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Official Legacy of Romulus Vengeance Arc Feedback Thread



  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Posting this here because I didnt see a sticky. This is regarding Freedom.

    It feels very odd having Klingons lecture me about Romulans and Remans.

    Now it saves yall having to redo parts of the already existing episodes but there really isnt any reason. But I could just as easily get a pop up from a Romulan or visit a contact on Drozana without ever dealing with the Klingons.
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    DVex - Ok for what ever reason I took a shine to D'Vex in the beginning and wished that I could have gotten him instead of Tovan.

    I was even going to name my ship in his honor.

    That was a nice way to award a BO and he didnt feel forced on you.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Devil's Choice -- The Incubation room interaction area trigger needs to be looked at, since it's possible for the interaction option button to come up, but not actually do anything, unless you reposition your character in front and back a bit from the incubators.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    antep01 wrote: »
    Devils Choice.

    Im Stuck in Incubation Room 2,i clear the room but cant do anything else.It didnt let me Destroy any.

    Incubation room 3 for me. Have killed all the Incubators but it just keeps saying "Kill Incubators". Theres none left, can't proceed
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • threat21threat21 Member Posts: 300
    edited May 2013
    wolfpacknz wrote: »
    Incubation room 3 for me. Have killed all the Incubators but it just keeps saying "Kill Incubators". Theres none left, can't proceed

    I ran into that problem myself, I think what the issue may be is if you charge in too fast you can kill them before actually entering into the objective area, the kill doesn't register for the objective and its still waiting for you to kill that one or two you nailed before actually starting it. The last time I ran through it, I took my time and made sure I was inside the glowy area before engaging, got it cleared.
  • pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the Best Defence, the shuttle numbers get seriously carried away. After a really strong run, I felt really burnt out after that mission. I also found the ceiling of the map to be far too low, getting caught several times.
  • dunaridunari Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013


    The mission objective "Eliminate Elachi escorts" completed after destroying only 2 out of 3 frigates. It was also rather odd that the "escorts" were placed really far away from Target Alpha.
    Ground part: So.. rebreathers - where can I get those? Checked the area, and my replicator too, but couldn't find any. After the commander sets the self destruct (which is rather stupid - I mean, we just disabled him, then we walked away so he could have free reins?) it is not self explanatory where one ought to go, in fact, I expected the self destruct disable to be on that same console. Perhaps one of our officers could offer a helpful hint? I was unable to complete the mission due to the "Stop the Self Destruct" mission objective not completing after interacting with the console.

    Same for me....
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The best Defence is an AWESOME idea. However it needs FAR less enemy shuttles. If they had half that many in space I never would have gotten around to land. Also your allies shouldn't die off. It's anticlimatic to see someone get killed by an exploding walker and then have him report for duty again. Not mentioning that with their death you get all their aggro and we're talking about the first Romulan shuttle mission, not someone like my Fed who has an Aeon with MACO Mk XI and the Romulan weapon/console set.

    What this mission really needs are magnetic harpoons and tow cables.:P
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • rextorvan36rextorvan36 Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What This Mission Really Needs Are Magnetic Harpoons And Tow Cables.:p

  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    While the servers are down for update, I figure I'll post up the incomplete log. Again, this is Pre-May 10th patch:

    -=Voice of the Voiceless(KDF)=-
    -Just a re-direction mission. No issues encountered. Didn't see any glaring typos or such in the dialogue.
    -"Sweet, finally get to fight me some Elachi.. all proper-like this time! =d"

