If you can't stay around 50% hull for more than half a second and you go from 50% to 0% in that time you really suck at ship building. Learn how to use the in game abilities to your advantage to stay alive. DPS is pointless if you're dead all the time. Good DPS with high survivability is the way to go, if you want to be a glass cannon, don't expect to live much or do much damage on the whole. Both my Romulan Tac and Fed Tac can stay around 50% hull for quite a while... though I usually hit the Go Down Fighting and then heal ASAP because I've found doing 22k per shot Cannon volleys draws attention, but the fact remains I don't NEED Go Down Fighting to do good damage. If you rely on this for you damage output again... learn how to build your ship and character right.
Translation: I don't like tacs and escorts, so I'm going to ignore that my position (namely that I want naming conventions to drive ability functionality only in specific cases that I choose) is blatantly hypocritical.
he is into trolling and roleplaying :rolleyes:
thing is most people never played pvp and they QQ about tacs as in tacs with escorts because thats what is used in stfs.When they go in pvp and see 1 ship tanking 4-5 escorts they call it hack and report the pvper .
in the mean time romulans use decloak alpha strikers without any gdf killing in one hit everything thats not ready and the captain power remains broken and kirk roleplayers come to troll the threads people talk about broken powers.
If you can't stay around 50% hull for more than half a second and you go from 50% to 0% in that time you really suck at ship building. Learn how to use the in game abilities to your advantage to stay alive. DPS is pointless if you're dead all the time. Good DPS with high survivability is the way to go, if you want to be a glass cannon, don't expect to live much or do much damage on the whole. Both my Romulan Tac and Fed Tac can stay around 50% hull for quite a while... though I usually hit the Go Down Fighting and then heal ASAP because I've found doing 22k per shot Cannon volleys draws attention, but the fact remains I don't NEED Go Down Fighting to do good damage. If you rely on this for you damage output again... learn how to build your ship and character right.
For someone whose incredibly close to actually grasping the point, you've managed to miss it by several miles. GDF is not needed to complete anything in STO. Likewise with any other buff, debuff or ability. Auto-attack and manual shield distribution are enough to fully complete everything this game can throw at you.
Secondly, you're apparently fully aware of how strong healing is, even for offensive ships. As a result, you know that players have to actively go out of their way to take damage so as to satisfy the activation threshold for GDF. That's right, you have to deliberately try to die to use it. How exactly is that a sane functionality?
That's right, you have to deliberately try to die to use it. How exactly is that a sane functionality?
Risk vs. Reward. Fiddling about with a parser to get some hard numbers but for anecdotal evidence a 20-30% hull GDF has my beam arrays hitting for 4k and my KCB for 5k on enemy hull. Then they crit. Normally they do less than half of that, (1-2k arrays, 2k KCB) but that can be attributed to EPtW usage and Rom Plasma/Disruptor procs.
Usually if I heal up to full hull and shields after activating it ISE Tac Cubes/Gates die before they can get me down again (barring crazy death torps of course.)
Risk vs. Reward. Fiddling about with a parser to get some hard numbers but for anecdotal evidence a 20-30% hull GDF has my beam arrays hitting for 4k and my KCB for 5k on enemy hull. Then they crit. Normally they do less than half of that, (1-2k arrays, 2k KCB) but that can be attributed to EPtW usage and Rom Plasma/Disruptor procs.
Usually if I heal up to full hull and shields after activating it ISE Tac Cubes/Gates die before they can get me down again (barring crazy death torps of course.)
Honestly this power is too hard to use. Either you die instantly, or you dont get damaged enough for it.
Encouraging people to take risks in ESTFs is also a bad thing.
This nerf basically made a power unavialable to a class 90% of the time.
This is unfair, especially when Photonic fleet and Miracle worker are always usable.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Guys srsly now its very hard to manage to get to use this ability anymore!!!
I am about to die if i wait to drop to 50% hull and i didnt start healing myself ages ago so i almost dont get the chance to use this ability anymore.
The resistance buff you gave wont save you of course.
So its a useless ability....
50% is very low and chances to survive and make use of the buff is low also.
So you are WRONG here you NEED to reconsider.
This restriction is not making sense remove it or raise it to AT LEAST 80% because you are ruining one of the most popular classes the tactical.
Stop nerfing tact it was fine if not underpowered if you want to nerf something in order to fix balance you better start looking at those sci officers at first and then the unkillable engineers.
Just get close to a target and fire off a HY torpedo with the Romulan torp or something similar.
Hit GDF, HE, RSP or EPtS or whatever.
