Then there was a mishap with a Dev making a unfortunate, yet innocent, remark on aonther forum, and then from one day to another, dev participation dropped from High, to very low in a matter of hours.
Innocent? I hope you're not referring to a certain twitter response to a certain massively article by a certain community member who mass insulted the entire community in a very ignorant and offensive manner, only to have a certain dev agree with her.
If thats the case, I call bs. There was nothing innocent about it
Blizzard once upon a time posted statistics on I quit threads. Half didn't quit. Of those who did, half were back within three months, three fourths within six. That was a total of seven out of eight returning, which is significantly higher than the average of all cancelled accounts (slightly over half).
and you seriously believe everything blizzard, or any other company, tells you?
A. All of them were quitting for childish reasons
B. All of them used profanity, four of the five used creative spellings or broken words to bypass the filter
C. All of them made verifiably false statements (which I may add so have you)
D. All five of them are still posting about in-game happenings and issues days and weeks after their tantrums.
You done belittling people yet?
but the game is free to play and it has everything to do with it. you cant just dismiss that rather incredibly large fact because it does not suit your argument.
you never have to pay a single bit of money ever if you dont want to. nothing is forced on. no fleet weapon is needed. no lock box has to be open, no reputation system is required. you are getting a large game that is constantly growing for free if you want and you can earn almost everything from just playing the game. or you can throw shed loads of money at it, if you want.
it is always your choice.
Circular logic. If you want the full content you very much do have to. To say nothing of the fact that has nothing to do with anything he said there
And if you claim it's not like this, you're the guy in red.
Except thats not how it works. Stop belittling people
Yeah, that optional vanity item sure takes a while to get.
There is nothing vanity about it. Nor is there anything optional about it, if you want the full content of the game, period.
every single person, who has never paid a dime into this game, of whom there are thousands, disagrees with you.
Which consists of a grand total of zero people. If you have ever traded for so much as 1 zen you have been involved with real money in this game. Period. Don't tell me there are people that have been here any length of time and haven't done so. Don't even try, if you do its bs.
Consider this; they may no longer respond to our every little desire and complaint because they take entirely too much flak from the player fanbase when they do as thier responses are quickly taken out of context and often twisted into false-truths that are far removed from thier intentions.
Thats called blaming the victims.
Don't forget us posters here are a tiny minority of the game population and we certainly don't speak for everyone.
Blatant lie designed to shut people up. There is no 'vocal minority' the forum is a large cross section of the game, that does represent what people are thinking. Don't even try to claim otherwise. This is not some kind of inverse alternate universe where everything is opposite.
There is a monthly ask cryptic. There are pieces of information in the interviews, yes a lot of it is a rehash but there are sometimes new nuggets of details.
You mean the same dozen questions that are asked over and over again, by the same people and always given a vague, worthless answer to?
This seems uninformed trolling IMO by someone who wants to be spoon-fed.
In other words you have no opinion. Thats what happens when the first words out of your mouth are accusing someone of being a troll
It's by far the best game online right now that I have ever played
Then you haven't played very many
As for ''I quit'' threads, I'd like to see a dev or mod close it with my favorite line for rage quitters: ''And nothing of value was lost.'' want to see company employees belittle their customers in front of other customers then? I'm sure that will end well for them.
I personally feel that its most likely you never see dev's on here because its quite simply, too hostile of an environment
Thats bs. To say nothing of the fact that it works both ways. Better take a look at the number of times we've been lied to and certain other incidents
We appear to be nothing but a bunch of over aged childish malcontents needing to give everyone else a bad time
Speak for yourself. Don't belittle and insult everyone. Especially after accusing others of doing so
Dan Stahl, for example, gets ragged on just about every time he posts something.
Yes, and with good reason. On more than one occasion he has flat out lied to us. That is a proven fact. Behavior like that is going to earn such statements. People do exactly what he himself said to do: judge him by what his track record. I don't think I need to remind you what that track record looks like
How did we go from a stable tribble build to this?
Good question
Is tribble and holodeck so different and that is the reason?
Which then begs the question, why bother to test stuff on there in the first place?
Also a good question. If this is the case, its useless as a test server
The primary difference between Tribble and Holodeck? Tens of thousands more concurrent players.
If thats what causing all these problems something is seriously wrong. It would completely negate the purpose of either test server
You would not be saying that if they released the bug that caused them to have to wipe tribble characters.... nothing like having too wipe your characters on holodeck to bring all the player base into the forums.
