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Launcher countdown



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What exactly have they given us so far? To my knowledge all they gave us was a timer and 2 pics. Do you have information that I dont know about? If so, please share.
    4 pics, and some cryptic comments by the devs....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    4 pics, and some cryptic comments by the devs....

    1)Ya, 4 pics, my bad.

    2)Nice pun.

    3)Care to share these comments, I haven't really been been following what the devs have been discussing?
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1)Ya, 4 pics, my bad.

    2)Nice pun.

    3)Care to share these comments, I haven't really been been following what the devs have been discussing?
    DStahl has said several times that the May update is "too big to be a season". And... season 7 was a pretty big season.

    He also spent alot of time in one of the threads discussing various aspects of STO's Romulan stories. By itself that would simply be odd. BUT the thread in question was speculating on the nature of the May release, and more significantly, speculating that it was in fact a faction release. He didn't actually talk about the release directly. But.... he participated in a thread discussing the Romulans and their possible release as a playable faction without saying anything to dissuade that notion. It was quite long, so I'll just give you the highlights...
    dastahl wrote: »
    Great posts in this thread... loving it.

    Sela is a fantastic character and we're excited that we'll be working with Denise Crosby again soon.

    Some things to remember that are already in game or implied in game - Hakeev did report to Sela at some level and Hakeev was Tal Shiar. The Undine have been heavily influenced by some sort of Iconian plot, so there is a definite chance that the Iconian plot extends to the Delta quadrant and isn't just limited to the Alpha/Beta. Obisek was considered a terrorist and so it is interesting to see him connected with D'Tan on New Romulus. It is breaking with the norm to allow an Iconian gateway to exist when pretty much every other Gateway has been purposely destroyed up to this point. It is unclear if Sela was pulled through the Iconian asteroid gateway willingly, but they did seem to single out her ship as if to rescue it or her. It is unclear if the ships we've been seeing are actually Iconian... we just assume they are, but its been so long - who knows...
    dastahl wrote: »
    dastahl wrote: »
    ::random 3am ponderings...::

    that is what has been reported anyway... I'm curious if Taris would admit to that.

    I wonder if they caught any video footage of Taris disappearing from facility 4028? Or better yet, how does anyone know what an Iconian really looks like? We have some ancient descriptions, but would you know one if you saw one?

    They disappeared so long ago... how much is myth? I can understand if Taris is with the Iconians - she had been searching for them, but Sela? Why would she get "rescued"? I can't imagine Taris and Sela being on the same page...
    Could easily imagine the cameras not picking up anything and we see Taris talking to........nobody. Then she disappears in a flash, along with that other guy, whom they have plans for.
    So if Taris just disappeared in a flash and the Feds believe it to be Iconian somehow, then it makes me wonder if what they used was a Gateway or something else. We know that they had perfected teleportation technology to the point where they never really needed ships anymore but in all the times we've seen a Gateway, there is always a device on one end that sends you somewhere else. Have they ever shown opening a portal and then having someone come from the other side? There have been a few alien species that have been shown to have technology like that.

    And as far as Taris and Sela seeing eye-to-eye, I highly doubt that.

    What would anyone (even the Iconians) have to gain by blowing up Hobus? What was the intented outcome? Did they achieve it? Did good-ol' Spock thwart the intended outcome in some way?

    If someone had they power, would they blow up the Sun knowing that it would destroy Earth? Is that rational behavior? Who blows up their home star? Sure Soren blew up Armargosa, but he was a madman that wanted to get to the Nexus. If Taris blew up Hobus, what was her goal? Was she crazy?

    I suppose something similar happened with Changeling Bashir, but again the goal there was to blow up the Bajoran star to take out the FED/KDF/ROM Fleet opposing the Dominion. If the goal here was to take out the Romulan Fleet, it sure didn't do a very good job.

    We really need to know what Taris was trying to do or at least learn that she had gone mad like Soren.
    dastahl wrote: »
    I guess waiting 2 years for the Rocket to reach the star, then 8 minutes for the light to stop, and then another 8 months or so for the shockwave to reach the planet would be kind of boring wouldn't it? :P
    Guess that depends on how Star Trek defines a "subspace shockwave".
    dastahl wrote: »
    what if D'Tan is an agent of Sela, bringing the unificationators together for easy stomping
    It is doubtful that he is in Sela's pocket. The Tal Shair wouldn't be approaching him if he was already on their side. D'Tan seem legit in his goal of opposing the "Empress" and appears to want to unite Romulans and restore their heritage, especially after finding the sword and gaining traction with the FED/KDF.

    If Sela were around, she probably wouldn't be too happy about this second "Mol Rihan", but she's not around as far as we know. Neither is Hakeev for that matter.

    But that makes me wonder, what was the working relationship between Sela and Hakeev? He clearly had connections with what he believed to be Iconians. Did she as well?
    dastahl wrote: »
    In the iconian gate logs in colliseum isn't it stated it had been used to board Sela's ship? Might have been the one hakeev had but I'm pretty sure that gate had been used to get to sela's scimitar.
    Just because the Gateway sent someone to Sela's ship doesn't mean she knew about it.

