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so i came back just over a week ago... (bug reports)

oldkilldareoldkilldare Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
so i came back just over a week ago...or there abouts...

originally i bought the game retail (still have the box) and back then the game was a mess.
even the devs admitted it wasn't ready to launch but the licensing arrangements forced their hand.

but i stuck with it.

because i'm like that.

and i wanted to like this game.

still do.

the main problem back then was content...same as it is now tbh...but eventually Stahl came along and they put a lot of effort into making what little content they could pump out go a long way (the feature episodes).

eventually it became clear to me that spending time in game was pretty much a waste of time when there was next to no content so i posted a "dear john" (in which btw i suggested somehow getting "the star trek fans" to create their own content somehow as they've always been big at that...) and said my saddened goodbyes.

but hey, i hear you say, now there's the Foundry and "Legacy of Romulus" and you have a point hence why i came back...

but i have a problem...the problem i have is about the state of the game and i don't mean content now i mean BUGS.

now i'm sure the white knights and our resident "i help keep the sh*t regulated hence my name hur hur" CM will say "we don't need to focus on bugs. we can do it alongside content development" and to that i simply say: "ye well if that's true why am i still seeing bugs that have been in the game since launch over 3 years ago ?" because it seems to me that 'we'll do that at the same time' idea SIMPLY ISN'T WORKING.

so anyway up and coming is a list of all the bugs i have encountered and that has infected my play since restarting playing STO again and made me want to switch the game off and do something else and if you're smart Cryptic you'll pay attention because you made a serious mistake pulling a whole load of players in to show them a substandard product.

i mean get a grip guys i can play the likes of LOTRO for years (a game to which i have a lifetime sub because it deserves it) and virtually never see a bug in any of the gameplay content but this game, this game that, lets be honest has a pittful amount of actual crafted content in comparison is full of them...

1. you can't set the option to display or not display ground combat skills on boffs. it doesn't stick. THIS WAS A BUG AT LAUNCH.

2. the rendering of some maps causes massive texture flicker that makes the game look cheap and tbh causes me headaches even when i try and ignore it. to make matters worse some of the worst offenders are in the most highly trafficked Dil daily maps. this bug has been in the game since launch and is listed as a known issue in a sticked post FROM OVER A YEAR AGO and to make matters worse they know how to fix it but just...haven't.

3. Ker'rat. need i say anymore ? i stuck my head in once trying to hit the 8k Dil limit on the Fed side (why is this so much harder for Feds than Klingons, especially now the KDF are an equal faction ?) and there were two tact cubes in the middle of the map stuck in the warp in animation cycle and a normal cube stuck on the geometry at ALL FOUR corners of the map...the tact cube think in particular was like a bad trip with a massive expanding/shinking cross of the two animations being so distracting that after a while, and after checking with others on the map my PC alone wasn't having some kind of fit, i just left...and again ITS BEEN AS BUGGY AS THAT FOR YEARS.

4. oh ye. YOU LOST ALL MY MAIL (after a patch)....including a fair pile of expensive BOFFs with hard to get abilities. no sticked post on the issue, no news on any potential fix or timescale for a fix...and the topic has dropped off the forums...did i mention i was back for just over a week after oh maybe a year away to see if the game was "better" ?...said stuff had sat there for maybe a year and you lose it "right in front of me" just when i regain interest in the game ? good game cryptic, good game -.-

5. the tailor...omg what have you done to the tailor ?..apart from the fact that "hey i mouseovered a thing and my entire character has changed in the tailor WTF?!" is one of the worst UI things i've seen ever half the outfits don't work how they should now and the color choices on the ship tailor don't even work in the load/save...and where's the undo/redo ? did you have a meeting to scrap that or was it just someone getting overzealous with "redoing the tailor" into the mess it now is ?

6. as far as the the traits tab is concerned my Romulan Alien is now apparently just a Romulan.

7. i renamed her after a few levels, paid to do it in "zen", but the drop down thing to check what skills abilities use still shows her old name.

8. didn't get her second Romulan Doff package at 31 ether...35 now and no sign of it.

9. my BOFFS, on all characters, keep turning in "INVALIDENTITY"s in the paper doll who have a starship icon and nothing else. they used to fix when clicked on....the last few days they haven't even been doing that 'right'.

10. the exchange sometimes thinks i'm a Romulan, KDF or Fed when i'm not, lists the wrong ranks, doesn't show half the stuff that's listed (including my own postings) and "The ALL bug" which has been in the game since launch (which just to remind you all is over 3 years ago), IS STILL THERE.

11. i'm pretty sure returns from the exchange are now just vanishing in the mail.

