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Remind me again how Beams and Cruisers suck?

topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Everyone keeps going on about how beams are underpowered and all the devs care about are escorts and cannons.

Not true. (In PvE, at least)

I got sick of my Kumari, fancied a change of pace for STFs. Decided to build a pewpew cruiser, so I set one up and took it into some STFs. First set didn't go so brilliantly, about 14k DPS. Not used to this playstyle at all, so I reworked the bridge officer slots, and had another go. Hit 19.7k and didn't even feel like I flew that well. There's more to come from this build, a LOT more.

Frankly I was pretty shocked, I believed the hype, but it was wrong! I'm going to push this up to 25k and laugh in the face of all the kumaris.

So yeah, can we stop with the "beams suck, nerf cannons" threads now?



Detailed Break down:

The sexy sexy pilot:

Full Album (Will update as I get better):

Please bear in mind, I have been flying nothing but escorts for at least 8 months. It's a hugely different playstyle and I'm still not used to flying this monster of a cruiser yet, so I'm sure in a few weeks my DPS numbers will be a lot higher - but it's a pretty damn good starting point!

Obviously, also worth mentioning this is a useless PvP build, but I know beams are viable in PvP also!



*Note on the video: I flew like **** but still managed 17k. Included the parse and a quick breakdown after the match*

*EDIT: Just ran a CSE with this build, WITHOUT technicians or DEM doff (I was still running my no win scenario doffs from a previous farming run. 2 AP doffs, energy weaps, deflector and gravametric. All completely useless doffs. STILL did 15k DPS*
Kirk's Protege.
Post edited by topset on


  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It's probably because a lot of people are crying that cruisers don't do as much damage as escorts, and ignoring that fact that they're supposed to tank...
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • aarons9aarons9 Member Posts: 961
    edited July 2013
    parsing programs are not very accurate when you use BFAW..

    you dont actually do 19k dps on one target..

    you are doing 19k dps spread across multiple targets..

    your actual single target dps is probably around 3k to 4k. which would be a lot higher if you flew an escort with cannons.

    dont get me wrong, the aux2bat/bfaw build is probably the best for cruisers with beams.
    [12:35] Vessel Two of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 225232 (271723) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Lance.
    [12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    FAW was fixed a couple months ago I think, and also rumor has it there is a bug that causes beams to gain more damage from overcapped weapons power. So FAW cruisers parse the highest DPS now normally. Lots of situations its good, but highest DPS parse isn't always most effective DPS. My DHC builds always parse lower then my FAW builds, but I still find effective as I burst single targets down much faster, so there is less chance for them to heal or regen or move out of range, something more important now with spheres using epte. Its hard to test, but I would like to know some kind of numbers showing how effective the DPS of FAW spam is, how much of that high dps is being healed due to individual targets not dying fast enough.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And in the meantime, Fire-At-Will has become as annoying as pets, with some players figuring out how to run it with only about 5-10 seconds cooldown. Meanwhile, players looking to counter it have few good options: SS, which only last a few seconds with resists, AMS, which has a huge cooldown, and aceton assimilators, which only work well if everyone is using them.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    It's probably because a lot of people are crying that cruisers don't do as much damage as escorts, and ignoring that fact that they're supposed to tank...

    Nonsense. This build does more damage than 99% of escorts I fly against. Cruisers can be made into fragile glass-cannon DPS machines just as well as escorts. That's the point of this thread.
    aarons9 wrote: »
    parsing programs are not very accurate when you use BFAW..

    you dont actually do 19k dps on one target..

    you are doing 19k dps spread across multiple targets..

    your actual single target dps is probably around 3k to 4k. which would be a lot higher if you flew an escort with cannons.

    While this is true, it's no less true for cannon builds using CSV in cure to hit all of the nanite generators to get insane DPS parses.

    I can actually separate by encounter, and even against single targets like the tac cube at the beginning and end it's still over 10k which is better than the vast majority of escorts!
    marc8219 wrote: »
    So FAW cruisers parse the highest DPS now normally. Lots of situations its good, but highest DPS parse isn't always most effective DPS. My DHC builds always parse lower then my FAW builds, but I still find effective as I burst single targets down much faster

    I completely agree with this. I actually much prefer my Kumari to fly (even though the EncDPS is lower) and find it more effective and faster in STFs. I only did this to prove a point.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    topset wrote: »
    Nonsense. This build does more damage than 99% of escorts I fly against. Cruisers can be made into fragile glass-cannon DPS machines just as well as escorts. That's the point of this thread.