I've had it happen with another server. Thats why they have backups. Its also why things should be tested INTERNALLY before being released to a test server. If something that serious gets through to a test server without being noticed, someone isn't doing their job
You are free labor, that is why volunteer jobs for corporations should be illegal. They are exploiting you to save resources that should be spent on professional, experienced people, or people in training. AKA: Support Staff. But we all know that PWEs support staff is scarce and nearly non existent. Because pinching pennies is more important than quality.
This. and for the record, don't be so sure that they don't have to pay syberghost technically. Need I remind anyone that Origin learned that the hard way, when their entire volunteer counselor staff sued them due to california labor laws requiring them to be paid? Most of their other volunteers as well. How about all the companies that freaked out and mass fired their volunteers because of it. Its the reason I would never, ever have volunteers of that sort, far too much liability.
To earn a full Omega set, Tier V is 34K dil each. That is 102K dil.
Now to earn that without paying a dime that will take: 13 days to save up.
Not to mention the month, if you work at it everyday for 30 days to get make Tier rep.
Now that's just ONE set on ONE character. Not to mention the griding it would take.
Okay, I got this far in your post and could no longer read it, due to the involuntary rolling of my eyes.
Why, pray tell, do you feel you need a full Tier V Omega set? I'm not even clear on what that is, but I've been enjoying the game for almost two years now. Obviously, then, enjoyment can be garnered without this mysterious thing, whatever it may be.
Certainly, having specific sets of items can be a nice buff to the ol' epeen, but it's not like the term "gear check" has any actual meaning in this game...
Innocent? I hope you're not referring to a certain twitter response to a certain massively article by a certain community member who mass insulted the entire community in a very ignorant and offensive manner, only to have a certain dev agree with her.
If thats the case, I call bs. There was nothing innocent about it
and you seriously believe everything blizzard, or any other company, tells you?
You done belittling people yet?
Circular logic. If you want the full content you very much do have to. To say nothing of the fact that has nothing to do with anything he said there
Except thats not how it works. Stop belittling people
There is nothing vanity about it. Nor is there anything optional about it, if you want the full content of the game, period.
Which consists of a grand total of zero people. If you have ever traded for so much as 1 zen you have been involved with real money in this game. Period. Don't tell me there are people that have been here any length of time and haven't done so. Don't even try, if you do its bs.
Thats called blaming the victims.
Blatant lie designed to shut people up. There is no 'vocal minority' the forum is a large cross section of the game, that does represent what people are thinking. Don't even try to claim otherwise. This is not some kind of inverse alternate universe where everything is opposite.
You mean the same dozen questions that are asked over and over again, by the same people and always given a vague, worthless answer to?
In other words you have no opinion. Thats what happens when the first words out of your mouth are accusing someone of being a troll
Then you haven't played very many want to see company employees belittle their customers in front of other customers then? I'm sure that will end well for them.
Thats bs. To say nothing of the fact that it works both ways. Better take a look at the number of times we've been lied to and certain other incidents
Speak for yourself. Don't belittle and insult everyone. Especially after accusing others of doing so
Yes, and with good reason. On more than one occasion he has flat out lied to us. That is a proven fact. Behavior like that is going to earn such statements. People do exactly what he himself said to do: judge him by what his track record. I don't think I need to remind you what that track record looks like
Good question
Also a good question. If this is the case, its useless as a test server
If thats what causing all these problems something is seriously wrong. It would completely negate the purpose of either test server
I've had it happen with another server. Thats why they have backups. Its also why things should be tested INTERNALLY before being released to a test server. If something that serious gets through to a test server without being noticed, someone isn't doing their job
This. and for the record, don't be so sure that they don't have to pay syberghost technically. Need I remind anyone that Origin learned that the hard way, when their entire volunteer counselor staff sued them due to california labor laws requiring them to be paid? Most of their other volunteers as well. How about all the companies that freaked out and mass fired their volunteers because of it. Its the reason I would never, ever have volunteers of that sort, far too much liability.
Perfect response to every statement. You have renewed my hope that some logical people still inhabit the forums.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
Or when a person says they are quitting you say "sorry to see you go closing thread" Do you even care to say "is there anything we can do to make your STO experience better?
