Nice price for "free items". Nothing in this pack is "free", because a part of the 200USD (how many euros? ) has obviously been devoted to create these items. They don't get created by magics.
This perk isn't for STO players. I'm ok with that. And since i didn't plan to spend money on Neverwinter (this game is really not above average, just another fantasy MMO), I don't care. But it's nice to see that you guys aren't afraid of bad public relations when you talk about such items that aren't for us at such a price here.
The responses in this thread are cringe-worthy. I'm embarrassed for many of you.
Normal people, when they see something for sale they don't want, walk past and the matter is out of their head within seconds.
People in this thread, however, have to pause, strut around, and make a huge spectacle about why they don't want to buy the item. Seriously, I'm embarrassed just reading the responses.
And yet, you just basically did the same thing; most people ignore such comments yet you have to come in here and preach.
But more to the point, people that are ignored will only keep their anger in for so long. Same for people that have seen a game with such potential based on a beloved IP go spiraling down into nothing but a cash grab that will be dumped (probably) in a few years.
How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
Star Trek: The Original Grind
Star Trek: The Next Grind
Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
W're excited to announce that purchasing a Hero of the North Founder's Pack for Neverwinter will now get you the Andorian Starter Pack, which includes two free items in Star Trek Online, along with several free items in other PWE games.
So no KDF goodies? That is extremely disappointing. I believe it may actually deter me from purchasing the Hero of the North pack, which I was seriously considering just for the Foundry access alone. But seeing as how the KDF have been left out in the cold again, I don't think I'll bother, especially if this is a sign of things to come from Neverwinter.
So no KDF goodies? That is extremely disappointing. I believe it may actually deter me from purchasing the Hero of the North pack, which I was seriously considering just for the Foundry access alone. But seeing as how the KDF have been left out in the cold again, I don't think I'll bother, especially if this is a sign of things to come from Neverwinter.
Oh you noticed that? I think I got so used to be ignored as a red side player that I don't even notice it anymore. It's just expected.
So no KDF goodies? That is extremely disappointing. I believe it may actually deter me from purchasing the Hero of the North pack, which I was seriously considering just for the Foundry access alone. But seeing as how the KDF have been left out in the cold again, I don't think I'll bother, especially if this is a sign of things to come from Neverwinter.
And they say Klingons don't have tear ducts
Why on earth you consider spending $200 for something that doesn't even offer LTS I don't know.
Sorry. I cannot get into another cryptic game.
End game Repeatable content.
Another "sorry your class is only 1% of te game because it is broken so we won't support it because nobody plays it"
One story mission a year
Ignoring veteran players
The "we don't want to communicate our plans because they might change" attitude. Tell us the plans and tell us when the plans change and why.
It isn't the perks, it is the lack of communicated vision about the game that is preventing my investment.
Cryptic has become way to tight lipped.
Also, what is a kdf player going to do with an Andorran ship?
First, this is a different dev team in NWO. Second, the beta is highly stable, much more stable then the 3 yo STO. And finally, more perks is great, it means that those of us who do enjoy the games will get extras so it's not harmful at all.
Oh you noticed that? I think I got so used to be ignored as a red side player that I don't even notice it anymore. It's just expected.
I can understand not developing a ton of new KDF ships for the C-Store since they've said in the past that they don't make money on them. I get that. But this is different. They are repackaging a Fed ship as a reward. Why couldn't they just repackage a KDF ship the same way? It makes no sense other than to TRIBBLE KDF characters, yet again.
I'm seriously starting to doubt whether I want to continue supporting this game or not.
First, this is a different dev team in NWO. Second, the beta is highly stable, much more stable then the 3 yo STO. And finally, more perks is great, it means that those of us who do enjoy the games will get extras so it's not harmful at all.
I played both in beta. Nw isn't bad. But the problem isn't with the game (the only issue I have with the game is the ui).
The problem I have is with how the company has changed.
No communication. If communicating bites them lack of communication is worse.
Fluff over story content. Fluff makes them money so how can they justify doing story content?
"Oh that is broken and nobody plays it? Well let's ignore it because it isn't worth our time because nobody plays it".