    I'm not saying they can't be turned into dps machines. I'm just saying that a lot of people who want cruisers to do more damage ignore the basic function of them.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    I'm not saying they can't be turned into dps machines. I'm just saying that a lot of people who want cruisers to do more damage ignore the basic function of them.

    and I think that premise is wrong, personally. I think any ship can quite easily fit any playstyle if you play around with the build. You can tank/CC in an escort and DPS-machine a cruiser. I don't think the "escorts do the dps, cruisers tank and science CCand debuff" is accurate in the slightest. It's only if you want to really min-max that this becomes even remotely applicable.

    That might be how they were originally intended, and how they are set up as stock - but I don't think it's true at all.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oh, and broke 20k on the third attempt at ISE.

    Kirk's Protege.
  • gaalomgaalom Member Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Tact Escorts have already received a huge damage nerf, when they made going down fighting useless. That being said cruisers do seem to be doing better of late, then previous times in stos history. Although I do think that aux to battery is overrated. All it does is ensure high power levels, and that is only one part of good solid damage. Not sure how cruisers are doing in pvp these days, but in elite stfs, they seem to have an edge.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    gaalom wrote: »
    Tact Escorts have already received a huge damage nerf, when they made going down fighting useless. That being said cruisers do seem to be doing better of late, then previous times in stos history. Although I do think that aux to battery is overrated. All it does is ensure high power levels, and that is only one part of good solid damage. Not sure how cruisers are doing in pvp these days, but in elite stfs, they seem to have an edge.

    The reason people love Aux2Batt is nothing to do with the power level boost, but if you have 3 purple technicians on your active roster then all of your BOFF abilities are reduced by 30% whenever you use it.

    That means DEM becomes extremely valuable because with a short cooldown and Marion as an active doff you're negating weapon power drain for a substantial period of time.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    topset wrote: »
    Oh, and broke 20k on the third attempt at ISE.


    You should make a video of your next run because that time beat the second fastest recorded ISE speed run on youtube.
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    topset wrote: »
    Everyone keeps going on about how beams are underpowered and all the devs care about are escorts and cannons.

    Not true. (In PvE, at least)

    Obviously, also worth mentioning this is a useless PvP build, but I know beams are viable in PvP also!

    Oh heck, I knew Cruisers and beam weapons were awesome. It all depends on how you equip and use them. My favorite ship to use is my Dreadnought Cruiser! Not only is it a tough motha-f$%?ker , yet it can cause Alot of damage, (and since it's a large ship, it can take alot as well).

    I equip that with dual beams , heavy cannons and torpedoes.

    Not only does it do well in PvE, yet also great in PvP. No one's been able to destroy it, yet it's destroyed Many enemies.

    One of the Greatest zen store purchases I ever made.

    So who-ever said Cruisers and beams are not powerful enough, never knew how to use them I guess. Or used the wrong stuff.

    My Dreadnought can equip cannons, so that makes it even more fun and tough to use.

    If you don't have that ship yet, of the Federation side, I strongly suggest getting it.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    No, FAW escorts do. They have more tac consoles (except for the tactical BortasQu' and the tactical Scimitar), and can run two FAW3.

    having 2 copies of one ability doesn't change anything with an aux2batt build...normally i reduce cooldowns of faw and tac team to the global cooldown, which cannot be bypassed.

    which brings me to your 2 copies of tac team...i know in an all beam boat that ensign is wasted, i personally use torps on that ship for this reason. That said: the fleet excelsior is more suited for the build you have.

    another thing with beam escorts is, that they can postition themselves much faster...you may think that beams take out the turnrate advantage, but only to a certain degree...escorts are just faster in bringing all 7-8 beams on a single target while faw is on CD.

    Oh heck, I knew Cruisers and beam weapons were awesome. It all depends on how you equip and use them. My favorite ship to use is my Dreadnought Cruiser! Not only is it a tough motha-f$%?ker , yet it can cause Alot of damage, (and since it's a large ship, it can take alot as well).