I know STO is not the largest MMO out there, but still, with the number of players and the number of 'devs' available to read/comment on the forums, much less do actual development work, I can't believe you'd really expect a game company to take an individual and personal interest in a single person's quitting thread.
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
Be that as it may I'd never expect them to listen to me. When people ask what's it like to play sto I say "well it's free".
I agree with this and that would be my answer to any new players who ask if the game is worth playing..."Well, it's free."
I feel bad about spending money on this game.
If it were at all possible, I would gladly wipe this game from my computer if it meant getting a full refund...but that won't happen.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
I agree with this and that would be my answer to any new players who ask if the game is worth playing..."Well, it's free."
I feel bad about spending money on this game.
If it were at all possible, I would gladly wipe this game from my computer if it meant getting a full refund...but that won't happen.
The Devs do care. They just don't want to come on to the forums and talk to jerks.
*My work here is done*
Pretty much this.
The fact that there is any communication at all is welcome. The developers are under no obligation to the game's community to inform us of every little thing they are working on.
The Dev team does care. Right now they are making sure the game runs smoothly.This was a large expansion to the game.When they feel the game stability is good, they will likely become more active in the forum.
I rather they work on fixing the problems in this game right now, than pander and fawn to the whims of the self important.
What victims? Who exactly is being victimized? Unfortunately there's plenty of blame to go around all over the place. It would be much better to simply address the issues and quit blaming people.
Yes, and with good reason. On more than one occasion he has flat out lied to us. That is a proven fact. Behavior like that is going to earn such statements. People do exactly what he himself said to do: judge him by what his track record. I don't think I need to remind you what that track record looks like.
Knew I shouldn't have brought up his name. I was not hoping to be proven right quite so quickly.
First of all, it is not a 'proven fact' that he lied. It is a fact that some of the information we have been given over the years has not been accurate, that Cryptic changed their minds about some things, and that certain information was withheld under the Atari regime for legal reasons.
The takeaway here is that you take what a Dev says with a grain of salt and accept that sometimes they're wrong. EVERYTHING they say is subject to change. Calling them liars is defamation and continuing to do it will earn people infractions.
You want to bring up his track record? What's the biggest thing people flame him over? Full 1-50 KDF progression. Promise kept. Took way longer than any of us thought, but I think we can call that one done now (or at least a whole lot closer to it than before). Looking forward to finally rolling a Gorn.
Yes, mistakes have been made over the years but STO has come a long, long way. I'm certainly not happy about every single decision that's been made, but it's gotten better and I'm still enjoying the game.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Yes you WILL eventually have to pay for something.
Really? You WILL have to pay for something? Really? I bought the Vesta bundle about 3 months ago, did I have to buy it? or did I want to buy it? The answer to that question is I wanted to buy it, I didn't have to buy it, so saying that you will eventually have to pay for something isn't necessarily true. It's only if you want to buy the stuff.
That is roughly 2 bug fixes per 2 work days, that doesn't require a 40+ Dev Team, that requires maybe ONE or TWO Devs ... three tops.
either everyone has been on vacation (well deserved if so), or i don't know what they are working on... not fxiing stuff on Holodeck anyway. Or maybe they are holding out on us and there will be something with 50+ lines next week or so.
I don't know what they are up to and the lack of communication is disturbing.
really??? why?? omg you people with your self entitlement kill me let get something cleared up right off the bat THEY don't have to talk to you they choose to there job is to the game and doing what ever it is they do with this game its not to hold your hand and burp you like baby and tell you everything is going to be ok ....and for all the tear jerkers that complain abut the time period that is expiring as they fix bugs take it from a former code writer it NOT that I don't see you people writing any code so relax .....but I do have to say I do agree with rep being account true believers till next time ....dismissed!!!!
The Devs do care. They just don't want to come on to the forums and talk to jerks.
*My work here is done*
They lie VIA news articles "they" I use it broadly to describe the think tank as a sum, rather than its parts.
They create an automated mute system, that mutes players for 24 hours based on how other players feel.
They create an automated perma ban system, that bans players without question or any review based on phrases that are unknown to the player.
They never tackle bugs in the game, small and large, for any serious longevity. With each new patch comes more bugs than what is ever fixed. The total bugs for this game... is absolutely frightening.
Their support has been dysfunctional since F2P Launch. You STILL can't select "Star Trek Online" in the drop down menu ....
