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Season 8 Dev Blog #17



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    themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lol, 1 torpedo and 11 mil. voths die ???

    Space, The Final Frontier
    These Are The Voyages Of The (your ship name here)
    It's mission...
    Seek out new life, new civilizations
    To boldly extinguish millions lives with a single mighty blow.

    Yep. Game over. Welcome to Mass-Murder Trek. Mass Effect Trek was bad enough but this is just way over the top for a Star Trek game.

    The Federation should just official declare war on the entire galaxy at this point and start detonating stars with trilith devices and reformatting worlds with Genesis.
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    millybunmillybun Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    grylak wrote: »
    I'm afraid it's still smaller than V'GER. Depending on which cut of the motion picture you see, V'GER was stated to be either 2 AU, or 82 AU in diameter (granted this was just the exterior energy cloud, but it was still part of V'GER).

    Which basically means, V'GER is the same size of the Dyson Sphere itself, or a hell of a lot larger.

    Unless you are talking purely about the smaller craft in the cloud centre. In which case, we could just throw the Unimatrix ships in as it.

    I look forward to throwing my Sovie into this monster.

    Actually, what you're referencing is the V'ger *cloud*, which was originally 82 AU in diameter before the director's cut gave it a more realistic 2 AU (by cutting out the "8" in the Epsilon IX commander's dialog). Up until then, they had no idea what was in the center of the cloud, only that there was *something* in there.

    No one has a clear idea of the actual size of V'ger itself, but there's plenty of fan estimates online based on imagery of the Enterprise up against V'ger's hull, which varied from scene to scene for dramatic purposes, but most seem to agree it's somewhat larger than the whale probe, but not that much bigger dramatically, certainly not the size of a Dyson Sphere/Shell.

    Edit: Ha! I somehow missed where you mentioned the distinction between the 12th-power energy cloud and V'ger already, but I still wouldn't count it as a part of V'ger. We don't count the size of a starship's energy shield or deflector "aura" as part of the ship when determining its size, so I feel the same can be attributed to V'ger, which deactivates its energy field when it nears Earth.
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    fatamyyfatamyy Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm not sure if somebody else has posted this, but here's a helpful pic to show ship size comparisons: http://www.st-minutiae.com/misc/comparison/comparison_huge.png.

    The page I got it from (which has other ship charts): http://www.st-minutiae.com/misc/comparison/. :)
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    mushariagainmushariagain Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So, let me get this straight, when they said they were upgrading the reputation system, they just meant "adding a new reputation group"... Disappointing... -.-

    I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    You guys are looking at this wrong.
    It's a "CityShip." You guys are focused on the ship, not the city.

    NYC has an average population per square mile (as of 2010) of 27,012.

    The CityShip is 135km long. Let's say 40km wide (I don't know for sure, just a rough guess.)
    135x40 = 5400 square kilometers.
    5400kmsq = 2085misq

    2085x27012 = 56320020

    Now, you might say that the Voth Ship isn't flat, it's 3d, and so we should be measureing cubic miles or something. Keep in mind that NYC isn't exactly flat either. Large buildings hold many people on a small square footage. Same for the Voth Ship. Though I would say the Voth Ship is likely more dense than NYC, so 56 million may be conservative.
    Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey-
    I said that Taco- see here. I tried to get a reasonable diameter for New York and tried to do a direct comparison.... didn't work out so well.

    And yes that ship is taller than all the skyscrapers in New York or anywhere else (except the Sphere), it's not like counting stories in a building. It's essentially hundreds or thousands of flat cities stacked on top of one another.
    grylak wrote: »
    I'm afraid it's still smaller than V'GER. Depending on which cut of the motion picture you see, V'GER was stated to be either 2 AU, or 82 AU in diameter (granted this was just the exterior energy cloud, but it was still part of V'GER).

    Which basically means, V'GER is the same size of the Dyson Sphere itself, or a hell of a lot larger.

    Unless you are talking purely about the smaller craft in the cloud centre. In which case, we could just throw the Unimatrix ships in as it.

    I look forward to throwing my Sovie into this monster.
    Of course we're only talking about the 97.5km ship in the center. No one ever refers to the 12th power energy field as V'Ger. That would be like referring to a starship by their shields. (Though it could also be argued that the ship isn't V'Ger either as he's the probe, but he is hardwired into the ship so....)