    I equip that with dual beams , heavy cannons and torpedoes.

    so no beam arrays? idk with whom you regularly do pvp, but they must be horrible at it. only 3 tac consoles, 6 turnrate, and a rather "sub average" lance, make this ship antique compared to the ships you can get via fleet store or lockbox.
    there are only a handfull cruisers that work well as an offensive cruiser playstyle...the dreadnought is certainly no longer among them.
    Go pro or go home
  • bleapsbleaps Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    why is there no nerf FAW threads lol , if anything the poor escorts are redundant a tac captain in a cruiser will put down more dps and survive longer to lay it down

    not to mention the stupid overflow when they using acc3 beams and nukara console,

    FAW has always been drastically underpowered , or super overpowered ...now its just super OP time
  • longasclongasc Member Posts: 490
    edited July 2013
    Cruisers and Beam Arrays are still underperforming and not even the X-th month late "look at my numbers!" posting is going to change that!

    That cruisers doing an A2B build are some kind of escort with funnily even worse healing and zero support capability driving numbers higher by wildly flailing around is not addressing the core issue.

    It's showing that no support or teamwork is necessary in this and many other STFs and that they can be done just through firepower.

    So it's still Escorts Online, DPS ruling supreme and Science and Cruiser support abilities being optional and actually harming the team that would benefit from more focus on damage and damage alone.
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bleaps wrote: »
    why is there no nerf FAW threads lol , if anything the poor escorts are redundant a tac captain in a cruiser will put down more dps and survive longer to lay it down

    not to mention the stupid overflow when they using acc3 beams and nukara console,

    FAW has always been drastically underpowered , or super overpowered ...now its just super OP time

    Spam has gotten out of control and in that context, I do not believe that FAW is overpowered simply in terms of DPS. It is unbalanced because there is no reasonable defense against it.

    To better balance it, I would suggest that FAW create a large sensor penalty while active, so that the user is more susceptible to defenses like AMS/SS. It also makes some sense canon-wise since sensor resolution and a tactical officer's attention would be divided among many more targets.

    Additionally, they should make it so that, while FAW is active, any immunity to sensor confusion, such as those granted by the expiration of SS/AMS/JS does not apply. This way, if players can figure out how to spam FAW with virtually no cooldown, they can be inundated with chained sensor confusion effects.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    also all this has only little to do with how beam arrays work or are underpowered in general: the setup we are looking at is the sum of about a 1 overpowered synergy existant in the game.
    the way you can buff plasma weapons in this game nowadays has come to an insane point imho.

    4 tac consoles+the romulan set bonus which adds +% plasma dmg (which buffs actually the base dmg of your plasma weapons, idk if that is actually intentional), embassy consoles which do the same...
    romulan boffs, that are stackable...about 19% crit chance + crth mods
    on top of that the tactical captain buffs which do not act additive but multiplicative.
    and not to forget the disruptor proc...

    personally i believe beam arrays are only suffering from a too big powerdrain. the aux2batt build seems to eliminate this problem anyway.
    Go pro or go home
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    amahood wrote: »
    Oh heck, I knew Cruisers and beam weapons were awesome. It all depends on how you equip and use them. My favorite ship to use is my Dreadnought Cruiser! Not only is it a tough motha-f$%?ker , yet it can cause Alot of damage, (and since it's a large ship, it can take alot as well).

    I have a FAILaxy - X and even equipped with AP beams cannons and powerfull torps its still a POS.
    It struggles in PvE even when tanking it is suicidal to fly it in PvP the FAILaxy-X is not a very good ship turns to slow for the lance beam to even be effective.
    baudl wrote: »
    so no beam arrays? idk with whom you regularly do pvp, but they must be horrible at it. only 3 tac consoles, 6 turnrate, and a rather "sub average" lance, make this ship antique compared to the ships you can get via fleet store or lockbox.
    there are only a handfull cruisers that work well as an offensive cruiser playstyle...the dreadnought is certainly no longer among them.

    this ^^^
  • bleapsbleaps Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    with nukara t4 reputation at least a2b is dumping your aux so you loosing that bonus

    i dont know if thats intentional but its a step in the right direction , credit where its due
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My parser must be broken, or outdated because it doesn't track anything's DPS as that high. I mean, the damage numbers and healing and all of that is about the same, but I have never seen any DPS score higher than 9k, even bug ships running SV or something. Every parse I have ever done seems incredibly low now if this is standard. And I'm no slouch.

    I am not doubting you, nor am I saying you're some kinda super badass. I am just wondering how everyone's DPS numbers are so crazy on that log. DPS, not damage. If anything, the damage numbers seem kinda low for the much DPS.

    is there some kind of change with ACT, or some kind of update I should do? Admittedly, I haven't done anything other than the standard install of it 5 months ago. Perhaps something I had to add when LoR released sounds familiar?

