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New Raider Mechanics...Lookin' good, but be careful.



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    wintiemintiewintiemintie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Unique things for Fed?

    What, you got tired of your Andorian Escorts, Avenger Battlecruisers, Vesta Reconnaissance Vessels, Runabout-class hanger pets, "super-healer" Galaxy/Star Cruisers, Armitage HECs, 5 tactical console Defiants/Prommys, and last and not least, massive amount of extra content that KDF doesn't have?

    Devil's Advocate, but including Avenger technically doesn't count anymore.
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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    My opinions agree with mirrorshatners.

    Feds do not need a unique game mechnaic. Why? Because they already have SO many ships, SO much gear, and SO many advantages that it isn't funny. Where is the KDF 5-fore-weapon escort? Where is the KDF carrier-science-vessel? Where is the KDF 5-fore 3-aft Battlecruiser?

    Can I remind the cry-baby Feds that carriers, flight-deck carriers, and Battlecruisers were OUR (KDF) mechanics, yet the Feds took all three. The Feds now have the Atrox, they have the Armitage/Vesta, and they have the Avenger. The KDF have "nothing" unique to them whatsoever anymore, as the Federation has been given EVERY advantage the KDF has, and then some. This new Raider mechanic *finally* gives the KDF a single edge to hold against both the Federation AND the Romulans. Its pretty much the *only* edge the KDF gets, but its an edge nonetheless, and I will be *very*, *very* upset with Cryptic if it is given to the Federation outside of the Plesh Brek.

    As for the Federation console-less cloak...the day Cryptic gives the Federation an inbuilt cloak is the day I take my several thousand dollar gaming budget to the competition. A Federation Cloak is not even canon outside of the Defiant and the Galaxy X, and in canon, these cloaks are inferior to those of the Romulans. Giving the cloak to the Avenger was pushing it; giving inbuilt, consoleless cloaks to any of these three (particularly the Defiant, who has the most to gain from an inbuilt cloak) would be un-canon and unfair.

    KDF players have *no* problem with the new Raider mechanic. Romualans (for the most part) don't have a major problem with it, either, as it simply gives the KDF a similuar edge to the one Romulans have enjoyed since that factions release. The only player group that has a major problem with the new mechanic is, of course, the Federation, who seems to think they are entitled to every single new advantage in STO.

    I'm glad to here the Romulans/Fed won't be getting this new mechanic, and props to Cryptic for throwing it out there. I'll be gearing up my BoPs ASAP :D

    Ummm, on the first, it's called a "Vo'Quv" Or at least the MU version is a sci carrier for the KDF side. Sheesh, you want everything the Fed-side players get, but you don't want to give up anything the KDF-side players get, to the Feds. That's strikes me as hypocritical, and "ME MEMEMEMEMEME ME!!!!"
    And of course you're not upset about only the KDF getting the "raider mechanic", but buy, if FED escorts only had been given it, you sure would be screaming your head off about it. Talk about being a hypocrite. Sheesh.
    Now granted, I talked to a couple KDF-primary players that have been here for a long time, as I'm just coming up on my first year of playing here. And I can see a tiny bit of the frustration. But it seems like most KDF "whiners", want all the toys, and none of the depth that could be. Heck, If it was me, I'd be wanting maybe, oh, let's say, more story missions, more options for the races of the KDF to be "unique", I guess would be the term, as in, Orions would probably not be running around saying Q'apla to everyone, same with the Gorn & Naausicaans, etc etc. Maybe have an option to make new houses, (sort of like fleets, but without the inherent "grind" to up their holdings, more of an association), etc etc. I mean, the possibilities are there to make the KDF side nice and unique,. the Fed nice and unique, and the RRW nice an unique, all without moaning and crying about "OMG, Feds get everything, we get nothing!" But it's the shinies, most often, that I hear cried about. Which is just (pardon the pun), a crying shame.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I still agree with mirrorshatner, and torvinecho. KDF used to have a lot more unique mechanics, and Feds have taken pretty much all of them except for the ship specific consoles.
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    torvinecho25torvinecho25 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Ummm, on the first, it's called a "Vo'Quv" Or at least the MU version is a sci carrier for the KDF side. Sheesh, you want everything the Fed-side players get, but you don't want to give up anything the KDF-side players get, to the Feds. That's strikes me as hypocritical, and "ME MEMEMEMEMEME ME!!!!"
    Now granted, I talked to a couple KDF-primary players that have been here for a long time, as I'm just coming up on my first year of playing here. And I can see a tiny bit of the frustration. But it seems like most KDF "whiners", want all the toys, and none of the depth that could be. Heck, If it was me, I'd be wanting maybe, oh, let's say, more story missions, more options for the races of the KDF to be "unique", I guess would be the term, as in, Orions would probably not be running around saying Q'apla to everyone, same with the Gorn & Naausicaans, etc etc. Maybe have an option to make new houses, (sort of like fleets, but without the inherent "grind" to up their holdings, more of an association), etc etc. I mean, the possibilities are there to make the KDF side nice and unique,. the Fed nice and unique, and the RRW nice an unique, all without moaning and crying about "OMG, Feds get everything, we get nothing!" But it's the shinies, most often, that I hear cried about. Which is just (pardon the pun), a crying shame.