    In Contagion Picard ends up on Taris' ship after jumping through the Iconian Gateway and she had no idea he was coming and was arguably not involved with the Iconians at the time.
    hartzilla wrote: »
    So all that means is that Hakeev and/or one of his agents are just using the gateway to travel to Sela's flagship, for all we know he's just using it to spy on her. Which makes sense seeing as she deposed the Iconian's last important minion costing them outright control of the empire, they probably want to make sure she doesn't unknowingly TRIBBLE up any of their other plans.
    What you said...
    dastahl wrote: »
    dastahl wrote: »
    Playing the Drakh War parallel?

    Granted I may be a bit biased by my absolute adoration for the Peter Jurasik/Andreas Katsulas pairing, but I just don't see the Taris/Sela paradigm being analogous.


    We don't actually know what happened to Tomalak do we?
    Are you trying to tell me that G'Kar was Tomalak???

    Now you're just yanking my chain :cool:

    As much as I love Andy K. as an actor, the two characters (at least from my interpretation of what is shown onscreen) couldn't be more different.

    G'Kar (after his epiphany) was the paragon of self-sacrifice and acting for the greater good, both of his own people and the galaxy at large.

    Tomalak...not so much.
    Well said.

    RIP Andreas Katsulas - you are beloved and missed by many.
    dastahl wrote: »
    lizwei wrote: »
    Tomalak didn't exactly have the same time to develop as a character as G'kar did, given his appearances were few (and two of those were fake).

    I'd love to see Tomalak return as a character in STO by the way, even if he would sadly have to be unvoiced.
    Well, he "retired" to Romulus after Sela removed him as proconsul, so I guess it depends on if he was on Romulus when the shockwave hit...
    dastahl wrote: »
    thehavraha wrote: »
    You know what? Taking this one little bit completely out of context from everything else you wrote? If Cryptic somehow used T'Nae going back in time, being captured by the Romulans, and informing them of Romulus' destruction to ultimately UNDO everything J.J. Trek did to the prime universe????...

    Love. Absolute love. I would not only bow at Cryptic's feet, but I think most Trekkies would too, and if CBS does indeed believe "It's canon if enough people believe it," I think you'd have an ARMY of Trekkies arguing that Star Trek Online is canon because of how FREAKIN AWESOME of a solution this would be for J.J. ruining a beloved faction of the series.
    Can someone remind me - what happens to T'Nae at the end of Temporal Ambassador?
    dastahl wrote: »
    diogene0 wrote: »
    dastahl wrote: »
    You know, with the recent talk about Sela and her Iconian connection, as well as Babylon 5 parallels. Well, this also got me thinking about the Tholians as well....
    Your theory would make this scene a little more interesting...
    Senate Scene from Nemesis (YouTube)
    Iconians? In Nemesis? No.

    First of all, Iconians appear in a handful of episodes, mostly because of gateways. And in canon, they're all dead (and probably pacifists according to Picard in TNG).

    Secondly, it's green, and Romulan tech is green. :D
    It is more interesting to me that Tal'aura has an appointment with the Tholian ambassador immediately after killing the Romulan Senate...
    dastahl wrote: »
    Do you really think Hakeev would have listened? He;d have taken the assets he had left and gone underground, probably would have tried to assassinate Sela in the process.

    Well Sela did show up at Brea where Hakeev was planning to open up the big Gateway, so I guess it remains to be seen what the relationship between Sela and Hakeev was prior to his death. (and yes he is dead after that episode - he is blown to smithereens ala Jack Skelington on Xmas by your torpedo volley)
    My character Tsin'xing
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It's a Bo

    No, not a bo. A bomb
  • aeriixaeriix Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've not read the whole thread, but I bet the countdown is related to the new Star Trek movie.

    Since....that also comes out in May.
  • willow6912willow6912 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    the countdown is to a new patch that everyone will rage that it has broken the game launcher.

    The forum will almost have a melt down when the number of threads saying about the launcher problems.

    They reach critical mass and each thread will end up being 20 to 200 pages long and many people will quit the game in rage only to play again after a day or two.

    either that or the Gorn jokes will cause the star trek universe to explode.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, players are gorna complain no matter what happens on thursday....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, players are gorna complain no matter what happens on thursday....

    it seems like almost wednesday from where i sit..
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You did a countdown without a plan?

    it won't be ready till Tuesday.
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    In related news....

    This just in:


    The arrow of time - it waits for no one...
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  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The last few minutes of the countdown why am I going to picture some forumers (aprerentliy that's a real name says my iPad) freaking out and tense like the Enterpise A crew were when Chang was stalking them.
  • lakegregorylakegregory Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Romulan Faction!!!!!!!! Thank you Cryptic!
  • qinnuxqinnux Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Really all this hughe secrecy and countdown and everythign for... a website that tells you to wait another 2 months?

    Sounds like a cheap TRIBBLE excuse to add naother lockbox and milk money.
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