    -"Yay! Been waiting to finally get to fight these guys like this!"
    -"Subspace jumps and shockwave kinetic weapons.. interesting.. They certainly seem to be designed to directly counter Romulan ships and their playstyles.."
    -It's a little difficult to get your bearings/figure out where to go after the lights go off and on. (You no longer have the map to realize that there are three 'wings' you need to clear out)
    -The Kamikaze-crabs are an interesting touch, but it is a little bothersome that there is nothing that can be done once they're lached on.
    -"Man, I love this Elachi Tech - I really wish I could use it."
    -The atmosphere of fighting these.. mysterous aliens.. started to kick in during a hallway fight. Still, it feels like something is missing and the beginning felt a bit.. cheesy. (I do like how the atmospheric effects of the cloud drones, deployed devices and the mechanical whining give a sense of the Elachi.. exerting influence over an area. It evokes a dread similiar to borg assimiliation, yet still quite different.)
    -It took me a bit to realize I had to go run up and talk to the engineers to 'rescue' them. They were cowering in fear in the previous phase, so I guess I started overlooking them.
    -The chain-disables are a little unpleasent.. I was rendered unable to do anything for a good 15 seconds.
    -It's an obscure reference, but running around rescuing these engineers from evil aliens on a space station.. really gave me some vibes of an old game called Alien Syndrome. ("Here's hoping there's not a grotesque boss at the end of the level that turns inside out to lunge at me..")
    -"Grr.. now what is disabling me!?.. and these movement debuffs.. argh!"
    -The end of the mission feels a bit.. abrupt. 'Take the Device. Congrats! Hand in your mission!' You don't even get/have to check back in with the station crew?

    -=Small Packages(KDF)=-
    -"Really? I got send out to this sector for one mission before getting called back to pick up a small craft in Tau Dewa?...."
    -The "Size doesn't Matter" accolade had a Klingon Icon
    -Is the current Tiercel shuttle a placeholder? It doesn't have a bridge officer slot and uses the KDF Toron model. (I opted to purchase the Kestrel for energy credits in addition to the mandatory 'Tiercel'.)
    -As a side note, I do think it would be nice if you could pick up a shuttle for this mission via a mid-way contact.. perhaps from another ship that's stationed out in sector space(rather than having to come all the way back to Tau Dewa.. just to run all the way over to Alpha Centauri afterwards). If it's intended as a tutorial, you can just add a tooltip at the end stating that you can also purchase small craft from from any regular shipyard.
    -Warp-out from New Romulus has been consistently Klingon Red instead of Romulan Green.

    -=Last Stand(KDF)=-
    -"I am loving fighting the Elachi in space.. even if Romulans are at a natural disadvantage against their tactics."
    -I had a grin across my face during the fight with the Monbosh Battleship - from the moment I was closing and saw what it was, to when it deployed 'control' craft.
    -Warpout from Sienae was Klingon Red.
    -"Why am I helping what appears to be a federation station while I'm allied with the KDF?.."
    -The Elachi ship behavior is really glitchy in the Ra'Kholk system. (warp in and warp out animations cycling 2-3 times in a row, etc.)
    -"Oh man, I really love the look of those escorts... I really hope there will be an Elachi Lockbox at some point."
    -"Oww.. I just got crit by that charge-up attack for 80% of my hull.. straight through my tact-teamed full shield facing..."
    -"Now THIS is my idea of a skirmish!"
    -Those Elachi torpedos do a lot of hull damage.. even with shields up.
    -Elachi ships frequently flew into the station during the fight.
    -The battle over the Tephrei system was very enjoyable, in my opinion. ("At least I got one good fight out of the Mogai before hitting 30 for a D'deridex.")
    -Warpout of the Tephrei system was Klingon Red.

    -=The Best Defense(KDF)=-
    -I was able to enter the the mission without being in a Small Craft, despite the mission description suggesting that you had to be flying the shuttle to start)
    -Romulan Allies(the shuttles and T'Liss) warped out Federation Blue.
    -"Sweet! Amospheric mission.. I've been wanting something like this for soo long!" ("Reminds me of the good ol' Earth and Beyond days.. /sniff")
    -"Oh geez!" *frantically tries to get hotbars sorted*
    -"Oh man, this really needs a special chase-cam mode specifically for this.."
    -Wave 3 started before wave 2 finished.
    -Died in the middle of wave 3 due to being overwhelmed/lack of friendly reinforcements.
    -Died again during wave 4 against the first walker - due to all the kinetic damage.
    -Died at the start of wave 5, due to stupidly being 'too close' to the last dying walker of wave 4.
    -Died during wave 5 due to a kamikaze/ramming speed attack against one of the walkers after all my wingmates were annihilated.
    -Died during wave 5 due to a kamikaze attack against the other walker due to getting overwhelmed by a massive elachi reinforcement wave.
    -Died during wave 5 due to another kamikaze against the above mentioned walker because the above mentioned reinforcement was still not cleared after running out of shields and hull(including multiple EPtS and a level 5 quantum absorption)
    -Warpout was Klingon Red.

