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Disappointed in the highly heralded new costume options.

tinnydancertinnydancer Member Posts: 1
When I landed at the summer event and saw all the NPC's in bathing suits and bikinis I though, finally they are going to give us a bathing suit option for the Federation side but what do we get..... shorts or a marginally different shirt and pants set......

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I wouldn't mind them making the swim wear available, a long as it can only be worn on Risa
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It'll come, at 500 zen per piece of course! Just wait and see.



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    guilli88 wrote: »
    It'll come, at 500 zen per piece of course! Just wait and see.

    It might make you think about whether or not you really need to objectify women so badly in this game that requires you needing to be able to wear a "swimsuit" everywhere like the skin bleached Orion girls we see haunting Drozana.
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    At 500 zen, that would be a deal.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This being their 1st summer event. I'm sure it will be better next go around. I hadn't dropped by yet. Hope to later.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You're not the only one that's disappointed. The costume options are so abysmal that my motivation to do this event is nonexistent. CBS said no to players getting swimwear, and their reasoning was, "It would be inappropriate for the setting if players were allowed to run around on duty with that little clothing." Naturally, they said yes to letting female characters run around Spacedock and STFs with mini-skirts and crop tops, and only being able to show cleavage under their jackets.

    Wait a second...
  • methodus2063methodus2063 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    It might make you think about whether or not you really need to objectify women so badly in this game that requires you needing to be able to wear a "swimsuit" everywhere like the skin bleached Orion girls we see haunting Drozana.

    Sigh, not this argument again.

    Most people want these options for the sake of variety. Not every one wants a swim suit just to ogle at. In fact, I know I want something akin to the Orions' top as well as armored shoulder pads so that I can attach them to my character wearing pants and think boots, because it makes a very interesting design, just like my current Orion. So to assume that every one wanting swim wear, or similar just for the sake "objectifying" women wears a little thin. There is a difference between wanting to dress well, sexy, or how ever else one wants to dress and objectifying some one.

    Lastly, those "skin bleached Orion" are actually apart of what the Orions where. It was rare for green skinned Orion's to exist back before enterprise, many where in fact slight shades of blue, red, and yellows. Which is why people can make those skin colors in STO.
    Imperial Secret Order. "we are the ones that maintain the balance of power in the universe. May our shadow never fall upon you."
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I will continue to make this argument in any and all threads that bemoan the lack of bikinis for their toons.

    If you do not wish to see it raised, don't continue to make these threads. It wears even thinner to see the same wearied argument put forward and both schools of thought are equally as valid.

    You didn't get swimwear. It's not the be and end all of the summer event, however much you or anyone else may think it is.

    Perhaps not everyone wants bikinis to objectify their characters. But I would wager that the majority do and it's naive to tell me that Orions are all bleached white because "that's how they are in canon" I was born at night, not last night.
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »

    You didn't get swimwear. It's not the be and end all of the summer event, however much you or anyone else may think it is.

    If it was the "be and end all" to me, then it was the "be and end all" of the event for me. Some people want the pontoon escort. I wanted the swimwear.
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    It might make you think about whether or not you really need to objectify women so badly in this game that requires you needing to be able to wear a "swimsuit" everywhere like the skin bleached Orion girls we see haunting Drozana.

    Oh, please. The game already objectifies women in several ways. For one, they can't use open jackets without showing cleavage. They don't get the undershirt option their male counterparts do. The original series skirts and Mirror Enterprise tops let you show a ridiculously unprofessional amount of skin, especially for an on-duty military uniform. You know, the crux of CBS's argument against having swimwear? If anything, men aren't being objectified enough in comparison, but that's heteronormative male sexual pandering for you!

    Cryptic could have easily followed CBS's conditions by using the map-specific uniform substitution tech they introduced with Temporal Ambassador. Instead of altering player uniforms to a Tholian prisoner costume, they could have easily substituted in board shorts for men, and a one-piece bathing suit for women.

    I'm not going to knock the environmental artists, because Tumerboy and his team clearly did a fantastic job on the new Risa. It's easily the most aesthetically beautiful area in the game. Maybe the new ship is really good, too. I wouldn't know, I haven't used it. What I do know is that the costuming department really dropped the ball here, and that's all it took to make this event a waste of time for me.
  • apersont1apersont1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    I will continue to make this argument in any and all threads that bemoan the lack of bikinis for their toons.

