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PWE: Stop Encouraging Sociopaths



  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lordlalo wrote: »
    I've found that more than not, people tend to appreciate the raw honesty. I try to be as non-offensive as possible when laying out experiences or fact, but sometimes there is no easy way to go about doing it than to rip off the bandaid and put the wound in the light.

    To be honest though, my patience has been worn thin by folks who are encouraging this snake to eat itself by repulsing new players. They are the same folks who come back at closing time QQing all over the place about their subs being wasted and this and that when they were the very ones that kept chasing away new players with loads of potential to being with. And did you see the rebuttal while ago to the 4 I got to play STO? To the tune of "Oh well, its good they are going to another game that they like then". This is unacceptable. While I agree that this game can't be fun for everyone, at least attempting to make it more fun for a new player in the name of balance is not unconscionable nor is it unreasonable.

    This game is already "carebear" enough as it is? How much more catering to the lowest common denominator do you want?
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • galadimangaladiman Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lordlalo wrote: »
    A cruiser with an engineering captain with a playstyle of DPS -- you couldn't have given me a more self-centered, self-absorbed, sociopathic play-style if you tried; at least the Vesta can aux-DPS. And many others feel you shouldn't be rewarded for throwing your teammates under the bus either. To each his own. Hopefully Cryptic gets the hint that encouraging sociopaths is the antithesis of a healthy community.

    However, allow me to add, that if others in the team (besides yourself) were doing their jobs, and a meaty ocra escort was kept alive the entire time and spammed all their dps abilities (assuming a proper boff and weapon setup), you couldn't contend -- it is against the game's mechanics. So thereby withholding a heal for that escort gives you more total damage under the current system thereby rewarding you for throwing your teammate under the bus. In a system where this wasn't rewarded or penalized, if it were rewarding for playing as a team, you would find much less reward and would be left behind in your rather self-centered play-style very quickly.

    But, if you like doing all the damage and healing yourself, there are always the episodes and single-player events to play through for rep. I find your play-style rather deplorable that you are rewarded heavy amounts of reputation for doing the exact same thing you do in single-player mode while there are others out there that crave a team environment of being able to depend on another class to get their own jobs done.

    (skipping the loads of responses, I'm sure I'm just adding to a consensus)
    LOL. Judgy much? It's a GAME. I like playing DPS. I PUG. I don't have a group I play with. I'm not terrible, but I'm sure not great - and I don't care. I help when I can. I heal when I realize I can. I have tacs that fly Cruisers, Engineers in escorts, Sci's in either...
    I Need on everything because I'm not rich and I don't care to make those kinds of decisions in combat.

    True, the game is loot-weighted to DPS. Meh. It'd be nice if it were more balanced, but it may be a lot of trouble - but CERTAINLY not the way you describe here, where players are judged if they heal from an escort, or dps from a Sci or a cruiser. Let people play how they WANT to play, in whatever ship they want - how many uber DPSers are Engineers in cruisers? LET THEM DO IT, I'll take one of them on my team over Judgy McStinkypants any day of the week.

    Count Heals the same as DPS, find a way to determine effective control/debuffing and count that equally as dps... or get rid of Need/Greed and make everything completely random, which I'd prefer. And make more Unbound , more Bound to Acct, and less Bound to Character.

    Let people play the game they like to play, the one they pay to play, (or don't pay to play) and if you don't like it, there are plenty of options. Have a terrific day!
    Please reconsider ARC. Please make it optional, at the least. PLEASE.
    It seems the vast majority of your most active players (forum regulars) hate the idea... and while that's a small subset of the playerbase, I think it's an important constituency.
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lordlalo wrote: »
    Kinda funny you mention that, but yes -- when your ship is setup both in boff slots and stats to be a tank and healer, choosing to perform another job because it suits "you" is text-book. As I said, if an escort sets himself up to heal, because it suits "HIM" this is also text-book. The fact is, when your sacrificing -200% group effectiveness from your ship to add +100% "personal" effectiveness while in a pug, well you just hit the nail on the head.

    You DO realize that many people use the same ship to complete both single-player and multiplayer aspects of the game? Using the same equipment & skill setups?
    Oh, wait, that would require you to consider what other people do, instead of being, hmmm, say a sociopath?

    And yes, I'm getting so sick of you calling other people trolls, when most have tried merely to express how they feel about your post. And plenty of it has been fairly well thought-out & presented. But anyone who is against your ideas MUST be a troll & a sociopath, right?

    So instead of blaming everyone else for bad behaviour, why don't you examine YOURS first, and you, yourself, try to be a better person, and a better player. THAT, more than anything, would improve other players' (and likely yours as well) game experience.
    (Oh, and a little tip): Next time you post an idea on the forums, and claim to want others' opinions on it, don't insult EVERYONE who disagrees with you. All that does is
    a> Makes it obvious that you are an intolerant little person,
    b>Even if your idea was right on the money, because of (a), people will not consider it with an open mind.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lordlalo wrote: »
    This is utter BS and you know it. I've been in several fleets before -- every single one of the "good fleets" have activity policies that alienate players with lives. And for the record, I've never been kicked out of a fleet either. While fleets with relaxed activity policies generally have the EXACT PROBLEMS PUGS HAVE.