    Vo'Quv is no longer an advantage for the KDF, not with the release of the Obelisk.
    All factions get free carriers, doesn't make a difference anymore.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Unique things for Fed?

    What, you got tired of your Andorian Escorts, Avenger Battlecruisers, Vesta Reconnaissance Vessels, Runabout-class hanger pets, "super-healer" Galaxy/Star Cruisers, Armitage HECs, 5 tactical console Defiants/Prommys, and last and not least, massive amount of extra content that KDF doesn't have?

    Avenger = Mogh
    Vesta has no counterpart, but neither do BoPs
    Runabout on a paid ship < Frigate Pets on a free one
    Super Healer Cruisers - Kamarag, Mirror Vor'cha, Negh'var, Bortasqu

    So basically that leaves superior escorts vs superior Battle and Flight-Deck cruisers.

    And does anyone actually CARE about the difference of a couple of story missions, given how quickly we all reach 50 and proceed to ignore them all?
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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm sure you could come up with the right analogy.

    As far as increasing uniqueness, supposedly the Federation with all their science ships. The problem being is that Science ships are subpar.

    Considering Cruisers got their buff and the Raider class got this one, a Science ship improvement should be in the queue somewhere.

    Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing ALL the classes (and ALL the ship types & sub-types) get a re-work, not necessarily to make them balanced, as one persons balance can be another's whine-fest, but to make all of them:
    c>Usable ( a little bit different from b)
    d>let me re-iterate a FUN!
    e> unique to an extent. Like an Excelsior class should be able to do somethings, other cruisers can't, (or insert any particular cruise class for the prev). Or xxxx escort vs any other escorts, etc etc etc. (Basically just pick a ship class, and ship type. Insert those into the prev sentences, and I hope you see what I'm aiming at) Same with the captain & boff classes. If a power/skill is under-powered, check to see what can be done to bring it to a nice viable level. If it's over-powered, bring it down some. And not necessarily in response to a few people whining about it, but some good hard testing, both internally, and through tribble. If you get 1000 responses, out of 2000 people playing something, saying something's wrong with x skill, or piece of equipment, etc, there's probably something wrong with it. Needs a good look at
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Unique things for Fed?

    What, you got tired of your Andorian Escorts, Avenger Battlecruisers, Vesta Reconnaissance Vessels, Runabout-class hanger pets, "super-healer" Galaxy/Star Cruisers, Armitage HECs, 5 tactical console Defiants/Prommys, and last and not least, massive amount of extra content that KDF doesn't have?

    Ummm, let me see, out of all those things you name, I have none of them. Closest I have is the MU Star Cruiser, but haven't used it yet. I primarily run Fleet Excfelsiors, MU Patrol Escort, and for a long time ran a MU Assault cruiser.
    KDF side, I run a MU Vo'Quv (which by the way, could classify as a "super-healer" carrier), and now on my first Orion gal, I run a MU Vor'Cha (which is pretty much a battle cruiser)
    So what, out of your list, do I have to be tired of?
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Lol, 3/4's of the KDF's get a cloaking device, only 3 Fed get one. And you call that fair? Not to be argumentative, BUT I don't think BoP's should get any boost at all. You choose to use one, you know what you're getting before you start. Personally, I think either cruisers (and sci ships to a lesser extent), should get a little more hull & shield power, OR escorts (and yes, that includes raiders, BoP's, and anything else you could classify as an escort type), should get their hull and/or shields dropped a bit more than they are, across the board.:cool:

    Federation only has Cloaks thanks to the generosity of the Romulans.