    -Those Elachi Shuttles have no business using torpedos for that fight. There's too many of them and they do far too much damage.
    -Elachi Shuttles need a 20-40% damage reduction. My shield facings were constantly a mess regardless of anything and everything I did. It was all I could do to try to mitigate all the torpedos with well timed redistributions.
    -Elachi Walkers needs a 30% damage reduction, across the board. It was completely emptying a full shield facing with a each hit.
    -Elachi Walkers need to lose the ability to fire on the shuttles with either their torpedos or missiles. They do excessive amounts of damage, even non-modified.
    -Reduce the Elachi Walker's blast radius on death.
    -Either reduce the number of elachi reinforcement waves, or provide a 15 second countdown warning before they arrive.
    -Raise the Elachi Walker hitbox, I was unable to attack a walker(despite it freely spraying me will missiles) because it was close to a pipe and I had to be almost right above it to acquire a firing solution.
    -This mission needs a FAR better reward than a generic console for the effort it requires(even if/after it gets tuned down)

    -"Oh god! It's so hard to try to squeeze my way into range to start this mission with all these fat D'deridex crowding the system!!"
    -*sees hull at 60% despite never suffering a shield breach* "Right, need to remember these ships do a ton of bleed-through damage.."
    -"And where do I acquire one of these.. rebreathers?"
    -I do like the interior of these ships.
    -After clearing two rooms, I am still not clear on how to acquire a 'rebreather'. Decioded to purchase an EV from the dilithium store to see if that would counter-act the choking gas. Seems to have done the job, but I don't think that was the intended means..
    -"Bad Veril!, stop running up to and standing infront of the plasma-flamethrowing drones... Didn't I tell you to stop that back on Gasko station and Nimbus!?"
    -"Can I move(or do anything other than be 'disabled') yet?..."
    -The explosive-headcrabs-out-of-thin-air was a little cheap there.. =/
    -The slow pacing of the fighting literally around each and every turn really doesn't match the urgency of the situation..

    -Server went down for maintainence.
  • antep01antep01 Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    After Patch today still no way to end Room 2.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Could Not Select Azha System

    It kept saying "Tradecraft" which I could not select either, so I had to manually fly there.

    After getting there I can now select it.

    Also a LOT of Toon dialog is not showing, just the NPC side.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Devils choice still bugged. Killed all the incubators in the third room, but wont register, show stopper...
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Tal Shiar uniform option does not appear in the Tailor prior to the invasion mission?

    I'm to "fool" the Tal Shiar in my normal outfit?
  • thomaselkinsthomaselkins Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    antep01 wrote: »
    After Patch today still no way to end Room 2.

    Same here. Room is cleared but I can't interact with the prisoners to free them.
  • sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In Abducted, when the lights [initially] go out [completely] in engineering, the Flashlight device doesn't illuminate.

    In Small Packages, Rehu [and quest objective text] refers to Kererek as Commander, isn't he an Admiral? Did he just not fill out the promotion recognition forms in triplicate?

    Does the S'golth Escort have an attack that looks like the Scimitar special attack? Really looked like it did. Saw it again with Monbosh, so I'm guessing it's just a similar attack. Hopefully not rocking the pwnage beam from the scimitar on an Escort.

    Also, please add the Elachi to Starbase Defense. Please.
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same here. Room is cleared but I can't interact with the prisoners to free them.

    Same result, bug still exists after update. Incubators gone, still says to kill em
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • midnighttangomidnighttango Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have been playing this for a bit now. I played it when it was a closed invite test and now I am playing while it is an open Beta. I must say I am extremely excited for this to go live. I really enjoy the story line. I even like the idea of picking up crew members as you progress through the story line. The graphics and sounds are great. Almost life like.