    If you do not wish to see it raised, don't continue to make these threads. It wears even thinner to see the same wearied argument put forward and both schools of thought are equally as valid.

    You didn't get swimwear. It's not the be and end all of the summer event, however much you or anyone else may think it is.


    I made a swimwear outfit for my Gorn

    MTV Cribs eat your heart out
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Oh, please. The game already objectifies women in several ways. For one, they can't use open jackets without showing cleavage. They don't get the undershirt option their male counterparts do. The original series skirts and Mirror Enterprise tops let you show a ridiculously unprofessional amount of skin, especially for an on-duty military uniform. You know, the crux of CBS's argument against having swimwear? If anything, men aren't being objectified enough in comparison, but that's heteronormative male sexual pandering for you!

    I don't care whether people are TRIBBLE, straight, yellow, blue or inside out it doesn't need to have these additions in order to make the game sell and it's only there for one purpose.

    Just because something has already happened doesn't mean it should continue to happen nor should it be "equaled" out. Making men or women sexual objects is wrong.
    Cryptic could have easily followed CBS's conditions by using the uniform substitution tech they introduced with Temporal Ambassador. Instead of altering player uniforms to a Tholian prisoner costume, they could have easily substituted in board shorts for men, and a one-piece bathing suit for women.

    Yes they could have done, but I think people would have been equally unimpressed.
    I'm not going to knock the environmental artists, because Tumerboy and his team clearly did a fantastic job on the new Risa. It's easily the most aesthetically beautiful area in the game.

    I've not disputed this and I agree with this in fact.
  • lancemeszaroslancemeszaros Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    Perhaps not everyone wants bikinis to objectify their characters. But I would wager that the majority do and it's naive to tell me that Orions are all bleached white because "that's how they are in canon" I was born at night, not last night.

    Yes, I totally want swimwear for my (47 year old male) captain because I want to objectify women.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I still want speedos, flip flops, and a pair of Aviators yo.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes, I totally want swimwear for my (47 year old male) captain because I want to objectify women.
    Before you accuse me of homophobia and or heteronormativism. My point still stands even if you remove gender and age.
  • methodus2063methodus2063 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    I will continue to make this argument in any and all threads that bemoan the lack of bikinis for their toons.

    If you do not wish to see it raised, don't continue to make these threads. It wears even thinner to see the same wearied argument put forward and both schools of thought are equally as valid.

    You didn't get swimwear. It's not the be and end all of the summer event, however much you or anyone else may think it is.

    I can live with not getting swim wear, never that big of a deal. Would like it, as most of the players here would also. I will also argue for it. But frankly, I want thing that are a little less revealing then the Orion outfits, for all female characters, as well as shirtless and open shirt variants for male Characters. On that note, I also want thick armor pieces, like shoulder pads, capes, and boots that I can mix with my Orion like outfits. I wouldn't mind getting more short sleeve or no sleeve shirts and robes as well.

    My issue is with your argument that asking for swim wear to wear on Risa, or having options similar to Orions some how makes us that are asking for these, into degenerates who only objectify women. That is false. There is a major difference between showing and treating women (Or any gender for that matter) with respect, and how one decides to dress.

    lastly, people will continue to make these threads, because it is what they want, and we should not feel intimidated in asking for such things, especially with these assets already in game, just because some one finds any amount of "Skimp" to be morally objectionable. If all you can add to these discussion is that you object, we'll note it and continue, that is all that needs to be said, not posting it to every one else response to the main subject at hand.
    Imperial Secret Order. "we are the ones that maintain the balance of power in the universe. May our shadow never fall upon you."
  • apersont1apersont1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    Before you accuse me of homophobia and or heteronormativism. My point still stands even if you remove gender and age.



    By your logic, that makes this obscene
    MTV Cribs eat your heart out
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    I don't care whether people are TRIBBLE, straight, yellow, blue or inside out it doesn't need to have these additions in order to make the game sell and it's only there for one purpose.

    Just because something has already happened doesn't mean it should continue to happen nor should it be "equaled" out. Making men or women sexual objects is wrong.

    You're right, to an extent. Star Trek as an intellectual property has a history of objectifying women, especially in the original series. Thing is, by only objectifying women, Cryptic is being staunchly anti-woman. I'm no feminist, but by limiting women to open jackets that can only show their cleavage, they're degrading them by forcefully relegating them to the role of "eye candy." It would be better to make things equal than to just leave them as they are now. At least that way, women wouldn't be singled out, and Cryptic wouldn't have to take any options away from the players.
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    CBS said no to players getting swimwear, and their reasoning was, "It would be inappropriate for the setting if players were allowed to run around on duty with that little clothing."

