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New Raider Mechanics...Lookin' good, but be careful.



  • zztopperszztoppers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    KDF Birds of prey do get some advantages.

    1. Cloak

    2. Universal stations

    That being said it does not mean all things are equal!
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I would simply ask what exclusive mechanic do the Feds have? Not numbers of players or numbers of ships (most of which are unneeded), but mechanic? The Atrox? KDF gets for free and has frigate pets, making the Vo'quv fully superior to the Atrox. The Avenger (which was a surprise to everyone)? We've all seen the leaks about the Mogh now, right, with everything the Avenger can do plus built-in cloaking? Cruisers? Vorcha beats Assault Cruiser and Gal-X, Mirror Vorcha beats Star Cruiser, Negh'var beats Gal-R, Kamarag beats Ambassador....

    There seems to be this blind hatred of other factions because....why? So much stuff where the KDF has technical superiority and things that don't even HAVE a counterpart elsewhere, and yet still this victim complex. There's lots of emotion and grudges over the KDF not having as many story missions, but these days what logical reason is there for such hostility?

    My Tor'kaht outclasses my Gal-X in every way. My Sci Ning'taoi pulls stuff my Vesta could only dream of. My Vo'quv is so perfectly built I didn't even other spending money on an Atrox. What good reason is there to be so vindictively hostile and petty?

    No one has a unique mechanic( well except singularity powers but you'll see a lockbox of that eventually), but feds are the only ones to have full fledged cruisers. No one else has them, battle cruisers do not equal cruisers, they do not have all 4 cruiser commands. They also have the only 5 for weapon escort...

    So there goes your theory of no unique fed stuff. Do I how ever think all feds ships( except maybe alien ally ships) need a unique ability, like say some special sensor sweep( added stealth perception increase by sensor skill ) that when you attack a cloaked vessel you gain a short damage bonus similar to cloak sure, but along with that there should be some penalties for having it on, like reduction to aux power and mod disabled when aux power is below X. That i do think they should have.

    Honestly most of the problems with the anger from kdf to feds and roms, is merely becuase its been a long time coming sense they too got good cstore stuff. There player base also wants to help the game but due to figures and imo bad inaccurate monetary reports they have been getting just about nothing since free to play as far as c-store stuff is concerned.
  • terongrayterongray Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Read again. I had to edit the mention of post #4 that had the cloak request for escorts and the like. Combine that with Universal slots and you have the BoP.

    Check timestamps, you were editing as I was replying. So yes, you still were very incorrect. Cute attempt there though, the guilty always try to make others look guilty of the same.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Wow all this nastiness over one small change. Good grief.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    talonxv wrote: »
    Wow all this nastiness over one small change. Good grief.

    Yup. Devs need to just close down threads like this because they just lead us around in circles. Klings defend something as being unique. Feds claiming said upgrade isn't unique. Bla Bla Bla...
  • maliusnightmaliusnight Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Honestly both sides have access, the breen raider will be had by everyone. This flank buff just breaths life into a class of ships that have fallen behind on the power curve.

    It's not game breaking by any means, they already stated it will deal significantly less damage vs players.

    If they do decied to put it on the AD, we might actually have use for that poor little ship.
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited December 2013
    All I see is whine......
    Sure the bugs are annoying, but guess what, ALL the factions have some bugs...(more with this latest set of of patches)
    On the other stuff, you cry that your "uniqueness" is being taken away, OUTRIGHT STATING that you had PLENTY of stuff that the Feds never had, til recently. And you want "MOAR SHINIES" (yeah, the same thing you accuse Fed-primaries of yelling for), so again, whine whine, blah blah. Same old garbage. It's because of people like you, I'd freely support them shutting down the KDF side only, and making this game totally Fed & Rihan-centric, with KDF's being there only as NPC targets. You want to give up nothing, and whine when you get nothing. Hmmmm, seems fair to me.
    Anyway, to those few others out there with a little more common sense, and respect, my hats off to you. (*Bows*)

    I think at least some KDF players would ask 'Why is it so NECESSARY that the KDF 'give up something' in order to get something? Why can't both factions retain unique content?'

    A lot of KDF are simply tired of the best KDF goodies being peddled to the Federation, while the KDF receives little new, unique content in return (half the console 'trades' weren't really even equal/fair trades). All we've wanted is to be treated as an equal, getting our share of the development resources. It's partly because we're treated like second-class players that the faction is so friggin small by comparison. KDF faction has NEVER gotten anything like what the Federation has gotten in terms of developer resources OR marketing.