    The Federation is PROHIBITED from developing cloaking technology which the Federation is still holding to despite the fact that the Romulan empire that signed it has been wiped out.

    Now from a development/writing standpoint. Gene didn't want the Federation, the "good guys" sneaking around.

    He wanted Federation captains to be the hero ont he white horse. Everyone sees them and everyone knows they mean business.
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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I still agree with mirrorshatner, and torvinecho. KDF used to have a lot more unique mechanics, and Feds have taken pretty much all of them except for the ship specific consoles.

    And I still ask, what are you willing to give up, to allow the Feds (and the RRW) each to be unique? Hmmm? Because everytime the KDF has to give up something, most whine like a 6 month old. But when the Feds have to give up something, the KDF response is either "Oh, suck it up", or "It wasn't worth it anyway!"
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    How about . . . GIVE THE FEDS NOTHING!!!

    . . . or maybe a lump of coal to sit on and fume over for a couple of weeks. Dont worry, after everyone is done huffing and puffing Im sure it will become a friggin diamond!

    I'm happy the KDF is getting some love. Feds have our 'faction exclusive' carriers, a 5 fore weapon ship, a cloak (which you really shouldnt have at all) and now you have access to another 'faction exclusive' raider class that has a higher flank bonus than the KDF side, 5 tact consoles AND an extra Boff station over the BoPs. And its still not enough?! *sigh*

    This TRIBBLE makes me want to randomly fire on every Federation Toon I see.

    I'm primarily a Fed player.

    The only thing I want is reduced Red Alert time on Escorts. I think that would be fair.
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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    foundrelic wrote: »
    Federation only has Cloaks thanks to the generosity of the Romulans.

    The Federation is PROHIBITED from developing cloaking technology which the Federation is still holding to despite the fact that the Romulan empire that signed it has been wiped out.

    Now from a development/writing standpoint. Gene didn't want the Federation, the "good guys" sneaking around.

    He wanted Federation captains to be the hero ont he white horse. Everyone sees them and everyone knows they mean business.

    Part A, I'd pretty much say, in-line to this thread, along with all the BoP buffing comments, that if BoP's get buffed, then ALL Fed ships need to have built-in cloaks.

    Part B, pretty much, the original intent, that you stated, is the same (or close enough), to what I've read about Gene roddenberry's conception of TOS Federation.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Vo'Quv is no longer an advantage for the KDF, not with the release of the Obelisk.
    All factions get free carriers, doesn't make a difference anymore.

    Lol, the obelisk is a joke, compared to the MU Vo'Quv, at least from what I've seen. In any STF I've been in, that had anyone flying an Obelisk, they ALWAYS get hammered, and explode at least twice an STF. (Whether that's just new players, not setting it up right, or not, I don't know), but the amount of them I've seen, I'd bet against that. And while my Vo'Quv is slower than frozen molasses going uphill, it takes a HUGE amount of punishment, even more than my FedEng running on my Fleet Excelsior can take.
    And personally, I keep seeing "KDF should get advantages over everyone." I don't see anyone KDF side (or at least the whiners), saying "Hey we want advantages, but we want the others to get advantages too, just different ones" ie, you want to have all the toys, but don't feel anyone else deserves to get any.
    I normally, would love to see any of the factions getting something, whether it's Fed, RRW, or KDF. But with the amount of whining & crying going on, I honestly feel that the KDF deserves to get little or nothing, anymore. They want to cry about things, then let them continue crying, and getting nothing. The rare few KDF'ers I see, around in-game, or here on the forums, that at least try to be "Hey, we'd like something, we'd like to be unique. But we also like to see other factions getting stuff, to be unique as well", THOSE few I can at least respect.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I main the Mirror Vo'quv on one character and it's....... okay.

    An dassit. It's okay.
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The Avenger (which was a surprise to everyone)? We've all seen the leaks about the Mogh now, right, with everything the Avenger can do plus built-in cloaking?
    Devil's Advocate, but including Avenger technically doesn't count anymore.
    Avenger = Mogh

    What is this Mogh that everyone is talking about? Links?
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    xablisxablis Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    snip, snip, and more snipping.