    The Tutorial is much different from the Closed Invite Testing, but, for those who have a hard time catching on, I like the way the new tutorial is laid out now. Especially for those who have never even seen the show Star Trek, even they will be able to get the hang of it with no problems. At least they should. ;)

    I am only at level 6 right now, but I can already tell that I am going to love having a Romulian Character. My next place to go is over to the Klingon side see the new bits there. Great Job So Far!!
  • bioskyline1bioskyline1 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the shuttle is bugged and wont let me add a BOFF, makes it hard when i have no heals whatso ever
  • ruinsfateruinsfate Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Devil's Choice: Both the ground sections and the space fight over New Romulus have WAY TOO MANY ENEMIES.

    Combined with how durable and irritating Elachi are to fight, it makes these missions extremely long and tedious. Please reduce the number of Elachi NPCs to at least HALF.

    Especially the end fight in the Commanders room, and the 3rd incubator room.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sudoku7 wrote: »
    Does the S'golth Escort have an attack that looks like the Scimitar special attack? Really looked like it did. Saw it again with Monbosh, so I'm guessing it's just a similar attack. Hopefully not rocking the pwnage beam from the scimitar on an Escort.

    It is similar, but as far as I've been able to tell there is only a single bolt fired at the nearest target in the cone when fired. So, it's different from the Thalaron weapon that hits everything in the cone.

    Still, it is interesting how the frigates will combo you by hitting you with the movement crippling Invasive Scan debuff while the escorts charge the attack. It's a good synergy and really plays against the Romulan playstyle. (Everything about the Elachi ships seems to - from APO countering tractor beam setups to subspace jumps thwarting decloaking alpha-strikes).

    Also, it HURTS to get crit by one of those charge-up bolts...
  • ajddominionajddominion Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really liked this section, well done. I really enjoyed the progression and ending of this story arc. There are a few things I noticed:

    Small Packages:
    -Picking up the Tiercel Shuttle, it currently has the Klingon Shuttle Model (if this is intended until the correct one is ready ignore): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=144433546

    The Best Defense:
    Before I go to say anything about this one, I have to say I love the concept of the mission, and what you are supposed to do with the shuttles, really hope these mechanics stay around.

    -Using the default shuttle, this area was way too difficult, especially when the other runabout help got destroyed. I died 11+ times on Normal difficulty. It seemed to be a combination of multiple sets of enemies targeting me (walker/shuttles) or a swarm of shuttles focusing on me instead of the other shuttles attacking them.

    Devil's Choice:
    -The waypoints do not all point to the correct areas for the ground portion.
    -The characters you free should probably fall forward instead of falling backwards with half of their body through the back of the tube.
    -Precise positioning was required with setting off the freeing process, and would not free when out of position even when button was visible and pressed.
    -There was a missing character in the second incubation seciton:
    -Defeat Station Commander started before I was in the corridor outside of the final room.
    -Defense of New Romulus difficulty increased immensly on the final wave, especially if multiple special abilities targeted you first, forcing the allies warping in to take the damage. This lead to a perpetual cycle of them repairing while I was taking a brunt of damage, leading to several respawns.
    -Mission reward text has hakeev instead of Hakeev: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/576736953376806922/50974629A2E359125EA1B21AF9BC1A8CFBF165BB/
    -This Shield Array was named incorrectly (had correct icon though): http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/576736953376821238/C53CD4734386FB0C76AC83319737977402C1C3EC/
    -The Romulan Engineering Officer should be displayed in the rewards as D'vex in the style of the previous special bridge officers.
  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I couldn't complete Cry Havoc portion... said to kill all the Incubators... did that. Won't let me save the folks in the 2nd area, no interaction. Sound is weird but that could be due to having to wear an EV suit. One of the mutation guys standing in the middle of the last room I could do. Cleared out the last hallway before what I suppose is the 3rd area but since the 2nd won't complete it won't let me in.

    Tried this mission twice with the exact same results. Going to skip the mission.

    Same here. Tried twice with a Rom Fem Eng Kdf.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay, managed to get another run in of the entire episode, this time post-May 10th patch. Overall, this is fairly supplemental to the log I posted yesterday:

    -Decided to head back to Tau Dewa to pick my D'deridex and upgrade my gear to the next tier before replaying the episode.
    -Warpout from New Romulus - yep, still Klingon Red instead of Romulan Green.
    -Something appears to be horrible wrong with Romulan weapons available from the Flotilla.. They do not display when firing(either the model or effects) and appear to lock the player's facing towards the first target they fired at - even after it expires.