/sarcasm off
It was, and is, a stupid change. You already got penalized by using it at high hull by gaining a lower damage bonus this change in LoR was unnecessary.
Stop nerfing tact it was fine if not underpowered if you want to nerf something in order to fix balance you better start looking at those sci officers at first and then the unkillable engineers.
Enough said?
Yes because sci is OP... oh wait a minute... a tacitcal can use a sci ship better than the sci captain. And as for engineers being unkillable... my tac and sci would disagree though the MW trait is silly it is easily overcome by a tac/scort by pushing MW and RSP out of them and then holding off your heals till they get you to about 15% hull (that'll be about 10-13% after you have activated your own RSP which equates to GDF at +200 to +300% all damage), use RSP to stop further damage use hazard emitters to stop the bleedthrough and then activate all your tactical skills and blow your target to spacedust before they know what happened nevermind have a chance to react.
It was, and is, a stupid change. You already got penalized by using it at high hull by gaining a lower damage bonus this change in LoR was unnecessary.
You think the guy who thougth to nerf it ever played pvp?They cant make game content for other classes ,newbies QQ all over the place about tacs so its easier to make tacs useless in pvp than create game content for scis or engineers.
he is into trolling and roleplaying :rolleyes:
thing is most people never played pvp and they QQ about tacs as in tacs with escorts because thats what is used in stfs.When they go in pvp and see 1 ship tanking 4-5 escorts they call it hack and report the pvper .
in the mean time romulans use decloak alpha strikers without any gdf killing in one hit everything thats not ready and the captain power remains broken and kirk roleplayers come to troll the threads people talk about broken powers.
For someone whose incredibly close to actually grasping the point, you've managed to miss it by several miles. GDF is not needed to complete anything in STO. Likewise with any other buff, debuff or ability. Auto-attack and manual shield distribution are enough to fully complete everything this game can throw at you.
Secondly, you're apparently fully aware of how strong healing is, even for offensive ships. As a result, you know that players have to actively go out of their way to take damage so as to satisfy the activation threshold for GDF. That's right, you have to deliberately try to die to use it. How exactly is that a sane functionality?
You really need to stop using roleplayer as a pejorative.
Risk vs. Reward. Fiddling about with a parser to get some hard numbers but for anecdotal evidence a 20-30% hull GDF has my beam arrays hitting for 4k and my KCB for 5k on enemy hull. Then they crit. Normally they do less than half of that, (1-2k arrays, 2k KCB) but that can be attributed to EPtW usage and Rom Plasma/Disruptor procs.
Usually if I heal up to full hull and shields after activating it ISE Tac Cubes/Gates die before they can get me down again (barring crazy death torps of course.)
cause sometimes its party time!
Honestly this power is too hard to use. Either you die instantly, or you dont get damaged enough for it.
Encouraging people to take risks in ESTFs is also a bad thing.
This nerf basically made a power unavialable to a class 90% of the time.
This is unfair, especially when Photonic fleet and Miracle worker are always usable.
I am about to die if i wait to drop to 50% hull and i didnt start healing myself ages ago so i almost dont get the chance to use this ability anymore.
The resistance buff you gave wont save you of course.
So its a useless ability....
50% is very low and chances to survive and make use of the buff is low also.
So you are WRONG here you NEED to reconsider.
This restriction is not making sense remove it or raise it to AT LEAST 80% because you are ruining one of the most popular classes the tactical.
Stop nerfing tact it was fine if not underpowered if you want to nerf something in order to fix balance you better start looking at those sci officers at first and then the unkillable engineers.
Enough said?
Hit GDF, HE, RSP or EPtS or whatever.
/sarcasm off
It was, and is, a stupid change. You already got penalized by using it at high hull by gaining a lower damage bonus this change in LoR was unnecessary.
Yes because sci is OP... oh wait a minute... a tacitcal can use a sci ship better than the sci captain. And as for engineers being unkillable... my tac and sci would disagree though the MW trait is silly it is easily overcome by a tac/scort by pushing MW and RSP out of them and then holding off your heals till they get you to about 15% hull (that'll be about 10-13% after you have activated your own RSP which equates to GDF at +200 to +300% all damage), use RSP to stop further damage use hazard emitters to stop the bleedthrough and then activate all your tactical skills and blow your target to spacedust before they know what happened nevermind have a chance to react.
You think the guy who thougth to nerf it ever played pvp?They cant make game content for other classes ,newbies QQ all over the place about tacs so its easier to make tacs useless in pvp than create game content for scis or engineers.