For real? NWO is doomed for failure...why does PWE want to go there when there are so many great DDO games that are so much better like WOW. You can't compete with it and would be real foolish to invest any money in something that is doomed from the start.
It's not only my opinion but from a vast game community...concentrate on unique games like STO rather than start a failed enterprise (no punt intended).....You will get no money from this clown since that genre nor prospect is not appealing to me either
Only NW pack I'd ever have even contemplated was the Guardian pack. Spending roughly ?196 on a free game with unknown costs and market attached just to get a Lieutenant Fed ship is just going too far. From what I saw the NW market is overpriced anyhow as it is selling items which should be account bound, to single toons at account level prices.
The other stuff to me is just junk as I dont play those games anyhow. So thanks but no thanks.
After trying NW for a couple of hours during the last Beta weekend, I decided to purchase the $20 dollar pack..., Unfortunately, I never got the 3 items listed during the entire weekend. (I'm waiting to see if they show up this weekend when I sign in.)
I think its cheaper to buy an offline game. If game companies like Cryptic/Perfect World and EA/BioWare keep selling extremely over expensive content, the only solution for me is to go back to single-player and offline games.
$200 could buy ten slightly aged games from Best Buy.
Why in god's name would I want to burn $200 for twenty five tiny digital items?
No way is that going to happen. Zero.
*looks at the other packs on the page*
$59.99 can buy you a new recently released game.
$14.99-$19.99 can buy you a slightly aged game.
I do not mind buying a whole game, but this is ridiculous on so many levels.
I just got SKYRIM for $29.00 bucks from Amazon.
(at least I got all the items listed, with this purchase) :rolleyes:
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
The responses in this thread are cringe-worthy. I'm embarrassed for many of you.
Normal people, when they see something for sale they don't want, walk past and the matter is out of their head within seconds.
People in this thread, however, have to pause, strut around, and make a huge spectacle about why they don't want to buy the item. Seriously, I'm embarrassed just reading the responses.
If I'm walking by a store window that has something in their display window "On Sale" for $200 dollars and looks like it's worth about $35...
I will most definitely say something out loud and probably laff my TRIBBLE off as I continue to walk on by.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I wouldn't say that nw is doomed. But once bitten....
It kinda-sorta seems at this point that They are not making the dollar quotas They expected...
(at least to me anyway)
It appears that They are attempting to "sweeten-the-pot" in order to increase the number of sales...
That's not a very good sign, especially since what They are adding, doesn't really have anything to do with the actual game itself. It seems to me to be a bit desperate.
Mind you this is just my perception, but if I'm thinking it, there's probably many others also thinking it.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I think you can get free beta keys for the foundry. I saw that on the french subforums. I didn't bother to sign in, because the game itself isn't really story-friendly. See the main quest: go there, kill stuff, come back and get 1k xp and some silver coins. All the game is around killing NPCs, and even if combat is fun there, it's just a very traditional MMO where you level up and farm dungeons. I really think that's all Neverwinter can do.
STO is different, because you have 5 TV series to back you up, and you have such a rich lore. So you should be patient, save your 200USD and get disappointed later.
if you whould give the T5,5 Jem Hardar Atackship, i might buy it next month, but so i dont need it at Level 50
i dont even tryed the Beta Because i dont want to play it only at weekend make it 2 full weeks beta then i might try never winter nights ... liked the not online game in the past
18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
I'm so glad I got a lifetime sub to STO before that deal warpedaway.
I'm totally convinced that this offer too, is a limited time deal, and that I should shell out $200 before time's up! I will never get the chance again. :rolleyes:
It seems pretty obvious that this promotional thing is intended to be aimed at NW players, to get them to come here, rather than aimed at players here, to get them to buy what is worthless to any player here.
W're excited to announce that purchasing a Hero of the North Founder's Pack for Neverwinter will now get you the Andorian Starter Pack, which includes two free items in Star Trek Online, along with several free items in other PWE games.
Seriously? Who is the intern in your marketing department that comes up with this garbage? 200 bucks to get items that are essentially garbage AND that a player will cease to use within an hour's playing time (starting from scratch)?
Better yet, who is the person responsible for approving this garbage? Rot at the core spreads outward.
