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Stuck character: server not responding on loading screen [NOW RESOLVED!]



  • paulvbpaulvb Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lol its nearly done now

    update: so its done downloading the 4.6GB, and now when I start the launcher there's a 160MB patch for it... weird

    nope. didn't work....
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Look it is important to take a breath walk away and get the proper perspective here. Our issue does not really effect the devs or most of the player base so it doesn't rank that high on their priority list. Their goal is to make sure most of their customers are happy and since there is just not that many of us it is not a pressesing issue. Lets just relax give them a few weeks and I am sure they will get around to it.

    A few weeks would be completely unacceptable. Also not likely to be "just a few" since they have mentioned being aware of it on the forums, and given the persistent nature of the bug the number of players affected will only continue to grow.

    This is a game-breaking bug that should've been fixed days ago, and if they were aware of it prior to release...
  • balorgafdanbalorgafdan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's definitely not on our end mate, thanks for trying though, appreciate it.
  • cmdrj323cmdrj323 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Look it is important to take a breath walk away and get the proper perspective here. Our issue does not really effect the devs or most of the player base so it doesn't rank that high on their priority list. Their goal is to make sure most of their customers are happy and since there is just not that many of us it is not a pressesing issue. Lets just relax give them a few weeks and I am sure they will get around to it.

    Regardless of how many big or small a percentage of players are affected, when you got players who can't play ANY characters it's more than just a little unacceptable or inconvenient and said players are definitely not trying to hear oh wait a few weeks and we hope it'll be fixed.
  • gypsyinspacegypsyinspace Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    paulvb wrote: »
    lol its nearly done now

    update: so its done downloading the 4.6GB, and now when I start the launcher there's a 160MB patch for it... weird

    nope. didn't work....
    Look it is important to take a breath walk away and get the proper perspective here. Our issue does not really effect the devs or most of the player base so it doesn't rank that high on their priority list. Their goal is to make sure most of their customers are happy and since there is just not that many of us it is not a pressesing issue. Lets just relax give them a few weeks and I am sure they will get around to it.

    A few weeks? Some of us paid $125 for the content now not to wait weeks
  • thetruexenosthetruexenos Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    paulvb wrote: »
    lol its nearly done now

    update: so its done downloading the 4.6GB, and now when I start the launcher there's a 160MB patch for it... weird

    nope. didn't work....

  • paulvbpaulvb Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    I'm trying this again. needs 1.9 GB of files repaired which doesn't make much sense seeing as I JUST updated them. ill update you in like 5ish minutes

    also this time I plan on bypassing the launcher and going straight thru to the .exe
  • dantherulerdantheruler Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well the devs have gone home for a few cold ones over the extended weekend, so there won't be any change for at least 4 days and more than likely a week at the bare minimum.
  • gypsyinspacegypsyinspace Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I bet they won't care about this issue until it hits 1000 posts
  • paulvbpaulvb Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well the devs have gone home for a few cold ones over the extended weekend, so there won't be any change for at least 4 days and more than likely a week at the bare minimum.

    still nothing. this only confirms my guess that the problem is in their account log-in servers. those ones specifically.
  • thetruexenosthetruexenos Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I bet they won't care about this issue until it hits 1000 posts

    Thats why ive been trying to do my part in the good fight, keep us at the top, make us the largest thread on the forums, we will not be ignored, we will be priority one! (What's in ~your~ wallet?)

    Im sure their working on it, dont get me wrong, but i think the difference in 'get it done then you can go home' and 'worry about it next week' is us. Not everyone takes 4 days off on a holiday, or **** would fall apart.

    Really i dont care if they fix the issue in a month, all i want is some duct tape on the current symptoms. Meaning, make a way that we can reset back at Earth Skydock or something. If i get stuck again, i dont care! It obviously is not something that happens THAT often, so fixing the bug, great for the long run, fix the symptoms of the people stuck today and have a work around. I find it hard to believe that a dev could not reset my location to somewhere else. If that would unstick me i dont know.. but i would guess their not going to do that because its a work around, not a fix.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    woodrandy wrote: »
    ok. I hav e verified that is a sever owned by Cryptic in Boston MA and that is as far as my tracert goes. It then ends up in a hop count that hits the max of 30, so the message is generated "Server not responding" as the client does not get a return message.

    If I am at a cryptic server, why does it appear that the transmission is still trying to do somewhere and then it fails?

    The Boston cogent hub has been a thorn in the side of this game since early February.

    All my tracerts have shown that that particular hub is quite prone to losing packets.

    I wish the hell there was a way to reroute my signal so it wouldn't have to pass through there.

    Some days I can go hours without a single hiccup, then on other day's, it's like trying to pour molasses in the middle of January while standing outside in Alaska!

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    paulvb wrote: »
    still nothing. this only confirms my guess that the problem is in their account log-in servers. those ones specifically.

    I doubt it, since the problem first hit me when transferring from sector space to a mission map. So my guess would be somewhere in map-loading.

    If this problem lasts all weekend... yeah, that pretty much means Cryptic doesn't give a damn. It's already gone on far too long. And I've only been affected for a couple of days; I can't imagine how pissed off other people who have had it longer are.
  • tiger4195tiger4195 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I heard a patch was coming for this, won't be installed till Tuesday.

    :eek:Link. Details. Reference this. Where did you get your information? Because if this is legit, I'm one very happy starship captain. But I want to know this is FACT before I start doing my derpy little happy dance.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tiger4195 wrote: »
    :eek:Link. Details. Reference this. Where did you get your information? Because if this is legit, I'm one very happy starship captain. But I want to know this is FACT before I start doing my derpy little happy dance.

