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Cryptic should give up...



  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    DDO has good characters. And evil. Their alignment system, which is the grand daddy of factions, has multiple paths, so DDO does have a second faction. Unlock your dark elf, and run with it.
    Wait, what? I played DOO with multiple toons and a huge guild, I don't recall anything notable about alignments at all. I did unlock dark elves, my primary was a dark elf wizard that I burned out on due to complexity. In fact, I remember there was literally nothing important about alignment other than equipment, class, and spell restrictions.

    You managed to produce only a handful of names (and I stand corrected on EQ since I barely remember it), that hardly means multiple factions is a staple of "half decent" MMOs. I stand corrected on City of Heroes as well, as I played in the first few months after launch and it was single-faction for at least a year and a half before Cryptic released City of Villains.

    Regardless, the existence of just GW1/2, LotRO, ***, and the others I mentioned should be sufficient to disprove your hyperbolic premise of "Every half-decent MMO has at least two factions." :P
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    trek21 wrote: »
    Personally, I feel it's all because most people mistook 'We'd LIKE to get this done by then' wording for actual promises... imo, business always have changing schedules and such, so it's not surprising when things change and/or fall through.

    But no, many treated Cryptic's words like they're contracts written in blood... and some still do even though they're not sharing as much :rolleyes: I never understood how others see things like that...

    Fan driven expectations have clouded all our vision and it always will. At this point its time remember the past but look to the future.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    darkjeff wrote: »

    Define "half-decent".
    darkjeff wrote: »
    You managed to produce only a handful of names (and I stand corrected on EQ since I barely remember it), that hardly means multiple factions is a staple of "half decent" MMOs.

    Just to clear it up, since I used the "half-decent" term to describe and not snoggymack22, although from what I've read he agreed with that. :)

    "Half-decent" is quite subjective on my behalf I must admit. I never went near or plan to go near the games you mentioned. It's just not my piece of cake. Perhaps the reason is them having only one faction.
    So there's the possibility for me this type of games to suck, while maybe for you or some other players they'd be better than many multi-faction ones. However, there's no point in debating over subjective stances that will just lead to being off topic here.

    Just for the record, forgive me if I'm mistaken, haven't gone down that road quite in a while, but I believe that EVE has 4 factions to begin with, however their relevance in deminished by the in game player coalitions you mentioned since the type of play this game has eventually leads to that.
  • warbird001warbird001 Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Depends if there is a foreseeable future for this game, I am of the opinion that Cryptic will abandon this project for Neverwinter Nights when this ceases to make their profit expectations. I think that its important to consider that I have heard Champions Online is suffering because of Cryptic's focus on Star Trek: Online at the moment and it begs the question...

    Will all this matter when something better comes along? Cryptic have shown repeatedly that they do not care about Star Trek and in the end, all they care about is money. Its sad really...
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Giving up on the Klingon Empire is illogical on two fronts:

    1) It would alienate the KDF players and probably make a lot of them quit the game. 18% may not be a majority, but it's still a good chunk of the playerbase.

    2) The results of the last poll indicated that nearly as many people want a full KDF faction as those that want playable Romulans. And it's easier to crank out a bunch of episodes and a tutorial than a whole nother faction.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • evendzharevendzhar Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    warbird001 wrote: »
    I think that its important to consider that I have heard Champions Online is suffering because of Cryptic's focus on Star Trek: Online at the moment and it begs the question...
    That's how free-to-play companies roll. At some point they move most of their developers over to work on a new game and start neglecting their old game. Most of the freeloaders leave as a result, allowing the company to shut down some servers and move those over to the new game as well. Now all that's left is a small group of hardcore players that keep spending money (also known as whales). The old game is now very lean but profitable, and the new game is ready to lure in the masses.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    darkjeff wrote: »
    Wait, what? I played DOO with multiple toons and a huge guild, I don't recall anything notable about alignments at all.

    It's been awhile, but alignment affected weapons and weapon abilities. You had some weapons that only good aligned characters could equip. And some that only evil aligned characters could equip.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    trek21 wrote: »
    Personally, I feel it's all because most people mistook 'We'd LIKE to get this done by then' wording for actual promises... imo, business always have changing schedules and such, so it's not surprising when things change and/or fall through.

    But no, many treated Cryptic's words like they're contracts written in blood... and some still do even though they're not sharing as much :rolleyes: I never understood how others see things like that...

    Come on now. Here's what Jack Emmert said back in March 2010: "Trust me, we'll continue to add PvE. I'm a die hard Klingon player and I'm constantly on the EP to add more."

    He was constantly on the EP to add more. Trust him!

    By July that EP (Zinc) left and DStahl took over for the first time.

    In March of 2011, Stahl said, "More than half of the team is working on Klingon content for Season 4 at the moment, so I can assure that I remain committed to improving the KDF faction and have done so with every release."