    The question remains, being you seem to know your fleets fairly well, why are you playing the ignorance card on this?

    I'll call you on the BS card. The fleet I am in, it's "activity policy" is like being on once in 6 months. And if they do kick you for inactivity, they send you a mail, explaining why you were kicked, along with a note attached saying "Mail us when you get back in game, and we'll gladly let you back in, at your previous rank as well".
    So, not all the good fleets have activity policies that punish you for not being able to get on, when they think you should be on.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    No. I'm flying a fleet Excel running beams and carrying my own APB2 and helping the team, or did you miss that part?

    Lol, except for the APB2, that is the same ship I fly on my eng (full assim set/omega wpns set), and my sci (Reman shields only so far)
    Love that damned ship to pieces!!!!!! +1 to you goodsir!:D:D:D
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lordlalo wrote: »
    You don't need your aux jacked up to 130 to keep someone alive. Again, you're being silly and again assuming I haven't played a cruiser/engineer.

    Show me the math. Show me the side-by-side parses. There are parses and debates all over these forums to prove otherwise.

    Your abilities are determined by your boff loadout -- ships do not innately grant an ability with the exception of science ships (well and cruisers now with communication arrays). The power in a ship is the boff layout and that is the point. If you have a Commander of engineering then you're a healer by the game's design, but of course, you could use the bit of sociopathy to distort this to all self-only abilities like aux2bat cheat, EPx, and RSP. But then again who are you benefiting? Your team? Or yourself?

    No, you've assumed three times (maybe more) that this thread is somehow about me. You've also, again from your own writings, assumed that I only play a tacscort being I use it heavily as an example. These are assumptions.

    It doesn't benefit a blind team that has no clue who's going to be their team-mate. It also doesn't benefit a team to only classify drop ranks to dps. It also doesn't benefit a team to encourage players to let dps classes die for doing what they were intended to do. It also doesn't benefit a soul to come here acting like it does -- even yourself in the long-run.

    Which means someone at PWE is paying attention, and this is good -- that is, of course, if you were referring to the group working as a team to keep each other alive and using specific abilities for specific situations that benefit the group in the Dyson content. However, if you are referring to the comment made about players using self-only abilities, no. I've seen team after team epicfail pugs because they all thought they were some ship-ninja in their boat and got clobbered while thinking the could take the content themselves and while everyone else was regrouping (I lol hard at these, sitting back and taking bets on when they will get the hint is most entertaining). Likewise, I've yet to see a team fail that made notable efforts to keep each other alive and filled defined roles, regardless of gear OR experience.

    On your last part, isn't that fitting for a sociopath? To laugh at the misfortune of a teammate?
    And on the Cmdr Eng slot, I MIGHT agree that it's a "healing or repair" slot, IF there were no offensive skills of that rank. However, there is a choice as to which skill to select for it. Now that means IT ISN"T A HEALING SKILL LEVEL. It's all about how the person wants to design their ship.

    Over & Over again, I keep hearing the same whine from you. "PEOPLE AREN'T PLAYING AS I WANT THEM TO. THEIR SHIP AND SKILLS MUST BE WHAT I WANT THEM TO BE." Giess what, it ain't all about you. When you get some intelligence on how to treat others in a social environment, then come talk to me. Til then, because of all the little nastygrams in this thread alone, that you've told of others who have presented their sentiments, ideas, and thoughts, in a reasonable calm manner, and yet, you insist on calling them trolls, I will regard YOU as the troll, flamer, and indeed a leech on the very social fabric of this game, and any others I have the misfortune to meet you in.
    In the words of Red Forman "DUMBA**!!!!"
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    saekiith wrote: »
    Yes you are right! It is good that you finally see this :)

    I am glad you've come to your senses.
    It is always good to see someone change for the better in the face of facts :)

    Thumbs up for that!

    Although I am guessing you simply did not understand or cared about what I have written there...

    Lol, no, I'm sure he didn't. He'll just continue to insult anyone who disagrees with him, and everyone else is the "sociopath" according to him. Go figure, LOL
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    galadiman wrote: »
    (skipping the loads of responses, I'm sure I'm just adding to a consensus)
    LOL. Judgy much? It's a GAME. I like playing DPS. I PUG. I don't have a group I play with. I'm not terrible, but I'm sure not great - and I don't care. I help when I can. I heal when I realize I can. I have tacs that fly Cruisers, Engineers in escorts, Sci's in either...
    I Need on everything because I'm not rich and I don't care to make those kinds of decisions in combat.