    All of this points to me wondering if I'm using ACT correctly.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    What makes you think that is a bug?

    No, FAW escorts do. They have more tac consoles (except for the tactical BortasQu' and the tactical Scimitar), and can run two FAW3.

    I'm not talking about how overcapping weapon power may help with resisting drain and keeping your weapons power high, I'm talking about the damage bonus beams get from overcapped weapon power, it keeps scaling up past 125.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • martin1970giesenmartin1970giesen Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    My parser must be broken, or outdated because it doesn't track anything's DPS as that high. I mean, the damage numbers and healing and all of that is about the same, but I have never seen any DPS score higher than 9k, even bug ships running SV or something. Every parse I have ever done seems incredibly low now if this is standard. And I'm no slouch.

    I am not doubting you, nor am I saying you're some kinda super badass. I am just wondering how everyone's DPS numbers are so crazy on that log. DPS, not damage. If anything, the damage numbers seem kinda low for the much DPS.

    is there some kind of change with ACT, or some kind of update I should do? Admittedly, I haven't done anything other than the standard install of it 5 months ago. Perhaps something I had to add when LoR released sounds familiar?

    All of this points to me wondering if I'm using ACT correctly.

    Me (bone ugly) & OP are both from dps-11.000, there is a whole channel that does damage like that (11.000 dps in ISE, to get in).
    Keybind: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=9355971&postcount=463
    Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
    Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
    Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
    Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    topset wrote: »
    I only did this to prove a point.

    I have 3 challenges for you . :)

    1) Put up your Doff setup

    2) Do this with an Engineer toon .

    3) Don't use FAW (at all) .

    Bonus challenge :

    4) use at least 3 Neutronium consoles in your Engineer slots .

    Why have I asked all of the above ?
    Well , STO is a 3 legged animal since the Doffs were introduced , so it's not enough to show your ship + setup .

    The request to do this on an Engineer toon came about because a lot of the QQ you hear is from Engineers flying the ships that were intended for them and not seeing much "return" for their effort (no DPS w/beam weapons) -- thus forcing some Engineers / Sci players to use Escorts to be more effective .

    The request to not use FAW came from the lack of my personal faith in it's ability to be parsed well .
    So ... , just for the sake of argument , how about no FAW and just Beam Overloads ?

    And the last "bonus" request was made because your load out looked like an xmas tree with all it's blings and whistles .
    That ship was not a practical ship (not for PVP at least) , sadly it looked more like a "look how much money went into the ship" . (Is your Doff setup all purple as well ? ;))
    So , use 3 actual engineering consoles plz , and before you ask "why aren't more ppl like me (?), it's so easy ..." -- keep in mind that most players don't fly such an expensive ship . (hello purple warp core :P)
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    This :D

    I don't want to be offensive to anyone as well, but if you actually manage to do that on a non-payship to a single target (try starbase 234) and a practical build (only slotting pay/uni consoles? lol) I'm impressed. This way it's just a "look I spent so much money on this build" thread - there are tons of those. Whenever Players ask for a viable build to help them on the way people are rpeatedly posting their uber-builds made with fleet/payships, ultra-rare uni consoles / pre-order bonuses etc. - that's not helping, thats showing off.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    I have 3 challenges for you . :)

    1) Put up your Doff setup

    2) Do this with an Engineer toon .

    those 2 are reasonable to a degree...the other 2 are senseless requests.

    3) Don't use FAW (at all) .

    Bonus challenge :

    4) use at least 3 Neutronium consoles in your Engineer slots .

    Why have I asked all of the above ?
    Well , STO is a 3 legged animal since the Doffs were introduced , so it's not enough to show your ship + setup .

    The request to do this on an Engineer toon came about because a lot of the QQ you hear is from Engineers flying the ships that were intended for them and not seeing much "return" for their effort (no DPS w/beam weapons) -- thus forcing some Engineers / Sci players to use Escorts to be more effective .

    The request to not use FAW came from the lack of my personal faith in it's ability to be parsed well .
    So ... , just for the sake of argument , how about no FAW and just Beam Overloads ?

    And the last "bonus" request was made because your load out looked like an xmas tree with all it's blings and whistles .
    That ship was not a practical ship (not for PVP at least) , sadly it looked more like a "look how much money went into the ship" . (Is your Doff setup all purple as well ? ;))
    So , use 3 actual engineering consoles plz , and before you ask "why aren't more ppl like me (?), it's so easy ..." -- keep in mind that most players don't fly such an expensive ship . (hello purple warp core :P)

    now those requests make completely no sense.