12. i can't log in using my username and the launcher (and parts of cyptics site) still uses the old pre forced change to PW one.

so ye back for a week or so and i'm already feeling like i don't want to play again and its all the bugs fault...and there are waaaay more than this but i didn't keep a list...

this "we'll fix them at the same time as we make pop culture star trek references to sell you in lottery boxes" thing ISN'T WORKING and the accumulated mess of largely ignored buggyness you are offering up to players is going to LOSE you customers.

the f2p genre is vast and i have plenty of other games to chose from and play.
plenty of other games that aren't riddled with ignored bugs.

i wanted to play this one but every time i sit down to play the accumulation of these bugs makes me want to find something else to do that doesn't furrow my brow as much.

something else where i don't have to wade through neglected TRIBBLE to get to the good stuff.

i hear you have a bigger team now...that pw is pumping some money and resources into the game (probably because the franchise is pretty valuable with the new films in the zeitgeist) and i want to make this clear: i like the Romulan expansion (even if the ship limitations are a money grab...) but for gawd sake guys you really need to do a period of catch up bug killing.

there are bugs/glitches that have been around SINCE LAUNCH and others that are at least over a year old that need fixed (and really bad ideas that have found there way in game like the new tailor) and at the moment you are NOT putting your best foot forward despite your efforts to do so via making great content because those bugs are highly distracting and negative opinion inducing.

i dunno if any of the devs will read this. like i said before when i did my "dear john" the last time i suggested letting players make thier own content somehow and...as if my magic..we now have "the Foundry"...but i'm not narcissistic enough to think that came from me...i will say this however: WoW, in its early years, once did a full bug fixing focused patch cycle because, at the time IT WAS NEEDED (i know because "i was there") and this game badly needs something similar having, as it does, bugs that have went unfixed since launch over 3 years ago and others which have been allowed to sit festering for at least over a year.

if its true you finally have decent resources to hand you should seriously consider doing something similar and more than that i'd suggest even making a song and dance about it.

as i said in my last "dear john" i should be the perfect potential customer for this game (i'm a lifelong trek "fan" who plays mountains of MMOs because i'm largely housebound/socially excluded due to illness)

please give me a reason to keep playing.

ps i'm also really sad i missed the 3 year cruiser :( y no c-store version ?
Post edited by oldkilldare on


  • sorceror01sorceror01 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Look, all I hear is you whining.

    Sorry if that came off as rude, but it's the truth.

    See a post like this, all I hear is moaning and groaning about really dumb things. It sounds more like you've already made your decision, and are just trying to draw attention to yourself by posting on a forum and giving people the illusion of trying to change your mind.

    So I'm not gonna try. What's the point?

    This game is great. It looks really good, it's got fun gameplay, and best of all, it has a lot of potential to it. Things keep getting added to it, great things, and more stuff is on the way.

    Yes, it has bugs. What MMO currently doesn't have its share, on way or another? What MMO, at the same age that STO is, didn't have its own share of problems?
    Bugs get fixed. Glitches get worked out. It all takes time, one way or another.
    So there's a few features you don't like, or don't see the point of. Oh well. I can't do anything for you there, and I'm not gonna bother to try; sounds more like a personal decision than anything else, really.
    That doesn't detract from the fact that this is a great game.

    If you're trying to cough your distaste of the game in the framework or, "Oh I don't like it because of bugs and glitches", then I just wonder how you play any games, ever. It's not like these phenomena are exclusive to just to MMO's. Any game can develop them.
    And the number of bugs and glitches isn't game breaking, not usually anyways. Yes, they are aggravating, yes they can temporarily make it somewhat harder to progress as fast as you like, and yes, even sometimes, they can rudely kick you back to a login screen.
    It all gets worked out in the end, one way or another. And whatever's left? Minor annoyance.

    Saying you don't want to play the game because of bugs and glitches is like saying you never wanna go outside because of mosquitoes and bad weather.

    If you don't like it, then.... oh well? Sorry? I don't know what you expect from anyone here. Don't play anymore, then. But don't whine about it on the forums, either.

    You are not getting any sympathy from the likes of me.

    Edit: And 3 year cruiser? You mean the Ambassador? You can still get it in the game. Do the mission "Temporal Ambassador". I just don't think you can receive the T5 Retrofit of it anymore. If you want a higher end version of it, join a fleet with an advanced enough Shipyard and you can obtain the Fleet version of it.
    ".... you're gonna have a bad time."
  • theredviola2003theredviola2003 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Seems to me that cryptic/pw have the attitude that "it's a half descent Star Trek game" so they can milk it due to Trek's fan base. That's the attitude I'm getting towards this game with regards to DLC and bugs.
  • zachverantzachverant Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Maybe you would be happier if did not dwell on stuff you can not control and focus on things you can.