    The least anyone could've done would've been to leave what exclusives we had (carriers, battlecruisers, and consoles) alone and exercise some creativity to create new consoles and ship concepts for the Federation. KDF would've been perfectly fine with that. But that's not what happened. KDF is now reduced to the 'exclusives' of the Aceton Assimilator (which will likely be peddled off within the next 6 months) and the BoP, and a nifty marauding edge allowing us to collect contraband. Not much else. All the while, we're working around a constant shortage of ship variants (including an absolutely TRIBBLE-poor science ship selection), relative lack of new KDF-oriented content (with almost all the 'universal' content being Fed-biased with a KDF wrapper), and other issues that we constantly 'whine' about and see little to nothing done to address them.

    But we're just 'whiners', and should just be eliminated from the game entirely. Right. Just because we're not silently standing by. Good thing people like you don't get to make decisions.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • this1isavailablethis1isavailable Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    What was unfair were rom superships which simply outclass BoPs. They really needed a buff (and imo it's not enough).

    Feds dont really need it (or maybe only on the aquarius) because they already have better pvp escorts and cruisers (yep no KDF cruiser come close to aux2batt faw fleet excel or 50 inertia avenger, the fleet mogh probably wont have 50 but it will balance things a bit). They also are the only ones with 4 comm array powers (not counting galor).
  • mericpxmericpx Banned Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    LOL. Thanks for your consideration. but i think what we need to do is like that.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    All I see is whine......
    Sure the bugs are annoying, but guess what, ALL the factions have some bugs...(more with this latest set of of patches)
    On the other stuff, you cry that your "uniqueness" is being taken away, OUTRIGHT STATING that you had PLENTY of stuff that the Feds never had, til recently. And you want "MOAR SHINIES" (yeah, the same thing you accuse Fed-primaries of yelling for), so again, whine whine, blah blah. Same old garbage. It's because of people like you, I'd freely support them shutting down the KDF side only, and making this game totally Fed & Rihan-centric, with KDF's being there only as NPC targets. You want to give up nothing, and whine when you get nothing. Hmmmm, seems fair to me.
    Anyway, to those few others out there with a little more common sense, and respect, my hats off to you. (*Bows*)

    You missed the point.
    The technological "exchange" for the last 3 years has been mostly unidirectional.
    So Feds got what KDF had and...that's it. The Varanus is one notable exception.
    The opposite direction was and still is essentially closed because when KDf players ask for something the other direction it's similar to what you say: "for that you need to give up something in return" because the previous unidirectional "exchange" doesn't count. And everyone who dares to remind people of that is either a liar or a whiner or both.

    So for those who don't know how much of that history you know or don't know it seems like "common sense" is essentially "give one side everything and give the other side something only as long as it's willing to give up more".

    To give you an idea what we're talking about, here's what the ship lineup liiked like at launch:


    that's the mental starting point for those of us who've been here since beta/launch.
    And yes that's a complete list.

    As far as bugs go: KDF has the same bugs as the rest and then a whole lot more.
    Exploration clusters with invisible holes, fleet dailies that are impossible to finish, fleet ships and exchange boffs that can't be customized...at all.
    The list goes on.
  • tlamstriketlamstrike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jellico1 wrote: »
    How do you Flank a shield ?

    How do you flank armor ?

    This is a stupid mechanic from king arthur's time.................Blaaaaaaaaa

    The most important single thing on any warship is its sensors. Detection, Classification and Tracking form the first three stages of the kill chain, which all involve sensors; Engaging is the final link in the chain and the only one that involves weapons and defenses.

    Lets look at how sensors are mounted on a starship, the primary sensors are integrated in to the main navigational deflector. Which makes sense it is designed emit large amounts of energy which is what would be needed for long range active sensor scanning. Secondary to NavDeflector system we have smaller dedicated sensors mounted on the saucer section on some ships (like the Constitution class) and the lateral sensor arrays (which also cover the aft section) mounted along the sides of the hull. The secondary sensor arrays are smaller meaning obviously they can emit less power for active scanning and have less sensitivity in passive scanning.

    So the primary sensor system on a starship is mounted forward, meaning the direction that a potential hostile craft will be detected at longest range in is forward of the scanning ship. If a hostile ship is not in the forward sensor cone of the ship it is likely to be detected at closer ranges, obviously that is bad for the scanning starship.

    An analogous would be to an attack submarine, its primary sonar sensor is mounted in the bow and is designed not to try and detect targets behind the sensor because it would only pick up the machinery noise of sub itself. Therefore an attacker would try and get in behind the sub to attack so they would not be detected. The same is true for fighter aircraft the main sensor is mounted in the nose, all the weapons require guidance from that radar so if an attacker can get behind the aircraft they can't be attacked because the radar can't see them.

    This isn't a mideival gameplay mechanic this is a modern one.
    My Romulan Liberated Borg character made it to Level 30 and beat the (old) Defense of New Romulus with the skill point bug. :D
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yeah, that's not going to happen and you need to get over it. Have you ever noticed anything when watching the Star Trek movies and TV shows? They're ALL focused on Starfleet. Every single one of them. There has never once been a single movie or television show that featured Klingons as the main protagonists or focused on the Empire as it's primary setting. Not once in 50 freaking years.

