Hey Everyone,
We just posted a big update regarding the latest development status of Arc. Feel free to check it out and post your questions here in this thread! We'll do our best to reply to as many as possible.
We hope to be posting more details and information over the next month, as more features get fleshed out and we are able to make additional progress on the development side.
Thanks for taking the time to check out this update!
" All current Arc users will soon be able to enjoy exclusive offers and giveaways, so start using Arc today and experience a new way to play your favorite game! "
As far as my reaction to this? All of my sighs.
And whats with the Steam Version will it need ARC too or can we get the Updates over Steam then and without the launcher?
Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
Cool. That's really the only reason I'm not using the prototype Arc right now. It's kind of silly to have a launcher for the launcher. Once that's taken care of, I'll have no issues with Arc.
Mine Trap Supporter
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
Hey Storatt,
We're currently working on that. Short term, it's still our goal to give out some cool stuff once the next version of Arc is made available to players. It's likely that this would occur some time after the next big Arc update.
Long term, one of our goals is to create functionality within Arc that allows us to efficiently provide codes and other benefits to players. However, for the initial release, we're going to be focused on just the basic functionality (downloading games, viewing news, etc). Once we ensure that the core experience is solid, we hope to start adding the cool stuff!
I do not need some gloated Vapor-Ware... it's bad enough you have to specifically say that you won't spy on us but this thing is just plain useless for anyone that does not intend to play all your other precious games or spam Twitter & Facebook with useless Ingame TRIBBLE.
Edit: I wouldn't even use the current Launcher if I would find a way to start STO without... maybe I'm just plain dumb here but it refuses to work for me without anything...
For me a "Launcher" is an inherently useless thing... If I want Infos I look at the Website, I do not need to be reminded EVERYWHERE I look that the next Lockbox is online.
The first thing is the @handle system and how it allows one to always use the character name one likes and not worry abotu someone else "stealing" it.
The second thing is the launcher and how it is not some bloated background service and yet works really well with compressed data transfer, using already downloaded redshirt/tribble data to speed up transfers etc.
Please don't take away one of the two great things abotu STO. Don't force us to run yet another useless background service in an attempt to make us play your other games.
Btw: How will this work with STO installs via Steam?
So either we're going to have an entirely separate program running in the background in addition to steam, or we're going to have to install an entirely separate program and run that as well.
Oh joy. :mad:
Host of the Borg Boombox, 0300 GMT on Fridays on Subspace Radio
Greetings USS Berlin,
The current scope of development does not involve any changes to Steam. As with any software in development, plans are of course subject to change, though for now the goal is for it to remain possible to launch STO directly from Steam.
I retract my previous post. Will we continue to be able to buy Zen through Steam?
Host of the Borg Boombox, 0300 GMT on Fridays on Subspace Radio
Hey DJ,
Yes, as far as I can tell there aren't any plans to remove the purchase flows from Steam. I will double check though, and if I hear anything different I'll post an update in this thread! Thanks for posting your question.
Joined in March, 2011. Lifer since December, 2011.
For item #1 - no changes are currently being made to the account and @handle system.
For item #2 - Yes - I totally agree that the current launcher is an amazing piece of technology. It's our goal to preserve the current functionality as much as possible.
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
I do NOT approve of Arc.
I do NOT want this adware on my system.
I do NOT want to be forced to use Arc to play this game.
EDIT: Give a non-Arc STO launcher more consideration (IOW just leave things as they are and offer Arc separately).
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Anywho, Once ARC is at the stage you guys want it to be, eg, having all the games run through it only... What will happen to us players that have the now "Old" launcher save somewhere in case of an emergency... *install and repatch the game through it*
On that note, will we still be able to run the game trough the launcher once ARC is up... or will our Launcher just shut-down and not let us patch nor access the game???
Thanks for the feedback, lan.
The perspective that you've shared makes sense. Long term, it's definitely our goal to integrate the various pieces of software into a single experience, though just to properly set expectations, we'll probably need to iterate through a few major updates for Arc before we're able to achieve this, due to the technical work involved in making this happen. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!
Right now I play both Champs and STO.
One of the great things about Cryptic games is that custom chat channels and /tells are cross game. So I often chat with my buddies in CO when I'm flying around in STO or sometimes the other way around. Every once in a while one of them will ask for help or want to run some event while they're in the other game.
When that happens I have to exit the game I'm playing, load up the launcher to the other game and then log in. It can take a bit of time. So my question is, will this new improved Arc allow me to swap between my games faster?
Mine Trap Supporter
Hey Mike,
Optionally, you can opt-in to share basic information about your machine with us. This data is used to track performance and to help us optimize responsiveness, download speeds, download reliability across different hardware, etc. However, this information is only gathered if you explicitly choose to opt-in to this feature.
Hey lan,
Right now I haven't seen a specific plan to increase the speed of swapping between games, however we do plan to add cross-game chat functionality that could potentially enable to you have a persistent chat window (through Arc) that stays open/available for use during the game transition process.
Sounds good to me. Thanks.
Mine Trap Supporter
Translation: Soon you'll be forced to use Arc because we'll be getting rid of all the other launchers, despite the fact that when asked the last time we told you that we had no plans to do such a thing
I called it. Yet again we were lied to.
This. There are parts of the website integration with the server that haven't worked in *years*
I'm thinking its the first option there. Steam would never allow a company to essentially distribute their own version of steam via a steam game. It would be a very bad business move. In fact their tos doesn't allow companies to do things like that
A) steam doesn't allow companies to do what you're suggesting in the way you've said you're planning to do it.
You mean like how last time arc was advertised we were told there were no plans to force its use? Yeah, sure buddy. I'm not stupid. You lied about that, there is no reason you wouldn't be doing so now about the steam issue as well.
Except that the blog post explicitly said that they are getting rid of the launchers and having everything run through Arc. So by that logic it will be the only option
Yeah, because no company has ever lied about doing things like that. I'll believe that when I see proof that no data is being collected without permission and no adware is involved