.
  • middy80middy80 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I ran into this today. Got trapped before entering the wormhole. Joined the PVE queue as others suggested and upon completing the PVE battle was able to continue the mission and complete it. Annoying but better than the missions I've had to repeat because they wouldn't complete.
  • dutchwildcarddutchwildcard Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    And over a month later problem still exists. Of course no mention in the Master Index of Known Issues.
  • crypticfrostcrypticfrost Member Posts: 1,479 Cryptic Developer
    edited June 2014
    I checked this out, and here's what I found:

    -- Once inside the anomaly, if you turn around and goes toward the entrance, then you will get warped out to the last map of the mission. I submitted a bug for this. If you click through the dialog and warp out when prompted, it won't complete the mission so you can just click the button to continue if desired.

    -- On getting stuck in the debris when the wormhole opens to drag you in...

    I intentionally got myself stuck in the debris so that I could not move. I then clicked the button that pops the dialogs and completed those to trigger the wormhole. I didn't move at all, yet the map transfer still happened, after about 30 seconds.

    So, the worst of this issue has been fixed. If you're stuck in the debris when the wormhole opens, just be patient and wait about 30 seconds and the mission will continue.

    I even tried getting myself stuck and shutting down the client before the map transfer happened. When I logged back in, the map transfer continued.
    STO QA Team
  • massamunemassamune Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    crypticfrost, what you're saying here may be accurate for your own experience, but it wasn't even close to what happened to me today.

    I got stuck on the debris when the anomaly opened, and wiggled off of that only to get stuck to the side of the anomaly. There was no resolution to this. The anomaly is shaped like a stout cylinder, and the side of that cylinder is roughly aligned with the third debris scan point. So if you scan the debris in order, you're going to get stuck to the side of the damn thing, and be unable to complete the quest.

    I tried for 20 minutes to wiggle past the edge of it to no avail. I waited another 20 minutes in PVE queues that nobody else was joining. I finally logged off for an hour, which got me back to sector space.

    Second time around I scanned the debris in reverse order, and when I got to the last one, the one closest to where you start the mission, I scanned it from the furthest point from where the anomaly opens. This just barely worked. It's still very badly aligned, and I was pulled just inside the cylinder of the anomaly. The rest of the mission was uneventful.

    If the disc of the anomaly were simply rotated by about 45 degrees counter clockwise, it would solve the issue for the vast majority of people. That would align the opening of it with the debris field a lot better. The other solution would be to remove clipping from the cylinder of the anomaly, so that you can be pulled through the side of it. Both of these are pretty simple fixes, with the age of this issue and the fact that it's still causing so many people headaches, what's the problem?
  • crypticfrostcrypticfrost Member Posts: 1,479 Cryptic Developer
    edited June 2014
    massamune wrote: »
    crypticfrost, what you're saying here may be accurate for your own experience, but it wasn't even close to what happened to me today.

    I got stuck on the debris when the anomaly opened, and wiggled off of that only to get stuck to the side of the anomaly. There was no resolution to this. The anomaly is shaped like a stout cylinder, and the side of that cylinder is roughly aligned with the third debris scan point. So if you scan the debris in order, you're going to get stuck to the side of the damn thing, and be unable to complete the quest.

    I tried for 20 minutes to wiggle past the edge of it to no avail. I waited another 20 minutes in PVE queues that nobody else was joining. I finally logged off for an hour, which got me back to sector space.

    Second time around I scanned the debris in reverse order, and when I got to the last one, the one closest to where you start the mission, I scanned it from the furthest point from where the anomaly opens. This just barely worked. It's still very badly aligned, and I was pulled just inside the cylinder of the anomaly. The rest of the mission was uneventful.

    If the disc of the anomaly were simply rotated by about 45 degrees counter clockwise, it would solve the issue for the vast majority of people. That would align the opening of it with the debris field a lot better. The other solution would be to remove clipping from the cylinder of the anomaly, so that you can be pulled through the side of it. Both of these are pretty simple fixes, with the age of this issue and the fact that it's still causing so many people headaches, what's the problem?

    I've never seen anything like this in any of the dozens of times I've run through this mission. No one in QA has to my knowledge. There was an issue with getting stuck on the debris in the past, hence the auto map move after 30 seconds being added.

    I'll make some more attempts to reproduce what you experienced.
    STO QA Team
  • massamunemassamune Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Thanks. I'd be interested to hear what more you can find out about this. If it worked better, it would be a cool effect.

