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Free STO Items from Neverwinter [Now Ended]



  • nightstalker61nightstalker61 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I found it under bundles.
  • jihashimojihashimo Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    chalpen wrote: »
    Sorry. I cannot get into another cryptic game.
    End game Repeatable content.
    Another "sorry your class is only 1% of te game because it is broken so we won't support it because nobody plays it"
    One story mission a year
    Ignoring veteran players
    The "we don't want to communicate our plans because they might change" attitude. Tell us the plans and tell us when the plans change and why.

    It isn't the perks, it is the lack of communicated vision about the game that is preventing my investment.
    Cryptic has become way to tight lipped.

    Also, what is a kdf player going to do with an Andorran ship?

    Firstly, this is no longer a Cryptic game, it's a PWE game. Since they took over, it's all about how much money they can squeeze from us. Never mind the fact that those of us that USED to have payed accounts no longer have them, because the billing method got screwed up, and they can't seem to understand why. In my opinion, Cryptic made a big mistake when they sold out to PWE. So, get ready to see even more BS from them with each new release.
  • xanime0xxanime0x Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    if i under stand pwe and i played most of there games is that they are in to grinding for a log time and give veary little and cryptc be for pwe took over was better at customer relations this pwe cyrptic is lacking in the area of listening to there player base kind of point less trying to get people to play some thing else that they put togeter when they are losing there player base of old players and only having a revoling door of new player the soon quit because they lost the intrest of them:(
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Cryptic didn't sell out to PWE, Atari did. Before Atari sold Cryptic, there was hardly any content. There is a reason why we call it the year of hell. If Cryptic wasn't sold to PWE, then there would be no more Star Trek Online. We definitely wouldn't have Starbases or a Romulan Faction coming in May.
  • xanime0xxanime0x Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    2nd i think they need some one who is in the game with the players and who realy know how they think and not some one who is not in game for the player to tell them about something
  • xanime0xxanime0x Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i been in game from the start so i know what happened
  • xanime0xxanime0x Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i don't see why i would go buy something in another game just to get something in another one or waste my time doing it when you really don't get anything worth the trouble
  • doogie74doogie74 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    xanime0x wrote: »
    i don't see why i would go buy something in another game just to get something in another one or waste my time doing it when you really don't get anything worth the trouble

    When I purchased the pack for neverwinter, the STO reward item was not part of the option it was added after the fact.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    doogie74 wrote: »
    When I purchased the pack for neverwinter, the STO reward item was not part of the option it was added after the fact.

    Ditto. I bought my Neverwinter pack because it looks like an awesome game, and I intend to play it a lot for a long time. I have a job and a family, however, so I can't put in the grinding time some people can, and would rather use money for those things; so the pack gives me a big discount on a lot of things I'd end up buying anyway at regular prices.

    The fact it comes with some cool stuff in other games is just gravy, for me; however, I do know of people who have been swayed off the fence by these additions, and the STO ones were the biggest draw for them.

    I'm also getting some use out of the Blacklight: Retribution stuff, and if they ever fix the chat problems in RaiderZ I'll probably play that some as well, although frankly Neverwinter is a better implementation of the same ideas.

    Not sure that I'll use most of the other game items, but maybe. Wish there was something for Champions Online in it. Hint hint, nudge nudge, PWE.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • xanime0xxanime0x Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    it is a waste to me still and still not worth buying in to another game just because it has something for another game. you can keep the so called deal.
    To me it is just a ploy to get players for a game that they may not try other wise or end up not playing
  • xanime0xxanime0x Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    and if you want to get in to the business side of it. think on this would you go buy a new car just because it may have something that can be added to you car you own now? why would any one do something like that? as a business it not a very good one if you as me. there are better ways to go about it. the best way to get people to play the game is an old one. word of mouth it work wonders. i have gotten in to more games that way than any other way. not ads not hype or just because of so called deals i have tried neverwinter and it should speak for it self not a deal the stuff that in the deal should be gien to people for their loyalty to the game not to get them
  • nightstalker61nightstalker61 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The point is for people to try other games, this is clearly aimed at people who have never played STO. I bought the Founder's Pack to support the game not for the fluff. If no one puts any money towards the game(s) there would not be any STO or any other game that carries F2P. Face it, we live in a world that is run by money and you need money to pay the devs, artists, model makers, and etc or you have no game, people have to make a living (After all this is not a Star Trek world but reality). People should be thanking subscribers and LTS since without them, you would have nothing.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    xanime0x wrote: »
    i been in game from the start so i know what happened