    You have your cause and effect reversed. Klingons are not a minority because they get less developer attention, they get less developer attention because they're a minority. And given the overwhelming proportion of Star Trek content devoted to the human-centric Federation and Starfleet compared to the fraction of Klingon content, you can expect it to stay that way for the indefinite future.

    To the average person, Star Trek IS the Federation and Starfleet. That's the core audience for the franchise. That's reality, and you'd be better off if you accepted it.

    *chuckles* I like it when people bring that up. It basically boils down to, 'Well Star Trek is about the Federation, so obviously only the Federation matters.'

    I figured that Star Trek was actually about the individual ships and crews each series focuses on; how technology has improved our lives to the point that we want for nothing; how humanity itself has changed, and that in this future we help found a 'Federation' of planets.

    Hell, the larger Federation, or even involving other Starfleet ships at all was quite rare. At most you might see one other Starfleet ship in an episode. Good portion of the time it was the crew of the ship dealing with other species.

    Honestly, a better choice of words would have also been 'to the average person, Star Trek is things like Captain Kirk, the Enterprise, Mr. Spock, to boldly go where no one has gone before, and so on. Mention 'Starfleet' or 'the Federation' to someone not entirely familiar with Star Trek, and see if they know what you are talking about.

    The Klingons in the shows and movies served the same purpose that any other species did: Whatever the writers needed. Heck, even Starfleet or the Federation itself was used however the writers needed them if it meant the main cast could prove some point or another.

    If the writers needed them to be mindless warriors spouting 'honor' and all that for a negative reason just so Picard or whoever could prove whatever misguided thing they were doing was wrong, they would.

    You are right, Klingons have never had their own movie or show. Last I checked, neither has any other species. Klingons do have the honor of being the villains in several movies as well, sometimes played by quite renowned actors at that. There is:

    Kruge of ST III (played by Christopher Lloyd), Korrd of ST V (which while the movie has issues, the actor does a good job I feel), General Chang of ST VI (played by Christopher Plummer), the Duras sisters of ST: Generations.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ^Mimeys explanation is why I don't like story missions. This is about my story, my ship, my crew and the awesome/stupid situations they find themselves in.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Oh really?

    I seen KDF players asking for the Torpedo Point Defense System when the Leech being made crossfaction was brought up, a (TPDS) console that is restricted to one ship, yet some KDF players wanted it for it to be unrestricted for them.

    THAT is your "giving up more" ... not saying people havent asked for crazy overpowered stuff on Federation ships and we have the long standing dead horse that is the Federation Cloaking Device but still that is not just restricted to Federation ships.

    I'm not counting the ideas from people who are too dense to know the difference between a T3 and a T5 ship. These folks give me the creeps and I hope they don't have a driver's license. Probably don't know the difference between forward, reverse and cabbage.
    Or people who for example demand a playble KDF D7...because it makes perfect sense to demand stuff that's already ingame.:rolleyes: I think I had one of those last week or so.

    And I didn't count the idea for a Federation battleship that could tank multiple carriers along with their pets at the same time either. Or that of a guy who wanted all KDF ships to have no more than 10k hitpoints so he can oneshot them in PvP based on the fact that the Federation must always win and canon is more important than game balance.
    He insisted that all players must like this idea because the game was not canon enough and it would increase immersion.

    If we assemble all the really obviously stupid ideas proposed over the years and make a game out of them....it will be entertaining right before it drives the user insane.
    So why bring stuff up that's so obviously stupid it demands a special accolade of its own?:confused:
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    timezarg wrote: »
    I think at least some KDF players would ask 'Why is it so NECESSARY that the KDF 'give up something' in order to get something? Why can't both factions retain unique content?'

    A lot of KDF are simply tired of the best KDF goodies being peddled to the Federation, while the KDF receives little new, unique content in return (half the console 'trades' weren't really even equal/fair trades). All we've wanted is to be treated as an equal, getting our share of the development resources. It's partly because we're treated like second-class players that the faction is so friggin small by comparison. KDF faction has NEVER gotten anything like what the Federation has gotten in terms of developer resources OR marketing.

    The least anyone could've done would've been to leave what exclusives we had (carriers, battlecruisers, and consoles) alone and exercise some creativity to create new consoles and ship concepts for the Federation. KDF would've been perfectly fine with that. But that's not what happened. KDF is now reduced to the 'exclusives' of the Aceton Assimilator (which will likely be peddled off within the next 6 months) and the BoP, and a nifty marauding edge allowing us to collect contraband. Not much else. All the while, we're working around a constant shortage of ship variants (including an absolutely TRIBBLE-poor science ship selection), relative lack of new KDF-oriented content (with almost all the 'universal' content being Fed-biased with a KDF wrapper), and other issues that we constantly 'whine' about and see little to nothing done to address them.

