Well I've been playing a bit more. Trying different things to see if I can find a way past it. My belief is that this is related to the Liberated Borg species, which would kind of make sense seeing as they were not tested on Tribble.
I also believe it has something to with with the promotion to Centurion quest. Something wierd happened in that quest when I went to select my new Warbird. It's almost as if the quest rewards were not handed out as I am also missing the Transwarp to New Romulus and Transwarp to Earth Spacedock abilities.
As such, I thought maybe, just maybe reaching Subcommander might fix it. No such luck. I am still breezing through the missions no problem, but as I stated at the beginning of this thread, come max level I would not play this toon as it would be letting down other players. This needs to be fixed.....like now.
Well, this issue apparently isn't just affecting Romulan toons - just had my engineer go Vice Admiral and he's now getting the Skills Invalid bug as well
They shouldn't care about how many times the bring down the server for emergency maintenance if an entire playable species and some lvls of other species on Romulans cant even skill up correctly
I think I'm just going too wait it out, I like the look and feel of my LB Rom atm ^^
Same here. I'm going to continue levelling her though, so it will be all the sweeter when I have access to amazing abilities after having levelled to 50 with only the basics and one ability per Boff! :P
This bug prevented me from moving to the Pi Canis sector. If you've got some extra dil laying around, purchasing the trans warp token will allow you to move to the Pi Canis sector. After getting to Pi Canis I was able to move to other sectors without using the tokens. Just an FYI if you feel like getting on with it until a fix is deployed.
How the hell did that bug get on the live server? There were never any problems like that on Tribble.
FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
You guys are the lucky ones! Several of us can't log-in to STO at all because the launcher's patch crashes every time, ever since yesterday's Romulan expansion was added. And STO has written that it was fixed?!?
I also believe it has something to with with the promotion to Centurion quest. Something wierd happened in that quest when I went to select my new Warbird. It's almost as if the quest rewards were not handed out as I am also missing the Transwarp to New Romulus and Transwarp to Earth Spacedock abilities.
As such, I thought maybe, just maybe reaching Subcommander might fix it. No such luck. I am still breezing through the missions no problem, but as I stated at the beginning of this thread, come max level I would not play this toon as it would be letting down other players. This needs to be fixed.....like now.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
Seem to be the case. Others in my Fleet seem unaffected, but my LB can not skill up.
Can Cryptic/PWE please admit that this has been a "soft launch" of LoR and that it is actually in open beta!?
Really hope this gets fixed soon
Got up and saw the server had been down another once for emergency patch
But they didnt fix this bug yet
Pleae dont open that can of worms(see NVW forums)
Same here, grrrrrrrrr
Ditto. It's too bad Cryptic does let you test the LB's on Tribble. This would have been found a long time ago.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
Yeah they would of, Hopefully they patch later today. I also noticed you cant activate any traits for Lib Borg
Acknowledgement here (post #32 in this very thread):
They shouldn't care about how many times the bring down the server for emergency maintenance if an entire playable species and some lvls of other species on Romulans cant even skill up correctly
Same here. I'm going to continue levelling her though, so it will be all the sweeter when I have access to amazing abilities after having levelled to 50 with only the basics and one ability per Boff! :P
No this affects everyone, no one is able to add skill points or boff points.
Does this only affect Romulans or all characters?
How the hell did that bug get on the live server? There were never any problems like that on Tribble.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
Ok, I am sorry, I thought this is only for liberated borgs... now I am more curious... when can we expect another update?
It's the Tal'shiars doing, Sela lied.
Vengeance is born, with eternal scorn.
New Romulus rises.
My liberated borg Romulan is allied with Fed, and I'm having same issue.