    True, the game is loot-weighted to DPS. Meh. It'd be nice if it were more balanced, but it may be a lot of trouble - but CERTAINLY not the way you describe here, where players are judged if they heal from an escort, or dps from a Sci or a cruiser. Let people play how they WANT to play, in whatever ship they want - how many uber DPSers are Engineers in cruisers? LET THEM DO IT, I'll take one of them on my team over Judgy McStinkypants any day of the week.

    Count Heals the same as DPS, find a way to determine effective control/debuffing and count that equally as dps... or get rid of Need/Greed and make everything completely random, which I'd prefer. And make more Unbound , more Bound to Acct, and less Bound to Character.

    Let people play the game they like to play, the one they pay to play, (or don't pay to play) and if you don't like it, there are plenty of options. Have a terrific day!

    Personally, sound's like you're here to (Oh No!!!!), have fun!!!!
    BTW, good for you, and hope you have more of it! (*Bows*):cool:
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I like to think of myself more of a renegade, or a pirate. Just because i'm a Fed doesn't mean i cannot go rouge or be a bad mamma jamma so to speak. Like Kirk and Archer and a few others, i make my own decisions. I have a hand picked bridge crew, A starship that i outfit on my own and i do with my spoils as i please.

    If i want to fly in weapons blazing, teamamtes be damned i will. Occasianlly i link up with small groups to torment others. Occasionally i defend my haul and primary docking facility from interlopers.

    But even with all that i chat, mostly with my fleet while blatantly ignoring the team (unless on ground).

    So am i a sociopath because i play a Fed like a Klingon? Probably, but its fun and you can't stop me. {Insert a rasberry and some nanananan'ing here}
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
  • acenoodlesacenoodles Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i bet he hasnt factored in pvp at all since pve and pvp go hand in hand at times in this game. there are different bof layouts for pvp along with team make up. Most of my pvp experience is from kurat. he hasn't look deeper than the players like why damage is king or how this game really works. he is using pugs as example to paint every player in the game a sociopathic that is not in his fleet. if you want social interaction go to esd they will gladly talk to you. People are typically social in a group they are comfortable in but pug groups is not one of them most of these pugs are in a fleet or not in a fleet. those in a fleet ending in pugs usely to wait for others in their fleet or just want a quick go around. you are assuming no one wants to talk and is antisocial when infact it is not the case. like some one said crystal entity does take healing into account but it is minuscule. you are failing to understand people who are in pugs are doing this for the marks not to be social. Social aspect of this game is in the forums, fleets, chats like opvp and esd which you either over looked or ignore it all together. the reason i dont chat at esd because my chat system is broken for some reason outside of teamspeak with my fleet mates. like it or not ur logic and ideas are flawed goo nite
  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited November 2013
    One day not very long ago, i had finished building a hybrid DPS/Aggro tank Advanced Obelisk (wasn't actually a smart idea) and i looked around for team mates to test it with in an ISE. unfortunately no one was online at the time, so i shrugged and decided i would test it in a pug (i know, i'm not that msart).

    anyway, halfway through the run i noticed these two dastardly sociopaths where throwing my tac captain under the bus. i was being hit with Engineering Team, Science Team, Aux2SIF, Hazard Emmiters, and Transfer Shields.

    It wasn't just me that these two malicious individuals where stepping on (so they could get better loot), there was another captain in a Dhelan who just kept getting healed over and over again.

    I really wish the devs would stop encouraging this sociopathic behavior. think of the children!

    I was so traumatized and devastated by this inhumanity that i uploaded it to youtube here.
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    cesar wrote: »
    I didnt even read all but I know your type...

    I play only mmo(rpg)s but I always play SOLO as much as I can.

    I woudnt even try a game that tries to force ppl to group and I hate all who might even imply that mmos should be for ppl to group and "socialize" . (Yeah I hate fb, twitter and all those ****ty "services" too)

    We reach, brother.
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • acenoodlesacenoodles Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    One day not very long ago, i had finished building a hybrid DPS/Aggro tank Advanced Obelisk (wasn't actually a smart idea) and i looked around for team mates to test it with in an ISE. unfortunately no one was online at the time, so i shrugged and decided i would test it in a pug (i know, i'm not that msart).

    anyway, halfway through the run i noticed these two dastardly sociopaths where throwing my tac captain under the bus. i was being hit with Engineering Team, Science Team, Aux2SIF, Hazard Emmiters, and Transfer Shields.

    It wasn't just me that these two malicious individuals where stepping on (so they could get better loot), there was another captain in a Dhelan who just kept getting healed over and over again.

    I really wish the devs would stop encouraging this sociopathic behavior. think of the children!

    I was so traumatized and devastated by this inhumanity that i uploaded it to youtube here.

    lol nice vid
  • notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    you know there are dedicated channels to get players for STFs and whatnot?

    because if you go for pugging then you kinda lose your right of complain/pointing fingers. It is like trying to sleep in heavy metal club and then complain about the sound level.
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

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