    The Devs have priorities and some of these things (bugs) have a very low priority...it just is.

    STO has come a long way since the early days and IMHO you would be hard pressed to do ALL the stuff there is to do in the game even if you are in a large Fleet. If you are in a small Fleet or solo you will never be done.

    maybe you can come back and play when everything is perfect and hunky dory for you and then make sure you thank allllllllllll of us that beat the Devs up week in and week out around patch day.

    But, I have to tell you...it will nevvvver be perfect because, every week we get "new" stuff/content in the game and there will all ways be bugs and issues with new stuff/content. I am not sure what other game gets "new" stuff EVERY Thursday, wait, today is Tuesday and we are getting new stuff...more Favors...we will get something else on Thursday maybe a stability fix or a bug fix, we just "know" we are getting something.

    Play the game pay for the game support the game help beat the Devs up when they make mistakes in the game and then maybe other players and the Devs will care if you stay or not.

    You are not the perfect customer for STO because you are not actively playing the game and trying to make it better, you are just a another complainer, who will not take their lumps and help fix the issues...you want others too...nice...glad you are not in my Fleet.

    Time to get more Favors...:P
    "Sips her PWE Koolaide and looks at alllll the goodies in the Z store"
    Badname Betty (PvP...PvE...STF...Trophy Hunter...Latnium Collector...Federation)
    Commander Morgana (PvP...PvE...STF...KDF)
    1000 day vet and LTS
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] STO Join date: 7 Feb 2010
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Blah blah blah blah

    1. you can't set the option to display or not display ground combat skills on boffs. it doesn't stick. THIS WAS A BUG AT LAUNCH.

    2. the rendering of some maps causes massive texture flicker that makes the game look cheap and tbh causes me headaches even when i try and ignore it. to make matters worse some of the worst offenders are in the most highly trafficked Dil daily maps. this bug has been in the game since launch and is listed as a known issue in a sticked post FROM OVER A YEAR AGO and to make matters worse they know how to fix it but just...haven't.

    3. Ker'rat. need i say anymore ? i stuck my head in once trying to hit the 8k Dil limit on the Fed side (why is this so much harder for Feds than Klingons, especially now the KDF are an equal faction ?) and there were two tact cubes in the middle of the map stuck in the warp in animation cycle and a normal cube stuck on the geometry at ALL FOUR corners of the map...the tact cube think in particular was like a bad trip with a massive expanding/shinking cross of the two animations being so distracting that after a while, and after checking with others on the map my PC alone wasn't having some kind of fit, i just left...and again ITS BEEN AS BUGGY AS THAT FOR YEARS.

    4. oh ye. YOU LOST ALL MY MAIL (after a patch)....including a fair pile of expensive BOFFs with hard to get abilities. no sticked post on the issue, no news on any potential fix or timescale for a fix...and the topic has dropped off the forums...did i mention i was back for just over a week after oh maybe a year away to see if the game was "better" ?...said stuff had sat there for maybe a year and you lose it "right in front of me" just when i regain interest in the game ? good game cryptic, good game -.-

    5. the tailor...omg what have you done to the tailor ?..apart from the fact that "hey i mouseovered a thing and my entire character has changed in the tailor WTF?!" is one of the worst UI things i've seen ever half the outfits don't work how they should now and the color choices on the ship tailor don't even work in the load/save...and where's the undo/redo ? did you have a meeting to scrap that or was it just someone getting overzealous with "redoing the tailor" into the mess it now is ?

    6. as far as the the traits tab is concerned my Romulan Alien is now apparently just a Romulan.

    7. i renamed her after a few levels, paid to do it in "zen", but the drop down thing to check what skills abilities use still shows her old name.

    8. didn't get her second Romulan Doff package at 31 ether...35 now and no sign of it.

    9. my BOFFS, on all characters, keep turning in "INVALIDENTITY"s in the paper doll who have a starship icon and nothing else. they used to fix when clicked on....the last few days they haven't even been doing that 'right'.

    10. the exchange sometimes thinks i'm a Romulan, KDF or Fed when i'm not, lists the wrong ranks, doesn't show half the stuff that's listed (including my own postings) and "The ALL bug" which has been in the game since launch (which just to remind you all is over 3 years ago), IS STILL THERE.

    11. i'm pretty sure returns from the exchange are now just vanishing in the mail.

    12. i can't log in using my username and the launcher (and parts of cyptics site) still uses the old pre forced change to PW one.

    Laa-dee-da blah blah.

    1) Why should be care about boffs? You should be intimate enough with your boff's abilities to know what they will activate, and the visual signs when they activate. Besides, if you care so much about the boffs, you're actually playing more of a single player game then.

    2) I haven't seen texture flicker. Try troubleshooting in the other section of this forum.