    I think he's got that confused with when the Tractor Beam is supposed to arrive.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • sftim725sftim725 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Alright, this frozen loading screen TRIBBLE is too much. I haven't been able to get online since this launch happened and it is ridiculous. I am severely angry and I think this whole launch has been bungled and really just a joke. I can't believe I haven't turned my Xbox in days for this. I want a credit and I'm never bad mouthing Xbox Live again. Microsoft's service is far superior to this garbage. If somebody at Perfect World is reading this post, they'd better get some major damage control going now.
  • thetruexenosthetruexenos Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What does having a sub for this game get you by the way? Like if i pay the 15$ a month is all i get the vet rewards?
  • noshufflenoshuffle Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I managed to liberate my main alt on the tribble server, where it was also stucked in a Server Not Responding bug. What I have done is, account transfer of my main character to tribble, logged in and selected that character. It appears in the state as it was on Holodeck before it got stuck in this bug. Wishing that Cryptic can transfer that character now to Holodeck.:eek: Sadly, my main character is still stuck
    OK, if I have to stay here for a while, your cieling ... looks idious.:D
  • thomas28ththomas28th Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really i dont care if they fix the issue in a month, all i want is some duct tape on the current symptoms. Meaning, make a way that we can reset back at Earth Skydock or something. If i get stuck again, i dont care! It obviously is not something that happens THAT often, so fixing the bug, great for the long run, fix the symptoms of the people stuck today and have a work around. I find it hard to believe that a dev could not reset my location to somewhere else.

    I suspect that if it were as simple as just resetting the location, they would have done it by now. Most likely the character files have been corrupted and they're trying to figure out how to repair them so that they can be recovered.

    Simple recovery may be impossible even if they do fix what caused the error to begin with.

    The question then would be if they are willing, or even able, to do roll backs that only cover the effective characters.
  • cptshephardcptshephard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tiger4195 wrote: »
    :eek:Link. Details. Reference this. Where did you get your information? Because if this is legit, I'm one very happy starship captain. But I want to know this is FACT before I start doing my derpy little happy dance.

    Someone hasn't seen Star Trek: Generations.. or just doesn't remember that gag.
  • tiger4195tiger4195 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daveyny wrote: »
    I think he's got that confused with when the Tractor Beam is supposed to arrive.

    Someone hasn't seen Star Trek: Generations.. or just doesn't remember that gag.

    Ah, my newness shows itself! I shall gracefully bow out before I make an even bigger fool of myself through my lack of Star Trek lore. ^_^**** (And no, for the record, I have not seen Generations.)
  • classic25classic25 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ******nit. It's like every single update something goes horribly wrong. is a little reliability too much to ask from this company? New content be damned if stability isn't part of the package!
  • tiger4195tiger4195 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also, just checked, they've closed my ticket with ZERO response. Fantastic. I feel SO valued as a customer/player right now.... ~.~*:mad:
  • aristotecharistotech Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I get the feeling this is getting put on the backburner until it starts making a stink outside this community. I hope that's not the case, but the lack of information and vague promises makes it feel that way.
  • dantherulerdantheruler Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well bugs do happen, if our characters are lost for good at least tell us so we can move on. Oh well we won't recieve any word for at least the next 3-4 days so lets juts chill.
  • cptshephardcptshephard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tiger4195 wrote: »
    Ah, my newness shows itself! I shall gracefully bow out before I make an even bigger fool of myself through my lack of Star Trek lore. ^_^**** (And no, for the record, I have not seen Generations.)

    I wouldn't think that at all! Not everyone can have seen everything there is to see, and new people keep the interest going!
  • tiger4195tiger4195 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I wouldn't think that at all! Not everyone can have seen everything there is to see, and new people keep the interest going!

    Aw! Thanks for being cool about it! I've just been a closet trekkie for years, so I'm "new" but I'm not, if that makes sense. I have a LOT of good stuff to catch up on! This game has really made me more curious about the history and stuff I've missed out on. The fact that I've lost my main charater to some random blurb in coding, or what have you, really frustrates me. STO was my gateway drug back into Star Trek! Where am I gonna get my "fix" now?! TT^TT
  • balorgafdanbalorgafdan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    noshuffle wrote: »
    I managed to liberate my main alt on the tribble server, where it was also stucked in a Server Not Responding bug. What I have done is, account transfer of my main character to tribble, logged in and selected that character. It appears in the state as it was on Holodeck before it got stuck in this bug. Wishing that Cryptic can transfer that character now to Holodeck.:eek: Sadly, my main character is still stuck

    I copied my char over to tribble and she's still stuck in Server NOt Responding limbo
  • hullkenhullken Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This new launch just doesn't make any sense. I can see were a couple patches might be needed to get everyone going, but it just isn't working that way. After the 4th patch, I was cruising along at warp 10, upgrading skills, doing stf's, working my boffs n doffs, all with just a little lag at times. Even the login que disappeared. I was so pleased with gameplay and new graphics, I spent $50 yesterday.

    Then came the latest maintenance.

    I see there's still a lot of people who get hung up in login, or get kicked soon after login, or can't play their main toon. Me, I don't even get the launcher any longer. I'm a lazy person and I've had to work too hard to try and play this game, so now I really don't care much if Cryptic fixes the game or not. My main goal now is to get that $50 back and move on.
  • jash0416jash0416 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I updated my ticket yesterday around 4 pm, and twice since then asking about an ETA on a fix for this. No response what so ever. It wouldnt be such a big deal if it was a new toon. But it is my main toon I have used since day one that is in limbo. Any kind of update would be nice other than our top guys are working on it that we have gotten since this problem started.
This discussion has been closed.