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Where did the real Romulans go?



  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I can't really see anyone other than Janek succeeding Hakeev (as far as I recall, she's the only other named Tal'Shiar agent we have encountered who might still be alive), and she at least might have some trace of sense and sanity left. The question becomes whether or not she could unite the various cells of Tal'Shiar under her leadership.

    If that came to pass, the Tal'Shiar might be able to be salvaged and reorganized under the Republic. I suspect, however, that many of their agents are damaged beyond repair by brainwashing and the psychological and physical abuse which accompanies it, and would have to be institutionalized for their own, and society's, protection.

    The name would have to be changed, though, because they would no longer be in service to the Shiar ("Rihannsu Stelam Shiar" means "Romulan Star Empire" in archaic Romulan; the correct form in contemporary Romulan should be "Shiar ih'Stelam Rihan" or "Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan" -- point being "Shiar" is "Empire" but only applied to an empire controlled by Romulans specifically, whilst "Nneikha" is used for any other empire and "Aevumih" for a monarchy/autocracy).

    And then we as citizens of the Republic would need to ask ourselves whether we actually need a Secret Police force. I suspect the answer would be a resounding "NO!!!" However, as has been noted often enough, the Tal'Shiar also filled the role of a civilian version of the Tal'Diann (Military Intelligence), so they could be made over into something akin to the CIA or a combination of MI5 and MI6. But then, again, we as citizens of the Republic would need to ask ourselves whether we even need an agency like that, and the answer to that is less predictable.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited August 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    What I'd like to see during following seasons in STO, even as an afterthought of the actual theme of a season, is one or a couple of Romulan Republic missions that will lead on into the Republic claiming and annexing parts of the old RSE, eventually turning the Republic into a new force that will unite all the Romulan people and most of the old terittories and once again bring the balance in that contested space.

    Where Id rather see D'Tan fall flat on his nose and the Republic end up little more than an interesting footnote in history as an odd experiment in the chaotic transitional period before the Empire pulled itself back together and stopped playing kiss TRIBBLE with the Federation and Klingons
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    protogoth wrote: »
    I can't really see anyone other than Janek succeeding Hakeev (as far as I recall, she's the only other named Tal'Shiar agent we have encountered who might still be alive), and she at least might have some trace of sense and sanity left. The question becomes whether or not she could unite the various cells of Tal'Shiar under her leadership.

    If that came to pass, the Tal'Shiar might be able to be salvaged and reorganized under the Republic. I suspect, however, that many of their agents are damaged beyond repair by brainwashing and the psychological and physical abuse which accompanies it, and would have to be institutionalized for their own, and society's, protection.

    The name would have to be changed, though, because they would no longer be in service to the Shiar ("Rihannsu Stelam Shiar" means "Romulan Star Empire" in archaic Romulan; the correct form in contemporary Romulan should be "Shiar ih'Stelam Rihan" or "Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan" -- point being "Shiar" is "Empire" but only applied to an empire controlled by Romulans specifically, whilst "Nneikha" is used for any other empire and "Aevumih" for a monarchy/autocracy).

    And then we as citizens of the Republic would need to ask ourselves whether we actually need a Secret Police force. I suspect the answer would be a resounding "NO!!!" However, as has been noted often enough, the Tal'Shiar also filled the role of a civilian version of the Tal'Diann (Military Intelligence), so they could be made over into something akin to the CIA or a combination of MI5 and MI6. But then, again, we as citizens of the Republic would need to ask ourselves whether we even need an agency like that, and the answer to that is less predictable.

    Well honestly said, I don't think there is any need in the Republic for integration of a Tal'Shiar type of organization.
    First of all, it brings back old ghosts from the past. Then, how many Romulans like our own chars. have just recently lost homes, families, children and loved ones due to Tal'Shiar madness?
    Secondly - it doesn't do all the people dead by the hand of the Tal'Shiar any justice and it desecrates the deed and memory of heroes like Temer that gave their lives in hope of a new begining and a better future for the Romulan people.
    Furthermore, how many Republic captains and crews risk their lives on daily basis to fight the tyranny in the hopes of a better tomorrow?

    Bringing back a type of an organization like the Tal'Shiar or God forbid - Tal'Shiar itself could very possibly be the Republic's demise. Because everything the Republic was established upon and everything it is suposed to represent is in direct contradiction with having a presence such as the Tal'Shiar within.

    Now, every faction obviously has the need of somekind of intellignece service. The Romulan Republic would do good to use a model similar to the Klingons. In short, the Romulan intelligence should be a service branch under the Romulan Republic military that answers to the military, which then asnwers to the Romulan Senate.
    They will train people to do that job, but they'll fall under the military and wouldn't work as as separate organization like the Tal'Shiar did. Furthermore, I'd restrict their authority - there should never be an instance like for ex. when Troy inpersonated a Tal'Shiar officer and that officer had the authority to take over a D'Deridex class Warbird without the consent of the obviously reluctant Captain and crew.

