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Scheduled Maintenance (May 21, 2013) - The Launch of Legacy of Romulus



  • ikonn#1068 ikonn Member Posts: 1,450 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm loving what I am seeing in the release notes. I do have 1 question.

    I did not see anything said about fixing the Mouse Over Option if you are trying to target yourself as being fixed. There are also some other issues regarding the Save UI option not actually saving the settings nor the Apply option actually applying any UI settings that have been changed.

    I have sent in bug reports concerning this, but have not received any responses. I am hoping that these problems have been corrected with the UI changes and that this is simply an oversight when the Notes were posted. It's not major, but I, as well as many others out there do have multiple characters and it is a major time saver when not having to manually set the keybinds, targeting options, etc. for each new char we create.
    -AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- Project Phoenix
    Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    On tribble, i've noticed that choosing my "free Camera" control option doesnt revert back to "follow Target " like it does on holodeck at the moment, but i have noticed that at least one extremely graphics active mission does have a tendency to cause my weapons sound to go mute and stay that way tll i restart the game..
  • sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am keeping my fingers crossed, devs. You are doing a great job.
    Sending some karma in your direction can only make Things go even smoother.

  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ychild wrote: »
    I am one player who didn't buy in the expansion at this time, and wait to see it the price drops. :rolleyes:

    You know it's free, right? You'll get it tomorrow during the update no matter what.
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • murcraymurcray Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm sorry, I know you need to put in the download and all that, but many of us took the day off and have people coming over so we can all work together on this and you are taking half the day away!
    As it is, due to your 6 hours shard maintenance you are only giving us maybe 2 hours to download and play! I know this is a big expansion, but come on!!! You may be delivering something special, but your timing has just ruined my one and only day off this week. So very upset about this.:mad:
  • edited May 2013
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  • gregbgregb Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    murcray wrote: »
    I'm sorry, I know you need to put in the download and all that, but many of us took the day off and have people coming over so we can all work together on this and you are taking half the day away!
    As it is, due to your 6 hours shard maintenance you are only giving us maybe 2 hours to download and play! I know this is a big expansion, but come on!!! You may be delivering something special, but your timing has just ruined my one and only day off this week. So very upset about this.:mad:

    General rule of mmos Never take the daye off on a big release
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,434 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Shard Maintenance come on guys just say ... YEP IT'S FINALLY HERE
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    According to the patch notes, Emergency Powr abilities' durations are now uniformly 20 seconds. This was an early version of the abilitiy change - later they changed that to 30 seconds on Tribble. Is this an error in the patch notes, or has the dev team changed their mind on this and gone back to the original change?

    If you read through this thread, you'll find that this has already been brought up and that BranFlakes is looking into it...
    (Posts # 82 & 88)

    At the moment, it seems that this is probably a typo and the patch notes will be corrected.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    2pm it will come down over here, plus 6 hours, a hour before bed and deep into european prime time... so much cosmic's comment about defending the downtime.

    hopefully the american prime time is hit just as hard with a server crash so it equals out, that way i have nothing to complain about.

    anyway, may put in that hour and maybe 2 when the server comes back up, but i would really be looking towards the 22nd realistically. Need to get back on the game and finish up now.

    Yeppers, I couldn't agree more. Surely they could have done this at a time like, 2 am in america or something, just for something large like this...
    murcray wrote: »
    I'm sorry, I know you need to put in the download and all that, but many of us took the day off and have people coming over so we can all work together on this and you are taking half the day away!
    As it is, due to your 6 hours shard maintenance you are only giving us maybe 2 hours to download and play! I know this is a big expansion, but come on!!! You may be delivering something special, but your timing has just ruined my one and only day off this week. So very upset about this.:mad:

    Yep, couldn't agree more with all that's said here as well...

    I must say, though I do look forward to playing the Romulan Faction, I don't like some of the other changes that has been said in the Release notes...

    Why change things when things are great the way they are? I think the best advice is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", Let's just hope that the changes to Everything, doesn't make the game that I luv, lose it's place as the Top F2P online game...

    And I also hope it doesn't make the game more annoying.

    Adding a new faction is cool, but changing everything else, I don't understand the Logic behind that.

    For example, I don't like the sound of having to pick all the skills and traits for all my characters again..... and the character creation doesn't sound too good either...

    Yet we shall see...

    *sigh* This old man doesn't like change. But I do respect STO , and I hope to good ol God that the changes they've made, are good.

    I didn't like it when the reputation system came in... yet once I got my old mind understanding how to use it, it didn't become so bad, (though I still prefer the old ways best).

    Oh well.

    Live long.....
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daveyny wrote: »
    If you read through this thread, you'll find that this has already been brought up and that BranFlakes is looking into it...
    (Posts # 82 & 88)

    At the moment, it seems that this is probably a typo and the patch notes will be corrected.

