just wondering about the difference between kdf and starfleet. i am romulan and not sure which to align with...can they group together for some endgame stuff? whats the difference? i got this game when it first came out and kdf was just pvp only.
If you want your Romulan to feel like your playing a Romulan, go KDF. Plus you get the Contraband that goes along with the KDF. Rom Feds just feel to goody two shoes for me.
KDF now also has PVP. A lot of it is copy and pasted missions but still. You don't have to pvp if you dont weant to.
KDF you'll have KDF doffing missions available, but also limited KDF doff availability and the higher prices of that limited availability. Equipmentwise, which side you pick determines which cstore ship consoles you can 'borrow,' and which fleets you can join and starbases you have access too (generally easier to find a high-level Fed starbase than a KDF one). Also it makes a few differences on costume unlocks with the Fed-Romulan or KDF-Romulan uniforms, as well as the Omega-reputation ground set (Honor Guard or MACO appearance). Lastly a few story things are slightly different in terms of which dialogue you get and which NPC you report to, but the missions themselves are the same no matter what you do.
Largely its a personal preference thing. If you're the ticked-off Romulan who's out for Hakeev's head first and foremost, go KDF. If you're the Romulan who just wants to build a new home but nevertheless end any Tal Shiar you run across (still gut Hakeev slowly though; you're still a Romulan after all), go Fed.
KDF you'll have KDF doffing missions available, but also limited KDF doff availability and the higher prices of that limited availability. Equipmentwise, which side you pick determines which cstore ship consoles you can 'borrow,' and which fleets you can join and starbases you have access too (generally easier to find a high-level Fed starbase than a KDF one). Also it makes a few differences on costume unlocks with the Fed-Romulan or KDF-Romulan uniforms, as well as the Omega-reputation ground set (Honor Guard or MACO appearance). Lastly a few story things are slightly different in terms of which dialogue you get and which NPC you report to, but the missions themselves are the same no matter what you do.
Largely its a personal preference thing. If you're the ticked-off Romulan who's out for Hakeev's head first and foremost, go KDF. If you're the Romulan who just wants to build a new home but nevertheless end any Tal Shiar you run across (still gut Hakeev slowly though; you're still a Romulan after all), go Fed.
im the kind of romulan that wanted to join the tal'shiar
just wondering about the difference between kdf and starfleet. i am romulan and not sure which to align with...can they group together for some endgame stuff? whats the difference? i got this game when it first came out and kdf was just pvp only.
We KDF are peaceful friendly folk who make do and mend old with equipment, and use skill and knowledge to improve as we don't get powercreep - the Feds are nasty oppressive folk with masses of powercreeped warships who hide behind false statements of coming in peace.
im the kind of romulan that wanted to join the tal'shiar
Well, too bad. The Tal Shiar blew up your home, and the story requires you to fight them tooth and nail. No Tal Shiar for you. If you're at the decision point, you should've already seen that: D'Tan took your crew in, Tovan Khev will never leave your side and is D'Tan's #1 fan, Hakeev (a leader of the Tal Shiar) hates your guts and wants you dead, Sela hates D'Tan's guts, etc.
Plus, they're using creepy mushroom-men to brainwash other Romulans, experiment on them with Borg technology, and are in general selling out their people to the Iconians.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
If you go Fed, you'll have developer support, things will come cheap for you, you'll have access to the best lockboxed consoles from the KDF, your Duty Officer costs will be lower, and you'll have more content and variety.
If you go KDF, you'll have Developer Neglect, available shinies will be far more expensive, and you'll be part of a faction that's had to develop more on the player end, because it doesn't get any but the most grudging and reluctant sort of 'support' from the same development staff that mines it for ideas for things to give to Federation players.
lol, all of this.
It's also harder to get any kind of fleet gear as a KDF due to the lower number of players on that side. It's not impossible, but significantly more difficult. Playing Fed is easy mode. KDF is not.
Wasn't really a choice for me. My Rommie went KDF because I prefer playing KDF. Yeah, we get ignored by the Devs. So what? It is enjoyable to play as KDF because it can be challenging to do so at times. For many reasons which are stated much more eloquently in other threads than I can type here.