    This is back when no one was doing anything becauase as Stahl later revealed they didn't even have cups in their kitchen.

    It's not about the playerbase misconstruing what was said. It's about the Cryptic employees saying one thing and doing something else entirely. I wonder if you even bothered to read the history that the OP went and read?

    Come on now.

    Falcon ends it properly. "...just look at my track record for making the improvements that I said we would with the KDF and judge by that." - Dan Stahl

    He wants to be judged on his track record. And he is being judged on that track record.

    Heck just going back and re-reading all of the comments about Season 4 ... it's scary how much the hype sounds like the same hype surrounding Season 8. It's like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football. And Stahl is Lucy. Maybe this time we'll kick it? Right? Right?
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's been awhile, but alignment affected weapons and weapon abilities. You had some weapons that only good aligned characters could equip. And some that only evil aligned characters could equip.

    That type of alignment is meaningless. Alignment should be a npc talking to your character saying here is 50 gold for saving the town and being such a great hero or here is 50 gold so please don't kill me. Basically alignment should determine how the characters of the world treat you, determine which quests are given, and maybe some physical changes to your character like gain an evil look such as red glowing veins, horns, etc or halo above the head and skin is glowing like Fable's alignment system.
  • lordmanzelotlordmanzelot Member Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I dont understand this klingon faction whining. Star Trek is primary about the federation so cryptic has more opportunities to create content because there is a lot of content. If you want a 100% counterpart to the federation is takes decades of evolution. You can't get a 100% federation faction 100% klingon faction 100% romulan faction 100% cardassian,borg or delta quadrant species factions, its impossible.
    Subscribed For: 2300+ Days
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I dont understand this klingon faction whining. Star Trek is primary about the federation so cryptic has more opportunities to create content because there is a lot of content. If you want a 100% counterpart to the federation is takes decades of evolution. You can't get a 100% federation faction 100% klingon faction 100% romulan faction 100% cardassian,borg or delta quadrant species factions, its impossible.

    that's probably going to hurt your argument more than help it. It's not how much there was in the show as much as it was what they told the players as well as promised and hyped and lied. There's enough of each of those factions to add 100% to each as well as Ferengi, Cardassian, and i'm sure maybe one or two others including borg factions to the game. We've seen various ships, people, home worlds, and dialog that any writer and artist could build a game faction out of.

    To say you couldn't do it because the show was about the federation and not those other guys would be like saying you couldn't play winston in a ghostbusters game because it's mostly about Ray.
  • user839020189287user839020189287 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I dont understand this klingon faction whining. Star Trek is primary about the federation...

    You fail to understand there are no "good guys" without "bad guys".

    Also, Gene Rodenberry used the UFP vs. KDF theme to exemplify the USA/ NATO vs. USSR/ China/ WARSAW Pact tensions aka Cold War.

    So Klingons are just as much an important part of ST as is your precious feddieration.

    Devs, you reading this? ;)

    "Dammit J'mpok! I'm a Warrior, not a Worrier!"

    - KDF Ambassador Syon vocalizing her objection to the discussions of possible peace talks with the UFP due to recent Borg and Undine activities.
    Hegh'bat, Stardate 66588.8
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm actually fairly happy with the state of the Empire as-is. Fractured, corrupt, ripe for a Gorn insurrection...

    Seriously though, I do have a short wish list of things I'd like Cryptic to address before introducing another faction.

    1.: Klingons available to start from Level 1. The T1 and T2 ships are already there. I can not think of any reason why the Klingons should have to start from T3/level 20, except for a lack of storyline mission content. Speaking of which...

    2.: More Klingon-specific storyline episodes. The Fek'lhri are all well and good, but apart from that and four missions at the start, we get nothing. Did the High Council support B'Vat and his mad plan to unleash the Doomsday Machine, or augment the Gorn, or did we try to stop him? Don't we deserve more of a "war" with the Federation than a hit-and-run on Utopia Planetia and a rescue mission?

    Those are the big ones; the next items are minor issues with easy fixes.

    3.: More costume options for Gorn captains/BOffs. I see Gorn NPCs wandering around the first city with chains wrapped around their forearms, and wearing other unique costume pieces. Not that General Ssharki would deliberately chain himself or permit any member of his crew to do so, but it would be nice to have the choice.

    4.: Costume options of any sort for Marauder BOffs. I just unlocked T4 Marauder and picked out my Human tac officer and discovered to my profound dissapointment that I could not alter a thing about his appearance. Not even his stance. (He's a renegade human space pirate - he should swagger!) And then when I got to his uniform to see what options I could not apply, I see Mercenary gear (which I've unlocked) is listed. Showing me that and not allowing me to apply it is just downright frustrating.

    5.: Playable Humans. The Feds can play as Klingons wih a Z-store unlock. It seems only fair that the KDF get a similar option.