    Phew scared me when reading. I could live with a 20 second duration, if the shared cooldown is also 20 so two powers still result in (nearly) always on, and a global of 10 allowing two types of chains. A forced 10 second gap irregardless though? Not fun.
  • edited May 2013
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  • randolf2randolf2 Member Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I hope they fix my V admiral's UI as the bridge crew won't display no matter wether I set the winndow to show or hide!
    Empress Sela, was assimulated by the Borg drone named Tasa Yar! :eek:
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How they are on Tribble now is how they will go live tomorrow -- so it sounds like a typo, but I will verify before updating.


    Brandon =/\=

    Only thing I'm worried about right now is if that bug still exists that deletes all the gear on a KDF toon. I know I was quoted that it wouldn't happen but a lot of things that are said to not ever happen are not always written in stone :P
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    randolf2 wrote: »
    I hope they fix my V admiral's UI as the bridge crew won't display no matter wether I set the winndow to show or hide!

    I had this when I first signed up on Tribble, I cleared it by going to spacedock, selecting a different starship, and then reselecting my old one.
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • desklorddesklord Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Can't wait until this is live!
  • kakarot069kakarot069 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    honestly, i just hope all of these patch freezes are dealt with once this update is finalized and under way
  • otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Finally LoR goes live.

    The only let down is the 6 hr down time. For us here in the EU the timing is far from ideal.
    I know you try to aim for when the least ammount of players are on, but you are cutting heavily into EU prime time with this one.

    If my timezone fu has not failed me entierly, and it often does, the servers will not be back up until 21:00 CET or 20:00 CET. Not sure wich it is, but it pretty much rules out EU players being able to enjoy LoR until tomorrow, since the DL speeds will most likely be moving at a snails pace. And let's hope there won't be any server crashes/outages, but the odds of that happening is high...

    But apart from that, happy to see LoR go live, but your timing could use some adjustment for such a big update.

    Oh well, nothing that can be done about it now, so wel'll see how it goes in the end I suppose...
  • azure1986azure1986 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Slowly counting down till it is here, and then watching as the servers crash and burn and Cryptic will say something like "we didn't expect it to be this popular"........

    seriously I bet this is what will happen sadly
  • otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Very true my friend, very true...
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I want to play LoR NOW!..nau nau nau nau nau nau nau nau!!



    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • bombadier2bombadier2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    now I have to start my romulan all over again :'(
  • hatesforumshatesforums Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    maybe next content patch there will be an overhaul of the crafting system, so it's actually useful and not more expensive then buying the exact same item from the dilithium store
  • kpg1usakpg1usa Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks... --Zefram Cochrane

    Let's get to work... --Rom. Capt., Nemesis
  • kpg1usakpg1usa Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The craft system WAS updated on Tribble....

    Spoilers... --River Song
  • sabremeister1sabremeister1 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    maybe next content patch there will be an overhaul of the crafting system, so it's actually useful and not more expensive then buying the exact same item from the dilithium store

    How is it more expensive to craft a Mk XI Very Rare quantum torpedo than to buy one from the dil store? Dil store: 22k. Crafting: 15x uncommon unreplicatable, 23x common unreplicatable, 30 purple data samples, 2 trace samples. That's 15.23k, or 12.19k if you only craft during the event. And generally speaking, if it's craftable, it's not in the dil store.
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    randolf2 wrote: »
    I just uncovered a plot by the Tal'Shiar and Emperes Sela to crash the holodeck at 12:15 PST! This will requier3 additinal hours of maintinace! This will also bring down Neverwinter!

    Enjoy the down time curtosy The Romulan Star Empire! Evil laugh

    The Romulan Star Empire .... a bunch of traitors who forgot the meaning of the word "Mnhei'sahe."

    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • ukcaptain420ukcaptain420 Member Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    they're starting the update at 6am their time, that probably means they're in the office by 5am, it seems early enough for me

    UK here, so yeah i'll see a big chunk of my sto day gone, but i doubt playage tonight will be much good anyway, this of course, won't stop me from trying :D
    SCM - Infected(S) - DMG Out: 11,776,567 DPS: 114,224.70 (28.7% of Team) - Pinky@ukcaptain420
    I reserve the right to have a completely different standpoint depending on my mood.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ah well, see you all on Thursday. Tuesday is all but gone when the servers come back up and Wednesday, the servers will mostly be down due to Cryptic's inability to keep a server going when busy..... ;)
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    azure1986 wrote: »
    Slowly counting down till it is here, and then watching as the servers crash and burn and Cryptic will say something like "we didn't expect it to be this popular"........

    seriously I bet this is what will happen sadly

    Sadly ... Yes ... I expect the servers will crash under the load .... People will complain about the lag specifically in the Romulan tutorial and early missions. ... And we will have emergency maintenance.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
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