Besides, do you really want to hang out with Jean-Luc and Kathryn, when the last true warrior who wore Starfleet colors was James T. ?
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
just wondering about the difference between kdf and starfleet. i am romulan and not sure which to align with...can they group together for some endgame stuff? whats the difference? i got this game when it first came out and kdf was just pvp only.
the "main" differences...
Everyone can group for a lot of things. It takes some effort to make a cross faction group, but it can be done. Some things you cannot group together.
KDF can buy a lowbie ship to acquire plasma leech console. You can also get the teleport behind target console and a couple of other neat toys.
KDF can farm a lot of contraband for free dil with duty officer missions
KDF have the pirate BO which is no substitute for SRO rom officers but its a difference
KDF have fleet disruptros, which IMHO are > fleet phasers.
Feds do not have any redeeming qualities, except that 99% of the players are fed so your fleet will likely be more developed with more people and so on. This may seem biased, but I am not kidding.
- I can't think of any lowbie fed ship to buy for the console.
- Feds cant farm contraband worth a hoot.
- Fed BOs have no good space traits at all.
Most of that is max/min stuff and relatively small advantages. Money can get you a leech etc console but they are quite expensive. Contra is nice but not necessary. Pirate is not useful to a rom aligned kdf in the long run, its a nice startup trait though. Disruptor advantage is slight.
KDF now also has PVP. A lot of it is copy and pasted missions but still. You don't have to pvp if you dont weant to.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
Largely its a personal preference thing. If you're the ticked-off Romulan who's out for Hakeev's head first and foremost, go KDF. If you're the Romulan who just wants to build a new home but nevertheless end any Tal Shiar you run across (still gut Hakeev slowly though; you're still a Romulan after all), go Fed.
im the kind of romulan that wanted to join the tal'shiar
We KDF are peaceful friendly folk who make do and mend old with equipment, and use skill and knowledge to improve as we don't get powercreep - the Feds are nasty oppressive folk with masses of powercreeped warships who hide behind false statements of coming in peace.
Well, too bad. The Tal Shiar blew up your home, and the story requires you to fight them tooth and nail. No Tal Shiar for you. If you're at the decision point, you should've already seen that: D'Tan took your crew in, Tovan Khev will never leave your side and is D'Tan's #1 fan, Hakeev (a leader of the Tal Shiar) hates your guts and wants you dead, Sela hates D'Tan's guts, etc.
Plus, they're using creepy mushroom-men to brainwash other Romulans, experiment on them with Borg technology, and are in general selling out their people to the Iconians.
You might enjoy raiding starfleet foundries then. :P
Joined January 2009
lol, all of this.
It's also harder to get any kind of fleet gear as a KDF due to the lower number of players on that side. It's not impossible, but significantly more difficult. Playing Fed is easy mode. KDF is not.
Mine Trap Supporter
Besides, do you really want to hang out with Jean-Luc and Kathryn, when the last true warrior who wore Starfleet colors was James T.
KDF:Saints Row in Space
the "main" differences...
Everyone can group for a lot of things. It takes some effort to make a cross faction group, but it can be done. Some things you cannot group together.
KDF can buy a lowbie ship to acquire plasma leech console. You can also get the teleport behind target console and a couple of other neat toys.
KDF can farm a lot of contraband for free dil with duty officer missions
KDF have the pirate BO which is no substitute for SRO rom officers but its a difference
KDF have fleet disruptros, which IMHO are > fleet phasers.
Feds do not have any redeeming qualities, except that 99% of the players are fed so your fleet will likely be more developed with more people and so on. This may seem biased, but I am not kidding.
- I can't think of any lowbie fed ship to buy for the console.
- Feds cant farm contraband worth a hoot.
- Fed BOs have no good space traits at all.
Most of that is max/min stuff and relatively small advantages. Money can get you a leech etc console but they are quite expensive. Contra is nice but not necessary. Pirate is not useful to a rom aligned kdf in the long run, its a nice startup trait though. Disruptor advantage is slight.
Starfleet uses a Blue GUI. KDF uses a Red one.
Kidding. But it really does feel this way sometimes.