    3) Let me come along in my escort and fire a few shots at ya. Cubes will be the least of your problems. :)

    flyingtarg wrote:
    Hey guys, we have an update on this issue for you.

    We're still conducting our investigation, but the mailed items that players are reporting are missing still exist in the database, and we will work to get them back in your mail as soon as possible.

    This patch introduced an update of our player-to-player mail to a new mail system. As a part of this update, all player-to-player mail had to be transferred over to this system. For most players, this transfer worked as expected, and they should see no change in their mail.

    However, for players with a very, very large amount of items in player-to-player mail, this migration failed due to unforeseen technicalities, causing the mail (But not the items in the mail, as they are stored separately from the mail) to be lost. Because the items still exist, we will be able to have them mailed to you, and we'll work to make sure that these items are returned to you as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause in the meantime.

    5) Yeah, the tailor has some issue with it, namely the uniform/off-duty button being glitchy and undo/redo vanishing.

    6) Respec with the free trait token.

    7) Troubleshoot. It may just be that your character's name is changed, but the full name (edit record button) is still the old name.

    8) Buy doffs off of the exchange. Common ones are quite cheap.

    9) That is a bug that Cryptic will likely fix in an upcoming patch. It's likely that they are still trying to find a solution without further breaking the game.

    10) The Exchange cannot differentiate between who's using it. Keep in mind, all doffs are just that; doffs, and not FED/KDF/Rom doffs, the Exchange counts them all as just doffs. "All" is broken and still is, but I've gotten used to it. Don't know what you mean by "not showing your for-sale items", the Exchange shows all for-sale items.

    11) There should be two mail from "exchange expired". One of them has your item, retrieve that one and delete both of the mails.

    12) Then how did you get into the game/forum?
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • corvallecorvalle Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sorceror01 wrote: »
    Look, all I hear is you whining.

    Sorry if that came off as rude, but it's the truth.

    See a post like this, all I hear is moaning and groaning about really dumb things. It sounds more like you've already made your decision, and are just trying to draw attention to yourself by posting on a forum and giving people the illusion of trying to change your mind.

    So I'm not gonna try. What's the point?

    This game is great. It looks really good, it's got fun gameplay, and best of all, it has a lot of potential to it. Things keep getting added to it, great things, and more stuff is on the way.

    Yes, it has bugs. What MMO currently doesn't have its share, on way or another? What MMO, at the same age that STO is, didn't have its own share of problems?
    Bugs get fixed. Glitches get worked out. It all takes time, one way or another.
    So there's a few features you don't like, or don't see the point of. Oh well. I can't do anything for you there, and I'm not gonna bother to try; sounds more like a personal decision than anything else, really.
    That doesn't detract from the fact that this is a great game.

    If you're trying to cough your distaste of the game in the framework or, "Oh I don't like it because of bugs and glitches", then I just wonder how you play any games, ever. It's not like these phenomena are exclusive to just to MMO's. Any game can develop them.
    And the number of bugs and glitches isn't game breaking, not usually anyways. Yes, they are aggravating, yes they can temporarily make it somewhat harder to progress as fast as you like, and yes, even sometimes, they can rudely kick you back to a login screen.
    It all gets worked out in the end, one way or another. And whatever's left? Minor annoyance.

    Saying you don't want to play the game because of bugs and glitches is like saying you never wanna go outside because of mosquitoes and bad weather.

    If you don't like it, then.... oh well? Sorry? I don't know what you expect from anyone here. Don't play anymore, then. But don't whine about it on the forums, either.

    You are not getting any sympathy from the likes of me.

    Edit: And 3 year cruiser? You mean the Ambassador? You can still get it in the game. Do the mission "Temporal Ambassador". I just don't think you can receive the T5 Retrofit of it anymore. If you want a higher end version of it, join a fleet with an advanced enough Shipyard and you can obtain the Fleet version of it.

    The OP is 100% correct and his view on the current state of the game is correct as well. I see no whining in his post at all, but valid concerns about the state of bugs in this game. Sorry to tell you, but STO is the most bug riddled game I have ever come across, and I have played Swtor...

    These bugs are not getting fixed, and the graphics glitching and flickering is just poor coding on the dev teams side. I really agree with you OP, this game has potential, but in its current state, it will not continue on for very long :(
  • painkillerjaynepainkillerjayne Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Holy "wall 'o text" Batman! :eek:

    If you're staying then pipe down squeaky. The devs will fix what they fix when they fix it. No sense in working yourself up into a lather over stuff you can't control. ;)

    If you're not staying then bye-bye! Don't let the sub-orbital asteroids hit you in the tail-pipe on your way out of the system. :P
    Command Officers of the USS Wyvern (from left to right):
    Aurellia Eshkah (Tactical); Indigo Shae (Engineering); Nysiay Chysiayki (VA, Ship Captain)
    Jeclia Sek (Science); Vally Mantivour (Security)
  • mirrorterranmirrorterran Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well I have some time to kill while I wait for the server maintenance (which is running long as usual...why dont they just say it will take such n such amount of time and always come back early?)

