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Federation Cloaking Device Refit



  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited December 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    I think you've hit the nail on the head here.

    Any amount of story parsing is one thing, but game balance has to rule.

    Feds get lots of decent science ships, thus encouraging fed sci captains with all their lovely anti-cloak possibilities.

    Klingons get lots of cloaks, but few science ships. Encouraging tacs and hit/run specialists

    Romulans get awesome cloaks, but much less power to allocate to subsystems.

    Basically its rock/phaser/scissors.

    The Romulan -10 to 4 subsystems is nothing i have 3 kdf and 3 Fed romulans this -40 power is countered by plasmonic leach and Aux to bat to give any romulan jut as much power as any fed or klink

    klingons get 50% bonus damage now thanks to the pirate BO trait

    The Romulans get the super OP 11.5% crit chance BASE...KDF 0 Fed 0 we have to buy 4% at a HUGE cost

    The Feds have their nerfed repair rate which is a joke compared to the Rommies and klink's from bridge officers space powers

    Then the Salt in the wound is Fleet wide cloaking devices klingon and battle cloaks Rommie and now flanking damage as well ? please............

    I dont see any equality here
    1 Romulan
    2 klngon
    3 Fed

    dont bother with 2 and 3 just make a Rommie

    There is no game balence at all
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jellico1 wrote: »

    The Romulan -10 to 4 subsystems is nothing i have 3 kdf and 3 Fed romulans this -40 power is countered by plasmonic leach and Aux to bat to give any romulan jut as much power as any fed or klink

    klingons get 50% bonus damage now thanks to the pirate BO trait

    The Romulans get the super OP 11.5% crit chance BASE...KDF 0 Fed 0 we have to buy 4% at a HUGE cost

    The Feds have their nerfed repair rate which is a joke compared to the Rommies and klink's from bridge officers space powers

    Then the Salt in the wound is Fleet wide cloaking devices klingon and battle cloaks Rommie and now flanking damage as well ? please............

    I dont see any equality here
    1 Romulan
    2 klngon
    3 Fed

    dont bother with 2 and 3 just make a Rommie

    There is no game balence at all

    I'm not a big smart math guy but I'm fairly sure I would have noted the large dmg increase if pirate did 50%...

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This still going on?? :eek:

    Wow, I better go and buy myself a new umbrella cause this thursday when the Mogh comes it will be pouring tears! :P
  • urniv821urniv821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    see? this is what happens if cryptic do any single little thing for the kdf. page upon page of feddie QQ.

    ^^ agreed. They are a sad bunch, little feddies. lol. want want want, gimme gimme gimme :D

    The spoiled kids that want even more... reminds me of my sister lol
    Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
  • urniv821urniv821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Your sister? Who is writing anyway? Ah...I see...one of the little scared girls always cloaking...Lol!
    Enjoy your battle and enhanced cloaks, evuls, and also your OP new battle cruiser...it doesn't matter for a skilled Fed.
    When you bad guys fight a smart Fed you have to face your atrocious destiny...the hell of Gre'thor or the even worse living hell of Rura Penthe.:D

    Lol, I dont even use battle cloak sir. Try again. :D
    Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
  • urniv821urniv821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Then I suppose you use the awesome enhanced battle cloak of your B'rel...eh eh...;)

    lol, please keep assuming. It's making you look great. :D
    Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    urniv821 wrote: »
    ^^ agreed. They are a sad bunch, little kdf'ers. lol. want want want, gimme gimme gimme :D

    The spoiled kids that want even more... reminds me of my sister lol

    There, edited that to read correctly for ya!
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • terongrayterongray Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Advisory: Don't pander the Klinkuns that are just here to cause trouble.

    Getting back on topic, the grand total of three(3) Starfleet vessels which can cloak, and are forced to do so via a console, are starting to suffer for it with the continuous level of power creep. Mk XII Fleet consoles are a real step above what we've had for years, making the use of universals far more critical in selection. The obligation of a console to unlock what should be an innate ability, is becoming a hindrance.

    With the Mogh on the horizon, it could very well set a new standard for cloaking vessels if that brief glimpse was accurate. If it does prove to be the Avenger and then some, that means the old 'standard of balance' for cloaking as it has been perceived, is null. And that all the older cloaking ships, Red and Blue, should be reviewed and the underpowered ones adjusted. At the very least those which cost real money.
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    And this thread is why the KDF can't have nice things... or things at all actually.
  • bryliggbryligg Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I see the problem here.

