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Tactical Warbird Update



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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    cgta1967 wrote: »
    it's always something with the self-entitled trek gamers.....

    and it nearly always boils down to a 'conspiracy' by Cryptic/PWE just to ruin your game experience and 'force' you into purchasing things against your will......

    yeah...we know.... we've heard it all before.

    Ah, I was just wondering how long it would take you to show up again.

    And 'conspiracy'?! Oh, I wish! More like a blatant, overt 'In-your-face-you-can't-do-anything about-it-neener-neener' kinda deal.
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    asardetemplariasardetemplari Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    I have to agree. Older ships are sadly way outdated and underpowered in comparison to ships like this. And that includes older C-Store ships.

    Every ship large enough to have it's own shuttlebay should get a hangar slot with an appropriate shuttlecraft in it. There's no reason not to, anymore.

    I've long advocated against the Defiant getting battle cloak, but with all of this power creep I no longer see any reason why it shouldn't -- along with every other KDF ship. At least everything in the C-Store and every Fleet version.

    We desperately need a "retuning" pass on older C-Store ships to make them worth flying.

    ^This. If you look at the Gakaxy, Odyssey, Sovereign, Intrepid and the D'deridex, as well as the Bortasqu', these ships are large enough for a hangar bay. I mean... you see a valet shuttle parking lot right there on the back of the Intrepid!

    As for the Defiant getting battle cloak, yes please. I was against it as well, but with the Romulan Armitage-Defiant, The teeth of the Federation need to be sharpened.

    Also, why haven't there been any Science-oriented warbirds? That makes me a little less than appealed to play the Romulans again. To me, it seems either you get a Fleet Ha'feh or you get a Scimitar or the new Armitage-Defiant, or you go home.

    Dreadnought class. Two times the size, three times the speed. Advanced weaponry. Modified for a minimal crew. Unlike most Federation vessels, it's built solely for combat.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,845 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    proteus22 wrote: »
    when i wanted quad phaser cannons i had to buy a sao paulo version of the defiant. when i wanted an escort with hangers i had to buy a armitagege when i wanted a cloaked escort i had to buy a defiant refit but romes who boufgt the tactical warbird refit get all three in one ship for one price that is just foul .

    You could always play KDF and fly a Raptor...cloaked escort for free! You don't get the quad cannons with the carrier...you still have to buy the Ar'kala like you need to buy the Sao Paulo. Romulan ships come with cloak at a price...so no little Fed it isn't like we get it all in one ship.
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    beerxhyperbeerxhyper Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    Hey, I suck on ground and my char isn't competitive! :( Can I get 2 hangars for my char so I can launch To'duj fighters from my bat'leth? :rolleyes:

    LOL i'm still looking for the hidden hanger doors on my anti borg anti-proton minigun my rommy and fed toons have since i fail at ground i need air strikes!!.

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    similonsimilon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Actually the really cheesy part is now a romulan character can get either the quad phaser or quad disrupter to add to their quad plasma scimitar.

    Not quite...
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    And so far as I'm concerned, it's the fact that they think they can just invalidate the (sometimes huge) investments ppl made in their toons, and then think those same ppl will just be perfectly fine with having to start all over again. Some ppl actually do. Not me.

    To be fair, the players keep requesting that. Whether it's people wanting Tier 6 ships, Mk XIII/XIV weapons or a flat-out level increase...
    mrvoodu wrote: »
    i really could care less about this ship or any other. i want a true romulan carrier.

    How much less could you care? That's a really vague statement...
    ^This. If you look at the Galaxy, Odyssey, Sovereign, Intrepid and the D'deridex, as well as the Bortasqu', these ships are large enough for a hangar bay. I mean... you see a valet shuttle parking lot right there on the back of the Intrepid!

    That concept is in no way supported by any of the series. I can't think of any episode where Picard, Sisko, Kirk or Janeway shouted "Oh no, we're under attack! quick, launch those nigh-defenceless shuttles with the most expendable crew we can find!"

    The closest examples being Runabout support in DS9 and Delta Flyer parades in VOY. But in both cases, that's an independent, warp capable ship acting independently.
    The day will not save them. And we own the night.
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    entnx01entnx01 Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    I have to agree. Older ships are sadly way outdated and underpowered in comparison to ships like this. And that includes older C-Store ships.

    Every ship large enough to have it's own shuttlebay should get a hangar slot with an appropriate shuttlecraft in it. There's no reason not to, anymore.

    I've long advocated against the Defiant getting battle cloak, but with all of this power creep I no longer see any reason why it shouldn't -- along with every other KDF ship. At least everything in the C-Store and every Fleet version.

    We desperately need a "retuning" pass on older C-Store ships to make them worth flying.

    I'll agree here.

    Don't change a new ship so much yet not change older ships.

    This should be considered precedent-setting. Start going through, please, and updating all the old C-Store ships. Let that practically be a release, with a special free ship for each class. You can even make the reward drop *only* that career's specialty (Engineer = Cruiser, Tac = Escort/Destroyer, Sci = Science), just do something to celebrate the Great C-Store Re-tuning of 20XX.
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    f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ok ... This ship with its changes ... Love it.