    So as you can see from above I'm not Cryptic's best friend but I will try to be as neutral as possible. As in most things in life it's a grey area and not all bad or good.

    I will agree that there are bugs here that are from launch...and I agree that they need to start addressing them. I don't believe in the theory that I hear...even from devs and DStahl himself that "hey there will always be bugs." Sorry that doesnt fly with me...the bugs referred to are numerous and have been here a LONG time. A few of the them pretty serious....BUT the majority of them are just frivolous.

    Such as your #1 "can't set the option to display or not display ground combat skills on boffs" Umm...who cares? That's why it's still there.
    Your #2? frivolous.
    #3? who cares. rejoin. restart. whatever.
    #4? I have never had a big bleeding heart for those members who are basically using an exploit to use their mail for an inventory. However, Cryptic is working on it. Nice bunch of guys I guess.
    #5? No, not the greatest UI in the world, but it is trying to convey a huge amount of info and I think your main problem is just not used to it. I wasnt at first but never had any game breaking bugs using it. (yes I know there are some bugs, but it's not the end of life as we know it)
    The rest I've never encountered except #11 which is wrong. yes its bugged but your item is returned to you in a duplicate email. You don't lose it.

    Also...I always have a big problem when people constantly compare this game to LOTRO. Sorry fail. This game is completely free. LOTRO is not. Those that say it is obviously never tried to play it completely free as I have. Want to take a guess how many toons you have to create, skill up, completely gear, do all the quests, etc to get into the expansion pack areas and out of the starter zone? It's just nuts.

    As far as the comment about the f2p genre...yes its vast but also note STO was voted #1 F2P game of the year last year. I'm sure someone else can chime in with the info on the survey, I'm not going to bother we all have Google.

    Bottom line, yes Cryptic has some work to do. Am I going to let it ruin my enjoyment of the game in general? No.

    Good luck to you.
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    corvalle wrote: »
    The OP is 100% correct and his view on the current state of the game is correct as well. I see no whining in his post at all, but valid concerns about the state of bugs in this game. Sorry to tell you, but STO is the most bug riddled game I have ever come across, and I have played Swtor...

    These bugs are not getting fixed, and the graphics glitching and flickering is just poor coding on the dev teams side. I really agree with you OP, this game has potential, but in its current state, it will not continue on for very long :(

    More whining, unfounded speculation, and doom saying.

    ".... you're gonna have a bad time."
  • bullschizzybullschizzy Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    3) Let me come along in my escort and fire a few shots at ya. Cubes will be the least of your problems. :)

    sounds more like you are making excuses for the valid points he has made...and BTW some of those "sale expired" mails WILL not delete for everyone. just like the "Bonus (BOGUS) Mark Event Weekend" NOT everyone was getting the bonus, hell, I didn't even get the bonus's during the regular Bonus Event Hours....it was a Failure, but let me guess, because it didn't happen to some that made it a success.

    Why does New Romulus take 10-15 X longer to load than ANYTHING else in the game, including the initial launching of the game? Bad/sloppy texture locations, I mean if I transport to epoh fields from staging area, why do the rocks have to extend 10,20, 30 or meters below the ground surface we walk on ( it creates more (useless) data transfer )
    "buying a subscription to STO is a lot like feeding pigeons, you give them food, they give you.......well you know":rolleyes:
  • bullschizzybullschizzy Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sorceror01 wrote: »
    More whining, unfounded speculation, and doom saying.


    When someone states FACT, you call it whining...go back to your "cheap trinkets" and drink more koolaid

    How do you define "unfounded" , or does your eyes only focus on the "glitzy" new toys they hand out to take your mind off their sloppy coding?

    Don't know about you, but sloppy coding, forever existent bugs in the game is a big turn off to potential finacial supporters of the game considering there are thousands of other MMO's with better dev,customer service, bug suport.
    "buying a subscription to STO is a lot like feeding pigeons, you give them food, they give you.......well you know":rolleyes:
  • trenttylertrenttyler Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well, seems im the odd one out, i agree with the OP.

    While all the responses save one have been polite, they all share one theme, "Except substandard Merchandise". We, as a playerbase, have come to the conclusion it is O.K. that we pay for something that isnt right. What other part of our lives do we except this? If your cell phone dropped calls regularly, you call the provider and complain. If our cable stops working, within minutes the company is under a avalanche of calls. God forbid your internet connection was as buggy as this game, people would be dieing of rage heart attacks.