    1) doff setup is 3 technicians and a warpcore specialist (i think you can actually use 3 blue technicians with only minor loss in the cooldown rotation...anyway purples are recommanded.)
    2) he will parse at about 11-13k...simply because that's what tac captain buffs do...increase dmg
    3) that makes completely no sense, and BO isn't even remotely a good idea to use with beam arrays. period.
    4) again...why? what's the purpose to increase hull resi when you never lose a shield facing? and you would lose some seriously good dps consoles...if you setup your ship like that no wonder the dps does not climb over 2k

    the "money" factor is ofcourse not really valid...i'd rather say playtime investment. No secret that the romulan disruptors have insane synergies to boost dmg beyond anything other weapons could possibly achieve, but hey...anybody can get them with a little effort.
    all of what you see in his pictures, can be bought via exchange or reputaion system and/or fleet stores. you can't buy fleet marks with money, nore can you buy reputation with real money.

    ofcourse such a build takes effort, but that is the high end gear you have in STO...and it is easier to achieve than any high end gear in any other game i know.

    i personally have an engi captain with a fleet AC, with a aux2batt setup...but i use fleet phasers, and that drastically reduces dmg output...anyway i can do 9k dps in ISE
    Go pro or go home
  • zenzenarimasenzenzenarimasen Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    When people say "X sucks, use Y instead" I tend to ignore them. I've heard it way too often, and it almost always boils down to "X sucks for my individual playstyle."

    Take for instance the ship I fly. It's a Chimera, which I keep hearing sucks. I have pretty much no BOFFs going, I have nothing but fleet based dual heavy antiproton cannons and turrets loaded onto it.

    I go into elite STFs with that ship and often impress people with how much damage it outputs, and how much of a pounding it can take. Take Khitomer for instance. Just having me with my ship in the mission means that you don't have to worry about failing the optional. I actually handle the probes coming out of both gates, regardless of how fast they're pouring out. And this is without using any abilities that slow probes down like chroniton anything, or gravity well skills.

    I wasn't say it's easy to do that, it takes a lot of concentration and effort, but I can just barely manage it on my own. My ship is one of the least popular ships and it's a complete beast.

    It's more about what you put on the ship and the ability to be clever in exploiting that ship's unique abilities.

    ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → Ⓑ Ⓐ
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    baudl wrote: »
    now those requests make completely no sense.

    To you maybe .
    Why is it so hard to understand that Eng's & Sci feel left behind in the DPS arms race when they use the ships that are intended for them (without all that "bling" junk that this setup had) ?
    1) doff setup is 3 technicians and a warpcore specialist

    You're missing one , and you're not the OP . I was asking him .
    2) he will parse at about 11-13k...simply because that's what tac captain buffs do...increase dmg

    So what you're saying here is that without a Tac captain , no one get's into the "10.000 DPS Club" . Good to know .
    3) that makes completely no sense, and BO isn't even remotely a good idea to use with beam arrays. period.

    Period ?
    So in your world if you don't broadside with FAW , you don't matter ?
    In that case you forgot to add "and don't use Dual Beams Bank . Period." :eek:
    4) again...why? what's the purpose to increase hull resi when you never lose a shield facing?

    Having TT does not = never loose a shield facing .
    But then again this comes from a PVP mentality .
    You'll also forgive me for noting that nobody uses Plasma weapons in PVP . ;)
    the "money" factor is of course not really valid...i'd rather say playtime investment.

    I don't wan't to go there .
    I have said that the average player won't have that ship equipment that the OP posted and that is where my POV stands .

    To be honest I am much more bothered by the seeming segregation of the STF community into "DPS 5000-10.000" channels then anything someone can/can't perform with FAW and a parser .
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    To you maybe .
    Why is it so hard to understand that Eng's & Sci feel left behind in the DPS arms race when they use the ships that are intended for them (without all that "bling" junk that this setup had) ?

    Intended for them? Is it written anywhere in the game that cruisers are for engi captains or sci vessels are for sci captains?
  • aexraelaexrael Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Topset could you include encounter duration in the parse images please? This has a rather large impact on the DPS produced over the encounter.
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    aexrael wrote: »
    Topset could you include encounter duration in the parse images please? This has a rather large impact on the DPS produced over the encounter.

    You can see the duration in the parse, at the very top of the image.
This discussion has been closed.