They avoid forums and social mediums to hide from the backlash their creations cause and the creations that they themselves have left behind. Building a glass house if you will.
and so on, and so on and so on.
One wonders why the older playerbase feels alienated.
They lie VIA news articles "they" I use it broadly to describe the think tank as a sum, rather than its parts.
They create an automated mute system, that mutes players for 24 hours based on how other players feel.
They create an automated perma ban system, that bans players without question or any review based on phrases that are unknown to the player.
They never tackle bugs in the game, small and large, for any serious longevity. With each new patch comes more bugs than what is ever fixed. The total bugs for this game... is absolutely frightening.
Their support has been dysfunctional since F2P Launch. You STILL can't select "Star Trek Online" in the drop down menu ....
They avoid forums and social mediums to hide from the backlash their creations cause and the creations that they themselves have left behind. Building a glass house if you will.
and so on, and so on and so on.
One wonders why the older playerbase feels alienated.
No, they do not. They don't need to, there's plenty of new people willing to throw money at this game regularly while the older ones get disenchanted when they discover the Pay-to-Win nature of the game and everything you want can be had for $$$, not to mention the grind fest that is the Craputation system, the bugs that never get fixed, etc etc. On the surface, the game looks great....underneath, not so much. If you really want them to listen, don't pay them. As many have said previously 'vote with your wallet' when it comes to PWE, there's nothing else they listen to. 'I Quit!' threads are lame, pointless, and usually just attempts to get coddles and 'awww, don't go!'. If you really hate it that much, just don't play or don't pay and get what you can for free.
There has been a few occasions in recent history where they nyerked up so bad it caused an enormous uproar on the forums (*cough* foundry *cough*) that DStahl himself was forced to speak up on the matter, and changes were made/reversed slightly.....but those are rare occasions indeed.
They don't usually post in threads of this nature.
Al Rivera - AKA CaptainGeko - who basically decides what ships do and powers and etc etc etc - just made a post 30 min ago in the Aceton thread just below this.
So don't expect the devs to wade into threads that are harsh or very negative.
They do what they can - and address the issues they can at the time that they can- sometimes it's not what they wanted - but it is what it is.
So, you would rather them throw untested code onto the live server and HOPE it sticks? If that was the case, STO would be down more than it would be up since without proper testing on Tribble, there would be a LOT more game-breaking bugs. If you're whining NOW, imagine if they didn't test it? The game would be dead in a month.
Do me a favor? Don't EVER make an MMO. EVER! Of course, all the flame wars on your forums for said game about you being a moron for not testing code before releasing it would be a fun read.
Nice, you had to resort to name calling :rolleyes:
Analyzing the in-game data about what players are doing can give them far more valuable information about how to improve the game than reading posts on a forum that is a relatively small sampling of players.
I personally would rather they focus on actual data than make PR posts in a forum.
People have been constantly complaining and begging for changes in the game. You NEVER respond in the forums. I go through the DEV tracker and the only responses I see are either being smart or just "we are bringing the server down for maintenance."
Or when a person says they are quitting you say "sorry to see you go closing thread" Do you even care to say "is there anything we can do to make your STO experience better?
That is not an attitude you should put toward your fans and customers.
Before PWE took over, Cryptic devs were constantly on this forum responding to people. The DEV tracker was full of that. Now it's all closing threads, and maintenance responses.
People having been begging for changes to several things over the past few months, and even in the past few weeks, and I am not even talking about bugs.
What is going on over there? Do you care OR NOT. The minute a mod sees a thread about someone quitting it's closed. The minute a feedback comes in, nothing. YOu just let the thread go and do nothing about it. It's creating anger with me.
I mean look at the reputation feedback thread, there is a 7 page thread on how you should make the Reputation account wide, NO response. Nothing. Show us you actually still care.
Especially considering the last couple patches and the excellent communication lately...go play wow for a week dude all the devs will do is smirk and roll their eyes at you and that's only if you front the cash to go to Blizzcon.
Especially considering the last couple patches and the excellent communication lately...go play wow for a week dude all the devs will do is smirk and roll their eyes at you and that's only if you front the cash to go to Blizzcon.
You really want to see how much Cryptic cares? Here.
Just a note. This thread focuses on Neverwinter. Please do not link to other game forums. The challenge I'm proposing to you all is to improve the current text chat ban system in Neverwinter, not to rehash debates from previous years and from different games.
Now let's get back to specific ways to make the current chat ban system better! Thanks!!