    That's it. If Cryptic would adress one of the first two and two of the last three at some point this year, I'll be very happy.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • starscreamfightestarscreamfighte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To be honest, I really see no issue playing as KDF at all, really. I love the KDF, much funner/dramatic/combat orientated than the Star Fleet side.

    Overall, the Starfleet side is so much stronger, not because they short handed the Klingons, but because the Federation side is the starting side for everyone. If they made it to where new players had to decide Federation, or Klingon, things would be dramatically different as far as how the fleets are dispersed.

    Although it's quite odd having Klingons save the Federation, I find it quite humorous. Because in one mission, I'm helping them. The next mission, I'm pushing out and slaughtering their fleets.
  • starscreamfightestarscreamfighte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The biggest thing I would love to see, would be the Dreadnaught-Most powerful Klingon Vessel ever constructed (or I think it was called the Dreadnaught?) It was a cross between Gorn and Klingon Technology during the Dominion War, it was used to spearhead the Klingon Fleet to Cardassia, only seen in one episode of DS9. It made the Galaxy Class Starships look like childs toys.

    Or if they put in Romulans all together, the Reman Warbird-Centar.
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Forgive me for not having an answer but I missed the episode about Enterprise-C causing a monumental change to history. If a young Gorkon or Martok had been onboard one of the pursuing klingon ships mentioned in the mission it would likely have made more sense to my KDF toons rescuing the captured captain and his kamarag, without changing anything else in the mission except to have the option to have him distract the guard.

    Uhhhh, Gorkon was dead by the time the Enterprise-C was in service.....did you mean Gowron?
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I dont understand this klingon faction whining. Star Trek is primary about the federation so cryptic has more opportunities to create content because there is a lot of content. If you want a 100% counterpart to the federation is takes decades of evolution. You can't get a 100% federation faction 100% klingon faction 100% romulan faction 100% cardassian,borg or delta quadrant species factions, its impossible.

    Oh the KDF being upset is understandible. Just like the feds, we cry for what we desire.
    My point is its not working too well insulting the Devs and it is time to stop.
    Otherwise its still valid to ask for and give reasons why more story content, costume options, Gorn,Orion & other KDF racial content and a complete faction to improve over all gameplay is needed.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Fan driven expectations have clouded all our vision and it always will.
    I wonder how many rage threads there will be come May, after people have deluded themselves into thinking it's absolutely certain there is a Rom faction incoming. :rolleyes:
    starkaos wrote: »
    That type of alignment is meaningless.
    You actually can't be Evil in DDO unless they've changed things since I've played, only the other 6 alignment combinations are available. All player characters are basically explorers based in Stormreach.

    Player guild halls are flying ships, which are both appropriate to the setting and really awesome. If you jump off the side you'll actually fall into Stormreach proper. If you land in water you're good, if you land in the city other players will see you splat. :D
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I dont understand this klingon faction whining. Star Trek is primary about the federation so cryptic has more opportunities to create content because there is a lot of content. If you want a 100% counterpart to the federation is takes decades of evolution. You can't get a 100% federation faction 100% klingon faction 100% romulan faction 100% cardassian,borg or delta quadrant species factions, its impossible.

    Then tell me how there are numerous games who managed to depict what you say is impossible, or in case of games like "Klingon Honor Guard", "Klingon Academy" or "Star Trek: Klingon" do something that should be even less than impossible: focus on a non-Federation faction entirely.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The biggest thing I would love to see, would be the Dreadnaught-Most powerful Klingon Vessel ever constructed (or I think it was called the Dreadnaught?) It was a cross between Gorn and Klingon Technology during the Dominion War, it was used to spearhead the Klingon Fleet to Cardassia, only seen in one episode of DS9. It made the Galaxy Class Starships look like childs toys.

    Can you remember the name of the episode? I'd love to see what that thing looks like.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can you remember the name of the episode? I'd love to see what that thing looks like.

    I think it exists only in starscreamfighte's head.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Come on now. Here's what Jack Emmert said back in March 2010: "Trust me, we'll continue to add PvE. I'm a die hard Klingon player and I'm constantly on the EP to add more."

    He was constantly on the EP to add more. Trust him!

    By July that EP (Zinc) left and DStahl took over for the first time.

    In March of 2011, Stahl said, "More than half of the team is working on Klingon content for Season 4 at the moment, so I can assure that I remain committed to improving the KDF faction and have done so with every release."

    This is back when no one was doing anything becauase as Stahl later revealed they didn't even have cups in their kitchen.

    It's not about the playerbase misconstruing what was said. It's about the Cryptic employees saying one thing and doing something else entirely. I wonder if you even bothered to read the history that the OP went and read?

    Come on now.

    Falcon ends it properly. "...just look at my track record for making the improvements that I said we would with the KDF and judge by that." - Dan Stahl

    He wants to be judged on his track record. And he is being judged on that track record.