    No one is saying feds NEED a cloak. You're absolutely right, the core mechanics for the feds assume that they do not have a cloaking device and balance occurs without one. If the cloaking console simply ceased to exist, there would be no imbalance.

    The issue addressed by this thread is that Cryptic gave the feds a cloaking console, which requires much more of a combat-capability sacrifice to use than the stat reduction of a kdf ship. What we have proposed is that if fed cloaking is going to be a thing, then it should just be on a couple vessels that are directly stat-comparable to kdf-equivalent ships. These ships are not currently stat-comparable, so we have proposed a corresponding stat nerf to go along with the cloak buff to keep things in-line.
  • rgzarcherrgzarcher Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    That's not fair, that's removing exclusivity. Not the same.

    Mind explaining to me how that works?

    If the Fed players have to pay money to get something every KDF and Romulan player get off the bat, why should every KDF player get another boon for absolutely free, no penalty and no downside?

    A Universal Console to inflect flank damage, obtained from buying a Zen store Raptor, that can then be installed on any Raider class ship.

    Now, given that Federation and Romulans have ZERO Raiders, and that it could only be obtained from buying a KDF ship, how exactly is that removing exclusivity? Make it a Tier 5 Raptor refit, charge $20 for it and it becomes identical to the Federation Cloaking device Universal Console. Only usable on a small number of ships and Cryptic gets money.

    Balanced and profitable.
    "Why all the sales"?

    And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
    -jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
  • terongrayterongray Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bryligg wrote: »
    I see the problem here.

    No one is saying feds NEED a cloak. You're absolutely right, the core mechanics for the feds assume that they do not have a cloaking device and balance occurs without one. If the cloaking console simply ceased to exist, there would be no imbalance.

    The issue addressed by this thread is that Cryptic gave the feds a cloaking console, which requires much more of a combat-capability sacrifice to use than the stat reduction of a kdf ship. What we have proposed is that if fed cloaking is going to be a thing, then it should just be on a couple vessels that are directly stat-comparable to kdf-equivalent ships. These ships are not currently stat-comparable, so we have proposed a corresponding stat nerf to go along with the cloak buff to keep things in-line.

    Or alternatively, buffing up the 'inferior' KDF ships; as I stated before, we will have to wait and see the Mogh, it may break the old mold.
    rgzarcher wrote: »
    Mind explaining to me how that works?

    If the Fed players have to pay money to get something every KDF and Romulan player get off the bat, why should every KDF player get another boon for absolutely free, no penalty and no downside?

    A Universal Console to inflect flank damage, obtained from buying a Zen store Raptor, that can then be installed on any Raider class ship.

    Now, given that Federation and Romulans have ZERO Raiders, and that it could only be obtained from buying a KDF ship, how exactly is that removing exclusivity? Make it a Tier 5 Raptor refit, charge $20 for it and it becomes identical to the Federation Cloaking device Universal Console. Only usable on a small number of ships and Cryptic gets money.

    Balanced and profitable.

    In theorem, yes, it would be similar. But that's not exactly on topic with Fed Cloaking I'm afraid.
    zipagat wrote: »
    And this thread is why the KDF can't have nice things... or things at all actually.

    Misconstruing the thread. Nothing would be removed from KDF, and some posts even proposed KDF ships being tweaked in a positive manner as well.
  • bryliggbryligg Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The exclusivity was removed the day the feds got a cloak-capable ship. Now we're just trying to balance it.

    terongray wrote: »
    Or alternatively, buffing up the 'inferior' KDF ships; as I stated before, we will have to wait and see the Mogh, it may break the old mold.

    Well that'd take more work for the devs than just messing with 5 ships, but if you're going to remove the inherent stat penalties for cloaking on kdf ships and give them ships that work fine independently from a cloak, then make their cloak a console as well. Same as the independently-fine fed ships. All that really needs to happen is for it to be the same on both sides for the same function.

    Though to be honest, I don't think it'd be fair to the kdf for them to have to worry about now needing to make room for a console for the ability they've already built their tactics around.
  • terongrayterongray Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The battlecruisers are relatively fine, KDF's focal point is traditionally the Qin, one would think it'd be less ships to fix than it seems at first glance. And between the raptor and escort, it seems to boil down to the turn rate most of all. The cruiser tiers are just two different breeds between Red and Blue, cloaking or not; and Raiders are a class unto themselves.

    There is also internal balance, which is more concerning Federation. The Defiant is balanced to its respective sister escorts in Starfleet; reducing its stats would make it inferior to its kin, cloak innate or not. KDF doesn't have that problem.

