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Emergency Maintenance (May 21, 2013 - 6PM - 7:30PM PDT) [Complete!]



  • mystwraithmystwraith Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ya know going through the posts and seeing everyone saying poor me, is kinda disheartening. In my opinion, I think STO is doing a great job today. The problems everyone is having is not as much their fault as it is ours. We all wanted to get the download, and play the new Romulan faction, all at the same time. There is only so much bandwidth that they can play with. Hence the log in issues and game play lag.

    So quite blaming them, for the problem, and start to understand, it just as much our fault as it is theirs.

    Again, well done STO, keep up the good work.:):):):D
  • dllmmodllmmo Member Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Don't get me wrong. I do really appreciate the LoR and what I can see, have been a massive piece of work.

    How ever. I do feel entitled to rage about this, since I've paid money to keep the game running. Granted that an expansion always got bugs, but this is just ridicules. The servers are clearly overworked and unable to handle the players. The testing been a farce since the major patches arrives days before launch. Hence, making you unable to test them probably. Not to mention the connection issues as well. So could this been avoided. I do believe so. But it's something that Cryptic/PWE apparently never would consider. And why?! Because it would be them spending money and not us.
  • namflowniusnamflownius Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What do people think of the idea of revamping the dabo / latinum system to where the trade-ins could be say lock box keys? make it so people want to play dabo. maybe have it so you could bet lock box keys to win more? just curious to see if anyone has any comments / ideas about this.
  • pingaheadpingahead Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Let me first say that I am very disappointed but not too surprised at the amount of whining and crying that has been going on all day. Anyone that has been here for any of the "Season Launches" should know of what to expect.

    commodorebob even wrote a post a few weeks ago titled HOW TO BE PREPARED FOR THE LAUNCH OF LoR that was "stickied" by Brandon as to some of the things to expect.

    And the "experts" software engineers/customer service "pros" telling us how unexceptable and how things are taking too long.

    SO how about we do this: you are NOT at CRYPTIC and have no freaking idea as to what is going on there, what is going on with the servers, what is going on with the program. So do us all a favorite and sit down and shut up.

    Most of us expected problems on launch day and did NOT take a day off a work.

    If you search all my previous postings you will see that I am NOT a big defender of CRYPTIC and have been very critical of DStahl over the past year or so.

    But honestly...if you expected a smooth launch of something this big, then your head was somewhere that it should not have been. And those of us that expected problems the first day or two are sick of listening to you put your ignorant two cents in.

    You may now return to your regularly scheduled whine-fest.
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    After getting a chance to play "Legacy of Romulus", I just wanted to thank the developers for the upgrade. Even though they have some bugs to deal with, I truly think the developers did a really neat job.

    Thanks for everything.

  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, Lapsed Gold Member is what we're calling it now? Will this be recognized in an official capacity, to avoid any confusion for the future?

    Silver: Hasn't paid a dime
    Lapsed Gold: Past subscriber (at least bought the box pre-f2p or subbed for 1 month)
    Gold: Currently paying subscriber
    Lifetime: Subscribed forever
  • iknowshaun4iknowshaun4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Over an hour...wtf...

    I've been in software development for a while and I don't possible see how it could take over an hour(and I'm sure it'll get extended). 10 minutes to reset, 10 minutes to install new codebase to the RC, 10 mins to verify stability.

    30 min coffee break? Maybe I come from a different philosophy of customer service, but anytime we have a go-live we have all our engineers on board to correct any unforeseen issues. If I told my clients that it was going to take 6 hours to recognize the problem, then 2 hours to update the interface I wouldn't have a job.

    You may complain about the light inconvenience. But it seems you know little of how the game world works. Take Blizzard as an example. Before an expansion they have up to 24 hours of maintenance. And random issues take about 1-5 hours, and once a week they are down once for all night maintenance. And you have to pay $15 a month + pay for each expansion for that kind of service. We barely have any downtime, and we get to play for free. So when it comes down to it, I would say the service is awesome!
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    God, I love You Folks... Spent a couple of hours playing the game before going to dinner.

    Sure, I got dropped out a few times, but all-in-all, it's been a fun start.

    Thank You for Everything.