There's how much they care. New shiny gets fixes but not old and broke.
Nice, you had to resort to name calling :rolleyes:
"Name calling"? "Moron" seems the proper descriptor for someone who'd throw code onto a live MMO server after having only in-house testing. One of the things I learned as a programmer was that no computer professional will ever think to do some of the silly things an end user would.
They may not care so much about canon, or what's best for the game, but they definitely care about you as long as you're spending money.
Of course they care about money, don't forget that both Cryptic and PWE are businesses and rely on customers for that money, that's why they also have to give good customer service, which they do IMO. They have to do both or they'll collapse completely and there'll be NO GAME (not shouting that last bit, just ephasising it)
... businesses and rely on customers for that money, that's why they also have to give good customer service, which they do IMO....
.... what? Their ticket support system has been broken since F2P launch ( you know how long ago that was? ), and the only way to get in touch with them is to come to forum and have them tell you ( at a later time after posting ) to send an email to support@ Brilliant support!
Innocent? I hope you're not referring to a certain twitter response to a certain massively article by a certain community member who mass insulted the entire community in a very ignorant and offensive manner, only to have a certain dev agree with her.
If thats the case, I call bs. There was nothing innocent about it
and you seriously believe everything blizzard, or any other company, tells you?
You done belittling people yet?
Circular logic. If you want the full content you very much do have to. To say nothing of the fact that has nothing to do with anything he said there
Except thats not how it works. Stop belittling people
There is nothing vanity about it. Nor is there anything optional about it, if you want the full content of the game, period.
Which consists of a grand total of zero people. If you have ever traded for so much as 1 zen you have been involved with real money in this game. Period. Don't tell me there are people that have been here any length of time and haven't done so. Don't even try, if you do its bs.
Thats called blaming the victims.
Blatant lie designed to shut people up. There is no 'vocal minority' the forum is a large cross section of the game, that does represent what people are thinking. Don't even try to claim otherwise. This is not some kind of inverse alternate universe where everything is opposite.
You mean the same dozen questions that are asked over and over again, by the same people and always given a vague, worthless answer to?
In other words you have no opinion. Thats what happens when the first words out of your mouth are accusing someone of being a troll
Then you haven't played very many want to see company employees belittle their customers in front of other customers then? I'm sure that will end well for them.
Thats bs. To say nothing of the fact that it works both ways. Better take a look at the number of times we've been lied to and certain other incidents
Speak for yourself. Don't belittle and insult everyone. Especially after accusing others of doing so
Yes, and with good reason. On more than one occasion he has flat out lied to us. That is a proven fact. Behavior like that is going to earn such statements. People do exactly what he himself said to do: judge him by what his track record. I don't think I need to remind you what that track record looks like
Good question
Also a good question. If this is the case, its useless as a test server
If thats what causing all these problems something is seriously wrong. It would completely negate the purpose of either test server
I've had it happen with another server. Thats why they have backups. Its also why things should be tested INTERNALLY before being released to a test server. If something that serious gets through to a test server without being noticed, someone isn't doing their job
This. and for the record, don't be so sure that they don't have to pay syberghost technically. Need I remind anyone that Origin learned that the hard way, when their entire volunteer counselor staff sued them due to california labor laws requiring them to be paid? Most of their other volunteers as well. How about all the companies that freaked out and mass fired their volunteers because of it. Its the reason I would never, ever have volunteers of that sort, far too much liability.
Why, pray tell, do you feel you need a full Tier V Omega set? I'm not even clear on what that is, but I've been enjoying the game for almost two years now. Obviously, then, enjoyment can be garnered without this mysterious thing, whatever it may be.
Certainly, having specific sets of items can be a nice buff to the ol' epeen, but it's not like the term "gear check" has any actual meaning in this game...
Perfect response to every statement. You have renewed my hope that some logical people still inhabit the forums.
If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
I know STO is not the largest MMO out there, but still, with the number of players and the number of 'devs' available to read/comment on the forums, much less do actual development work, I can't believe you'd really expect a game company to take an individual and personal interest in a single person's quitting thread.
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
I agree with this and that would be my answer to any new players who ask if the game is worth playing..."Well, it's free."
I feel bad about spending money on this game.
If it were at all possible, I would gladly wipe this game from my computer if it meant getting a full refund...but that won't happen.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
I don't regret a single transaction.