    Again, I feel, we have to wait and see the Mogh. If it turns out to be an Avenger-Plus, we have a whole new can of worms to factor in.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    terongray wrote: »
    With the Mogh on the horizon, it could very well set a new standard for cloaking vessels if that brief glimpse was accurate. If it does prove to be the Avenger and then some, that means the old 'standard of balance' for cloaking as it has been perceived, is null. And that all the older cloaking ships, Red and Blue, should be reviewed and the underpowered ones adjusted. At the very least those which cost real money.

    And so, even earlier than anticipated - it begins! *opens umbrella*
  • bryliggbryligg Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    terongray wrote: »
    There is also internal balance, which is more concerning Federation. The Defiant is balanced to its respective sister escorts in Starfleet; reducing its stats would make it inferior to its kin, cloak innate or not. KDF doesn't have that problem.

    That's a good point. However, it seems the Federation already has too many escorts with not enough differentiation, and a cloak-capable one would help with that. Maybe change the Patrol Escort into the old no-cloak Defiant and make the Defiant basically a raptor. Might TRIBBLE off a few folks who already spent their money, but it adds to the richness of the game overall.

    And before anyone gets mad, yes it's only adding variety to the fed-side. We know the kdf lacks for new ships. This is just about the internal differentiation of escorts.
  • terongrayterongray Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Unfortunately therein lies the problem, the Defiant Retro family are purchased vessels unlike its Red counterpart. People don't take well to the ships they've spent money on being reduced in any way, so the backlash would be resounding. Which is why in the contrast between those two, really it would have to be the Qin boosted; or else you risk devaluing someone else's investment.
  • urniv821urniv821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    There, edited that to read correctly for ya!

    bzzt wrong, keep trying though.
    Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
  • bryliggbryligg Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You could do a turn-in type of project where if you were more adamant about the stats than the cloak you could trade your fleet Defiant for the new fleet Pat. Folks who bought the c-store defiant only did it for the cloak, but you could still give them something equivalent.
  • terongrayterongray Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Possibly, but isn't the Fleet Patrol the flex escort now, and the Fleet Escort the Engi leaning one? Again, that balance already woven into the Fed Ship line. You'd start having to shuffle all the Blue escorts around.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    zipagat wrote: »
    And this thread is why the KDF can't have nice things... or things at all actually.

    Its ridge envy, pure and simple. The average fed cant stand not being the top of the Targ pile in all things so they must connive and debate their way into convincing themselves that they are poorly designed as a faction with subpar choices in anything that doesnt fdraw the envy of others while pratically broadcasting their greatness for all tonsee.

    Its really kinda sad if you think about it. So many feds have died to the attacks of KDF vessels that they have a neurosis about it and still blaim the cloak as the OP difference maker.
    Kinda makes cannonical sense if you think on it. They where the last of the star fairing important races. I mean vulcans, romulans and even Klingons where already in space by the time they stumbled onto warp drive. I'd feel like the child at the grown up table too, crying for everything I thought could make me sit taller and see everyone on eye level.

    Balance smalance, its envy of an ability they think makes the difference in a fight.
    Seriuosly ask any competant Defiant pilot if that Battle cloaking BoP had a chance in a sustained dog fight. Afterall there is a reason why BoPs do hit-n-run attacks while a Defiant can loiter in combat almost at will, and it aint because the BoP can cut and run.

    Pity them because we evidently spanked to hard in the old days and such a beating makes for poor sports and childish outlooks.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • terongrayterongray Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Sometimes I think Roach is a real Klingun...:eek:
    Envy? Lol...maybe...for example when I see the Thissler videos...no Defiant pilot can do that and guess why?:P

    Well, that's nover-tuned BoP there, pretty different from a Defiant. I tend to not worry about those 'elite' pvper ego flicks, it's cut-and-pasting their best moments, often of the oft-repeated decloak alpha. Viewing those get's kinda boring after a while.
  • mwhitakermwhitaker Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yup. Saw this coming. Friggin s**tstorm every time. STO Forums Rule #1: never ask for a Federation Battle Cloak. That simple. You already get plenty of goodies to elicit our Klingon tears, so stop whining that your Federation starships, which initially had a lend-leased Romulan cloak, don't get to disapoof in the middle of combat. If battle cloak means that much to you, go play a real Romulan or a BoP.
    "The Borg - party-poopers of the galaxy" ~ The Doctor
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Battle Cloaked BoP's don't stand a chance against my GALAXY-X.