It seems pretty obvious that this promotional thing is intended to be aimed at NW players, to get them to come here, rather than aimed at players here, to get them to buy what is worthless to any player here.
The real question is...why tell us about this?
That seems rather UN-logical...
According to Them, STO has been steadily increasing it's numbers for some time now.
Whereas, NW is just starting out and most likely ISN'T getting the number of players Their "metrics" would like...
This is obviously a deal to get more STO players to try NW.
(and PAY for that chance) :rolleyes:
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
W're excited to announce that purchasing a Hero of the North Founder's Pack for Neverwinter will now get you the Andorian Starter Pack, which includes two free items in Star Trek Online, along with several free items in other PWE games.
Brandon, quick question -- If you already bought the founder's pack a while ago, do you still get the goodies listed for STO (and the other games)?
Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
Brandon, quick question -- If you already bought the founder's pack a while ago, do you still get the goodies listed for STO (and the other games)?
My guess would be... (EDIT) Incorrect...
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Brandon, quick question -- If you already bought the founder's pack a while ago, do you still get the goodies listed for STO (and the other games)?
You sure do. It's listed on the page near the middle:
Already bought a Hero of the North Founder's Pack? Then all of the following items are already yours! Check your email for redemption codes (the email should arrive by 3/22).
W're excited to announce that purchasing a Hero of the North Founder's Pack for Neverwinter will now get you the Andorian Starter Pack, which includes two free items in Star Trek Online, along with several free items in other PWE games.
Neverwinter Extra TRIBBLE (Favorite TRIBBLE is the Cloak of Useless Items, which is what the entire offer is, and should be renamed)
Then you get the Andorian Starter Pack TRIBBLE..
Then you get access to all the other PWE TRIBBLE..
I don't have the disposable income to even warrant the thought of picking up the Hero of the North. I played in one of the NWO Beta weekends, and to be honest, I was not impressed with the game. It just does not feel like a D&D Game. It feels too much like an Action shooter then an RPG. Heck actually it feels more like Champions Online with D&D re-skin. Which doesn't surprise me since it was made by the same makers of Champions Online.
Now if the game was more like DDO + WoW, maybe I would have been more interested and looking to try to scrounge up the $200 for the Hero of the North.
Oh well, I know you'll sell a few to Whales. An good for them.
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
This allows them to be a bit better at level 1 than they would be at level 10 if they didn't scale. Theoretically, you could also use the ship a bit longer (past Lt.), if you'd like, and the cannons would scale with you.
Brandon =/\=
If there's a size/visual difference between the Light Andorian and regular Andorian ships... can we please get both in The Foundry?
This perk isn't for STO players. I'm ok with that. And since i didn't plan to spend money on Neverwinter (this game is really not above average, just another fantasy MMO), I don't care. But it's nice to see that you guys aren't afraid of bad public relations when you talk about such items that aren't for us at such a price here.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
And yet, you just basically did the same thing; most people ignore such comments yet you have to come in here and preach.
But more to the point, people that are ignored will only keep their anger in for so long. Same for people that have seen a game with such potential based on a beloved IP go spiraling down into nothing but a cash grab that will be dumped (probably) in a few years.
Star Trek: The Original Grind
Star Trek: The Next Grind
Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
I guess you guys couldn't throw in a pain stick or mak'leth with that
Oh you noticed that? I think I got so used to be ignored as a red side player that I don't even notice it anymore. It's just expected.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
And they say Klingons don't have tear ducts
Why on earth you consider spending $200 for something that doesn't even offer LTS I don't know.
First, this is a different dev team in NWO. Second, the beta is highly stable, much more stable then the 3 yo STO. And finally, more perks is great, it means that those of us who do enjoy the games will get extras so it's not harmful at all.
I can understand not developing a ton of new KDF ships for the C-Store since they've said in the past that they don't make money on them. I get that. But this is different. They are repackaging a Fed ship as a reward. Why couldn't they just repackage a KDF ship the same way? It makes no sense other than to TRIBBLE KDF characters, yet again.
I'm seriously starting to doubt whether I want to continue supporting this game or not.
Centurion maximus92
12th Legion, Romulan Republic
12th Fleet
=\/= ================================ =\/=
For the early Foundry access, mainly.