    I can tell you there was no auto map change for me. I was stuck to that cylinder until I gave up, dropped the mission, and logged out long enough to reset to sector. It was the second run through with the long pull into the anomaly that even allowed me to see that it was a cylinder. When I was stuck to it, it just appeared to be a flat surface (with the visual effects applied to it of course). I think removing clipping from that object would be the way to go, so that players can get sucked into the map change trigger from any angle.
  • crypticfrostcrypticfrost Member Posts: 1,479 Cryptic Developer
    edited June 2014
    I spent about two hours trying to repro this with my personal account on Holodeck and never even got close. I never spent more than 30 seconds waiting for a map transfer. I could get stuck in the debris and I could get caught on the edge of the anomaly, but I never failed to move to the next map.

    The only thing I can think of is that for some reason the server didn't "hear" the mission trigger the map move. My best guess is that at some point between your computer and our server there was some interference, lag or something.
    STO QA Team
  • massamunemassamune Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I appreciate your attention to the issue, but don't understand why it works for you and not me or others I've talked to. All I can think of is perhaps there is something different about your account that affects it. If you want, I would be willing to replay it a couple of times to see if it's reproducible for me. That's assuming I can replay it at will. I'm still quite new to the game.
  • craig76craig76 Member Posts: 775 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I just went to do this mission myself yesterday. I was......" Trapped ".....sorry for the pun lol, but i was stuck. I spent about 5 minutes trying to get unstuck. I got stuck in debris field. And there was no auto move to next map. I had to exit game and restart it in safe mode, because it wouldnt put me back in sector space after changing toons to try to get out of the debris.
    I tried the mission a second time, but this time i scanned the debris on same side as wormhole opens, and still got stuck for another 5 or 10 minutes.

    Funny thing is tho, all my other toons done the mission no problems, but now i am faced with having to skip it :( When i start a new toon, i like to have them run thru the storyline for accolades, xp and whatever else.

    4 years for this bug, like defera invasion map, why doesnt this surprise me? :(
    I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
  • craig76craig76 Member Posts: 775 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I just tried someone elses suggestion of scanning the debris field backwards. I.e, starting at the furtherest debris field, scanning it, then scanning the middle one, then scanning the one at the start point. It seemed to have worked for now. Bit strange tho :confused:
    I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
  • plaztikman64plaztikman64 Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Just went through this mission without any major problems though. Had this thread somewhere back in my head and was somewhat cautious but the only problem i had was getting unstuck from the debris once i got sucked into the wormhole. Other than that, worked like a charm.

    /Fed char
  • albinovampire987albinovampire987 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I got to this mission while leveling a new toon just now. The worm hole sucked me in and I'm just stuck there with nothing to do. I thought this was fixed?
    Galactic Horde.
  • mazey1mazey1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Im also stuck on the game i scanned third item got sucked to mouth of wormhole an wham i was stuck there red alert blarring away
  • mialielmialiel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm not exactly sure as to why I can't make my own thread, being a member of this specific account since 2011 (Lost my old account's password from 06, but been here since) so I'm going to reply here since it's the most active and has a similar problem occuring...

    My husband has gotten stuck on a quest. On his level 27 Alien character from the Romulan side, he picked Federation so was in the middle of the Tal Shiar questline on Nimbus III, the last quest and the one he should have gotten are A Fistful of Gorn and Installation 18 respectively. I had already done these quests and had no problem obtaining the quest, but as he finished up on A Fistful of Gorn. It took him to where you meet up with Drake and acquire Installation 18, I'm not sure if it had something to do with him opening his Duty officer, Law, or if it was some glitch but instead of it letting him go onto the next quest, he now has nothing. He can't even seem to get the daily borg sector quests, He's been to three sectors we've gotten, but we know those events seem pretty scattered and we just might have missed them... I'm wondering if anyone else has gotten stuck around here, and/or if this is a common issue around all quests... If so, is there a solution besides restarting entirely? we've tried everything from making sure our quests are all tracked to relogging and changing sectors/beaming to the planet over and over... We're not newbies to MMOs at all so lets not have any 'Is it plugged in' questions? : )

    Again I do apologize for not making my own post, my CP says I've had this account since '11 but still says I'm too new to post a new thread! lol, thanks for your patience and reading this!
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yeah frost, this isn't fixed, I got stuck in it last night. I scanned the debris, on the last one I got trapped in the anomaly and never transitioned to the next map. I still had an objective about hailing a Hirogen ship or something like that. I tried logging in and out and would immediately get stuck in red alert. V'Lel@dragonsbrethren if it could somehow be related to my character/account.

    This makes me want to say something, though. Could we please have some sort of way to abort a mission while in red alert? That's the biggest issue here. I don't mind having to abort, these things happen, but I'm not even given that option because of the alert status. I see no good reason why I shouldn't be allowed to abort a story mission at any time.
  • landdonlanddon Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Mission is still bugged, just as many have posted. This really needs to be fixed. Tons and Tons of ships get made but we still can't get simple bugs like this fixed.:mad:
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