    My post was in reference to the poster above you about their opinion Cryptic making a big mistake about selling out to PWE. Developers have no decision over what publishers do. If PWE wanted to close down STO, then they can as shown by City of Heroes and NCSoft.
    The point is for people to try other games, this is clearly aimed at people who have never played STO. I bought the Founder's Pack to support the game not for the fluff. If no one puts any money towards the game(s) there would not be any STO or any other game that carries F2P. Face it, we live in a world that is run by money and you need money to pay the devs, artists, model makers, and etc or you have no game, people have to make a living (After all this is not a Star Trek world but reality). People should be thanking subscribers and LTS since without them, you would have nothing.

    Amazing how many people make the claim about this reward sucks. The items clearly imply that the rewards are only good for a few hours. Your remark about people should be thanking subscribers and LTS is something I have a slight issue with. PWE has tons of games with no subscriptions. Sure they help, but I am under the impression that without the LTS in STO and CO, then STO and CO would have absolutely no subscription. LTSers need to be compensated for their subscription since it is supposed to be for the lifetime of the game. This is easily seen by how bad the subscription model is compared to other games. Other freemium MMOs are trying to force players to still subscribe to their games while STO and CO is trying to force players to not pay a subscription anymore.
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The point is for people to try other games, this is clearly aimed at people who have never played STO. I bought the Founder's Pack to support the game not for the fluff. If no one puts any money towards the game(s) there would not be any STO or any other game that carries F2P. Face it, we live in a world that is run by money and you need money to pay the devs, artists, model makers, and etc or you have no game, people have to make a living (After all this is not a Star Trek world but reality). People should be thanking subscribers and LTS since without them, you would have nothing.

    Well said mate. ;)
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • theanothernametheanothername Member Posts: 1,513 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If I would be seriously interested in NWO (which I'm not) I'd might consider it; but not for the STO items.

    If I would be stinkin rich & would have no second thoughs about throwing money for some neat stuff in my favourite MMO I would NOT buy it. I cannot imagine anyone not interested in NWO spending money for this because of the STO items.

    While indeed a powerful ship for a lt. rank there is nothing of longterm value in this package. Put in a few unique costumes, maybe a special ship for Admiral/General ranks or a unique bridge. Stuff you can have fun with regardless of rank & fraction. Then I would be at least annoyed to not have 200 bucks to blow away & I'm pretty sure your financial far better suited players would be interested to spend money on this even if they are not interested in Neverwinter ;)
  • andyxvers2andyxvers2 Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    While $200 is alot to spend on Free items for the game i have to wonder whether or not this offer is still available.

    like always i'm interested in throwing some money towards cryptic for account "legacy unlocks" if i can redeem the Baby andorian ship on any faction, with EVERY character i have it might be worth the purchase. just like it would be worth the money to buy another lifetime subscription for Amazon.com preorder ROMULAN liberated Borg Boff.

    However if this is only a 1 time use package. and i can only use the baby andorian ship once on a single federation only character. i'm thinking that this just isn't worth the money for a first tier ship. even though i like the concept of more special promotions.

    I doubt i'll be able to play Neverwinter though as i barely have the time for all the grinding in this MMO. but again i love special Cash for "legacy unlocks" perks.
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