    You can quit your whining now feddies.
  • bryliggbryligg Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mwhitaker wrote: »
    STO Forums Rule #1: never ask for a Federation Battle Cloak.

    Nobody's asking for a battlecloak. We're asking for a slight retuning of the existing fed cloak.
  • terongrayterongray Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    People keep claiming 'feddy whine and tears', but it's a legitimate concern that will likely come to a head of the Mogh releases with the stats that were glimpsed when the Fleet version was viewable in game. The new generation of Fleet consoles have already smashed those molds into rubble; which makes the cloak console a tentative selection. If the old 'balance system' is thrown out of the window with the next generation of ships, then it's time to look back and reexamine everything.
    mwhitaker wrote: »
    STO Forums Rule #1: never ask for a Federation Battle Cloak.

    Better worded as never ask for Starfleet improvements in Federation forums, without expecting the angry Klinkuns barging in and waving their torches and bat'leths around. :rolleyes:
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Its ridge envy, pure and simple. The average fed cant stand not being the top of the Targ pile in all things so they must connive and debate their way into convincing themselves that they are poorly designed as a faction with subpar choices in anything that doesnt fdraw the envy of others while pratically broadcasting their greatness for all tonsee.

    Its really kinda sad if you think about it. So many feds have died to the attacks of KDF vessels that they have a neurosis about it and still blaim the cloak as the OP difference maker.
    Kinda makes cannonical sense if you think on it. They where the last of the star fairing important races. I mean vulcans, romulans and even Klingons where already in space by the time they stumbled onto warp drive. I'd feel like the child at the grown up table too, crying for everything I thought could make me sit taller and see everyone on eye level.

    Balance smalance, its envy of an ability they think makes the difference in a fight.
    Seriuosly ask any competant Defiant pilot if that Battle cloaking BoP had a chance in a sustained dog fight. Afterall there is a reason why BoPs do hit-n-run attacks while a Defiant can loiter in combat almost at will, and it aint because the BoP can cut and run.

    Pity them because we evidently spanked to hard in the old days and such a beating makes for poor sports and childish outlooks.

    I prefer to call it Jonathan Archer syndrome since he pretty much embodies this attitude.
  • priestofsin420priestofsin420 Member Posts: 419
    edited December 2013
    With the new klink battlecruiser being a clone of the avenger with a different console, I think that it's time to rework the fed cloak. I'm not asking for a battle cloak. I'm just asking for it to either become a DEVICE like it says, or at least give me more bang for my buck. If I have to lose a console slot to equip the cloak, at least make it a unique kind of cloak. Perhaps making it drain less shield power, or none at all? I don't know.

    EDIT: Also, if Cryptic follows suit and creates a romulan version (like I'm sure they will), then it will have a battle cloak... making it the "best" version. I don't really like three copies of a ship, and having one of them being better than the rest.
    Sardak (Science Officer): Captain of a 23k DPS R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel, R.R.W. Vathos
    Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler
    Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    With the new klink battlecruiser being a clone of the avenger with a different console, I think that it's time to rework the fed cloak. I'm not asking for a battle cloak. I'm just asking for it to either become a DEVICE like it says, or at least give me more bang for my buck. If I have to lose a console slot to equip the cloak, at least make it a unique kind of cloak. Perhaps making it drain less shield power, or none at all? I don't know.

    EDIT: Also, if Cryptic follows suit and creates a romulan version (like I'm sure they will), then it will have a battle cloak... making it the "best" version. I don't really like three copies of a ship, and having one of them being better than the rest.

    Yeah, that would be a cheesefest right there. And while I like cheese, I don't like it THAT much, LOL. I prefer mozarella anyway, hehe.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    terongray wrote: »
    People keep claiming 'feddy whine and tears', but it's a legitimate concern that will likely come to a head of the Mogh releases with the stats that were glimpsed when the Fleet version was viewable in game. The new generation of Fleet consoles have already smashed those molds into rubble; which makes the cloak console a tentative selection. If the old 'balance system' is thrown out of the window with the next generation of ships, then it's time to look back and reexamine everything.

    Better worded as never ask for Starfleet improvements in Federation forums, without expecting the angry Klinkuns barging in and waving their torches and bat'leths around. :rolleyes:

    Lol, and it's no wonder us Feds can't have nice things......the KDFers whine to try and get them taken away or nerfed. because their precious little BoP's can't stand against any one of our ships, flown by a halfway competent player. :cool::D:cool:
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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