    I'm just going to add that the best the Republic could do for former Tal'Shiar agents is to be humane and allow them to be reintegrated in the society. They can farm tullaberies or tag Epohs, but under no circumistances should they be allowed to work for the Romulan intelligence or within the military. I know many of them may have the neccessary expertise, but bare with me here - I'd rather train whole new staff for that than allow these people to be integrated in such positions again.
    Why? It's simple - they have all worked against Romulan interests and against the Romulan people. One can argue that they were mislead, but anyone of them with half a brain would see how wrong it is supporting a so called "Empress" that seized power without the consent of the Romulan people backed by an alien fleet and then allowing the same aliens "free hunt" in Romulan space. They have mercilesly slaughtered Romulan civilians on colonies. They have worked with yet another alien species that hijacks Romulans to preform some kind of weird genetic experiments with them. Sorry, but these operatives stood by and served the Tal'Shiar with this happening in front of their eyes. No chance in hell they should be allowed to work in such delicate positions again.

    The point is - Mol'Rihan is a chance of a fresh start for the Romulans. A chance to go back to the roots, a chance to live the life their ancestors wanted to live when they left Vulcan. The Romulans in the Republic should live free and passionate, not in fear of the shadow from a Tal'Shiar type of organization which has the authority to do pretty much anything that they happen to desire at a certain moment. This is an opportunity for the Romulans to fix the mistakes of the past, not do them all over again.
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    Well honestly said, I don't think there is any need in the Republic for integration of a Tal'Shiar type of organization.
    First of all, it brings back old ghosts from the past. Then, how many Romulans like our own chars. have just recently lost homes, families, children and loved ones due to Tal'Shiar madness?
    Secondly - it doesn't do all the people dead by the hand of the Tal'Shiar any justice and it desecrates the deed and memory of heroes like Temer that gave their lives in hope of a new begining and a better future for the Romulan people.
    Furthermore, how many Republic captains and crews risk their lives on daily basis to fight the tyranny in the hopes of a better tomorrow?

    Bringing back a type of an organization like the Tal'Shiar or God forbid - Tal'Shiar itself could very possibly be the Republic's demise. Because everything the Republic was established upon and everything it is suposed to represent is in direct contradiction with having a presence such as the Tal'Shiar within.

    Now, every faction obviously has the need of somekind of intellignece service. The Romulan Republic would do good to use a model similar to the Klingons. In short, the Romulan intelligence should be a service branch under the Romulan Republic military that answers to the military, which then asnwers to the Romulan Senate.
    They will train people to do that job, but they'll fall under the military and wouldn't work as as separate organization like the Tal'Shiar did. Furthermore, I'd restrict their authority - there should never be an instance like for ex. when Troy inpersonated a Tal'Shiar officer and that officer had the authority to take over a D'Deridex class Warbird without the consent of the obviously reluctant Captain and crew.

    I'm just going to add that the best the Republic could do for former Tal'Shiar agents is to be humane and allow them to be reintegrated in the society. They can farm tullaberies or tag Epohs, but under no circumistances should they be allowed to work for the Romulan intelligence or within the military. I know many of them may have the neccessary expertise, but bare with me here - I'd rather train whole new staff for that than allow these people to be integrated in such positions again.
    Why? It's simple - they have all worked against Romulan interests and against the Romulan people. One can argue that they were mislead, but anyone of them with half a brain would see how wrong it is supporting a so called "Empress" that seized power without the consent of the Romulan people backed by an alien fleet and then allowing the same aliens "free hunt" in Romulan space. They have mercilesly slaughtered Romulan civilians on colonies. They have worked with yet another alien species that hijacks Romulans to preform some kind of weird genetic experiments with them. Sorry, but these operatives stood by and served the Tal'Shiar with this happening in front of their eyes. No chance in hell they should be allowed to work in such delicate positions again.

    The point is - Mol'Rihan is a chance of a fresh start for the Romulans. A chance to go back to the roots, a chance to live the life their ancestors wanted to live when they left Vulcan. The Romulans in the Republic should live free and passionate, not in fear of the shadow from a Tal'Shiar type of organization which has the authority to do pretty much anything that they happen to desire at a certain moment. This is an opportunity for the Romulans to fix the mistakes of the past, not do them all over again.

    I personally (as player and character) am in agreement with you. And as the head of the fleet named "Tal'Diann" (which is Romulan Military Intelligence, and which has a very long history of opposing the Tal'Shiar), my character would probably take offense to the suggestion that anything like the Tal'Shiar should exist or be needed in the Republic, and would rather insist that the Tal'Diann is more efficient and more just than anything like the Tal'Shiar would be. She would probably also insist that the Tal'Diann is more than sufficient to deal with the Intelligence needs of the Republic.

    Now, if we could just recruit more agents ...
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