    But we're just 'whiners', and should just be eliminated from the game entirely. Right. Just because we're not silently standing by. Good thing people like you don't get to make decisions.

    Ok, on your first section, heck, I could agree with that in aheartbeat (probably faster that that, actually).
    The second., drives home what I said earlier. KDF screams for more, they are given more, from Fed equipment tacks, in trade for what the Feds got from the KDF. Then you scream,"It's JUNK!". Well, too bad. Fed has almost no unique consoles anymore to give anyway. So guess what, we're about even on that, and with what you screamed, you lost any & all sympathy from me. As in, again, you don't want to give a single thing up, but you want the Feds to do so. And I hope the Aceton Assim get's "peddled off" soon, just to make you scream louder.
    On another post, someone said "No matter how soft or well-spoken us KDF are on our suggestions, and complaints, we're always insulted right off the bat" (paraphrasing here btw). Well, the guy I quoted may be the reason why. Soft & well-spoken lasted for all of 1 sentence, then he's insulting Feds.
    Now, yet another person, said something along the lines of, "Hey, everybody should be glad of new content released, no matter what faction it's for." I could agree with that. If I kept seeing KDF-prime players, saying, " Cool, that you guys got that, here's kind of our wishlist for our faction, too." Guess what, I'd probably peruse it (as a Fed-prime), and pick out the one's I'd imagine would be the most fun and/or useful and well-concieved, and try to put my support openly for it.
    But, as it stands, us Fed-primes get told "Suck it up, and you're stuff sucks, so we shouldn't give you anything, but oh, us KDF have been sooooo neglected." Hmmm, how much support and sympathy do you think that's going to generate from ANY reasonable person? And it sure as hell makes me not want to support any KDF-player's wants. As it is, I envision my "KDF" characters, as basically just using resources from the Klingon Empire, to further their own personal aims, the Empire be damned.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jellico1 wrote: »
    How do you Flank a shield ?

    How do you flank armor ?

    This is a stupid mechanic from king arthur's time.................Blaaaaaaaaa

    Another great reason for all fed cruisers to avoid the Fed/Klink pvp Que's all Feds for that matter

    This is a negative move that will not encourage crossfaction pvp at all It will hurt it

    The Mog class battlecruiser has averger stats ! its the lifer ship with updated warp nacells and a slightly differnt nose.

    who ever makes these designs needs to watch some star trek theses designs are horrible and ulgy

    My klingon characters are not impressed even a little

    At least "flanking" (darnit, I always write "flaking" and then correct it half a second later) is somewhat based in canon. In the TNG episode "Preemptive Strike" Ro sneaks through the shields of the Enterprise right at the rear where the exhaust from the impulse engines weakens the shields. Assuming Raiders are the ships quick and agile enough to exploit it that one is some 30+% plausible at least.;) As far as armor is concerned...yeah that one is pretty weird.:confused: Wouldn't mind if it didn't affect that one.
  • redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I dont normally put mine in a kettle??? Does one just stand around it and breathe?

    LoL! :P You so awesome! :D

  • vacuum0diagramvacuum0diagram Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    After all of the complaints and arguments, I for one would like to have a ship capture mission tree. If you buy a ship in the c-store you should be given access to a ship capture mission tree that lets you use the ship with any faction. If you buy the avenger, your KDF toon should be allowed to use it if they can complete a ship capture mission. Same for every faction. And not some easy one mission deal, I mean a series of missions. This will allow all ships to be had by anyone that can complete the missions. More sales for STO , game mechanics shared by type of ship used.
  • redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    nightken wrote: »
    most wouldn't care but so much about feds getting something of their own. the problem is feds get EVERYTHING they have nothing of their own because except for very few things no one does.

    Nothing of our own? How about the Kumari with five forward weapons and five tac consoles?
    nightken wrote: »
    so far even the new thing for raiders whats the first thing that happens? new free ship that everyone gets meaning feds can get it before it's even added to the bops, plus it a better version of it. compare that to say the cruiser commands one meant for everyone? first ship to get the avenger a fed ship.

    not saying good or bad but you can start to see a pattern not even gettiing into other similar patterns. it starts to rub one the wrong way after a while. I'm not going to argue the merits of this kdf ship vs that fed ship. I haven't used most of them, so i just don't know but I thought this may help you understand the point of view.

    Yes, EVERYONE can get the new ship. EVERYONE includes KDF and Romulans. Why are you QQing about being able to get a free ship? As for the free ship being better, well it doesn't have a battle cloak so I'd have to disagree with you one that one.

  • redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    talonxv wrote: »
    Wow all this nastiness over one small change. Good grief.

    +1 in agreement! :D

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