    I'm so glad I have spent so much money playing Your great game.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • mick556mick556 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So what you're saying is that I waited literally all day to play a game that was supposed to be available after noon, and then had to wait another five hours and 45 minutes to log into it, played it for 15 minutes before it went down and now have to wait until nearly 10 to probably spend another five hours trying to log into it again. Maybe if I start watching Encounter at Farpoint right now I can start playing again before All good things pt II...
    Vice Admiral Jack Larkin
    Commanding Officer: U.S.S. Parabellum NCC-95963-E
  • jake477jake477 Member Posts: 527 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i might replay it all over again.....with tactical and my alien, same Tovan so no need to worry and well this gives me great opportunity to dream about my build and character.

    PS keep the telekinesis for aliens so when i have a human look so i can use the Force lol.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "This planet smells, it must be the Klingons"
  • stevolutionviiimstevolutionviiim Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well you guys enjoy all the nonsense I'm going to Guild Wars2 and Defiance lol. I've never had so much trouble with a game.
  • hagar3hagar3 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    danthalas wrote: »
    I just have to say this... for the amount of sheer content, improvements and the like.. they did a really good job...e

    Yup agreed. Tested the LoR on tribble and it was awesome.
    In case no one can hear you...scream
  • captainbaileycaptainbailey Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What about cancelling the upgrade in nukara rep, will that be added right now, I got atleast 250 marks waiting to be put in??????????????????????
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    danthalas wrote: »
    I just have to say this... for the amount of sheer content, improvements and the like.. they did a really good job, servers were up after maintenance without an extension to that maintenance... so i'm confident that once all the kinks are worked out we'll all be having a blast... just now is the QQ phase for everyone to complain about all the imperfections rather than to admire the good things about it, funny how people are more inclined to complain than to give a pat on the back.

    I for one, am very pleased with it (most of it at least) and things could be wayyy worse than i think half the people realize

    maybe we would give a pat on the back if we could get in too see it.
  • nalonalo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All I know is I have a lot of coffee thats going to waste :eek::D
  • misslillicaluxmisslillicalux Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about PWE upgrades the login servers? We've had the SAME ONES since STO first launched!
  • canunixnacanunixna Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like the login menu.
  • tanthiltanthil Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Over an hour...wtf...

    I've been in software development for a while and I don't possible see how it could take over an hour(and I'm sure it'll get extended). 10 minutes to reset, 10 minutes to install new codebase to the RC, 10 mins to verify stability.

    30 min coffee break? Maybe I come from a different philosophy of customer service, but anytime we have a go-live we have all our engineers on board to correct any unforeseen issues. If I told my clients that it was going to take 6 hours to recognize the problem, then 2 hours to update the interface I wouldn't have a job.

    tetris was a cool game, thank you for that
  • reaper8290reaper8290 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    solonite wrote: »
    I know what you mean man...unfornatly worse for me cause I am in UK, So LoR launch 8pm...11pm still patching from 4pm (even though I have pre-patched 3 times this week)..try logging in and finally get in at 1am.......2am emergency maintence.

    Now we have this maintence and I know it's only 1hr 30mins...but come on 03:30!!!

    Cryptic not everyone in the world runs on friggin Pacific Time!!

    The launch should of been staggered like other MMO's...one less stress on servers and two perhaps everyone on Launch day might get a chance of trying out the new expansion.

    I completely agree they should definitely stagger the release times.
  • captainmarvelushcaptainmarvelush Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    urniv821 wrote: »
    Ah hem.. you are correct. SO why bother me with a stupid comment?

    Because I can. Now stop complaining and stomping your feet before your mother takes away your computer for a week.
    Captain of the Thunder and the Lightning

  • varnoukhvarnoukh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The delay is irritating, I'm sure, but I'm also sure the tech people are applying fixes and getting the servers back online as quickly as they can. No-one benefits from unecessary downtime.

    On the upside this may speak to the popularity of the expansion. I don't know about anyone else but Romulan starships have long been my favourite and the opportunity to pilot a D'deridex is worth almost any wait. The other Romulan ships they've designed look pretty nice too.