    While its true, just about every game has bugs, it is also true, that Cryptic has shown a lack of intent to fix gameplay bugs unless they crash the servers or keep people from logging in to spend money in the cash grab shop.(which BTW we were promised from the get go would only have vanity items or balanced ships)

    I play STO becuase i truely love the I.P, but that doesnt mena i put my head in the sand and say" its the same as all other MMO's"

    Cryptic needs to show good faith in all the promises made and broken by taking 3 months and do nothing but fix bugs, we as paying consumers deserve nothing less.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • oldkilldareoldkilldare Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sorceror01 wrote: »
    Look, all I hear is you whining.

    *le snip*

    You are not getting any sympathy from the likes of me.

    i don't expect "sympathy" from "the likes of you."

    i did expect white knights.


    you don't play MMOs as long and as much as i have without knowing the form.

    i can't bothered to tear apart such a posting but to take just one issue; the flickering textures you claim you haven't seen (which btw is a logical fallacy Mr IDIC) it's in the known issues sticky from a year ago ( http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=263739 ) they know what causes it, they know how to fix it, but as i already said, they simply haven't.

    and i don't think over a year is a reasonable amount of time to address a major graphical bug i potentially see every day doing the Dil dailys (Zarias space map is particularly bad).

    you can call it whatever you like, i really couldn't care less.
    the post isn't aimed at YOU and no one made you read it.
    that said "everything is peachy or GTFO" is not the line of a thinking consumer.
  • mayyhemmmayyhemm Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Most bug riddled game he has played? Appearantly he hasn't played Defiance. lol. I say that, but I haven't played that game in almost a month. Due to PC technical issues being fixed and I got tired of the infinite bugs in the game. I really do like Defiance, but I think I will wait a few more months and see how well they fix it...
  • trenttylertrenttyler Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    mayyhemm wrote: »
    Most bug riddled game he has played? Appearantly he hasn't played Defiance. lol. I say that, but I haven't played that game in almost a month. Due to PC technical issues being fixed and I got tired of the infinite bugs in the game. I really do like Defiance, but I think I will wait a few more months and see how well they fix it...

    Sorry to hear you have problems with Defiance, i have had absolutely no bugs in that game, except for a mission glitch that was fixed within a week. I think its one of the smoothest launches ive ever seen. Sure better than what we experienced at launch.
  • general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Why is it all the new people come to whine? if you don't like the ******n game don't play it okay. Meanwhile the rest of us will continue enjoying a great game fighting borg, Cardassians and eachother. the game has problems yes, but does that stop me from Flying my Federation Dreadnought when its becoming one of the weakest endgame ships there is, no it doesn't. So shut the hell up and enjoy the game or leave.

    *Walks out while mumbling* "So Much ****** whining... so much"
    trenttyler wrote: »
    Sorry to hear you have problems with Defiance, i have had absolutely no bugs in that game, except for a mission glitch that was fixed within a week. I think its one of the smoothest launches ive ever seen. Sure better than what we experienced at launch.
    *walks back in* It was a smooth launch because it was quiet. and it had a large amount off bugs on the PC alone at launch, plus all the problems on console, the game was a complete letdown unlike the show. The entire game is boring and repetitive more then any other game before. Don't act like the Defiance MMO is actually good.
  • mayyhemmmayyhemm Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Last time I played they was cleaning up some of the bugs. But for along time there I couldn't get in any of the Co-Op instances. I would enter the instance, so would the other 3 people...but no of us was grouped up. Wouldn't let us group up. The instance wouldn't have any mobs when that happened. None of the goals would let us to complete them to progress in that run. Bad. I would fall through the maps a quater of the time. It was laggy for ever. And no it wasn't my connection. I would log on here or another MMO and never have lag. List was long. But I do know they are cleaning it up slowly.
  • oldkilldareoldkilldare Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Why is it all the new people come to whine? if you don't like the ******n game don't play it okay. Meanwhile the rest of us will continue enjoying a great game fighting borg, Cardassians and eachother. the game has problems yes, but does that stop me from Flying my Federation Dreadnought when its becoming one of the weakest endgame ships there is, no it doesn't. So shut the hell up and enjoy the game or leave.

    *Walks out while mumbling* "So Much ****** whining... so much"
    not new.

    bought game retail at launch.
    played for at least 2 years as a subscriber and prior to F2P.
    returning player seeing the same bugs that were here then plus a whole lotta new ones.

    reading comprehension much ?