    I've been around since beta and have seen what little the kdf had given bit by bit to the feds without seeing anything coming back. First we were told at launch that within 3 months there would be a full kdf faction complete with unique kdf content, that didn't happen. Then we saw the fed whining about BOP's being OP, so cannons got nerfed and fed escorts got major hull boosts. But that wasn't enough, BOP's were still ruling in pvp, so they created fed vs fed pvp queues to help things out. When we finally saw a new kdf ship added to the c-store it was the garumba for $25.00, which had to enter a specialized firing mode to use it's "special" javelin attack, supposedly to counter the Gal-X's lance, which doesn't need a special firing mode and can hit twice in one attack. Skip ahead a couple of years to the various c-store ships with specialized consoles, one by one everything that kdf players had access to by buying ships (except for the aceton assimilator if i am up to date on things) became available to the feds via lockboxes, so why would fed players create a kdf toon when they could just open a lockbox or buy the console from the exchange, thus killing off even more of the potential kdf players, and thus encouraging Cryptic's already rote response to the question of "why develop more content for just a tiny percentage of the player base?", because there is no money to be made from the kdf players.

    You pointed out that you've not been playing STO for very long, maybe now you will understand why it seems to you that KDF players seem to be whining too much for your taste.
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    foundrelic wrote: »
    Federation only has Cloaks thanks to the generosity of the Romulans.

    The Federation is PROHIBITED from developing cloaking technology which the Federation is still holding to despite the fact that the Romulan empire that signed it has been wiped out.

    Now from a development/writing standpoint. Gene didn't want the Federation, the "good guys" sneaking around.

    He wanted Federation captains to be the hero ont he white horse. Everyone sees them and everyone knows they mean business.

    Well thanks to the fall of the romulan empire the federation isn't really bound by the treaty anymore and besides they kinda started a mini war with the feds KDF and rrw which automatically nullifies treaties.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    xablis wrote: »
    I've been around since beta and have seen what little the kdf had given bit by bit to the feds without seeing anything coming back. First we were told at launch that within 3 months there would be a full kdf faction complete with unique kdf content, that didn't happen. Then we saw the fed whining about BOP's being OP, so cannons got nerfed and fed escorts got major hull boosts. But that wasn't enough, BOP's were still ruling in pvp, so they created fed vs fed pvp queues to help things out. When we finally saw a new kdf ship added to the c-store it was the garumba for $25.00, which had to enter a specialized firing mode to use it's "special" javelin attack, supposedly to counter the Gal-X's lance, which doesn't need a special firing mode and can hit twice in one attack. Skip ahead a couple of years to the various c-store ships with specialized consoles, one by one everything that kdf players had access to by buying ships (except for the aceton assimilator if i am up to date on things) became available to the feds via lockboxes, so why would fed players create a kdf toon when they could just open a lockbox or buy the console from the exchange, thus killing off even more of the potential kdf players, and thus encouraging Cryptic's already rote response to the question of "why develop more content for just a tiny percentage of the player base?", because there is no money to be made from the kdf players.

    You pointed out that you've not been playing STO for very long, maybe now you will understand why it seems to you that KDF players seem to be whining too much for your taste.
    The guramba is easily superior to the gal X so that's a terrible comparison and the feds never had much to give back to the KDF any and what cannon Nerf?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    terongrayterongray Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Pretty much all of this has been more victim complex Klinkers preaching their need to be special snowflakes again, how quaint. I suppose it's at least cathartic.

    The Aquarius is classed as a destroyer, but it has the stats of a Raider. This one Starfleet vessel should receive the flanking bonus to remain competitive with the BoPs it compares too, especially when you factor in its lack of cloaking.

    I have no doubts Red-Rage will be thrown at this fact. But it is what it is. Call it what it is, but for the sake of balance this vessel, which is truly underpowered compared to BoPs, needs it.

    (Also, Gal-X versus Garumba. The latter can bring its weapon to bear more easily, and misses far less often. The Phased Lance is a joke.)
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    What is this Mogh that everyone is talking about? Links?

    Do a search for it, there's a couple of threads. With today's patch, Cryptic accidentally added the Fleet Mogh Battlecruiser to the fleet shipyard (not buyable, but you can see the appearance and stats). Its identical stats to the Fleet Avenger, plus a cloak and larger crew complement, no tradeoffs.