    Also gives me time to work on my character bio. I'd totally forgotten about that....
  • sk8ter888sk8ter888 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thats ok, I am patient, I forgive on the day of a huge relaunch/update
  • irwin109irwin109 Member Posts: 518 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pingahead wrote: »
    Let me first say that I am very disappointed but not too surprised at the amount of whining and crying that has been going on all day. Anyone that has been here for any of the "Season Launches" should know of what to expect.

    commodorebob even wrote a post a few weeks ago titled HOW TO BE PREPARED FOR THE LAUNCH OF LoR that was "stickied" by Brandon as to some of the things to expect.

    And the "experts" software engineers/customer service "pros" telling us how unexceptable and how things are taking too long.

    SO how about we do this: you are NOT at CRYPTIC and have no freaking idea as to what is going on there, what is going on with the servers, what is going on with the program. So do us all a favorite and sit down and shut up.

    Most of us expected problems on launch day and did NOT take a day off a work.

    If you search all my previous postings you will see that I am NOT a big defender of CRYPTIC and have been very critical of DStahl over the past year or so.

    But honestly...if you expected a smooth launch of something this big, then your head was somewhere that it should not have been. And those of us that expected problems the first day or two are sick of listening to you put your ignorant two cents in.

    You may now return to your regularly scheduled whine-fest.

    *golf claps*

    "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
  • arathinarathin Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    matixzon wrote: »
    Let's just hope that for when "Keepin' Up with the Cardassians" is released Cryptic will have learned something from this and actually may get the server prepared.

    ......ok lets examine this.......first a buncha new code was put into the game second 9 bazzillion players log into the SAME sector multplied 80+ times and the game ran pretty damn smoothly actually yeah there was about a minute wait for transitions to star systems and such and it took a bit for stuff to change around when changeing equip but really guys the game was running pretty well with all things considered seriosuly people calm down they are fixing it and 1.5 hours is nothing compaired to some emergancy maintanences i have seen *adopts old man voice* why back in my day on everquest the servers went down for 2 to 3 days at a time and we had to login uphill both ways and dont even get me started on loot drops......

    so in closing cool yer jets folks evetrything will be ok
  • soundwisdomsoundwisdom Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pingahead wrote: »
    Let me first say that I am very disappointed but not too surprised at the amount of whining and crying that has been going on all day. Anyone that has been here for any of the "Season Launches" should know of what to expect.

    commodorebob even wrote a post a few weeks ago titled HOW TO BE PREPARED FOR THE LAUNCH OF LoR that was "stickied" by Brandon as to some of the things to expect.

    And the "experts" software engineers/customer service "pros" telling us how unexceptable and how things are taking too long.

    SO how about we do this: you are NOT at CRYPTIC and have no freaking idea as to what is going on there, what is going on with the servers, what is going on with the program. So do us all a favorite and sit down and shut up.

    Most of us expected problems on launch day and did NOT take a day off a work.

    If you search all my previous postings you will see that I am NOT a big defender of CRYPTIC and have been very critical of DStahl over the past year or so.

    But honestly...if you expected a smooth launch of something this big, then your head was somewhere that it should not have been. And those of us that expected problems the first day or two are sick of listening to you put your ignorant two cents in.

    You may now return to your regularly scheduled whine-fest.

    Whining about whining about whining. I'm so superior guys.
  • cocohutzpahcocohutzpah Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You turned it off 5 minutes after I logged in. I did experience the "can not log in for unknown reason" problem. I thought it was something with my computer, but if it's the game that's a relief.
  • cmdrbensoncmdrbenson Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OMFG all I see here is ********. They are trying their best to fix things, DON'T FORGET they just lunched Legacy so don't get your panties in a bunch
    Admiral Sash
    Commanding Officer
    Federation One
  • bohortonstobohortonsto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well i got some time now, so... anyone else think the romulan shuttles look like cylon fighters?
  • trokkartrokkar Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What about this big affecting all my bridge officers???


    This was just lag. It had not processed your rank upgrade yet. Mine did same thing and then after my rank upgrade happened due to a lagging quest reward turn in, it popped up as it should.
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about PWE upgrades the login servers? We've had the SAME ONES since STO first launched!

    and you know this how? i can 100 percent guarantee you the hardware has been swapped out at least 4-6 times since the game went gold. 100 percent promise as that is SOP in every major server farm to do bi-annual or quarterly hardware inspection/replacement.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
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