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so i came back just over a week ago... (bug reports)



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    general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    You are right , this game has come a long way , but we lost things along that way too .
    We lost some good players , we lost some good forum posters , and perhaps most importantly we seem to have lost hope .

    Remember when every now and then someone would say "this game has so much potential" ?
    You just don't hear that anymore . And that's what disturbs me .
    The seeking of "potential" became substituted with "it is what it is" .

    Don't be angry with ppl who still have a hope for something better then the grind infested kill & fluff that we have now .

    FYI you don't sound "cool" just because you use the word "whine" .
    But you do sound trendy .
    Off course , trendy is just another word for sheep .

    Oh , and you don't "own" these forums , so you're not in a position to tell anyone to GTFO . :)
    It was more a suggestion then an order. I don't care about sounding "cool" cool doesn't describe someone who spends all his time playing video games and watches tv all day. I gave up on the concept of being cool along time ago. And while sheep may just blindly follow the crowd I do not. Yes sadly this game may not be as great as the OP had hoped it would be, but its still a great game. There are plenty of far worse MMO's like POTCO which is pretty much dead. It may not be entirely true to Star Trek but if it was it would be dead, what people fail to realize is the Star Trek Community only make up part of the Sci-Fi community as a whole. If the game relied solely on Trekkie's It would have failed along time ago. The game has got some things wrong but it got more things right, sure it may be flooded with the corporate pay to win scheme but honestly what do you want for a Free to Play MMO. Maybe they shouldnt have went free to play but they did and it may have saved the game.Every game has bugs and there are plenty far worse. So my point is if you dont enjoy a game dont play it, but I've seen an increase in whining on the forums of late and its getting annoying.
    Blah blah blah, rant rant rant, bicker bicker bicker. I honestly think it'd be better for me to avoid the forums as much as possible...

    In any case, just to put my two cents' worth in, I recognize that there are some problems with the game, but overall I really enjoy it. I first started actually playing the game near the end of Season 2, and honestly, this game has come quite a ways since then. It's not perfect, but I prefer it over WoW or SWTOR.
    Yeah SWTOR is the worst IP based MMO ever, quite sad too.
    linkjoy wrote: »
    Wow, what a crappy community. I have never seen such immaturity on responses before. Are you all 12?

    The original poster has some extremely valid points. I wouldn't blame him for not playing now, because you guys are just horrible people.

    So because you guys have accepted the fact that this game is just the buggiest game as an MMO right now, that gives you the right to attack the guy?

    Jeez this game and most of you have become the worst trolls I have ever seen. EVERY point the original poster brings up is RIGHT. There is NO EXCUSE at this point for what Cryptic hasn't fixed.
    You have no right to generalize everyone as 12 year olds, many here are adults. You also asininely assume that this is the buggiest MMO out there, have you played SWTOR? POTCO? far worse, far far worse. Also a game cannot be a troll, nor can an entire community. He brings up valid points but turns into a whining baby by repeating them over and over again.
    This thread was kinda depressing to read and I feel a bit ashamed of the community as it is being represented here. OP was merely adding voice to the cause of STO getting bug fixes. And it DOES need them. There are a plentiful amount of long-standing bugs that should have been addressed long ago and more get added as we go along.

    I love this game, but it certainly has issues. Ignoring the issues and letting Cryptic slide on substandard work is a disservice to the game that I love. "It is what it is, play it or don't" isn't an acceptable argument or even a valid point, especially in an MMO. Feedback is what causes change by getting the attention of those who have the power to make said changes. And as has been stated, there is a ton of issues that Cryptic most certainly knows about and just doesn't do anything about it. Priorities? You mean lockboxes and such? I would 1000X rather get a bug fix than e-lottery ticket for a Jem'Hadar ship.

    Yes the devs are capable of great work and the game is fun (first and foremost) and overall is decent. But holding it to a higher standard that is achievable is not a crime worthy of forum ridicule. Demand for bug fixes should be supported. Every time.
    There is a difference in demanding for bug fixes and whining about the same things over and over. Now if the OP can phrase things in a way that doesn't come of as being said by a whiny kid then I'm all for it. Yes we should demand better content, but not whine about it. so when he can word his issues properly then I'll certainly be onboard. Im all for fixes, but whining I will not tolerate.
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