    I would like to see Unimatrix Command Ships against V'Ger. Just to the see them be annihilated by Plasma Energy Bolts themselves from the grandmaster.
    edalgo wrote: »
    I can't imagine in canon only 5 Starships facing off against this thing. Did a bit of theoretical work last night with some fleet mates, these are excellent foundry writers and are creating their own sci-fi universes, and we came to the assumption that it would take an entire fleet of over 2,000 ships to tackle this monster and that doesn't even cover the technological advances of a civilization 65 million years more advanced. It's curious how the Voth haven't evolved into more advanced Q like beings by now.

    It would've made more sense to make this a 20 man event or more if the game engine could support more. Multiple wings of Starships with multiple mission objectives that a group would have to coordinate on.

    Fortunately the Voth are not 65 million years more advanced. Their Doctrine causes quite a bit of technological stagnation. The problem with believing your society is perfect is that you don't advance. A two thousand year hold on their Transwarp Project? The Voth don't seem to innovate very much, in comparison so we're advancing extremely rapidly. Think about it, in the last fifty years the Federation has experimented with Phase Cloaks with limited success and failure, began building it's own Transwarp Network, began adapting Quantum Slipstream technology, began using Transphasic Torpedoes, the only advantage they have over us is the size of their ships and the refinement of the technology.

    As for the number of ships required to take it down, the Death Star got destroyed by a single starfighter. :mad:

    And did you see what the Mirror Defiant did to the Regent's Flagship?

    It's not the size that counts...it's how you use it.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So, let me get this straight, when they said they were upgrading the reputation system, they just meant "adding a new reputation group"... Disappointing... -.-

    That's not all :confused:. They're creating different ways to get large amounts of marks more easily and making it more participation based so you can either get large number of marks playing in a long session or multiple short sessions, adding sponsorship so that a characters that's fully leveled in a rep can accelerate the advancement of other characters on your account, and they're making it so that the mk XII gear isn't locked until the last tier of development. If it works in the new Dyson's Rep then it will be integrated into the older reps.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    moesanrathmoesanrath Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    wow the borg cube is the size of one of the windows on that voth ship. with some thing of that size id be surpised if you couldnt shoot a rear torpedo at it while facing it. which could be some what interesting. the only thing i worry about. is how cramped the inside of it will be since i tend to fly cruisers an carriers that generally tend to have next to no turn rate. still it will be nice to have some thing else to add to the grind.
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    moesanrath wrote: »
    wow the borg cube is the size of one of the windows on that voth ship. with some thing of that size id be surpised if you couldnt shoot a rear torpedo at it while facing it. which could be some what interesting. the only thing i worry about. is how cramped the inside of it will be since i tend to fly cruisers an carriers that generally tend to have next to no turn rate. still it will be nice to have some thing else to add to the grind.

    I'm fairly certain you can if you're parallel. I mean that's how it usually is with a Unimatrix Command Ship.....which is laughably small in comparison now.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    trekkattrekkat Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    83.6 miles. Think about that on a map.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ''''''''\,,,;=^=
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    lystentlystent Member Posts: 1,019
    edited November 2013
    usscapital wrote: »
    5 billion zen +6 trillion lobi :P
    Tis a proper supership... but like must proper superships, I wouldn't want it. I am already having teething issues with the Obelisk, and i am in no mood to get wedged between a world, and a hard spot.

    I do look forward to trying out my David V Goliath build on my 200FC science vessel refit though.
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    trekkat wrote: »
    83.6 miles. Think about that on a map.
    The English Channel, often referred to simply as the Channel, is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean that separates southern England from northern France, and joins the North Sea to the Atlantic. It is about 560 km (350 mi) long and varies in width from 240 km (150 mi) at its widest to 33.1 km (20.6 mi) in the Strait of Dover.

    Depending on where you land it you can plug the English Channel.

    The distance from Richmond Va to Norfolk Va is 92.7 miles. That ship is about the length of one of Virginia's main land peninsulas.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    mwhitakermwhitaker Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lystent wrote: »
    Tis a proper supership... but like must proper superships, I wouldn't want it. I am already having teething issues with the Obelisk, and i am in no mood to get wedged between a world, and a hard spot.

    I do look forward to trying out my David V Goliath build on my 200FC science vessel refit though.

    I believe I read something about that build in another thread you posted. Do you have any stats about it up anywhere online? I'm kind of a Rhode Island class fanboy
    "The Borg - party-poopers of the galaxy" ~ The Doctor
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    capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Flip it over and it totally looks like the Fhloston paradise from 5th element.
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Flip it over and it totally looks like the Fhloston paradise from 5th element.

    Maybe there will be a rescue the beautiful opera diva mission. :)
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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