    PS 13. i put 10 1000 gold pressed latinum boxes up on the exchange today. upon seeing i had mispriced them at 4 million rather than 400k i cancelled the sales and the latinum boxes self opened upon return and went straight into my "wallet" rather than my bag losing me roughly 8 million in energy credits...
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    not new.

    bought game retail at launch.
    played for at least 2 years as a subscriber and prior to F2P.
    returning player seeing the same bugs that were here then.

    reading comprehension much ?

    I think it's time we all leave this thread. The OP is quite obviously looking to provoke people with his offhand comments.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • trenttylertrenttyler Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    mayyhemm wrote: »
    Last time I played they was cleaning up some of the bugs. But for along time there I couldn't get in any of the Co-Op instances. I would enter the instance, so would the other 3 people...but no of us was grouped up. Wouldn't let us group up. The instance wouldn't have any mobs when that happened. None of the goals would let us to complete them to progress in that run. Bad. I would fall through the maps a quater of the time. It was laggy for ever. And no it wasn't my connection. I would log on here or another MMO and never have lag. List was long. But I do know they are cleaning it up slowly.

    AND this is why we don't get anything accomplished. People blindly ignoring a valid observation.
  • spacefleaspaceflea Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    a lot of stuff

    Yesterday, I reinstalled the game after more then 3 years, more from boredom and being a trek fan then anything else. I was perfectly aware of what I was getting into, afterall just one quick peak at these forums says enough. Only thing is, I understood what Cryptic told us a few years back, not to keep our hopes up, and with that, I reinstalled just to get a bit of an 'old school feeling' piloting a majestic dreadnaught into battle.

    So OP, since you claim you were there when it all began, don't you remember all the stuff we went trough when the game went live? Shall we go over a few things?

    - tons of players reporting bugs both pre and post release, many of those bugs are still not fixed
    - for months then, years now, klingon faction players were/are asking for fixes, to be on equal footing as feds, nothing changed, klingons are still pathetic little offsprings
    - shortly after STO went live, whole dev team was reassigned to a new project, leaving only a very small group of people to just keep the game afloat and eventually assigned a couple of people to create some new mostly pointless content (when compared to other MMO's utilizing every piece of content/story as stepping stone to a higher level in the future)
    - in addition to previous mention, not even two months after the game was released and it was pronounced as a flop on pretty much every review site out there, cryptic people confirmed STO was a mistake, that they will learn from it and improve in their next MMO
    - even in the first few months after the game went live, focus already started shifting towards C-store and us having to pay for better ships/stuff, aka asking subbed/lifetime players to spend more cash
    - few months after the release, several company/business review sites quickly labelled Cryptic as one of the worst software developers in america, giving it the lowest grade and stating warnings about deception, bad customer relations, possibility of fraud and many other..
    - and so on

    I am a little confused here.. What do you expect from a long abandoned MMO? To somehow become a star on the sky just because PWE picked Cryptic studios up, a company no one else wanted to take a risk with? C'mon..

    STO never shined nor it ever will, it was abandoned long ago and the only reason it still exists is because they can't afford to shut down the servers without getting a ton of backlash from the press and loosing the IP. Afterall, Star Trek IP is not something you can just.. throw away. Hence the current situation, releasing a ship or two every now and then just to keep afloat, milk the die-hard trekkies and keep everything hush-hush.

    Same as probably many, I always regretted not being able to play the real Star Trek Online, a game I would gladly support and spread the good word about. But hey, now no one is stopping us to come back for a couple of days/a week and get a firm grasp on that dream once again :)

    Don't beat the dead horse.. just enjoy riding it for a short while then move to something better.
  • oldkilldareoldkilldare Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think it's time we all leave this thread. The OP is quite obviously looking to provoke people with his offhand comments.
    or y'know you could actually read and take in the OP and not just fire off at the mouth about "new" "whiners" ?...
    spaceflea wrote: »
    Don't beat the dead horse.. just enjoy riding it for a short while then move to something better.
    ty spaceflea for a decent response.

    maybe you are right. but i still want to like this game and i too enjoy "the cruising" and the ship combat.

    maybe its time to play more attention to that World of Battleships invite or fire up Uncharted Waters again.

    i was just trying to impress that these bugs are very much "in someones face" when trying to enjoy the game and are thus highly detrimental to its continuing health.

    i like this game. i honestly do.
    and i want to enjoy playing it.
    but it constantly lets itself down in the QA area.

    i have given them a lot of leeway in the past. i understand what the company went through and what its going through now...but imho they really need to focus their supposedly new-found resources on "sorting their (often long standing) sh*t out" for a while...which is basically the jist of all i was trying to say.
  • juliamateusjuliamateus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    spaceflea wrote: »
    STO never shined nor it ever will, it was abandoned long ago and the only reason it still exists is because they can't afford to shut down the servers without getting a ton of backlash from the press and loosing the IP.

