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Tactical Warbird Update



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    pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    I have to agree. Older ships are sadly way outdated and underpowered in comparison to ships like this. And that includes older C-Store ships.

    Every ship large enough to have it's own shuttlebay should get a hangar slot with an appropriate shuttlecraft in it. There's no reason not to, anymore.

    I've long advocated against the Defiant getting battle cloak, but with all of this power creep I no longer see any reason why it shouldn't -- along with every other KDF ship. At least everything in the C-Store and every Fleet version.

    We desperately need a "retuning" pass on older C-Store ships to make them worth flying.

    Or, they should have not just turned the power creep into a joke in the first place. :P But seriously, the older ships really need a retune; stats, models and textures all over the place. People may buy those rather than/ as well as the increasingly stupid power creeping ships.
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    nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    dkratasco wrote: »
    So if the latest C-Store ship get update, what about updating older vessels and make them worth their cost?

    Yeah this is a joke to me in all honesty and even a little bit of a slap in the face. There is a thread in the Federation Shipyard with over 3 thousand posts and well over 100 thousand views begging for Cryptic to update the Galaxy Class because it's the worst cruiser and quite possibly the worst T5 ship in the game and not one dev has bothered to post in that thread. Yet here we have this new Romulan Tactical ship that was probably selling like TRIBBLE (I sure hadn't seen very many anyway) and they add a hangar to boost its sales. Wow...
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    varthelmvarthelm Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    They did not need to make the ship better to make it sell more...they just needed to not make another escort/destroyer in a romulan marketplace already awash with them. Also consider that many already shelled out for the legacy pack and the scimitar.

    Better pacing and better variety of offerings will make for better sales. Over balancing new ships will lead to short term gains but long term issues.

    HUGE untapped market in redressing/offering more options on ships people already know and love.

    My two cents.
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    hp1239hp1239 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    The Monarch saucer for the Galaxy has two large hanger doors to either side indicating "fly-thru" deck ideal for a 2 bay carrier

    The advanced Excelsior (Enterprise B)- change the large additional impulse engines to hanger decks ( 1 bay)

    add a bay to the Odyssey (surely a flagship could mount a wing of fighters)

    The Voquv is huge and should be a 3 to 4 bay carrier as the graphics would indicate

    The DDeridex lends itself to a carrier variant and the huge flagship "biplane" would serve well as a full carrier as well
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    phaserfredphaserfred Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    That Singularity Beam that the ship has is a dmg over time, not just a pulse of dmg, in an escort that can be problematic or in this case an escort with a shield penalty and a stock .9 shield mod suicidal. People complain that the Quad Cannons are useless at max level, the 4x dmg mod is THE weakest mod you could possibly add to a weapon and makes it virtually useless in PvP. The 2 piece set adds some acc, some weapons dmg, some plasma dmg but a shield penalty, plus you have to equip the console you have to hold still to use (death sentence for an escort) and Quad Cannons every one complains about anyways (and that also draw power from engines which most run at 15 power anyways). To really buff plasma dmg you really have to make sacrafices, 2 universal consoles, 3 fleet threat scaling consoles and 4 plasma tac consoles, the experimental beam or hyper torp and the Quad Cannnons; you would turn your self into a singularity core breach waiting to happen. Sure, huge damage potential on this ship and I would hate to be caught with my pants around the ankles by this ships Cloak Ambush/Alpha Stike/BO3, but this ship has plenty of weaknesses associated with it. Fighters are something to set it apart from the Mogai and the Dhelan, but it is not as OP as reduced power drain or 5 tac consoles with Lt.Cmdr Sci. If they are smart they will give this ship a 4th sci console or 3rd Engi so you can add some resistance for Fleet version.

    This ship embodies sacrifice for offensive abilities and I'm sure it will be one of the first targets in a PvP match. Not to mention, most ppl don't know to recall fighters while they are cloaked so their fighters give their location away.

    This ship is not OP.

    Do not knock the quad's because you can not afford them. You could not be more wrong about the quad's in PVE.

    With a decent ACC stat and the special consoles of these new ships, there is no need for the worthless ACC modifier on the quad cannons for PVE. Do not bring up PVP because less than 3% of the games population even participates in that circus...

    Try running some parsers with quad cannons vs any other DHC in that same slot and you will then understand the true meaning of Christmas. DMG x4 and 4 bolts per shot = higher dps, a chance for each of those bolts to critically hit per shot cycle..sorry you are just wrong.
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    phaserfredphaserfred Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Great ship change Cryptic :)

    Thanks for the goodies in the LOBI store as well. Them bio-neural infusion circuits and the rest of that set on my Elachi escort rule the battlefield.