    -Elachi are using Klingon Red transporters(both to beam in and out).. not sure if that is intended.
    -For 'taking the device' it still seems pretty attached to the core there..

    -=Last Stand(KDF)=-
    -The D'deridex seems to use a blue deflector animation instead of the amber colored one I remember on previous Warbirds. (I'm not sure if this is an actual issue.)
    -Weapons appear to still be proccing on yourself.. I managed to disable my own shields and weapons with my phasers.. (it was not a viral matrix)
    -I've been noticing that my hud keeps shifting left and right on my screen. Right when I'm in sector space, left when I'm in system space..
    -Warp-ins and outs seem far less glitchy in the Ra'kholh System since the May 10th patch.(they are still using Federation Blue warp trails though.
    -"Whee!~ drifting in a D'deridex is fun~!"
    -Warp-out from Ra'kholh was Klingon Red.
    -The Turret reward doesn't appear to scale with player level.

    -=The Best Defense(KDF)=-
    -"Ohhhhh... so THAT's where rebreathers come from..."
    -The D'deridex bounding/collision box really does make space travel cumbersome - both in sector(trying to navigate around other players) and getting caught up on little shuttles and things in missions.
    -"Man, it's hard to dodge those charge-up attacks in a D'deridex..."
    -Wave 1 spawned in a strange, out way out of the way location.
    -Died during Wave 2 due to Kamikaze attack against the Walker because of the reinforcement wave arriving right after the walker annihilated all my wingmen.
    -I discovered popping quantum absorption allows you to survive a Ramming Speed impact against a walker... handy that...
    -I was constantly around 30% hull for most of the mission. Multiple times that I nearly died and would have easily died if I was not as savvy about shield allocation.
    -Please see my previous log for suggestions on how to improve the encounter. I think it's entirely possible to still keep the grand scale of the battle with them.

    -The Romulan Rank Shoulders clip through EV suits, inluding the 'cape' portion.
    -"Man, I really miss my Romulan piercing rifle right about now..." (had to purchase phaser weapons because the Romulan weapons broke with the May 10th patch)
    -The bomb crawlers constantly appearing out of thin air really detract from the enjoyment of the mission. A few here and there might be interesting, but given how helpless you are to do anything once they're lached on to someone.. it just breeds negative vibes, man.
    -One of the crawlers got stuck in the ceiling at one of the ceiling pipes and caused the bridge officers to spazz out. (second to last 'ambush' before reactor room)

    -=Devil's Choice(KDF)=-
    -"Ooooo pity this thing doesn't have some weapons.."
    -The Elachi ship has a b'rel ship icon next to its name on the character screen.
    -"Woah.. that formation of.. dreadnoughts?.. Very nice!"
    -"Well.. this is a.. 'lovely' development... it really is starting to feel like Mass Effect crossed with XCOM right about now..."
    -"Wait.. this dialogue... wasn't there something similiar right before the final mission of Mass Effect 2?...(about choosing to not let anyone die)"
    -The interactions for saving the captives in Incubation Room Two are very.. spazzy/twitchy.
    -One of the 'captive's cells was empty(western-most). It was also one of the hardest ones to interact with.
    -Died from the 'massive' aggro pull for the third Incubation room. Any chance of spacing those groups out a little bit from the door?
    -The cells are bit tricky to open in Room Three as well. You really have to align yourself at just the right angle. Otherwise the interaction just doesn't do anything.(the progress bar fills, or stops part way, but the cell never opens)
    -"Well, well.. Howdy there D'vex. I see time hasn't been terribly kind to ya there.."
    -Watched a crawler latch onto an engineer turret.. that was fun.
    -OPS did not automatically pop up upon reaching the subspace rift/exit.
    -Clicking the fast travel icon in the quest tracker for the Defense of New Romulus.. causes your ship to fly around in circles..
    -Nice to see some Ha'apax representing in the defense fleet.
    -The first two defense lines are pretty enjoyable.
    -The third/final line, however really gets a bit messy with all the constant cone attack and viral matrix spam. I didn't die, but I spend a good portion of the fight playing conservatively and trying to lure off a couple ships at a time, only to get the dreadnoughts clumping together and bearing down/focusing on me at the same time. Perhaps it might be better if the last wave was broken down into 2 sub-waves. The first with both dreadnoughts and a healthy compliment of escorts and frigates. The second with the command ship and a half-dozen battleships and a dozen frigates.
    -Warpout was Klingon Red.
    -One of the rewards was a "Mk IX" shield that could be equipped by a Commander. The name had the [PLA] modified, but the actual shield did not. Instead, it's stats seemed to be closer to a Mk VIII with a regeneration mod.
  • xuelxuel Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fun mission and all, but when you got to shutdown the self-destruct on ship nothing happens. Mission does not update and there's nothing else to do.
  • sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    szerontzur wrote: »
    It is similar, but as far as I've been able to tell there is only a single bolt fired at the nearest target in the cone when fired. So, it's different from the Thalaron weapon that hits everything in the cone.