  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You're right, to an extent. Star Trek as an intellectual property has a history of objectifying women, especially in the original series.

    Something which society should have been able to move on from in half a century particularly since this particular IP does not require the "sex sells" mantra that may be required in other realms. It is Star Trek and it will continue to sell regardless.
    Thing is, by only objectifying women, Cryptic is being staunchly anti-woman. I'm no feminist, but by limiting women to open jackets that can only show their cleavage, they're degrading them by forcefully relegating them to the role of "eye candy."

    Which is why I object to it so vehemently.
    It would be better to make things equal than to just leave them as they are now. At least that way, women wouldn't be singled out.

    That would be one form of equality; as is straight bashing racial violence aimed at white people or misandry. None of which is ideal in a modern civilised setting.
    apersont1 wrote: »

    I didn't call it obscene. That is already an available option in game and I'm not calling for it to be removed. In addtion it is of a Gorn, which can only exist as a male and it is a reptile. It could not realistically serve any purpose of sexual gratification. It is therefore not obscene.
    My issue is with your argument that asking for swim wear to wear on Risa, or having options similar to Orions some how makes us that are asking for these, into degenerates who only objectify women. That is false. There is a major difference between showing and treating women (Or any gender for that matter) with respect, and how one decides to dress.

    I've not stated otherwise. However saying "because I didn't get a bikini, the game is dead to me" and words to that effect as seen in other threads implies a different level of cognition in the gamer base entirely.
    lastly, people will continue to make these threads, because it is what they want, and we should not feel intimidated in asking for such things, especially with these assets already in game, just because some one finds any amount of "Skimp" to be morally objectionable. If all you can add to these discussion is that you object, we'll note it and continue, that is all that needs to be said, not posting it to every one else response to the main subject at hand.

    You should not feel intimidated to ask for such things, I never said that you should. That being said, the verisimilitude of these threads would seem to be spamming the same point ad nauseam. This is a discussion thread and I am entitled to put forward my point of view as equally as you are.
  • linkjoylinkjoy Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why is there no swimwear in the Risa? It would only make sense for a SUMMER event on a BEACH.

    Any I am talking about we the players wearing it.
  • lancemeszaroslancemeszaros Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    Before you accuse me of homophobia and or heteronormativism. My point still stands even if you remove gender and age.

    So what, you think beaches should be removed from real life because they objectify people?

    I want swimwear because a) It makes sense; b) It's stupid not to have it; c) It's possible. I'm assuming Risa is roughly the same weather as southern California, Florida, or a Caribbean Island. I currently live in Florida, which means I can count on one hand the number of times in one year that I wear anything heavier than a t-shirt and shorts. When on the beach, I wear swimwear. Why? Not because I want to "objectify" myself, but because it's stupid to wear anything heavier than that due to the heat and humidity. Go ahead and wear a heavy uniform jacket, pants and boots in the middle of the day in Florida. Sometimes I just want to wear a swimsuit at the beach. Who are you to say I can't?
  • admiralah1admiralah1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm fine with the shorts and bare feet option. I'd just like a top that matches it. The swimsuit isn't even necessary.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    At 500 zen, that would be a deal.

    That's the real sad part. More likely we'd see it in the lobi store as character specific unlocks, that seems to be the only way Cryptic is interested in doing costumes anymore.
    tc10b wrote: »
    It might make you think about whether or not you really need to objectify women so badly in this game that requires you needing to be able to wear a "swimsuit" everywhere like the skin bleached Orion girls we see haunting Drozana.

    For the pleasure of objectifying screen pixels I would happily pay 500 Zen. No price is to high to bring about my dream of making Bikini Space Commandos!

    BTW, why would you or anyone care about what anyone chooses to do? Last I checked neither Star Trek or STO were about thought policing....
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So what, you think beaches should be removed from real life because they objectify people?