    Gotta love the 104% Crit severity and 24% crit chance stats on both my Elachi escort and this new tactical carrier warbird :)
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    wayofderawayofdera Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    It was to great delight that I saw the update news, that the Tactical Warbird was getting a hanger bay!:) However, I am still uncertain if I will purchase this ship, as the issues I have with it, is still:

    1) a -10% reduction in shields, in order to use the new mode. It would be better to allow the mode without a power penalty, on a singularity, which already is "weak sauce" in power compared to a warp core.

    2) There is only 9 consoles on the ship. I'm really only interested in what is becoming the new standard, 10. Please add another console.

    3) Overall suggestion. Special abilities of ships, should be part of the ship makeup, similar to hull strength, turn rate, and shield modifier, so not to waste console slots.

    The third suggestion I would love to see happen, and would buy pretty much all ships coming out in the C-Store if it did. The second and third points, for this ship are deal breakers if I wanted to fly it anytime soon.

    I might buy it down the road, if I have money floating around, with nothing to spend it on, but still even with the hanger bay, I still find it hard to fell good about purchasing.

    Just saying...

    But again, thanks for adding something to it, to help it on it's journey to become a better ship.
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    proteus22proteus22 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    when i wanted quad phaser cannons i had to buy a sao paulo version of the defiant. when i wanted an escort with hangers i had to buy a armitagege when i wanted a cloaked escort i had to buy a defiant refit but romes who boufgt the tactical warbird refit get all three in one ship for one price that is just foul .
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    robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    You forgot to mention that their quad cannons also has a set bonus option.
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    daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    why dont ppl get romulans are the masters of the cloak i really think some here think the KDF came up with it
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
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    elandarkskyelandarksky Member Posts: 1,013 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    proteus22 wrote: »
    when i wanted quad phaser cannons i had to buy a sao paulo version of the defiant. when i wanted an escort with hangers i had to buy a armitagege when i wanted a cloaked escort i had to buy a defiant refit but romes who boufgt the tactical warbird refit get all three in one ship for one price that is just foul .

    your technically wrong

    The t5 ship does come with a hanger and cloak, but it DOESNT come with quads,

    The T4 Ship has the quads

    But nevertheless i am also butt hurt about romulan ships being everything-in-a-box :/
    (then again i felt the same way about the vesta when hearing about it, hanger/sci/escort, with a 3piece console bonus that makes it temporarily immortal (dont quote me, havent looked it up in ages :D) hardly seemed fair)
    [Combat (Self)] Your Bite deals 2378 (1475) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother.
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    phaserfredphaserfred Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    proteus22 wrote: »
    when i wanted quad phaser cannons i had to buy a sao paulo version of the defiant. when i wanted an escort with hangers i had to buy a armitagege when i wanted a cloaked escort i had to buy a defiant refit but romes who boufgt the tactical warbird refit get all three in one ship for one price that is just foul .

    Cry moar?!
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The Ar'Kif Tactical Warbird Retrofit has become the Ar'Kif Tactical Carrier Warbird Retrofit. That's right! We've added a hangar bay to it.

    Here is me hoping you guys will ever do something for Feds again.

    Enjoy your Latinum!
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    robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    At this point why not ask that the bug ship comes with 5 fore weapons slots and a hangar bay just for kicks. It hasn't been updated since season 6.

    Edit: Even though it new ships come with new gear older ships are not necessarily out of date but a pass through would be nice.
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    similonsimilon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Consider how most of these ships are most likely to be encountered by you:

    See them floating around - Sure, you may feel jealous, but that's your problem
    Be allied with them in PvE - Oh no, your team will be more capable!
    Fly one for yourself - If you're convinced they are so overpowerdly fantastical, try one and find out...

    Or, if you're weird:

    Allied with them in PvP - Again, you should have no problem with this
    Fight them in PvP - It'll give you an excuse (admittedly, an invalid one) for your failings!

    So of those, 5/5 are positive outcomes! What are you complaining about?
    The day will not save them. And we own the night.
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    psychickittypsychickitty Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Actually the really cheesy part is now a romulan character can get either the quad phaser or quad disrupter to add to their quad plasma scimitar.

    The adding of the hangar bay I assume was because a few players told some developer who played how wimpy that ship was......or maybe a developer decided the new ship was wimpy.

    I don't recall lots of players saying anything about requesting a hangar bay......so I have to assume its a developer thing instead.

    The real sad part is the fact that as a romulan I can get a lot of ships for the consoles and have some really cheesy things I can do.....teleport enemies or teleport behind them....and now with super front loaded weapons....its going to make my scimitar really cheesy.

    oh well....part of the reason I don't play romulans much.....real short storylines....with extra cheesy ships making the game easy mode boring.

    I wonder if the developers realize that's what they are doing...

    Heck you still cant rebreathers on any other faction but romulans....an oversight they have been aware of for a lot longer then the wimpy escorts they released.

    Power without Perception is Spiritually useless and therefore of no true value.