    Agreed in general that they haven't fixed many bugs, and about the launch which did indeed suck, but.. abandoned? Are you high? They put out a bloody expansion pack a month ago. They're hiring people. I don't want to seems like a Cryptic fanboy, because this game does have some serious issues, but let's try and keep our criticism grounded in reality.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    or y'know you could actually read and take in the OP and not just fire off at the mouth about "new" "whiners" ?...

    Or, y'know, read what I said earlier in the first page. Reading comprehension much. (That sounds oddly familiar...)

    I don't have time to waste arguing with trolls. Good day.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • oldkilldareoldkilldare Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Or, y'know, read what I said earlier in the first page. Reading comprehension much. (That sounds oddly familiar...)

    that would be because it's basically a meme and people you don't agree with aren't "trolls" based on that (or their use of memes) alone.

    you post was basically just workarounds (which don't work. trust me i know this game inside out), telling me to ignore something, suggesting things aren't actually bugs at all or don't exist or "are being worked on" when in most cases i already told you that's been "the line" for a period of time which in some cases now amounts to multiple years.

    in short you were white knighting.

    i would go over each point individually but i get the feeling neither you or i are interested in me doing so.

    oh and you're comment about Ker'rat was infinity helpful/constructive (that's sarcasm btw) and hilarious in "oh noes! a badass" way...
  • general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    that would be because it's basically a meme and people you don't agree with aren't "trolls" based on that (or their use of memes) alone.

    you post was basically just workarounds (which don't work. trust me i know this game inside out), telling me to ignore something, suggesting things aren't actually bugs at all or don't exist or "are being worked on" when in most cases i already told you that's been "the line" for a period of time which in some cases now amounts to multiple years.

    i would go over each point individually but i get the feeling neither you or i are interested in doing so.

    Yes, sure you know this game inside and out, oh wait you don't. Because if you had been here at launch you would know how much worse everything was. this game has come a long way, so get off your god damn high horse, either play and ejoy it for what it is, or get the hell out. Don't come here to whine and complain and provoke people who enjoy the game. Because thats all you're accomplishing right now.
  • phadrenphadren Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well imo I haven't enjoyed an mmo this much since SWG Pre CU, and have played most mmo's out. STO is a great game, and has a lot more players that just play the game than surf the forums so a few ppl complaining here has really no reflection on the game as a whole. (complainers just happen to be the loudest)

    If you don't like the game just stop playing. But imo this has been the best experience I have had in an mmo in a long time and Cryptic has done great job with it, my only complaint is that I didn't start playing earlier than I did.

    Yes they want the game to succeed and yes they want/need to make money to do that, it's why I bought the LTS to help support that and from my view they are delivering.

    Its not healthy to be so passionate about a game to where it affects your mood, when it does come to the point of that it's time to take a break.
  • oldkilldareoldkilldare Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yes, sure you know this game inside and out, oh wait you don't. Because if you had been here at launch you would know how much worse everything was. this game has come a long way, so get off your god damn high horse, either play and ejoy it for what it is, or get the hell out. Don't come here to whine and complain and provoke people who enjoy the game. Because thats all you're accomplishing right now.
    no one is holding your head to the screen and making you read it and/or post.

    as i already said to one of your contemporaries it wasn't aimed at YOU.
    phadren wrote: »
    Well imo I haven't enjoyed an mmo this much since SWG Pre CU, and have played most mmo's out. STO is a great game, and has a lot more players that just play the game than surf the forums so a few ppl complaining here has really no reflection on the game as a whole.

    If you don't like the game just stop playing. But imo this has been the best experience I have had in an mmo in a long time and Cryptic has done great job with it, my only complaint is that I didn't start playing earlier than I did.

    Yes they want the game to succeed and yes they want/need to make money to do that, it's why I bought the LTS to help support that and from my view they are delivering.

    Its not healthy to be so passionate about a game to where it affects your mood, when it does come to the point of that it's time to take a break.
    but i do like the game. i have said so multiple times now.

    i just want the long standing bugs actually fixed.
  • general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    no one is holding your head to the screen and making you read it and/or post.

    as i already said to one of your contemporaries it wasn't aimed at YOU.

    Do everyone a favor and leave this community, and take all the other whiners with you.
  • oldkilldareoldkilldare Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Do everyone a favor and leave this community, and take all the other whiners with you.
    how bout...no ?

    who died and made you god ?

    there's a person trolling here alright but it ain't me.

    why don't you apply to go apply to Starfleet Dental...

    you'll fit right in.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Do everyone a favor and leave this community, and take all the other whiners with you.

    Just leave this thread, man. He's trying to invoke an emotional response from us.

    Step away from me, Mister Oldkilldare. (Star Trek 2009, anyone?)
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
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