    Hmm just did a search myself, looks like the relevant threads have been removed. Can't blame them I suppose, particularly since its not yet the finished product. Still, we know its in the pipe now.
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Do a search for it, there's a couple of threads. With today's patch, Cryptic accidentally added the Fleet Mogh Battlecruiser to the fleet shipyard (not buyable, but you can see the appearance and stats). Its identical stats to the Fleet Avenger, plus a cloak and larger crew complement, no tradeoffs.

    Hmm just did a search myself, looks like the relevant threads have been removed. Can't blame them I suppose, particularly since its not yet the finished product. Still, we know its in the pipe now.

    Does it have to be holodeck or tribble?
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Does it have to be holodeck or tribble?

    Holodeck, looking at it in another window right now. (Wish I wasn't though, god what an ugly ship, almost as bad as the Avenger)

    Aside, curious as to the name though, given J'mpok's animosity to Worf and that the House Of Mogh was dissolved a generation ago. Named for a different Mogh, maybe.
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Holodeck, looking at it in another window right now. (Wish I wasn't though, god what an ugly ship, almost as bad as the Avenger)

    Aside, curious as to the name though, given J'mpok's animosity to Worf and that the House Of Mogh was dissolved a generation ago. Named for a different Mogh, maybe.

    Ya, looking at it too. It looks like all the worst parts of the Negh'var, Bortasqu, and penguin ship (KDF lifetime-sub ship) put together. It has the Avenger's nice stats, but with those kinds of looks, i predict bad sales. KDF can say hello to another 2+ years without ships after this one. Though i hope I'll be wrong.
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Looks no worse than the Avenger and I think its an excellent vessel. A true modern era Battle Cruiser.
    They'll get my money for it.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hmmmm. I wish I had a way of seeing it.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Ya, looking at it too. It looks like all the worst parts of the Negh'var, Bortasqu, and penguin ship (KDF lifetime-sub ship) put together. It has the Avenger's nice stats, but with those kinds of looks, i predict bad sales. KDF can say hello to another 2+ years without ships after this one. Though i hope I'll be wrong.

    I'm certainly passing on it. Spent too much on my Tor'kaht already, and I'm not flushing it away, plus $30 more, for that thing. Honestly the only balanced KDF ship I think I'd hit the zen store for at this point is if they did a Raptor with a LtCmdr Sci and Ens Uni. Anything else, stuff I have access too already works just fine (better than the alternatives, in many cases).
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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Ya, looking at it too. It looks like all the worst parts of the Negh'var, Bortasqu, and penguin ship (KDF lifetime-sub ship) put together. It has the Avenger's nice stats, but with those kinds of looks, i predict bad sales. KDF can say hello to another 2+ years without ships after this one. Though i hope I'll be wrong.

    People called the Avenger the ugliest thing in STO, and it sold....and KDF ships canon, and non canon are pretty ugly in general.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    People called the Avenger the ugliest thing in STO, and it sold....and KDF ships canon, and non canon are pretty ugly in general.

    Even the canon ships are pretty ugly. :P
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    When I finally get around to obtaining an avenger I'll probably get a mogh as well.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm certainly passing on it. Spent too much on my Tor'kaht already, and I'm not flushing it away, plus $30 more, for that thing. Honestly the only balanced KDF ship I think I'd hit the zen store for at this point is if they did a Raptor with a LtCmdr Sci and Ens Uni. Anything else, stuff I have access too already works just fine (better than the alternatives, in many cases).
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    People called the Avenger the ugliest thing in STO, and it sold....and KDF ships canon, and non canon are pretty ugly in general.

    Honestly, I'll buy it, only in the hope that if enough people buy it we may get ships in the future. I may also tell my fleet-mates that its worth the buy, but i'll probably never fly it myself.
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    madmoparmadmopar Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Ya, looking at it too. It looks like all the worst parts of the Negh'var, Bortasqu, and penguin ship (KDF lifetime-sub ship) put together. It has the Avenger's nice stats, but with those kinds of looks, i predict bad sales. KDF can say hello to another 2+ years without ships after this one. Though i hope I'll be wrong.

    They got my money the moment it's released. It looks like a brutal warship, I love the design. Klingon ships aren't supposed to look like space cruise liners or pretty birdies.
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