*My work here is done*
Pretty much this.
The fact that there is any communication at all is welcome. The developers are under no obligation to the game's community to inform us of every little thing they are working on.
I rather they work on fixing the problems in this game right now, than pander and fawn to the whims of the self important.
This is what we refer to as an inflammatory response. Stop. If you have a problem with someone's post, report it.
What victims? Who exactly is being victimized? Unfortunately there's plenty of blame to go around all over the place. It would be much better to simply address the issues and quit blaming people.
Knew I shouldn't have brought up his name. I was not hoping to be proven right quite so quickly.
First of all, it is not a 'proven fact' that he lied. It is a fact that some of the information we have been given over the years has not been accurate, that Cryptic changed their minds about some things, and that certain information was withheld under the Atari regime for legal reasons.
The takeaway here is that you take what a Dev says with a grain of salt and accept that sometimes they're wrong. EVERYTHING they say is subject to change. Calling them liars is defamation and continuing to do it will earn people infractions.
You want to bring up his track record? What's the biggest thing people flame him over? Full 1-50 KDF progression. Promise kept. Took way longer than any of us thought, but I think we can call that one done now (or at least a whole lot closer to it than before). Looking forward to finally rolling a Gorn.
Yes, mistakes have been made over the years but STO has come a long, long way. I'm certainly not happy about every single decision that's been made, but it's gotten better and I'm still enjoying the game.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
-- Smoov
really??? why?? omg you people with your self entitlement kill me let get something cleared up right off the bat THEY don't have to talk to you they choose to there job is to the game and doing what ever it is they do with this game its not to hold your hand and burp you like baby and tell you everything is going to be ok ....and for all the tear jerkers that complain abut the time period that is expiring as they fix bugs take it from a former code writer it NOT that I don't see you people writing any code so relax .....but I do have to say I do agree with rep being account true believers till next time ....dismissed!!!!
They lie VIA news articles "they" I use it broadly to describe the think tank as a sum, rather than its parts.
They create an automated mute system, that mutes players for 24 hours based on how other players feel.
They create an automated perma ban system, that bans players without question or any review based on phrases that are unknown to the player.
They never tackle bugs in the game, small and large, for any serious longevity. With each new patch comes more bugs than what is ever fixed. The total bugs for this game... is absolutely frightening.
Their support has been dysfunctional since F2P Launch. You STILL can't select "Star Trek Online" in the drop down menu ....
They avoid forums and social mediums to hide from the backlash their creations cause and the creations that they themselves have left behind. Building a glass house if you will.
and so on, and so on and so on.
One wonders why the older playerbase feels alienated.
| Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
There has been a few occasions in recent history where they nyerked up so bad it caused an enormous uproar on the forums (*cough* foundry *cough*) that DStahl himself was forced to speak up on the matter, and changes were made/reversed slightly.....but those are rare occasions indeed.
The o3 - Killed you good
Al Rivera - AKA CaptainGeko - who basically decides what ships do and powers and etc etc etc - just made a post 30 min ago in the Aceton thread just below this.
So don't expect the devs to wade into threads that are harsh or very negative.
They do what they can - and address the issues they can at the time that they can- sometimes it's not what they wanted - but it is what it is.
Nice, you had to resort to name calling :rolleyes:
I personally would rather they focus on actual data than make PR posts in a forum.
Especially considering the last couple patches and the excellent communication lately...go play wow for a week dude all the devs will do is smirk and roll their eyes at you and that's only if you front the cash to go to Blizzcon.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
You really want to see how much Cryptic cares? Here.
There's how much they care. New shiny gets fixes but not old and broke.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
Where exactly is this post, is it in the STO forum, because it seems to be talking about another game altogether?
Hi, i just tried to report your post as i do not like your reply but, i have run into a problem...
There is no report feature.
I lol'd.
They may not care so much about canon, or what's best for the game, but they definitely care about you as long as you're spending money.
Of course they care about money, don't forget that both Cryptic and PWE are businesses and rely on customers for that money, that's why they also have to give good customer service, which they do IMO. They have to do both or they'll collapse completely and there'll be NO GAME (not shouting that last bit, just ephasising it)
.... what? Their ticket support system has been broken since F2P launch ( you know how long ago that was? ), and the only way to get in touch with them is to come to forum and have them tell you ( at a later time after posting ) to send an email to support@ Brilliant support!
| Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |