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Feedback about 3yr Party Popper and Balloons



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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop! ;)
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    tripphtripph Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Even simpler solution. Change instance.

    I've never had to change instances more than once to find one not currently filled with balloons in the area I want to go to.

    I'm still fairly new. If I screwed up again, let me know.
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    orikleinoriklein Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Yes, sick.

    Also, this:
    Just make them enemies we can target. That would be fun.
    Joined April 2008. Lifetime Subscriber. Original member of the original 2nd Fleet.
    Expended $1,961 USD on this game - regretting it all. This game and some of its staff disappointed me, time and again, per every single cent spent!!!
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    thedoctorblueboxthedoctorbluebox Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I mean come on, how much of an TRIBBLE do you have to be to complain about balloons for a celebration. No one complained about the Tribbles in the first party popper, so why all the hate for balloons? Is it because your computer is lagging? Then you don't have a fast computer, but that is ok, there is a setting in the graphics menu you can lower which removes this framerate lag with the balloons. For those of us with good computers, maybe we want to enjoy the big balloons. Why take this away from us? That is not a good thing to do.

    Cryptic pandering to these vocal minority, and nerfing the balloons, is ridiculous. If we are to ever have hope of better graphics effects, evolving in this game, giving us new features, then that is shot now because if your computer can't even handle some balloons, there is no hope. I want to see the graphics evolve in this game, I want to see developers innovate and give us new things, I have the computer horspower for it, I want all the fancy bells and whistles, balloons don't slow down my system. That's why graphics settings exist in the menu, you can turn them down if the framerate is too low. I'm not happy that Cryptic is nerfing the balloons.

    I'm overall disappointed in the reaction towards the balloons, has everyone lost their funny bone? Come on people, relax, have fun, it's a game, and this is a 3 year celebration, take it for what it is and just HAVE FUN and stop complaining about balloons. On the list of things to complain about in this game, balloons are at about number 978,643.
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    plox21plox21 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    +1 for thread , now we wait for first strike of all cry-babys.....brace for impact :D.
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    jkstocbrjkstocbr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    +1 Yup. Too many cry-babies that pounce whenever there is a chance.
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    ayradyssayradyss Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well, FWIW, I think the balloons are fun. :)
    Live long, and prosper.
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    hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Nobody should have to gimp their graffics settings to use the bank/exchange at a starbase, period. That's the beginning and end of it, and it's nothing to do with the juvenile troll fodder about ruining anyone's fun or running ancient machines.

    You still have your stupid balloons. You're just less able to grief people with them now. Cry me a river.
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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hanover2 wrote: »
    Nobody should have to gimp their graffics settings to use the bank/exchange at a starbase, period. That's the beginning and end of it, and it's nothing to do with the juvenile troll fodder about ruining anyone's fun or running ancient machines.

    You still have your stupid balloons. You're just less able to grief people with them now. Cry me a river.

    It's a physics setting, it shouldn't impact how nicely the world looks.

    And yes the first thing any PC gamer learns is to turn down settings if their computer can't handle them.

    This isn't a console game.

    It's amazing how helpless people are, that they have to have the devs nerf something because they're too ignorant to come to the forums asking for a solution.

    A solution which has been offered multiple times!
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    thedoctorblueboxthedoctorbluebox Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hanover2 wrote: »
    Nobody should have to gimp their graffics settings to use the bank/exchange at a starbase, period. That's the beginning and end of it, and it's nothing to do with the juvenile troll fodder about ruining anyone's fun or running ancient machines.

    You still have your stupid balloons. You're just less able to grief people with them now. Cry me a river.

    Yes, you should have to turn down graphics settings if they are too high for your pc, that's the nature of computer gaming, those with the cpu/graphics horsepower can run the game at higher graphics settings, those with lesser specs have to turn things down. This allows a great range of graphics to be displayed in a game, from high-end, to low-end.

    This allows the developers to create very high-end graphics, and then those with the beefy overclocked cpus and multiple video cards can run the game maxed out, and then those with lesser specs scale the graphics settings down, thus the visual quality, until it is playable on their system. It allows flexibility, and scaling, from top to bottom.

    So yes, if the balloons are bogging down your system, lower graphics settings. With those that have high-end systems, let them enjoy the graphics, i.e. big balloons, and lots of them. Why take this experience away from us? It is really not a fair thing to do. If you lower your debris setting, the balloons dissapear ;) So really, the control is all at the users end, as it should be. This is why I'm dissapointed, the user's choice has been taken away.
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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Still popping balloons, whiners!

    Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop! I'll never stop popping you!
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    amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So yes, if the balloons are bogging down your system, lower graphics settings. With those that have high-end systems, let them enjoy the graphics, i.e. big balloons, and lots of them. Why take this experience away from us? It is really not a fair thing to do. If you lower your debris setting, the balloons dissapear ;) So really, the control is all at the users end, as it should be. This is why I'm dissapointed, the user's choice has been taken away.

    So I just want to get this straight:

    If I can run the game just fine when there are no balloons but many of the ballons bogs my system down (and they do) I should still have to turn my gfx settings down?

    Because if that is what you are saying, then you are flat out wrong. Because at the point its not the users fault... its the developers fault.

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    idronaidrona Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well, my balloon shooter went into the bank today after the nerf, until it will be discarded for just taking up a bank slot.. :( I had fun with the original popper before the nerf though.
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    hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So it's less enjoyable now that you can't cause annoyance for other people? :rolleyes:
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    sniper1187sniper1187 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    This. The solution is in your hands, party popper poopers.

    Nobody's saying spend more money on your box; but use the settings to make what you have work. Games progress in their requirements over time; what worked last month might not work this month.

    Nice, the volunteer helpers are calling names as well lol.
    "Nuke the entire site from orbit--it's the only way to be sure"
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    thedoctorblueboxthedoctorbluebox Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So I just want to get this straight:

    If I can run the game just fine when there are no balloons but many of the ballons bogs my system down (and they do) I should still have to turn my gfx settings down?

    Because if that is what you are saying, then you are flat out wrong. Because at the point its not the users fault... its the developers fault.

    I don't consider it a fault, I consider it improving the gameplay experience.

    If Cryptic introduced high resolution textures into the game, which improved the gameplay experience, but required you turn down your graphics settings because your computer couldn't handle it, is that a bad thing too?

    The answer is clearly no, because those that do have the systems to run the high resolution textures get a better experience. This is the nature of PC gaming. Those with the systems, get to enjoy all the bells and whistles.

    If the balloons bog down your system, then it is your computers fault for not being able to handle it, and thus you need to turn down your graphics settings. Welcome to PC gaming.

    Those that have the systems to enjoy the better gameplay experience, and heightened graphics, should be allowed to enjoy it. By nerfing, you are taking this potential experience away.

    All PC games are like this. I want Cryptic to continue to improve the graphics engine, and deliver to us new graphics effects. But if everytime they do, people complain cause they have to now lower graphics settings, then this game will never improve. Let those that can enjoy it, enjoy it, please.
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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So I just want to get this straight:

    If I can run the game just fine when there are no balloons but many of the ballons bogs my system down (and they do) I should still have to turn my gfx settings down?

    Because if that is what you are saying, then you are flat out wrong. Because at the point its not the users fault... its the developers fault.

    Are you ****ting me? Are you not aware how games work?

    So if a particularly graphics intensive scene in the game cripples low-end trash boxes, but is acceptable in performance at lower settings, they should remove that scene merely because those awful machines can't handle it? lulz.

    That's the beauty of having an engine that allows for graphics/etc adjustment, they don't have to make that choice. You can make it for yourself while not TRIBBLE those who actually have decent machines.

    The amount of entitlement from low-end machine users is staggering. :eek:

    Never mind that a simple option method for disabling balloons exists.

    No! They'd rather punish those who have modern machines instead of switching one setting.

    Silly selfish people.
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    kyuui13kyuui13 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I mean come on, how much of an TRIBBLE do you have to be to complain about balloons for a celebration.
    I'm not, however, when someone comes into an area, where I am, enjoying my game, my way, and intentionally sprays the ENTIRE first floor of Quarks to the point it freezes my game. Who is the TRIBBLE?
    Cryptic pandering to these vocal minority, and nerfing the balloons, is ridiculous.
    Using this logic, we should revert any and all changes made to this game for PVP reasons, since as they said, if they cut it out of the game, it would have LITTLE TO NO IMPACT Whats good for one, is good for all, so, lets consider that as well.

    I'm not happy that Cryptic is nerfing the balloons.
    So they must serve you, and only you, if you're not happy then its the end of the world? Entitlement much?
    I'm overall disappointed in the reaction towards the balloons, has everyone lost their funny bone? Come on people, relax, have fun, it's a game, and this is a 3 year celebration, take it for what it is and just HAVE FUN and stop complaining about balloons. On the list of things to complain about in this game, balloons are at about number 978,643.
    I don't mind them that much, I mind the fact they're huge, and can bring MOST folks system to a screeching halt. While you have a bleeding edge system due to what you do, not all of us do, the game is built for the majority, not the minority. If you don't want the minority to ruin it for you, then you need to realize you're not the majority.

    now to the Folks who like them, enjoy, have a blast, but remember next time you see someone RP'ing, they have the right to enjoy that too. Dont like it? Turn down your settings, change instances, go to another zone, HTFU, GTFO and what ever else you want to say. If it is good enough for you, its good enough for all.
    Next time you log in, ask yourself this.
    dastahl wrote: »
    If you can't have fun, then what is the point?
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    marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I hated when people would fill a room with balloons. It caused massive lagging issues and even if it did not it is still annoying as hell seeing so many balloons. I don't want to change graphics setting when the balloons are the only major problem. People should not have to change their setting so some other people can be annoying filling rooms with balloons.
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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    These people are hilarious. Lowering one setting is such an indignity!

    Down with the evil fundoers!

    It reminds me of those people who were running Mass Effect 2 on unsupported integrated trash graphics. They were complaining about lag, and it turns out they were playing the game at around 10-11fps. lulz.

    Honestly I expected more sophistication from STO gamers.
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    marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    snoge00f wrote: »
    These people are hilarious. Lowering one setting is such an indignity!

    Down with the evil fundoers!

    It reminds me of those people who were running Mass Effect 2 on unsupported integrated trash graphics. They were complaining about lag, and it turns out they were playing the game at around 10-11fps. lulz.

    Honestly I expected more sophistication from STO gamers.

    I don't want to lower graphics settings at all I like them the way they are. I want to enjoy the graphics with everything else in the game and don't want it ruined because of jerks filling up rooms with balloons that serves no purpose at all but to annoy people.
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    blevokblevok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    this isn't any different than changing a setting so you won't see a million lockbox winner announcements. perhaps they should remove the lockboxes so we don't have to waste a few mouse clicks...
    Fleet: Stargate-Union
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    Kalek shel'tek!

    "Do not make me look foolish by allowing yourself to be murdered" -Lord Yu
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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    blevok wrote: »
    this isn't any different than changing a setting so you won't see a million lockbox winner announcements. perhaps they should remove the lockboxes so we don't have to click our mouse five times...

    Agreed. :(

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    marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    blevok wrote: »
    this isn't any different than changing a setting so you won't see a million lockbox winner announcements. perhaps they should remove the lockboxes so we don't have to click our mouse five times...

    The announcement don't cause massive lagging issues for people like the balloons do also they are not annoying as hell as a room full of balloons are when your trying to move around the room.
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    plotacourseplotacourse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't consider it a fault, I consider it improving the gameplay experience.

    If Cryptic introduced high resolution textures into the game, which improved the gameplay experience, but required you turn down your graphics settings because your computer couldn't handle it, is that a bad thing too?

    The answer is clearly no, because those that do have the systems to run the high resolution textures get a better experience. This is the nature of PC gaming. Those with the systems, get to enjoy all the bells and whistles.

    If the balloons bog down your system, then it is your computers fault for not being able to handle it, and thus you need to turn down your graphics settings. Welcome to PC gaming.

    Those that have the systems to enjoy the better gameplay experience, and heightened graphics, should be allowed to enjoy it. By nerfing, you are taking this potential experience away.

    All PC games are like this. I want Cryptic to continue to improve the graphics engine, and deliver to us new graphics effects. But if everytime they do, people complain cause they have to now lower graphics settings, then this game will never improve. Let those that can enjoy it, enjoy it, please.

    You sir, are an TRIBBLE. The game is here for everyone to enjoy, not just griefers, not just folk with thousands of dollars worth of computer, but everyone. You can enjoy the game without the balloons -- you did before the popper was instigated -- so quit your whining and accept the fact that the majority of people, and most of those don't even bother posting because of attitudes like yours and others in this thread, are unable to enjoy the game as they did before the balloons were instigated. I can't. And no, I should not have to alter my settings to allow you to cause havoc wherever you feel the urge. My settings run the game just fine. The balloons are not the game -- the exploring, the missions, the STF's, the socializing, and the RP ... they are the game. It is an MMORPG, a Massive Multi-user Online Role Plaing Game. See, Multi-user, not just a few, and Role Playing Game, not balloon griefing. Balloons are not Role Playing. Griefing is not Role Playing. The way the majority of balloon gun owners use them to cause grief is bullying and I decry Cryptic for allowing that bullying to take place in their game.
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    vinru821vinru821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    yes, destroy the damned balloons.

    We are not a game full of 10-16 year olds, who all think balloons are the best gift ever!

    WE ARE ADULTS! Give us something useful next year, like a weapon, or a special doff or a boff!!!

    The new ships are fine, for those who were waiting years for them, but I was hoping for something useful :(

    Always next year.
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    plotacourseplotacourse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    snoge00f wrote: »
    These people are hilarious. Lowering one setting is such an indignity!

    Down with the evil fundoers!

    It reminds me of those people who were running Mass Effect 2 on unsupported integrated trash graphics. They were complaining about lag, and it turns out they were playing the game at around 10-11fps. lulz.

    Honestly I expected more sophistication from STO gamers.

    Sophistication? What is so sophisticated in filling up a room with balloons knowing that other players game enjoyment will suffer? That is childish, not sophisticated. When I joined this game my computer was within the games specs and, until the balloons came along, it was still within the specs. So the balloons are at fault and the childishly-minded idiots who grief with them are at fault.

    One thing I will tell you, my computer settings are not at fault. I should not have to continuously decrease and increase my settings as I enter or leave the 'idiot zone' in order to allow said idiots to drool and gurgle as they ruin my gaming experience.
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    thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    How about next year we get a Party Popper that spews Dilithium, Omega Marks or EC containers that people can run around a grab off the floor, out of the air etc.?
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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Sophistication? What is so sophisticated in filling up a room with balloons knowing that other players game enjoyment will suffer? That is childish, not sophisticated. When I joined this game my computer was within the games specs and, until the balloons came along, it was still within the specs. So the balloons are at fault and the childishly-minded idiots who grief with them are at fault.

    One thing I will tell you, my computer settings are not at fault. I should not have to continuously decrease and increase my settings as I enter or leave the 'idiot zone' in order to allow said idiots to drool and gurgle as they ruin my gaming experience.

    Your settings are at fault. The fact that you have to lower them is proof enough. I never had to lower them.

    Using balloons is not griefing. It's a cheapening of a very serious behavior to reduce it to balloon blowing.

    The balloons are just as much a part of the game as any other.
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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    How about next year we get a Party Popper that spews Dilithium, Omega Marks or EC containers that people can run around a grab off the floor, out of the air etc.?

    Now you're talking!

    One of my favorite parts of the Assassin's Creed series of games!
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