    No I don't. I don't agree with the objectification of human beings as objects for sexual enjoyment, regardless of whether this occurs on television or at the beach.
    I want swimwear because a) It makes sense; b) It's stupid not to have it; c) It's possible. I'm assuming Risa is roughly the same weather as southern California, Florida, or a Caribbean Island. I currently live in Florida, which means I can count on one hand the number of times in one year that I wear anything heavier than a t-shirt and shorts. When on the beach, I wear swimwear. Why? Not because I want to "objectify" myself, but because it's stupid to wear anything heavier than that due to the heat and humidity. Go ahead and wear a heavy uniform jacket, pants and boots in the middle of the day in Florida. Sometimes I just want to wear a swimsuit at the beach. Who are you to say I can't?

    There are laws about what constitutes acceptable beach wear particularly in certain states. A Woman was arrested in South Carolina for what she was wearing. "Swimwear is subject to city ordinance" I believe was the term.

    If you want to try and play the RP card, that's fine too. Star Trek Uniforms are not hot or heavy and maintain the correct body temperature of the wearer according to Memory Alpha.
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Since when does admiration of the human body, male or female, constitute objectifying them as objects for 11"sexual enjoyment"?
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For the pleasure of objectifying screen pixels I would happily pay 500 Zen. No price is to high to bring about my dream of making Bikini Space Commandos!

    BTW, why would you or anyone care about what anyone chooses to do? Last I checked neither Star Trek or STO were about thought policing....

    You proved my point. I never mentioned anything about thought police. I objected to the perceived need for objectification. What happens between you and your computer screen is your business.

    I would rather have the money I spend on this game used to make things that don't objectify women or men. Imaginary or not.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Since when does admiration of the human body, male or female, constitute objectifying them as objects for 11"sexual enjoyment"?

    An age old argument put forward by misogynists. "It's not TRIBBLE, it's art."

    "The very act of looking at a naked model was an artifact of male supremacy" (Philip Weiss)
  • methodus2063methodus2063 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    I've not stated otherwise. However saying "because I didn't get a bikini, the game is dead to me" and words to that effect as seen in other threads implies a different level of cognition in the gamer base entirely.

    Just because a few have that sentiment, does not make the rest of us like them. Also, some players are prone to hyperbole, but when you have them sit down and explain their sentiment, it does start to align with what most of us are saying. Most people on these forums want this because it makes sense to have access to it, and with the current state of uniforms in the game, the old philosophy of not having people running around ESD in "swim Suits" doesn't make since because it's not star fleet, went out the window with EV suits, Armor, Mirror Universe outfits, Off duty uniforms worn on duty, and so forth.

    many people would love to see more uniform options in general, and this is just one category to work with, and one category people want. I wouldn't mind if the swim suit came with a cloth wrap that was like a dress, or hula skirt, and a more complete top then current Orions, with maybe an open small vest. That would be swim wear enough for me and be less revealing then Orions. Or just give us the Orion options as they are already here.
    tc10b wrote: »
    You should not feel intimidated to ask for such things, I never said that you should. That being said, the verisimilitude of these threads would seem to be spamming the same point ad nauseam. This is a discussion thread and I am entitled to put forward my point of view as equally as you are.

    Telling us that you will post your sentiment every time one of these threads opens up, and with your track record of responding with the same answer ad nauseam does create an atmosphere where we can't have a real discussion about the subject.

    You are entitled to your opinion, However, unless you are going to be constructive with your criticism, you only need to state it once per thread. any more and you have stepped from stating your opinion to barraging us with it, which does not add to a conversation.

    So, unless you can add to why you think we should not have any form of swim wear, or something not as revealing but more beach appropriate, we'll all sit here with the understanding that you do not want it, and believe us to be 'degenerates that "objectify" women' for wanting it. Now that your sentiment is clear, you don't have to repeat it. I think we all understand, and won't be forgetting your opinion any time soon.
    Imperial Secret Order. "we are the ones that maintain the balance of power in the universe. May our shadow never fall upon you."
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    You proved my point. I never mentioned anything about thought police. I objected to the perceived need for objectification. What happens between you and your computer screen is your business.

    I would rather have the money I spend on this game used to make things that don't objectify women or men. Imaginary or not.

    I can certainly understand wanting the money we spend on this game to go back into making this game better in ways we want. Sadly I don't either of us will get our way.

    Instead we'll get more mediocrity that won't quite please anyone beyond the bare minimum and leave us all wanting more. No space bikinis for me, and no less objectification for you :(. For what its worth I would prefer either of us get our way, instead of this unhappy middle ground STO finds itself in.
This discussion has been closed.