    It's a good ship that's on par with other warbirds while having its own nitch.

    She did well in a fleet alert, holding her weight well without walking across the field too easily.

    Nuff said on that one.

    Regarding the statement of the older ships in game needing a new pass and updates? ... Yes. I agree ... FED and KDF sides both.

    Good example .... Galaxy X Dreadnought. Love the alternate skin for it and WANT to use that ship ... but she just isn't as competitive as the others out there.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
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    trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    phaserfred wrote: »
    Do not knock the quad's because you can not afford them. You could not be more wrong about the quad's in PVE.

    With a decent ACC stat and the special consoles of these new ships, there is no need for the worthless ACC modifier on the quad cannons for PVE. Do not bring up PVP because less than 3% of the games population even participates in that circus...

    Try running some parsers with quad cannons vs any other DHC in that same slot and you will then understand the true meaning of Christmas. DMG x4 and 4 bolts per shot = higher dps, a chance for each of those bolts to critically hit per shot cycle..sorry you are just wrong.

    Do not misunderstand me, I own the quads on both Fed and KDF sides. I run full Omega MK XII (Hyper Impulse Engines) on a Fleet Defiant with a W=>E Warp Core and 90/15/80/15 base power and Efficient BOFF. I know how to use Quad Cannons, I'm just saying that this ship is filled with contradictions that do not run well together and there are lots of complaints about the Quad Cannons. I'm pointing out that this ship is by no means OP, by any predefined definitions by the community and mainly the ones complaining about OP are weak build PvPers.

    About the only thing that this ship has going for it is a strong BOFF layout and I think its something that a lot of people over looked on this ships release.
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

    LTS, here since...when did this game launch again? :D
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    dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Moral of this story... NOBODY BUY A SHIP THE FIRST WEEK IT COMES OUT!!!

    Then Cryptic will add more stuff so it sells better. :rolleyes: Then buy it.
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    thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sorry ... still not buying ... while waiting for the first Romulan SCI Vessel ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
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    nikolunusnikolunus Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    All honesty I like this ship. If i could afford it it would be one I would buy and fly. I love the addition of the hanger it gives good play options. Though I agree with many that the Roms need a few good sci vessels. If for not other reason than it fits in with the idea of a new Romulan. STO could play off of the unification movement by maybe making a Romulan Vulcan hybrid ship. Tac enough to be good sci enough to appease those of use that like sci ships. I could see a beautiful and versatile ship coming out of that idea.
    Space is vast, it's wonderful and maddening. Yet in that madness is some of the greatest beauty I have ever seen.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    similon wrote: »
    To be fair, the players keep requesting that. Whether it's people wanting Tier 6 ships, Mk XIII/XIV weapons or a flat-out level increase...

    True, people always want better and moar: that's the so-called 'power-creep.' Nothing inherently wrong with that. But people don't want gross imbalance as a result: they want everything slowly lifted up more or less equally.

    As as Rom, you can fly around wih 25% CrtH. As a Fed, I'm lucky to get 12%. That makes Roms literally twice as powerful. As a KDF, you can cloak, but at gimped other stats. As a Rom, you can battle-cloak, get better ship stats even, and pay no price for your super-cloak and singularity jumps whatsoever. That all can't be right.
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    killdozer9211killdozer9211 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    All these complaints and no one realizes that this retroactive buff serves a purpose. Now they don't have to release a rom HEC in a couple weeks and waste our time and hopes on a new dev blog to find ANOTHER tac bird. Roms get quads, they get an escort carrier. Two birds with one stone, and the ship's existence is a valuable role in game by giving f2p kids an alternative to the DD everyone hated when they hit tier 4. Now all that's left, and obviously what they'll release next, is a sci ship, hopefully with a plasma point defense.

    Of course I realize this kind of logical thinking is just too much to ask of these forums, but there it is.
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I am hoping to see some Federation and KDF upgrades. 'Legacy of Romulus' made both of those factions outdated and stale. I am somewhat disappointed that the Federation and KDF have been completely abandoned.

    Maybe its time to roll onto another game.

    Where did all the Federation and KDF love go?
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Missing the point.

    We are pissed because it got unexplainable buffed with a hangar with we heavy suspicious that was done because of low sales, even if not that means they knowingly released a underpowered ship they buffed after the fact instead of holding it until it was done, its not as if they havent got lot of feedback about the ship pre-release.

    Its not about being OP, its about Cryptic buffing ships to assure sales leading to power creep because this IS a one way street and they are walking down it willing.