    Still, it is interesting how the frigates will combo you by hitting you with the movement crippling Invasive Scan debuff while the escorts charge the attack. It's a good synergy and really plays against the Romulan playstyle. (Everything about the Elachi ships seems to - from APO countering tractor beam setups to subspace jumps thwarting decloaking alpha-strikes).

    Also, it HURTS to get crit by one of those charge-up bolts...

    Yes, as another poster replied, it does start to get frustrating old after a while. I was attributing it more to my decision to play Sci-cap instead of Eng-cap initially, but the combo strikes are painful. Getting stuck in crosshairs of multiple bursts also sucked a big. I should copy my Recluse over and see if I can find my way into one of those missions and see how she handles them. But I still like their tactical design.
    The Best Defense:
    Before I go to say anything about this one, I have to say I love the concept of the mission, and what you are supposed to do with the shuttles, really hope these mechanics stay around.

    I agree here. The default shuttle is painful to fly. It makes sense for No-BOFF [ it does have a cloak after all], but that really makes it painful to do this. This mission does a lot to make me want to roll my rommie as another Engineer.

    [ Adding ]
    Devil's choice.
    In Incubator Room Two, it's possible to knock Incubators into the cells and possibly out of the room making it impossible to progress.
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited May 2013
    ok just played "The Best Defense"

    WOW :D I was not expecting that didn't have any glaring bugs I found, But players will definitely wanna spend the ec for the Krestel Runabout. I originally picked that up cause i liked the looks of it swapped out eng/defl/shield with things I pulled off my T2 Mogai ship including the Bio-molecular warhead, kept the standard plasma shuttle beam array and took torp spread-1 as the boff station which really seemed to help in the groundish :P part of the mission.

    BTW why did you guys change the Romulan special plasma torp into the Hargh'peng it was my favorite weapon till the patch :(

    overall one of my new favorite missions
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,151 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Spoiler: Highlight if you want to see :P

    Best Defence = Pure win. That shuttle mission above the romulan colony was epic.

    Question about the alien plot though... were they harvesting romulans/remans as food or some alien making scheme? (Missed a few dialog boxes)
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited May 2013
    1.) Interaction boxes to free captives needs to be a bit bigger

    2.) Incubation Room 3 is glitching there is an enemy(s) that needs to be killed to progress to freeing the captives, but no enemies showing up on the map or even seen stuck in the wall like I have observed in various places [usually when they are shot with a pulsewave and pushed to an abnormal position in the map, had 1 stuck in a doorway that you have to open at start of mission.] tried aborting and restarting mission no luck still get stuck on room 3.

    tried to play mission again after aborting for the 2nd time same can't kill all the enemies to progress to next stage but this time got stuck at second room even after removing any pulsewave weapons from away team. :(
    gonna have to call this one as uncompletable for me at present and skip it. Also of note sound fx for ground weapons fire disappeared on third play thru, after testing the romulan wide beam rifle to see if it was fixed.

    two additional overall problems I can't get the "go to rally point function" to work and the "Romulan" specific weapons[plasma wide beam rifle ,split beam pistol, etc] have no animations or graphics though they did in the closed beta
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I had the same problem as above on incubator room 3 in Devil's Choice.

    After beaming up and restarting the map, however, if I died at any point earlier in the map, it respawned me outside room 3 and broke the entire mission, even if I abandoned the mission entirely.
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