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    cgta1967cgta1967 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ...Hear that? It's the Waambulance bringing cheese and crackers to all the whining Feddie and KDF players. :P

    and here I could have sworn it was Ecto-1 ....
    ---- FIRE EVERYTHING ! ----
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    smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Quad Cannons suck anyway. Don't fret over it.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    similon wrote: »
    Consider how most of these ships are most likely to be encountered by you:

    See them floating around - Sure, you may feel jealous, but that's your problem
    Be allied with them in PvE - Oh no, your team will be more capable!
    Fly one for yourself - If you're convinced they are so overpowerdly fantastical, try one and find out...

    Or, if you're weird:

    Allied with them in PvP - Again, you should have no problem with this
    Fight them in PvP - It'll give you an excuse (admittedly, an invalid one) for your failings!

    So of those, 5/5 are positive outcomes! What are you complaining about?

    Yeah, I'm sure PWE would love nothing better than for me to go Rom too, and spend untold amounts of money on the other toon as well.

    Not gonna happen, though. Instead, I hope and expect Cryptic to respect the other factions too, and to not just invalidate them overnight... That's probably not gonna happen, either.
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    daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm sure PWE would love nothing better than for me to go Rom too, and spend untold amounts of money on the other toon as well.

    not really they want new players who have not played the game for X amount of years to spend money on the roms
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    daan2006 wrote: »
    not really they want new players who have not played the game for X amount of years to spend money on the roms

    At the expense of all existing customers (who are not Rom)?! There's gotta be something wrong in there.
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    stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    At the expense of all existing customers (who are not Rom)?! There's gotta be something wrong in there.

    So far as Cryptic and PWE are concerned, it's the fact that you're not spending money on Romulan shinies.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    People pretty much ironed out my thoughts regarding this new Romulan Ship.

    lolwut? didn't the KDF get a bunch of new missions and a shiny new tutorial with the release of LoR?

    Bunch? Most of those "new" missions are shared faction missions (Nimbus) or rehashed Federation missions (Cardassian Arc), in a ruse to make KDF have the appearance of it having content enough as a faction. :rolleyes:
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    cgta1967cgta1967 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    it's always something with the self-entitled trek gamers.....

    and it nearly always boils down to a 'conspiracy' by Cryptic/PWE just to ruin your game experience and 'force' you into purchasing things against your will......

    yeah...we know.... we've heard it all before.
    ---- FIRE EVERYTHING ! ----
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Hey, I suck on ground and my char isn't competitive! :( Can I get 2 hangars for my char so I can launch To'duj fighters from my bat'leth? :rolleyes:
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    cgta1967 wrote: »
    it's always something with the self-entitled trek gamers.....

    and it nearly always boils down to a 'conspiracy' by Cryptic/PWE just to ruin your game experience and 'force' you into purchasing things against your will......

    yeah...we know.... we've heard it all before.

    Bah, humbug.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So far as Cryptic and PWE are concerned, it's the fact that you're not spending money on Romulan shinies.

    And so far as I'm concerned, it's the fact that they think they can just invalidate the (sometimes huge) investments ppl made in their toons, and then think those same ppl will just be perfectly fine with having to start all over again. Some ppl actually do. Not me.

    Ultimately, if you have 3 factions, and one day you invalidate 2 of them, just to favor Nr. 3, you wind up with a 2/3rd scoffed and p*ssed-off clientele. I say that's not merely an imploding business model, but just plain wrong.
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    mrvoodumrvoodu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    i really could care less about this ship or any other. i want a true romulan carrier.
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    puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    daan2006 wrote: »
    not really they want new players who have not played the game for X amount of years to spend money on the roms

    this is far from correct.. the romulans, were built up to get the peeps who had nothing else to spend their money on, to suddenly spend ungodly amounts of money... romulans had nothing to do with bringing new players in.. im sorry.. the game is three years old.. you either have made a decision to try it by now, or to stay away, adding a cheesy, crappy interpretation of the romulans wasnt gonna suddenly change someones mind..

    and the peeps who have been gone.. well, i came back for lor, and found that not one person who has been gone for a few years, came back that was on my friends list, and its a rather large ingame friends list.. those players were jaded, and could careless what cryptic does, they arnt coming back..

    i am so sick of hearing this excuse about everything.. " oh, we know endgame sucks, but were trying to get new players in the game, so someday we can realize its not happening, and concentrate on endgame".. except they have already lost a great deal of endgame players..

    does cryptic get the three strikes, and your out ruling..

    champs (flopp)

    sto (flopp)

    never winter (flopp)..

    go on to any "real" online publications, and not just the ones that cryptic has in their back pocket (really, they never interview with anyone outside massively or podcast ugc, or a few other ones) and you get a mediocre to poor review of the games they put out..
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