    Next time they go about balance its hard to not think of such as being hypocritical as that gets thrown out the window when it comes to money.
    "Unexplained"? or is it because they actually read the tribble feedback and decided to improve it?
    My character Tsin'xing
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    they should have release this before the scimitar lol. all other warbirds, despite how much more powerful they are then what the other faction has, pale in comparison with what i can do in a scimitar. its the last warbird you will ever need.

    the addition of a hanger is exactly what this ship needed to not be totally redundant, and slightly behind the other 4 tac warbirds already available.

    tvaro- EBC, great turn rate, torp synergy, beach ball

    dhlean- 5 tac consoles, ltc sci

    mogai- beefy stat destroyer, weapon energy drain resistance

    Ha'feh- an actual classic escort station setup or LTC uni, 5 tac consoles

    Ar'Kif- plasma damage over time beam, hanger

    now it has a reason to exist, like the other tac warbirds. its got its own thing, thats an actual selling point. stop hating on this thing, your telling cryptic to stop releasing ships, that we are done buying them. thats a message thats apparently received with the kdf.

    other then a vesta style warbird, it will be a good long wile till theres any need for any more warbirds, whats release are great and will take quite a wile before they feel stale. its the kdf that need fresh ships. stuff like 5 forward weapons, 5 tac consoles on not the 5 turn bortas, a flight deck rapter, you know everything the roms got immediately that they have been waiting for for almost 4 years.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    How long was that ship on Tribble pre-release?

    In short what you are saying is they didnt read feedback pre-release, only after ... do then a favor and dont try to help then OK?
    Um... what? See previous comment by dontdrunkimshoot.
    My character Tsin'xing
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    After learning that the Romulans cannot access the Federation and KDF c-store ships, i decided that playing the faction was not worth my time.


    Oh, well.

    Since I have the Federation faction fleshed out, I do not see a reason why I should play through the Romulans.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    linyive wrote: »
    After learning that the Romulans cannot access the Federation and KDF c-store ships, i decided that playing the faction was not worth my time.


    Oh, well.
    you do know that they can "borrow" stuff off of t4 and below ships right? the only ones they can't use are the level 40 and up ships.
    My character Tsin'xing
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    you do know that they can "borrow" stuff off of t4 and below ships right? the only ones they can't use are the level 40 and up ships.
    Yeah, but... I want to use my Armitage. rofl...

    I spent a lot of money on ships, so I am looking to get more mileage on them.

    Why buy the same thing twice?
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    arkhangel81arkhangel81 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The Ar'Kif Tactical Warbird Retrofit has become the Ar'Kif Tactical Carrier Warbird Retrofit. That's right! We've added a hangar bay to it. Read more for details.

    Click here to read more.

    Are you kidding me? I got this so I'd have something DIFFERENT than the Scimitar not more of the same.
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Are you kidding me? I got this so I'd have something DIFFERENT than the Scimitar not more of the same.

    Nothing is being taken away. if you dont want to use the hangar pets, dont load them up. you are no worse off than you were yesterday.
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Regardless about what faction you join, the endgame mechanics are the same across all of them. Outside of the inner and outer designs for the Federation and KDF starbases, the mechanics and rewards they depend upon are the same. Reputation system mechanics and rewards are also the same.


    People are buying the same ships three times over, with different designs, so they can work on the same game mechanics two to three times over.


    If someone aligned their Romulan with the Federation, I would just give them full access to everything on the Federation side.

    If someone aligned their Romulan with the KDF, I would just give them full access to everything on the KDF side.

    Why bother with an alliance if you cannot fully access their clothing, T5 ships, c-store items, etc..?

    Open the floodgates.

    I would love to use my Armitage, Oddy, and Tactical Escort as a Romulan.
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    panserbjorne39panserbjorne39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    And so far as I'm concerned, it's the fact that they think they can just invalidate the (sometimes huge) investments ppl made in their toons, and then think those same ppl will just be perfectly fine with having to start all over again. Some ppl actually do. Not me.

    Ultimately, if you have 3 factions, and one day you invalidate 2 of them, just to favor Nr. 3, you wind up with a 2/3rd scoffed and p*ssed-off clientele. I say that's not merely an imploding business model, but just plain wrong.

    The day this little light bulb went off in my mind, was the day I resolved to never spend another dime on this game. The day my original Vulcan Fed Captain whom I've invested a huge amount of time and money in, is once again viable, is the day I will be happy to resume buying stuffs.
    As more time passes, the more I think that Dsthal is just a moron. His and his team's decisions are baffling more often that not.
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    phyaxiaphyaxia Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I really don't use the carriers but I've noticed most of them are rather slow turning. Does leaving the turn rate alone unbalance it as a carrier now?
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    And so far as I'm concerned, it's the fact that they think they can just invalidate the (sometimes huge) investments ppl made in their toons, and then think those same ppl will just be perfectly fine with having to start all over again. Some ppl actually do. Not me.
    Its the glaring elephant in the room.

    Its such a BIG elephant that its not even funny.

    meimeitoo wrote: »
    And so far as I'm concerned, it's the fact that they think they can just invalidate the (sometimes huge) investments ppl made in their toons, and then think those same ppl will just be perfectly fine with having to start all over again. Some ppl actually do. Not me.

    ...and, that is the irony.


    Many people spent a ton of money on the Federation and KDF faction. Once 'Legacy of Romulus' was released, everyone's investment went straight down the tubes.

    Will we ever get upgrades to our ships, so that we can counter the neat little singularity core powers?
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    so, you guys just want a game with 1 faction, so every single thing you spend money on can be used by every character? could you be less realistic? this is a multi faction game, each faction is unique, thankfully. they all got thier own stuff, this deal with it.
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