I played both in beta. Nw isn't bad. But the problem isn't with the game (the only issue I have with the game is the ui).
The problem I have is with how the company has changed.
No communication. If communicating bites them lack of communication is worse.
Fluff over story content. Fluff makes them money so how can they justify doing story content?
"Oh that is broken and nobody plays it? Well let's ignore it because it isn't worth our time because nobody plays it".
There is just no way I can invest in that
It's not only my opinion but from a vast game community...concentrate on unique games like STO rather than start a failed enterprise (no punt intended).....You will get no money from this clown since that genre nor prospect is not appealing to me either
After trying NW for a couple of hours during the last Beta weekend, I decided to purchase the $20 dollar pack..., Unfortunately, I never got the 3 items listed during the entire weekend. (I'm waiting to see if they show up this weekend when I sign in.)
I just got SKYRIM for $29.00 bucks from Amazon.
(at least I got all the items listed, with this purchase) :rolleyes:
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
If I'm walking by a store window that has something in their display window "On Sale" for $200 dollars and looks like it's worth about $35...
I will most definitely say something out loud and probably laff my TRIBBLE off as I continue to walk on by.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Yes shooter mode forced on its would be player base :P
It kinda-sorta seems at this point that They are not making the dollar quotas They expected...
(at least to me anyway)
It appears that They are attempting to "sweeten-the-pot" in order to increase the number of sales...
That's not a very good sign, especially since what They are adding, doesn't really have anything to do with the actual game itself. It seems to me to be a bit desperate.
Mind you this is just my perception, but if I'm thinking it, there's probably many others also thinking it.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I think you can get free beta keys for the foundry. I saw that on the french subforums. I didn't bother to sign in, because the game itself isn't really story-friendly. See the main quest: go there, kill stuff, come back and get 1k xp and some silver coins. All the game is around killing NPCs, and even if combat is fun there, it's just a very traditional MMO where you level up and farm dungeons. I really think that's all Neverwinter can do.
STO is different, because you have 5 TV series to back you up, and you have such a rich lore. So you should be patient, save your 200USD and get disappointed later.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
i dont even tryed the Beta Because i dont want to play it only at weekend make it 2 full weeks beta then i might try never winter nights ... liked the not online game in the past
Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
I'm totally convinced that this offer too, is a limited time deal, and that I should shell out $200 before time's up! I will never get the chance again. :rolleyes:
The real question is...why tell us about this?
Seriously? Who is the intern in your marketing department that comes up with this garbage? 200 bucks to get items that are essentially garbage AND that a player will cease to use within an hour's playing time (starting from scratch)?
Better yet, who is the person responsible for approving this garbage? Rot at the core spreads outward.
That seems rather UN-logical...
According to Them, STO has been steadily increasing it's numbers for some time now.
Whereas, NW is just starting out and most likely ISN'T getting the number of players Their "metrics" would like...
This is obviously a deal to get more STO players to try NW.
(and PAY for that chance) :rolleyes:
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Brandon, quick question -- If you already bought the founder's pack a while ago, do you still get the goodies listed for STO (and the other games)?
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
My guess would be... (EDIT) Incorrect...
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
You sure do. It's listed on the page near the middle:
Mine Trap Supporter
There will probably be players willing to pay for it, but it's pretty out there.
So for $200 you get:
Neverwinter Extra TRIBBLE (Favorite TRIBBLE is the Cloak of Useless Items, which is what the entire offer is, and should be renamed)
Then you get the Andorian Starter Pack TRIBBLE..
Then you get access to all the other PWE TRIBBLE..
I don't have the disposable income to even warrant the thought of picking up the Hero of the North. I played in one of the NWO Beta weekends, and to be honest, I was not impressed with the game. It just does not feel like a D&D Game. It feels too much like an Action shooter then an RPG. Heck actually it feels more like Champions Online with D&D re-skin. Which doesn't surprise me since it was made by the same makers of Champions Online.
Now if the game was more like DDO + WoW, maybe I would have been more interested and looking to try to scrounge up the $200 for the Hero of the North.
Oh well, I know you'll sell a few to Whales. An good for them.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku