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Ask Cryptic: February 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • michaelp1989michaelp1989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1) Any chance for reverting foundry nerf? (Timid npcs shooting back)
    Maybe better search function to sort grinder/farmer and story missions?
    2) Fleet Guramba and Kar'fi-when?
    3) Any plans for KDF 5 tac consoles escort?
    4) Will we get any new story missions (FE) unique to KDF?
    5) Any chance for dilithium costs decrease for fleet and rep stores or raise of dilithium refinement cap?
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just a quick note to say hi, and thanks for the awesome anniversary celebratory episode.

    Now for the question - any update on new PVP stuff :)

    Any more fleet ships on the horizon? Particulary thinking the Galaxy X and Guramba, even if they were locked out to being a 'with C-Store purchase only' logic.

    And perhaps most importantly - give us one cool thing you want to spill but needed someone to ask about!

    PS: Why do you keep slapping Batman? ;))
  • paragon92518paragon92518 Member Posts: 268
    edited February 2013
    Now that the Ambassador is in game, how difficult would it be to bring the NIAGARA CLASS in-game? It practically has the same hull as an Ambassador. We have not heard an ETA on this ship in about a year.

    Mr. Stahl, can you PLEASE UPDATE us?....Thank You!!!!!!!!!
  • ieyasutieyasut Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What does the future hold DOff-wise? Will we be seeing new chains anytime soon? When will assignments be plugged in to New Romulus? Will there be unique assignments for New Romulus?

    Is there any possibility of inventory items such as commodities, particles/traces, crafting schematics, tokens, and/or New Romulus collection items getting a separate "bag" to cut down on clutter?
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited February 2013
    Are there any plans to update the older ship models to the current standard of the latest releases ?

    also , POKER
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • carrisracarrisra Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    nitrous82 wrote: »
    Would you please re-introduce the Jem'Hadar attack ship back into the game in some form?? maybe add it to the Lobi store?? seeing as the only way to get a hangar of it for the dreadnought is to own one. Or maybe another way to get a hangar of it?

    I second this motion, im in the process of saving up to buy one off the market but at the rate of income ill be doing it forever.

    but on a positive note in my first year of sto loving it and hopefully ill be around for many years to come.

  • ciprianp1ciprianp1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Last FE was .... a wait last year in the begining of the year. THAT was the only real content released last year. Before you say anything about seasons ( they were good none the less) but they were not content, they were game mechanics. So from what I see the content is being released slower and slower, but grinding becomes the backbone of the game.
    This wasn't the question but only a grim reminder of what STO has become. :(
    Now I have also a question 2 questions:
    1. Since the lockboxes are here to stay, can't you put let's say a token for the ship instead of a box, and get a cinematic in wich we get that ship from a ferengi or whatever suits your story.... you get the ideea, because from what I remember this what it supposed to be when a captain gets s ship http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j5aRKZq7vU, but instead in the game we have smth like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCrtVSI07C8.
    2. We will ever get to use a large landing party ( I have at least 20 bridge officers) to do some epic battle etc? You could create a zone like New Romulus in wich we get to use our crew to do a great battle etc... Just an ideea.
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1) in several missions you refere to the mirror forces as both the Terran Empire and Terran Federation (mirror event).. What are our counterpats from... the Terran Empire or Terran Federation (figners crossed for the former)

    2) Typhoon Class, can we have it please?

    3) In regards to the foundry, can you give us any form of update regarding new props,npcs,contacts or maps?
    Typhoon Class please!
  • djf021djf021 Member Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hello, thanks to a couple of dilithium mining claims, I am currently sitting on more dilithium ore than I can refine. My question is this:

    Might there be a way (maybe with a promotion or special event) that would allow a one time only refinement of ALL dilithium ore? Maybe as a special, very rare reward, or even in a future lock box?

    Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
    -Captain James T. Kirk
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hello Captains!

    Please post your questions below and dStahl will answer selected questions from all those received. Please post them today as I will ship questions off to Daniel tomorrow.

    Also, remember that questions will not be answered in this thread -- answers will be posted in an upcoming "Ask Cryptic" Web Feature that should be released before the end of the month.


    Brandon =/\=

    1- Lobi. account bound. WHEN? Why hasn't it been done? Could you guys at least make ALL the lobi store items come in an account-bound box and give everyone a one time chance to pool the lobi on their account into one character?

    2- Is there a chance that torpedoes that become destructible with high yield make use of a ship's weapon power to enhance their 2ndary effect? For example, high yield plasma @ 25 weapon power = what we have now. @125 wep power the plasma burn does 4x the current damage. It would be GRAND if the transphasic would also become a destructible heavy torpedo with high yield and have it be 100% shield penetration. Of course, firing these torpedoes would do the usual -10 wep power.

    3- Omega torpedo: It should fire all its charges in a salvo not one per click. This torpedo is frustrating to use by KDF cloak-capable ships.

    4- Old issue that is still not resolved: Missions & PVE Queue have not been 'cleaned' of npc communications popping up and decloaking ships. This was slated for a fix long ago and never happened. What is the status of this?

    5- Why are there no torpedo-damage/effect enhancing DOFFs or romulan consoles? Energy weapons get lots of these.


    6- Fleet Adv. Research Vessel (Nebula) is an upgrade of the tier 3 to tier 5. Its a poor ship and barely better than the tier 5 version. Since this is the only ship in the game that has two version and is exclusive to c-store, could we please have a fleet version of the tier 5 which has modernized bridge officer stations?

    Fleet Magellan Advanced Research Vessel

    Cmdr Sci
    Lt Cmdr Engineer
    Lt Cmdr Sci
    Lt Tactical
    ...and sacrifice the last station for:
    1 hangar bay.

    It would be perfect for this science-cruiser hybrid.

    Please, bring back my beloved pancake of doom.
  • jonpark020979jonpark020979 Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have 2 quick questions

    One is there ever going to have a "true" Tactical Cruiser and not one that is not a non Varient for example a cruiser with a Commander Tactical station.

    Also will the Dilituam ore cap ever go up? i don't mind having a cap but 8'000 a day is to low maybe this could be a reward for gold or lifetimers. If you want to make it sitewide with zen i am sure people will get it.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    #1 Could we have some customization options for the unique bridge officers that we receive as rewards for completing featured episode series and reputation projects? Whilst I can appreciate they're unique and rare, it would be nice to have a Romulan or Jem Hadar in a Starfleet. Maybe some limited customization on their face and body morphs too? With everyone having a bunch of unique Bridge Officers that look exactly the same, they don't feel that unique.

    #2 When are we likely to see the Benzite Bridge Officers back in the game? They're selectable as playable characters, but they haven't been available as Bridge Officer Candidates since at least Season 5 (when I started).

    #3 New sectors, I've heard mention of more on the way, specifically above the current Cardassian sectors. I was wondering, but are we ever likely to get an actual sector within the Delta or Gamma Quadrants? We've got the wormhole to get us to Gamma and back, and we travel there in the 2800 featured episode series.

    #4 When can we expect a featured episode series (or) reputation rewards that present us with a Cardassian Bridge Officer? I think out of all the current rewards thus far, a Cardassian Bridge Officer is the only one we're really missing out on at the moment.

    #5 Would it be possible, at some point in the future to enable players to have Customizable Kits? Some skills some players use more than others (all dependant on play style) thus it would be a cool feature for players to be able to build their own 4-piece kits (at least, once you've hit level 50 and are Vice Admiral).

    #6 The Fleet Constitution; I am aware that CBS have stated they do not wish to see one, but could you elaborate on their decision? Is it that they don't want to see a Fleet Cruiser (Constitution, Vesper, Excalibur and Exeter) or is it specifically the Constitution that they don't wish to see as a Fleet Ship? If the former, then the least we could hope for is a Fleet Exeter? The team at Cryptic went to all the effort to create the Exeter and give it a Zen price. It seems a waste to miss the Fleet version out.

    #7 Would it be possible to have an optional Keldon Kit for players who have the Galor Cruiser? Such an acquisition could be via a small Lobi purchase, or (if you're feeling really generous) free.

    #8 Are we ever likely to see minigames implemented into social zones? I'd love to jump into a game of Poker with fellow Trek players.
  • leokesler2012leokesler2012 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Excuse me my bad english.

    1. Any plans to give us a way to get some dillitium back from old ships ?

    2. Any plans to give us a way to get some dillitium back from weapons, like the old [BORG] weapons ?

    Its very unfair to waste so much dil (and sometimes zen) in items and dont have an option to sell back for the same currency.

    3. Do you have any plans for a "shareware" ships ? By example, with my tactical fed, I wish to test a Defiant or another ship. But I dont wish to waste ZEN or dil just for test. I would like an option to test a ship for some time, like only 1 hour.

    4. Any plans to give us more account bound items ? Because I am very unpleased to get so many items character bound.

    4. Any plans to give us more bank space ?
  • craigsam13craigsam13 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. When will more Doff mission chains be released?

    2. Are there plans to increase the limit for doffs, inventory, bank slots, etc.?

    3. What is the status of the test-driving ships idea that has been previously mentioned?

    4 Can you please fix the missing Account Bank access on the Belfast (Defiant style) bridges? All of the other bridges seem to have it.

    5. Is there a missing/broken accolade for killing all the captains in the Colony Invasion PvE action since all the captains are named and the other fleet mark events with named enemies have accolades?
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hi Dan,

    I listened to your interview on MMO Reporter, and it came across as heartfelt and informative to me. I really appreciate that you and others are keeping the game open, free and available to all. I thought your analogy to the various levels of fan participation in Football (U.S.) was interesting. Com badges off to you and the Cryptic staff, thank you. Happy Third year anniversary and thanks for an engaging anniversary mission, it is one of the better ones I have played on STO.

    During the interview you mentioned that because of the size of the Cryptic staff you can now turn your attention to issues I could not before. Can you elaborate on this? Does this include relooking at weapons systems such as ship?s beams, ground kit crafting or ship systems, such as crew and building their game value?

    You also mentioned that Cryptic is running out of Federation ships to use in the game. Will Cryptic incorporate more Federation ally ships then? The game Birth of the Federation has a Federation Destroyer in addition to a Bajoran fighter, Pakled and Betazoid ships to name a few that could be interesting additions.

    I loved the trader outfit in the Anniversary mission; will it be available for release?

    I also enjoyed the Wonderland race for the Breen ship, thank you for both, and would like to see similar control speed/balance/friction tests in upcoming missions.

    Despite hitting the level cap, I continue to DOFF and love the system; especially the ship and character combat buff and debuff missions. What are the future plans for the DOFF system? Any plans to further integrate doffing into missions? Any plans to have new DOFF missions allow small combat benefits versus specific races?

    Regarding the Foundry, will selected missions receive unique prizes? Will foundry accolades, such as those offered in Spectres, Episode Six, be permanently incorporated into our character?s bio and statistics?

    Any plans on re-introducing the Easter egg mission from Klingon Scout Force or the DS9 STF?

    Spoilers are always welcome. Thanks again.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • captsolcaptsol Member Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    With Champions Online having added vehicles to the game is there any chance of using those in the future of STO to create missions using shuttles in an atmosphere or ground vehicles like the Argo from Star Trek: Nemesis?
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There will be changes in ship design (warp-cores) and a level-cap raise:
    When that both hit, what are the options you consider to keep Lockbox-/Fleet-/C-Store -ships up to date to?
    Are there any plans that would mark some gear we already obtained as obsolete, or will there be kind of new gear which without would be nuts to PvP f.e. (no ship looks good without a warp-core when every other got attached one i could guess ;))?
  • ocp001ocp001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. Long ago, sci ships recieved a general boost to make them more viable for damage I the form of sensor analysis. Is there any plans to review cruiser class ships damage vs science and escorts? Maybe a range bonus for cruisers to engage targets at 15km?

    2. Beam arrays are viewed by many as inferior to even single cannons in a PvP setup for cruisers. There are actually several threads on the subject. Is there any chance of bringing beams up to make them more competitive vs Dual heavy cannons?

    Part of the issue with beams is that they become more effective than cannons at about 6km vs dual heavy cannons (which become more effective at under 5km). Escorts can easily maneuver and close this gap and be in a position of advantage where a cruiser will eventually collapse.

    3. Fleet Galaxy X?

    4. Anything coming in may that you want to show off or give us a teaser on?

  • athourstathourst Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Will there be any plans on adding in the Open Jacket option for the Odyssey uniform?

    Can you add in the outfit that we wear during Temporal Ambassador mission?

    When the Andorian ship comes out will there be a Andorian Uniform and weapon pack with it?
  • whiteonmyojiwhiteonmyoji Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Beyond the Borg will we see other 5 man STFs and Matching Gears like MACO, Honor Guard and Omega Sets?
  • solisnightsolisnight Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    With more and more Ships available, Rather than increasing a Captains number of Ship Slots could we get an account Surplus Depot Z15 (at Qualor Two as seen in TNG Unification) for Factional and Cross Factional Ships we no longer wish to fly regularly on a Captain but do want to keep.

    Thanks. Solis.
  • kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1) You mentioned a complete revamp of the game UI for Season 8. Could you elaborate any more on this? Will unclear and ugly menus like the character/ship status windows or the foundry mission list be improved?

    2) When do you plan to add map criteria to the foundry, i.e. "Player has to wear EV suit/fly shuttle/use only melee weapons" etc. and specifiying the away team size, i.e. only one bridge officer to beam down with you, or just the player alone?

    3) Now that the STO team has significantly increased in size, will it be possible to divert resources to re-master/re-arrange more "old" storyline missions? The Starfleet storyline is scattered with extremely boring missions (e.g., "Ground Zero") and very ugly maps (e.g., "Rapier").

    4) Any chance of seeing new canon enemy species such as the Sheliak, Son'a, Talarians or Tzenkethi any time soon?

    5) Do you plan to release further Federation member species as playable races (e.g., Deltans, Denobulans, Grazerite, Zakdorn) as simple C-store purchases or do you plan to incorporate such important additions to the game as part of storyline developments in the future?
  • decker73adecker73a Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Are there any plans to revisit the rewards on the episode missions that have been in the game since launch. While certain missions have decent rewards (such as Past Imperfect and the New Link), many of the missions have rewards are just not worth the time spent playing the missions, especially with the tendency to hit the level cap before reaching these higher level missions. These missions are fun and contain a lot of variety of game play, it would be nice to get useful rewards for playing them.
  • bealer2012bealer2012 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Will there ever be a third native playable race, such as Romulans??
  • gaevsmangaevsman Member Posts: 3,190 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wi will have a revamp of consoles, to improve them, like the rcs consoles and most of the science consoles??

    Also, what kind of new ships will be released? we now about the Andorian ships, but how about some new Vulcan ships, or Rigellian or Tellarite ships??
    The forces of darkness are upon us!
  • rogersto112995rogersto112995 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I believe this one is self explanatory. When will Star Trek Online be ported to IOS systems? There was rumors going around that such a port might be made available this year. In your reasonable opinion, is a mac portal coming, or even possible?
  • paragon92518paragon92518 Member Posts: 268
    edited February 2013
    HOW LONG: until we get to command more than 1 starship at a time??


    Any chance...of ever seeing a "Mirror" KDF/Fed faction, capable of freely going back/forth between KDF/Fed factions?
  • robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Since part of the new reputation system was to expand our character with new abilities and passive traits I was think that one way to give us more flexibility was to expand the active duty roster. I noticed that the tier 5 of romulan and omega gave one space and one ground ability between the two. I was thinking if you were to launch another 2 that it would be nice if once gave and active space and the other gave another active ground doff slot. Another option could be to make addition active doff slot available through the new fleet holdings as a purchasable reward similar to the active assignment expansion in the embassy.
  • reinawattreinawatt Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Are there any more story missions incoming? We've really been teased with the Iconions and it would be nice to see more of that story being shown.

    Will the New Orleans class be the next 'oldie' ship to appear?

    Is there any way to ask future voice actors who put more feeling into their work since much of the voice work comes across as pretty lacking in emotion.

    Will the game be undergoing a large fix since it has been pretty unstable for a bit now.
  • sirking417sirking417 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    can you tell us the time frame it can take to make a new playable faction?
This discussion has been closed.