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Scheduled Maintenance (July 2, 2013) [Complete!]



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    trekie564trekie564 Member Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Legacy of Romulus took what 6-8 hours? This maint. is taking at least 5? For the patch notes that are listed? Please.

    LoR was worth it. this is NOT.
    this is not a flame, if you consider it a flame, i apologize. it is not meant as such.
    LLAP, everyone.
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    betanembetanem Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wow cryptic wow :mad:
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    darpinkdarpink Member Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    xero328 wrote: »
    duct tape
    Holy great ideas Batman!! That's the answer to all of the issues!! You'd think that a redneck like myself would have thought of it sooner!! But sadly the idea escaped me.

    Cryptic just needs to buy more duct tape, miracle stuff...you can fix anything with it! :D
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    tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Top it off by the server needing 'emergency maintenance' on Thursday... :D

    cryptic will be closed on the 4th, Independence day and all that. that's why they pushed this weeks patch out on a Tuesday
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    johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    phalanx01 wrote: »
    Extended a "normal" maintenance twice? What's really going on there at Cryptic HQ?

    This isn't "normal" maintenance though. Normally, Maintenance comes on a Thursday, but due to that being 4th July, it was moved forward to today instead.

    My money on the extension comes from the Dev team not being as prepared as they expected for this early maintenance.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I was supposed to do my pearl run now, can we get a 1 day extension on the summer event?
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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    darthpostaldarthpostal Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Great, no STO for me today, and no Lolcat Pearls too. :(
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    knockyknocky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    This is SUPPOSEDLY a patch to fix bugs.

    The one frikken day I can game all day, and you have taken out 5 hours (so far) when you typically do this on Thurs.

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    reltehhtuoyreltehhtuoy Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What you should do is electrify their (devs) keyboards...every time they say they are going to be late, shove 20 volts down the keys... Ergo, they learn to keep to the specified time and they make sure it's an accurate assesment....

    20V wont even tickle... you need some ampssssss
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    trekie564trekie564 Member Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    this is not a flame, if you consider it a flame, i apologize. it is not meant as such.
    LLAP, everyone.
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    irwin109irwin109 Member Posts: 518 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So where is the so called big patch that would fix all the bugs in this rediculously bugged game?

    I bet their ticket list is so big they don't even know where to start.

    3 Hours for a handful of 'changes', where almost all are related to the latest Risa grind BS? lol

    Wait Risa's a grind? I thought adding more favours to rewards was a bit unneeded, barely been on Risa that long and already got enough favours for all the stuff!

    "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
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    thestargazethestargaze Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    xero328 wrote: »
    here's some STAGG chili so you get your runs they call it STAGG cause an hour after you eat it your wife leaves u and you are clubbing STAG

    I am not a dude or have a wife.
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    devinfirestonedevinfirestone Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    trekie564 wrote: »
    LoR was worth it. this is NOT.

    You are correct 5 hours for a ship that is not so good
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    tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    trekie564 wrote: »
    LoR was worth it. this is NOT.

    LoR released an entire faction along with other things within 6-8 hrs of maint.

    July 2nd 2013 patch releases a patch for Installation 18 and some Risa stuff, and might release the Scimitar within at least 5 hours of maint.

    Math is not adding up.
    pvp = small package
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    morpheusssssmorpheusssss Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Has the maintanence been re-extended?
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    xdotsxxdotsx Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I hope that one day, all those who keep destroyi.. I mean maintaining the servers, all regularly get stuck in one big traffic jam at the same time.

    It won't make things much better. But at least it would bring downtimes which aren't in the late afternoon / evening for like 80% of earths population :rolleyes:
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    ajma420ajma420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I can see it now,

    you are #1,700,000,000 of 6.66 x 10^666666666666 in the login que
    Light Speed! - No, light speed is too slow. We need LUDICROUS SPEED!

    Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation
    Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire
    Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
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    tom40stom40s Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Tribbles hamsters and epohs Omy Warp speed Now!!!!! Oh no a Warp breach is in progress the cryptic server will be destroyed in ...... Booom!!!! Yep the server is dead :(
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    xero328xero328 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    any 24V transformer ($9.00) at a supply house will work fine, but the keys don't conduct I don't think...Not metal...

    I might sneak into their HQ and replace the "enter" button with a pushpin...
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    vorga113vorga113 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well look at the upside, it does show that everyone working at Cryptic is stone cold sober.
    Let's face it, this is just more evidence that they couldn't organise a TRIBBLE up in a brewery
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    richarddoverricharddover Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    embrosil wrote: »
    Heh, another hour. What a bunch of monkeys. But if your goal was to lost another customer, you did a great job.

    Do you require any assistance uninstalling the program?
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    tahlas1tahlas1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    absolutely ridicolous.

    and that they haven't even fixed the new Security-Doff is absolutely pathetic...
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    bitovabitova Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Has the maintanence been re-extended?

    <begin response>
    Yes maintenance window has been extended
    <wait 3600>
    <Loop to start>
    </end response>
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    thegalaxy31thegalaxy31 Member Posts: 1,211 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    At least a little update about what is going on WOULD BE NICE. The little list of patch notes that requires 5 hours of maintenance is really annoying.
    I would love to visit this star in-game...or maybe this one!
    Won't SOMEONE please think of the CHILDREN?!
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    alteri1alteri1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    another hour? Can't cryptic do this kinda thing when it is not peak times, i just lost half a day i could be playing because of this maintence
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    aeternavitaaeternavita Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Has the maintanence been re-extended?

    We apologise again for the downtime. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.
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    trekie564trekie564 Member Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Has the maintanence been re-extended?

    Hell, yes it has.
    Coolant leak! Bridge, we have a coolant leak in the server, i can't shut it down. i estimate 2 minnutes to warp core breach. Wait, the devs are now Saying 5 hours...
    this is not a flame, if you consider it a flame, i apologize. it is not meant as such.
    LLAP, everyone.
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    embrosilembrosil Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Do you require any assistance uninstalling the program?
    No, Steam can do it fast. I just got to the game two days ago after 2 years. And what I see? The same idiotic downtime for Europe and USA at the same time. So yes, only a monkey could come with this.
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    ajma420ajma420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Interesting just how selfish and childish some can be.

    I want I want I want, and sulking and tantrums because it isn't delivered the SECOND it's wanted. :rolleyes:

    a second is one thing, 2 hours is another
    Light Speed! - No, light speed is too slow. We need LUDICROUS SPEED!

    Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation
    Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire
    Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
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    embrosilembrosil Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    alteri1 wrote: »
    another hour? Can't cryptic do this kinda thing when it is not peak times, i just lost half a day i could be playing because of this maintence
    They could never do it in off peak hours, why start now, 4 years later?
This discussion has been closed.