    Heck just going back and re-reading all of the comments about Season 4 ... it's scary how much the hype sounds like the same hype surrounding Season 8. It's like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football. And Stahl is Lucy. Maybe this time we'll kick it? Right? Right?
    I've been here since Open Beta. Trust me, I know pretty much all of the general things that happened since then ;)

    And I don't have a problem with people saying one thing and doing another, btw :P And yes I'm serious, because I don't see the issue with it. And before you tell me a story about why it'd bad, I've had it happen to me in real life.

    Never had an issue with it happening to my face, still don't now lol.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can you remember the name of the episode? I'd love to see what that thing looks like.

    He may be thinking of the Regents ship.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    He may be thinking of the Regents ship.

    Pretty sure that was a Negh'var anyway, since they would of re used the art assets from the batlle in the way of the warrior when the KDF attack DS9, I remember it blowing the heck out the station and breaching its shields. Think Gowron and Martok were both on it to.
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    misterde3 wrote: »
    Then tell me how there are numerous games who managed to depict what you say is impossible, or in case of games like "Klingon Honor Guard", "Klingon Academy" or "Star Trek: Klingon" do something that should be even less than impossible: focus on a non-Federation faction entirely.

    It's not impossible at all -- but even Microprose, Interplay and CBS (who owned Simon & Schuster at that time) found these games didn't sell as well as games based on the UFP/Fedxeration; and that's why you don't see 'Klingon-only' Star Trek games on the shelves/digital distribution.
    That has been affecting the PWE's decision making process with regard to STO in that the suits/bean counters who also have a say in the direction STO content development takes (because it all takes money) -- want to be sure they get the best/most profitable ROI from new content added; and it appears (rightly or wrongly) that those folks don't believe new KDF only content will grow the game (population and dales wise) at the same level that new Fedc focused content does.
    And I'm not saying the assessment is right/wrong/valid in the long run; but again - the suits with the purse strings are who needs to be convinced that the ROI is worth it to finish fleshing out the current KDF faction with a tutorial and a full 1 - 50 level PvE path similar to what the Federation faction currently has. DStahl does have a lot of say in the direction he can take STO; but if the guys in budget say, 'no' - and Dan says "I'm going to do it anyway" -- and the results aren't absolutely spectacular in terms of ROI and profit, then he looses his job, and I'm certain STO's budget would get reduced as well. Without the backing of those who decide his budget/staffing levels, completion of the KDF faction to bring its PvE contemt to parity with the Fed faction ain't going to happen.

    I honestly do think the Cryptic STO Dev team has been trying to convince PWE to let them do that for the KDF, but the PWE budget folks aren't seeing the value of it yet.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's not impossible at all -- but even Microprose, Interplay and CBS (who owned Simon & Schuster at that time) found these games didn't sell as well as games based on the UFP/Fedxeration; and that's why you don't see 'Klingon-only' Star Trek games on the shelves/digital distribution.

    I don't know those numbers so I can't really say anthing to that point.
    However lordmanzelot's aimed at a supposed lack of background material to work with.
    And even if those games didn't sell that well they didn't seem to struggle with the story.
    Nor did STO in "The Path to 2409" for that matter.
    There's actually a lot more story in there that we actually find in the game...
  • starscreamfightestarscreamfighte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    misterde3 wrote: »
    I think it exists only in starscreamfighte's head.

    Not at all, It was in one of the final episodes when the fleets were clashing and fighting their way to Cardassia, it appears after Mortok and Worf jump in with their BoPs, When the whole Klingon Fleet appears, it's the huge Klingon Ship in the middle of the mass.

    I didn't know what it was until Star Trek Magezine back in the day published an article about it, it was a cross between Klingon and Gorn Technology, mainly illustrated in a Star Trek book (back story while the Dominion War was undergoing, the Klingon Empire conquered the Gorn, or something like that)

    I'll see if I can find a screen shot or pic.
  • starscreamfightestarscreamfighte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/309/6/6/qeh__ral_by_jetfreak74656-d4f5n6p.pngQueh'Rel Class Warship

    It's almost twice the size of a Negh'Var
  • starscreamfightestarscreamfighte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    I am sorry but I dont see anything about that in Memory Alpha, ex astris scientia also shows nothing of the sort.



    Sorry but I cannot believe you.

    Its also fanwank.

    It was also showcased in Star Trek Armada 2
  • starscreamfightestarscreamfighte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Sister class ship is the K'vort Cha-class Warship, which they show-cased in the DS9 Dominion War

    Your knowledge of Klingon Lore and Klingon ships is pretty bad, (no offense)

    You should read more of the novels.

    K'Vort Cha Class Warship and Qeh'Ral Warships were the biggest and baddest warships in the Dominion War.
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